Chapter One Hundred Ten:
It's Always Darkest Before it Goes Totally Black
Hannah's Apartment.
There should be sound. Some kind of noise, a shot, aftermath, something. But she
hears only a high pitched sustained bell, a whine growing in volume… Hannah is
not even aware of falling until she hits the floor. The collision with the hard
surface cuts off the ringing noise, and she becomes slowly aware of the terrible
burning sensation in her stomach. She chokes… on what, she's not sure… and turns
her head, as the sensations double, triple, into pain the likes of which she's
never experienced. Her hands move, as if through water, to the source of the
pain, and she feels the warmth of her blood on her fingers. Oh, God…
She hears the door click shut, closing her off from the outside world, and at
that point she becomes aware of the fact that she should scream. God, she can
scream… The pain chooses that exact moment of clarity to increase to an
intensity she didn't dream possible. She feels herself pulled back into her
body, griped by the ferocity of the injury. She closes her eyes and lets out an
animalistic cry of agony.
Helena: I wouldn't do that if I were you. (Hannah opens her eyes, focusing
unsteadily on Helena's face)
Hannah: (hissing) What are you going to do? Shoot me? (Helena snaps her fingers
and Ari point the gun at her forehead)
Helena: As long as you breathe, my darling, you can't pretend you don't have
something to loose.
Hannah: (laughing bitterly, through ragged gasps for breath) Nikolas... Your
precious Nikolas is not going to appreciate this!
Helena: You're assuming you'll live to tell him this was my responsibility?
Hannah: I don't have to! (She stops, grimacing in pain. She can feel her pulse
throbbing through every part of her. She writhes on the carpet, choking on
another anguished moan. Helena clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth.
She slides her hand down the side of Hannah's face, cupping her cheek against
her hand)
Helena: (comfortingly) There, there… Come now. You mustn't make this kind of
Hannah: (seething) You unfeeling witch!
Helena: Is that the best you can do? You're dying, Hannah. Look. (She lightly
strokes two perfectly manicured fingers over the wound and brings them into
Hannah's line of sight, displaying the dark blood, obviously from a severed or
punctured vein, to her) Your life's blood… Seeping out of you as you struggle
for your every breath. (She smiles down at her, then lightly traces her fingers
down Hannah's face, as if marking the tracks of her tears with her blood.) Do
you have any idea how many people I have seen in this situation? Granted guns
are not my style. No. Too modern, too loud, too messy. I have a fondness for
knives myself. A properly tossed dagger from a distance can be very effective.
(Hannah arches her back, letting out an tormented moan). Ah, ah, ah! We can't
have that. (Hannah opens her eyes, and glares at her) No, I'm afraid that
gunplay was necessary in this case. It's the Spencer way, after all. (Hannah
shakes her head)
Hannah: If you think you're going to pin this on a Spencer, you're out of your
mind. (Her breathing is quick, coming in short gasps) Nikolas will know! Even if
I die, he'll know, and he'll never let you… (She stops, the pain getting too
much for a moment. She grits her teeth and opens her eyes again) You've lost.
You just lost.
Helena: Your problem, my dear, right from the beginning, was that you always
underestimated me. It didn't have to be this way… We spoke of this. You played
your cards badly, and I was forced to change my strategy. Perhaps you're right.
Perhaps Nikolas will not believe this is the Spencers doing… I shall cross that
bridge when I come to it… But either way, I no longer require your services.
You've become a liability.
Hannah: (angrily) Then why not just shoot me now! If you don't have a use for
me, just end it now. (Ari's cell phone rings, distracting Helena a moment. He
quickly answers it, turning away from them)
Helena: (coldly) You've caused me heart ache. I took you in, I gave you a nice
place to live and a VERY easy job… which YOU insisted on complicating. And you
have consistently thwarted me at every turn, and now you think I should allow
you to die without suffering? (She shakes her head) You never did understand the
Cassadine way, did you?
Hannah: Go to hell.
Helena: You seem to be well on your way there yourself. I have no tolerance for
stupidity. And I will not stand to be insulted. You've done all you can for me.
(She leans closer) And I know well that your niece was removed from the
hospital. That was a very predictable move, but don't think that was what tipped
your hand. No, your fate was sealed before any of that. But you can rest assured
that when I find her… Emily, isn't it? No, her life will not last long. She's of
no use to me now, in fact, her death could be quite beneficial. Spencer men are
notorious for being fools where their women are concerned. Nikolas is far more
Hannah: (gasping) Nikolas will hate you.
Helena: How long has he known you, Hannah? A few months? How long do you think
he will mourn you? Nikolas is resilient. Strong. He will be angry, he will feel
robbed, and he will fight back. In that, I have absolute faith. You could say,
I'm banking on it. (Hannah turns her head away, unable to stop a whimper,
pathetic even to her own ears, from escaping her lips. Helena brushes back her
hair, soothingly) I can imagine the pain is quite unbearable... (She stops as
Ari moves from the door, and leans over to whisper something in her ear. A smile
spreads across her face) A fortuitous turn of events. (She smiles down at
Hannah) I'll have to leave you now. You have a visitor. My good karma again, I
suppose. (She leans down, and presses her lips to Hannah's temple, then
straightens up, Ari extending a hand to help her to her feet. She starts for the
door, then stops turning back) You are a beautiful girl… I suppose that I can
see what Nikolas saw in you. But beauty fades, my dear. See how much he loves
you an hour from now… (She smiles) Food for worms. Good-bye, my dear. (She turns
and sweeps out of the apartment. Ari looks back and her, and spins the gun
around his gloved hand, then lets it fall to the floor with a thud. He turns off
the light, and sets the door slightly ajar as he leaves).
* * * *
Wyndemere, Living Room.
Stefan stares at Nikolas, taking in his demeanor a moment, then walks purposely
towards the drink tray.
Stefan: The truth.
Nik: An unfamiliar concept, I know.
Stefan: (pouring) What truth is this?
Nik: You told me that Laura didn't know. (Stefan takes this in. He takes a swig
of his drink) You told me that only a few days ago! And it was a lie.
Stefan: I had made a promise to your mother…
Nik: The hell you did! You made a promise to yourself! Never to let me hold more
cards, never to let me REALLY know what's going on!
Stefan: That is not true, Nikolas!
Nik: (bitterly) Oh, you make a show of it! Letting me know that you're not
really in mourning, after allowing me to think, for a year, that Katherine's
death had left you nearly crippled! And telling me that Helena was in town… when
you knew damn well I'd find out from someone else if you didn't let me know.
Stefan: I keep you well informed!
Nik: When it suits your purposes! (He lowers his voice) But you didn't tell me
when you were blackmailing my mother! (Stefan turns and stares at him)
Stefan: Is that what she told you?
Nik: Are you going to deny it?
Stefan: (angrily) Do you remember what had happened? Do you recall her allowing
you to believe that she was dead? Letting you mourn her, cry for her? All the
while alive and well in Rochester! Do you remember that pain? Do you remember
what that betrayal felt like? (Nikolas turns away) I made moves to ensure that
she would never hurt you like that again! So yes, I sent her away! I used her
own fear and weakness to send her away!
Nik: (quietly) Not just her.
Stefan: I beg your pardon.
Nik: My sister! She took my sister with her! A year of her life, a year I lost,
between that damn explosion and her taking Lesley Lu to Switzerland!
Stefan: You said atonement was necessary! You said that yourself!
Nik: (viciously) I did not tell you to rip her from her family!
Stefan: From who? From Luke and Lucky? When did they become such a concern of
Nik: They aren't. (He stops himself) Luke isn't. But Lucky… (Stefan turns,
looking at him expectantly)
Stefan: Yes? What about Lucky?
Nik: Luke is nothing to me. He's an angry and violent man who hates my very
existence… But Lucky is my brother. (Stefan regards him coolly)
Stefan: When has he ever acted as a brother to you? Tell me one instance where
he put your concerns first.
Nik: When I was shot.
Stefan: When you were shot? You mean, when you were hit by a bullet meant for
the man he now works for?
Nik: He got the pen Jason needed to…
Stefan: A small gesture at best! Do you not recall his carelessness after your
injury? His constant baiting of you?
Nik: That is NOT what happened! (He stops, taking a moment to collect himself.
This is painful territory… And yes, he is still angry about it. But he is not
about to let his father see that) He was cold, yes. And he was distant. And that
drove me crazy. (He turns to face him) But he was HERE! He was trying. It just
wasn't how I wanted him to. But that was between us! It was between HIM and ME!
You had no right to try to make Laura keep him in Switzerland.
Stefan: I never…
Nik: (enraged) HE HEARD YOU! He heard you and he thought that I had asked you to
make sure he was kept away from me! And after that… No. He never tried again.
That was it!
Stefan: (quietly) Are you seriously suggesting that your lack of a relationship
with Lucky is due to my interference?
Nik: I'm just saying you had no right! You had no right to make that decision
for me, and you have no right to continue to do so! To keep secrets, to tell me
lies, and still expect me to trust you, to believe in you!
Stefan: (with sudden emotion) Everything I have done, every move I have made
since coming here, has had your best interests at heart.
Nik: (heatedly) How was it in my best interests to decide, unilaterally, that my
Mother was to be sent away? Along with my sister… the whole reason I'm even IN
this town? How did that serve my needs? I want an answer!
Stefan: You were served with time! Time away from her and her poison to heal! To
decide what you wanted from her! You can't tell me that your relationship didn't
improve with her return!
Nik: I have no way of knowing WHAT would have happened if she had stayed!
Stefan: What happened before she left? You took steps towards her, she rejected
you! Over and over again… How was I to continue to watch that?
Nik: It wasn't your choice! She is my mother!
Stefan: And as for Lucky… He was clearly hindering you recovery!
Nik: In what way? Dr. Jones proved he had nothing to do with my stroke!
Stefan: He was belligerent, he showed no regard for your well being… He's always
been jealous of you…
Nik: No more than I ever was of him! Even with you telling me, over and over
again, that he wasn't worthy of me. That he was nothing, worthless, less than…
He was still the one she chose! And how was I supposed to feel about that? That
she chose the child you insisted wasn't fit to lick my boots! (He shakes his
head, in amazement) I never ever… I hated him on sight! And you think that had
nothing to do with you?
Stefan: He is a dangerous force in your life, Nikolas and…
Nik: (sharply) I want you to stay away from Lucky! If you have anything to do
with… (He stops) If you have anything to do with that bank account.
Stefan: What bank account? (Nikolas stops, studying Stefan's face. It's very
possible he doesn't know. But then, how can he trust that?)
Nik: No… No, don't lie to me. If you have been trying to set him up or hurt him,
if something happens to him, I will have NO reason not to believe you were
behind it.
Stefan: I don't know what you're talking about.
Nik: (exploding) AND WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE THAT? Why should I believe ONE word
that you say to me? You lied to me from he day I was born! You lied that you
weren't my father! You lied that my mother left me of her own free will! And you
liked that she never loved me! It was all lies, all of it. (Stefan, horrified by
his words, tries to pull Nikolas towards him. Nikolas breaks away violently) GET
AWAY FROM ME! NO. No, there is no easy fix this time. (Viciously) No dead wife
on the doorstep to save you from the anger you deserve! (Stefan looks at him,
deeply hurt by that remark. Nikolas feels a twinge of guilt, as Stefan turns
away) Just listen to me! Lucky must be safe! If anything happens to him, I'll
know… You may not have been behind it, but you knew how to stop it!
Stefan: (darkly) Do not invest yourself in that child, Nikolas.
Nik: Why not? God, what would be so awful in actually RELATING to Lucky? Can you
tell me that?
Stefan: Lucky Spencer is the son of Luke in every way imaginable. He thinks like
him, he feels like him… He is cold, he is vicious, and he cares NOTHING for you!
Nik: (shaking, feeling tears of absolute fury come to his eyes) HOW WOULD YOU
KNOW? What is it about me that has you so convinced that no one but you will
ever be capable of loving me? (He stops, as the fact that his father is giving
voice to his own fears hits home. He shakes the feeling off) For the first time…
God. This is the first time I've ever seen how much like Luke Spencer you are.
(Stefan steps back as if he's been slapped. Nikolas looks up at him.) He is so
threaten by the idea of Lucky needing anything from me… By the idea that Lucky
could GET anything from knowing me, that he won't let me NEAR him! But you're
the same way! You always have been. Guarding my love like I didn't have a heart
large enough for anyone but you! Making sure I didn't feel love from anywhere
else! Not from my mother, not from my other family!
Stefan: (thundering) This is your family! Nikolas, you are a Cassadine! You are
the heir!
Nik: (acidly) I am a BASTARD! I am only the heir because of your lies!
Stefan: (voice shaking) You have my blood in your veins. And you have the
potential to be a better Cassadine than I ever was!
Nik: What does that mean? That I will be more cruel than my Grandmother? More
violent than Stavros? More megalomaniacal than Mikkos? Who am I striving to be
better than?
Stefan: ALL of them! (He reaches out and this time Nikolas does not move away.
Stefan takes his face in his hands, tears coming to his eyes) You have a soul
that they cannot touch. You are a miracle! In a world where hope, love… All of
them shriveled, everything twisted and full of pain… You appeared. The future of
this family! And I will NOT have you refer to yourself by that crass title. You
are a prince, Nikolas. In every sense of the word. (Nikolas feels tears roll
down him cheeks. He moves towards Stefan, then pulls away, angry)
Nik: (pulling away) No. I'm not… You can't do this to me again! You can't lie to
me and tell me it was all for my own good, then ply me with flattery and expect
me to roll over. It's not going to work this time.
Stefan: I meant every word!
Nik: You always do! But what comes of it? More lies, more deception.
Stefan: (desperately) Tell me what you want of me, and I swear to you, Nikolas…
I will deliver it.
Nik: I want to know where my Grandmother is. (Stefan stares at him)
Stefan: (hesitantly… As hesitantly as Stefan ever says anything) I… I do not
Nik: That's a lie! You know everything!
Stefan: I have tried, I have endeavored to find out, but she has kept her
location a closely guarded secret. I'm not even able to track her movement in
town! Outside of knowing she is here, I cannot tell you where she is staying.
The few time my men have succeeded in having her followed, she was quickly lost
again. She does not wish to be found. And she does not wish for us to speak to
her a minute before she is ready. (Nikolas turns away)
Nik: So you have no idea what she is up to?
Stefan: Regrettably, no.
Nik: I find that hard to believe.
Stefan: I find it harder to admit to. (Nikolas turns back to him)
Nik: If you're lying to me… I swear to you, this will be the end.
Stefan: It is the truth, Nikolas.
Nik: We'll see. (He turns and walks out of the room. Stefan moves to the cart
again and pours himself a very stiff drink).
* * * *
The Spencer House.
Luke, already forming an idea of what's going on here, turns from the door,
allowing Alan and Monica to let themselves in. Laura stands in the middle of the
room, meeting Monica's grim look, while Alan stands, with barely contained fury,
glaring at Luke's back.
Laura: Monica? Did something happen?
Alan: (through gritted teeth) SOMEONE has removed Emily from her hospital bed.
(Laura gasps. Luke turns back and regards Alan coolly)
Luke: When?
Alan: This morning. Some time after your sister checked on her and the on-duty
doctor began his rounds.
Monica: Apparently the most recent additions to her chart were missing, so the
doctor assumed she'd been taken for tests, and didn't think to report her
Laura: Oh my God!
Alan: (barely controlled) Where is Lucky?
Luke: (shrugging) He's out.
Alan: Do you know WHERE?
Laura: Alan! Lucky would never do anything like this! He'd never put Emily in
this kind of danger.
Alan: (exploding in Laura's direction) THEN WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?
Luke: (turning on him) Don't you talk to my wife that way!
Monica: Alan! (She puts a hand to her head, which is throbbing, and turns back
to her fellow mother) Laura. I… I know that Lucky wouldn't purposely put Emily
in danger, but is it possible that he doesn't understand just how much Emily
needs to be in the hospital right now?
Luke: (deeply insulted) My boy has a good head on his shoulders! He knows
EXACTLY what's going on with her. Even if he…
Alan: IF!
Luke: IF HE DID have something to do with this, he'd have to have one hell of a
good reason.
Laura: Exactly. Lucky wouldn't take this lightly! He'd never do anything to hurt
Alan: Oh, ho, ho… That is NOT what we've been hearing!
Monica: (warningly) Alan.
Alan: No, Monica… (He looks at Laura) I wonder maybe if you understand exactly
the depths your son is willing to sink to.
Laura: Hey!
Luke: Depths? This coming from a Quartermaine? You want to talk about getting
slimy, why don't we get into the underhand tactics your family used on Caroline…
Alan: MY family underhanded!
Laura: Lucky LOVES Emily! He wouldn't… (She stops, realizing there is no point
to this sentence and looks at Monica helplessly. Monica, her face like stone,
looks away, focusing on Luke)
Monica: Aside from whether Lucky had anything to do with this or not.
Alan: Which he did!
Monica: We don't know that!
Alan: Oh, come on, Monica!
Monica: THIS ISN'T THE POINT! The point is my daughter needs to be in a
hospital! She NEEDS to be under medical supervision. And for some reason,
someone has decided to take her out of that environment, and right now the only
person I can THINK of who has the ability to do that is your son!
Luke: You better believe it.
Alan: You're proud of him for this, aren't you? We don't know where our daughter
is, and you're actually proud of him for pulling one over on the old folks,
aren't you?
Luke: I'm proud of my son for doing what needs to be done!
Alan: For adding kidnapping to his list of hobbies? This is great! What's next?
He's already handled theft, sabotage…
Luke: LISTEN HERE! If you think for one second that my boy…
Laura: (putting a hand on Luke's arm) Luke!
Luke: (taking a breath) Lucky knows what he's doing, that's all I'm saying.
Laura: That's true, he does. (She looks at Alan and Monica) I can understand
this, believe me, I know exactly how terrifying it is to go into your child's
room and find them not there.
Alan: That's right, we've been though this before, haven't we?
Luke: Hey, and I believe that little escapade was your sweetheart's idea.
Alan: Which she never would have been able to do without your son helping her
Luke: If you mean coming home safe and sound, then I gotta agree with you. If my
son hadn't been there to protect her…
Alan: Protect?
Laura: I WASN'T EVEN TALKING ABOUT THAT! (Laura stops, putting a hand over her
heart) Yes, that was scary, and awful… But I knew… LUKE and I knew that Lucky
could take care of himself.
Alan: Himself being the operative word (Luke opens his mouth to bellow at the
doctor, but Monica beats him to the chase)
Monica: ALAN!
Laura: I'm trying to say… (She stops and looks heavenward)
Monica: Go ahead, Laura.
Laura: (with forced patience) When Lesley Lu was in the hospital, she
disappeared, and I just about had a heart attack on the spot, I've never been so
terrified in my life…
Alan: I believe in that situation, the child was with Lucky as well.
Laura: Because he thought she was in danger, and he was making sure she was
Monica: What are you telling us, Laura?
Laura: I'm saying… (She stops and looks at Luke, who finishes the sentence for
Luke: If the Cowboy took your daughter out of Intensive Care, then he had a damn
good reason for it. (The Quartermaines don't bother to correct Luke, as this
sinks in)
Monica: But who would be trying to hurt Emily?
Luke: I'm pointing out the obvious here, but she is in the hospital because
someone tried to run her down with a car!
Monica: Run HER down!
Luke: She was the one who was hit.
Alan: So was your son!
Luke: I'm just sayin'…
Laura: It's a possibility, that's all. And I hope she is with Lucky, that way
you'll know she's safe!
Alan: SAFE! The only safe place for Emily right now is a hospital bed, where she
can get the care she needs. (Alan's anger gives way to desperation, the depth of
his fear shinning through) She was nearly killed! She's just… She's (his voice
cracks) She's just a little girl. She's still so young, and here she is… (Laura
takes a step towards Alan, gently pushing Luke aside, letting him know he's
effectively played his part)
Laura: She's safe, you have to believe that, Alan. I'm sure of it. And if we see
Alan: (anger resurfacing) If!?!
Laura: (matching his anger) IF he comes home, then we will tell you! If we see
him, if he tells us anything, we will let you know!
Monica: Alan…
Alan: That's real big of you. Both of you! Your son's out there some place with
my daughter and you barely bat an eyelash! (He looks at Luke threateningly) You
just wait until your daughter is older, then you'll know! The boy's parents have
it easy!
Luke: (under his breath) At least we've run out of Quartermaine offspring for my
kids to match up with!
Laura: Luke… (Monica steps in front of Alan, she and Laura both having
effectively blocked their husbands out of the conversation).
Monica: Laura, please… The SECOND you hear from Lucky, will you call me?
Laura: Absolutely. Yes. I… I do understand. I know I'd be terrified. But you
have to believe, if Lucky has anything to do with this, it has to be because of
some sort of danger. (She looks at Monica, lowering he head slightly) And there
Monica: Jason. Yes, I've thought of that as well… (She sighs heavily) I have to
agree with you, Lucky is the preferable option. Not that Jason would ever let
anything happen to her, but if it's the mob, if his business is behind this.
(She shivers slightly) That leaves too many other doors open. (Laura nods)
Laura: I'm sure, wherever she is, she's safe. (Monica nods, unconvinced)
Monica: WE… Well, I suppose, we should go see Jason.
Alan: (bitterly) We won't get past the lobby and you know it!
Monica: Well, what do you WANT to do? Go back to the mansion and listen to your
father explain how this is all our fault? (Alan shakes his head sadly, the
weight of the world on his shoulders)
Alan: (heavily) I just want to know she's all right, that's all.
Laura: We'll call. I promise. Or, we'll have Lucky…
Luke: SHE'LL call. (Laura looks back at him)
Monica: Thank you, Laura. (She takes Alan's arm and leads him to the door. He
follows, exhausted) We'll be in touch. (Laura follows them to the door, letting
them out, as if they've just had tea, or some such social ritual).
Laura: Yes, I'd appreciate that. (Monica smiles weakly)
Monica: Thank you for your help. (Alan grunts and Luke turns his back, staring
at the other wall. Laura nods, and the Q's turn, starting for their car. Laura
closes the door and looks back at Luke)
Laura: Well, they did have one good point. We don't have a clue where Lucky is.
* * * *
Hannah's Apartment.
The elevator does open, and Lucky stares out at the hallway a moment before
making the move to get off the lift. He's not particularly looking forward to
this conversation. Hannah is always so pleading with him. Tries too hard. It
bothers him. Her ongoing insistence that she loves Emily, loves Nikolas. Fine.
That might be true… But why exactly did he have to hear about it? He turns and
starts down the hall, preparing for the conversation. He really just wants it to
be about six words long. “Emily wants to see you”, “Ok”. But he has a feeling
Hannah's not going to make anything that simple.
Lucky stops short, seeing the open door to her apartment. His heart literally
stops for a moment, then he rushes to the door, throwing it open. The room is
dark, but that doesn't matter. He can hear. Sounds he recognizes, guttural, low,
breathy… He can see the shadow of her form, prone on the floor.
Lucky: Oh, God.
