Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Five:
Connecting the Dots
West 57th Street, Manhattan.
Emily steps out of the cab ahead of Lucky, feeling just a little bit guilty for
her earlier behavior. They've barely said a word to each other since, and she's
remembering just how much she hates this kind of silence. She turns back and
sees him standing on the sidewalk behind her, giving her the same apprehensive
looks she's giving him. Emily laughs briefly and shakes her head.
Em: We need help. Seriously.
Lucky: What with?
Em: I'm not sure I even know where to start. (She extends her hand to him and,
after a minute he takes it. There's an unspoken moment of mutual apology as they
look at each other. Lucky squeezes Emily's hand and she smiles at him, before
turning to walk into the restaurant. Lucky starts to follow, then suddenly stops
and pulls her back towards him. Emily stumbles then turns around and looks at
him questioningly) I knew that was too easy.
Lucky: Uh… Yeah. Look. (Lucky takes a deep breath, and looks from the door of
the restaurant, then back at Emily.) You're not going to like this. (Emily
Em: I hate it when you say that. (Lucky looks around anxiously, then pulls her
across the side walk and up to the wall of the building, so that they are
huddled close together, just out of the way of the sidewalk crowd)
Lucky: Do you ever think… You know, you want to get something straight in your
head before you talk about it, and you think it'll happen. You think… It's going
to get clear and you'll be able to tell someone about it and… Am I making any
Em: In a round about way… I think so.
Lucky: I'm trying to say… I should have said this a long time ago, but somehow…
I don't know. It didn't seem right at the time and now, I'm kinda OUT of time,
so… (Lucky stops dead, realizing that he's beyond being able to explain this to
her) Ok. I don't know what I'm doing. I mean… I don't know what I'm doing HERE…
I never figured it out. I just… I tried to get it to make sense and it doesn't.
Em: (confused) You mean why we're seeing Nikolas?
Lucky: Yeah. That… And…
Em: And? There's an “and”?
Lucky: There's a big “and”. (Emily drops his hand)
Em: Lucky… You’re timing…
Lucky: Sucks, I know. I don't know how to make it make sense to you, you know?
Em: No, apparently, I don't.
Lucky: (really trying) Nikolas… He's on a quest, ok?
Em: (getting nervous) What kind of quest?
Lucky: I'm not really sure… Not entirely.
Em: But you've got an idea.
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: So why are we here, Lucky? (Lucky shakes his head) Lucky? (Lucky stares hard
at the pavement, then suddenly pushes himself off the wall, and takes her arm)
Lucky: We're late. (Emily gapes at him, and pulls away)
Em: Whoa, wait. No. I'm not going in there NOW. (Lucky drops her arm, and looks
at her, exasperated)
Lucky: Well, what do you want me to say? I don't have any answers, not any real
ones, at least.
Em: I want a clue, ok? What is it? Did something happen while I was sick that
you didn't want to tell me? Is that it?
Lucky: Kinda.
Em: Stop being so damn cryptic! Just… You must know what it is you're thinking,
Lucky. Just spit it out.
Lucky: I… I can't. (Emily stares at him. He's looking at her like this is
actually a physical ailment or something. She takes a step back from him.)
Em: On a scale of one to ten… How upsetting is this?
Lucky: I'm not sure. (Emily gives him a “look”.) I'm still trying to figure it
out, Em!
Em: Figure WHAT out? And why am I just finding out there was something to figure
Lucky: I TOLD you.
Em: Because you were waiting for it to make sense. (Lucky looks down at the
pavement. No, it doesn't sound any better when she says it) Well… That makes two
of us. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Lucky: (carefully) I just… I told you I thought he might do something stupid. I
still think he might.
Em: Ok. Ok. That makes sense to me. (She frowns) What's so complicated about
Lucky: What's complicated is what he might want… From us. From me.
Em: Like… Help? (Lucky looks up at her)
Lucky: That's the part I don't know about.
Em: What part? If he wants help… Or if you'll give it? (Lucky sighs)
Lucky: I haven't made up my mind about any of this yet, ok? None of it. It's
not… Decided.
Em: Considering we haven't even talked about it, it better not be… Lucky. I'm
totally hanging in limbo here… I know I was sick, and I know your first instinct
is to just… Stop everything. But I'm better now. Whatever it is, I can handle
Lucky: You sure about that?
Em: Yeah. I am. (Lucky laughs slightly)
Lucky: Great. You got some kind of pointers for me? (Emily furrows her brow,
realizing Lucky is serious)
Em: You can handle this. (Lucky looks up at her, his face twisted into a bitter
Lucky: Yeah. Like I handle everything, right? (Emily stops, then reaches out and
takes his hands)
Em: Ok, you know what? We're not going to do this now. I'm not entirely sure
what's going on, and you don't seem to be entirely sure how to tell me, BUT… we
have to get in there. And we have to show a united front, right? (Lucky stares
at her a long moment, then nods, mute) So whatever happens… I swear, I'm with
you. I'm not going to make this harder on you, ok? Not now.
Lucky: (hoarsely) You mean not in front of Nikolas.
Em: We have all the time in the world to talk about this, right? (Lucky doesn't
answer) Or is that part of the problem? (Emily's face darkens. She's beyond
confused, barely able to make sense out of one thing he's said in the past five
minutes. She shakes her head.) No. Doesn't matter. We'll deal with it later. In
the meantime… You were right. We're late. (She turns to go into the restaurant,
and once again, Lucky pulls her back. She turns, a little more irritated this
time). Now what? (Lucky stares at her. He has an overwhelming urge to kiss her,
but at the same time, a distinct feeling that might be a mistake. Instead he
just takes a step closer to her)
Lucky: I love you.
Em: (softening immediately) I love you, too. You know that right?
Lucky: Yeah. (There’s a long moment where they both look at each other, as if
waiting for something else to happen, or be said. Finally Emily clears her
Em: Are you ready?
Lucky: As I'll ever be.
* * * *
Luke's Club, the Office.
Luke carefully pours a glass of bourbon, then nudges it towards Carly, who is
seated across the desk from him, staring at the glass. She picks it up and
watches while he pours his own.
Carly: Watch it. This is getting downright social.
Luke: Ah, when was the last time I had a drink with my favorite niece?
Carly: You have a limited number of relatives, you know that? One sister, one
son, one daughter… Makes us easy to flatter without offending anyone. What are
you going to do when you get two of something?
Luke: Trade up. (He lifts his glass) Cheers. (Carly smirks at him, then raises
her glass)
Carly: Oh, what the hell. (She takes a drink, then puts the glass down on the
edge of the desk and sits back in the chair, taking in Luke's ragged
appearance). So… You look like death. Is this all about Lucky?
Luke: You're asking a lot of questions.
Carly: I have a natural curiosity.
Luke: Of course you do. You're a Spencer.
Carly: Oh, I'm a Spencer now, am I?
Luke: Hey. I've always said there was a place for you when you developed any
sense of family loyalty.
Carly: Uh huh. And… What? I've finally passed the test? Or do you just finally
want something from me? (Luke appraises Carly, then turns in his seat, taking a
Luke: You and Lucky seem pretty tight lately… He said you tried to get him home
the other night.
Carly: Yeah. I did.
Luke: You wanna tell me what that's about?
Carly: It wasn't about anything. He's my cousin.
Luke: Right. And you'd never do anything like use him to gain an edge or
anything. (Carly puts her glass down)
Carly: Oh, ok. So we're back here again.
Luke: What were you trying to get from him this time?
Carly: Look. The biggest mistake I EVER made in my whole life was taking Michael
away from Jason. BIG mistake. Second biggest mistake… marrying a Quartermaine.
And totally isolating myself in the process. Lucky helped me get out of that. He
helped me keep my son. He was the ONLY person willing to stick up for me. And
I'm really grateful for that. Don't think I don't know what he did for me. Or
what it cost him. I know it might seem totally unbelievable to you, but I was
trying to help HIM out. Return the favor.
Luke: You're right. That's unbelievable.
Carly: Yeah, well. It's true. I'm sorry to mess with this nice paranoia thing
you've got going here… but I didn't want anything from Lucky. He wanted
something from me.
Luke: Yeah? And what was that?
Carly: Somehow, I'm getting the vibe that I shouldn't tell you.
Luke: Caroline. Is that any way to treat family? Keeping secrets?
Carly: Oh, WAIT a MINUTE. Hi, you're talking to the biggest secret you ever
kept, ok? Don't give me that.
Luke: The biggest secrets I got, sweetheart, you don't even know about.
Carly: Yeah, and somehow… I don't doubt that. (Luke chuckles)
Luke: Never doubt me, Darlin'… you should know that by now.
Carly: Doubt you? Never. Trust you… That's a whole other ball game.
Luke: Look. You got a son. He's young, biggest problem in his life is trying to
decide what to chew on next. But trust me… it ain't always gonna be that easy.
Carly: I know that. Believe me. I wasn't exactly a dream child. I know where…
Well. I get what you're saying.
Luke: You do. You get that MY son… my only son, as you just pointed out… is in
trouble. But you're going to stop me from helping him.
Carly: Hey, whoa, no. Wait a minute. That's not what I said.
Luke: You're not going to tell me what you know, that's putting a big roadblock
in my path. And I really hate road blocks.
Carly: Uh… Yeah. Look, Luke. It's not like Lucky swore me to secrecy… Not
really. But… He must have had a reason…
Luke: He had a reason. I'm sure he thinks it was a good one. But it wasn't what
he thought it was, and I can't tell him that unless I can track him down. (Carly
frowns bitterly)
Carly: Oh, I get it. You know what's best for everyone, once again. Forget that
idea that we all have free will of our own, you're just going to ride in here
Luke: My son thinks I hate him. (Carly stops dead). He thinks he let me down, he
probably thinks I'm never going to forgive him. And he won't even face me to
find out. Now if that were Michael are you telling me you'd just sit back and
wait for him to come to you? Not my style. I'm going to move heaven and earth to
find my son and make sure he knows EXACTLY where he stands with me. Now,
Caroline. Niece of mine, generous, helpful soul that you are… You wanna tell me
what you know about my son?
Carly: (heavily) Fine. Ok. But I don't know that much.
Luke: Just tell me what was going on with him that day you helped him get home.
Carly: Ok. Ok… I ran into him at the hospital, and he was totally tense, he'd
just had a fight with Nikolas.
Luke: (sitting back, taking a drink) The dark prince strikes again.
Carly: Yeah… Well… (She looks at him oddly) I guess they have a lot of problems
with each other. Luke.
Luke: Yeah?
Carly: You… You know about that woman, right?
Luke: Woman. Hannah Hargreaves? Yeah, I know about her.
Carly: Ok. Just checking.
Luke: (sitting up suddenly) Wait. What do you know about her?
Carly: Uh, just the basics. That she was Emily's aunt. She was involved with the
Cassadines. And she was murdered. That Lucky brought her in and waited with
Nikolas to find out…
Luke: Yeah, with Nikolas. Now why was that?
Carly: Oh… Oh, you don't know.
Luke: Spill it, Caroline.
Carly: The woman… Nikolas and she, they were… Well. He was in love with her.
* * * *
Russian Tea Room.
Nikolas sits at a table in the back corner of the restaurant, his eyes trained
on the entrance to the room. He looks down at his watch, impatiently. Five
minutes. They've been the longest five minutes of his life. He wonders to
himself how long he'll sit here before giving up on Lucky. Probably, he admits
to himself, longer than he would for most people. He and Lucky had an agreement.
And whatever he had to say about Lucky, he was loyal to his word. Provided he'd
meant his word in the first place. He resumes staring at the door with great
intensity. His eyes are so focused that it actually takes him a moment to
realize it when Lucky enters his line of vision. He blinks. Lucky and… Emily? He
shakes his head. Obviously this is a product of the newscast.
Lucky his eyes downcast, seems to be paying only minimal attention to the
restaurant and it's inhabitants. He nods slightly at something the maitre de
says to him, and Nikolas glances over to Emily. She is holding Lucky's hand in
both of hers, and is scanning the room with her eyes. Her eyes finally finds
Nikolas and she smiles with obvious relief. Nikolas watches as she leans against
Lucky and points Nikolas out to him. Lucky looks up and his eyes lock
immediately with Nikolas'. They stare at each other from across the room a long
moment before Lucky breaks away, informs the maitre de of something, and then
starts across the room, Emily in tow, the maitre de following behind, a little
Lucky: (bluntly) You're here.
Nik: I told you I would be.
Maitre de: (catching up) I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Cassadine. Is this the young
man you were expecting? (Nikolas looks up at the maitre de, the picture of calm)
Nik: This is him. Thank you.
Maitre de: Ah, very good. I'm afraid I was expecting him to know your name.
(Lucky scowls first at the maitre de, and then at the table)
Nik: You forgot me that quickly, huh? (Lucky shoots Nikolas an unapologetically
nasty look, which, for some reason, Nikolas finds amusing. He turns away,
focusing on the maitre de again). Can you give us a moment?
Maitre de: Certainly, Mr. Cassadine. (The Maitre de give Lucky a sidelong look,
then catches Emily's eye. She gives him an apologetic smile, and he,
reluctantly, returns the gesture.) Your waiter will be with you shortly.
Em: Thank you. (The maitre de nods to Emily, then to Nikolas, and, ignoring
Lucky who is already taking a seat at the table, he departs in search of the
lucky waiter who is now responsible for this table. Emily looks from Lucky, who
is already incredibly tense, to Nikolas, and thinks to herself that in almost
three years of dating Lucky Spencer, this is the first time she's ever had to
sit down with him and Nikolas for more than a few minutes. She feels a strange
butterfly sensation in her stomach, much like she was sitting down to a diner
with Lincoln and Lee. Once the maitre de is out of earshot, Lucky leans across
the table and hisses at Nikolas)
Lucky: You're using your real NAME?
Nik: What else was I going to use?
Lucky: You know, you might not have gleaned this, but we're trying to keep a bit
of a low profile here.
Nik: I heard. (Nikolas stops and takes in Lucky a moment. He's surprised to find
that Emily looks fine… better than he imagined… but Lucky seems off. His hair is
still slightly damp, he looks pale and his eyes are red around the edges. More
than that, he looks like he's about to crawl out of his skin. Nikolas pushes
away his concern, however, aware that giving it voice would only cause
problems.) I had reasons.
Lucky: Yeah, well, I'd love to hear them!
Nik: (sitting back, with frightening patience) My uncle was under the impression
that I was going to Rome. This is an unscheduled stop. I'm certain the pilot
informed him of my actions the moment the plane landed. He'll be investigating
my activities here. If he can trace me… for instance, if I had a late lunch at
the Russian Tea Room, he'll be less likely to get suspicious. (Emily shivers at
the word suspicious. She looks over at Lucky for some kind of reassurance, but
he doesn't look away from Nikolas)
Lucky: Yeah, and if you had lunch with two other people, that's not going to be
a surprise?
Nik: That's why I'm not staying.
Em: (suddenly) You're not?
Nik: No. You'll have to take my place. I've already left my credit card and
authorized the cost of the meal, it's taken care of.
Lucky: You're not paying for this, man.
Nik: I have to. Anything else will cause him to look into this more deeply. And
I don't think either of us want that. (Lucky glares at Nikolas, defeated by
logic, then looks away)
Lucky: Fine.
Nik: I know how my uncle operates. Better than you do. (Lucky doesn't respond.
Nikolas clears his throat as Emily reaches out and traces the edge of the cloth
napkin on the table with her fingertips. This is not going to be easy. She can't
help but be relieved that Nikolas is planning on departing sooner than
Nik: (attempting niceties) When did you get here? The city, I mean.
Lucky: (sullenly) I don't know.
Em: Around nine. We checked into the hotel by ten.
Nik: This morning?
Lucky: Travelling turned out to be a little more complicated than anticipated,
Nik: I know. I heard all about it.
Em: I'm sure, it must have been hard to miss.
Nik: Alexis… Well, that's become her area these days. Makes sure that we all
know what's going on. (Emily nods, forcing a smile as she sneaks a look at Lucky
who is, if it's possible, getting more tense with this talk of Port Charles.
Nikolas, unsure of what to say, decides to leap to safer ground. He reaches into
his pocket). I saw Lulu… She wanted me to give you this. (He hands Lucky a
folded piece of paper, obviously a drawing. Lucky stares at it a moment, then
takes it without opening in, and transfers it to his own jacket.)
Lucky: (tightly) How is she?
Nik: She misses you. Laura does, too.
Lucky: Huh? (Emily, in agony herself, picks up her water glass, and starts to
Nik: Luke… I think he's living at the club.
Lucky: Good. Shorter walk to the liquor cabinet at least. (Emily nearly chokes
on the water. Nikolas stares at Lucky momentarily confused. That sounded ever so
slightly like an insult… Directed at Luke. Lucky doesn't look up.)
Em: (cautiously) Uh… He's probably…
Lucky: (Looking up at her) I know what he's doing. I know exactly what he's
doing, he's my father, All right?
Em: All right. Lucky.
Lucky: What?
Em: I… (She stops and looks at Nikolas who is looking at Lucky like he must have
lost his mind. She takes a deep breath. Save it, she decides. She reaches under
the table and takes his hand. Lucky's hand closes around hers in a near vice
grip, and she feels her heart leap into her throat. Nothing good is happening
here. She turns back to Nikolas and smiles, feeling very much like she's putting
on an act so transparent he must be able to tell).
Em: Did you just get here?
Nik: Not too long ago.
Em: I'm sorry we were a little late. She shifts uncomfortably) So… You're going
to Rome? (Lucky sits back, coldly focusing his attention on Nikolas, relaxing
his grip on Emily slightly)
Lucky: Yeah, that was my next question. Rome?
Nik: Well, I thought flying straight into Athens would be a little suspect.
(Emily feels the ground beneath her drop out. She stops herself from repeating
the word “Athens”, but pulls her hand away from Lucky, bringing it up the grasp
the edge of the table instead. Lucky pretends not to notice)
Lucky: Yeah, I guess it would. Why Rome?
Nik: Close without being too close. Not as difficult a trip to the island by
land. Or sea, as the case may be. (Emily closes her eyes, mentally going over
the list. Rome. Athens. The Island. “I think Nikolas is going to do something
stupid”. No, Lucky, she thinks. You KNOW he's going to do something stupid).
Lucky: (quietly) So you're really going, then.
Nik: I told you I was. (Emily's hand reaches out and tightens around the napkin
on the table).
Lucky: Why?
Nik: I thought that would be obvious.
Lucky: Not really. See… From my point of view, you're going to fly to Rome, find
some other form of transport to the island… And then what? You get back to that
compound, the servants or whatever report back to your uncle, and the gig is up.
He's gonna swoop down out the sky so fast, your head will spin. (Lucky leans
forward) See, I do know a thing or two about how he operates.
Nik: Maybe. But you don't know anything about the compound.
Lucky: Well, you know. I thought asking Mom for bedtime stories about the island
she was held captive on was in bad taste.
Nik: It wouldn't have mattered. When she lived there she was the wife of the
Prince. She wouldn't know how the island is run under a regent. (Lucky raises
his eyebrows slightly) You see, regardless of my age, I am the Prince. And our
family, for the most part, employs from the same families down the line. Our
“servants” as you called them… They are as much a part of the Cassadine heritage
as anything else. Their grandfathers and great-grandfathers proved their
loyalties to us when we first settled on the island, and it is considered an
honor by the children who continue in our employ, to be a part of that line.
It's a secluded part of the world… things work differently there.
Lucky: They'd have to, wouldn't they?
Nik: When we left the island, the staff was cut back to a basic care taking
assembly. They are all from the families that have served for generations. They
are loyal. And they know the code of the household and wouldn't break it, the
shame would be too great. There are three families: the Pappas's, the
Chronopolous's and the Brancho's. When I arrive, they will honor my wishes as
the Prince. My regent only holds power in that I give him power. That's how it
works. (Lucky looks at Nikolas like he's lost his mind).
Lucky: So you're saying that you’re whole life, Stefan's control in the family
was only because you allowed him to? That's it?
Nik: No. Legally, he holds all power. And in the eyes of the royal counsel, I am
not yet of age, not yet the leader of the family. That is the outside world. The
island is very different from the outside world.
Lucky: Yeah, I've kinda had that idea. (Nikolas sits forward. Emily is watching
him closely. She can't get over his manner. How detached and… Well, Cassadine-
like it is. She can't help but be reminded of Stefan, and it does nothing to put
her at ease. Lucky's manner, as cold as it is, is at least recognizable as
Lucky. She puts a hand over her abdomen, suddenly feeling like she's going to be
sick. Perfect, she thinks. Right in the middle of the Russian Tea Room. That's
subtle. She looks back at Nikolas who is coolly regarding Lucky before
continuing with his explanation).
Nik: On the island I have always been the prince. I respected my elders, I was
beholden to them as my family. That was never a question. But if I had, for
whatever reason, informed them that I was releasing my uncle of the duties in
the house, they would have been loyal to me.
Lucky: To you? What, some eight year old spoiled brat?
Nik: It never came to that, I'm not saying it's anything I would have done. No.
See, that's only technical. It would have been a disgrace on my head to have
ever behaved in any manner that would have embarrassed or dishonored my family
name. That came first… I understood that as long as I've understood anything. I
never questioned it. But I'm twenty years old. From the staff's point of view, I
am a man… I'm the Prince. They are not subject to the rules that we've adhered
to outside the compound.
Lucky: Look… Rules, or legacies, or whatever this stuff is… Are you saying that
you can arrive on the island without Stefan's knowledge?
Nik: There are six servants on the island at this time. Those six are loyal to
me. I know this without question. They will not inform my uncle, and I'm giving
him no reason to come looking for me.
Lucky: Oh, right. Like when you disappear off the radar in Rome, he's not going
to immediately assume that you went to the island?
Nik: Why would I?
Lucky: For the EXACT reason you are! Because you think Helena plans to face you
there! Because you want a one on one showdown, and you don't know where else to
go to get it!
Waiter: Hello! I'm Peter, and I'll be serving you this afternoon, would you like
Em: (monotone) I think we need more time.
Waiter: Very well. I'll check back with you momentarily.
Lucky: (gruffly, not looking away from Nikolas) Don't hurry back.
Nik: He'll make initial inquiries… But he won't think I went there. And if he
does… I only need a few days. That's all. Somehow… (Nikolas stops, then leans
across the table) This is where you come in, Lucky. This is what I said to you
before. You know how to do this kind of stuff. When I land in Italy, I can
guarantee there will be people waiting for me. And they will watch my every
move. He might have bought my reasons for leaving, but not so much that he's not
going to make sure I'm still in one piece. So… For a few days I let him think
everything is on the level. Then I disappear.
Lucky: And you need my help to do that.
Nik: To do that successfully? For as long as I need to, yes. Yes, I admit, for
that I need your help. (Lucky's face registers no reaction) Look. We agreed.
This ends. And this is the only way to do it. Finish things with her, on my own,
on my terms.
Lucky: And cut your uncle out completely.
Nik: We've played this his way for two decades now. And it's not over yet. I'm
finished with that.
Em: (a whisper) Nikolas…
Nik: (looking over at her) Emily. She killed Hannah. We know that much. She
killed her, and I'm not letting that happen again. Not to anyone. (Emily's eyes
tear suddenly, and she looks down at the table. Lucky notices, and reaches out,
putting his hand over hers. She lets it rest here a moment, then lifts her hand
to carefully wipe at the tears before they overflow.)
Em: I know what she did.
Nik: Then you understand why I have to do this. (Emily doesn't say anything.
She's not entirely sure she understands any of this).
Lucky: (forcing the conversation away from Emily) So what are you suggesting?
(Nikolas turns and looks at Lucky a long moment before he reaches into his
pocket and removing another envelope)
Nik: You decide that yourself. This is everything you should need… (Lucky takes
the envelope and opens it) It should cover everything. We could meet in Italy
and take it from there.
Lucky: (removing a piece of paper from the envelop) So that's it?
Nik: That's all I have to say, yes.
Lucky: (Looking at the rest of the contents, shakes his head) I don't need this.
Nik: Lucky… (Lucky tosses the envelope back at Nikolas)
Lucky: No. I don't need it. You probably want to make sure you have a lot of
cash on you anyway… whatever you end up doing.
Nik: Is that your answer, Lucky?
Lucky: (putting the paper in his pocket) I'll think about it. (Nikolas stares at
Nik: (flatly) Think about it?
Lucky: That's what I said.
Nik: I'll be there three days… no more.
Lucky: Understood. (Nikolas feels himself tense. Lucky couldn't just make this
easy, could he? He stands up, his manner unaffected)
Nik: All right. Then enjoy your meal, I have other matters to attend to.
Lucky: Where are you going?
Nik: The airport. (Lucky looks at Nikolas, clearly not believing him… in fact
doubting that Nikolas ever expected him to believe him. He looks back at the
Lucky: I'll be in touch. (Nikolas nods, then looks at Emily who has lost
considerable color in her face. He feels a twinge, suddenly, that all of this is
not what she was expecting. He looks back at Lucky in irritation. What is the
matter with him?)
Nik: Emily…
Em: (looking up) Have a good trip. (Nikolas nods, then looks back at Lucky. He
tries to think of something to say, then sighs)
Nik: I'm willing to do this, Lucky. Don't doubt that. Whatever exists between us
personally, it doesn't matter to me now. (Lucky flinches unmistakably. Nikolas
pauses, realizing the Lucky may have read the statement incorrectly) I mean, I'm
willing to put our differences aside for this. I guess you just have to decide
if you can do the same. (Lucky's expression darkens)
Lucky: I know what I have to do. (Nikolas nods slightly, then turns back to
Nik: Good bye, then. (He turns and walks out of the restaurant. Lucky continues
to stare at the tabletop until he's certain his brother must be gone, then he
looks over at Emily. Emily is looking down at her hands, which are resting in
her lap, her mind spinning in a million different direction. She closes her
eyes, praying Lucky isn't planning on talking to her right now. She just wants a
moment to digest this. Lucky, fortunately, says nothing. After a moment, Emily
looks up at him)
Em: You knew that was what he wanted, right? (Lucky lets out a ragged breath,
then looks over at her. He very purposely reaches over and takes one of her
hands again. She doesn't pull away. Lucky examines the back of her hand a long
moment before speaking)
Lucky: (quietly) Do you want to eat or just blow this off?
Em: We have to eat.
Lucky: We have to order. We don't have to eat. (Emily shakes her head. She
doesn't trust herself to stand up right now.)
Em: No. I think… I think we should just stay here a little while.
