Chapter One Hundred Fourty-Six:
Trevi Fountain
Emily stands at the barrier at the edge of the fountain, her bags at her feet,
arms crossed, eyes fixed on the water. It's providing a wonderful distraction.
She's feeling oddly unsettled, like something is coming down that she's not
going to like the looks of. Instead of giving his deep consideration, she's been
staring at the water… so long that she's closed out all other sensory
information, zeroing in on the sound and the visual of it. She is vaguely aware
of someone coming to stand beside her.
Lucky: (joining her in staring at the fountain) Am I missing something? (Emily
looks over at him, smiling weakly).
Em: I was trying to not think. It makes waiting easier. (Lucky winces slightly)
Lucky: Uh, right. What time is it?
Em: Look at your watch.
Lucky: Three-forty… Yeah, sorry, I got caught up in some stuff. (He exhales
heavily and takes her in a moment) How'd your afternoon go? (Emily sighs and
looks down at her bags).
Em: Pretty basic. I have to go back to the hotel and change before I meet
Nikolas, but seeing as I'm meeting him half a block away, that shouldn't be a
big deal. (Lucky nods, a little distracted)
Lucky: What about the shopping? (Emily sighs)
Em: Odd. Like… Shopping for someone else. But I was assured I looked good in
what I bought.
Lucky: You'd have to.
Em: (smiling slightly) Flattery… The warning bells are already going off. (Lucky
looks down at the bags)
Lucky: Get anything interesting? (Emily nods)
Em: In the "mysterious woman" vein. I've got it covered (she makes a face) I
even bought a hat.
Lucky: A hat?
Em: You know. (She rolls her eyes) A sun hat. It looks very… Evil in the Sun.
Lucky: I don't know what you're talking about.
Em: Agatha Christie book. Continental. Elegant. Like some spoiled European girl
doing Italy on her parent's money. I guess that's what I'm going for. (Lucky
cocks his head, taking her in.)
Lucky: Whatever works. If you can avoid having anyone really see you clearly,
that'll help.
Em: I can barely see clearly in the thing. (She laughs and turns to face him.)
What's with you? You look like you've had bad news.
Lucky: No, no… Nothing like that, I just… (He stops, taking a deep breath) Look…
Uh, I have to run something by you.
Em: (cautiously) What? Should I sit down? (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: Uh, no… It's just… I've been looking at everything and I figure, we've
got two choices here. There's a bunch of stuff I want to make sure is… (He
stops, looking around, then takes Emily's arm, leaning closer and dropping his
voice) "In place". Before we leave. I don't want to get caught off guard in
Greece. (Emily flinches slightly)
Em: Caught off guard how? (Lucky pulls back slightly, running his hands through
his hair as he scans the square, quickly, habitually)
Lucky: Look. When Nikolas disappears Stefan is going on a rampage. We can
guarantee that. Anything's possible, from that point on. We just have to make
sure we can deal with whatever gets throw at us.
Em: You're making me nervous. (Lucky smiles apologetically)
Lucky: Yeah… I know. (Emily studies his face a moment, taking in the nervous
energy he's trying to repress. She rubs her arms with her hands, feeling a
little cold, even out in this sun of the mid-afternoon.)
Em: Did you talk to Jason?
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: (prodding) And? (Lucky meets her eyes and takes a deep breath).
Lucky: And… He had some contacts, specifically, this guy in Brindisi.
Em: (trying out the word) Brindisi. (She shakes her head) I've never heard of
Lucky: It's a port. They have ferries that head down to Corfu… Greece. I have to
go there and make some arrangements. And there's two ways to do that. (Emily
sees a look in Lucky's eyes that makes her immediately nervous. She can't help
but think that he's already decided which choice he likes and that it's not
going to be the one she likes).
Em: Which are…?
Lucky: Which are you and Nikolas ditch the goons when you meet today… (Emily
blinks in surprise. Lucky shifts his weight) OR… You guys meet some place else
tomorrow, and make your own way to Brindisi, and meet me there. (Emily stares at
him a long moment, digesting this)
Em: (Slowly) You mean… You're leaving today, no matter what. (Lucky looks away,
talking quickly).
Lucky: We don't have much time to waste, not if Helena is around. And… From what
I get about this whole thing, Stefan has to think Nikolas is here to get away
from Port Charles. For whatever reason, he's going to have his eyes open. Now,
so far… Can you tell if Nikolas has done anything in Rome?
Em: (a bit numb) Far as I can tell, he hasn't done much of anything.
Lucky: Yeah, well… that changes today. I mean, you guys are meeting… for fifteen
minutes, you said?
Em: Yeah. I guess. (She shakes her head) It can be more, I guess.
Lucky: No. Keep it short… What I'm saying is, it LOOKS like he was waiting for
something… before we got here. Now, if suddenly he's gone, it's going to look
planned. Now, if it looks like he's actually DOING something here… if he's met
up with someone, and is actually seeing the city, all that stuff… that's gonna
throw Stefan off a bit. (Emily furrows her brow.)
Em: Ok. I'm still not sure where you're going with this, Lucky…
Lucky: I'm going with… (He stops, then drops his voice again) Nikolas has to
look like he's doing something. Ask him if knows anyone in Rome. He's got to. He
should do something tonight… go out someplace, meet someone, anything. Just look
like he's doing something.
Em: (warily) It really sounds like you've already made the choice here.
Lucky: I just think the more confusing this looks, the better. We have to give
Count Vlad more than one direction to go in.
Em: Ok. Ok, I see what you mean. If Nikolas does nothing and then disappears,
then it looks like he planned to do it all along. BUT if it looks like he's here
to do something else besides meet us, then…
Lucky: Any number of things could have happened. (Emily nods, biting her lip)
Em: In other words, we're going to scare the hell out of Stefan Cassadine.
(Lucky shrugs) And your mother. (Lucky stares off across the square a long
moment, then looks back at her)
Lucky: There isn't any other way.
Em: (Shivering slightly) I guess not. (Lucky blinks and looks back at her,
banishing any thoughts that were struggling to come to the surface).
Lucky: The other choice is… We give Stefan a lot less to work with and just
leave now. (Emily puts a hand to her forehead)
Em: How likely do you think it is that he'd really be able to put all the pieces
together? (Lucky shakes his head ruefully).
Lucky: It's a bad idea to underestimate him. Trust me.
Em: I do. (She turns to look at the fountain again, staring hard at the water)
So… If we leave tomorrow, then…
Lucky: (watching her carefully) Then it's your game. You have to handle it
Em: Oh, boy. (She puts a hand on her stomach and laughs suddenly, then looks
over at him) You'd trust me with that?
Lucky: Yeah. I would. (They meet eyes a moment, each evaluating the other's
reaction. Lucky slowly reaches into his pocket and pulls out an envelop) Don't
get me wrong, I'll call you first thing tomorrow morning, and make sure you're
clear. And… I don't have time to tell you everything you should know… what you
have to look into. So… I wrote it down. (Emily's gaze moves from his face to the
envelope. She nods.)
Em: Ok. (After a moment she reaches out and takes it, running her fingertips
along the seal. Lucky watches her)
Lucky: You… You feel up to this? (Emily nods, slowly)
Em: I have to be. (She looks up, smiling uncertainly) Right?
Lucky: No. It's your call.
Em: (shaking her head) No, you're right. One version just makes so much more
sense than the other. (She stops, running her hands through her hair quickly)
So… What should I tell Nikolas?
Lucky: (lightly) Just what I told you. He can't just hang around the hotel, he
has to do something. He can't look like he doesn't want people to know what's
going on, or like he's hiding or anything like that.
Em: Ok. And… When are you leaving?
Lucky: If you go with the second plan… Then I'm leaving now.
Em: RIGHT now?
Lucky: The next train is in an hour and a half. I should be on it. (Emily stares
at him, like the wind has just been knocked out of her momentarily)
Em: Wow. That's fast.
Lucky: Yeah, well… When I talked to Jason, the pieces came together a little
faster than anticipated. (Emily pulls a fortifying breath into her lungs).
Em: Ok. Then… I guess I know what I'm doing. (They stop and look at each other.
Emily give him a crooked smile) So much for Rome. (Lucky smiles back)
Lucky: Well, for this time. (Emily starts suddenly)
Em: Give me a penny.
Lucky: A penny?
Em: Or a coin, just… Anything. (Lucky looks at her oddly, then reaches into his
pocket and gives her a random coin. Emily takes the coin and kisses it lightly,
then throws it in the fountain) Ok. There.
Lucky: What was that?
Em: If you throw a coin in the fountain it's supposed to mean you'll come back.
So… I threw in your coin… I guess that means we come back together. WHICH means,
whatever happens… Somehow we end up here again.
Lucky: That's good to know.
Em: Yup. (She rubs her arms again, hunching her shoulders, staring at the spot
the coin disappeared) I think it's something I need to know. (She looks back at
him) What time is it?
Lucky: You've got ten minutes.
Em: Oh, great. I have to change! (She looks over her shoulder) I should go get a
cab. (She turns back to him) Are… We…
Lucky: I'll call tomorrow morning.
Em: So this is it.
Lucky: Yeah. (They stare at each other a moment)
Em: Boy, I didn't see that coming. (She forces a smile) But I'll deal with it.
(She leans in and kisses him quickly) Bye. (Emily picks up her bags and turns,
pushing herself away from him, and starts to walk away. Lucky watches her
retreat, unable to put a name on what he's feeling. It hardly feels real. From
his realization that this was going to have to happen to this moment, maybe an
hour has passed. It's all so… Calm. He sees Emily stop, and feels his heart
quicken. She turns on her heel and crosses back to him. Without a word she
approaches him and drops her bags, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling
him into an impossibly deep kiss. Lucky's mind goes completely blank, and he
pulls her close to him, sinking into the kiss with her. Emily feels her legs go
limp and clings to him, well aware that they are passing into the realm of
public spectacle. The kiss finally comes to an end, with Emily brushing her lips
against his softly, then pulling back. Lucky looks at her unsteadily.)
Lucky: Wh… ahhh… Wow. (Emily gives a small laugh, her eyes studying the top
button of his shirt).
Em: Don't forget me or anything.
Lucky: Impossible. (She kisses him again, running her hands through his hair)
Em: And be careful.
Lucky: (leaning in to kiss her again) Always. (They sink into yet another kiss,
holding each other close. Emily can feel her heart thundering in her ears, and
is beginning to question is she's going to actually be able to pull away, when
Lucky breaks the kiss) You have to leave.
Em: (nodding, her lips pressed together) I know. (Lucky kisses her forehead,
then her temple, and lowers his lips to her ear)
Lucky: Twenty-four hours. I'll see you in Brindisi. I swear.
Em: (softly) I know, I know, I know. (He pulls back and looks at her)
Lucky: My parent did this a thousand times, it'll be ok.
Em: (nodding, pulling back a little to look at him) This isn't even the
dangerous part. I know.
Lucky: You're handling the hard part. (He smiles ruefully) Are you sure you're
ok with that?
Em: (rolling her eyes) You just go 'til they're gone, right? How hard can that
Lucky: (wincing) It's the train ride I don't think I could stomach.
Em: One step at a time. (She smiles at him, running her fingertips along his
collar) No, I… It means a lot. (She looks up) That you trust me to do this.
(Lucky doesn't answer her, unsure of what to say. She smiles) And I just want to
make sure you know how much I love you.
Lucky: (Kissing her softly) I think I can handle that. (He takes a deep breath
and forces himself to step back from her) I'll see you tomorrow.
Em: (determinedly) I'll be there. (She leans in and gives him one more kiss,
then pulls away from him, extricating herself from his arms) Brindisi. (She
steps back. Lucky takes her hand and squeezes it. Emily smiles sadly, then turns
around determinedly, and walks away.)
* * * *
Carly's Apartment.
Carly enters the darkened apartment, exhausted. She drops her keys and purse
directly onto the floor, leaning against the door. She opens her eyes, and
glances across to the window on the opposite side of the apartment and frowns at
the curtains pulled across it. She has no recollection of doing it. She works
night shifts as rarely as humanly possible, but when she does, she leaves the
curtains open so the apartment won't be dark when she comes in. She stares at it
Luke: Where'd you dump the kid? (Carly jumps, letting out a short scream before
clamping her own hand down on her mouth. She spins to face her uncle, sitting in
a chair on the far side of the room, and takes a moment to digest this before
she straightens up, releasing her hand)
Carly: What the hell are you doing here?
Luke: Waiting.
Carly: Since When?
Luke: What time is it?
Carly: I don't know. Nine? Nine-thirty. (She shakes her head, realizing how
insane this is, and then starts across the room towards him) What the hell does
it matter? How did you get in here?
Luke: The only locked doors are the ones you don't try to open… (He frowns) Who
said that?
Carly: I don't know. (She starts towards the window and pulls the curtains open)
Sounds suspiciously Oprahish… and I KNOW my door was locked.
Luke: (withering) Caroline, please. (Carly turns around and looks at Luke, in
the light, for the first time. She stops dead. He looks like unequivocal hell.
His skin is pasty, eyes red. Worse than that, he looks drained. This is not the
Luke Spencer she's used to. She stares at him a long moment, speechless. Finally
she pulls in a deep breath.)
Carly: What are you… (She shakes her head) What are you doing here?
Luke: (voice dead) You gonna keep the curtain open? (Carly looks back at the
window, and shrugs)
Carly: I guess not. (She turns back and pulls the curtains closed again. Luke
gets up and struggles over to her couch, collapsing onto it. Carly turns and
looks back at him, wondering just how to handle this) I'm… I'm going to call my
mother, ok?
Luke: If I wanted to talk to Barbara then I'd be there, wouldn't I?
Carly: Are you drunk?
Luke: (laughing slightly) Drunk. Haven't been sober for a week… I don't think.
(He closes his eyes) Not really, not for long… (Carly stares at him a moment,
then heads for the kitchen)
Carly: Well, I'm dead on my feet so I'm making coffee, are you up to it? (Luke
considers this a long moment while Carly moves to the kitchen, setting up the
coffee machine.)
Luke: Might as well… (He sighs heavily, a vaguely philosophical expression on
his face) You know, you can knock back enough liquor to drown a small rodent
colony… But if your brain wants to go somewhere, it'll just keep going… You ever
notice that? (He strains to look over at her. Carly meet his gaze, unsteady as
it is, pressing her lips together. This is… Very strange. Stranger than that is
this nagging tug that she should do something about this. Take care of him, or
something. Ugh, she thinks. I've been spending too much time with my mother.)
Carly: (quietly) Yeah, you could say that. (She pours the water into the top of
the machine and slides the pot into place.) What do you want from me Luke? (Luke
settles back onto the couch and stares off into space a long moment)
Luke: Tell me about my son. (Carly sighs, and flips off the light in the
kitchen, leaving the machine to its work)
Carly: God, haven't we done this?
Luke: (shaking his head, impatiently) No, no, no… Not about "the prince" and
that… (He snarls, his lip curling) Cassadine mess. No. Tell me about HIM. (Carly
stops at the end of the couch and looks down at him)
Carly: (confused) What can I tell you that you don't already know? (Luke
chuckles softly)
Luke: You know, I keep thinking… Who's around who can actually say they know the
kid? If I don't, then who does? Well, the most obvious answer left town with
him… And then there's you.
Carly: God, you must be desperate. (Luke says nothing. Carly sits down on the
arm of the sofa, uncertain) What do you mean, you don't know him?
Luke: I MEAN… (He struggles to sit up then gives up, sinking into the couch) I
mean not one damn thing that kid has done lately has made sense to me. I thought
I figured it out, but… No, it still doesn't… (He shakes his head helpless) Still
doesn't come together.
Carly: (after a moment) What do you want to know?
Luke: Anything.
Carly: I… I don't know what to say.
Luke: Use your HEAD, Caroline! There's gotta be something. You seem pretty
impressed with him.
Carly: I am. I mean… Look. I know you think I've got a lousy sense of family.
Luke: Dubious at best, yeah.
Carly: Well… Look. Before Bobbie, before you, before… All of it. Lucky was the
first one of you who really tried to talk to me. And I know he got talked into
it by his girlfriend, but… I got why you were always so nasty to me. (She makes
a face) I mean, if Lucky inherited his sense of family from you, then MAN, I
must have been a disappointment. (Luke stares off into space a long moment)
Luke: (quietly) My sense of family, huh? (He mulls this over a moment) Couldn't
have done him any favors.
Carly: I… I'm not following you.
Luke: You ever… You ever want kids?
Carly: What?
Luke: Before the munchkin. Did you WANT kids? I mean, as something besides a way
to rope the good doctor, or the…
Carly: (standing up) Ok, that's enough. God! You almost have me fooled there,
Luke: I didn't. (Carly stopped and looks down at him again)
Carly: What?
Luke: Ah, what did I need kids for? You know, bringing them into my world, that
didn't exactly fill me with hope. (He shakes his head again, lost in memory,
memories that make his gut twist).
Carly: I take it you changed you mind.
Luke: I changed a lot of things.
Carly: Right… (She flops down into a chair, heavily) Found love, right?
Luke: Caroline, nothing is ever that simple.
Carly: Yeah, I know.
Luke: No, see… Laura, she's got this way of making everything seem possible. She
just doesn't take any other answer. She just… BELIEVES. I tell her she's crazy,
but… When you got no hope of your own, you need someone to do it for you. (Carly
looks over at him. Luke stays in silence a long moment. When he speaks again,
his voice is thin and distant) When Lucky was born… No… No, you gotta understand
(He struggles up onto an elbow) Laura told me she was pregnant… That was it! I
was gonna have everything I'd been scared to want. To even hope for in some
moment of sentimental suffering… Laura… (He falls back onto the couch, his eyes
tearing, his face contorted in pain and nostalgia, both fighting it out for his
full attention) So beautiful… A baby, a family. I was gonna have all of it. Then
he was born… (Luke smiles uncontrollably, his voice swelling with pride) And I
had a son. (Carly, caught up in her own wave of nostalgia, smiles herself).
Lucas Lorenzo Spencer Jr. (He looks over at her) We were never going to call him
that. No, that was Laura's idea. Can you imagine? Not only does the woman carry
my child, but then she wants to name him after me. I swear, not one day of my
life I didn't wonder, somehow… Why? (He sits up suddenly, his feet hitting the
floor, and sits forward, his elbows resting on his knees) I'm sobering up.
Carly: No, I don't think you are.
Luke: Yeah, well I don't like this place.
Carly: Coffee's almost ready. (She stands up) I can make it Irish, if you want.
Suddenly I think I could use a drink.
Luke: I'm not stoppin' ya.
Carly: (heading into the kitchen, a little disoriented) Was he a cute kid? He
must have been.
Luke: He was… Exactly what we needed him to be. He was smart, he was loyal… He
didn't question anything. He just did what we needed him to do. I started to
think… You know, past the first five years, seeing the person he was growing
into… I must actually be a good father. 'Cause no way a kid looks at you like
that if you're hurting them, right? (He looks over at her)
Carly: Don't ask me. This parenting thing is a total crap shot as far as I can
tell. (She pulls down a couple of mugs) I mean, Virginia never really did
anything *wrong*. Well. She lied to me… And… (She shakes her head) What I mean
is, she TRIED. And I totally rejected her. She was never enough. (She looks down
at the mugs in her hand, then puts them on the counter shakily. Wherever this is
going, it's not making her feel great. On the other hand, she's not pulling back
from it either. She grabs the coffeepot).
Luke: I never looked at my Dad like that. No. You didn't… You didn't do that.
Carly: (flinching) Yeah, Bobbie told me about him. That he was… Pretty awful.
Luke: (face hardening) He was. He was. I was never like that. (Carly looks over
at him, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end at his tone) I
KNEW my kids. I knew what was in their heart. I could look them in the eye.
How'd… Why didn't I see that go away?
Carly: I… (She swallows hard and puts down the coffee) I don't really know
anything about this. I mean… (She puts her hands on the counter and turns to
face his back) I know Lucky is… Just what you already said. Loyal, smart… He's
still all those things. (Luke stares off again, his mind moving on)
Luke: (quietly) When your mother lied to you… Did you ever forgive her? (Carly
Carly: Uh… What?
Luke: Did you recover? Or did you just lose all your faith?
Carly: I don't know. I was never the same.
Luke: (nodding) You can't be. Things change. But… With a kid, you can see it.
You can see them take that in, and just… You'll never shake them back to what
they were. (He bows his head) I can't fix that for him. (Carly reaches up and
pulls an indiscriminate bottle down from the cupboard)
Carly: At least you want to try… (He voice cracks slightly) At least you don't
want to pretend like nothing changed.
Luke: (barely audible) Can't lie to myself that much. (He leans back and looks
up at the ceiling as Carly pours the alcohol shakily into the mugs)
Carly: They think they're protecting you, you know? But it never feels that way
when you find out. It feels like they were protecting themselves.
Luke: (making a face) He was protecting me. He couldn't have been protecting
himself. (His jaw tightens) I keep looking back and trying to figure out what
was better… Ignorance is bliss… But it's not worth it, when you find out it was
all a lie. (Carly comes back into the living room and hands him a mug, thrusting
it towards him, then moves quickly to her chair, sitting down on the edge)
Carly: I don't know what you're talking about.
Luke: Good, you're lucky. (He looks down at the mug) You forgot the coffee.
(Carly takes a swig and looks up at him)
Carly: I don't think we need the caffeine. (She lifts her glass) Cheers.
Luke: (staring into the glass) I gotta see him. I… I just gotta see him.
Carly: (closing her eyes) Yeah, I get that.
Luke: He's the only thing that I know was real… And Lulu. The rest of it, it's…
(He shakes his head, then downs the contents of the glass in one quick gulp.
Carly's eyes widen)
Carly: Watch it. You're going to convince me we're related.
Luke: (a little hoarse) This consciousness thing isn't working for me. But if I
close my eyes, I keep seeing them.
Carly: Who? (Luke doesn't answer)
Luke: The big cosmic slap in the face. (He looks at Carly blearily) Believe in
Carly: God no.
Luke: Great. Neither do I. But I'll tell you this much… Don't even rely on
someone else to hope for you. 'Cause when their gone… They take the dreams with
them, and everything is black. And you don't have anywhere to go.
Carly: (draining her glass) Yeah, I know how that goes. (She puts down her own
mug and looks at him) I can't do this anymore. I'm going to bed. Crash on the
couch, leave, I don't care. But when you're sober… (She shakes her head. She
can't really track down where this came from, or why it's affecting her the way
it is. She wonders mildly is he knows his hitting most of her buttons. She sighs
heavily, considering what Lucky would want her to do. The answer is just a
little too ready. She stands up) If I can help you find Lucky, I will.
* * * *
St. Peter's Square.
Nikolas paces in front of the steps of St. Peters, trying purposely not to look
at his watch. This place is too public, it feels wrong. However, he's not going
to question it. Not even to Emily. That's not going to get him anywhere. He
stops, hands in pockets, and stares off across the square at the sea of people.
After a moment he realizes that Emily is coming towards him. She is only
slightly recognizable… her mouth, more than anything else, giving her away. She
is wearing a hat and sunglasses, walking with a sort of breezy confidence that
she doesn't usually exude. She smiles at him slightly before approaching.
Em: Hey.
Nik: Hi… You're here. (He frowns) You look… Different. (Emily takes his hand and
pulls him away from the stairs.
Em: (quietly) Sorry if I made you nervous… I got thrown a curve ball I didn't
expect. And… (She smiles at him apologetically, stopping and standing, quite
purposely, in front of him so that his body blocks her from most eyes) Now I get
to toss it at you.
Nik: Oh, great… (Emily glances around, resisting the urge to lower her glasses.
She can't see either of the men from last night)
Em: It's not horrible… It just means you're going to have to trust me. (Nikolas
looks at her oddly)
Nik: I think we covered that. (Emily looks back at him, setting her jaw).
Em: Lucky's leaving.
Nik: WHAT? (Emily grabs his arm tightly).
Em: (gritting her tell) Don't freak out.
Nik: (equally tense) Leaving for where?
Em: (lowering her voice) Brindisi. We're going to meet him there sometime…
Tomorrow, I guess. (Nikolas shakes his head. He wasn't expecting that.)
Nik: God… (Emily reaches up to rub her forehead then brings her hand down. She's
trying to minimize her mannerisms and she's beginning to feel like a human
Em: It's complicated, but there's… There's bunch of stuff you have to do between
now and then.
Nik: Like what?
Em: Like… Do you know anyone in Rome?
Nik: A few people, why?
Em: Could you call them?
Nik: It's not exactly on my list of things to do, but…
Em: You have to have a social life. I mean, outside of me. I was followed after
I left you… and I don't think it was just Stefan's men. (Nikolas stares at her a
moment, digesting).
Nik: Oh.
Em: Helena's watching you too. And… Lucky wants to make sure that when you
disappear, your father can't just… Draw a straight line. I mean, he has to
question Helena, or Lucky, or… Just you're own initiative. There has to be
choices. Otherwise, this is just going to be an exercise in futility.
Nik: I see.
Em: So… Lucky wants you to make sure you're doing other things besides waiting
for the right time to leave.
Nik: Well, I spent my morning pretty much anywhere BUT the hotel, and I'm not
anxious to get back there. (He cringes slightly) I have a curve ball for you
Em: You do?
Nik: Luke Spencer called me this morning.
Em: Oh… OH, man.
Nik: He's… Not making a lot of sense. I think he must have been drunk… There's a
whole lot of stuff I didn't get into at the tea room, since Lucky seems to have
an aversion to talking about his father with me.
Em: It's not you. He doesn't even want to think about Luke, much less talk about
Nik: Well, Luke… Luke seems to want to lay all his problems with his family on
the Cassadine doorstep again. That was the reason I gave my father for leaving
in the first place.
Em: Wow. (She stops, trying to think of what this means) Definitely avoid the
hotel… I… (She halts again. Damn! Lucky would have an answer for this. Her only
guess is to leave early as possible tomorrow) Ok. WE can't deal with this right
now. Just… Was he in Port Charles?
Nik: I don't know. I think so. He's not going to think Lucky's with me.
Em: I don't know. If he got desperate enough… (She stops) I try not to think
about Luke too much either. This must be driving him crazy.
Nik: My heart is bleeding.
Em: But it's a well controlled hemorrhage, I get it. (She sighs) Look. I'm just
going to be honest, I don't know what to do about Luke except pray. And pretty
soon, Lucky won't even BE in Rome. Let's just… Concentrate on the stuff we KNOW
how to handle.
Nik: Right. My social life, or lack there of.
Em: You said you know people here?
Nik: (heavily) That circle of nobles and various dignitaries I told you about… I
cold look some up.
Em: Would they meet with you on short notice? (Nikolas stares at her a moment)
Nik: I'm a prince, remember?
Em: Oh, right.
Nik: I know in Port Charles it's a bit of a joke, but here it actually means
Em: I'm sorry.
Nik: Don't be. The point is, yes… I can get out of the hotel. And if I'm
followed my uncle will be more than pleased to hear I'm not in my room reading
Withering Heights. (Emily makes a face)
Em: Doomed love affairs. Sounds healthy, Nikolas.
Nik: It was there.
Em: Yeah, I know. That's what I used to say when Lucky and I broke up and Monica
kept catching me reading Sylvia Plath.
Nik: (laughing slightly) Now… THAT is destructive behavior.
Em: Yeah, well… I've done worse. But we won't go there. (She takes a deep
breath) Ok. Lucky thinks we should keep this short. I guess we should meet
somewhere really public tomorrow… I was thinking a museum or something? Is there
one you like?
Nik: I like most of them.
Em: Nikolas…
Nik: Ok, ok. What location?
Em: I don't know. I don't think it matters… Far from the hotel. Yours, I mean.
Nik: Rome National Museum… does that work?
Em: Fine. I know where that is. I went with Monica.
Nik: Ok… (He looks vaguely confused) Is that it?
Em: No… Uh, Lucky told you to hang onto that money from the tea room, do you
still have it?
Nik: Yeah.
Em: Ok. Keep it. Bring it with you tomorrow… You can only bring what you can
carry… Or what you would carry.
Nik: In other words, nothing.
Em: Yeah.
Nik: I have to bring something. It's not negotiable.
Em: (wincing) Is it big?
Nik: No. (Emily looks at him, confused. His face is blank, his words blunt and
without emotion. She doesn't want to know what this it.
Em: I guess you could bring a small bag… Like something you'd have a camera or
a… Well, I don't know. But if you have to…
Nik: I can't leave it.
Em: Ok… (She bites her lip momentarily then forces herself to stop. She looks up
at him, reverting to a brisk attitude) So I'll meet you at noon, then. At the
museum. In the main entrance?
Nik: Ok.
Em: Just bring the money… That's it.
Nik: And then…
Em: You're going to disappear. Lucky put this all down on paper for me. Just
leave the hotel as if you were coming back and leave. (She looks at him for a
minute) I know that sucks. I mean, I had to do it to my family, but not this
Nik: I can handle it. (Emily feels uneasy at the dead quality of his voice, the
sudden chill. She looks over her shoulder)
Em: Ok then. I have to go. Keep this short… I think… I think you should maybe
even make plans for later in the week, just… Make it look like you were going to
be here awhile. (Nikolas nods) Lucky knows what he's doing, Nikolas.
Nik: I know. This is exactly what I asked him to do. (He meets her eyes briefly)
Noon, then. (Emily nods.) I'll be there. (Nikolas turns and walks away. Emily
watches him with concern, then forces herself back to the moment and turns,
walking into the crowd.)
