Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Five:
Dry Land
Hotel Room, Eyio, Greece.
Setting sun streams through the west-facing window of the room, falling across
the hard wood floor cutting a path across upper half of the bed. It is this more
than anything else, that is discouraging Nikolas from just falling onto the bed
and letting sleep envelop him rather than studying his new surroundings.
Barren. The word must have been created to describe places like this. There is
an unpainted chair in the corner, the purpose of which he can't imagine since
there is no accompanying desk and it doesn't look like it offers much in the way
of comfort. There is a chest of drawers, but he has nothing to unpack. He's
placed the box on top of it, and is now avoiding that part of the room with his
eyes. All that is left is the bed, a single, with a light bedspread. It doesn't
look much more substantial than the cots on the ship. But then, it's only one
night. He can survive that. Physical comfort doesn't afford much relief anyway.
Ouch. Nikolas winces at the sound of his own self pity knocking around his head.
He is, without a doubt, in a bad mood. Morose, he supposes. He's been distracted
by everything that has been happening around him the last few days, but this
pause in action had caused him to run up a particularly brooding path of
It had been a safe place to spend the day, having exhausted about as much energy
as he had to give on Lucky the night before and being, of course, slapped down
for it again. He really has to learn the lesson. For some reason he keeps
forgetting it. Don't try to help the guy. For anything. He doesn't want it, and
he sure as hell will never admit to needing it so… So what? So the next time he
wants to bleed to death in a parking lot just LET him?
Nikolas shakes his head. Doesn't matter, don't think about it, it isn't going to
do anything but slowly drive him crazy. What the hell did he think that was
going to get him? Today really hadn't been that unmanageable. Lucky had been
bland, he hadn't done anything too severe to provoke him. Nikolas hadn't allowed
him to, either, hadn't provided the slightest window. Nonetheless Lucky seemed
tense by the time they got into Port. He'd announced the plans for that evening…
cheap hotel, and hitting the road again the next afternoon. He'd actually seemed
annoyed when Nikolas had nodded dulling accepting the decision like some kind of
marching order. The expression on Lucky's face, the strange sort of suspicious
way he'd held his gaze a moment longer than necessary, is sticking with Nikolas
much more than he wants it to. He feels like he can't win. There is no medium
with Lucky, just the extremes. And with Nikolas he is determined to only play
the negative ones.
Nikolas felt his jaw tighten. Brat. He'd been suppressing the urge to just
scream the word in Lucky's face all day. But it wouldn't get him anywhere, he
knows that. If anything it would get Emily further on one side than the other
and he didn't think he could deal with that right now. He just had… He had to
find a way to make it not matter anymore.
Right. And if he'd had the answer THAT question he probably wouldn't even be
here right now.
Nikolas sighs heavily and drops down onto the bed, sunlight be damned. He closes
his eyes, turning his head from the light. He's given consciousness ample
opportunity to redeem itself. Now it's time to try sleep.
* * * *
Alexis is coming in from the garden, having just spoken to Mrs. Landsbury and
the rest of the house keeping staff about the situation at present and how it
affected them. She had the run of the house for the foreseeable future and was
being reminded once again that she was not a woman who appreciated a large house
to take care of, even if it only consisted telling OTHER people what to do about
it. It was the biggest clue she had, that she and Stefan were related. They both
had a healthy appreciation for solitude. Stefan's ease with domestic matters
came from years of practice and a desire to provide a home for Nikolas… nothing
more. If she had ever had similar encouragement then this might not have been
such a trial.
Her cell phone rings and she jumps. She has leapt a few inches off the ground
every time it, or any other phone, has rung since the news of Nikolas'
disappearance had first arrived. She should never have agreed to stay behind,
she thinks as she pulls out the phone. This family gatekeeper garbage was
getting old.
Alexis: Alexis Davis.
Stefan: (hoarsely) Alexis. It's me.
Alexis: (sinking into a near by chair) Stefan! Are you… Has anything happened?
Stefan: (irritated) Nothing. (He clears his throat, trying to make his voice
less strained. It seems all he's been doing for the last twenty-four hours was
yelling at incompetents. He closes his eyes, propping his head up on his hand)
Nothing at all, Rome is devoid of any answers, it's as if he disappeared into
thin air.
Alexis: (paling) Helena.
Stefan: At least, in that instance, we know that he has not met physical harm.
(Alexis bites her lip… she's not as certain of that as she once was.)
Alexis: Stefan…
Stefan: Let me grasp at that straw a little longer, Alexis. (She presses her
lips together and nods into the phone. There is no point in bringing up the
possibilities, though they are swimming through her head, as they must be his.)
Alexis: So no one saw anything?
Stefan: Nothing. There… He seemed to have an active social schedule, I've had to
forward apologies to his expected hosts last night. Aside form the Lord, there
seems to have been a young woman he met on the hotel cafe… but her identity is
Alexis: And no one at the scene.
Stefan: No, not apart from another young woman he supposedly spoke to for the
time or some such matter. Nothing of note, no one has any information that could
be useful. (He sighs heavily) I have not yet ruled out the chance that he is
simply departed, making a statement against the guards I sent with him.
Alexis: I just can't imagine him being that irresponsible.
Stefan: He is in mourning, Alexis. I believe he could justify many things. That
is what makes me so nervous.
Alexis: Do you want me to come…
Stefan: Not yet. I need an eye kept on Spencer.
Alexis: Yes, and we have that. So far he's done remarkably little.
Stefan: (dryly) Which provides me with little comfort.
Alexis: I have trouble believing he'd put Laura through this.
Stefan: Yes. Laura… how is she?
Alexis: I haven't heard a report recently, but I believe that she is just the
same as you left her. (Stefan's grim expression darkens)
Stefan: I don't trust Helena to keep her distance from Laura. She won't listen
to us, however. We have to simply keep a close eye on her.
Alexis: I understand.
Stefan: There is nothing for me to find here, Alexis. I'm coming to realize
Alexis: So what are you planning now?
Stefan: I am flying to Greece in an hour. I plan to go to the island, you know
how to reach me.
Alexis: Absolutely.
Stefan: I can think of no further recourse, not at this moment.
Alexis: I have the bases covered here, Stefan. Follow your instincts. The
Pappas' should be aware of what is happening.
Stefan: My thoughts exactly. And if Nikolas is travelling on his own, then it is
possible he would travel to the island.
Alexis: Yes. Absolutely.
Stefan: I… I'll call again.
Alexis: All right. Stefan…
Stefan: Yes?
Alexis: We will find him.
Stefan: (tightly) Yes. (Alexis frowns, hearing the pain in her brother's voice.
She hears the connection break and sighs, hanging up the phone, the nervous
swirling in her stomach intensifying. Cold terror, there was nothing like it.
She hears a sound across the room and looks up to see the chief of security
standing in front of her, an equally nervous expression on his face than he wore
when he informed them of Nikolas' disappearance.) Oh, God. What now?
Chief: It's… uh… (Coughs) Mrs. Spencer. She's… We've lost her.
* * * *
Hotel Room, Eyio, Greece.
Lucky and Emily enter the small room they're sharing. Lucky looks about as
miserable as he always does. Emily is forcing a cheery mood, just for contrast.
Lucky drops down onto the bed as Emily dumps their single bag on the closet
floor. The place is, without a doubt, the most rustic place they've stayed. Also
the most relaxed. No one seems to care about their ages, their relationships… it
has been a non-issue. Apparently American currency was more important than
anything else. Emily closes the closet door and turns to look at Lucky.
Em: That wasn't too painful. (Lucky doesn't respond. Emily looks up) Was it?
Lucky: (mumbling) No.
Em: Hey. (Emily flops down on the bed. It jostles, springs squeaking. Lucky
groans. She makes a face) Sorry. (She slides up the bed, propping herself up on
her elbows, and looks down at him) Are you ok?
Lucky: (looking up at her) You have to believe that I usually travel better than
Em: (smiling) I do, don't worry. I wasn't talking about that.
Lucky: (closing his eyes) Uh huh.
Em: I meant… Nikolas. I kinda get this vibe that he's bothering you.
Lucky: Nikolas always bothers me. (Emily sighs heavily. Why does she bother?)
Em: I don't mean that way, I mean… the way he was acting. It was a little… off.
(Lucky sits up suddenly, getting to his feet and crossing the room)
Lucky: Exactly when does everything stop moving? (Emily makes a face. She's
still feeling it too… the feeling of being on water while standing on solid
Em: I know. It's really strange.
Lucky: (leaning against the wall) I'm glad you can be so upbeat about it.
Em: Lucky, you look totally wiped out, why don't you lie down.
Lucky: (shaking his head) It's worse when I lie down.
Em: Then sit down. (Lucky sighs and walks back to the bed. He sits down on the
edge and Emily slides over to him, circling her legs around him, and leaning her
chin on his shoulder, joining him in staring at the floor) You know… It could
have been worse. We could have gotten stuck some place with a waterbed. (Lucky
groans again, and leans forward.)
Lucky: Are you trying to kill me? (Emily tisks her tongue)
Em: You're being dramatic. (Emily runs a hand up his arm to his other shoulder.)
Tense much?
Lucky: Just a bit.
Em: I'm beginning to suspect you're not human anymore. You're muscles feel like
galvanized steel. (She sits back, and starts to rub his shoulders, digging her
thumbs into the knotted muscles. Lucky sucks in his breath quickly)
Lucky: Ow.
Em: (smiling) Am I hurting you?
Lucky: Yes. Don't stop. (Emily laughs softly and continues massaging his back).
Em: You can't keep doing this, you know that?
Lucky: (ignoring her intended meaning) That is the last boat…
Em: We're going to an island.
Lucky: (almost whining) Aw, man…
Em: But I kinda wasn't talking about that. (Lucky doesn't say anything. Emily
moves her hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck, working the muscles
there. Lucky's drops his head like it's a dead weight. God, he looks wrecked.
She smiles sadly) It can wait. (Lucky doesn't respond again and Emily moves
closer, rubbing his back. She feels him sigh heavily, his body shuddering
slightly. He coughs, letting his eyes close again. He does feel like hell, but
this is helping. With the physical part at least. The rest of it… That's another
matter. He straightens up slightly, relieved that Emily doesn't use this as an
excuse to stop. He stares hard at the opposite wall a moment. He closes his eyes
and tries to concentrate on the feeling of Emily's hands on him. It doesn't
quite work. He can't shake this annoying image that keeps nagging at him. He
opens his eyes again. He feels almost like something is trying to push it's way
out of him, every time he opens his mouth, even if it's just to breath.) I guess
I get to go shopping again tomorrow.
Lucky: Huh?
Em: I left almost everything I brought with me in that hotel room.
Lucky: Right… Can it wait until Athens?
Em: Yeah, of course. (She lets silence take over a moment, moving her hands down
his shoulders) Are you going to make Nikolas' ID here or when we get to the
city? (Long silence. Lucky leans forward again) Lucky? (Long pause)
Lucky: (slowly) I never really told about what happened when I went back to see
him that night. (Emily frowns a moment, then slides her hands down Lucky's back,
to his sides and starts working the muscles along his rib cage.)
Em: (casually) Who?
Lucky: (cringing slightly) Nikolas.
Em: (after a moment) No, you didn't. (The phrase speaks for itself. Lucky lets
it sit a moment, in acknowledgement)
Lucky: You didn't see him much, after…
Em: No. Just when we left the apartment. He didn't say anything.
Lucky: No… That's how he was, the whole time. He barely said anything and when
he did it was all very calm and… Just kinda fatalistic. (Emily stares at Lucky,
continuing to knead his muscles with her hands. He's talking without prodding
and she decides not to mess with a good thing just because she doesn't
understand it.)
Em: (softly) Uh huh. (Lucky lets his eyes close, feeling himself begin to relax,
finally. This is… Almost working.)
Lucky: I didn't like it.
Em: I know. You basically said that at the morgue.
Lucky: Yeah. Well… When I got back, after the morgue… He was different. (Emily
feels herself tense, but refuses to acknowledge it, staring hard at her hands.
Lucky stares down at the floor, the evening coming back to him with disturbing
clarity. He speaks very quietly) When I got to the apartment, there was a fire.
Em: (stopping just momentarily) A fire?
Lucky: In the fireplace, yeah. But it was huge, and… I remember the flames were
leaping, and it was the only light in the whole room. And he was walking around,
pacing the room, and he'd… He'd pulled down the curtains. He's knocked some
stuff over. I think he was just getting started when I showed up. (Emily stops.
Nikolas? That didn't sound like him. Lucky sits up and Emily wraps her arms
around his waist, leaning against his back.)
Em: I'm listening.
Lucky: (taking a breath) I didn't know how to feel… I mean, I wanted him to
react, but… My sister was there, you know? So I just wanted to keep him talking
and… I guess said something wrong (he smiles wryly) Big surprise, huh? Anyway,
he threw me up again the banister…
Em: He hit you?
Lucky: No. No, he just pinned me. (Lucky shakes his head, staring at the
opposite wall, without really seeing it) He's good at that. He keeps catching me
off guard.
Em: (lying her face against his back) It doesn't sound like it bothered you.
Lucky: It didn't. I think I wanted him to do it.
Em: You did. (Lucky exhales heavily and twists on the bed so that he can see
her. She rearranges herself around him, draping her arms over his shoulders)
Lucky: I just… Look. I know everyone handles things differently, but… When
something happen and someone doesn't REACT… I can't accept that. (Emily smiles
and leans her head against his)
Em: Yeah…
Lucky: (closing his eyes) I was just glad he was reacting.
Em: 'Cause you could understand it?
Lucky: I guess. Sort of. (He pulls back, shaking his head) But the thing is,
Lulu was there, you know? And… I think I kinda stopped him. Like I don't know
what he would have done if I hadn't shown up.
Em: Nikolas isn't a violent person. (Lucky looks at her and she puts up a hand)
Look. Before we go down this road again, just trust me on this one. He's not
violent. (Lucky stares at her a moment)
Lucky: Kelly's. Lulu's room. The stairs…
Em: What are you doing?
Lucky: The parking lot at school… (Emily click in) Uhh… This is were I start to
lose track…
Em: I know, I know, but Lucky… That's different.
Lucky: No, it's not. If you push Nikolas hard enough, you can get hit. I can
happen. Believe me.
Em: Well, so far, you're the only person who's pushed him that far.
Lucky: (bitterly) It's a gift. (Emily puts a hand to his cheek and forces him to
look back at her)
Em: What is this about Lucky?
Lucky: It's not about anything. You said… You're right, there's just a lot of
stuff I still haven't told you.
Em: You didn't have to tell me that. Come on.
Lucky: (tense) Didn't you see it?
Em: See what?
Lucky: The way he was acting today!
Em: I know. It was kinda…
Lucky: It was exactly how he was acting that day. EXACTLY. (Emily takes him in,
noting the degree of his agitation)
Em: So you're worried about him. (Lucky tenses a moment, then visibly deflates)
Lucky: Look. When you got hit with that car, I went kinda… Crazy for awhile. I
mean… I wasn't thinking clearly.
Em: You said you had a concussion.
Lucky: Yeah, yeah, whatever. What I'm saying is… when I thought you might… (He
stops, cutting the sentence off and staring off into space a moment. When he
speaks again his voice is very careful and measured.) I almost made some really
bad decisions.
Em: Wh… What stopped you? (Lucky shakes his head, not answering. Emily nods a
moment, the pushes herself away from him)
Em: Go.
Lucky: What? (Emily rolls her eyes)
Em: Oh, come on. You know what you have to do.
* * * *
Jason's Penthouse.
Carly steps off the elevator, Michael on her hip, and takes a deep breath as she
turns to the door. She gives a smile, recognizing the guard.
Ren: Miss Roberts! You're back. (He looks at Michael) Both of you. Hey there,
little man. (Michael turns his head, shyly, against his mother's shoulder.
Renaldo laughs). Not a people person.
Carly: (cupping the back of his head with her hand) He's careful. Michael? (She
looks down at him) Michael, you remember Renaldo, right? (Michael nods and
sneaks quick peek at the body guard. He smiles, his head still against his
mother's shoulder. Renaldo's heart melts and he smiles back)
Ren: That's one cute kid you got there, Carly. (Carly nods, looking at the
closed door nervously)
Carly: Is he in?
Ren: Jason? Yeah.
Carly: I gotta talk to him. (She sighs heavily) Is he in a good mood?
Ren: (joking) Most people don't think he HAS moods.
Carly: Yeah, well… We know better, don't we? (She runs her fingers through her
hair) I guess you better announce me.
Ren: (hesitating) Why don't you just go in? (Carly's eyes widen a moment)
Carly: You… Sure?
Ren: He's in the office, you remember where that is? (Carly smirks)
Carly: Yeah, it used to be his bedroom. (She moves to the door) I think I
remember the way. (She puts a hand on the door knob then stops, feeling her
stomach knot) He'll be happy to see Michael, won't he?
Ren: (frowning) He's always happy to see Michael.
Carly: (quietly) Well, it's been awhile. (She tosses him a look over her
shoulder) Thanks, Renaldo.
Ren: (smiling) No problem. Go ahead. (He nods at the door. Carly feels a shiver
go through her, then opens the door, heading into the main room. It's empty. She
adjusts Michael on her hip, but he squirms and she lets him slide down onto the
Carly: (Heavily) You remember this place Michael?
Michael: (studying the pull string on his sweatshirt) Yeah.
Carly: You're not listening to me, are you?
Michael: Yeah. (She looks around the room. Same place. Nothing has changed. The
desk by the door has been moved, presumably to the back room. Other than that
and a new rug… which makes Carly nervous, Jason only redecorates on necessity…
it's the same as it was during the eight months she lived there as the defacto
woman of the house. She glances over to the window where she used to watch Jason
talk to Michael, then up the stairs she always had to descend with so much care.
One day, she thinks, I'll take a stroll down memory lane that doesn't make me
feel physically ill. She looks back at Michael who is wandering to the windows.
She calls after him sharply) Michael! (Michael turns back to her, shocked. She
cringes and softens her voice) Michael, honey… (She stops and closes her eyes)
This was a huge mistake. (She crosses to him and picks him up again) We'll just
go tell Uncle Luke to jump in the lake, all right? (She turns and starts towards
the door again.) I'm not going to dig up skeletons in this graveyard.
Jason: (appearing in the doorway) Carly. (Carly hears him and freezes. She turns
around slowly, to see him, leaning against he doorjamb, his face grim, eyes
dark. Her stomach tightens. Right. Big mistake. She should never have come here,
not with Michael. She gives him an unsteady smile)
Carly: Surprise!
Author's Note: BTW… my timeline for Carly is long established in my head and it does not
allow time for Ferncliff. So Michael's kidnapping and its incredibly irritating
fallout (Ok, sorry. Editorial comment) are just not in my reality.
