Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Three:
Lesley's Flat, back Garden, London, England.
Lulu is crouching in the grass, wearing a heavy wool sweater with wooden tog
buttons, under an open raincoat. She has a small pan of water and dish soap and
Lesley has twisted a piece of wire into circle with a handle. Lulu dips the wire
into the pan and brings it to her lips. She blows on it, and the soap water
stubbornly refuses to expand past a near half sphere. She blows harder in
frustration and the bubble pops, the water splashing back at her. She blinks in
surprise and furrows her brow. She dips the wire again, and tries again. This
time, when the bubble stalls, she starts to blow only a little harder, slowly
coaxing the form, until it snaps out of the wire and starts to float unsteadily
across the garden. Lulu grins, delighted, as it makes it's way up, lifted by a
breeze, into the grey sky. She isn't even aware that her mother has come out of
the house and is watching her.
Laura: Having fun? (Lulu jumps and turns to look at Laura. She stares at her a
long moment, then drops the wire into the pan and sits down on the grass. Laura
comes down the steps) Watch out, you'll get your dress wet. (Lulu shrugs)
Lulu: I don't care. (Laura nods slowly, and sits down on the steps)
Laura: (softly) Grandma Leslie wants to take you out for lunch tomorrow. She
said there's a nice restaurant where you can have a nice meal and then she'll
take you to see the palace where the Queen lives… You remember that poem, don't
you? From the Winnie the Pooh books? (Lulu doesn't answer. Laura circles her
knees with arms and hugs them tighter to her. She continues, her voice still
soft and even). “They're changing the guards at Buckingham Palace. Christopher
Robin went down with Alice. Alice is marrying one of the guards. A soldier's
life is terribly hard.”
Lulu: Says Alice.
Laura: (Laughing a little) What?
Lulu: (turning back) You forgot the end. “Says Alice”. (Laura nods)
Laura: That's right. I did forget. (Lulu bites her lip a little) I know your
life feels terribly hard right now, doesn't it? (Lulu just stares at her) It's
hard to make sense of all of this. (Lulu turns away, picking up the wire again,
and stirring the water in the pan) Sometimes… I worry about you, Lulu. (No
response) I worry that maybe you're so sad right now… Not just because you miss
your Dad and your brothers, but because you think that maybe you had something
to do with why they left. (Lulu stops stirring) I just want to make sure you
know… Lulu? Can you look at me? (Lulu looks up at Laura, her lower lip
trembling. Laura's heart immediately breaks) Oh, Lulu! (She opens her arms and
Lulu moves quickly into them, throwing herself against her mother and sobbing
into her shoulder. Laura pulls her up into her lap and rocks her gently, rubbing
her back until Lulu finally pulls back, choking on the words she's trying to get
Lulu: What… if… they… don't come back? (She looks at Laura, her eyes wide. She’s
shaking, hiccuping on her breath as she tries to pull it in. Laura pulls her
against her, cupping her head with her hand, and strokes her hair)
Laura: They will come back. They love you so much Lulu… You know that, don't
you? (Lulu nods, but hiccups again) You know that when Nikolas was a baby… (She
shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath) I had to leave him with Stefan. (Lulu
nods again)
Lulu: 'Cause you were all ready married to Daddy and you had to come back and
have Lucky. (Laura smiles slightly at the logic)
Laura: I guess I did. I had to come back and have Lucky and you. So that you two
could be here. (She sighs heavily) And so many other reasons. But… What I
learned from that was that not being with your children hurts… a whole lot. And…
I want you to know… That when I leave, I am coming back. And I will call you
every night… and… Anything you need, you just tell me. Whatever you want or need
to make this better, tell me. (Lulu looks up)
Lulu: You're going to find Lucky and Nikolas?
Laura: Yes. I am… I'll find them for you and make sure that they know it's
important to see you… and I know they will. Because they both know what it feels
like to have to be without the people you love. They know because they aren't
with you right now. I promise you, they are missing you as much as you're
missing them. And you had nothing to do with why they had to leave. Lulu, honey.
(She meets Lulu's eyes) Honey, they left because there's trouble. Trouble they
want to fix. And there's trouble I want to fix, too. So when they come back…
maybe you'll see more of them than you did before. Wouldn't that be better?
Lulu: Why is it taking so long?
Laura: Why is what taking so long?
Lulu: Fixing things? (She frowns) Lucky and Nikolas know everything. (Laura
laughs, looking up at the sky, blinking tears out of her eyes)
Laura: Oh, Lulu… No one knows everything. (she looks down and smirks at her
daughter) And I'll remind you of that when you're sixteen. (Lulu looks confused)
But you're right. They're smart. I have a feeling… They're going to figure out
things I still don't understand. (she grazes the tip of Lulu's nose with her
finger) You just remember that. Just remember how strong and smart your brothers
are, and how much they love you… and you'll see, they'll be here with you in no
time. (Lulu smiles cautiously)
Lulu: So when do you go?
Laura: (taking a breath) Tomorrow morning, sweetheart. We'll have breakfast
together, all right?
Lulu: Ok. (she looks at her seriously) But you have to call EVERY night, not
just until the batteries run out. (Laura looks at her oddly, then puts the
pieces together)
Laura: Ohhh… Oh, well… don't worry. I will. On Grandma's phone, all right? (Lulu
nods) You're going to have a nice time here. It's going to be a bit of an
adventure, like you wanted. You can see new things and visit with your Grandma,
and when you come back thing will be…
Lulu: Different.
Laura: (a bit surprised) Yes. Different. (she frowns. Lulu looks up at her)
Lulu: That's what Nikolas said. He said that everything would be different and
that he wouldn't let anything hurt Lucky. And Lucky said he wouldn't let
anything hurt Nikolas. (She looks up at Laura, putting the pieces together into
a shape she likes) So I guess they're taking care of each other. (Laura blinks)
Laura: (hugging Lulu to her again) Yes. I guess they are.
* * * *
Hotel Lobby, Athens, Greece.
Lucky moves through the lobby, Emily's journal in one hand, the room key in the
other, returning from a brief and fruitful search for a road map… which he now
has tucked into the pages of the journal. His brain is betraying him, he can't
shake that feeling. It's fuzzy on a day when fuzzy shouldn't even be a word in
his vocabulary. When the hell has fuzzy entered into a planning day? Ever? This
is ridiculous. He shakes his head, then stops dead, catching sight of something
in the corner of his eye. He turns slowly, to the chairs and planted palms
across from the reception desk. Nope. He's not imagining things. He steels
himself, anger bubbling up inside of him, and walks across the lobby to where
his brother is seated. Nikolas, staring at some paperback, looks up as Lucky
approaches him, as if tipped off, somehow, that he is no longer alone. The look
on Lucky's face as he comes towards him says everything, so his tone comes as no
Lucky: What are you doing down here? (Nikolas blinks, then looks back at the
book, marking his page)
Nik: Is this a problem? (Lucky tips his head to one side, staring at him)
Lucky: I don't know… you're sitting down here like this is some sort of
vacation, in broad daylight, where anyone see you. Somehow, somewhere… This
strikes me as a real bad idea.
Nik: (heavily) As opposed to staying in my room like some kind of prisoner, huh?
Lucky: (sitting down on the opposite chair) You are a prisoner, that's why
we're here, right? (Nikolas says nothing, just stares at Lucky. Lucky looks down
at the journal, clasping it between both hands, and leans forward, his elbows on
his knees) You're going to have to listen to something I say eventually, I mean…
if you're serious about this, if you actually have some God damned use in me
being here…
Nik: You're hard to keep track of. (Lucky stops and looks back up at Nikolas)
Lucky: You should try that some time. I recommend you start by staying out of
sight at a major tourist hotel in the biggest city of the country you're most
likely to run away to. (Nikolas sits back, but says nothing. Lucky furrows his
brow, studying the expression on Nikolas’ face) What are you trying to do?
(Nothing. Lucky waves his hand in front of Nikolas’ eyes) Are you following me?
Nik: Where were you? (Lucky, surprised by the question, covers quickly and
Lucky: Taking care of things.
Nik: And you couldn't tell me you were leaving. (Nikolas’ voice is soft, not
accusing, though the words irk Lucky all the same. He grits his teeth a moment,
then continues)
Lucky: Like I was saying, this is not a vacation, this is a mission, ok? And
seeing as you've got some light reading to catch up on… (He stops, seeing the
title of the book, and loses his train of thought). What are you doing?
Nik: Reading.
Lucky: I can see that. Why?
Nik: What else do I have to do right now? You're out… Someplace. Doing…
something. I don't know what.
Lucky: You're supposed to stay in your room and wait.
Nik: Without the direct order, Lucky, I took it upon myself to leave the room…
not the hotel. I'm not some place where you couldn't FIND me. I'm just not where
you expected me to be, that's all.
Lucky: (ignoring the implication) Withering Heights. (He looks up at Nikolas)
Are you trying to drive yourself crazy? (Nikolas looks away. Lucky decides to
drop the topic) Fine. Ok, so I took off. You know I didn't leave for good.
(Nikolas looks back at him. Oh. So he didn't know that.) I don't break my
promises, Nikolas. (Nikolas nods slowly)
Nik: I think I understand that. I just don't know when your promises count and
when they are just some sort of complex confidence trick. (Lucky sits back, a
little stunned)
Lucky: (after a moment) You can't do this. Ok? You can't get hurt feelings,
there isn't time for it. (Nikolas raises his eyebrows and Lucky shifts in the
chair, more than aware that he could get burned and badly on that remark.)
Nik: (slowly) All right… Next time… I will just stay in my room and stare at the
walls and watch them close in on me and wait for something I'm not sure is
coming, and try to see if it's going to beat the thing I know is coming… (Lucky
sits up)
Lucky: Uh… Was that supposed to make some kind of sense? (Nikolas looks back at
Nik: It made sense to me. But no, it doesn't have to make sense to you. (Lucky
can't shake the feeling that this conversation is much more important than it
appears to be… But Nikolas' riddling is not leading him anywhere he wants to go.
It's not so much that he doesn't understand what Nikolas seems to be hinting at,
it's just that he's not sure he wants to acknowledge it)
Lucky: I'll.. I'll tell you the next time I leave. But it's moot, because we're
getting out of here soon. (Nikolas nods slowly, as if he only barely heard what
was said to him) Nikolas.
Nik: What? (Lucky pauses, then proceeds with caution)
Lucky: We're working together, right? I mean… You said you're not out, I said
I'm not out… We are working together.
Nik: Yes. We are.
Lucky: Right. Ok, then you… You gotta find a way to stop checking out on me.
(Nikolas frowns, seeing the expression on Lucky's face for the first time. He
studies it a moment, feeling it's dangerously close to being patient… Or kind..
Or something. He feel his stomach twist, his mind clouding further)
Nik: What?
Lucky: This. Whatever this is, this mood…
Nik: (bitterly) Mood. State of being, you mean? Lucky… if we've managed to
establish anything it's that I don't have a clue what happens in your head.
Did you ever stop to think it goes both ways.
Lucky: (tense) I know exactly how it goes. (Nikolas laughs slightly)
Nik: I knew you'd say that… Creepy. (Lucky sits back, his jaw tightening)
Lucky: Is there something you didn't get to say yet, Nikolas?
Nik: If we're working together Lucky… and I'm so relived you can finally bring
yourself to say that out Loud… (He stops) Forget it. Never mind. I've just been
inside too long. (Lucky stares at the floor. He doesn't like the quality of
Nikolas' voice. It's too shaky. God, are any of them NOT having an emotional
break down? HE can't do anything about this, though. This is Emily's territory.
If he pushes this in any direction, it'll just get ugly, and after yesterday, he
doubts he has it in himself for even one more history lesson. He looks up at
Nikolas, who is staring darkly at a spot on the floor. What the hell is this
mood about? Yesterday. It has to be. The only problem is, Lucky can't seem to
find an easy way around it. And right now, the last thing he feels up to, is
confronting it head on.)
Lucky: (quietly) Well.. That changes. Now.
Nik: What does?
Lucky: The indoors stuff… Look. (Lucky stops, glancing away. There has to be an
easier way of doing this. He turns and looks back at Nikolas) I get what you
mean. Stationary isn't always the best idea, you know? (Nikolas gives no signs
of relating or otherwise. Lucky sighs. This isn't working. However, it's the
only thing he can think to do, so he leans forward and cracks open the journal
to the marked pages) I've been going over the information you gave Emily, and…
(he takes a deep breath and continues on as if he's not feeling the beginnings
of worry stir in him) The smartest thing for us to do is get a car and start
driving. We can't do it all at once, though… 'cause we need the time lapse.
There's not enough time since you left to make sure all's clear, you know?
(Nikolas blinks. His mind has been stalled on non-specifics for too long. The
idea of concentrating on anything concrete feels nearly impossible. He frowns,
attempting to get his brain to twist in that direction).
Nik: Yes. (Lucky checks with him briefly to make sure he's with him)
Lucky: Ok. The thing is, seeing as everything keeps getting lost along the way,
Emily is going to be taking care of supplies and stuff… you should probably go
with her. She could use the help and you're gonna have to get some stuff too.
(Nikolas nods, slightly)
Nik: You need money.
Lucky: (evenly) No. Nikolas… I don't. (He looks up at Nikolas and meets his
eyes. This time Nikolas appears to actually see him. There's no malice there,
just… determination. It's strangely… comforting).
Nik: (carefully) Ok… So what are you thinking, then? (Lucky searches Nikolas
eyes quickly, ascertaining that she does seem to be with him. He feels a slight
wave of relief and turns back to the book quickly)
Lucky: This place… This… house? What were the people's names?
Nik: Pappas.
Lucky: Right. So we can get to the island from there?
Nik: The house is on top of a cliff, there's a staircase that descends to the
water, where the boats dock. That's always been how we moved from the island and
back. There are other ways, but that is the standard one.
Lucky: Wait. What other ways?
Nik: (sitting back) Well, there's more than one dock on the island. (The
familiarity of this, the fact that he's actually speaking of this, actually
strikes Nikolas as calming. He's felt like he's spent the last 24 hours in
limbo. Suddenly things are starting to feel concrete again).
Lucky: (Narrowing his eyes) And you want to take the most obvious one?
Nik: No. Well… Yes.
Lucky: Why?
Nik: Because, once I'm there, I'm there… Going in any other way will look…
Lucky: Suspicious to your own servants?
Nik: It will look like something is amiss. I want to avoid that. (Lucky sighs,
running his hands through his hair. He doesn't want to push this, but on the
other hand, it's not making any sense to him.)
Lucky: You're sure… I mean, you're absolutely positive that you can do this
without Stefan finding out? (Nikolas look Lucky dead in the eye)
Nik: There's one weak link in the chain. (Nikolas waits for Lucky's reaction.
Lucky barely blinks)
Lucky: What's that?
Nik: The way the family breaks down… The Pappas, they are loyal to a fault. To
the best of my knowledge, they've never stepped out of line. But I know that, if
Old George was still alive…
Lucky: You're losing me.
Nik: Old George, the senior Pappas. He was faithful to my Grandfather.
Lucky: Mikkos.
Nik: Right. (there's a momentary silence, broken when Lucky turns back to the
book, examining the contents)
Lucky: So… What's the weak link?
Nik: It's a descending order. George's loyalty was to my Grandfather first and…
At times, I think that's where it lay. He was perhaps a little more questionable
in his actions when he thought that he was being asked to go against something
that my Grandfather would have wanted. He… He was an uncertain quantity where my
Grandmother was concerned, for instance.
Lucky: So what does this mean for us?
Nik: His son swore allegiance to the man who he believes is my father, rather
than Mikkos, it was always assumed that he would be leading the family during
the bulk of Stavros' reign. Likewise, his sons are sworn to me… Make sense?
Lucky: In a twisted mediaeval sort of way, yes.
Nik: It's just a matter of George… this is George Jr. (Nikolas frowns) This gets
confusing. There are four Georges… Or there were. Now there are only two.
Lucky: What do you mean?
Nik: Old George died about three years ago. Under… Mysterious circumstances.
Then last year, Young George… George Jr's son… was killed in a boating accident.
He was found drowned on the shore by his brother. (A look of distaste flickers
across Nikolas’ face. He glances up to see Lucky listening intently) He had a
son, as well. Who I suppose would be sworn to my son, if that ever… Comes to
pass. (He clears his throat) So… You see, that is where the difficulty lies.
Young George was the Pappas who was sworn to protect my interests at all costs.
He's dead.
Lucky: What about this brother. (Nikolas stares down at the ground. Explaining
Josef was not going to be an easy thing)
Nik: The second son… I'm not certain that Josef is still on the island. Though
things will be much easier if he is.
Lucky: I don't… Understand the way this works. You make these guys sound like
they'll walk through fire for whatever Prince they are… Promised to, or
Nik: Essentially. (Lucky frowns)
Lucky: The way I see this… As long as no one has sworn their ever lasting
allegiance to Stefan…
Nik: Like I said, it's just a weak link. It's still unlikely that it would be a
problem. (Lucky nods, then cracks a smile)
Lucky: You're…… That's really weird…
Nik; What? (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: Nothing.
Nik: No, just spit it out. (Lucky laughs slightly)
Lucky: There you go… spit it out. You're talking like an American again.
Nik: (confused) I talk like an American all the time.
Lucky: Yeah… but when you start talking about the island, you begin to sound
like Stefan. (After a moment Nikolas smiles… something that surprises Lucky and
makes him feel distressingly relieved. Ok. That actually worked.)
Nik: Habit.
Lucky: Yeah, I can see that. God…
Nik; What?
Lucky: What the hell are these people going to make of me?
Nik: It doesn't matter.
Lucky: You don't think so.
Nik: You're my brother. What they think doesn't matter beyond that fact.
Lucky: Yeah, I guess not.
Nik: Besides… From what they know of America, you're almost a cliche. (Lucky
smiles slightly)
Lucky: Cliche. Wow. I've been called a lot of things, but I've never been called
a cliche before. (He looks back at the book. He'd been dreading this
conversation for days… actually having to admit he wasn't straight on a few
things, having to argue with Nikolas over whatever detail… In a way, he's
worried about how smoothly that went.) Ok… Are we clear?
Nik: I think so.
Lucky: Good. That's a start at… (Lucky stops, suddenly, tensing in his seat.
Nikolas furrows his brow in confusion) Start… (He stops again, his throat
constricting, and turns to the source of the distraction. An old man is leaning
against a column, smoking. Lucky feels the smoke start to choke him, his heart
starting to pound.)
Nik: Are you ok? (Lucky doesn't respond, staring at the man, until he turns
profile, clearly showing that he is a complete stranger. The smell, and it
immediate and panicked effect, don't abate. After a moment, Lucky sits forward,
the color draining from his face.)
Lucky: Yeah. I'm fine. Uh… Look. Go back to your room. Emily will meet you
there. (Lucky stands up, and turns without warning, heading for the elevator.
Nikolas stays behind, stunned. What the hell was that? For a second there, he'd
actually thought maybe things might have changed. Maybe Lucky's behavior was
some sort of indication that he had done something yesterday besides making
everything worse. Now he bolts the second… A familiar odor floats towards
Nikolas and his inner rant suddenly ceases. His attention moves towards the man.
He stands up, looking at the gentleman, and nods a greeting)
Nik: Did you want to sit down? (The man smiles, and nods towards the ashtray)
Man: I will. Just have to finish my cigar. (Nikolas smiles wanly, then turns and
heads for the elevators, leaving him to finish his cigar in peace.)
* * * *
Alexis comes down the stairs, irritated with herself. She can't believe this
happened. Laura Spencer, for God's sake. How the hell did Laura Spencer dupe
her? How did she get so confused about something so simple? She let herself
panic. She let her focus split. Nikolas, Laura, Helena… Three people, the
whereabouts of whom are unknown, she'd let herself get drawn off in other
directions, ignoring the obvious. Paris and Rome, huh? Right. Well, now she knew
for certain. Laura hadn't been going after Nikolas, she'd been going to her
Pathetic, really. How long had it taken her, considering, to put that piece into
the puzzle? Alexis shakes her head, wondering jut how she's going to explain
this delay to Stefan. She starts across the room to the phone.
Luke: Hey counselor. (Alexis jumps, and spins around to face Luke)
Alexis: Jesus! What the hell are you doing here!
Luke: Looking around.
Alexis: What for?
Luke: Answers Darlin'. Thought you might have some.
