Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Three:
Sonata in D minor
Lesley's Flat, London, England.
Lesley feels her hand clench on the door. She'd known this moment was coming.
Lesley: Luke…
Luke: (smiling gently) I'm sorry, Lesley. This is non-negotiable.
Lesley: Luke, I know this is complicated, but…
Luke: There's nothing complicated about it. I'm here to collect my daughter.
You too, if you're willing.
Lesley: What?
Luke: Come on, Lesley. You must have known something was going on when Laura
brought Lulu here.
Lesley: I know you moved out. (She catches sight of Alexis, on a cell phone,
on the street, and frowns) Isn't that…?
Luke: Let's discuss this inside. (Lesley pales and steps back, shaking her
head) what is… (Luke takes this opportunity to move into the house, gently
steering Lesley away from the door, and pulling it closed. At the sound of the
door closing, Lesley snaps back into the moment and shoots an accusing look at
Lesley: What is SHE doing here?
Luke: You know her.
Lesley: (shaking a little, with some amount of rage) She's the Cassadine
Luke: Illegitimate. And freethinking in her own harshly restricted way.
(Lesley presses her lips together) Lesley, I wouldn't bring her here if I
thought there was a chance in HELL that you were in danger.
Lesley: I'm not in danger! I know that! (She deflates, the anger seeping out
of her) It's not something I can be rational about, Luke. (She looks at him
warily) I guess that is something we have in common.
Luke: They've hurt a lot of people. But Alexis isn't…
Lesley: I can't take this, Luke. Not from you. She might be a very nice woman,
Luke: Subject closed.
Lesley: Why? Why in God's name would you bring her here?
Luke: I'm not asking you to trust her. (Lesley gives a sharp laugh).
Lesley: Well I should hope not! (She sits down hard on the bottom step of the
staircase) What ARE you asking me for, Luke?
Luke: To help me keep my daughter safe. (Lesley frowns)
Lesley: I'm tempted to ask you for the same thing.
Luke: I always take care of my family. That includes Laura. (Lesley looks
suspicious. She doesn't like that wording)
Lesley: She's… She's not herself right now. She was so… Angry! (She catches
Luke's expression) Not at you. No, any anger I'm directing at you is strictly
my own.
Luke: This isn't about me. It's about my kids. Mine and Laura's.
Lesley: Does that include Nikolas?
Luke: That's out of my jurisdiction.
Lesley: (heavily) Oh, Luke… (She shakes her head and stands up) I just never
know what to do where you're concerned. I just never know what to do where
you're concerned. (She narrows her eyes) Laura's gone off to God knows where.
She's looking for her sons. Both of them.
Luke: Did she say where she was going?
Lesley: I didn't ask. She cured me of that years ago. I just know it has
something to do with Lucky and Nikolas… and they're being together. (Luke
blinks. Lesley turns away) It's Cassadines, isn't it? Helena?
Luke: I'm gonna find them.
Lesley: (looking ill) Oh, God… Not again.
Luke: I'll bring them back, Lesley. (She nods, not giving the obvious doubts
Lesley: (hoarsely) What is she doing? (Lesley closes her eyes. She knew this,
she tells herself. That was why she didn't ask). Luke, you have to have some
Luke: She probably said more to you than she did to me.
Lesley: She said she had to fix things with her children. That was all.
Luke: Did she say how she knew they were together?
Lesley: No. Just that… She knew Nikolas was ok because he was with Lucky.
Luke: And she never… (there is a creak at the top of the stairs)
Lulu: Daddy? (Luke looks up, surprised by the voice. He breaks into a smile
at the vision of his little girl, in her favorite patch quilt dress, peering
down at him. Lulu moves, quickly but carefully, down the hardwood staircase,
with barely contained excitement)
Luke: Hey, little girl.
Lulu: Daddy! Daddy, you're here! (Lulu jumps up, off the stairs, into Luke's
Luke: I'm here.
Lulu: (a mile a minute) Grandma didn't tell me you were coming. Mommy just
said she'd call and then when she came back Lucky and Nikky would be with her.
(She stops and pulls back, taking a breath) She never said you were coming!
Luke: Lesley, what are you feeding this kid?
Lulu: (confused) Toast.
Lesley: Lulu doesn't care much for English Cuisine.
Lulu: They call French fries chips here. Do you know what they call chips?
Luke: What do they call crisps? (Lulu furrows her brow, thinking a moment,
then looks up at Luke)
Lulu: You're teasing!
Luke: Maybe a little. (Luke studies her face) Oh, it's good to see you.
(Lulu grins and leans forward, hugging him. She doesn't speak. Lesley watches
them together, troubled, then clears her throat)
Lesley: Luke, we were just about to sit down to dinner. Would you like to join
Luke: Sure. Toast all around.
Lesley: And your… Companion…
Luke: She'll fend for herself. She's got some going concerns of her own to
contend with. (He pulls Lulu back from him) We got some catching up to do, you
and me. (Lulu nods, excitedly. Luke looks over at Lesley) I'll go inform my
* * * *
The Cassadine Compound.
Nikolas opens the heavy oak door and stops dead as the aroma of the room wafts
out to greet him. Old books, Egyptian musk, and the intangible weighty smell of
the heavy tapestries. That hug particles of the air of every place they've ever
He could be five years old again. Travelling to this door always a little ajar,
so that his small hands… unable to reach the heavy doorknob, let along turn it…
could slip through and pull the door open. His uncle had always been there,
after dinner, without fail. He can't remember now what he could possibly have
had to say to him, what reasons brought him down the long hall from the west
wing to this place, away from the nursery suite, where he slept, play and
studied to this place… The silent and heavy place of the adults. But he'd
always felt this was more his place. One of the first things Stefan had done
after usurping Helen's position was grant Nikolas’ request to be moved to the
East Wing. Seventh birthday present.
Nik: (under his breath) Welcome home. (Nikolas pulls the door open wide and
walks through. The room is as Stefan must have left. Books, most leather
bound, in several languages and at least three alphabets, line three walls of
the room. The third, a rounded portion, is mostly windows, with a seat lined
with deep red velvet. The Cassadine Crest is inlaid in yellow stained glass in
the center window. When he was a child he'd come in to see his uncle sitting
there, staring out the window at the far cliffs. Stefan would lift him up to
trace the emblem with his fingers and talk about the medallion he'd wear some
day. About being prince, about his duties… And about what lay beyond the
cliffs. He'd been so different then. Helena constantly dismissed him as a
"dreamer" and held contempt for the small quarters of his study. Stavros'
study… the PRINCE'S study… was on the main floor. Large, dark, intimidating.
And lifeless. Stefan had never used it, even after the coup. The ambiance of
this room… in fact, Stefan Himself… changed violently then. His dress, his
manner, his entire outlook. He'd assumed control without question… dedicated
himself to it. For reasons Nikolas would not be able to truly understand for
This is, he thinks, walking through the door, the longest time he's been away
from his father in memory. He should miss him. He should wonder where he is,
HOW he is. He doesn't. It holds no meaning for him. Nothing before he left
does. Not even Hannah. Some remote part of his brain is awed at how cold he
Nikolas moves to the windowsill and stares out into the inky black night. Not a
light to be seen save the stars. The moon has not yet risen. Greek night. The
island. His home.
It doesn't feel as familiar as he thought he would. He KNOWS this place, yes…
but he's never ache for it. Never missed it enough to try to recall the detail.
Even now, he's restless with the attack of nostalgia. His mind doesn't want to
stay there. Rather, it's pressing to comb over the more recent past and just
what it means to his present.
Lucky and Emily were, finally, together, safe and… he hoped… asleep. Partly
because Lucky needed it almost as much as Emily. And truthfully, Nikolas needed
to regroup. He had no idea what had happened today, or where it was going, or
how, exactly, the rest of this was going to unfold with out them just pushing
each other to extremes. And Emily… She was probably out of the game at this
point. Which, he had to admit, was not something he minded. He'd been grateful
for Emily's presence, but in the end, it was more important that she be safe… to
both him and Lucky.
Aside from that… He wasn't feeling much more than fatigued. Destination, Maybe…
but this was really only step one. And he still had a lot to think about. He
hears a sound behind him and turns to see Josef standing in the doorway. He
nods at him, and sits down on the window seat. Josef enters, shutting the door
behind him. He crosses the room and stops a respectful distance form Nikolas. )
Josef: I've spoken to security. They are clear on their orders. I had Mariah
come over from the mainland to ready the kitchen. She understands about father,
but it may help if you speak to her personally. (Nikolas nods and sinks down
onto the window seat)
Nik: I'll address the staff tomorrow.
Josef: Alright. I'll have them assembled at… 7:00 am? (Nikolas, remarkably,
doesn't wince)
Nik: That will do.
Josef: And regarding your brother… Lucky? (The word twists, as if Josef is
trying really hard not to respond to the absurdity of the name)
Nik: (ruefully) You're best to call him by his last name.
Josef: Spencer. (Nikolas leans his head against the window)
Nik: Do you think it will cause a riot?
Josef: (mildly) Perhaps I will have to post a reminder not to preface it with
the usual expletives.
Nik: If they can avoid it. (Nikolas closes his eyes, and lets the fatigue sink
in for a moment) I don't want them roused in the morning. Lucky looks like he
needs his rest almost as much as Emily does. Around ten o'clock you can have
breakfast sent to their room. (He exhales) Fruit. Emily will probably need
Josef: I am assuming your brother is not usually so… Recalcitrant.
Nik: No. He is. (he casts his eyes towards Josef) I wouldn't expect much
enthusiasm or… (he searches for an appropriate word) Warmth. (Josef raises an
Josef: And here I was hoping for a new friend. (Nikolas allows a slight laugh,
though his heart isn't in it. How the hell is it Lucky has the friends he does,
anyway? Does he really approach some people withOUT a mountain of attitude?)
Nik: I'll be happy if you stay out of each other's way. He's likely to…
(Nikolas frowns. Odd he's so convinced of this…) He doesn't like to be taken
care of. I'm anticipating a rather hostile reaction to being waited on. (He
grimaces) I think I'd be most comfortable if you handled him. Or Mariah. (He
nods) Mariah would be best. He has a unique brand of chivalry, but it's there.
He'd go easy on her.
Josef: have you explained the need for him to… (Nikolas laughs, cutting him
Nik: What? Keep up appearances? Submit to an expected role? I call your
attention to his last name.
Josef: Which only further… (Josef stops, silencing himself)
Nik: You have a question.
Josef: I don't wish for you to be undermined. People will assume your brother
is joining your ranks. They will expect him to act accordingly. If he does
not… It breeds discontent.
Nik: (heavily) Are you familiar with the phrase "loose cannon"? The best I can
hope for is sullen silence. (Josef's mouth tightens) Just don't upset him.
Josef: Quite the hothouse orchid. However am I supposed to do that?
Nik: Don't speak to him, direct him… Look at him sideways. (Nikolas stifles a
groan) I know this is incomprehensible to you.
Josef: That is one word for it.
Nik: In the end… (Nikolas stares at the carpet.) He's my brother. Regardless
of his behavior, he should be treated as such. Primarily I want him left alone.
That will be easiest for him. (he looks back up at Josef) Understood?
Josef: Absolutely. And his wife? (Nikolas smiles)
Nik: Be excessively nice to her. She deserves it.
Josef: No deeply held resentment for your lifestyle?
Nik: No. Emily is not like that. She's… (he turns his head and looks out the
window) A good soul… (Josef nods, frowning as he studies Nikolas’ manner
unobserved.) Besides. She's from a wealthy family. She's somewhat accustomed
to it.
Josef: And she's married to…
Nik: They're something of an enigma… Let it go. (Josef nods, his eyes moving
to the window. He crosses the room slowly, watching the horizon)
Josef: It's my responsibility to protect you from liabilities.
Nik: Alright. Then know this. (he stands up, facing Josef) I wouldn't be here
without Lucky. That's the bottom line.
