Chapter Twenty-Seven:
He's the One
Jason's Penthouse
Emily sits supine on the couch, facing the door. She is staring off into space. Jason comes down the stairs, dressed for a meeting. He stops and takes in Emily.
Jason: (an observation) Still here. (Emily blinks)
Em: I'm sorry. Am I in your way?
Jason: (with a rare smile) No. No, you just... You were sitting there with the same look on your face when I went upstairs.
Em: I know... I just don't know what to do next, Jason. I mean... I can't stay here. And I can't go to Justus either. After that, I run out of options.
Jason: You can stay here as long as you need to.
Em: I have to go back. If only for Grandmother, I have to go back. I can't handle all of this right now, moving on top of everything else.
Jason: Looks like you're handling everything fine.
Em: Looks can be deceiving. (Jason regards her, trying to evaluate her state of mind for himself)
Jason: Lucky's pretty worried about you.
Em: I know. (she smiles to herself) He loves me. And I haven't been very easy to love lately. (Jason frowns, Emily notices) I mean, I've been this close to a nervous breakdown. And then my rampaging family shows up and ruins everything. A lot of people would be saying "Thanks, but no, I think I'll find a girl who isn't going to complicate my life this much."
Jason: Lucky wouldn't say that.
Em: Well, he likes complications. He thrives on them. But I don't think he likes the ones I've been giving him lately. (She sighs heavily) It's just five more months. I thought I'd stick around until the fall, but not anymore. (she shakes her head) As soon as I get that diploma, I'm leaving.
Jason: The house... or the city? (Emily looks at Jason seriously)
Em: Lucky and I -- we're going to leave town. As soon as I'm done school. I'm trying to get into this school, Berkeley, on the West coast. And if I do, then we'll go there. If not, we're still going to leave. You're the only other person who I've told about this, Jason...
Jason: Do you need money? (Emily can't help but smile)
Em: No... No, I don't think so. I'm trying to get a scholarship so that I don't even need money from the Quartermaines. And Lucky... He always gets by, somehow. I think we'll be all right.
Jason: I meant what I said before. If you need ANYTHING, I will help you.
Em: I'll remember that. (The door opens, and Renaldo -- still toiling as doorman -- appears)
Ren: Lucky Spencer. (Emily sits up at Lucky's name. Jason nods, and Lucky enters, looking like the cat that ate the canary. Emily immediately feels her stomach knot. Lucky grins at her, and she finds herself returning the smile. Jason takes it the wordless discussion, and nods at both of them).
Jason: All right. I have to leave. (he looks at Emily) Don't answer the phone.
Em: I know, I know. There's no one I want to talk to, anyway. (Jason nods again, and turns to leave, Renaldo closing the door after him. Lucky sits down on the couch at Emily's feet. She regards him suspiciously)
Lucky: What?
Em: What did you do?
Lucky: Nothing. You said be good, I was.
Em: Then why do you look like that?
Lucky: (innocently) Like what?
Em: (mock seriousness) I challenge you to not smile. (Lucky attempts to keep a straight face, but cracks up. Emily kicks him playfully) WHAT DID YOU DO! (Lucky grabs her legs and pulls her down the couch, leaning over her. She laughs for the first time in days, and gazes up at him, happily. Lucky looks her right in the eye).
Lucky: Nothing! Honest to God, I didn't do a thing you'd disapprove of all day.
Em: (still giggling, despite a concerted effort to be disapproving) That's not what I asked! You're up to something. You have that... glow.
Lucky: That obvious, huh? (She struggles up onto her elbows)
Em: Does this have anything to do with Hannah?
Lucky: Hannah. Why would it have anything to do with Hannah?
Em: Don't play dumb with me, you're suspicious of her, aren't you?
Lucky: I'm curious.
Em: It might have only been a coincidence.
Lucky: Coincidences are bad for your health. (He leans in to kiss her)
Em: Oh, I can't deal with this today. (She raises her head to accept his kiss, but pulls back just as his lips are about to brush against hers) Just promise me you're not going to get into trouble. (Lucky smiles again. She hits his arm, annoyed) Lucky!
Lucky: I'm not going to get into... life threatening trouble, Ok?
Em: (Falling back onto the couch, frustrated) Then what kind of trouble ARE you going to get into?
Lucky: Nothing more serious than what we've been dealing with the last few days. Em: Well, the last few days haven't exactly been a pleasure cruise.
Lucky: (moving in to kiss her again) I would never, ever do anything to make things harder on you, Emily. (She surrenders to his advances, wrapping her arms around his neck. Lucky kisses her in a way he hasn't in a long time -- with hope, and joy and playfulness. She finds herself laughing as he kisses her, and he pulls back slightly) Ok... that's not exactly the effect I was going for.
Em: You're being so.... You. It's like... (She sits up slightly) Ok. Don't take this the wrong way.
Lucky: (groaning) Please tell me you're not going to get heavy on me...
Em: No, listen. This is good. I love you, no matter what, but you gotta admit that the last few months haven't been a cakewalk. It's been a long time since I've seen you... happy. (Lucky stops and considers this)
Lucky: Happy... what's that?
Em: (Pulling him back down onto the couch with her) God, I love you. (She kisses him ardently. Lucky responds, stroking her hair with his hands as they slide up the couch into a slightly less awkward position. The cell phone in Lucky's jacket, which he never bothered to remove, goes off. Emily pulls back, startled.) What was that?
Lucky: Reality. (He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the phone, flipping it open. Emily stares up at the ceiling, letting her arms slide off of his neck) Spencer.
Luke: Hey, Cowboy!
Lucky: (confused, rather than annoyed) Why are you calling me?
Luke: What kind of greeting is that for your old man?
Lucky: You never call me. Kind of a product of us seeing each other all the time.
Luke: Well, then, you should know I'd have a good reason.
Lucky: (sitting back) Ok, Dad. What's up? (Emily takes this opportunity to sit up)
Luke: I just got a call from a Q.
Lucky: My condolences. What'd they say?
Luke: They were looking for you.
Lucky: Which one?
Luke: All of them. (Lucky sighs)
Lucky: Explain this to me, please.
Luke: In the last hour, I have a five clandestine calls from Quartermaines looking for your girlfriend.
Lucky: (laughing in spite of himself) Man... Ok. Thanks.
Luke: Hey, how is the princess?
Lucky: She's fine.
Luke: Tell her she's always got back up.
Lucky: I will. (He finds himself smiling at this statement) Thanks Dad. (he hangs up the phone, and looks down at Emily).
Em: That sounded good.
Lucky: It was. Kind of. Your family is attempting to reach you.
Em: Well. That was expected. Did they storm the club?
Lucky: Well... You know them better than I do, and this is kind of a radical theory but -- it looks like they're waiting for you to make the first move.
Em: What?
Lucky: Dad said that they've all called the club looking for you -- but very quiet-like. (Lucky can't help but laugh) I don't even want to know what kind of hell my Dad's putting them through. By the way, I'm supposed to tell you he's in your corner.
Em: (smiling) Your Dad is so sweet.
Lucky: (choking) Sweet. Yeah. I think that falls just under "stable" and "predictable" in words people use to describe him.
Em: He is sweet. Just like you. (She kisses him again. Lucky pulls back after a moment)
Lucky: Why do I get the idea you're avoiding something?
Em: (continuing to kiss him) Don't worry about it.
Lucky: I wish I could do that, but unfortunately, I have this tendency to care about you.
Em: Damn. (She sighs, and leans back against the couch.) Ok. I have an open book exam tomorrow and my books are on my desk in my room in the house that Dysfunction built. My family is stalking your father for information about my whereabouts, and if I let myself think too much about where all of this is going, then I begin to hyperventilate, and I feel nauseous, and I realize that I'll never sleep or eat again -- and I know how that bugs you --
Lucky: Em. (Emily presses her lips together, forcing herself to stop the flow of anxiety) Breathe. (Emily closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. Lucky pulls her towards him, so that she is leaning against his chest, wrapped in his arms. Emily holds his arms with her hands and lets herself fall into him.)
Em: I don't know how to do this.
Lucky: Start with the exam. Then you have... what? The whole weekend with nothing to do but deal with your family.
Em: And my books?
Lucky: Well, I'd offer to get them for you, but --
Em: That's not going to happen. I just have to find some way that walking into that house will be Ok again.
Lucky: (quietly) I don't know what to tell you there, Emily.
Em: I know. (they lie in silence) Five months.
Lucky: Yup.
Em: If we leave right away, what do we do?
Lucky: Whatever we want.
Em: Just the two of us..... (Lucky holds her tighter) Oh, I want that so much. No more family garbage, no more interruptions... nothing in our way, for once.
Lucky: (Kissing the tops of her head) It'll happen. And technically it's four and a half months.
Em: It still feels like too long. (she sighs heavily) I just thought... It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't finally felt like Monica and I were connecting again! Like she really understood what I was saying to her yesterday. But she couldn't have. She couldn't have and still have done this to me. (She closes her eyes, tears welling up) I feel like I don't have any sort of mother or father anymore. Like I've lost them, and they're still alive.
Lucky: (shakily, due to his own sensitivity on this issue) There has to be a way back, Emily.
Em: I know. I just wish I knew where to start looking.
* * * *
Hannah's apartment
Hannah stands in the middle of her living room, dressed for dinner with Nikolas. She has her hair up, and is wearing the red dress. She's regretting the whole thing. She runs back into the bedroom, and begins to go through her closet, looking for a different dress, figuring that the red one if just sending too much of a message -- a message that she can't afford to send. She tosses a handful of clothes down onto the bedroom floor in anger. She catches sight of herself in the mirror, and pulls down the pins holding up her hair, letting it fall more casually. She still looks too much like she's trying to land the guy -- which infuriates her no end, because it's true.
Hannah: I can't do it! I cannot do it! (She dashes back into the living room, grabbing her coat and purse and runs to the door, flinging it open. She turns down the hall, and nearly runs into Nikolas as he gets off the elevator. He stares at her, and she falls against the wall, near tears, not believing the luck, or lack there of, she's had today. Nikolas looks perturbed.)
Nik: Were you running out on me?
Hannah: NO! No, I was just... I was.. (she sighs heavily) I just had to get out.
Nik: That was kind of the idea. (Hannah stares at him and walks back towards her apartment, defeated. Nikolas watches her, then follows. She opens the door and walks back in, refusing to face him as she drops her purse and takes off her coat. Nikolas enters and closes the door behind her) What is it about me that has you so terrified, Hannah? (Hannah shivers)
Hannah: Don't do that.
Nik: Do what?
Hannah: Say my name. Don't do it. (Nikolas frowns)
Nik: What happened to you today?
Hannah: Nothing. (She turns to face him) Look, I'm not up to this game tonight. (Nikolas studies her face, which has now switched from teary and desperate to cold and angry. He shakes his head)
Nik: You always say that nothing's happened. I've never believed you.
Hannah: I don't CARE if you believe me, Nikolas. For God's sake, why do you always do this to me? You've been using emotional blackmail on me for weeks! Why can't you just take no for an answer? Is it so unbelievable that I just don't care about you? Why do you keep making me reject you over and over again! What kind of sick masochist are you?
Nik: Hannah. (Hannah screams).
Hannah: STOP THAT!
Nik: Why does it bother you so much!
Hannah: I don't have to tell you that! I don't HAVE to have dinner with you, either. Except you don't want to leave me alone, so you keep making these little deals with me, which, for some reason I keep accepting.
Nik: Why is that?
Hannah: For starters, you're there every time I turn around!
Nik: Wait a second. I've come looking for you twice. You've come looking for me--
Hannah: I have NEVER come looking for you!
Nik: A word of advice. That dock you like so much? That's where the launch to Spoon Island lands. You want to avoid me, stop hanging out there.
Hannah: This is so typical. This is so MALE. I can't go where I want, I can't do what I want --
Nik: WAIT A MINUTE. I'm not stupid, Hannah. You can't pull this on me and expect me to bite. You don't actually believe I'm doing this for some generic reason, like I'm a MAN or something. You can't just dismiss me like that. You know that's not true. I am just trying to get to know you, and I wouldn't be persisting if you didn't keep responding. I was hoping that tonight might be different. That maybe once, you wouldn't be pulling this opposite thing on me again! I know what it is you're doing! I know you're feeling what I'm feeling. I don't want this in my life, Hannah. You are an enigma, and you're driving me crazy. But I can't stay away, because you're the one thing I've come across that isn't dark and empty. I know you're scared, and I know you've been hurt. I don't have to know why. I just know that I recognize you. When I look at you I see someone I know, even without knowing the slightest thing about you. Why do you do this to me? I mean, a couple of conversations on the docks, and an impassioned speech about my brother.... That's what really did it, you know. Before that, yeah, I was intrigued but.. It was like you saw right through everything, and touched a part of me no one else knows about. And I couldn't leave that alone. You're nothing like anyone I've ever known, and I can't understand anything you do, but I need you. I need to know that I make sense to someone. And you're the only person I've ever come across who I feel that with. (Hannah stares at him in absolute horror. She swallows hard)
Hannah: How long did you rehearse that one? (Nikolas looks at her, deeply wounded. She knows that if she lets him leave now he will be gone. He won't look for her again. But the look on his face, having just been so vulnerable... she sees what she saw that day in the bar -- someone who thinks they're lost, but isn't. Something she also recognizes. She turns away from him.)
Nik: Well. I guess that's it. Good bye, Hannah. (He turns to leave. Hannah spins around and runs after him, not giving any rational thought to what she's doing)
Hannah: No! Nikolas! (Nikolas turns around, completely confused. She freezes) Don't go.
Nikolas: What?
Hannah: DON'T go. Stay. Don't leave. (she starts to cry, infuriated with herself) I can't have you hate me.
Nik: I don't hate you. (Hannah, shaking violently, walks towards him)
Hannah: I didn't mean it. You have to know that. (Nikolas, amazed, not to mention thoroughly confused, searches her face with his eyes)
Nik: I do know that. I do.
Hannah: You're right. You're right, I do recognize you, Nikolas. And I do understand what you're trying to hide. I know all about that. But I just can't... I can't be with you Nikolas. I can't do it. This is not negotiable.
Nik: Do you want to be with me, Hannah? (Hannah feels the room tilt)
Hannah: I told you not to do that.
Nik: (stepping very close to her) Do what?
Hannah: (whispering) Don't do that. Don't say my name.
Nik: Hannah.... (Hannah closes her eyes and silently curses herself. She opens them to see Nikolas still standing far too close to her. She suddenly moves towards him, her arms wrapping around his neck, her mouth closing over his. Nikolas wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her as close to him as he can. Hannah revels in the taste of him, the feel of his hands. She loses herself completely in the act of kissing him, his response matching her passion. Nikolas breaks the kiss only to explore the rest of her. She closes her eyes and arches against him as he kisses her neck down to her bare shoulders. She runs her hands through his hair, and down his neck. Hannah feels all of her resolve to stay away from this man melting into nothing. At the last possible second she manages to summon the image of Helena Cassadine's ice-cold smile. She lets out a cry from her gut and wretches away from him.
Hannah: I CAN'T! Nikolas. (Nikolas, not entirely shocked, takes a step towards the door. He attempts to catch his breath.)
Nik: How can you not?
Hannah: It will kill me!
Nik: It IS killing me.
Hannah: Oh, God. Don't say anything. Just, please. If you care about me at all, don't say anything. Just leave. (Nikolas stares at her, clearly weighing his options. Finally he steps backwards again, towards the door. His eyes never leave hers as he opens the door to the apartment.)
Nik: I can't promise to stay away. But I will leave. (Hannah turns her back on him. Nikolas clears his throat, looking down at the carpet.) Good-bye. (He walks out the door, shutting it silently behind him. Hannah finally lets out the breath she's been holding, and sinks to the floor.)
Hannah: (eyes closed) At times like this, I wish I could pray.
