Chapter Ninety-Two:
Words of Wisdom
The Spencer House, kitchen.
Lulu is sitting at the table, picking at her breakfast. Laura, fully dressed and ready to leave for the hospital as soon as Lulu finishes, is busying herself with neurotic little details in and out of the kitchen.
Laura: Lulu, hurry up and finish. We have to go see Lucky.
Lulu: Is Lucky coming here?
Laura: (heavily, wishing Lulu hadn't overheard her phone conversation with Luke) We'll see.
Lulu: Is he still sick? Nikolas said he hit his head too hard.
Laura: Yes, he certainly did.
Lulu: How does that make you sick?
Laura: Uhh.... (She stops and looks over at Lulu. The little girl's face is furrowed in a look of deep concern. Laura forces herself to stop and pulls out the chair across form her daughter) Sometimes when you hit your head, it.... (She stops, unsure of how to even begin to describe this) You can hurt your head like you can hurt anything else. That's all. It just means that he has a head ache... and he's probably going to be a little tired. If he comes here, we're just going to let him sleep tonight, Ok? (Lulu nods gravely)
Lulu: I could show him some of my picture books. That always helps me sleep. (Laura smiles at her sadly)
Laura: Well... you can ask Lucky at the hospital, Ok? (Lulu nods, listlessly) Honey? Is there something else?
Lulu: (after a moment) Lucky said Nikolas's grandmother likes to hurt people. (Laura looks at Lulu, feeling all the blood rush from her head)
Laura: (quietly) Don't worry about that.
Lulu: Did she hurt Lucky? (Laura exhales a shaky breath. Just once, it would be nice if her children had childhoods marked by stories of Santa Clause, and the Bogeyman, instead of Mob shootings and Helena Cassadine. Lucky had probably believed in the tooth fairy for all of five minutes.)
Laura: Honey, whatever happened, Lucky's going to be fine. You know that, right? (there is a knock at the door, and Laura freezes. There's no one she can think of that she wants to see. Then she remembers the guards. Right.) Finish up your breakfast, I'll be right back. (She turns and pushes through the door the kitchen, walking to the door hurriedly. She stops dead, once again recognizing the silhouette. She stops and blinks, then forcibly stops a smile from spreading across her face, instead hurrying to open the door. She pulls it open to reveal Nikolas looking at the guards warily. He turns to Laura, and nods to her, curtly.)
Nik: Hi.
Laura: Nikolas! I... Come in! (Nikolas flinches slightly at the warmth in his mother's voice. He's not going to get into anything now, he tells himself firmly. Lucky, once again, was stubbornly refusing help, but Nikolas had come to the conclusion that he really didn't care. He was going to take care of this, it was that simple. If only because it was something to do, instead of hang around the hospital and wait for Luke to throw him out again.)
Nik: I know you're probably on your way to the hospital --
Laura: Oh, Lulu's dawdling over her food. (She sighs) She's worried about Lucky.
Nik: Yeah, well. I think she'll feel better when she sees him. He's being distressingly like himself.
Laura: You've seen him?
Nik: (slowly) Yeah....
Laura: (looking at her watch) It's only 9:30.
Nik: I know. I snuck in before visiting hours, he was already up.
Laura: How was he?
Nik: Crabby. (Laura smiles)
Laura: That's good to know. (She looks back over her shoulder, ensuring that the door to the kitchen is closed) Nikolas, about the other --
Nik: Actually, Lucky's the reason I'm here. (Laura stops and looks at him uncertainly)
Laura: You're here for Lucky?
Nik: There was some stuff... errands he didn't get to take care of before the accident last night. I said I'd take care of it. (Laura frowns)
Laura: He asked you?
Nik: (heavily) In his way. (Laura smiles slightly, then looks at him suspiciously)
Laura: And THAT'S why you're here?
Nik: I need his keys. He thought you'd probably have them.
Laura: I do.... (She bites her lip, considering this.) Nikolas.
Nik: What?
Laura: You know he's being released, right?
Nik: Not soon enough for him.
Laura: (wryly) That's what I'm worried about. (Nikolas looks at him blankly) Did Lucky happen to tell you WHY I have his keys?
Nik: He said you expected him to try to leave.
Laura: You're not.... (Nikolas stares at Laura a moment, then can't help but laugh)
Nik: Me? Help Lucky take off from the hospital.... No. (Laura shakes her head)
Laura: No, what am I talking about? I... (she looks at him confused) Nikolas, can I ask you something? (Nikolas hesitates a moment, then nods) You and Lucky... (She fumbles a moment trying to find the right words) Where.... How did -- What's going on? (Nikolas resists the urge to smile slightly at Laura's confusion -- he's been fighting that urge a lot -- Bobbie's confusion, Luke's confusion -- It made his own confusion more tolerable. Besides, after years of being the last person to find out various family secrets, he couldn't help but enjoy the fact that he knew more about what was going on with Lucky than anyone else in this town -- not that he understood it for a second.)
Nik: I'm just doing him a favor. I'll bring the keys back when I'm done, I swear.
Laura: To ME. (Nikolas looks at her oddly. Laura stops, realizing the tone she's using with him. It's the way she talks to Lulu, even Lucky, when she suspects they're going to pull a fast one on her. She's never used it with Nikolas before. He nods slowly.)
Nik: Yeah...
Laura: I... I just wanted... I'm sorry, Nikolas. Of course. If you want to do a favor for Lucky, I'm more than happy to help you. (she goes to her purse and fishes around for Lucky's belongings. The silence in the room becomes deafening and she's about to break and ask Nikolas what this is all about again, when the door to the kitchen opens)
Lulu: (heavily) I'm not hungry anymore -- (Lulu stops when she sees Nikolas. She studies him a moment, then her face lights up and she runs across the room, throwing herself at him. Nikolas sweeps her up into his arms)
Nik: Lesley Lu! (He swings her around and she shrieks, her mood having done a complete 180)
Lulu: (too quickly) Why are you here? Are you coming with us? Are you going to come with us to get Lucky? He's going to come here, did Mom tell you?
Nik: Uh...
Lulu: It's going to be like before, he'll be in his old room.
Laura: That's not definite yet, Lulu.
Lulu: (looking at Laura) Why not?
Laura: (getting the keys) We have to see what Lucky decides. (Lulu shakes her head at this, annoyed at her mother for being vague again)
Lulu: He'll come. (she looks at Nikolas) Are you going to come with us? (Nikolas looks at Lulu, troubled. She's never done this before. She's always known exactly how things stand... Last night must have been really confusing for her.)
Nik: I'm .... Not coming to the hospital. (Lulu sighs heavily)
Lulu: Because of Daddy?
Nik: I've already been. (Lulu smiles at him)
Lulu: (quietly) Did you see Lucky? (Nikolas frowns. He almost doesn't want to tell her, doesn't want her to read anything into it. And for some reason he feels protective of what's going on here. Whatever it is, it's between him and Lucky, Lulu will complicate the issue. If there is an issue.)
Nik: Yeah, I saw him. (Lulu grins)
Lulu: You like him now, don't you? (Nikolas looks at Laura helplessly, but sees she's waiting for the answer too. She snaps to attention, realizing what's happening and starts across the room)
Laura: Here, Nikolas. These are the keys. (She hands them to him) You can.... Well (She frowns)
Nik: I'll bring them back.... I'll call first.
Laura: That's fine. (She looks at the keys in his hand again and shivers slightly, unsure what this means). That should be fine.
* * * *
Emily's ICU room.
Emily moves her head gingerly from one side the other, letting out a long breath. She feels a twinge in her side, but it appears to be a million miles away. Everything feels a million miles away. She can hear voices.... She opens her eyes and looks up at her mother, sitting beside the bed, looking down at her. She smiles down at her, warmly.
Monica: Welcome back, sweetheart. (Emily looks at her unsteadily, then closes her eyes again. After a moment she struggles back again)
Em: What happened? (Monica frowns slightly, then quickly replaces it with a smile)
Monica: You had an accident, remember? Remember we talked about this last night? (Emily looks at her blankly) You were hit by a car outside Luke's Club. But it's Ok, you're going to be fine. (Emily nods... she really doesn't care. She closes her eyes again and begins to slip back into sleep until something occurs to her)
Em: Where's Lucky?
Monica: He's not here, honey.
Em: Where is he?
Monica: He can't be here right now.
Em: You said that before.
Monica: You remember!
Em: I remember... you told me he couldn't be here.
Monica: Do you remember the accident at all, honey? In the parking lot? You were with Nikolas and Lucky and... your aunt. Remember? (Emily shakes her head, squeezing her eyes shut like she's trying to shut something out, push it away)
Em: I don't...
Monica: (hurriedly) Ok, it's Ok. You don't have to talk about it. Don't worry. Just get some more rest.
Em: You're not going to let Lucky see me, are you? (There's a long silence, and then Monica reaches out and smoothes her hair back from her face)
Monica: There's a family only order on the room sweetheart.
Em: Why?
Monica: Because... (She shakes her head) Emily....
Em: Was he hurt?
Monica: He's fine, honey.
Em: But you won't let him in.
Monica: (heavily) It hasn't come up yet, Emily.
Em: (completely not comprehending) Huh?
Monica: Look, there's nothing for you to worry about besides getting better. The doctor's ordered just a few more tests for you, and after that --
Em: Is Lucky dead? (Monica stops and stares at Emily)
Monica: Good God, Emily! No.
Em: Then where is he?
Monica: I ... I told you, he can't be here right now.
Em: I want him. I want him here.
Monica: I know, Honey, I'm sure... He'll be here. He'll be here when he can.
Em: You're not going to let him.
Monica: Emily.
Em: He'd be here. I know he would. (Monica sighs heavily, trying to locate the thread of exactly what Emily is saying. Her eyes seem distant, and she's only mildly upset... it's very disturbing)
Monica: Emily, it's still early. And.... Lucky's not at his best. I'm sure he'll be down as soon as he can.
Em: You said he wasn't hurt.
Monica: Emily, you can't be worrying about things like this right now!
Em: (finally getting upset) I need to see him, don't you understand that? I NEED to see him... (Emily's eyes fill with tears and Monica pales)
Monica: you will, I promise you. Don't worry, Emily. It's going to be fine. I promise you. (She kisses Emily's forehead, and Emily closes her eyes again, shaking her head slowly)
Em: He'd be here, I know.... (Monica frowns. She seems so certain of this. But there has been no sign of Lucky. Not even his family. Well.... Except for Nikolas.)
Monica: Emily.... (She stops. What is she supposed to say? It's not like she doesn't know where to find Lucky. She sighs heavily) He will be here. He will. I promise.
Alan: (appearing at the doorway) Well! Look who's up? (Emily opens her eyes momentarily, but can't focus on anything, so she lets them fall shut again. Alan crosses the room). How are you feeling today? (Emily says nothing)
Monica: How do you think she's feeling, Alan? (Alan sighs, and gives Monica a cross look. They've been picking unnecessarily on each other since they hit the three AM mark)
Alan: Sweetheart?
Em: (quietly) You promised.
Monica: I know, I know.
Alan: Promised what?
Em: (opening her eyes) You'll get Lucky? (Alan's jaw drops and he looks at Monica incredulously. Monica squeezes Emily's hand)
Monica: You get some rest so that you can talk to him when he get here, Ok? (Emily's already near sleep, and doesn't respond) Alan? (She stands up and walks past him out of the room. Alan stares down at Emily, then looks out the window of the ICU room to see Monica heading over to the solitary window by the waiting area. He looks back at his now sleeping daughter, then turns out of the room and over to Monica).
Alan: (hissing) You're NOT serious.
Monica: Do you want to explain it to her? Do you want to go in there and tell her that Lucky's just fine, he's not hurt, but he's not here because YOU don't want him to be?
Alan: So far, we haven't even had to face the issue! He's not exactly breaking down the door to her room!
Monica: He's still in a hospital room himself!'
Alan: he's in short term care! If he hasn't been released already, he's going to be out of there soon enough. And I bet you anything he's not going to be rushing down here to hold her hand.
Monica: You weren't TALKING to her. She asked me if he was dead!
Alan: Well, I'm sure you set her straight!
Monica: I don't know if she believes me! She's not.... Alan, look. That was the most I've gotten out of her since she woke up, and if seeing Lucky will help her somehow, than I am not going to stand back and let this family run roughshod over me because of some stupid feud --
Alan: Do I have to remind you what that kid has done? Let's just look at the last twenty-four hours! He broke into our house --
Monica: MY house, and I'm sure he had help --
Alan: -- He beat up our son, and he got out daughter hit by a car!
Monica: You can't blame him for that! If we should be looking in anyone's direction it would be Jason's --
Alan: Monica, are you trying to tell me that it's unreasonable of me to suspect that Lucky was as much of a target as she was? People have been trying to kill that boy his whole life!
Alan: Well I'll tell you what we do know -- we know she was THERE because of him. She ran away to be with him, and she was standing in that parking lot because that's where he was!
Monica: And for that we're going to say she can't see him? Can't see for herself that he's all right and in one piece? No matter what you or I think of Lucky, she loves him. We're just going to have to find some way to handle that.
* * * *
Hannah's Apartment, Living room
Hannah reenters from the bathroom, looking, if it's possible, even more pasty and white than she did before. She goes to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator, pulling out the orange juice, which she hastily pours into an already-used glass awaiting washing. She takes several gulps, the acid stinging her throat. She puts it down heavily, trying to calm down. There's no hope for her now. She doesn't have the energy or the ability to fight the absolute dread that's taken hold of her. She looks back a Helena, trembling.
Hannah: (hoarsely) You're insane.
Helena: Not words you're in a position to throw around lightly.
Hannah: You... You just can't. You can't do this to him, it would destroy him.
Helena: You're concerned about Nikolas's well being, are you? (venomously) How touching. Especially since it was your disloyalty, your attempts to manipulate your position that has lead me to this point. (Hannah stares at her) I told you last night, this was not always necessary. You were not supposed to do this. You were not supposed to worm your way into my grandson's bed. You have eliminated my other plans of attack. Initially, you were only supposed to assist me with Lucky. To help me manipulate him, but he doesn't trust you, does he?
Hannah: BECAUSE you sent Jacob to blow my cover!
Helena: There was only proof that you were not who you were claiming to be. You didn't' have to explain your connection to me!
Hannah: He found out my passport had been stamped in Greece. (Helena blinks, and Hannah realizes that was one piece of information she hadn't counted on. Huh. So she IS fallible)
Helena: That proves nothing.
Hannah: Well, it sure as hell made him suspicious! (Helena stands up and walks over to Hannah, putting both hands on the disturbingly pedestrian counter top)
Helena: Are you suggesting that I made a miscalculation? That I'M the cause of your current situation? You keep insisting to me that Nikolas doesn't know anything, but he knows enough... His entire life, Nikolas has been poisoned against me by his uncle. And, being young and impressionable, he has blindly believed every word. I've always known it would not take long for me to make him see thing clearly -- to ensure that he truly understood the legacy he was born to. But you have decreased my chances of that steadily since you appeared here! At one time, all I really would have required of you was your assistance in stirring up the feud, getting Luke back at the throat of Stefan, Lucky against Nikolas.... It was wonderfully simple. But look what's transpired now? My grandson is aware, is he not, of that "threat" you perceived against Emily?
Hannah: Perceived?
Helena: You have undermined me for the last time, my dear. You had better make certain that nothing goes wrong this time, that I do not have to reevaluate my plans again, and find that you are no longer a necessary part of the puzzle.
Hannah: I... I still don't understand.
Helena: I have no need for you to understand.
Hannah: You just... You have to understand what this would DO to Nikolas. It would... (She sighs. Nothing to do but go with complete honestly) It would rip him apart.
Helena: Admittedly, he would be vulnerable, wouldn't he? That doesn't hurt me.
Hannah: He would.... He would LOATHE himself.
Helena: I'm sure the damage could be reversed -- along with the damage his uncle has wrecked upon him. No.... This is my only choice. It has become clear that Nikolas will not turn his back on the Spencers. The Spencers will simply have to turn their backs on him. Have you seen Lucky with his parents? (Hannah nods slowly) His father perhaps? He's doted on, disgustingly indulged. (She smiles slightly to herself) The complete pandemonium that family would fall into, if he were to die... it would tear them apart from the seams. Luke -- oh, he's a hero, a man of great fortitude but I can't imagine he wouldn't crumble into dust if something was to befall Lucky.
Hannah: From what I hear, he'd kill anyone who touched him.
Helena: Oh, I'm aware of that. I shall take extreme steps to ensure Nikolas's safety during this fallout. No. Everyone in town will be well aware that Spencer will go gunning for whomever slew his son, Nikolas will be well protected indeed. But everyone will be aware -- I shall make sure of that -- that he caused Lucky's death. It will break his sister's heart, I'm sure of that. And I doubt his mother will ever be able to look at him again. (She laughs outright, almost a cackle) It's all too delicious! (Hannah stares at her in horror) My son... Oh, have you had the misfortune to encounter him? (Hannah shakes her head) He dotes, no... that's not the right word.... He REVERES Nikolas's mother. And this will drive a final wedge between her and Nikolas, and sever his last connection with her. Oh, he will support Nikolas on the outside. But a part of him will rage... a part of him will be paralyzed with grief, with the pain poor Laura will be in. And Nikolas is... perceptive. He will understand. He will understand that he is alone.
Hannah: And then you will sweep in to pick up the pieces....
Helena: What a lovely image! Yes, that is exactly what I will do... you and I. He trust you, cares for you... if you play your cards right, Corrine, you could have quite a future with us. (Hannah nods slowly. Lucky me.)
* * * *
General Hospital, Lucky's room.
Lucky sits on the edge of the bed, dressed and ready to go, while Laura confers with Karen just outside the room. His father is sitting in a chair by the window watching him. They haven't said a word to each other since Luke's announcement of Lucky's new living arrangement, and Lucky is now refusing to meet his father's gaze. Instead he occupies himself with studying his hands. It's amazing how many injuries you can miss when you're preoccupied with a concussion. First of all, the stitches were going to drive him crazy, he could tell that already. His palms were pretty cut up, but that wasn't going to be the big problem. Well, the big problem was still that his head felt three feet thick, but after that is was his arms, the muscles there. The impact of the blow, he guessed. It was an eerily familiar injury, he must have done it before at some point -- been throw to the ground hard, and torn up all the muscles in his upper arms. It hurt to move them in any upward motion, but mostly it hurt to lift stuff. Anything. It had hurt to pick up his jacket. All this he'd encountered just in the act of preparing to leave. The real world was going to take some getting used to. He sighs slightly, and notice his father sit up out of the corner of his eyes. He's been ignoring him, and guilt is now beginning to gnaw at him. Guilt, primarily because he doesn't feel like facing up to anything, and if he thinks about it too long he'll slip back into complete self-loathing in about five seconds. He hears Luke clear his throat, but ignores it, staring harder at the scrapes on his palms, until his eyes blur.
Luke frowns, studying the intensity with which Lucky is glaring at the bedspread. He leans forward.
Luke: How long are you going to keep this up?
Lucky: (glancing over to him, lazily) Keep what up?
Luke: This. This sulking.
Lucky: (flatly) I'm not sulking. I'm thinking. That takes awhile these days.
Luke: (realizing he's being quick to fight) Ah.... (He studies Lucky again) What about?
Lucky: I was THINKING I hope you don't think I'm leaving here without going to see Emily.
Luke: (smiling) Never crossed my mind. (pause) They've probably restricted visitors. (Lucky looks at Luke blankly) Yeah, I know... just thought you'd like the warning.
Lucky: At this point, it would really take a lot for the Quartermaines to surprise me.
Luke: You want back up? (Lucky shrugs noncommittally)
Lucky: I'm just sick of secondhand information. (The door is pushed open and Lulu comes it, looking really bored. She looks at Lucky)
Lulu: Mom's STILL talking to the doctor.
Lucky: yeah, I noticed.
Lulu: I want to go HOME. You're coming home, too, right?
Lucky: Lu, you've asked me that four times already.
Lulu: Mom said it wasn't definite. (Lucky sighs, and glances over at Luke momentarily. There's no way out now -- once Lulu has her heart set on something, there is no escape for him.)
Lucky: It is now, I'm coming home, Ok? For tonight. (Lulu grins)
Lulu: (hopping over to him) Good! (Lucky stops himself from acting on reflex and picking her up. There's just no way he could handle it right now. She leans against his knee). Are you feeling better?
Lucky: A little.
Lulu: Nikolas said you hit your head.
Lucky: (heavily) If he says so. (Lulu frowns) It's a little cloudy, Lu.
Lulu: Does it hurt?
Lucky: Not that much. (Lulu frowns. She picks up one of Lucky's hands and holds hers out to show him.
Lulu: I scraped my hands too. We match. (Lucky smiles)
Lucky: What'd you do?
Lulu: I fell off a rock. (Lucky winces)
Lucky: Ouch.
Lulu: Yeah. But I didn't cry.
Lucky: Good going. (The door opens again, and Laura stops, taking in the scene. Luke standing at the foot of the bed, Lucky and Lulu deep in conversation. She smiles slightly)
Laura: Well, you're free. We have to fill a prescription at the hospital pharmacy and then we can go.
Lucky: What?
Laura: (patiently) don't worry, it's just some pills for pain and.... Other stuff. (Lucky narrows his eyes at her a moment then sighs, standing up)
Lucky: Whatever. (The floor dips, but Lucky refuses to acknowledge it, just putting a hand on the bed a moment to steady himself. He notices Bobbie is waiting at the door with a wheelchair, and looks over at Luke for a little help)
Luke: Good luck, Barbara. (Lucky sighs and starts towards the door)
Lucky: I'm not leaving yet, anyway. I have to go to ICU.
Bobbie: Well, you can leave and come back then, you have to leave in this. Hospital policy.
Lucky: Try to imagine how little I care. (Bobbie sighs and looks at Lucky, irritated)
Bobbie: Probably about as much as I feel like arguing with you about this.
Lucky: What is it with hospitals, anyway? Exactly how humiliated do you think people have to be heal anyway?
Bobbie: This isn't anything I haven't heard from thousands of patients -- half of which, I've been related to!
Luke: (firmly) It's not going to happen.
Bobbie: Luke.... (Monica appears in the doorway behind Bobbie, distracting Lucky form the issue at hand.)
Lucky: Mrs. Quartermaine.
Monica: Lucky, do you have a minute? (Lucky looks from Luke, to Laura, to the chair, then nods)
Lucky: sure. We can talk in the hall. (Bobbie throws up her hands in frustration)
Bobbie: Lucky!
Lucky: (smiling slightly, very forced attempt at charm) What? I'm not leaving. I'm just going into the hall. (Bobbie scowls at him, though slightly amused, as Lucky brushes past her, and takes a few slow steps away from the door. He stops and leans against the wall a few feet away, looking at Monica) Is she all right?
Monica: Oh... she has a cerebral ---
Lucky: Contusion, yeah, I've heard the drill a few times now. I mean... is there some reason you're here?
Monica: I wanted to ask you to come down to see her. I take it you're about to be released? (Lucky stares at Monica blankly, unable to come up with anything to say. After a moment he clears his throat.)
Lucky: Uh... what?
Monica: She wants to see you.
Lucky: She... she asked for me? She can do that?
Monica: Yes. She's not very... linear right now.
Lucky: But she asked for me, so you figured you had to come down here and make sure I wasn't going to take off before I found out how she was doing. (He looks up at the ceiling) No wonder your family hates me so much.
Monica: We don't --
Lucky: Don't worry. I'm going to see her. Your work here is done.
* * * *
Luke's Club, parking lot.
Nikolas steps out of his car and stops, looking around the lot. It look a lot different in the bright sunlight of a Sunday afternoon than it did the night before. His eyes fall on Lucky's car, then slide over to the pavement, unable to judge exactly where it was Emily had been lying. He walks over, still looking down at the pavement, unsure of what sort of sign he's looking for. Just SOME sign. Some indication of what happened. There's nothing. Not even glass from a broken headlight... he stops. No, there is something. Tire tracks, screech marks. They're barely visible against the dark asphalt, but they are there. He looks away, moving to the trunk, suddenly not wanting any reminders of the night before.
He flips through Lucky's keys and pulls the only possible key he could be looking for. He slides it into the keyhole and turns it firmly. The trunk pops easily, and Nikolas tosses a quick look around to reassure himself that he is indeed alone, before examining the trunks contents. Three bags, all tossed quickly into the depths of the trunk. It's probably not anything he wants to be left out. Nikolas pulls the larger bags out of the trunk, then reaches in to get the smaller bag. He grabs it and feel the weight slide from one side of the bag to the other. He frowns looking down at it. He jostles the bag slightly... it doesn't feel right. Like it's light, but heavy at the same time. He puts it down on the rim of the trunk and stares at it. He knows he shouldn't open it... this is supposed to be something he's doing primarily because Lucky, no matter what he said, needs it done. He'd never really given much thought to what was IN the trunk, mostly because he'd seen Lucky packing it up last night. He stares at the bag, and finally reaches down, unzipping it quickly. He glances in at the contents and freezes.... What the hell is this?
