Chapter One Hundred One:
Too Much Truth
Jason's Building, the elevator
Lucky slumps against the wall, his arms crossed protectively across his chest,
still digesting what Nikolas told him in the car on the way over. Nikolas is
watching him, and it's slowly driving him crazy. He keeps looking at him with
this expression that is frighteningly close to pity. Or worry. Worry? No thanks.
Lucky's always found that particular emotion to be insulting… especially coming
from Nikolas. Nikolas, over all, is acting way too much like an actual brother
all of the sudden, and Lucky really doesn't like it. He looks up at him.
Lucky: (tersely) What?
Nik: Are you ok?
Lucky: (shrugging) I'm fine. It doesn't matter.
Nik: She wants to kill you.
Lucky: No. She wants you to kill me.
Nik: I'm not going to do that.
Lucky: Good to know. Because that would really tick Lulu off.
Nik: I think that's the idea.
Lucky: I guess.
Nik: No, that must be what she wants. I kill you…
Lucky: My Dad kills you…
Nik: Obviously she's banking on being able to stop him.
Lucky: That's not a bet I'd take.
Nik: Look. If I don't hurt you, she can't do anything, right? I mean, she wants
me to think I killed you.
Lucky: Which you won't. So you're just fine. If I turn up dead, you don't have
to worry about it being your fault. (Nikolas shakes his head. This isn't getting
them anywhere. He's not sure how he expected Lucky to take this news, but it
wasn't this. He'd been sullen and angry ever since he'd told him. You'd think no
one had ever threatened his life before. What is really irritating to Nikolas is
that he feels like Lucky thinks this IS his fault. His grandmother launches
another one of her insane plots, and Lucky is blaming HIM for it. More than
that, he's actively rejecting any concern or guilt Nikolas tries to communicate
him. He takes a deep breath and tries again).
Nik: Lucky.
Lucky: No, really. You're home free. I mean, nothing works if you don't let her
manipulate you. So congratulations. Your good name is safe.
Nik: I don't CARE about my name!
Lucky: Really, when did that happen?
Nik: Will you stop it! Come on. You know I don't want this to happen.
Lucky: (caustically) Yeah, yeah. You don't want me to die, we've covered that.
Nik: Yeah, we did. (He studies Lucky's posture. This was the last thing he
needed, that's clear) It'll work out, Lucky.
Lucky: I know.
Nik: (quietly) I'm not going to let anything happen to you. (Lucky looks up at
him, sharply)
Lucky: Let? LET anything happen to me? (Lucky pushes himself off the wall) Look,
I don't need you to take care of me, all right? You think this is your chance to
play big brother, then think again.
Nik: That's NOT what I'm trying to do.
Lucky: Good. 'Cause I was taking care of myself long before you showed up. I
never needed someone else to help me out, ok? I had my parents, that was IT. So
don't you think for a minute that you get to ride in here and act like you're
saving me. You can find someone else, ok? Save Hannah, she's the one who needs
Nik: I'm not trying to SAVE you Lucky.
Lucky: GOOD.
Nik: Lucky! (The doors open on Jason's floor)
Lucky: We're done here. (He walks out)
Nik: (following him) We are not!
Lucky: I've said everything I have to say.
Nik: I haven't.
Lucky: (going to the door) Ask me how much I care. (Nikolas reaches out and
grabs Lucky's arm, spinning him around to face him)
Nik: LISTEN TO ME! (Lucky looks at Nikolas with undisguised shock, stumbling
slightly.) You can't change this! You don't like it, fine. But I DON'T like
this, I'm NOT going to let it happen, and you can do whatever you want about it.
You want to act like a jerk, go ahead. But you're not going to change what I do!
(Lucky stares at him, his shock giving away to a dark look of pure malice).
Lucky: (viciously) Am I supposed to be touched? (Nikolas drops his arm). Or let
me guess… Grateful? I don't need you, Nikolas.
Nik: Then why am I here? (Lucky doesn't have an answer for that. He turns away
and approaches the door.
Renaldo stands there, looking at the ceiling, wondering why Jason is so ''up''
on this kid who keeps bringing all this chaos with him. Lucky doesn't
acknowledge him, and knocks on the door. His breathing is unsteady, and though
he wants to gasp for a larger breath he won't allow it. He's not falling into
the trap. No way in hell. He's been here before, he's let his guard down, and
got… He shakes his head, banishing that line of thought. If Nikolas thinks he's
taking another walk down THAT path, he's out of his mind.)
Ren: You can go straight in. He's expecting you. (Lucky stares at the door a
minute before he makes the connection that Renaldo spoke to him. He opens the
door just as Jason reaches it.)
Jason: Hey. That was fast.
Lucky: You have no idea. (He walks past him, into the apartment. After a moment,
Nikolas follows, glaring at Lucky's back. He's impossible. No two ways about it.
So easily threatened, all the time acting like he doesn't care about anything.
It's taken every ounce of self control Nikolas has not to just shake him. He
hears the door close behind him, and Jason stares at Nikolas.)
Jason: Hi.
Lucky: (flopping down on the couch) Don't ask. (Nikolas' expression darkens.)
Jason: Did something happen with the Helena situation?
Lucky: You could say that. (He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a
disk) I found your money.
Jason: And?
Lucky: (laughing humorlessly) Oh, I think you'll enjoy it. I did.
Jason: What? Did you recognize the name?
Lucky: Oh, yeah. (Nikolas, still standing by the door, considers just what the
point of him being here is… He clears his throat, and Lucky looks over at him,
warningly. The tables are turned. If Lucky felt like Nikolas had the upper hand
in the hall, he's managed to expertly switch positions. Nikolas sighs and leans
against the wall. He's not leaving. Even if he is only acting as a chauffeur,
Lucky is not getting rid of him. Jason tosses another look at Nikolas and sits
down on the chair, facing Lucky)
Jason: Who is it?
Lucky: Me.
Jason: What?
Lucky: That's what it says. It was… Clear cut. Easy. A bit of twist at the end,
but that was the paper trail equivalent of a line of breadcrumbs, ok? And it
leads to an account in MY name at a bank right here in Port Charles. Leaving me
to look like about the biggest idiot on the face of the planet.
Jason: That doesn't make any sense.
Lucky: It makes a lot of sense. (He leans forward draping his arms over his
knees) There's over five million in the account. It's a paper trail. Even if it
wasn't… Where does a glorified bartender get that kind of money?
Jason: Some one is setting you up.
Lucky: Glad you see it that way.
Jason: So what? They think I'd kill you for it?
Lucky: That crossed my mind. (He looks over at Nikolas) Are you waiting for an
Nik: I thought there was no reason for me to be here.
Lucky: It's your story. (Nikolas blinks at him. He's going to tell Jason? He
sighs, throwing up his arms)
Nik: Fine. (He walks the long way around the couch to avoid moving past Lucky
and sits on the opposite end)
Jason: Something going on?
Lucky: Every single thing that's going on… The screw-ups, that's like the
diversion, right? Get us all caught up on that so that we'd forget about the
money. Then drop that lead in your lap. So… Either you decide I'm scamming you…
which puts me in trouble with the mob… or you figure out I'm being set up but by
that time it's too late because someone sicks the cops on me.
Jason: That happen yet?
Lucky: No… But I have a funny feeling it's going to.
Jason: So… They want you arrested? For your bank account?
Lucky: No. Something else must be in the works.
Jason: So you're saying Cassadines again.
Lucky: It makes sense. You know it wasn't me. Stefan has a history of messing
with computers…
Nik: What?
Lucky: I don't have time to get into that.
Nik: MAKE time. (Lucky looks at Jason pointedly, then lolls his head over to
look at Nikolas, in pure put-on boredom)
Lucky: You don't know about your uncle's adventures with laptops? (Nikolas looks
at him, annoyed) The egg?
Nik: What… The Faberge egg I gave Lesley Lu?
Lucky: There you go!
Nik: What the hell are you talking about? What does that have to do with…
Lucky: To be totally honest, I'm not sure what he was up to. But it wasn't good,
and it involved computers. Remember that black out at GH a few years back?
Nik: No.
Lucky: Dr. Dorman was killed in the middle of it. Audrey Hardy was in the middle
of surgery…
Nik: You're not saying that had something to do with my uncle. (Lucky just
stares at him) Look, I don't have time for this Spencer paranoia.
Lucky: Good point. I mean, he's been straight with you so far, why should you
listen to me?
Nik: There is no point it gratuitously…
Lucky: It had a point.
Nik: What does this have to do with the egg?
Lucky: Family hiding place. He wanted what was inside it.
Nik: WHAT?
Lucky: Is ANY of this ringing a bell? Come on. He went all the way to
Switzerland… you were there, taking swan dives off mountaintops. (Nikolas looks
away from him) Thank you. (He turns back to Jason) Can we continue?
Jason: (shaking his head) It's your show.
Lucky: Ok. Helena has decided she wants me dead. That's the plan.
Jason: That's why… She's done this?
Lucky: I don't know. It doesn't sound like her. On the other hand, I'm not
making any guesses right now. Stefan doesn't exactly revel in my presence, you
know? It might be an attack on two fronts. (Jason grips his head in his hands).
Jason: You have a complicated life.
Lucky: Bet you think twice before you get involved with a Spencer again, huh?
Jason: This makes no sense.
Lucky: It gets worse.
Jason: (heavily) How. (Lucky leans back against the couch)
Lucky: (to Nikolas) You want to take that one?
Nik: Oh, so that's what I'm here to do?
Lucky: JUST…
Nik: FINE! (He turns to Jason) Look. My grandmother has decided she wants to
kill Lucky and set it up so that it looks like it's my fault. To EVERYONE. Me
Jason: How is she going to do that?
Lucky: Apparently, he neglected to ask that question. (Nikolas looks over at
Lucky, any fondness he'd developed for the guy quickly melting away)
Nik: HOW isn't the point.
Jason: It would help. (Nikolas suppresses the urge to scream)
Nik: THE POINT is that she's trying to alienate me from the Spencers. (Lucky
snorts slightly. Nikolas glances over at him) Problem?
Lucky: There are easier ways to do it.
Nik: (to Jason) I kill my brother. My mother has a fit, my sister never forgives
me, Luke has me hunted down and shot in the street, most likely…
Jason: Why would she want you dead?
Nik: She doesn't. She probably wants to whisk me away to the compound before
that happens.
Jason: So… What's the point?
Nik: She'll take everything away from me, she'll be all I have left.
Jason: What about your uncle?
Nik: I guess she doesn't consider him much of a threat. (Jason looks back at
Lucky who is staring at the ceiling, his face unreadable)
Jason: This make sense to you?
Lucky: Sure.
Jason: So… What are you going to do?
Lucky: What do I always do? Get Emily, and put as much distance between me and
this damn town as possible.
Jason: That's probably a good idea.
Nik: Emily is in the hospital.
Lucky: I'm aware of that.
Nik: You can't just take her out because you don't want to be here.
Lucky: WANT has nothing to do with it!
Nik: Running away isn't going to change anything!
Lucky: It'll keep Emily alive.
Nik: And you?
Lucky: That too.
Jason: Ok, so that means…
Nik: (ice cold) That's great, Lucky. (Nikolas and Jason both turn to look at
him) Really, great plan. That way you don't have to deal with anything.
Lucky: You have a better idea? What, am I supposed to wait around here and let
you play white knight for me?
Nik: That would really kill you, wouldn't it?
Lucky: You can think whatever you want.
Nik: What the HELL are you so afraid of, anyway? I mean, God forbid you actually
consent to “work Together”… You DID say that, by the way. TWICE.
Lucky: Knock it…
Nik: I mean, you won't accept ANYTHING from me! Not one minute of help, nothing.
Not without making it completely clear that it's only because I'm the ONLY
person around. And what do I get in return? I get to put up with more of your
attitude. I get to be sent out of the room when your father shows up. I get…
Lucky: WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? Huh? What have you EVER wanted except me out of
your face?
Jason: Hey!
Lucky: You're getting it, Nikolas. You're getting me as far from Port Charles as
I can manage. You and your ''uncle'' fight off the Queen of Darkness. It can be
a bonding moment. But keep me out of it. You're not getting me stuck in more of
your Cassadine head games, no way. I'm NOT falling for that again!
Nik: Falling for WHAT again?
Jason: Can we…
Lucky: I told you not to do this! You want ANY help from me…
Nik: Right. Then I have to follow your rules. Stay at arms length. God forbid I
actually care what happens to you! (Lucky stares at Nikolas in horror. He stands
up suddenly and starts the door, then stops, turning back to him)
Lucky: (voice shaking) I know exactly how much you ''care'' about what happens
to me, Nikolas. It's crystal.
Nik: You think so?
Lucky: You never wanted to have anything to do with me. Well, the feelings
mutual. Once we get this squared away, you'll never have to lay eyes on me
Nik: So you ARE running away.
Lucky: You put whatever labels on it you want. But I survive. That's the way it
Nik: And the rest of us be damned.
Lucky: You can't presume to know anything about what is going on in my head.
Nik: I don't. I never have. You have yet to make ANY sense to me.
Lucky: Well don't strain yourself. (Jason sits back and looks up at the ceiling.
More noise.)
Nik: Fine. You want this to end today, then let's end it. Right here. We figure
out what's going on, then we go our separate ways… BUT WE ARE PLAYING RIGHT INTO
Lucky: I… (Lucky stops. His head is pounding. He must have been insane to think
this would work. But Nikolas, as much as it kills him to admit it, is right. He
shakes his head slowly) Fine. What do we need to do? Right now.
Nik: To end this?
Lucky: For now.
Jason: You need to figure out how Hannah plays into all of this.
Nik: Hannah?
Lucky: Right. Mata Hari.
Nik: Don't talk about her like that!
Lucky: What… (He leans against the wall, his exhaustion catching up to him)
What… (His words trail off as he catches his breath. Come on, Spencer, you can't
loose it now. He pushes himself off the wall and walks unsteadily back to the
couch, counting the steps. He's hanging on a very thin thread here, and it's
fraying with every minute he spends in Nikolas' company. He sinks onto the
couch, hoping Jason will take the lead)
Nik: Hannah's still being threatened. But she's the one that told me this.
Jason: You sure this wasn't a trick?
Nik: No. It wasn't a trick. (Lucky doesn't bother to argue that fact with him)
Jason: So… Helena's next move would be what?
Lucky: (thickly) She'll use whatever information Hannah's given her to turn us
against each other. She already did that with the hit. She knows about the mob
connection, she wanted to make the hit ambiguous. (Nikolas stares at him. That's
clear now. The car had to be about Helena, not the mob. He looks back at Jason)
Nik: I don't know how much Helena knows. And I can't ask Hannah, she's being
watched. And bugged. (Jason nods)
Jason: Well, what did you tell her?
Nik: She knew about… A bunch of stuff. I… I don't know! I can't remember every
conversation we had.
Jason: You don't have to.
* * * *
Jason's back room.
The room is set up primarily as an office, but has a complex surveillance unit
in the corner. Lucky is staring at it, a sinking feeling in his stomach, as
Jason rewinds a tape on a large wheel.
Lucky: We don't have to do this.
Nik: (standing by the door) Well, we're in agreement there.
Lucky: Jason, what…
Jason: You want to know what he told her, it's all here. The conversations in
the apartment, at least.
Nik: PRIVATE conversations. (Jason looks at him blankly)
Jason: Do you want to know what she knows or not?
Nik: I KNOW what she knows.
Lucky: Fine, then tell us so we can get out of here.
Nik: (heavily) It's not important stuff. I mean, most of it… (He shakes his
head) It's a relationship, ok? There were lots of things we talked about that…
Jason: Yeah, I know. I've heard them. Half of it doesn't make any sense to me,
anyway. (Nikolas glares at Lucky)
Nik: (to Jason) You've heard them?
Jason: Lucky asked me to monitor them for him.
Nik: Didn't want to be bothered with it?
Lucky: (angrily) Look. This was for Emily's safety, ok? It had nothing to do
with you!
Nik: Well, it sure as hell does now.
Lucky: If you could remember what she knows, what she might have told her…
(Nikolas turns away angrily. He can't make himself say the words. The one thing
he really doesn't want to come out, all the stuff he said about Lucky. He hears
the tape stop. Jason leans back in the chair)
Jason: it's cued.
Nik: Wonderful.
Lucky: Look… We don't have to do this. I mean, what the hell are we going to get
out of it?
Jason: Information. And from the looks of it, you guys need it.
Lucky: You've had people listening to this stuff! I don't have to hear it too!
Nik: (facetiously) Come on, Lucky. This should be right up your alley.
Lucky: I have better things to do then listen to you whisper sweet nothings to
your girlfriend for three hours.
Nik: (quietly) You know that's not all that's on the tapes.
Lucky: You're saying you talked about me? I'm flattered. (Nikolas can see the
fear under the bravado. Lucky hates this just as much as he does).
Nik: You're scared.
Lucky: Hardly.
Nik: You are.
Lucky: (crossing his arms) What the hell do I have to be scared of?
Nik: You tell me.
Lucky: You want to do this? You honestly think there's a point to any of this?
(Nikolas stares at him. Ok, Lucky. You asked for it. Repeatedly. He wants to
play mind games? He wants to maintain boundaries? Nikolas sits back, no longer
feeling threatened by this. Lucky's going to have a much harder time with this
than he is.)
Nik: There's nothing on that tape I can't handle. What about you?
Lucky: I'm supposed to be threatened now?
Nik: You tell me. (Lucky looks over at Jason)
Lucky: You can skip the romantic stuff. I really have no interest in it. (Jason
Jason: We logged every conversation with Nikolas. They seemed to have more
Lucky: Fine.
Jason: Where do you want to start?
Lucky: I don't know. (He looks over at Nikolas) Any suggestions?
Nik: Your choice.
Jason: Look. We'll go to the night you told her about this. That's probably the
most important. (Jason flips the tape until the counter hits the appropriate
counter.) But we should backtrack to Emily's visits too… Though that's mostly
about Hannah. Her life. Emily doesn't divulge much. (Lucky nods dully, and leans
against the table)
Lucky: Go for it. (Jason hits play. The voices float into the room)
Em: (on tape, her voice pained) I have to! If he wants to hurt himself, then no
way am I letting him think I'm ok with it. He needs to know SOMEONE cares.
Nik: (on tape) I don't think he wants anyone to care, Emily.
Em: (on tape) How would you know, Nikolas? Have you ever given him a clue, ever
swallowed your pride long enough to give him a clue that maybe you care?
Nik: (on tape) I did that! I did that tonight.
Em: (on tape) You what?
Nik: (on tape) Do you honestly think I want him to get himself killed.
Em: (on tape) I KNOW you don't, Nikolas. But he doesn't. And he won't take my
word for it.
Nik: (on tape) Well, he doesn't WANT to take mine either.
Em: (on tape) What did you… Nikolas, what did you say to him?
Nik: (on tape) It doesn't matter.
Em: (on tape) It DOES matter. Tell me!
Nik: (on tape) I don't want him to get hurt. I told him that.
Em: (on tape) What did he do?
Nik: (on tape) He told me to leave.
Lucky: (too quickly) That stuff doesn't matter. Emily's there.
Nik: Hannah was too.
Lucky: So?
Nik: Fine. You want something else? (Jason sighs and looks at them expectantly.)
Go ahead a bit. (Jason turns back, and hits the fast-forward button)
Jason: Anything specific?
Nik: No. Just go ahead. (He stares hard at Lucky who meets his gaze defiantly a
moment, then looks away. Nikolas stares hard at the floor as the tape starts. He
recognizes the conversation almost immediately)
Nik: (on tape)… For you with Emily?
Hannah: (on tape) She's being pretty easy on me, actually.
Nik: (on tape) Talking to Lucky… It takes so much energy. Talking ABOUT him is
almost as bad.
(Without looking up, Nikolas can feel Lucky tense up. He closes his eyes a
moment, waiting for the rest)
Hannah: (on tape) I know.
Nik: (on tape) He… I told you, it doesn't matter. I can't… What he says, what he
does, it doesn't mean anything. I can't trust any of it.
Hannah: (on tape) What did he do? Nikolas, he must have done something.
Nik: (on tape) He told me to leave. (Lucky sighs and looks up at the ceiling.
His heart is thundering against his rib cage, but he's not going to let it show.
At the same time, he's not sure how much more of this he can stand).
Hannah: (on tape) What's wrong.
Nik: (on tape) It was the way he said it! He was being vicious, but not about
me. It was like he was tearing at himself, at his family, at everything. He
never does that. Then he started talking about how things would be better for me
if he died. I told him I didn't want that. And he… I would have… I could feel
him pulling me in again. He wanted me out of there so badly. It wasn't rational,
it was like…
Hannah: (on tape) Like he couldn't let you in.
Nik: (on tape) right. Yes. That's what it was. I don't know why I feel this way.
Hannah: (on tape) He's your brother.
Nik: (on tape) I don't want to care about him! He's destructive and angry, he
hurts people all the time without even giving it a second thought, but… God,
Hannah. When I saw that look in his eyes I would have done anything he asked me
Lucky: Turn it off.
Jason: what?
Lucky: TURN IT OFF! (Jason complies, and all eyes turn to Lucky, who can't
conceal his shaking. He stands up) I know what I need to know, this isn't my
game. (He looks at Nikolas) This is yours. You want to stay here and relive old
memories, go ahead. I'm outta here. (Lucky turns and walks out of the room,
moving towards he door of the apartment as quickly as possible. Not again. He's
not doing this again. He can hear someone behind him) Get away from me.
Nik: WHY?
Lucky: You know why.
Nik: You believe me now?
Lucky: I'm not making you do anything you don't want to, Nikolas.
Nik: I was ANGRY!
Lucky: (spinning around to face him) You think this changes anything between us?
You think I'm supposed to care about any of that? Its garbage. All of it. Poor
tortured Nikolas. Finding yet another shoulder to cry on. Well, let me be the
first to apologize to you for the hardships you've had to endure since you
walked into the middle of MY life and turned it upside down. You want to
entertain some fantasy that we're brothers? That it means anything? It means
nothing to me. You're nothing to me.
Nik: (quietly) Then why are you so upset?
Lucky: I'm not upset. I'm just leaving.
Nik: Running away.
Lucky: (spitting) You have some sentimental idea… You want a brother? Adopt.
Join a program. I'm taken. And I'm not here for your pity.
Nik: This isn't about pity!
Lucky: (ripping out of him for the second time) WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? What
do I suddenly have that wasn't there before? You've never given a damn about me,
Nikolas. And that was fine with me.
Nik: Was it? (Lucky swallows hard. He can't do this. The room is spinning, and
he's pretty sure it has nothing to do with the concussion.)
Lucky: You play this out however you want. But do it without me. (Lucky turns,
wrenching the door open. He slams it in Nikolas' face with amazing ferocity.
Nikolas stares at it, with a confusing mix of triumph and guilt. He hurt him.
But at least he knows he has the power. Whatever Lucky says, he cares.)
* * * *
Hannah's apartment.
Hannah reaches the door, her heart pounding in her chest, her stomach
constricted. This is horrible. This is about the worst thing she could hope for.
And she can't even do anything about it. She has to think on her feet on this
one. No move is possible until the Grand Dame makes another appearance. She
fumbles for her keys, and after a few tries, manages to match key with keyhole.
She turns the key and nothing happens.
Hannah: Ohmigod. (She pulls the key out and stares at the doorknob. This is it.
The woman has arrived, and if she's not armed with a knife, she's probably
sending one of her goons to poison Emily's IV. She takes a deep breath and opens
the door. The apartment is dark. She takes a deep breath.)
Hannah: Hello? (There is no answer. She shuts the door and leans against it,
taking a moment to compose herself. She forces her voice to remain steady) All
right. I'm here, Mrs. Cassadine. I know what you want.
Luke: (appearing beside her) Do you? (Hannah screams blue murder and spins
around to face him)
Hannah: LUKE! You scared the hell out of me!
Luke: Really? 'Cause I haven't even warmed up.
