Chapter One Hundred:
Try a Little Tenderness
General Hospital, ICU.
Hannah sits next to Emily's bed, looking down at her, tenderly. After struggling to stay awake for the last fifteen minutes, she's dropped off again. She sighs and pushes back the chair silently. It's time to leave. She wishes what Emily had said about Lucky wasn't leaving this horrible churning sensation in her stomach. It doesn't matter, she tells herself firmly. She'll get to Nikolas, somehow..... There has to be some place she can talk to him without anyone hearing -- and she'll tell him what's going on. He'll tell Lucky, and everything will be solved. Lucky won't have to die. Emily will be safe, somehow, and she... Well, the chips will fall where they may. She's not going to think that far ahead. Worst comes to worst, she'll break her promise. She's left before. This couldn't be as bad. Maybe this time she'd do it right.
She hears the door creak open, and turns, expecting to see Monica. Instead she's faced with Lucky. He is looking at her with no expression. God. How long had it been since she and Lucky actually had a conversation? She smiles at him, but he doesn't return the gesture.
Hannah: I was just leaving.
Lucky: Fine.
Hannah: She's sleeping.
Lucky: I can see that.
Hannah: She was hoping to see you, though. She mentioned that.
Lucky: Uh huh.
Hannah: Lucky...
Lucky: Look. We don't have much to say to each other anymore, Hannah. Not here, at least.
Hannah: (crossing the room) Don't think things are over, Lucky.
Lucky: (emphatically) Not here.
Hannah: (stopping) Why not? (Lucky nods towards Emily)
Lucky: She doesn't need this right now. (Hannah looks back over her shoulder, then looks back at Lucky.)
Hannah: Have you heard from Nikolas?
Lucky: Yeah. He's ... I don't know, up in pediatrics or something.
Hannah: All right. I'll leave you two alone then. (Lucky sighs, nodding slightly, his eyes trained on Emily. Hannah starts out of the room, but stops next to him, her voice hushed.) Look. You have to hear something from me. (Lucky looks over at her)
Lucky: (tense) I know. I just don't think this is the best place for it.
Hannah: It's the only place. Understand? (Lucky looks at her, then nods)
Lucky: What is it?
Hannah: (very quietly) Just... Nikolas told me you were leaving town when this happened. You might want to keep that thought. (Lucky meets her gaze)
Lucky: Whatever I have planned, trust me, I'm not going to let anything happen to her.
Hannah: (nodding) That's all I ask. (Lucky smirks at her)
Lucky: Doesn't have anything to do with you. Anything else?
Hannah: Not right now. (She shakes her head. There is no point in talking to this guy. Nikolas is the sane one. At least she knows what to expect with him. She turns and exits the room, the door swinging shut behind her. Lucky looks over at Emily, then takes in the surroundings. No Quartermaines, for once. That window is still annoying, but he'll deal with it. He walks over to the bed, looking down at her a long moment. He leans over and presses his lips against her forehead, breathing in deeply. She smells sterile, more like medication, hospital, than her usual scent. She stirs slightly beneath him.)
Em: Hmmmmm.... Lucky.
Lucky: (pulling back) Hey. (Emily opens her eyes. She blinks a few times before focusing on him)
Em: You came...
Lucky: Was there ever any doubt? (She smiles at him, but he can tell there was. He sinks into the chair by her bed) I'd be here every minute if I could.
Em: I know. (Emily's voice is thick and slow, everything she says has a breathy quality, due to the fact that she can't suck much air into her lungs. Lucky takes her hand in both of his, staring hard at the pale skin).
Lucky: If it means anything... I've been thinking about you all day.
Em: It means something. (She closes her eyes) I was trying to conserve some energy for you. (Lucky caresses the back of her hand with his thumb, absently.)
Lucky: Well, that's what I get for a late appearance.
Em: You look tired too.
Lucky: You're the patient, Em. You're not allowed to worry about me.
Em: Old habits die hard.
Lucky: Well, shake that one, Ok? Really. I'm always all right, you know that.
Em: Physically? Or ...
Lucky: God, is there something in the air today? I'm not up for "True Confessions". (Emily looks at him, a little hurt) I'm sorry. There's just a lot of stuff going on. Nothing you should worry about, though.
Em: With your parents?
Lucky: I told you. Don't --
Em: I'm going to worry anyway. Especially if you don't tell me what's going on.
Lucky: Nothing major.
Em: You're not... You're holding something back. I can tell. Even through the haze of medication.
Lucky: They have you pretty doped up, huh?
Em: Pretty much.
Lucky: It's a pain, isn't it?
Em: I don't know. I've had practice. This isn't as much fun, though. (Lucky looks at Emily, pained) I'm sorry, I know you hate it when I admit I actually liked drugs. (Lucky looks away). That doesn't mean I'm going to do them again, you know.
Lucky: I know.
Em: But there IS a reason people do them. It's not because it makes you feel bad.
Lucky: Do we have to talk about this now?
Em: There's an alternative...
Lucky: You're not playing fair.
Em: Wonder who I picked that up from?
Lucky: Hey! What's that supposed to mean?
Em: I want to know why you look so burned out.
Lucky: Burned out, huh? At eighteen.
Em: Live hard, die young --
Lucky: Knock it off! (He can't help but smile at her) You're getting back to yourself.
Em: It had to happen eventually. (He reaches out and smoothes her hair back from her face).
Lucky: I really missed you. (His smile falters slightly. He looks away, running his fingers through his own hair, a little edgy) Any idea when you get out of here?
Em: And why should I answer your questions?
Lucky: Mine are important.
Em: This is no fair, you pulling this on me when I can't fight back.
Lucky: You know, you're not doing a bad job.
Em: Well, you wearing me out. Come on. What's going on?
Lucky: Nothing that hasn't been going on for a long time.
Em: Your parents.
Lucky: I really don't want to talk about this. Look. It's long, it's complicated, it gives me a headache just thinking about it.
Em: Ok. Would it help to know I love you?
Lucky: (looking away) Yeah, it helps. (He looks back at her) But it would really help to know how much longer you're going to be here. (Emily rolls her eyes and sighs)
Em: Ok, you win.
Lucky: I try.
Em: They're moving me to a private room tomorrow. And I get to leave when I can walk across the room unassisted.
Lucky: That's it?
Em: It's not as easy as it sounds. I had to go for tests this morning, I could barely make it to the wheelchair. That's about a foot.
Lucky: You're tough. You'll be fine in no time.
Em: (heavily) They say about a week. (Lucky blinks)
Lucky: A week. (Emily nods) Wow.
Em: Lucky...
Lucky: Yeah?
Em: When I do get out... I'm going to be under lock and key. I mean, crawling out my bedroom window might not be an option.
Lucky: Yeah, I know.
Em: I get this feeling that you still... want to leave.
Lucky: Nothing's changed. If anything, it's worse.
Em: So...
Lucky: We'll play it by ear. Your stuff is still in at my place. We can take off when we need to.
Em: I'm scared to ask how.
Lucky: Do you trust me?
Em: You know I do. (Lucky looks down at her and exhales heavily. She's about the only person who does. He banishes the guilt and remorse he can feel creeping up from the back of his brain).
Lucky: I'll figure something out.
Em: Ok.
Lucky: Is anything... clearer? I mean, from that night.
Em: A little. I remember being at the club... and I remember why. But the rest is just gone.
Lucky: What do you mean?
Em: I remember being in your room... and leaving. But that's it.
Lucky: You don't remember...
Em: What? Did something happen?
Lucky: (heavily) Ok. Look, this isn't a big deal, but... Nikolas knows.
Em: Knows? (It dawns on her) You're... You told him?
Lucky: Of course not. He found out about a year ago, I guess.
Em: Oh my God.
Lucky: So that's it. My Dad's officially the last to know.
Em: Well... I mean, it makes sense for Nikolas to know first. (Lucky looks away.) Never mind. It doesn't matter who should and shouldn't... Just -- (She stops, trying to come up with something comforting to say) Does this mean your Mom --
Lucky: Yeah. Yeah... Great timing, huh?
Em: Lucky, don't you think you should be here for that?
Lucky: For what? To watch my Dad freak out? See my family fall apart? No thanks.
Em: What about Lulu? (Lucky groans, and drops his head into his hands)
Lucky: I... I don't know what else to do, Em. I mean, this isn't a choice, Ok? We have to do this. It has nothing to do with my family, we have to leave.
Em: Maybe you can just get me someplace, and come back
Lucky: NO. No way. I'm not doing that to you.
Em: Lucky!
Lucky: I'm not debating that. We're leaving. Together. That's not optional.
Em: Ok. Ok.
Lucky: She'll... She's going to have Nikolas. And he'll tell her how I am. I'll make sure of that.
Em: Nikolas?
Lucky: Yeah, well... Desperate times call for desperate measures. That's one of them.
Em: Ok. No, I think you're right.
Lucky: It's the only thing I can do. Make sure she knows I love her and I'm coming back. (He sighs) You know, I've never thought she should have grown up like I did, but if she had.... Well, this would be a lot easier to explain.
Em: She'll understand. She always understands.
Lucky: Yeah. Understanding and accepting are two different things.
Em: I know.
Lucky: Look, I'm upsetting you.
Em: No...
Lucky: I am. You don't need this.
Em: Just because I'm in the hospital doesn't mean that I don't want to know what's going on, Lucky. Really. I have to know. Otherwise I'd go crazy trying to figure it all out.
Lucky: Ok. (He looks out the window, quickly) I... I hate to do this, Em, but... Nikolas is waiting for me.
Em: I... why do I still feel like I'm missing something?
Lucky: Look, I'll explain that one when I figure it out myself.
Em: Are things different with you two now?
Lucky: For now. I don't know, I can't really think beyond today right now. It's.. It's too much.
* * * *
General Hospital, outside Emily's room.
Hannah leans against the wall, feeling drained. She has no ability to function today. Every inch of her wants to run off someplace far away and hide. Avoid everything. She's always been like this. From taxes to personal relationships, every time something goes wrong, all she ever wants to do is hide. Move, she tells herself firmly. Nikolas is in the hospital. You've found him, go, move. Come on.
Hannah is saved the effort of going in search of Nikolas when he suddenly appears around a corner. He sees her and immediately smiles. Her heart falls into her stomach.
Hannah: Nikolas...
Nik: Hi. You're visiting Emily?
Hannah: I was. Lucky's in there now.
Nik: I know.
Hannah: He said you had something to do in pediatrics.
Nik: I have a hard time getting Lucky to do stuff without uh... bending things a little.
Hannah: What do you mean?
Nik: I... (He glances around) I don't know, is this something we can talk about?
Hannah: I think it's safe here. (She sighs) You left early.
Nik: I had some things to take care of. They were important, I didn't want to wake you.
Hannah: No, I understand. I was just surprised.
Nik: I should have left a note, but I'm not sure about what... What to put in writing.
Hannah: The apartment's probably bugged. And if I talk there... I have no way of knowing what she'll find out.
Nik: This is safe, though?
Hannah: I don't know. I'm not sure. (She sighs and takes another paranoid look around the room). Come on. Let's sit down. I have some things to tell you. (She walks away from him, crossing to the waiting area by the ICU, and taking a seat on a chair by the single window. Nikolas follows after a moment, fighting off a strong sense of foreboding.)
Nik: (sitting down across from her) Ok. Is this about that Dracula thing last night? (Hannah nods) I wasn't sure if that was you or the alcohol.
Hannah: A little bit of both, probably. But no... Helena is still threatening Emily.
Nik: I figured.
Hannah: I can't let anything happen to her. And so far, every time I've tried to play both sides...
Nik: I know.
Hannah: Look. I'm not even sure this is safe. I may be ... You know what I mean.
Nik: Just... tell me quick, what do I need to know?
Hannah: She's after Lucky.
Nik: What?
Hannah: She's after him. She wants him dead and.... She wants to blame you for it.
Nik: She... WHAT?
Hannah: Shhhhh.
Nik: You're... You're kidding.
Hannah: No. I'm not. I can't. Look, all I can say right now is -- don't touch him. For anything. And don't hurt him.
Nik: I'm not going to hurt him!
Hannah: I know that. I told her that, but... It's complicated. She wants him dead. And if she doesn't get it, then she wants Emily dead. And...
Nik: If Emily dies, Lucky will lose it. I mean, that's it.
Hannah: I know. Worse than that, I think she knows. So just... don't see him, don't talk to him.
Nik: I can't do that!
Hannah: Can you predict what he's going to do?
Nik: I'm sure as hell going to tell him about this.
Hannah: Ok. But the best way to make sure she can't do anything is to stay away from him! (Nikolas sits back, heavily. He doesn't like this choice).
Nik: (muttering) We'll figure something out.
Hannah: Well, if you do, don't tell me. If I don't have to know, then leave me out of it. It's not safe.
Nik: God... (He leans forward, his head in his hands) How the hell is she going to --
Hannah: Look. The really important part is that you know she's trying to do this. She wants Lucky to get hurt... Ok. No. She wants Lucky to die, and she wants it to look like it's your fault.
Nik: WHY? What does she want? To put me away or something?
Hannah: (leaning closer, her voice hushed) Listen to me. She wants you to think you killed him. That's the latest plan. (Nikolas stares at her as this sinks in. He shakes his head) I know.
Nik: How long have you known?
Hannah: Since yesterday.
Nik: Why didn't you tell me?
Hannah: When? I didn't know where you were, you came back to the apartment, which I know she bugged, she told me as much.
Nik: Hannah!
Hannah: She's given me a week. If Lucky can get out of town with Emily in a week, then it'll be Ok. She can't use Emily against me and she can't use Lucky against you.
Nik: Emily's in the hospital.
Hannah: I know.
Nik: And what about you? If they disappear --
Hannah: I don't know! I don't know, but it has to work out somehow... I mean.. I don't know what I can do. I really don't. She doesn't trust me, she's making a lot of threats, but she has to know that there's a chance this could work. That gives us a week. After that... I guess we just hope Lucky's gone.
Nik: (shaking his head) Ok. Ok, look. I have to... I have to take Lucky somewhere.
Hannah: "Take"?
Nik: He isn't together enough to drive yet. And there's somewhere else... Never mind. You're right, we'll just keep this quiet. I'm not going to get into what's going on there. (He rubs his eyes) There's too much going on right now.
Hannah: Ok. (Nikolas stands up.)
Nik: I have to... I have to get Lucky. (He looks through the window to Emily's room. Lucky is leaning over, kissing her. He watches as Lucky smoothes her hair back from her face and straightens up. He looks back at Hannah) Look...
Hannah: Are you -- Are you coming over tonight?
Nik: I... It's bugged!
Hannah: I know. But it... If I go to you, she'll suspect something. (Nikolas sighs heavily)
Nik: You're right. No... Ok. I'll... I'll be there.
Hannah: You don't have to. (The door to Emily's room opens and Lucky walks out, not looking particularly better than he did when he went in)
Nik: I'll be there. I have to go. (He walks away from her, without a second look, and goes to Lucky.) You ready?
Lucky: (shrugging) Are you?
Nik: Yeah. We have to get out of here. I... There's been a development. (Lucky notices Hannah, then looks back over his shoulder at Emily) No, not that kind of... Just... We have to leave. (Lucky nods, numbly, trying to figure out what the hell could have been tossed at him now.)
Lucky: Fine. Let's get out of here. (Nikolas reaches out, without thinking and takes Lucky's elbow to pull him towards the elevators. Lucky pulls away, annoyed) Hey!
Nik: (equally irritated) Get over it. Come on. (He starts down the hall. Lucky gives Hannah a look that turns her blood cold, then follows Nikolas down the hall. Hannah takes a deep breath and sinks back into the chair. Ok. It's done. It's done and everything is fine. She closes her eyes a moment, just letting herself calm down, trying to get the permanent knot in her stomach to dissolve. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes again. It takes her a moment to focus on the figure staring at her. She starts with recognition, but Ari turns before she can speak and walks away. Hannah feels the blood drain from her face. She forces herself to her feet, and turns to walk out of the hospital.)
