Chapter Ninety-Nine:
That Sinking Feeling
Lucky is irritated by how out of breath he is from climbing the stairs. When does this end? Just a little energy, that's all he needs. The hall is dim normally, but having come out of bright sunlight, his eyes are playing tricks on him, and everything seems to be going dark. He blinks several times before he manages to convince himself that he's not passing out, just adjusting. He hears an impatient creak on the stairs, and tosses an annoyed look at Nikolas.
Lucky: Give me a minute, Ok?
Nik: I didn't say anything.
Lucky: Uh huh. (He takes a fortifying breath and starts down the hall, flipping his keys around his index finger. This had been too easy. They'd returned to the house to find a worried note from his Mom announcing she had to go pick up Lulu, but the minute she got back, they'd go to the hospital -- provided he stuck around. Nikolas had insisted they leave a note in return, so Lucky had left him to compose it while he sought out his aspirin. He was carrying the bottle with him from now on, it was too valuable. He'd noted, for the first time, that there was another bottle on the night stand, the name of which was complex, about fifteen letters long, and meant nothing to him. Looked suspiciously similar to Bobbie's magic sedatives. Nothing was getting him back on those things. Lucky slips the key into the lock, and opens the door, feeling reassured by the familiar whining noise the hinges make as it swings open. He glances at Nikolas, who is still keeping a remote distance -- emotionally as much as anything else. This business thing was going to work. He had to admit, that while Nikolas might be a bit naive, he was smart. He picked up stuff quickly, and ... well, a part of him was still impressed he'd brought him the letter, even if it had taken him too long to give it to him. As long as he didn't bring up his family, or the Cassadines, things should be Ok. Lucky strolls into the room, and sighs, taking it in. It's in a state of chaos. He hadn't bothered doing much more than kicking aside the books and papers he'd thrown on the floor during his fit the other day.... It felt like years ago now. But there they lay, untouched, on the floor. He moves quickly over to the pile of bags, where Nikolas left them. Nikolas leans against the doorjamb, and watches as Lucky tosses the gym bag aside without a second thought and opens the larger duffel bag. He digs through it until he locates his lap top. Pulling in out, he glances over at Nikolas. He turns back, repacking the bag haphazardly, his voice low) Close the door. If my Dad turns up, this'll get messy. (Nikolas nods and walks in, closing the door silently behind him. His eyes are still trained on the gym bag, which Lucky, satisfied with the state of the larger bag, no turns his attention to. He picks up the bag and looks at Nikolas a moment. Nikolas's face is unreadable, so much so that it makes Lucky nervous.) Look... I know I didn't ask but... Thanks. (Nikolas blinks)
Nik: Excuse me?
Lucky: You heard me. (He picks up the bag, quickly, just wanting to get it out of sight. The weight doesn't strike him as odd, this is the way it usually feels, and he's too distracted by Nikolas's presence to give it any further thought. He opens the closet and sighs, looking at the crawl space over head. He looks back at Nikolas, who is studying the mass of books and papers on the floor. He quickly stuffs it up into the crawl space, not taking the time to get it completely out of sight.) He exits the closet, and starts slightly when he sees the intense look Nikolas is giving him. Nikolas, if he is brutally honest with himself, still has the power to unnerve him. That brooding thing -- which he has been doing since they left the house... He smirks at him) Did you lock it?
Nik: What?
Lucky: The door. (Nikolas nods.)
Nik: What's in the bag? (Lucky shrugs and leans down to pick up the laptop).
Lucky: That would fall under the heading of "my business". (He walks past Nikolas, and puts the laptop on the desk, slightly praying the battery still has enough power to boot the stupid thing up. He doesn't want to waste time searching out the cords, which are somewhere in the bowels of the duffel bag. He's aware of Nikolas still watching him, he assumes with the same severity, and it's making him tense. He flips up the top of the laptop.) Look. You don't have to stick around for this.
Nik: What are you doing?
Lucky: What does it matter? It'll take about fifteen minutes... Ok, half an hour, tops.
Nik: I'll wait.
Lucky: (exhaling as the computer screen flickers on) Then will you sit down or something? I have to concentrate here.
Nik: Am I making you nervous? (Lucky tosses Nikolas a look over his shoulder)
Lucky: No. (He rolls his eyes) But I could do without you standing there like a prison guard. Come on, Nikolas. Do you think I'm going to make a run for it?
Nik: Fine. (Nikolas looks around and decides the chair by the closet door is his best bed. He walks over and sits down. His eyes fall on the heap of garbage in the middle of the floor. He'd barely taken in the surrounding when he'd dumped the bags here. He'd been on autopilot, intent on getting out of there as soon as possible, and finding out just what was going on. Now, he can't help but evaluate the state of the room. God. Does Lucky actually live this way? No... it doesn't look like a mess, so much. One half of the room is untouched. Clean, even. Nikolas looks over at his brother. Lucky's focus is impressive... and spooky. He's sat down at the desk, the paper beside him, and is staring at the screen with obvious impatience as the modem screeches at him. Nikolas sighs and takes in the unmade bed, the general chaos. He shakes his head). What happened here, anyway?
Lucky: (monotone) Could we get a moratorium on the questions?
Nik: Maybe. If you actually answer one.
Lucky: (heavily) I had a bad day, Ok? (Nikolas frowns. What? He trashed his own room? He sighs and leans back, resting his head against the wall. Sounds like the kind of emotional and violent thing Lucky would do.)
Nik: Worse than this?
Lucky: It can always get worse than this. So far, no car accidents, Bobbie says Emily's still in one piece....
Nik: Bobbie?
Lucky: I called her while you were writing your dissertation to Mom. She says Emily's slept most of the day... Nothing else to tell.
Nik: You worried about her?
Lucky: (with an edge). I have to CONCENTRATE, Ok? You keep talking to me, this is going to take a lot longer. (He hits a few keys and waits. After a moment, the screen he wants appears and he smiles. Ok. This will be easy. No time at all, he'll have the information he wants. Nikolas sighs and looks up at the ceiling. Great. Time to think. No good is going to come from this.)
* * * *
General Hospital, Emily's room.
Monica stands in the doorway, watching the careful and cautious way Corrine is sitting beside her daughter. There is a look of unmistakable concern on her face. Monica struggles not to be jealous. This is who Emily has been confiding in, she's sure of it. They made it impossible for her to talk to them, and this woman appeared to fill the void. She presses her lips together. Once again, she had gone wrong. Things with Emily had never been easy. Had any of her children been easy? Definitely not. Jason was the closest. But it was different for the boys. She was the only mother they had ever known. Emily had another life before coming to Port Charles. She berates herself for the feelings that are coming up. The same ones that appeared around the time of the adoption. Wanting to be able to just wipe the memories away like tears and start over again. Wanting it to be simple. Nothing was ever simple for her.
In the bed Emily stirs slightly, and it's all Hannah can do not to reach out and shake her awake. She doesn't want to be here. She doesn't want this woman watching her, she can't shake the fact that she has stuff to do, people to see, and it's a matter of life and death. But a part of her -- a very demanding part -- needs to see Emily. A reminder. Why she's here. Why all of this might be worth it. She stares hard at Emily's face, willing her to open her eyes. All the same, she's startled when her eyes do open, and sits back, hard. Emily takes a moment to focus, then smiles. Hannah's heart moves into her throat, but she forces herself to smile back.
Hannah: Hi.
Em: Hey.... What are you doing here? (Monica steps forward from the door)
Monica: I thought you'd like to see a new visitor. (Emily looks over at Monica a moment, and nods... then her brain catches up, and she looks back at Hannah quickly)
Em: Do they -- (Hannah bites her lip, then nods slowly. Emily looks back at Monica, with a look of fear and guilt. Monica smiles at her, comforted by Emily's concern over her reaction)
Monica: It's all right, Emily. I'll... We'll talk a little about this later, if you're feeling up to it. (She looks over at Hannah) It was nice to meet you, Corrine. I'll leave you two to talk a little. (She starts out the door)
Em: Mom! (Monica stops and turns back, thrilled to hear Emily use the title) Will.. (her voice is tentative) Are you coming back.
Monica: (with infinite relief) Of course. Everyone is coming by tonight. Even Lila. (Emily smiles weakly and sinks further into her pillows)
Em: Ok.. (Monica takes a second look at Corrine, then turns and walks out, closing the door firmly behind her. Emily looks back at Hannah) Corrine?
Hannah: It was an impulse. You don't have to --
Em: No... that's Ok. Maybe.. Maybe Corey is Ok now. (Hannah smiles)
Hannah: Corey is many things. Ok isn't one of them.
Em: (heavily) Did you tell them?
Hannah: It was a team effort. A little me, a little AJ, a little of the doctor.
Em: How did they take it? (She blinks) Never mind. I can guess. Grandfather flew off the handle... Monica was cold... Alan was demanding.
Hannah: Well, Alan wasn't around, but you go the rest of them.
Em: (wryly) I know them. (She closes her eyes) What time is it?
Hannah: Three-thirty.
Em: Three- THIRTY? That late?
Hannah: (smiling) Why? You got somewhere to go.
Em: (trying to cover the deflation in her voice) No... I was just.. Wondering.
Hannah: Someone you want to see.
Em: (with confidence she doesn't feel) Lucky will be here.
Hannah: Have you seen him?
Em: He came by yesterday. He said he'd be back... (She sighs heavily and looks up at the ceiling) I'm just... worried, I guess.
Hannah: Don't think about it. I'm sure he's on his way here right now.
Em: Yeah. (She lifts her head slightly, then lets it fall back on the pillow) He just... doesn't ask as many questions as everyone else. Or maybe he just makes them sound less like questions. He's good at that.
Hannah: Charming.
Em: When he wants to be.
Hannah: He'll be here.
Em: I know. I just hope he gets here before my family does. It gets pretty crazy when they're around.
Hannah: I noticed.
Em: Uh... thanks for coming.
Hannah: I really did want to see you.... It's just that yesterday... There was a lot going on.
Em: About Helena?
Hannah: (shaking her head) No, no. don't worry about it.
Em: What else is there to do here? I've been remembering some stuff. It's getting a little clearer. That's all there is to do. I sleep all day, and then worry after visiting hours, before the sleeping pills take effect.
Hannah: They're drugging you, huh?
Em: Within an inch of my life.
Hannah: How long do you think you'll be in here?
Em: (smiling) Until Lucky breaks me out.
Hannah: EMILY!
Em: It was a joke. (Kinda, she thinks to herself)
Hannah: Nikolas told me you were leaving.
Em: We were trying... to avoid getting hit by a car, I guess.
Hannah: (seriously) I am really sorry, Emily. I really am, you'll never know how much.
Em: It's not your fault. Hey, I'm the one crazy enough to fall in love with a Spencer. If I hadn't done that, none of this would have happened.
Hannah: (sitting back) Ah, the circles of blame. They get wider and wider all the time. (She leans forward again, and boldly reaches out to take Emily's hand) I want you to know... No one is going to touch you again. No way. You're got a smart boyfriend who, from the looks of it, will do about anything to keep you safe, and you've got me. I don't look like much, but I'll do what I have to. I always do. In the end, it'll be fine. I promise.
Em: Something really big is going on here, isn't it?
Hannah: No. Nothing that I can't handle.
* * * *
Lucky's room,
Lucky is hunched over the computer screen staring at a web page that displays numbers and factual information that is incomprehensible to him. Nikolas, sick of waiting, stands up in frustration, and looks at his watch.
Nik: Forty-five minutes here.
Lucky: (viciously) Back off! (Nikolas is taken aback. He stares at the back of Lucky's head)
Nik: Something wrong.
Lucky: You don't want to know. (He frowns at the screen).
Nik: No, probably not. (He sighs and begins to pace. Lucky looks at the screen, then sits back, digging into his pocket for the aspirin. This is not going well. Nikolas sits down on the bed and looks over at the screen) Bank accounts? (Lucky snaps down the screen and spins around to face him)
Lucky: (Hissing) What are you doing? I told you, this isn't a hobby, Ok? This is not stuff you want to know anything about.
Nik: Is this what you do for Jason? This computer stuff?
Lucky: I've never been known for my "brawn". (He looks at Nikolas pointedly) Guess that's on your side of the family. (Nikolas glares at him)
Nik: This "business" arrangement, doesn't it extend to insults? (Lucky sighs)
Lucky: You really can suck the life out of any party. (He turns back to the computer) Look, knock yourself out, if you want to put your life on the line for curiosity, I'm not stopping ya. (He flips up the top, then shuts it again) How the hell did you know that was bank accounts?
Nik: (rolling his eyes) I'm familiar with Internet banking. I'm being trained to run a multinational corporation, remember?
Lucky: Huh. (He looks back at the computer) Well, I still recommend you avert your eyes. (Lucky flips up the screen and continues his work, forcing himself to continue. This makes no sense to him. Normally he'll talk stuff like this out, but he's not doing that with Nikolas here. This makes exactly no sense. There's a paper trail that might as well be fluorescent, and then he hits a dead end in PORT CHARLES? What the hell is this? He hits a few more keys, and hopes for the best. Finally the screen flicks over to where he wants it to. He sits back, unable to stop the grin from spreading across his face) Ha!
Nik: What?
Lucky: We're six key strokes from getting out of here. (Nikolas nods dully. He doesn't want to think about this)
Nik: Right. This job that won't get you hurt, but I'm -- (Nikolas stops short. But HE'S not supposed to look. He smiles slightly and looks over at Lucky) Feeling a little protective?
Lucky: (spinning around) Of you? (He stops. Damn. He points a warning finger at him) You are getting dangerously close to violated the rules you agreed to about an hour ago.
Nik: Right.
Lucky: But for interest's sake, no. I don't want ANYONE involved in this. (he turns back. The computer, which was whirring away searching for the name of on the bank account, has now popped the information up on the screen) Ok. This puppy's -- (He stops dead, reading the name on the bank account that contains Jason's money. The room tilts.) Jesus! (Nikolas looks up)
Nik: Problem?
Lucky: (a little high-pitched) You could say that. (He snaps down the computer top again, then immediately flips it up again, looking at the information. Name, date of birth, social security.... Balance -- Lucky stand up quickly, knocking his chair over, and walks across the room, as if distance will make the information on the screen a little less threatening. Nikolas stands up and looks at Lucky, and he leans against the wall. He looks over at the computer)
Nik: (reading) Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, Jr..... (Lucky spins around. He points at the computer as if it is Judas)
Lucky: THAT IS NOT MINE! (Nikolas looks at him oddly)
Nik: What is it?
Lucky: I never did like banks. (He walks back over, no longer caring if Nikolas sees this. He pushes Nikolas out of the way and examines the screen again. He shakes his head) What the hell is this? This is... This whole time I've been thinking this person, whoever they were, they were just too stupid to live, you know? I mean, it was too easy, I KNEW it was too easy! (He puts his hands on either side of his head, his headache back with full force. This was NOT fair! He turns to Nikolas) This has your family's fingerprints all over it!
Nik: What?
Lucky: This is NOT my bank account. This isn't even my BANK. And that sure as hell isn't my money!
Nik: (looking at the balance on the screen) According to this it is.
Lucky: (low voice) Do you really think I'd be dumb enough to embezzle five million dollars from the local mob boss who ALSO happens to be my girlfriend's brother? Have you SEEN the Godfather? Jason sees this, he'll be out shopping for piano wire within the hour!
Nik: What are you talking about?
Lucky: (completely freaked ) THIS IS NOT MY MONEY! This is some kind of... really sick joke. (he looks at Nikolas again) And it's your uncle's M.O. This is his stupid Faberge egg game all over again!
Nik: Look. If you don't start making some kind of sense REALLY soon. (Lucky shakes his head, staring at the screen)
Lucky: Someone's setting me up.
Nik: For what?
Lucky: (too quickly) Good question. Jason'll never buy this, he knows I'm not this dumb. No. The only people who would be able to find this out and use it would be -- (He stops dead, the wind rushing out of him. He leans on the desk a minute. Nikolas eyes him with concern, suspecting that doing anything like touching his shoulders would also violate Lucky's "boundaries".)
Nik: (quietly) Would be who?
Lucky: (numb) The cops. Someone is setting me up. (He looks over at Nikolas) And when whatever it is goes down, they want it known that ... I was working for Jason Morgan. (Nikolas stares at him)
Nik: Wouldn't' there be some other way -
Lucky: There is NOTHING concrete. There is no paper trail between me and Jason. There's not proof.
Nik: There's the bag. (Lucky stares at him)
Lucky: You opened the bag.
Nik: I did.
Lucky: DAMNIT! See, THAT'S why I didn't ask you to do that!
Nik: LOOK! You wouldn't tell me anything! You never gave me a clue how deep you were in with Jason. That can get to a person after a while.
Lucky: I'm not a mobster or anything, Nikolas.
Nik: You had a bag of money and a gun in your trunk!
Lucky: I was blowing town!
Nik: Lucky --
Lucky: LOOK. About a month ago, this was not a problem. No one knew anything.
Nik: My "uncle" did.
Lucky: (shaking his head) I KNEW that had to be him.
Nik: What are you --
Lucky: I can't get into this with you right now, Ok? I can.. I got... (He sighs, and shuts down the computer. He squeezes his eyes shut, then picks up the bottle of aspirin. He turns and walks over to the bathroom, in search of water.
Nik: So... you have to see Jason now.
Lucky: (Over running water) I guess. (He splashes the cold water on his face. It helps slightly. Why can't he just have a "day" for once? Was this not enough? He shakes his head. Well... at least he wasn't bored. He grabs the glass off the edge of the sink and fills it, then turns his attention to the child proof cap. His eyes won't focus, but he struggles valiantly for a moment before tossing it down onto the ground. Nikolas appears in the door way. Lucky turns away, putting one hand on either side of the sink, his head spinning. He hangs his head, feeling defeated. He doesn't want this to go on, he wants a break. And he can't remember ever feeling that way before. Nikolas watches Lucky, hyper aware that this stupid deal of theirs isn't going to last out the day. Lucky looks like a pretty serious rug got pulled out from under him. He can't help but feel like Jason's is the last place on earth he needs to go right now. Not before he's regrouped, at least. And there's no way Nikolas can help him -- especially not if he's going to stay within the terms of the agreement. He examines the aspirin bottle, and opens it easily, pulling out one of the mammoth pills. He reaches out this hand, palm up, offering them to Lucky. Lucky looks up. After a moment, he takes them, and nods, mumbling something that *might* have been "thank-you". Then again, it might have been something else. Lucky takes the aspirin, washing them down with the water. He turns off the fountain. He turns to Nikolas, his fatigue clear.) Ok. I guess we're going to Jason's.
Nik: (flatly) I have to go to the hospital. (Lucky looks at him like he's nuts)
Lucky: NOW?
Nik: I have a life too, you know.
Lucky: Nikolas.
Nik: It'll take fifteen minutes. (He looks at Lucky coldly. Finally Lucky nods. Fine. He'd rather go to the hospital, anyway. Even if all he can do is see Emily through the glass... just knowing she's still around will help somewhat. Nikolas fights the urge to smile as he watches Lucky fall for his line. He MUST be tired. Lucky sighs dramatically)
Lucky: Fine. Have it your way. Let's go.
