Chapter One Hundred Seven:
General Hospital, Emily's Room.
Emily stares at the wall, her conversation with Nikolas having stalled due to a
mutual desire to stop and soak things in. What is she doing? What is it about
Lucky that makes her follow him without question? If this was a friend of hers,
she'd think she was pretty lame. Boyfriend says "this is what we're doing", and
you nod and wait for him to take care of everything. Except this wasn't "so
where are we going Saturday night?". Lucky wouldn't risk her life for anything,
so that means that whatever it is he's still holding back is big. Big enough to
pull her out of the hospital less than twenty-four hours after she was released
from the ICU. No. But he was trying to play it off like it was just a safety
precaution. She smiles to herself. Try again, Spencer. Something is going on,
and she's giving him an hour's grace period, maybe, before she hits him with it.
Nikolas takes in the expression on Emily's face.
Nik: You're making me nervous.
Em: (looking over at him) How am I doing that?
Nik: You have this… Look on your face. Like you're planning something.
Em: (laughing) Oh, don't worry… I'll leave you alone.
Nik: Good to know… But should I warn Lucky?
Em: He knows me well enough to expect anything he gets today. (She sighs) I
mean, when you pull someone out of the hospital like this, you have to expect
them to ask a few questions. (Nikolas nods, avoiding her eyes… which makes her
feel a little more nervous) Did he tell you where we're going? (Nikolas sits
Nik: Yes. But he also made it very clear not to say a word about it. (Emily
considers this. Nikolas gives her an encouraging smile) But it's safe, don't
worry. (She nods. It would have to be.)
Em: I'm glad you're here, Nikolas. (Nikolas looks back with undisguised
surprise) I'd probably be a lot more uneasy about this if you weren't.
Nik: You would?
Em: Don't get me wrong, I mean… Lucky can always find a way out… But with you
here it seems a lot clearer. Easier. Less contingencies. (Nikolas nods
slightly, contemplating this) And I trust you. (He looks back at her. She is
watching at him carefully, evaluating his reaction. He smiles at her, feeling a
bit more… "in place". Up to this point he's felt like he wasn't really here.
Everything was strange, foreign. And Lucky was insisting on being vague, most
likely enjoying it… Emily turns her hand palm up on the bed, and gestures to it
with her eyes. Nikolas reaches out and takes it. Emily squeezes his hand
lightly) You always help me out when I really need it. So I feel better that
you're here.
Nik: (touched) Thanks. (The door opens and Lucky appears, holding something
under his jacket. He closes the door, and shakes his head, annoyed, then notes
Nikolas' hand in Emily's. He looks up at her quickly, pretending not to care.)
Lucky: (to Emily) I hate this place. There are too many people who know me.
Not that any of them saw me. (Nikolas, noting Lucky's reaction to the fact
that he and Emily were connecting, pulls his hand back and sits back in the
chair, feeling a little annoyed. Lucky crosses to the bed, and pulls out a
bundle from under his jacket, displaying them to Emily.) I got some clothes
from your bag. (He drops the pile of clothes down on the foot of the bed) You
packed well.
Em: Did I?
Lucky: Yeah. (He smiles at her) You've got a talent.
Em: It was fast, I kept thinking I was forgetting something huge.
Lucky: (shrugging) Nope. You even remembered shoes. (Nikolas, feeling
invisible yet again… God, they were an annoying couple to spend time with… sits
up in his chair)
Nik: Did you get what you were looking for?
Lucky: (not looking at him) Yeah. (To Emily) Ok. You ready to blow this
place? (Emily looks over at Nikolas, then back to Lucky).
Em: I want you to know I wouldn't let anyone else do this. (Lucky frowns at
her momentarily, until he realizes the comment was for Nikolas' benefit, not
his… to make him feel a part of this. And he has to admit Nikolas IS necessary.
Still… He looks over at Nikolas. Emily has always had a lot of male friends,
and while he'd never use the word "Jealousy" concerning any of them, they
sometimes give him a slight queasy feeling. Probably because that's how he
started out. He gives his head a hard shake. NOT going down this road today.)
Lucky: That's a given. Come on. (He holds a hand out to her. She takes it
warily, and Lucky slides his other arm under her, helping her sit up. Emily
lets her head hang a moment, and closes her eyes. Ok. She takes a deep breath,
then looks up)
Em: I… I can't walk Lucky. I don't even think I can stand without holding on
to something. (Lucky sighs. He was afraid of this. He starts to fiddle with
the metal barrier on the side of the bed, trying to unhook the catch to slide it
Lucky: Uh, yeah… Nikolas?
Nik: I can carry her. (Lucky grits his teeth. Of course he can. HE wasn't
hit by a car, it doesn't hurt for him to pick up a suitcase, let alone carry
Emily out of here.)
Lucky: (irritated) Ok, great, but right NOW you can make sure no one come in
here. (Nikolas rolls his eyes to Emily who smiles empathetically.)
Nik: (slightly mocking) Aye, aye. (He starts to the door and stops) Hey,
shouldn't we have some sort of secret code? You know some kind of signal? Knock
once if it's the SS… (Lucky, not liking to be hit back with any form of sarcasm,
hits the bar on the bed in frustration.)
Lucky: Just knock! That's all. (Nikolas watches Lucky struggle with the bed
and walks over. He expertly unhooks the side and it slips down. Lucky steps
back and shoot him a childishly nasty look) Thanks.
Nik: (shrugging) I have a lot of experience with hospital beds.
Lucky: Weren't you on your way out of here? (Nik smiles at Emily, then salutes
and heads out the door. Lucky looks back at Emily as the door shuts.) I'm going
to kill him.
Em: (patiently) No you won't.
Lucky: He's being obnoxious.
Em: (under her breath) Wonder where he picked that up. (Lucky looks at her
Lucky: What's that supposed to mean?
Em: (heavily) He’s annoyed because you're telling him what to do. If it was
HIM… (Lucky sighs heavily, and looks up at the ceiling.) You get my point.
Lucky: Look…
Em: (tired) I'm just trying to keep things a little balanced here, (She looks
at him) Ok?
Lucky: Yeah. Ok. (He looks at her, the annoyance fading from his features. He
approaches her, and pulls back the covers on the bed, and slides her around to
face him, her legs falling limply over the side of the bed. She smiles at him
Em: Am I forgiven?
Lucky: Always. (He looks at her a moment, then slides a hand around the back of
her neck, and leans in to give her a soft kiss. Emily closes her eyes and lets
herself get lost for just a second. A second, because that's as long as it
lasts. He pulls back and meets her eyes intensely.) We're outta here. (He
leans over and picks up the shirt, while Emily forces herself to remain sitting.
Lucky shakes out the T-shirt.) Ready? (Emily nods. He approaches her
gathering up the hem, and she lifts her arms over her head with great care.
This is the most she's moved since the accident and it's excruciating. Lucky
seems to sense this, and he lowers the shirt over her head with great care, not
forcing anything, just guiding the soft cotton material over her head, and
pulling it down over the hospital gown. He puts his hands on her shoulder, and
pulls her hair out from under the shirt.) That was the easy part. (He leans
over and picks up the jeans. Emily rolls her eyes).
Em: THIS is a switch. (Lucky kneels before her, sliding the jeans over her
legs, then slipping on the tennis shoes she'd tossed into the bottom of her
Lucky: What is?
Em: You. Helping me DRESS. It's usually the other way around. (Lucky laughs
slightly, as he ties her shoes)
Lucky: Not like I have a WHOLE lot of experience with that either. (Emily
kicks him lightly)
Em: You have more than enough, believe me. (Lucky looks up at her, smirking)
Lucky: I don't know. I think I could do with more practice.
Em: (smiling sweetly) Not tonight dear, I have a headache. (Lucky groans)
Lucky: How long have you been saving THAT one?
Em: Look. Hospitals are boring. I have a lot of time on my hands. (Lucky
stands up, and wordlessly puts his arm around her waist, pulling her towards
Lucky: Stand up. (Emily sighs. She drapes her arms over his shoulders, and
feels him grip her waist tightly. She takes a deep breath and slides off the
bed, landing on her feet, though she can barely feel the floor beneath her. She
rests her head against Lucky's shoulder, and waits for things to steady a
little. After a moment, she feels Lucky pull the jeans up the rest of the way,
and she sighs heavily. Anyone else in the world this would feel completely
humiliating. With Lucky it just IS… Insane things feel normal when he's around.
She lifts her head, gripping his shoulder as best she can. The room tilts, but
Lucky seems to sense what she's trying to do. He moves his hands to her waist
and holds her firmly. Secure in his grip, Emily lets her arms slide off of his
shoulders, and she tucks the hospital gown into the jeans as best she can, and
does the jeans up. She looks back at him)
Em: (softly) Ta dah!
Lucky: Perfect. (Emily lets herself fall against him again, wrapping her arms
around his neck. He pulls her closer to him, and closes his eyes. This is the
closest they've been in days. Finally… All he's wanted to do, from the minute
the car hit her, was be able to hold her again. And now that he is, it's
overwhelming. She feels warm and soft. He reaches up and strokes her hair
gently, whispering to her softly) God, I love you, Em. (She nods, then pulls
back as best she can, her eyes glistening)
Em: Ok. I'm ready. (Lucky nods and helps her sit back down on the bed. He
crosses the room, and opens the door. Nikolas is leaning against it, however,
and stumbles slightly when it opens behind him. He glares at Lucky who shrugs)
Lucky: You're on, man. (Nikolas enters the room, Lucky closing the door behind
him) Did anyone come by?
Nik: (still imitating Lucky's manner) Did I knock? (Lucky stares at him
blankly.) There's slow traffic on this floor. 10: 00 on a Tuesday morning.
Lucky: We better move now then. (Lucky stands at the door, looking quite
purposely at the floor while Nikolas goes over to the bed. Emily crosses her
arms across her stomach, nervously)
Em: We'll, you're lucky. I've been on an all-liquid diet for a few days and
today all I had was a piece of toast and some orange juice.
Nik: You're a twig, Emily. I think I can handle it. (Lucky resists the urge
to start humming "Mary Had a Little Lamb" to drown out this conversation. Emily
takes a deep breath)
Em: Ok. Time to prove your strength. (She puts her arms around his neck and
he lifts her with little effort into his arms. Lucky continues to stare at the
floor, reciting some forced-memorized Shakespeare speech in his head. Nikolas
clears his throat, and Lucky looks up.)
Lucky: Ok. (He focuses on Nikolas' eyes, rather than let himself absorb the
sight of his girlfriend in his brother's arms.) I'll open the door, you head for
the exit. Don't look back, just get to the stairwell as fast as possible.
(Nikolas nods, distracted as he ensures that his grip on Emily is secure. Lucky
gestures for Nikolas to approaches the door and he does so. Lucky checks the
window and then opens the door cautiously. Seeing the coast is clear, with the
exception of some old man with an IV strange who appears to be blessing
invisible worshippers. Lucky looks back at Nikolas, and throws the door open.)
Now. (Nikolas passes lucky and starts down the hall at an impressive speed.
Lucky sprints past him to the stairwell, and opens the door, staring intently at
the hallway, ensuring no one appears, while Nikolas watches in front. He ducks
through the door and Lucky follows closing the door behind him. The stairwell
appears empty, but Lucky passes Nikolas, and dashes down two flights of stairs,
staying ahead of him for the whole trip. Nikolas can feel the adrenaline pumping
through him as he and Emily descend the stairs. She clings to his neck with
more strength than she though she had, her eyes shut tight. She can hear Lucky
below them, then suddenly hears his footsteps stop. She catches her breath,
noting that Nikolas is still following. Opening her eyes, she sees Lucky
holding open the door to the first floor of the parking garage. Emily feels an
incredible wave of relief, amazed how quickly they made it down the stairs.
Nikolas sweeps her through the door, and they are at his car after only a few
steps. Emily feels the air rush out of her, her whole body feeling limp.
Nikolas gently sets her down on her feet, so that she is leaning against the
car. She smiles at him, and Lucky appears beside her. She looks up at him)
Em: (weakly) I can't believe we did it… Sort of. (She tries to move towards
him, but her knees buckle, and Lucky pulls her into his arms, holding her
tightly. Emily winces in pain, but decides that it's not worth being out of his
arms again. She laughs slightly)
Lucky: That was it, Babe. That was the hard part, it's over.
Em: (pulling back) Wait. (Nikolas opens the door of the car, and pushes the
seat up so that she can crawl into the back. She glances in and notes a pillow
and black sheet in the impossibly small back seat. She looks at Lucky) What
Lucky: Get in. (She nods, numb, and climbs in, Lucky helping her. She nearly
falls onto the cramped seat, and Lucky wedges himself in the tiny space afforded
between the front and back seat, while Nikolas rounds the car, and gets into the
driver's seat, this part of the plan clearly well rehearsed. Emily struggles,
her head pounding, the weakness of her wrist greatly impeding her ability to
slide into a good position. Lucky silently curses Nikolas' car, and tries to
help her. She finally rests on her good side, and looks at Lucky, exhausted.)
Em: This is as good as it gets.
Lucky: Can you try to…
Em: (firmly) NO!
Lucky: Ok, ok. (Emily looks at him, her face deadly serious)
Em: Where am I going, and WHY am I in this car? (Lucky and Nikolas exchange a
look. Lucky takes the sheet, and counts off the reasons.)
Lucky: One, the windows are tinted. Two, it's almost impossible to see into
the back seat, and three, he works here… I'm going to put this sheet over you,
just stay still while you go through the parking gate.
Em: Ok. But where are we going?
Lucky: You're going to Nikolas'. (Emily blinks, noting the pronoun switch)
Em: (worried) Aren’t you coming? (Lucky sighs)
Lucky: Nik's probably being followed, and I should be seen some place else
fast. I'm walking out to my car, it's parked two blocks from here. I'll go to
Jason's he's going to get a doctor to look at you, prescribe some medication…
You're going to Nikolas'… No one will expect you to be there. No way will they
think he did something as insane as this. And Renaldo and Johnny are already
waiting at the service elevator. They'll carry you upstairs. (Emily shakes her
Em: Huh. Being carried around by muscle bound hunks. I can handle that.
(Nikolas stifles a laugh while Lucky just stares at her)
Lucky: You're on heavy medication, Carly told me. So I'll let that slide.
Em: (placating) Oh, come on. You know you're much more my type.
Lucky: Right. Try again later. (Lucky starts to try to extricate himself from
the back seat. Emily reaches out and grabs his sleeve.)
Em: Wait. When will I get to see you? (Lucky looks back at her, taking in the
concern on her face.)
Lucky: (softly) I’ll be there as soon as I can. You'll be safe, Em. It's the
safest place in the world for you. The building security sucks, but even if
Helena knows you're there, she's not going to attack under Nikolas' roof. (He
smiles at her) Ok?
Em: (overwhelmed) Ok. (Lucky leans over awkwardly, and gives her a meaningful
kiss. He pulls back) You’re going to be fine. (Emily nods, and lies back.)
Em: (heavily) Ok. Cover me up.
* * * *
Wyndemere Docks.
Laura has never, in all the years she's known Stefan, seen him this clearly
caught off guard. He is in complete shock. And surprisingly enough, Stefan
registers shock much the same way other people do… jaw open, mouth working, but
no sound coming out. Finally he finds his voice.
Stefan: (gruffly) How? (Laura lifts her chin, steeling herself)
Laura: He was in Switzerland. You knew that.
Stefan: He was listening?
Laura: He was sitting on the stairs when you came in. He chose not to make his
presence known. (She looks at him bitterly) Certainly you understand that kind
of behavior.
Stefan: (retreating into suspicion) And you expect me to believe that he never
uttered a word of this to his father.
Laura: Believe me. If he had told Luke, we would both know about it.
Stefan: In all this time… Why?
Laura: (heavily) That’s a question only Lucky can answer. (Stefan looks at
her, appraising her face) You think I'm lying!
Stefan: You can see why I'd doubt your story, Lasha.
Laura: What reason? What POSSIBLE reason could I have for telling you this if
it was not the truth?
Stefan: (darkly) I can't imagine. (He turns from her, walking towards the edge
of the dock) And now you mean to tell your husband that you made love to me,
that we conceived Nikolas together… Not under duress, not in exchange for
freedoms, but of your own free will… Do you think he'll accept this?
Laura: No. Not initially, I can't imagine he will.
Stefan: And you are doing this for what purpose?
Laura: I am DOING this to release the burden of this secret from my son! It
was never his story to tell or not tell! I never should have allowed it to
remain his decision.
Stefan: So now you will confess, at Nikolas' expense… (Laura's anger, which she
was keeping in check, bubbles over)
Laura: This is NOT at the expense of Nikolas! (She stops, and takes a deep
breath, trying to compose herself. It is dangerous to get emotional in front of
Stefan, he preys on it. She turns to face his back, steadying her voice) This
is the only choice, don't you see that? You know… I KNOW you know what Lucky is
Stefan: (turning back, with a cruel smile) And you wish to blame your son's
decision to follow in his father's footsteps?
Laura: That is NOT what he's doing!
Stefan: No?
Laura: Lucky working for Jason isn't about Luke. It's about me. It's about me
and what I did to him. (Stefan chuckles slightly)
Stefan: You'll excuse me Lasha. It seems the men in your family are often
whining about the cost of what you did to them.
Laura: (heatedly) Oh, and are you any different? Do I hear anything else from
you? What I did to Nikolas, the wrongs I perpetrated against you brother? And
the one thing you never say… the one thing that you're constantly making me pay
for, though you will never utter the words out loud… the things I did to you!
(Stefan is caught off guard again, but refuses to turn his back. Laura sees
something flicker in his eyes, however, and refuses to back down. She
approaches him, her voice low and controlled) You have no right to judge my son.
You have no right to judge my husband. And you certainly have no right to judge
me! (She is suddenly swept up in a powerful current of emotion) How I ever
allowed myself to feel guilty for what happened on that island… To think that
it made me unworthy, that it made me… (She chokes) Dirty. Used. Useless to
anyone… I had no will of my own! I honestly had no free will… (She stops and
shakes her head) No. That's not true, is it? I had free will, and I exorcised
it. I chose to sleep with you. And you would have me pay for that for the rest
of my life!
Stefan: (quietly) Do you honestly believe Luke would feel any differently?
Laura: (emotionally) The issue is not how Luke feels! I am not doing this for
any other reason then to release Lucky from this secret. It is tearing him
apart! Not that I would expect you to care for a second!
Stefan: (bitterly) I should feel bad… That your son has made these choices?
I should be to blame for this? YOU made this choice…
Laura: YES! And I'm making the choice now to tell my husband. I know this is
a threat to you… that is why I'm here.
Stefan: To warn me? Of what?
Laura: When I came back to Port Charles, I made it very clear that I understood
the depth of what this secret meant to you and your family… and you confirmed it
for me by allowing me to stay.
Stefan: (attempting to dismiss this) I chose to start a new life. I chose to
marry Katherine and put you and your lies behind me.
Laura: I did care for you, Stefan. (Stefan's jaw tightens) My God… You meant
so much to me, you got me through… (She stops, remembering) I don't know what
I would have done, how I would have survived without your… (Stefan interrupts
her with a bitter laugh)
Stefan: (Hissing) Do not think you can placate me, throw these tender words at
me, as if they have some sort of meaning.
Laura: (tightly) Maybe you don't want to hear them, but I'm telling you the
Stefan: Your truth and mine, Lasha, have rarely been in accord.
Laura: Well out truth tonight is the same. We conceived Nikolas together. And
you raised him as your nephew. As the heir. And it was all a lie.
Stefan: Luke will use this against Nikolas, against us. You have to know that.
(Laura looks out at the water)
Laura: (distantly) It is a possibility.
Stefan: A possibility? (She looks back at him, brought back to the moment by
the sharp edge in his voice) He has been hell bent on revenge ever since we
came to town. And so far he has been unable to achieve it on ANY level. Now, I
know… Perhaps you would flatter yourself and feel that you remaining his wife is
all the punishment I required. I have all that I desire… I have my son! That
was always enough for me. (Laura turns away, shaking at the implication.
Stefan presses on with barely contained emotion) Nikolas will HAVE the life I
meant for him to have! Not even Luke can take that from him.
Laura: (carefully) If Luke tries to hurt Nikolas with this… He will inevitably
hurt other people he loves… And for that reason, I think once his initial anger
wears off…
Stefan: (exploding) His INITIAL anger? Anger is all your husband knows! He
hangs onto it, he holds it like a life raft. You think his love for you out
weighs that? You think it will stop him from destroying his most hated enemy?
(He takes a moment, pulling himself in again) Nikolas will be devastated by
Laura: Nikolas already knows! (Stefan turns back, in shock) I know he knows
you're his son. I know because I meant to tell him that. But he told me.
(Stefan has no words. Laura smiles ironically.) Another surprise. I'm full of
them tonight, aren't I? (She crosses her arms) Did you honestly think I
wouldn't inform Nikolas of this decision? Did you think I would come to you
first? No. I promised Nikolas I would talk to you and that is why I'm here.
Stefan: Luke will use this against him.
Laura: If he does… Think what you will of my husband, but he is smart. He
sees all angles immediately. And he will know exactly what hurting Nikolas will
mean! He can't do it without hurting me… And more importantly, without hurting
Lulu. And I hope to God that stops him.
Stefan: You can hope, Lasha. For all the good it's ever done you. Your faith…
Your blind faith in that man… You think I have caused you pain? You think I'm
responsible for the situation you find yourself in now? If your husband was not
so full of hate and anger, if he was not so violent… Then none of this would
Laura: (insistently) I’m not doing this for Luke! I am doing this for my sons.
(Her voice falters) For both of them. I'm doing this in the hopes that
somehow, some day, I will be able to repair the damage I have done. Maybe that's
too much to hope for, I'll admit that. But I don't know how else to do it.
You've told me over and over how much I've hurt Nikolas. And Lucky has made it
very clear just how badly I've hurt him. I have to believe that the truth will
heal. And that it is for the best. I've tried all other avenues. There is no
choice… I've tried, and at what expense? Lucky does still love me… But I feel
it's in spite of himself. And Nikolas… (She looks at him defiantly) Nikolas
accepts what I'm going to do.
Stefan: (coldly) Is that what he told you?
Laura: I believe… And this may come as another shock to you… That Nikolas cares
deeply for Lucky.
Stefan: (shaking his head) You do delude yourself.
Laura: I saw it! I saw it when I told him. He doesn't seem to care what this
will do to him. It wasn't his concern.
Stefan: I'm sure he was so deeply shocked that his concerns are still occurring
to him. Perhaps you should speak to him again. (Stefan's observation hits
Laura. This is true. Nikolas must have been numb. She turns away from him,
feeling the doubt come over her in a cold wave. She shakes it off)
Laura: (determinedly) It won't change anything.
Stefan: (angrily) He has been raised to lead this family. And I will not have
that change.
Laura: I understand that.
Stefan: Do you? Do you really understand what all of this means? When he was
an infant, the truth would have meant his extermination. And my mother has
reappeared in Port Charles. And I can only believe that it is once again to
attempt to ingratiate herself to Nikolas… and I can't believe that once SHE
knows the truth…
Laura: There is no reason for her to know the truth.
Stefan: You think that Luke will keep this to himself? You think that the
WORLD will not know that truth?
Laura: You didn't think Lucky would keep it to himself. And he has.
Stefan: For entirely selfish reasons, I'm sure. (Laura laughs bitterly)
Laura: Selfish? (She shakes her head, tears coming to her eyes) Those are not
the words that come to mind when I think of him. He got nothing from keeping
this secret. He got nothing but a lifetime's worth of pain. And it is time he
was freed of that. That is not negotiable.
Stefan: You do this Lasha, and you will regret it.
Laura: Is that a threat?
Stefan: It is a fact. (Laura nods slowly).
Laura: (quietly) There is nothing else. There is no other choice. I have
already promised my sons. Both of them. (She looks up at him) You accused me,
when Nikolas first came, of being my dirty little secret. Whose secret is he
now? Which one of us is afraid to announce to the world that he is our son?
Stefan: (deadly quiet) Everything I've ever done was for his protection, his
safety. I have never in my life done anything to purposely hurt that boy.
Laura: Neither have I! (Stefan laughs) I know you don't believe me. But I
never intended for him to live in pain.
Stefan: Ah. You intended to come back! You intended only to go to Port
Charles to lay eyes on your husband. Just to see him… That is what you told me.
You just had to see him again. And instead you stayed. You had another son.
You made your life elsewhere. It was Nikolas' choice to allow you back into his
life. And now you ensure that he will regret that decision.
Laura: You can't change my mind. (They both fall into silence, staring out at
the water together, yet again. Laura looks back at him, sadly) How did we get
here, Stefan… How did we come to this?
Stefan: The steps we took to this place, Lasha… They were more yours than mine.
Laura: (smiling ruefully) You can believe that, if you want. But I know
Stefan: Regardless of what you think of me… This would be a time to watch those
steps more carefully.
Laura: And you yours.
Stefan: I can handle Luke Spencer.
Laura: (laughing slightly) I suppose you think you can. But I wouldn't count
on it. (She turns from him) Good bye, Stefan. (Stefan watches after her as
she walks down the docks, and reboards the launch, without looking back.)
