Chapter One Hundred Eight:
Catching Up
Nikolas' Apartment, Living room.
Nikolas is standing at the window, deep in thought. He's doing his best to
ignore the two mute goons who are sweeping the apartment for bugs. Lucky said
this like it was a little thing. Like it would take no time at all, be no
inconvenience. And at that point, he was talking so fast, Nikolas had to admit
his mind was spinning slightly, and he hadn't given it much thought. He was now
making a permanent mental note… Just because Lucky talked about something like
it was normal, never to assume that it was. Lucky thought being shot at was
normal. Nikolas found it to be rather an inconvenience. AND he was not at all
enamored of these two giants going through everything he owned looking for
listening devices.
He closes his eyes and leans his head against the glass. One thing Lucky was
providing him with, in spades, was distraction. Distraction from the one thing
that hung around the edges of his mind, constantly threatening to come forward.
Stefan. He's not even sure what to call him now. It had always been Uncle…, A
word that had come to mean father to him. And after he'd found out the truth,
he'd allowed himself to think father occasionally. But never say it. Not ever.
But now it was out there. People knew. And the word “uncle” began to feel like a
lie. He shakes his head. He has to go to the island, that is without question.
Lucky leaving is necessary, but that leaves him alone in the fight for Hannah's
safety. Though he never once called on Lucky's help, there was a vague idea that
it was there. An option to letting his uncle in on what was happening. Now he
had to figure out what he was going to do. On his own, if necessary.
The door to the apartment is opened by Johnny, the bodyguard on the door, and
Lucky comes in. He stops and takes in the apartment, his expression unreadable,
as his eyes scan the furniture, ornaments, wall hangings, and finally rest on
Nikolas himself. Nikolas feels like Lucky is appraising him in the same way as
the room… if not as PART of the room. He crosses to him, looking as if he hasn't
a care in the world.
Lucky: (nodding towards the goons) They break anything? (Nikolas starts) I was
joking, Nikolas. Relax.
Nik: (annoyed) How much longer is this going to take? (Lucky looks over at the
two guys in question)
Lucky: How long have they been at it?
Nik: Around twenty minutes?
Lucky: Give them another twenty. How's it going?
Nik: They haven't found anything. (He shrugs). Not that it would matter if they
had. I mean, she didn't need to bug me, she has Hannah. (Lucky nods slightly,
considering that. He has to admit, Nikolas has taken that a hell of a lot better
than he would have. He looks back at Nikolas)
Lucky: How's Emily?
Nik: She's asleep upstairs. She was exhausted by the time we got back here.
Lucky: I should probably check on her. Jason's sending over his doctor.
Nik: Is everything taken care of?
Lucky: (shaking his head) Later. (He looks out the window at the view of Port
Charles, fixating on it a moment. Nikolas clears his throat)
Nik: Did you still want to handle this the same way as before? When you asked me
in the parking lot…
Lucky: Make sure the place is totally clean before we get into that. (Nikolas
nods, still put off by the distant look on Lucky's face)
Nik: I'm probably not going to be here when you come back downstairs. (Lucky
looks up at him, sharply)
Lucky: You're leaving? (Nikolas looks up quickly at the strange quality to
Lucky's voice… He sounded, just for an instant, eerily like Lesley Lu. Lucky is
looking at him, obviously thrown).
Nik: Well, the guards will be here, right?
Lucky: Yeah, I… (He stops and shakes his head. What did he THINK was happening?)
Yeah, ok. She knows Renaldo pretty well, I'll just have him stay here. (He looks
back at him) That's fine with you, right? (Nikolas frowns. This is very strange
behavior, coming from Lucky. He nods)
Nik: What about Jason? I assumed he was on his way over.
Lucky: I have a feeling the Quartermaines will be looking for him. If we're
lucky, they'll buy that this was a hit against Emily and think that he took her
out of the hospital to protect her. (He smirks slightly) Ok, to be totally
honest, that's probably not even going to occur to them until they track me down
and try and shake it out of me. But after that, they'll go after Jason. And he
figured it was best, all round, if he didn't show his face here. He makes an
impression, you know?
Nik: True. (He looks over at the bodyguards) This is already not doing much for
my reputation.
Lucky: (rolling his eyes) Nikolas, your doorman is legally blind. He wouldn't
notice if walked out of here in a dress.
Nik: I was kidding, Lucky.
Lucky: (raising his eyebrows) Really. I didn't know you did that.
Nik: Consider yourself warned.
Lucky: Yeah… (He starts to turn away, then stops. Something is nagging at him
and it's not going to go away until he does something about it. He turns back)
Look, Uh… (He puts his arms out in a gesture of acquiesce, and delivers one of
his more charming smiles… putting Nikolas immediately on guard) I probably could
have done this with out you. I'm not entirely sure how, but I could have pulled
it off. (Nikolas narrows his eyes at him, and Lucky focuses his gaze on a spot
right over his brother's shoulder) But Emily would have been a lot more nervous,
and it would have been a lot more complicated, so… Thanks. (Nikolas stares at
Lucky in shock, then a slow smile spreads across his face)
Nik: You think you slipped enough qualifiers in there?
Lucky: (shrugging) You get the idea.
Nik: Yeah, I do.
Lucky: Fine. See you whenever. (He turns again. Nikolas reaches out without even
thinking and grabs his arm, turning him back to face him)
Nik: Lucky! (Lucky stops and looks at him, then to the hand gripping his arm)
Lucky: (slowly) Yes?
Nik: (dropping his arm) You were right. (Lucky furrows his brow)
Lucky: I probably was… What was I right about this time? (Nikolas can't help but
laugh slightly.)
Nik: Yesterday. We should have kept things just business. It worked, for awhile.
It's working today.
Lucky: I guess.
Nik: I shouldn't have let Jason play the tapes. (Lucky gets immediately tense
and Nikolas takes a step back from him) Doesn't matter. I just mean… I'll play
it your way from here on out.
Lucky: (wryly) Gee, Nikolas… I'm going to be around another three hours or
something… You think you can make it?
Nik: I'll manage.
Lucky: Where are you going?
Nik: That wouldn't be business.
Lucky: Nope. That's just me being nosy. Are you going to tell me or not?
Nik: Actually… I'm going to see my uncle.
Lucky: Oh. (He turns away quickly)
Nik: He has a habit of keeping things from me… I was thinking that one of those
things might be where my Grandmother is staying.
Lucky: (still not looking at him) Uh… Why do you want to know that?
Nik: I thought it would be useful information. You know, for those of us not
leaving town today.
Lucky: Probably.
Nik: I still have to watch out for Hannah. (Lucky nods. Finally, with a loud
sigh, he turns back)
Lucky: Nikolas, my mother was probably out there. Or if not, she's on her way.
(Nikolas digests this)
Nik: She told me that she was going to see him.
Lucky: Same here. She said today.
Nik: Do you think she would have? (Lucky closes his eyes momentarily, then,
aware that he's talking to Nikolas, he opens them, casting them to the floor)
Lucky: (mumbling) I don't know, what way is the wind blowing? (He looks up) I'm
just warning you, that's all.
Nik: Ok. Thanks. (Lucky shrugs)
Lucky: Whatever. I'm going to check on Emily. (Nikolas nods) When do you think
you'll be back?
Nik: Probably within two hours.
Lucky: We should probably… Talk. Before I leave, I mean.
Nik: Right. (Lucky nods, then backs away, still looking at Nikolas. He turns
suddenly, as if breaking away, cutting him away from him. He starts up the
stairs, not looking back).
* * * *
Guest Bedroom.
Lucky opens the door to the room Nikolas indicated slowly, straining to see in
the dark. He can see Emily's form, curled up on the bed. She's changed, somehow,
out of the clothes she left the hospital in, now wearing a familiar set of pj's.
He feels his heart constrict at the sight of her. Out of the hospital, asleep,
safe… They did it. It worked, they got her here, and so far, no one is beating
down the door. Step one. He exhales heavily, running the next part through his
head. Some place out of town, but not far. Large. Easy to get lost in. With
hospitals. The only answer he keeps coming back to is Canada… not that he's
anxious to get held up at a border. Still, having already talked to Jason, the
medical side of things could be taken care of. If they head into Canada, Jason
has already obtained a black market OHIP card for Emily. If absolutely
necessary, he could even get away with re-admitting her someplace else and not
have to deal with insurance and other garbage. God bless universal health care.
Once she's recovered, they can go anywhere from there. Still, he can't shake the
feeling that it's too predictable. It's the obvious choice. That makes him
nervous. On the other hand, there isn't a whole lot of room for manipulation of
the situation, here. The first consideration has to be Emily. At all times.
He takes a few steps into the room, and leans against the side of a large
bureau. He can't get over how dark this place is. It's incredible that Nikolas
would choose to move away from Spook Island, and still end up some place this
dreary. He looks over at the heavy curtains pulled over the window at the far
side of the room. There is some kind of large… vase? Whatever it is, it's big
and heavy, and inanimate as it may be, he still feels observed. No wonder
Nikolas is so uptight, if he grew up surrounded by stuff like this. He walks
over to the window, and pushes the curtain open a little, letting a bit of sun
spill in. The sky is darkening, beginning to threaten, banishing the bright sun
that had marked the morning. He stares out of it a moment, watching the ominous
clouds descending on the city. His stomach tightens. Storm Clouds. Little sign
from God, something bad is about to go down. He closes his eyes, feeling
completely lost. He can't shake that feeling. This is the first time in his
whole life that leaving town had nothing to do with his parents. Even running
away with Emily had been about his parents as much as it had been about… Hannah.
Corrine. Whatever. But now he was just taking off. And there was no reason for
him to stay, about a million to leave. So why the hell did he feel like he was
being a coward, a deserter. He feels a lump rise in his throat, and steps back
from the window. He lets the curtain fall, as he sees Emily stir out of the
corner of his eye.
Em: (lifting her head) What are you looking at? (Lucky coughs, trying to force
the tight feeling from his chest)
Lucky: I thought you were asleep.
Em: (heavily) I probably should be. (She reaches over and flips on the lamp on
the bedside table, which casts a dim glow over the room) I couldn't sleep.
Lucky: You're kidding. After this morning, I though you'd be passed out. (Emily
studies him unapologetically)
Em: I keep worrying about you. (Lucky turns away from her, laughing slightly)
Lucky: (incredulous) Worrying about ME? I'm fine.
Em: (skeptically) Uh huh.
Lucky: You don't believe me? (She struggles up onto her elbow, painfully).
Em: No, I don't.
Lucky: Em… Look at me. I'm still in one piece, everything is fine. (Emily
frowns) What?
Em: It's the way you're talking.
Lucky: What's the matter with the way I'm talking?
Em: Your voice… It's all breathy, and high…
Lucky: High?
Em: Like it's in your throat. Like it's choking you. (Lucky says nothing) What's
going on, Lucky?
Lucky: Oh, let's see… You've got Cassadines using you as a bargaining chip, my
parents are about twenty-four hours from imploding, and Hannah is about as
predictable as a good game of Russian roulette, And I just got through telling
Nikolas Cassadine that I couldn't have done this without him. Yeah something's a
little off.
Em: There's more to it than that.
Lucky: Emily…
Em: Come here. (Lucky sighs, then finally walks over to the edge of the bed) Lie
Lucky: Em…
Em: Humor me. (Lucky stares at her. She meets his gaze determinedly. He sighs).
Lucky: Emily, I have to talk to Jason, I have to go back to my parent's house…
Em: You have to relax for a minute! Come on. You did the same thing to me when
you thought I was driving myself crazy!
Lucky: That was different.
Em: Explain how?
Lucky: You were… You were…
Em: If that sentence is going where I think it's going, this is going to get
Lucky: (laughing) Emily, you can barely move.
Em: Don't underestimate me.
Lucky: Ok. Fine. You win. (He flops down beside her, crossing his arms across
his chest stubbornly) There you go. (Emily looks down at him)
Em: Close your eyes.
Lucky: Em… (Emily smiles at him, her sweet loving smile, the one where her eyes
crinkle, and invariably his heart stops. He sighs. She lightly brushes her
fingertips over his eyes, and he lets his eyes fall shut in response to the
gesture.) There. Happy?
Em: (lying her head against his shoulder) Getting there. (She slides her hand
along his arm) Let go. (Lucky groans) This isn't so bad, Lucky. Just let
yourself relax, just for a minute. You'll feel better, I promise you.
Lucky: I don't have time for this…
Em: Do you think I had time to spend three days in a hospital bed? Sometimes you
don't get to make these choices. (Lucky opens his eyes, and looks down at her)
Lucky: That was uncalled for.
Em: (smiling) I told you, I'm going to do what I have to. Now… Try this.
Lucky: Ok, ok. (He takes at exaggerated breath, and closes his eyes again. She
snuggles closer to him, as his breathing deepens, nestling her head against his
neck. After a moment, he lets the rigidity of his arms relax slightly and they
slide off his chest a little. Emily reaches up and slides her free hand behind
his neck)
Em: (lightly) You're faking. (Lucky laughs slightly)
Lucky: I'm doing what you told me to!
Em: I told you to relax. But your heart is still going a mile a minute and
you're still totally tense.
Lucky: Any more suggestions?
Em: Well, you could actually TRY for a minute. Just stop thinking about what we
need to do, and let your mind wander a little, ok? (Lucky lets his head fall so
that's resting against hers, his lips brushing against her hair)
Lucky: If you insist.
Em: I do. (Lucky pulls her a little closer. It's tempting… But he has this
irrational fear that if he stops now, he won't start again. It's stupid, because
that has never been a problem for him. He's always been able to keep moving.
Always. He lets his lungs empty, and breathes in deeply, bringing in the
familiar scent of Emily's hair. It's intoxicating, clouding his mind. She slides
her hand up his neck and lightly strokes his hair. He can feel the weight
lessening, all the intangible things he missed about her coming back to him. He
concentrates on how it feels to lie with her again, to feel her lips pressed
lightly against his neck, the flutter of her heartbeat. The soft, gently way
she's touching him… He feels overwhelmed with a desire to kiss her, to envelop
her, to hold her as close as he can. She slides her hand down from his hair, and
lightly runs her fingers along his collarbone. Lucky catches her hand in his,
and pulls away from her, sitting up quickly)
Lucky: Ok, no. That is not helping me relax. (Emily looks at him in confusion)
Em: Lucky!
Lucky: (getting up) Look, there's a doctor coming to see you in, like, no time,
I should go down stairs and…
EM: (falling back against the pillows) Fine. Take off again. (Lucky stops)
Lucky: What?
Em: You've spent about a grand total of fifteen minutes with me in the last
three days, why should this be any different? (Lucky stares at her, in shock.
She's staring hard at the ceiling, his brow knit. This… This has to be the
medication or something).
Lucky: Emily…
Em: Look, you have more important things to do than spend time with me, so go
ahead. Take care of them. Just let me know when you're finished. (Lucky groans)
Lucky: Oh, this is a good idea. Let's do this. You're finally out of the
hospital, this is a good time to start fighting again. (She turns her face away
from her, closing her eyes. He sits down on the edge of the bed, and reaches
out, running his hand down her arm, his voice quiet) Emily. The last few days,
I'm been going crazy. All I've wanted to do is be able to hold you again, and
forget about everything else, but I can't do it. There's too much going on. (He
smiles ruefully, and tugs on a strand of her hair) But I'm totally pathetic with
out you. It's really sad, you have to believe that. (Unseen, Emily smiles to
herself. Lucky rolls over onto his stomach, stretching out next to her) I'm
sorry, ok? I'm just trying to do the right thing here. (Emily giggles and Lucky
looks over at her) Em? (She covers her face with one arm. Lucky looks at her
suspiciously) Ok… What's going on? (Emily lets her arm slide off her face and
looks over at him)
Em: How fragile do you think I am? (Lucky stares at her, and she breaks into
another smile) You're adorable when you're guilty.
Lucky: (ticked) Yeah? What am I like when I'm really pissed off?
Em: (Rolling her eyes) You're always adorable. And don't act like you don't know
it. (She looks at him seriously) Look. You're using every trick you have not to
talk about whatever is going on. I'm just retaliating the only way I know how… I
want to know what's going on. And don't tell me you're just tense. It's more
than that, or I wouldn't be here. (Lucky looks away from her, then turns back,
and quickly brushes his lips against hers)
Lucky: (pulling away again) It can wait.
Em: Lucky! Hey. You told me what the last few days have been like for you, now
it's my turn. (Lucky looks at her a moment, then nods, settling back onto the
bed again) Ok. I've been on a lot of drugs, and my head has been pounding half
the time, and felt totally detached from my body the other half. But that
doesn't mean I haven't been going crazy worrying about you. The only thing I can
remember dreaming about in the whole… (She stops and swallows painfully) I kept
having these really sick dreams… Hospital dreams, you know? (Lucky shakes his
head) You're lucky. They're ugly, and terrifying… (She reaches out her good hand
and takes his in hers) I love you. I mean… It's so glib, I know, but it's really
true. And I worry about you all the time. And right now, I can't shake the
feeling that something if really, really wrong, and if you don't tell me what it
is, I'm just going to keep having these awful dreams where my subconscious comes
up with all kinds of terrible things to happen to you. (She looks at him, her
eyes wide, pleading with him. Last tactic. He sighs, letting his head fall
against her wrist. After a moment he looks back at her)
Lucky: This probably isn't going to make you feel better.
Em: When you have a life like mine, Lucky… Ignorance is NOT bliss.
Lucky: I know. Trust me, I know the feeling.
Em: (Brushing her knuckles along his cheek) Then tell me. (Lucky takes a deep
Lucky: Nik and I… We sort of know what his Grandmother is trying to do.
Em: (forcing down nervousness) Does… Does she want to hurt someone?
Lucky: She wants… (He looks at her, pained) She wants to kill me and make
Nikolas think it was his fault. (Emily feels the air rush out of her)
Em: What?
Lucky: See? I told you it wouldn't make you feel any better.
Em: (her mind spinning) That's… That's sick! That's so… (She let's her voice
trail off, out of words) I can't believe it.
Lucky: Hannah told him this morning that we should get you out of here as soon
as possible. And… Well, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for Nikolas and me to
get away from each other. I mean… She can't kill me if she can't find me. And
she sure as hell can't get Nikolas to do it for her.
Em: He wouldn't do anything to hurt you!
Lucky: Emily… come on. Even when Nikolas and I try to get along, something
always happens to mess everything up.
Em: You've been fighting.
Lucky: (dryly) What gives you that idea?
Em: Lucky…
Lucky: No, it's fine, don't worry about it. (He starts to push himself up again,
then winces slightly)
Em: What's the matter?
Lucky: Nothing… It's just… I guess when I hit the pavement, I strained the
muscles in my arms or something.
Em: I knew you got hurt!
Lucky: It's not a big deal.
Em: I hate it when you say that. (She slides closer to him again, running her
hand along his back soothingly. He sighs and closes his eyes)
Lucky: I got clipped, basically. That was it.
Em: (quietly) What happened? (Lucky groans and rolls over onto his back, staring
at the ceiling)
Lucky: (heavily) Fine. You want the whole story, I guess that's where we start.
Em: (firmly) I want the whole story. (She props herself up onto elbow again, and
puts her hand over his heart) Just tell me. (Lucky closes his eyes and swallows
painfully. Even thinking about getting into everything makes his stomach churn.
At the same time, he wants her to know, wants to get it out. It would just be a
lot easier if she could pick it up through osmosis.)
Lucky: (hollowly) The car hit me, but… I wasn't knocked out or anything. (He
frowns bitterly) No, I was good and conscious through the whole thing. (He opens
his eyes and meets her gaze) You weren't breathing… Nikolas said you were, but I
couldn't see it. And he said I couldn't touch you, or move you… (He puts his
hand over hers, lightly stroking the bandage) And they came and took you to the
hospital… (Emily looks at him sadly, and lowers her face to his, kissing his
forehead. He closes his eyes again.) It was just a really long night, I don't
remember it much.
Em: That's ok, I can figure it out.
Lucky: The reason I didn't come see you… I had a concussion, they admitted me.
Just overnight. I came down as soon as I could.
Em: (carefully lying her head against his shoulder again) I know. I knew you'd
be there if you could.
Lucky: (a whisper) That was so hard.
Em: What was?
Lucky: When I finally saw you… (Emily can hear the guilt in his voice)
Em: (shaking her head) Don't.
Lucky: (frustrated) How can I not?
Em: Lucky! (She sighs, and grinds her head against his shoulder) Ok. Fine. It
was your fault. This was all your fault because if you hadn't fallen in love
with me, then Helena probably wouldn't be trying to kill me… But I have to say,
it's totally insane, but I'd rather be hit by cars and know you love me, than be
safe and not have you in my life. (Lucky smiles slightly)
Lucky: That's twisted.
Em: You're just figuring this out now? I'm not sane about you. Hell, look at my
day! You show up, tell me we're leaving, and… Here I am. (Lucky rolls over
gently, wrapping his arms around her lightly, and rolling her over onto her
Lucky: Thank you.
Em: For what?
Lucky: For just going with it. (Emily puts her good hand to his face)
Em: It was the only thing I can do. I told you. I trust you. (Lucky's face
clouds) Uh oh… What is it? (He shakes his head) It's your father, right?
Lucky: (closing his eyes) How can you always tell when it's him?
Em: Because. If it's your mother or Nikolas, you get tense, you get angry… But
you talk about it. When it's your Dad you just get quiet.
Lucky: I don't even know how to explain it…
Em: Just tell me. It'll come. (Lucky sighs, and slides his hand down to rest on
her hip, settling onto his side, and propped up on his elbow, though he doesn't
look at her. Instead he stares hard at the wall.)
Lucky: He basically forced me to go to the house. Which I knew was a bad idea,
but all I did was sleep anyway, so it wasn't really… (His voice trails off)
Em: Hell on earth?
Lucky: It got there.
Em: I'm sorry.
Lucky: (flatly) It's not your fault.
Em: I meant I'm sorry it happened. I empathize. (Lucky closes his eyes, and
nods. She reaches out and threads her fingers through his hair) Hey.
Lucky: (letting out a long breath) I… God, I should have known better.
Em: Lucky, they're your family.
Lucky: Yeah, and… I can't even keep straight what I tell one of them and what I
tell another. (He looks down at her) I told my Dad about Hannah.
Em: Good. I thought you would.
Lucky: I have no idea what he did about it… (He shakes his head) God.
Em: Just tell me.
Lucky: (voice cracking) I don't know how… (Emily reaches up and pulls him down
to her. Lucky lets himself fall against her shoulder, feeling tears come to his
eyes) I can't do it anymore. I can't deal with them… I… God, I scared the hell
out of my father last night. I was so…
Em: Shhhhh… (She closes her eyes, still stroking his hair gently. Lucky feels
his throat constrict) Whatever it was, Lucky… You had it coming.
Lucky: (tightly) You don't know what I did.
Em: I don't have to. (Lucky pulls back)
Lucky: NO, you don't! I… I broke, Emily. I just cracked. I couldn't… I nearly
told him everything. But I couldn't even do that. I couldn't think straight, I
wanted to just yell out everything that had happened, and I still couldn't do
Em: It's not your job, Lucky.
Lucky: Then whose is it? Who else was lying to him?
Em: Your Mother!
Lucky: Yeah, well… She'll tell him what she did, but she won't… (Lucky stops,
his voice constricting).
Em: What? (Lucky shakes his head. Emily tries to sit up, but fails). Tell me.
Lucky: (forcing it out) She said he doesn't have to know I knew. (Lucky looks
away from her, his face burning with shame) And I don't think I'm going to be
able to tell him myself. (Emily stares at him in shock.)
Em: Oh my God, Lucky… (She reaches out for him again, and he turns back at her
touch, pulling her into his arms, and lifting her against him. She wraps her
arms around his necks, and whispers in his ear) It's ok, Lucky. You'll be able
to do it. (Lucky shakes his head, tears now running down his face)
Lucky: You don't know what I did. Just to get him to go away. (Emily shakes her
head, firmly)
Em: I don't care. (Lucky pulls back)
Lucky: Emily! There was a bottle of sleeping pills on the table… and he was
pushing me, he was trying to get me to talk, and instead of facing him, I… (He
stops, the disgrace choking him)
Em: (quietly) You took the pill. (Lucky nods, tears spilling from under his
closed lids. Emily pulls herself close to him again) Lucky, I understand that
more than I can say. (Lucky wraps his arms around her waist again, pressing her
close to him. She grits her teeth against the pain in her side, not wanting to
pull away. Her voice comes out shakily, partially from the pain, and partially
from the emotion) I understand wanting to just make everything go away. I
understand that. I¹ve done it, remember? (Lucky groans)
Lucky: I didn¹t even think of that.
Em: You didn't do anything wrong, Lucky. You just couldn't… You couldn't deal
with it right then. But you will. When you're ready, you will. (Lucky doesn't
respond, just buries his head against her shoulder, and lets himself cry. She
closes her eyes and holds him in silence for several minutes. A shudder runs
through him, and he breaks away from her, laying her down again. He looks down
at her for a long moment)
Lucky: I'm sorry.
Em: It's ok.
Lucky: Did I hurt you?
Em: (smiling) I'm fine.
Lucky: Where… Where does it hurt? (Emily takes his hand and leads it up to her
rib cage, settling it lightly against the two lower ribs where the pain
Em: Just here. (Lucky wipes his eyes with the back of his hand, and lowers his
head, lightly brushing his lips across her ribs).
Lucky: Better?
Em: Much. (Lucky takes her good hand in his and squeezes it, settling down to
lie behind her)
Lucky: It doesn’t really matter. I mean… If she decides to tell him, we won't be
Em: Does your Dad know about this? I mean, that we're leaving?
Lucky: No. I… I'm going out to the house to tell him, though.
Em: (distantly) To say goodbye… (Lucky starts to nod, then looks down at her)
Lucky: Em… (She forces a smile and looks up at him)
Em: Don't worry, I know. I can't… I can't even tell them, they'd do something
Lucky: Probably. (Emily exhales heavily)
Em: They'll figure it out, right? I mean, if nothing else, your parents will
explain it to them. Or Nikolas.
Lucky: Probably.
Em: That's good. Monica…
Lucky: I know. Monica was just coming around.
Em: She'll come around again. She's the only one who ever listens to me… even if
it does take her months at a time to do it. (Lucky shifts on the bed so that he
is cradling Emily against him. He takes over her position as comforter, and
lightly brushes her hair back from her face. Emily smiles, letting herself enjoy
his closeness a moment) Did you really tell Nikolas you couldn't have done this
without him?
Lucky: In a manner of speaking, yeah.
Em: Wow. Ok. You're going to have to explain where that one came from.
Lucky: (groaning) Emily…
Em: (mimicking) Lucky…
Lucky: It doesn’t mean anything.
Em: It doesn’t?
Lucky: No, it REALLY doesn't. Trust me. If yesterday proved anything, it's that
Nikolas is best taken in small doses. But… God, I came in, Jason's men are
tearing his place apart, he has this look on his face like he's in hell… I
figured I let him know I noticed.
Em: That's sweet.
Lucky: No. It's just… Look. I'm not interested in trying to make his life
difficult, or whatever. That's getting old. I just… This is better. You know,
just keep everything on some kind of amicable level… I can do that. For a few
hours? I can do that.
Em: That's it?
Lucky: That's it. (Emily frowns, knowing full well he's lying. She sighs
heavily. She's not going to push that one. Not now, at least.)
Em: Well, if you're not trying to kill each other, I guess I can't really ask
for more. (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: Not really. (They fall into silence, Emily's mind inevitably falling onto
her own family… and the only person she could tell she was leaving).
Em: I… Hannah came to see me this morning.
Lucky: She did.
Em: Yeah. (They both fall into silence) I… She understands I have to leave.
Lucky: It was her idea.
Em: I know. (Emily's voice comes off as small. He holds her a little tighter,
carefully avoiding her ribs)
Lucky: Em, what is it?
Em: She… She told me about this song that my parents sang to me when I was a
baby. On the day I was born, actually.
Lucky: She did.
Em: Yeah. and then… I guess she knew you'd probably be coming to get me, and she
said… (She shivers slightly at the memory) She must have been saying good bye.
She said that she loved me. And I totally froze. I had no idea what to say back.
(She looks up at him) That's part of what I was thinking about before you came
Lucky: Right…
Em: Is there… (She stops, her voice catching) No. I know there's not. It would
be too crazy.
Lucky: You mean, to see her again?
Em: Yeah.
Lucky: To say good bye?
Em: I just… I don't want leave it like that.
Lucky: Yeah… (Emily sighs)
Em: Don't worry, I get it. I know I have to. Just… In an ideal world, you know?
Lucky: (sliding out from under her) I… I don’t' think it's such a bad thing.
Em: You don't?
Lucky: No. This is Nikolas' place… If she didn't say anything to Helena, if we
made absolute sure that the place was secure, and all she did was listen… and
you didn't say anything about where we were going…
Em: I don't KNOW where we're going…
Lucky: Good. Neither do I. But we couldn't tell her anything. It's bad enough
she knows we're leaving. (He stands up)
Em: But it was her idea. (Lucky nods)
Lucky: Ok, look. I figure we're going to leave around three. I can go and tell
her to come here around that time, and then Nikolas can make sure she stays here
until we've had enough time to get out of town…
Em: You still don't trust her.
Lucky: (heavily) People do things when they're scared. It doesn't mean she's
evil… I mean… She's not used to this.
Em: Few of us are.
Lucky: You know what I mean.
Em: Yeah.
Lucky: Look. If you want to see her, if you want to just… leave things some way…
You should be able to do that. With her, at least.
Em: Are you SURE?
Lucky: You honestly think I'd say this if I wasn't?
Em: (smiling) No, you wouldn't, would you?
Lucky: Nope.
Em: Ok. (She breathes a sigh of relief, which sends off a twinge of pain in her
ribs. She puts her hand over her side and winces slightly) I think the
painkillers are wearing off.
Lucky: Ok. The doctor should be here any minute. I'll go check.
Em: Lucky!
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: Thank you. (Lucky leaves the door and walks back over to the bed. He lowers
his mouth to hers and gives her a soft, deep kiss, something he's been wanting
to do for days, and Emily feels like she's melting under it. He pulls back, and
smoothes her hair back from her face)
Lucky: You're welcome.
