Chapter One Hundred Thirteen:
Puzzle Pieces
General Hospital, Emergency Room Entrance.
Lucky leans against the wall and closes his eyes. He didn't know his stomach
could tie itself into these kinds of knots… Between the thought of Emily, of her
waiting for him, knowing that something must have happened, to Nikolas… well
aware that something has happened, and just refusing to react to it… This day is
hell. As bad as the last week has been, it's amazing, unfathomable, but it's
just reached a new low. He sighs and opens his eyes. He sees a dark figure out
of the corner of his eyes, and look over to meet Jason's gaze. The look on
Jason's face is grim, even for him, as he moves towards Lucky, accompanied by
strange bodyguards, who keep a discrete distance.
Lucky: Hey.
Jason: Were you waiting?
Lucky: Got a little… heavy in there. I needed to think. (Jason nods)
Jason: How is she?
Lucky: (heavily) They're not telling us a damn thing. Still in surgery, still
alive. (Jason looks up at the threatening sky)
Jason: Let's go back in, ok?
Lucky: Yeah, sure. I don't trust this weather. (Jason subtly puts his hand out,
and Lucky quickly takes his cue. He shakes Jason's hand casually, slipping the
small package into his own palm and then digging both hands into his pocket. The
ID. He'll check it out later.) Thanks.
Jason: It wasn't a problem. (He starts for the door to the ER) Do you think it's
a good idea, you hanging out here?
Lucky: Well, I figure, it's a really stupid place to be if I just broke Emily
out of here this morning… So it's a good place to be. Understand? (They enter
through the doors. Lucky purposely avoids looking at Nikolas and walks across
the room, finding a corner to stand it.)
Jason: (tired) This is your rule thing again, isn't it?
Lucky: Pretty much.
Jason: Whatever works for you. (He turns to face him) How is my sister?
Lucky: Carly is on her way over to the apartment. She's taking Michael to see
her, so if she wakes up, there will be someone there for her to spend time with.
I think it'll be good for her… and it might stop her from worrying when she
figures out that Nikolas and I aren't there.
Jason: Does she know…
Lucky: No. And I told Carly not to tell her. I want to know the prognosis before
I get into that with her.
Jason: But you're still leaving.
Lucky: I got no reason to stay. (His gaze falls inevitably on Nikolas, still
staring at the floor, then quickly returns to Jason) Helena tried to kill
Hannah. So she doesn't need Emily as some sort of bargaining chip anymore. In
fact, if she's trying to stir things up with Nik and I, then Emily… She's a good
place to start. (He shakes his head) A real good place to start. I can't risk
that. (He looks up at him) And if she's crazy enough to think that she could
shoot Nikolas and have him think I did it, then she's probably crazy enough to
think if she kills Emily, I'll think it was her precious Grandson. (He shakes
his head) Either the woman has totally cracked, or she's up to something. Either
way, I want Em as far from it as possible.
Jason: Good.
Lucky: Plus… Taggert is sniffing around.
Jason: (smiling ruefully) I bet.
Lucky: He was here questioning Nikolas. I told him I'd come down to the station
house tomorrow morning and give him the whole story.
Jason: Tomorrow morning?
Lucky: Don't sweat it, I'm not going.
Jason: But he wants to question you.
Lucky: He's… Well, he's Taggert. He was totally fixated on the idea of you and
me having a connection… Which is basically the only reason he really wants me to
come down to the station. I mean, he could care less about Hannah. (He leans
against the wall) There's some pretty serious stuff I have to get into with you.
(Jason nods) Look. While I was out of commission, it looks like Helena might
have gotten her paws on the gun you gave me. In fact, she might have used it,
with a silencer, to shoot Hannah. (Jason's expression darkens) I know, it was a
dumb move.
Jason: You were out of it, nothing you could do. I'll get you another one.
Lucky: I'm crossing a border.
Jason: There's a little sensitivity about guns up there, I know, but…
Lucky: Why don't we wait until I land some place, ok?
Jason: I don't like that. (Jason's tone leaves no room for debate. Lucky
Lucky: Ok, ok. Whatever you want. But, look… My point is, you said a lot of guys
in your organization carry that make, right?
Jason: Personal choice, but yeah…
Lucky: Would Taggert know that?
Jason: Taggert doesn't know much. But he might know that, yeah.
Lucky: Ok. And we suddenly have a paper trail… (Sarcastically) This is great.
Jason: You think this is what you were being set up for?
Lucky: I don't know! I mean… The one thing I didn't want was to be linked with
you, not publicly.
Jason: I know.
Lucky: That wasn't supposed to even be an issue! We talked about that. (Jason
nods. Lucky exhales heavily) Sorry, I don't mean to sound like I'm blaming you
for this.
Jason: (flatly) It has nothing to do with me.
Lucky: I know, I just… People sometimes blame people for stuff like this. I'm
not doing that, that's all I'm saying.
Jason: Good. (Lucky looks over at him. MOST of the time, Lucky really doesn't
consider Jason a mob boss. He plays the business man role well. But sometimes,
there's just the slightest tinge of a threat under something he says. He clears
his throat)
Lucky: The one thing… The one thing that makes no sense to me is, if she was
trying to set me up somehow, then… What's this whole thing with Hannah? I mean…
Yeah, Nikolas would hate me for it, but he doesn't believe it for a second!
Because there is no reason on earth why I'd do this! I've got less than no
motive. Hell, I even have reasons for the girl to live!
Jason: So you don't know what this is about yet.
Lucky: No… And I gotta say, that makes me real nervous. (Jason frowns, weighing
what Lucky's told him)
Jason: The paper trail is a problem.
Lucky: Yeah, it is.
Jason: Could you erase it?
Lucky: With enough time… I mean, I could load a virus into the PC bank and
totally mess up everyone's money or something, but that's going to take more
time than I have.
Jason: You want to make a transfer? We could put the money in a Swiss account.
Lucky: Well, yeah, get it away from me…
Jason: No, it'd be your account. They just couldn't trace it to you. (Lucky
blinks, not quite comprehending what Jason just said)
Lucky: Excuse me?
Jason: Well, I still have to pay you for this job.
Lucky: (sinking in) Uh, Jason… I barely did anything.
Jason: You exposed that I have a leak… or more… in the organization. You're
probably right about the source. And you found my money.
Lucky: That's… (He lowers his voice) That's five million dollars, man!
Jason: Yeah.
Lucky: Are you out of your mind?
Jason: (calmly) Well, I upped your pay on almost every job you ever did for me.
Never really seemed to impress you. So I figured, if I was ever going to impress
you, it should be big. You found the money. It's not that much, relatively
speaking… it's yours. (Lucky stares at him. He hadn't really ever CHECKED how
much Jason paid him. He knew it was a lot, but he didn't know it was increasing,
he never counted it! He just tossed it in that stupid bag.).
Lucky: (dangerously close to freaking out) I don't want it!
Jason: You might want to think about that.
Lucky: Jason! This isn't about money, I…
Jason: It's no strings attached. You said you wanted to work for me. One job,
one shot, that was the deal. I'd pay you in return. You did your job, this is
your pay. We can make the transfer tonight. Then deal with the record. You can
take care of that on the road. (Lucky's throat closes up)
Lucky: I… I… (He stops and shakes his head) That's… It's too much, Jason.
Jason: (coolly) It's just a drop in the bucket. (He looks at Lucky meaningfully,
and Lucky feels pin pricks on his skin. Oh, God…) Something to think about.
Lucky: I'm leaving town, Jason. I mean, not just now, but… Once Emily's done
with school… however we swing that…
Jason: You've been working for me for… About nine months now. (Lucky nods) How
much of that work has required you be in Port Charles? (Lucky feels himself go
cold) We already talked about your employment opportunities… how you basically
hate all of them. You're good at this. You provide a very valuable services.
This proved. If you'd been in this like this all along, I could have saved
myself a lot of trouble.
Lucky: (hoarsely) Emily.
Jason: You'd be in no danger. Men who work as behind the scenes as I'd have you…
No one even has to know their names. I'll take care of this paper trail. And
I'll send Justus around to the apartment before you leave so that you can be
clear on the legal aspects of this thing with… Hannah?
Lucky: (quietly) Yeah.
Jason: (calm) It's just an offer. You can do what you want with it. But the
money is yours, either way. (Lucky nods, numb) Now, I think we should talk about
exactly how you're going to be taking care of my sister.
* * * *
Across the ER.
Nikolas sits staring hard at the floor, the sound having faded away from him. He
is concentrating hard on what Hannah said to him that morning. About coming
back, and about having to do things he wouldn't like. She was trying to leave
town. From the moment Lucky had said there were letters he's known, without a
doubt, what she was up to. And for it, his Grandmother had shot her. Attempt to
murdered another innocent. Another woman dumb enough to fall in love with a
Cassadine. He closes his eyes.
There is a clarity disaster brings. It's amazing, how lucid it is to him right
now… Why he loves her. What it is that he needs to say to her, what he needs to
find out, the things he hasn't asked her yet. In a way, he doesn't know her. He
knows her smile, and the fact that it makes his chest tighten. He knows she
treats him like he's on the same level as her… isn't intimidated by the “Prince”
title, and doesn't act like he should be treated with kid gloves just because he
grew up isolated. She knew he was different and she seemed to cherish it, rather
than judge him for it. And she'd fought for him. No one ever fought for him…
Nikolas shakes his head. His brain has been playing a long drawn out game of
pinball with him, and it's wearing him out. He's not sure if he has it in him to
do this much longer. His mind flits from meaningless topic to topic, then hits a
deep groove where it sits until he manages to shake it free. He doesn't feel
like he has the strength to stand anymore. He lets his mind, just briefly, land
on what he will say to her when he sees her again… If… No. When. That's the only
choice. It can't happen twice, not twice at the same hands. He closes his eyes,
imagining just for a moment her face, pale, washed out, but still alive, against
hospital sheets. He was spending too much time in hospitals. This had to stop.
This would stop. When this was over it didn't matter what he had to do. How
impossible, what the odds, he would save her. He would keep her from ever
getting hurt like this again. He'd do the one thing that his father hadn't been
able to do for Katherine. Helena would not claim her soul. It was bad enough
she'd forced her to endure everything that had occurred this far. No more. He
wouldn't allow it. Not for anything. His thoughts are interrupted by a
surprised, but familiar voice.
Bobbie: Nikolas! I didn't expect to see you here. (Nikolas looks up to see
Bobbie smiling down at him. Bobbie. A part of his brain recalls that Bobbie is
bad news… Someone Lucky was avoiding. He sits back, trying to force his mind to
clear, act as if nothing is going on. There was no way from distracting her from
Lucky… he was standing right across the room. He decides to just act as if it's
Nik: I… I'm waiting with Lucky.
Bobbie: Yes… I heard that Lucky was here. Do you know where he is? I should
really talk to him. (Nikolas points to Lucky, deep in conference with Jason).
Thanks. (She takes a deep breath)
Nik: He doesn't have anything to say about Emily, Bobbie.
Bobbie: Oh… Well. This isn't about Emily. Excuse me. (She crosses to him,
Nikolas watching after her, unnerved by her last sentence. Jason sees her coming
and stops his conversation, Lucky turning around when he sees the look on
Jason's face.)
Lucky: Aunt Bobbie.
Bobbie: Hey, kiddo. (She looks over at Jason, a flicker of concern crossing her
face) Jason. (Jason nods. He looks back at Lucky)
Jason: I'll be in touch. (Lucky nods, and Jason turns and walks away, his body
guards appear from the places they had nearly blended into, and walking after
him. Bobbie watches them walk away and looks back at Lucky. She's about to
inquire, then shakes it off.)
Bobbie: Lucky… I just got out of surgery.
Lucky: Yeah, yeah, Carly told me you were in there. (Bobbie smiles, and cocks
her head to one side).
Bobbie: The doctor was going to come and talk to you, but I told him I was
family. (She puts a hand on his arm) Lucky… I want you to know, you did
everything you could for her at the scene. And… So did we. (Lucky feels the
earth give way beneath him)
Lucky: She…
Bobbie: She didn't make it. I'm sorry.
Lucky: I… (He looks up, across the room, and meets Nikolas' eyes. They bore into
his, as if they are reading his mind, and then, having taken the information
they want, look away. Lucky feels himself sway slightly, and Bobbie reaches out
and grabs his arm)
Bobbie: Lucky. You have to listen to me.
Lucky: Oh my God.
Bobbie: Lucky, this wasn't your fault. (Lucky shakes his head) She had lost a
lot of blood before she got here, and the damage was sever. She just couldn't
take it. She fought hard, we revived her twice, but in the end, her heart just
gave out.
Lucky: I… Why… (He stops, realizing that Bobbie passed right by Nikolas to tell
him, because she has no idea about Nikolas' relationship with Hannah. Corrine.
Who… Whoever that girl had been. He looks at her desperately) I have to go.
Bobbie: Lucky! Just a minute. (She looks at Lucky seriously) I know who that
woman was. I have to ask… Is Emily in some kind of danger? Is that why you took
her out of the hospital?
Lucky: I don't have time for this.
Bobbie: The Quartermaines are frantic! Lucky, you have to let them know!
Lucky: (trying to pull away) I have to… (He stops, reflecting that Bobbie really
does have an iron grip. He has to find another way out of this. He lowers his
voice) Ok. You want the truth? Yes. Emily's in danger. She's safe right now, but
if you don't let go of me…
Bobbie: Lucky! Emily needs medical attention…
Lucy: I know that! I know, and… (He stops, looking her dead in the eyes) You
were there. You saw what they did to her. Do you think the Quartermaines can
stop that from happening to Emily?
Bobbie: Can you?
Lucky: If not, I'll die trying. (Bobbie, thrown by this, drops his arm) I have
to GO, Aunt Bobbie. (She leans closer to him)
Bobbie: Lucky. Does your father know about all this?
Lucky: (closing his eyes) Aunt Bobbie, please. (He opens his eyes again,
glistening with tears, and she takes a step back from him.)
Bobbie: Lucky, you have to go to him. He can help you with this! (Lucky leans
back against the wall. Fine. Sure. He doesn't care. He just needs to get to
Emily right now. He looks back towards Nikolas, then bolts off the wall,
Lucky: Where's Nikolas? (Bobbie looks around)
Bobbie: (pointing to the empty chair) He was right there.
Lucky: Oh, man… (He starts out of the ER. Bobbie grabs the corner of Nikolas'
sweater, but Lucky pulls away from her, turning back, still heading towards the
door) I have to find him. (Bobbie looks at him, and realizes there is just no
way she can stop him. She nods, but Lucky's already turned away, not looking for
permission, and started out of the ER like a shot. He comes through the sliding
doors and is immediately hit by the cold wind. It's raining now, just starting.
The rain falls in large drops, splattering against whatever surface they hit.
It's hard rain, an assault. He stops dead. There are cars, people waiting for
cabs, huddled together in reaction to the weather. No Nikolas. He swears under
his breath and walks up to the circular ramp where the cars depart and arrive,
and stops short. Nikolas is standing a few meters away, on the small patch of
grass at the front of the hospital. He is looking up at the sky, his arms slack,
his body giving no clue to his mood. Lucky takes a deep breath, and starts
across the parking lot towards him, his eyes never leaving him.)
Lucky: Nikolas! (Nikolas doesn't turn around. Lucky comes around to stand in
front of him) Nik. I… (He stops, seeing Nikolas' eyes. He already knew. He knew
when Nikolas' eyes had locked onto his after Bobbie told him. He still isn't
prepared for the empty, dead look in Nikolas' eyes now. They aren't searching,
pained, angry… None of the things he's seen before. Just empty. Lucky regains
his speech) I'm… I'm sorry.
Nik: (distantly) It wasn't your fault.
Lucky: I know. I know it wasn't. I'm just SORRY, Nikolas. That's all.
Nik: It was… (He stops). It was inevitable. (Lucky stares at him, first in
horror, then with a bubbling anger)
Lucky: It was not! Nikolas, she was murdered. (Nikolas looks back at him) She
was murdered. Someone did this to her. (This doesn't seem to register with him.
Lucky grabs his arm) HELENA did this to her! She didn't have to die! (Nikolas
still says nothing. Lucky takes a step back, trying to regroup. OK. Ok, so
Nikolas is in shock. Or denial. Something like that. He just… He just needs to
soak this in. He turns back to him)
Lucky: (hesitantly) Look… You should do something… You can see the body,
probably. You should probably say good bye.
Nik: (sharply) No! (Lucky stares at him, without any idea of what to do. What
can he possibly offer? He takes a step towards him and sees Nikolas bristle in
response. Lucky freezes.)
Lucky: (quietly) What do you want, Nikolas?
Nik: Nothing. (He looks up at Lucky) It's over. (Lucky's stomach tightens. He
wants to scream. Scream just at the complete injustice of this happening, along
with the fact that Nikolas is barely even reacting. He… He can feel it. Just
looking at him like this, the pain is palpable. It's choking him. And he wants
to shake Nikolas, make him do something, cry, scream, something! But it's not
going to happen. He swallows hard)
Lucky: Nik…
Nik: (almost a discovery) I did everything I could think of. My uncle didn't
even know who she was. He knew there was a woman… He called her my mistress. A
secret mistress. But he didn't know her name. Or he pretended he didn't. He
probably does. (Lucky stays frozen to the spot, afraid to move, or interrupt).
But it didn't matter. The only person who knew was the only one who mattered.
The only one who would kill her. (Lucky shakes his head slowly, still staring at
him intently. He has absolutely nothing to say to that. Nikolas smiles slightly)
She did it to Katherine. And to Kristen. And now… Corrine. (Lucky closes his
eyes, tears escaping from them. He swallows hard).
Lucky: Let me take you home. (Nikolas nods)
Nik: Fine. There's no point in being here.
