Chapter One Hundred Fourteen:
Coming Together
The Spencer House, Living room.
Laura sits at the table, anxiously twisting her wedding band around her finger.
It's sunk in. That was the thing about the Quartermaines. They put you on the
defensive and there's no time to consider what they're telling you until they're
She'd had plenty of time to consider it now, however. The problem was, she
wasn't coming up with much. She'd carefully retraced every conversation she'd
had with Lucky and Nikolas since the accident, running over everything they'd
both told her. It was so hard to put the pieces together. Just having Lucky
out of the house, letting him leave that morning, had tied a knot in her stomach
she can't imagine will loosen until she sees him again. Since the accident,
knowing someone was trying to hurt him, all she wanted to do was lock him in his
room until she knew, with absolute certainty, that he was going to be safe.
She'd always had that instinct. It was a difficult one to indulge with a child
like Lucky, a lifestyle like the one they'd lived. Luke often made fun of it,
assuring her that Lucky could handle whatever happened. And most of the time
that was true. But it hadn't been true the other night when he'd been hit by
the car. And the fact that Lucky had, in all probability, taken Emily out of
the hospital.
Despite most appearances, Lucky was not a rash person. He made up his mind
quickly, and sometimes his reasoning didn't follow most people's thought
patterns, but that didn't mean he was irresponsible. And there was no way on
earth she could believe he'd be this reckless with Emily if he didn't have a
reason. The question was, what reason? If he thought Helena wanted something
from him, then why hadn't he told them about it? And if he thought HE was in
danger, he wouldn't get Emily involved. The only answer was that he thought she
was in danger too, and he planned on doing something about it. The very idea
gave her chills.
The phone rings, bringing Laura out of deep thought. She stands up quickly,
grabbing the phone in the middle of the second ring.
Laura: Lucky?
Bobbie: (patiently) No, Laura… It's Bobbie. (Laura closes her eyes. She
doesn't want to deal with this right now)
Laura: (not hiding her disappointment) Bobbie… I'm sorry. I was just…
Bobbie: Waiting to hear from Lucky. (Laura lets out a long sigh at having
Bobbie stumble right into the middle of a family drama yet again. Laura can't
wait until Lucas hits puberty. A part of her is really going to enjoy that).
Laura: Yeah, I… I was.
Bobbie: Listen, is Luke there?
Laura: (sinking onto the couch) No. He's gone to pick up Lulu. (She puts a
hand to her forehead) I suppose you know.
Bobbie: About Emily? Yes, that's why I was calling.
Laura: We haven't seen him since this morning. I have no idea where he is.
Bobbie: Well… He just left the hospital. (Laura sits bolt upright)
Laura: The hospital?
Bobbie: Laura… I'm worried about him, something's going on. (Laura shakes her
head, impatiently).
Laura: What was he doing at the hospital?
Bobbie: (heavily) Are you sitting down? (Laura stands up, terrified)
Laura: WHAT happened?
Bobbie: Lucky came in with a gun shoot victim this afternoon. This woman,
Hannah Hargreaves?
Laura: (distracted) Hannah, right. She sings at Luke's club.
Bobbie: (slowly) Well, she's a little more than that… Haven't you met her?
Laura: No. I haven't had a chance to get down to the club in a while. (She
shakes her head) What does this have to do with Lucky?
Bobbie: Oh… Laura. Didn't Lucky tell you? (Laura sits again, this time on the
arm of the sofa)
Laura: Bobbie, please… What is it?
Bobbie: This woman, apparently, she was Emily's aunt. Paige Bowen's sister.
(Laura lets this sink in a moment before responding)
Laura: Emily's… Emily's aunt has been shot?
Bobbie: Well, actually… She died. (Laura puts a hand to her head)
Laura: Ohhhh, Lucky…
Bobbie: Lucky was here with her…
Laura: Did he say anything?
Bobbie: I didn't get to talk to him long, he left to find Nikolas.
Laura: (confused, but relieved) Nikolas was there?
Bobbie: It's becoming a habit… Did I tell you that Nikolas was there when I
brought Lucky his breakfast in the hospital?
Laura: No… I… I'm not surprised.
Bobbie: Well, look… This is why I called. This woman, she was shot at close
range, and before he left, Lucky told me that he thinks Emily is in danger
(Laura closes her eyes)… now I tried to get him to go to Luke, but he wouldn't
say if he was or not.
Laura: When… When was this?
Bobbie: About ten minutes ago… I just thought Luke might have an idea, and…
Well, the Quartermaines are worried sick…
Laura: I know, I told them that… (She stops, letting her voice trail off. This
confirms it. Not only is Lucky keeping something from them, but Nikolas is too.
She can't for the life of her thing what… Or why.)
Bobbie: I'm not sure where he's going, but if he's with Nikolas…
Laura: (finishing the thought) It’s not here.
Bobbie: I just… I have a bad feeling about this. And I don't know whether or
not to call the Quartermaines, or give him time to get to Luke!
Laura: I'll… I'll deal with the Quartermaines. And I'll tell Luke what you
told me as soon as he gets home. I'm… (She takes a deep breath) I'm sure he'll
be home soon.
* * * *
Nikolas' Apartment
Renaldo is sitting in a chair across from Carly who is curled up on the end of
the couch, nodding her head slightly, not really following what Renaldo is
saying to her. Emily was still out like a light, so she is sitting, every
muscle tense, watching Renaldo bounce Michael and listening to him talk about
some operation he'd had on his knee. She's feeling more and more apprehensive
by the minute. This is the sort of thing that always gets her in trouble with
"Uncle Luke". The man is still wary of her, especially whenever her name gets
linked with Lucky's. Besides that, this whole thing is giving her a bit of a
complex. The whole apartment is too formal for her, too dark, and gothic… Add
to that the MIA rich kid upstairs and the bodyguards, it's enough to make anyone
a little nervous. She clears her throat.
Carly: So, your knee… Was that a football injury or something?
Ren: Bullet. Year and a half ago. (He makes a face at Michael, who giggles in
response) Boy, he's gotten big.
Carly: (distracted) Yeah, kids do that.
Ren: (conversationally) So you work now, huh? (Carly looks up at him)
Carly: Nothing as glamorous as what you do for a living, but it pays the bills.
And I don't have to stomach as much violence.
Ren: (confused) From living with Jason?
Carly: No. He's nothing compared to the Quartermaine mansion. (The door
opens, and Carly leaps off the couch, holding her breath. Nikolas enters first
and looks at her emotion less. She stares back at him, hardly noticing Lucky
following, and pulling the door shut. At the sound of the door, she snaps out
of it, and looks over at Lucky. His expression is grim. She decides it's
probably best for her to talk first.) Uh… Emily's still asleep. (Lucky nods)
I… Renaldo and I were just catching up. Ummm… (She looks around helplessly, as
Nikolas walks past her, lying his jacket over a chair. Renaldo, still holding
Michael, looks over at him, then back at Lucky. Lucky shakes his head slightly,
which clues both Renaldo and Carly in as to what's going on. Carly walks over
to Renaldo) Here, I'll take him. (She pulls Michael away from the bodyguard,
and hoists him onto her hip. She turns to Lucky) Should I…
Lucky: Em's still asleep?
Carly: Hasn't stirred, as far as I can tell. (She lowers her voice to a
whisper) And I have the feeling all hell is going to break loose soon.
Lucky: (looking at Nikolas) Not so far… (Carly frowns at him, then looks over
at Nikolas who is looking out at the rain)
Carly: Is he ok?
Lucky: No. That's about the only thing I know for sure. Whatever he is, it's
not "ok".
Carly: (Hushed) Look. You're going to have to give me a clue here. Do you
want me to stay or go?
Lucky: (still watching Nikolas) I don't think he cares either way.
Carly: Lucky…
Lucky: Stay, ok? Just until… I don't know. Just give me a little time, ok?
Carly: Sure… whatever you need.
Lucky: Thanks. (Lucky turns his attention to Renaldo, who is already on his
feet) Maybe you should… (Renaldo nods and heads to the door. Lucky waits until
he hears he door shut behind him, then looks over at Carly) Any advice?
Carly: Are you going to tell her now?
Lucky: She'll kill me if I put it off. (He looks over at Nikolas and tries to
shake off this feeling. Nikolas is scaring the hell out of him, and as much as
this is a feeling he doesn't want to examine, or even acknowledge, he can't help
but fixate on it. Nikolas has, from the first moment they met, had complete
control. It was one of the things he'd hated about him. That cold, detached,
smug control. It was what had always gotten him in trouble, being younger, more
impulsive and generally less predictable. That fact, and that fact alone had
branded him as the troublemaker. The one who was always responsible for any
altercation he and Nikolas had. There had been times when all he wanted was to
see Nikolas loose his cool. To be out of control. And the first time he'd seen
it had been the shooting. That was an image that had never left him. That look
of terror. And now, here Nikolas was so controlled, so silent, so unreadable
that the effect left Lucky feeling like Nikolas' control was gone. This wasn't
something he was choosing to do. He'd just turned off. And nothing Lucky could
do was going to flip the switch the other way. So he was the one who was in
control. He was the one who was being rational. And instead of feeling
vindicated, he felt cold. It was like waking up to find the sky green. It
wasn't right. And he had no idea how to handle it. He hears Carly clear her
throat and snaps out of the reverie, looking back at her blearily)
Carly: I'll stay. I'll just wait here, ok? (Lucky nods.)
Lucky: I'd better get this over with.
He turns and starts up the stairs, casting another quick look in Nikolas'
direction before heading up the stairs. Once out of sight he stops and leans
against the wall a minute. He can't remember the last time thing were this
confusing. He honestly has no idea what he's going to do once he tells Emily
what's happened. He keeps thinking the next step will reveal itself, but until
it does, he's left feeling completely helpless. He pushes himself off the wall
and starts down the hall, stopping at the open door to the guestroom. He pushes
the door the rest of the way open with one hand, then stops in the doorway and
looks at Emily sleeping in the bed. He has no idea how he's going to do this.
How do you get those words out? A part of him always knew this might happen,
but he hadn't really imagined HOW it would happen… what was the point in that?
And even if he had, he wouldn't have thought he would have been there when she
died. Or that Emily wouldn't have been.
Steeling himself, he walks across the room to the bed, and looks down at his
girlfriend. Her face is turned away from him, towards the wall. He fixates on
her a moment, trying to figure out what to do… Is there really any point in
waking her up? There's something safe about this room… God. Safe in a
Cassadine domicile. He really is loosing his mind. Still… It was close, warm,
dark… The rain is falling hard against the window, almost rattling the glass,
but it had a strangely musical sound to it that was strangely reassuring. Non-
threatening. The second that thought crosses his mind, there is a flash,
followed almost immediately by a gigantic crack of thunder. He starts, and
Emily stirs in the bed. A sign. Nice touch, he thinks, as he drops to his
knees by the bed. He reaches out and takes Emily's hand, and stares down at it
intently, hoping for some sort of inspiration. Not that there can possibly be a
good way to say this. Just a way that isn't completely awful. He flips through
various experiences he's had with bad news. Patronizing, clinical, blunt… He
can't remember which is the least offensive method of delivery. He exhales
heavily, and drops his head momentarily, summoning whatever remaining emotional
energy he has. Ok. This is it.
He pulls himself up and sits on the edge of the bed. He reaches out and brushes
his knuckles along the side of her face, gently.
Lucky: Em. (She stirs slightly. He sighs, and leans across the bed, closer to
her) Emily. Come on. (She turns her head towards him, and opens her eyes
blearily. Coming to, a smile spreads across her face, and Lucky feels his chest
constrict. He returns the smile weakly)
Em: Are we going? (Lucky slides closer to her, taking her hand again. He
takes her hand in his again, and gently caresses the back of his with his thumb,
trying to disguise the fact that his throat feels so tight he can't speak.
Emily feels consciousness come on her in a sudden wave) Lucky… What's wrong?
(Lucky shakes his head. Damn. Get it together. He straightens up)
Lucky: Something… Something happened. (Emily goes cold, feelings every hair on
her body stand on end. She tries to sit up, Lucky quickly assisting her. She
lets out a gasp in pain, then pulls some air back into her lungs. She looks back
at him)
Em: Is it your family? Oh, God… Did your Dad find out? (Lucky looks at her in
undisguised surprise)
Lucky: My Dad? No… (He shakes his head) No, that's the last thing we need
right now. (He looks back at her, telling himself to just spit it out. He
lowers his voice to a gentle whisper) It’s Hannah.
Em: (paling) Did you go to see her? (Lucky nods) She's not coming, is she?
Lucky: No, she's not. (A part of Emily, something deep inside, and far to
familiar, starts to work its way up her throat. It's radar… This is too
familiar. She shakes her head firmly, gripping onto denial as best she can)
Em: (angry) She left, didn't she? (Lucky puts both hands on her shoulders and
looks at her, his eyes filling with tears).
Lucky: Em… She was shot. (Emily stares at him a moment, digesting the words)
Em: No… (Her voice is still spookily quiet. She knows what's happened).
Lucky: I'm sorry. (Lucky tries to pull her closer to him, but she grips his
arms, her eyes wide, the look on her face indescribable)
Em: (demanding) Where is she? (Unable to say the words, he shakes his head.
She lets the confirmation wash over her, then pulls back from him) Oh, no, no,
no… no (she shakes her head violently. Lucky reaches out and pulls her towards
him, hard, and wraps his arms around her. She buries herself against his chest
and starts to scream, crying and grabbing at him, violently. Lucky just holds
her, tears running down his own face. Her reaction is so diametrically opposed
to Nikolas that a part of him finds it comforting. He gently rubs her back as
she cries and presses his head against her hair. Emily suddenly pulls back.)
How! How did this happen? Where was she?
Lucky: (pained) She just opened her door, Emily. (Emily stares at him, her eyes
wild. After a moment words spill out of her again).
Emily: Where was she shot? Did she die on instantly? How did you find out?
(Lucky hangs his head, trying to figure out where to start. Her tone indicates
that this isn't optional… she needs to know this, and now.)
Lucky: I went to see her, and… (He stops, swallowing hard. Emily looks at him
in dawning horror)
Em: You found her? (Lucky nods again.)
Lucky: She was… on the floor. She'd been shot in the stomach. (He stops,
sucking some air into his lungs) I called an ambulance, but… I tried, Emily, I
really tried.
Em: (voice tiny) She was still alive?
Lucky: (in a rush) I tried to stop the bleeding, I did what my Dad always told
me to do, but it was… There was… too much, and I couldn't get it to… It wouldn't
stop. (Emily pulls him against her, giving into sobs again. Lucky holds her
tightly. He tries to say something comforting, but nothing comes. What is he
supposed to say? She didn't suffer? It was quick? It would all be a lie.)
Em: (choking) This can't be happening. This isn't… Oh my God. Oh my GOD.
(Lucky can feel her trembling against him.)
Lucky: (voice breaking) I’m sorry, Em. I'm so sorry. (Emily pulls back from
him, gulping for air.)
Em: (shaking violently) I can't believe this happened again… I… I think… (She
stops, unable to get the words out, they are too ugly, too self-pitying. Things
she's been censoring for too long) She… I… I just wanted to… (She stops, then
stutters out the thought) I had to tell her… Oh my God… (She slides her arms
from around him, and holds her stomach) Oh my God, oh my God… (She shakes her
head) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I'm trying not to… Oh my God.
Lucky: Trying not to what?
Em: I… Oh my God. (The words are becoming some sort of chant. She's trying
desperately to stop them, but nothing else will come out. Her head is spinning.
This has to stop, a rational and detached part of her brain tells her. This
isn't a surprise. It can't be a surprise, you're smarter than that. Get a
grip, stop this! She takes several breaths, not nearly as deep as she wants to,
due to her damn ribs, which are now aching from having been ignored. Lucky is
looking at her like he's worried she's going to loose her mind. She looks away
from him. Lucky panics at that and reaches out to her again)
Lucky: Don't. Just… Don't, whatever it is, don't do it.
Em: (from the gut) I CAN'T. (She pulls away from him, angrily) It doesn't work
that way! (Lucky looks at her, shocked. He feels his face flush. He knew he'd
mess this up somehow. Emily sees his look of guilt on his face and is
immediately repentant. Her voice falls to a whisper) I didn't mean that. I
didn't mean to yell… (She stops, breaking down completely. This isn't fair, a
voice rings in her head. This isn't fair. She feels Lucky's arms close around
her and she lets him pull her against him, just letting herself cry without
words, letting the questions go for a moment. It isn't fair. But that doesn't
change anything). I don't know… I don't even know what I'm going to… What are
we going to do?
Lucky: What we always do. Keep moving.
* * * *
Nikolas' Apartment, Living Room.
Carly holds Michael on her lap, gently stroking his hair as he nods off against
her. There's no noise coming from upstairs. The moment Emily was told was
impossible to miss, her cries had carried down the hall, and had even moved
Nikolas from the act of watching rain fall, to standing at the bottom of the
stairs, listening to her cry, with the same stoic look on his face. Carly had
resisted an urge to cover Michael's ears, flinching herself. It was awful. Now
Nikolas has moved away from the stairs and is now pacing the room. He has a
look on his face that suggests that while he sees everything that is around him,
none of it is actually registering. She can't imagine what he's thinking about.
She takes a breath.
Carly: Are you hungry?
Nik: (after a moment) No. (Carly nods, unsure of why she asked in the first
place. Nikolas looks back at her) What about him? (Carly looks down at
Carly: He had a snack on the way over. Besides, I think he's worn out.
(Nikolas nods). I know this must be strange for you… (She stops, realizing
that might sound like she just called this woman's death "strange". She shakes
her head) I mean, having me here, that's kind of weird. (Nikolas just stares at
her. After a moment he shrugs)
Nik: It doesn't seem any stranger than anything else that's happened today.
(Carly nods, smiling regretfully).
Carly: I guess so… (She hears a door close upstairs and holds her breath until
she hears footsteps. Thank God, she breathes. She extricates herself from
Michael, who curls up on the couch without opening his eyes. She stands up and
watches Lucky come down the stairs. He looks shaken, pale and tired. He pauses
at the bottom, taking in the room. Carly gives him a sympathetic smile, which
he does not return. He looks over at Nikolas and opens his mouth to say
something. He stops. No. Can't do this right now. He gives his head a shake
and starts across the room)
Lucky: I have to go somewhere. (Carly watches him cross the room, at a loss.
How did she get here? All this family stuff was beginning to give her a
Nik: Where? (Lucky stops, not sure if he's relieved or aggravated to hear
Nikolas ask him something. He looks back at him. Nikolas looks at him with the
same dead stare he's been giving him since the hospital. Lucky hunches his
Lucky: I'm not keeping her here any longer than I have to. We have to get out.
Nik: Now?
Lucky: (leaning against the door) I have one more thing to do, and then we'll
get out of your hair. (Nikolas nods slightly. Lucky tries to read his
reaction, but it's impossible. He expected that to get something. He couldn't
decide if Nikolas wanted to be alone or not. If he was putting up with him, or
actually wanted someone in the house. Why the hell was he being so reasonable
anyway? Lucky turns to the door, and twists the knob, determined not to think
about this anymore) I’ll be back in half an hour. (He pulls open the door and
walks out, letting it slam behind him. Outside he's immediately faced with
Johnny and Renaldo. He looks from one to the other, then decided there is no
way in hell he can pretend he has anything to say to them. He walks over to the
elevator and hits the button, slumping against the wall, and praying the damn
thing gets here fast. The door to the apartment opens and he bristles, not
wanting to turn back to see who it is).
Carly: Lucky. (Lucky closes his eyes. He turns and looks back at her)
Lucky: (exhausted) Yeah…?
Carly: Lucky… I'm kinda lost here.
Lucky: That makes two of us. (Carly takes his arm and leads him a little
further down the hall. Johnny and Renaldo discretely turn their backs on them)
Carly: I… I heard Emily. (Lucky stares at the line where the wallpaper meets
the baseboard for a long moment)
Lucky: (carefully) You know… She's told me about the day her mother died… (He
looks up at her) I guess sometimes she just needs to say it out loud. She was
with her and she just sort of… Took it into her. She knew it was coming, she
knew she was loosing her, so when it happened she says that she just couldn't
make it important. She could feel sad (He stops, tears coming to his eyes) but…
It wasn't hysterical. That stuff came later. After she lived without her for
awhile. But when I told her about Hannah… I've never seen her like that. (He
shakes his head) And I have seen her upset before. But it was like she just
got pushed right back to… I don't even know what. (He falls back into a silence
a moment, then suddenly pushes himself off the wall) She knew this woman… Not
even a month! That's how insane this is. It was no time… I can't even… (He
shakes his head) That's not enough time to get to know someone. I mean… Four
years, I've known Nikolas, and look at him! (Lucky's voice gets continually
more emotionally as he speaks) I… I can't even begin to tell anyone what's
going through his head right now. I don't know what he's thinking, I don't know
what he's feeling, I don't know what he wants… I don't know anything. I don't
know anything bout him! (Carly stares at Lucky in shock. Lucky looks at her,
out of breath, and then stops and realizes what he just said. He leans against
the wall and closes his eyes) Look. I told you… I was there, I talked to her, I
was there when she passed out. And I was up there with Emily and it was like a
knife was tearing through me. But Nikolas… You were right! He was in love with
her. So… What is going on? You can't tell me he just doesn't feel anything. I
know it's not that he doesn't care. So what is it?
Carly: I don't know.
Lucky: Neither do I. (Muttering) I don't know what to do.
Carly: I don't think I've ever heard you say that. (Lucky sighs)
Lucky: I don't know how to help Emily, but at least I know she'll talk to me.
Or she'll tell me. (He looks up at the ceiling) So I guess in a way that IS
knowing what to do. (He closes his eyes) My whole life, if I didn't know what
to do, then my Dad DID. And that was never a problem. I could always say I
didn't know, he never talked down to me, he never acted like I was stupid or
slow or something… Never. Not even close. He just gave me the answer. (He
looks at Carly pointedly) So… Now what? Go home and say "Hey, Dad. Nikolas
feels bad, what do I do about it?" (He laughs bitterly) He'd probably have me
hospitalized or something. (He lowers his head, covering his face with his
hand, unable to push down the urge to laugh at this) God. How hard did I hit
my head anyway?
Carly: Look… I told you, Nikolas is not my favorite person, but… I feel pretty
bad for him right now. And you know that sympathy isn't really my strong suit.
(Lucky doesn't seem comforted by this).
Lucky: You know… Whatever it is he does need… It's not me. It's not anything I
can even get for him.
Carly: Death's like that. When my mom died… It was like all I really wanted
was five more minutes. (She frowns) Or even someone who cared. You know? I
was all alone, there was no one there. If there was just someone who gave a
damn that I was an orphan now…
Lucky: (flatly) I can't do that for him.
Carly: Got any idea who can?
Lucky: Yeah… Yeah, I do.
* * * *
The Spencer House.
Laura paces the living room at rapid speed, her mind racing. So Emily was in
danger. And Nikolas was involved… That was almost a guarantee that it wasn't
about the Cassadines… even Helena… Lucky wouldn't trust Nikolas with anything
like that. Not unless he'd really changed his attitude about his brother. That
left… Jason. Jason… who Lucky worked for. But Nikolas had told her this didn't
have anything to do with it. And NIKOLAS wouldn't be involved with Jason
either, not after the shooting. For starters, Stefan would have a fit! Unless
Stefan didn't know, which seemed unlikely. She stops pacing and puts both hands
to her head. She's been going over and over this for too long. Her mind keeps
bouncing back and forth between both sons, all the different factors, and just
what could be going on here.
She's so preoccupied with her thoughts and pacing that she doesn't hear the car
pull into the drive. In fact, she's not aware of any of it, until the front
door opens and Luke enters with Lulu in one arm and a brown paper take out bag
in the other. Laura spins to face, him, a wave of relief washing over her.
Laura: Luke!
Luke: What's wrong?
Laura: Nothing, nothing's wrong… I just… Where were you?
Lulu: We got dinner. (Luke sets his eyes on his wife, reading her like a book)
Laura: Dinner… I hadn't even thought about it.
Luke: I didn't think you'd feel much like cooking. (He sets Lulu down on the
ground) Hey, short stuff, why don't you go upstairs and play a bit. Your mom
and I have to talk. (Lulu looks from her father to her mother, and nods
Lulu: Ok. (She turns and runs up the stairs, without looking back. Laura
waits until she hears her door close, then turns back to Luke)
Luke: Ok. Lay it on me. What happened?
Laura: Bobbie called. She's seen Lucky.
Luke: Where?
Laura: The hospital. (Luke's face registers shock and Laura shakes her head
quickly) No. No, he's fine, he was there with someone else. (She takes a deep
breath) He was there with Hannah, from the club. (Luke's face clouds)
Luke: Hannah. (Laura stares at him, studying his face)
Laura: (in realization) You know… Don't you? You know who she is.
Luke: That she's Emily Quartermaine’s aunt? Yeah, I do.
Laura: Luke, she was shot. She died. (Luke stares at her, taking in this
information. He lets out a long breath and sits down on the arm of the sofa).
Apparently Lucky was with her… He came in with her.
Luke: Where is he now?
Laura: (hesitantly) He left before… with Nikolas. But Bobbie thought he might
come here.
Luke: When was that?
Laura: Over an hour ago.
Luke: (tense) And he's with Nikolas again?
Laura: Luke!
Luke: I don't want to hear it right now! I'm not here to worry about Nikolas.
Laura: This isn't about Nikolas! Except that the only thing we know right now
is that Lucky is with him, someplace… Which is about the only thing that's
keeping me sane!
Luke: Keeping you sane? You're not worried that he's out there some place with
the crown Prince, while Helena slithers though the streets of Port Charles?
Laura: Of course I am! All I've done all afternoon is worry! Where is he,
what's he doing, what is going on with Emily… I don't even know where to start
to answer any of those questions! But if you want to know the truth, YES, I
feel better knowing he's with Nikolas. (Luke turns away from her, angrily) Is
there something else, Luke? Is there something ELSE I should know? Because
right now, I feel like I'm missing a huge piece of this puzzle…
Luke: I got it covered.
Laura: A WOMAN IS DEAD! And we can't even ask our son if he found her, or if
he was with her, or if… (She closes her eyes, shaking) God. If the bullet was
meant for him… because we don't know where he is! AND you're only giving me a
fraction of the information!
Luke: (at the end of his rope) You’re frustrated you're in the dark? You're
frustrated you don't know what's going on, well… I know exactly how you feel!
(He turns to her, pained) I'm talking to my son last night, I have no idea
what's the matter with him! I don't know how to talk to him anymore. Seems
everything I say sets him off and I don't even know why! All I know is that he
keeps telling me I don't know him. And I gotta say, I'm starting to agree.
(Laura turns away from him, feeling ill)
Laura: (quietly) I just want everyone to be safe. (He doesn't say anything.
She looks back at him) There is something else, isn't there?
Luke: Yeah, there is. (Laura looks at him, pleadingly)
Laura: Luke.
Luke: Emily Quartermaine's aunt was sent here by Helena Cassadine. Apparently
Lucky's known this for awhile, but he just got around to telling me yesterday.
Laura: Oh my God. Why… Why didn't he…
Luke: That was my question. I don't know… He said he wanted to handle it on
his own. He thought I'd do something he didn't approve of, he thought I'd ruin
Emily's chance of getting to know her aunt… At least that I can explain to you.
The rest of it… Jason Morgan, Nikolas, I can't explain that to you.
Laura: This has to stop. (Almost to herself) I don't know if he's coming
back! If he has Emily and this woman has died, there is no guarantee that he's
going to do anything but get Emily out of town!
Luke: (softly) That might not be a bad idea right now.
Laura: What does she want? Luke! WHAT is this all about?
Luke: It's about Helena, Baby. That's all the reason we need.
Laura: But what does she want? Is she after Nikolas or is she just running
people down with cars?
Luke: That was about Emily… Apparently Hannah wasn't towing the line…
Laura: (horrified) So she tried to kill Emily?
Luke: Looks like it was a warning shot. (Laura shakes her head, dazed).
Laura: This has to end! Lucky doesn't tell us what's going on with him, you
tell me just what you think I should know, and then I… (She closes her eyes)
Well… I can't really get upset now, can I?
Luke: Baby? What is it?
Laura: You're not the only one holding back. (She shakes her head. There's
just no way she can do anything else. She can feel it in her stomach like a
tightening fist. This is it. This is time. She doesn't know where her sons
are, or have any clue when Lucky might come back… But this can't wait. She
looks up, squaring her shoulder and meets Luke's concerned gaze) There’s
something you have to know.
