Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Seven:
One Step Closer
Spoon Island, the Bluffs.
Nikolas dismounts Sheba and walks away from the horse, moving towards the edge
of the bluffs. He reaches into his pocket and rechecks his cell phone. He's been
doing this all day. Now that he has something to say that nagging desire to talk
to Lucky is increasing. Why the hell hasn't he called? Well, the answer to that
is obvious. Because he called yesterday. Does he expect him to have a psychic
connection and just know when he wants to talk to him? Unlikely.
Nikolas takes a deep breath of the fresh air blowing in off the lake. He needs
to clear his head. Usually riding does the trick, but not today. No, if
anything, getting out into the trails alone with his thoughts has done nothing
short of driving him a little crazier.
Hannah has been lurking behind almost every thought and she keeps coming up on
him without warning. So much so that his brain is on permanent alert, constantly
reminding him that he can't think about her, he can't go down that road, there
is too much happening.
Like Luke. Another reason he needs to talk to Lucky. Just what, exactly, is he
supposed to do about Luke? Clue him in? Not his first choice. No, at this moment
he trusts his father as far as he can throw him but he trusts Luke even less.
For Luke all of this, everything that had happened, mattered only in what it
meant to Lucky. The thing was, Lucky didn't seem to want to deal with Luke right
now and Nikolas was in no position to suggest he reevaluate that decision. After
all, he was about as enthusiastic about dealing with Luke as Lucky would be
about dealing with Stefan.
No, this wasn't something he even wanted to waste time thinking about, these
family politics he was purposely and repeatedly pushed as far from as humanly
possible. It was for Lucky to say, as far as he was concerned, what Luke was
supposed to know about them. And judging from his demeanor, Lucky hadn't told
him much of anything. Nikolas couldn't help but feel slightly smug about that.
Luke, however, was omnipresent, and while irritating and infuriating, Nikolas
wasn't nearly as threatened by him as he was by Helena. And that had to take
precedence. He simply wasn't going to do it this time. He wasn't going to
breathe a sigh of relief and wait around for the woman to return to wreck havoc
again. He wasn't going to give her the change to hurt the people in his life
again, to go after Emily or Lucky again, or start some other equally horrific
plan of attack. This was the last time. Regardless of what happened, of the
reasons for her leaving, he was not going to allow her to come back. And if
Lucky weren’t around to assist in that particular objective then he would work
something out. That was all he knew for certain right now. It ended here. He was
never going through this again, not for anything.
* * * *
Golden Horseshoe Motel.
Lucky, under duress, leans against the wall, watching Emily. She is nearly
halfway across the room, which adds up to about three human steps and twice as
many “Emily” steps. He smirks at her while she stands, having not moved for
almost a minute, trying to act like this is still doable. She looks at him and
glowers at his smugness.
Em: Give me a break, ok?
Lucky: I'm not saying anything. (Emily rolls her eyes and takes another step.
She flounders a moment and Lucky straightens up. She holds out her hand to stop
him from advancing.)
Em: Not yet.
Lucky: You'd rather fall?
Em: I'd love to know why you think falling is such a terrible thing?
Lucky: How's your wrist? (Emily looks at her hand and shrugs)
Em: Fine. I think.
Lucky: Want to keep it that way? (She sighs)
Em: And I can just imagine how sunny and cheerful and OH so cooperative YOU'D be
if you were stuck in that bed.
Lucky: (shrugging) I can think of worse ways to spend my time.
Em: I love how you always act like you're totally laid back when you're in no
position to have to prove it.
Lucky: That's key. (She waves a hand at him in frustration)
Em: Hush, you're distracting me. (Lucky leans back against the wall, and
continues to watch her. She looks undeniably beautiful. She's wearing one of his
shirts, has been for days now. It's rumpled, which is fitting. Her hair, despite
constant brushing, is still mused. In a strange way it reminds him of a night a
really long time ago, which is probably why he's always liked her hair when it
was a mess. She's only missing stray maple leaves this time. Emily looks up to
catch him staring at her)
Em: (smiling) What?
Lucky: What do you think?
Em: I don't have time to think. (She takes a half step, then stops, swaying. She
gestures for him to come to her quickly)
Em: Ok. (Lucky pushes off the wall and moves to her. He wraps his arms around
her, holding her against him, and takes a deep breath, breathing in the scent of
her hair. Emily smiles slightly.) Well, it was better than last time. (She pulls
back slightly) But I'm still ending up in the same place.
Lucky: Do you have a problem with that?
Em: (leaning back against him) You know I don't. (She sighs heavily) So you beat
me at cards and the Gods have beat me at this walking thing. I just can't win,
can I?
Lucky: Well, I'd let you win, but every time you beat me at something you stop
playing it.
Em: Just pool.
Lucky: That's the only thing you've beaten me at.
Em: Look, if you sucked at the game and then YOU beat yourself at pool… Ok. No,
that doesn't make sense.
Lucky: I think I get it.
Em: I'm trying to compliment you, really. (She lifts her head again) I think I
just want to sit here on the floor a moment before I go back to the bed, ok?
Lucky: Uh… Ok. (Emily takes a step back from him. She's still unsteady on her
feet but she's doing much better than the day before. Lucky helps her sink onto
the carpet and kneels down with her.) Any particular reason we're down here?
Em: Room looks different from here, and I really need a change of scenery. (She
looks around) Hey! Speaking of change of scenery… Are you going out again?
Lucky: No, I think we'll order diner in or something.
Em: Oh, let me guess… pizza?
Lucky: The world is your oyster, what do you want?
Em: Actually… Pizza would be truly awesome in my present mood.
Lucky: What about your present appetite?
Em: Just might be something I could handle. (She frowns) But, hey… Don't you
have to go call Nikolas or something?
Lucky: No.
Em: Are you…
Lucky: I talked to him yesterday, remember?
Em: Well, yeah, I mean…
Lucky: I'll call tomorrow or something.
Em: I just thought maybe if you wanted to know how things are going at home,
then he probably wouldn't mind if you checked in…
Lucky: Not worth the change.
Em: Was it really that bad?
Lucky: Was WHAT that bad?
Em: You conversation with Nikolas
Lucky: It was fine.
Em: Well, you weren't fine when you got back last night. (Lucky sighs)
Lucky: Emily… (He looks at her) Can't we just forget about that?
Em: I don't know, can we?
Lucky: Don't play amateur psychiatrist with me, ok?
Em: That wasn't what I was doing.
Lucky: Look. I talked to him… (He looks at his watch) Not even twenty-four hours
ago. He doesn't need me holding his hand, and I know everything I need to know
right now. Big Bad Helena is lying low… for now. And I'm going to do the same.
Em: Ok. You know what you're doing. (Lucky doesn't respond) Right?
Lucky: Yeah. I know what I'm doing.
* * * *
Quartermaine Mansion, Living room.
Monica is seated alone on the couch staring off into space when AJ enters. He
takes Monica in, then moves over to the couch to talk to her.
AJ: Hey.
Monica: AJ. I didn't know you were home.
AJ: Yeah, well… I passed most of my work off to my assistant today, I couldn't
really concentrate.
Monica: I know. I have a surgery tomorrow I have no idea how I'm going to get
AJ: You know… Jason says she's safe, he doesn't lie.
Monica: It's not… (She sighs) There's too many variables. I… I couldn't sleep
last night so I went down to the library and read everything I could about
cerebral contusions and head injuries… Scared the life out of myself. Strokes,
aneurysms, seizures… There's just any number of things that could be going
wrong! And I know that Lucky can keep her safe if someone was really trying to
hurt her, but when it comes to medical attention… Well, what am I supposed to
think? He'll do what he can, but I just can't stop worrying that it's not
AJ: Yeah, well… It would help if we had a clue why they thought they had to take
Monica: I'm trying to be serene about that AJ. Accept that I'm not to know, and
hope that it's going to work out.
AJ: Serene? In THIS house?
Monica: I have to try something… (She stops as Alan enters, looking worn out)
Alan: Well, nothing but questions about Emily and how she's doing at the
Monica: Does everyone honestly believe she was just sent home?
Alan: Of course not! Half the nursing staff saw my reaction when she wasn't in
the room, and they all know that Chief of Staff or not, I'm God, I can't just
heal my daughter with my hands because I will it. No, everyone knows something's
up, but no one's saying anything. (He sits down heavily) My head is splitting.
Monica: Maybe you should go lie down a bit, Alan… in fact I may…
Ed: (entering, far too cheery) Greetings all! Still moping, I see.
Monica: (suspiciously) What are you so cheery about? (She stands up suddenly,
and looks at him, demanding an answer) Where have you been?
Ed: I've been doing what the rest of you thought was useless!
Monica: Which is?
Alan: Does anyone have an aspirin?
Ed: Oh, Alan, stop whining. I have been to see Jason.
AJ: Oh, God.
Ed: Oh, roll your eyes if you must, but it was quite enlightening.
AJ: Jason and enlightening… Not words you hear together very often any more.
Alan: AJ!
Monica: Edward, will you just spit whatever it is out? Please, before I'm forced
to choke the words out of you with my bare hands?
Ed: You should get out some of that aggression, Monica, it would do you a world
of good.
Monica: Don't tempt me, Edward.
Ed: (smugly) I think I know EXACTLY why Emily left town. (The family stares at
him, no one wanting to ask. Finally Alan speaks up)
Alan: Oh, for God's sake, Father… what now?
Ed: Now, Jason would have us believe that Emily left because SHE was in danger…
that Lucky Spencer was just “helping”.
Monica: Edward…
Ed: But while I was at Jason's he got a little visit from the police…
AJ: Gee, THAT'S novel.
Ed: Do you want to hear this or not? (Not waiting for an answer) Now, they were
asking all sorts of questions about the Spencer boy and from the looks of it,
they think Jason had something to do with this Gibbons' woman's death. And LUCKY
has something to do with Jason.
Monica: (contracting Alan's headache) Oh, Lord and what does that mean, Edward?
Ed: Simple. Jason is in cahoots with Spencer!
AJ: Cahoots?
Ed: is there an echo in here? Cahoots. Co-conspirators.
AJ: I KNOW what it means… But come on, Grandfather. Lucky's what… Eighteen?
Jason's a major mob figure, what would he need with Lucky?
Monica: That's not the point, Lucky wouldn't be involved in the mob, he spent
half his life trying to get AWAY from it!
Ed: Oh, come on! We all know how incredibly deceitful that child is! He's not
trouble by things like values and morals like the rest of us!
Monica: Oh, and when have your values kept you up at night, Edward?
Ed: Never you mind! You're all missing my point!
Alan: (wearily) Which is?
Ed: Jason would have us believe that Emily has left town because SHE'S in
danger… But the police are looking for Lucky. (They all stare at Edward) HE'S
the one who had to leave town! He's the one who was in trouble, see? Emily's
just being taken along for…
Monica: No! No, absolutely not, I refuse to believe that!
Ed: Monica…
Monica: NO. I just won't… Oh, there is no way I'll accept that. Not even from…
(She stops and shakes her head) I know none of us approve of what Lucky has
done, but we can't forget we've known this boy since he was ten or eleven! And I
simply can't believe that he'd recklessly endanger Emily like this if she
weren’t in some sort of danger. (Monica looks around for some sort of support
from Alan and AJ who are both in deep contemplation)
AJ: Mom… He's done things to hurt her before.
Monica: (shaking her head emphatically) No. No, I don't believe it, not for a
minute, I just won't believe that I can be THAT wrong about that boy. (She looks
at Edward) So don't you go getting any ideas in your head! We're not going to
join in any police hunt for Lucky Spencer! Understand? I want my daughter home
safe and sound, I will not make it harder for her to stay hidden, I will not be
responsible for putting her in danger.
Ed: Danger!
Monica: This is not negotiable. This is MY daughter. You don't get to make this
decision Edward! (She stops, shaking with fear and outrage) I'm… I hope that's
clear. (She turns and walks unsteadily out of the room. Alan, AJ and Edward all
contemplate their positions).
* * * *
Wyndemere, Living room.
A cooling lunch sits on the table at the far end of the room while Stefan stands
and stares out the French doors, awaiting Nikolas' return. He heard a noise
behind him and turns to see Nikolas enter from the other side of the house. He
Stefan: I assumed you'd take the path through the garden.
Nik: No, I wanted to walk the grounds a bit. (He notes the meal) I see I'm later
than I expected.
Stefan: I had Mrs. Lansberry go ahead and serve, I anticipated you'd prefer an
informal lunch.
Nik: Yeah, I would. (Stefan winces slightly at the “yeah”. One day he'll get
used to Nikolas' Americanism. At least he reverts back to proper speech at the
necessary times.)
Stefan: Shall we partake, then? (Nikolas nods, crossing to the table. Stefan
joins him) How was your ride?
Nik: Sheba was a little unruly, but I suppose that's to be expected. She doesn't
care for my disappearances.
Stefan: Well, at times they can't be helped. (He unfolds his napkin and spreads
it elegantly across his lap) And how did you enjoy it?
Nik: I… I was preoccupied.
Stefan: Yes… I expected as much.
Nik: (examining Stefan's face) Have you heard anything new?
Stefan: Not regarding your Grandmother, no.
Nik: Then… Regarding something else.
Stefan: Yes… But I think it can wait until after lunch.
Nik: I'd prefer to know now. (Stefan examines his plate, then looks back to
Stefan: You do continually insist on discussing unpleasantness at the table.
Nik: Does that bother you?
Stefan: It only bothers me in that we seem only to discuss unpleasant topics of
Nik: Well… I don't have much else to talk about. My life feels “unpleasant”
right now.
Stefan: I understand. (Nikolas sighs and takes a drink, considering the gut
reaction he has to strike out again Stefan's charade against Katherine. However,
anger isn't getting him anywhere. He looks up at his father)
Nik: Tell me one thing… Honestly.
Stefan: Certainly.
Nik: Katherine. (Stefan tenses) How long did you miss her?
Stefan: I miss her still.
Nik: But the… The grief. That was all an act.
Stefan: No.
Nik: Then… Then what WAS it? I'm… I'm trying to figure out what parts could have
been real, or it any of it was real.
Stefan: I understand your confusion.
Nik: It's more than confusion!
Stefan: Grief effects us all in very different ways. You cannot judge how I
chose to grieve Katherine any more than I can chose how you chose to grieve…
Nik: Hannah. Her name was Hannah.
Stefan: Yes. I… I understand it was not her only name.
Nik: No. (He puts down the fork he was holding heavily) I don't want to talk
about her.
Stefan: Then the subject is closed. Until such time you decide to open it.
(Nikolas looks at Stefan)
Nik: You are being very accommodating.
Stefan: I'm simply trying to have a civilized meal with… (He stops)
Nik: You don't have to say it.
Stefan: Its not that I don't want to, Nikolas. It's that, for your benefit, it
is better to keep things as they are.
Nik: Fine. Then you, Uncle, and I… your nephew… will have a civilized lunch.
(They fall into silence as Nikolas concentrates on his salad. After a moment he
speaks without looking up) I'm sorry, Uncle, I didn't intend to sound
Stefan: No offence was taken.
Nik: (Looking up) Good. Because… I do know. I do know what you gave up for me.
Stefan: Nothing that I wouldn't give up again for you, in a heartbeat. (He leans
closer, well aware that they are alone) My son. (Nikolas stares at Stefan a long
moment, then closes his eyes, breathing in the moment).
Nik: (quietly) Thank you. (Stefan straightens up, cutting the moment short. This
is not the time or place and he is well aware he allowed sentiment to wear on
him. Nikolas, however, does not seem to mind, and returns to his food). There
was something you had to talk to me about? (Stefan stares at his food, then puts
the fork down on the edge of the plate and looks across at Nikolas)
Stefan: You wish to discuss it now.
Nik: Yes. I don't want anything hanging over us… If we're going to have a
“civilized” meal.
Stefan: Very well… May I ask you a question?
Nik: It seems reasonable.
Stefan: You and Lucky Spencer. (Nikolas tenses visibly) You can understand why
this is a matter I would have reservation about.
Nik: Yes.
Stefan: The boy has been the cause of many of your misfortunes since coming
Nik: He's… Look, I know exactly what Lucky's been to me since I got here.
Believe me.
Stefan: Are you… Are you considering him a part of your life now?
Nik: He's always been a part of my life. He's my mother's son, he's been a part
of my life as long as I've known him. I don't have a choice about that.
Stefan: There is a difference between accepting the fact that your mother has
another son and actually…
Nik: We've had this conversation before. It usually ends with you telling me
Lucky isn't… Fit to lick my boots, or some other equally degrading term. (Stefan
stares at Nikolas) What is it you're asking me? Are you asking me if I care
about him? You already know that answer to that.
Stefan: I know what you told me the other day… that you consider him your
Nik: It's impossible to deny! Do you see that? I tried, I tried to say that it
didn't matter, that he wasn't anything to me. But he's my mother's son, he's my
sister's brother. What effects him ultimately effects me. I'm not going to
pretend that's not true anymore. (Stefan's face darkens)
Stefan: And Lucky has… I assume that in his dealing with you he's given you
reason to believe that I have taken some sort of action against him. Something
involving a bank account.
Nik: Did you look into it?
Stefan: You asked me to, of course I did.
Nik: (getting tense) And…?
Stefan: And I'm curious as to what he told you. And for what purpose.
Nik: What do you mean?
Stefan: You told me the problem would be self-evident. Well… From what I've
seen, the only suspicious activity surrounding his account is the fact that he
has left town and hasn't chosen to drain his account. But the connection there
is not hard to imagine, since he was employed by Jason Morgan.
Nik: That's not what I was talking about.
Stefan: And what were you talking about?
Nik: How thorough a search did you make?
Stefan: Alexis had all branches of all banks in Port Charles thoroughly checked.
And there is simply nothing to report back. Whatever Lucky told you, Nikolas… It
was a lie.
(Nikolas stares at Stefan a long drawn out moment. Stefan leans across the
table, speaking to him intensely)
Stefan: You see, this is what I don't want you to have to face, Nikolas. These
games Lucky insists on playing with you. You have a need for a family, you envy
his position, you wish to have the same sort of connection he has to your
mother… This I understand. But I simply can't believe that Lucky will ever
accept you! He is too much of his father, he is filled with too much small-
minded jealously and pettiness! And this is just another example of it.)
Nik: (slowly, steadily) You're saying… You're telling me that all of this… All
of what Lucky TOLD me, that was a lie. To get me to doubt you.
Stefan: Yes.
Nik: And that you never had anything to do with it. You never tried to set Lucky
up or connect him to Jason Morgan.
Stefan: Is that what he told you?
Nik: Just answer the question.
Stefan: (intensely) I swear to you. I had nothing to do with that. No. Any
trouble Lucky has gotten himself into with the police or with Morgan... that is
his own doing. He did not need my assistance. (Nikolas stares into Stefan's
eyes. So deep, so sincere. So easy to believe him. And he would. He would have
fallen for it all again if he hadn't seen the account with his own eyes. No.
Given the choices, he can't see how he can possibly believe his father. It's
just another game. Another lie. Nikolas nods slowly, and sits back)
Nik: Then I suppose that is that.
Stefan: Nikolas…
Nik: No. It's fine. You're right. I'm too trusting, I'm too willing to believe
what people tell me. (He looks back at his plate) I won't make that mistake
