Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Eight:
Where Do We Go From Here?
Edge of the Niagara River, Stevensville, Ontario.
Lucky walks aimlessly along the bank of the river, on the other side of the
Parkway. He looks out at the grey water, staring hard at the opposite bank. This
is getting repetitive, he thinks to himself. What was it now… four days? Four
days of pretty much the same thing. And Emily was getting really restless. He
had a feeling that, as far as she was concerned, they'd hit a week from the
accident and she wasn't going to be patient anymore. There wasn't really any
reasoning with her. As far as she was concerned, she'd given her body the time
medical science had estimated was necessary, and she wasn't going to put up with
anything further delays.
There wasn't really any indication that she wasn't going to be fine. She'd been
getting steadily better the last few days… sleeping less, gathering more energy,
generally in less pain. From what Jason, Carly and the doctor had told him these
were all good signs. In a couple of days they were going to be able to move
again. In fact, in a couple of days, he was going to have to work pretty hard to
justify not moving.
He wasn't sure why it was bothering him so much. So he'd talked to Nikolas, and
nothing had changed. The conversation hadn't been very long, but Nikolas had
sounded like Nikolas, not the creepy angry person he'd encountered the night
he'd left Port Charles. Somehow, he still couldn't make himself believe that
Nikolas was really ok. Which was understandable, it stood to reason that Nikolas
wasn't going to be “ok” for a long time. The more disturbing part was the fact
that he couldn't make himself not care about it.
Things had been left too vaguely. That irritated him, nagged at him constantly.
He didn't know EXACTLY what Nikolas was thinking, how far he wanted to take
things, or if he still felt, as he did that night, that the only way to truly
get out from under Helena's threatening shadow was to make sure they worked
together. For some reason that thought wasn't nearly as objectionable as it had
been even a week ago. He was beyond caring now. That wasn't the reason he didn't
want to call Nikolas. Talking to Nikolas wasn't actually that bad. It was the
fact that Nikolas was insisting on bringing up other… Topics. That he didn't
want to deal with. However, he couldn't seem to get his brain to go anywhere
else. All afternoon, evening, night, he couldn't shake this… Need. He had to
know what was going on, where things stood. He looked down at his watch. It was
still pretty early. He had to go back into town anyway…
Lucky turns and heads back to the parking lot of the motel, just across the
street. It doesn't matter, he tells himself again. Just…Go with it. There are
pay phones all over the place out here, he decides. If the opportunity presents
itself, he may as well check to make sure things are still at a standstill.
* * * *
Luke's Club, The Office.
The office is dark. Luke is seated, at the desk, with his head down. There is an
empty glass set on the edge of the desk. He is obviously asleep. There is a
quiet knock at the door, then it opens to reveal a concerned Bobbie. She takes
in Luke and shakes her head with a mixture of impatience and compassion. She
closes the door behind her, and crosses to her brother. She shakes his arm. Luke
responds almost immediately, revealing his sleep to be rather shallow and lets
out a growl of protest.
Bobbie: Luke. (Luke sits back in his chair, taking his sister in. He rubs his
face with his hands)
Luke: What?
Bobbie: Did you sleep here?
Luke: What time is it?
Bobbie: Nine.
Luke: (blinks) Yes.
Bobbie: On purpose?
Luke: (getting up) Oh, does it matter, Barbara?
Bobbie: (disapproving) Luke…
Luke: I've heard it.
Bobbie: Does Laura know you're here?
Luke: She can hazard a guess.
Bobbie: Oh. I see. So we're back to doing this again. (Luke doesn't answer) What
about Lucky? What if he tries to get in touch with you?
Luke: He won't.
Bobbie: How can you know that?
Luke: (heavily) Because I know my son. He's got no reason to want to, so he
Bobbie: That simple.
Luke: (sinking to arm chair, rubbing the back of his neck) Lucky's got it in his
head that… Well, I'm not even sure what it is, but he definitely thinks he
can't… (He stops, the words to painful to give voice to. After a long pause he
finds another way for it to come out) He thinks he's alone, he thinks I won't
help him out. You know Lucky… Once he's got his mind made up about something its
murder to get him to change it. (With building anger) Especially if I can't TALK
TO HIM! (Luke throws a glass against the wall. Bobbie flinches slightly, but
makes no other move. The dust settles).
Bobbie: (with infinite patience) What about the child you can talk to? (Luke
looks at her like she's crazy) Lesley Lu?
Luke: Lesley Lu.
Bobbie: Yes, you know… Your DAUGHTER? The one who’s perfect family just blew
apart in a million pieces, who's adoring big brother has taken off into parts
Luke: Same as ever. I saw her yesterday, picked her up from daycare.
Bobbie: Ah. So you and Laura are talking.
Luke: I'm not walking out on my daughter.
Bobbie: No. You're not there for breakfast or diner, you don't tuck her in at
Luke: BARBARA! For God's sake, save the lecture! (He sits down again, looking as
lost as he ever allows himself to look) What am I supposed to do, huh? Pretend
everything is fine? God… I go back into that house, I think about the last few
years, about everything that was going on right under my nose… And I don't know
how I didn't SEE it! You know… How did I just…
Bobbie: You trusted Laura! You didn't think she'd keep something from you… none
of us did! I mean… Well, we all know Laura's kept her share of secrets over the
years, but THIS one…
Luke: I know exactly what it is, Barbara. (He puts his head in his hands and
says nothing a long moment.) You know… Having that vampire here, having him
skulking around town, trying to figure out what he wanted all these years… I
always knew Laura was part of it. I even knew there had to be something going on
there that she just wasn't saying… And I guess, after a certain point, I let go.
I didn't let go of keeping them safe, but… Whatever it was, with her… I knew
Laura had ghosts I couldn't exorcise.
Bobbie: Ghosts? Is that the word we're using for her lies now?
Luke: Bobbie! Look. She is my wife, I lived besides her, I raised children with
her, I though I knew everything I'd ever need to know… About her heart, about
her soul… But I never would have come up with this.
Bobbie: You've always protected her from everything, Luke. You've always been
willing to take on her demons as your own… she's used to it. So… I suppose when
Lucky offered to do the same thing…
Luke: THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT! What Lucky did and didn't do, what his
reasons were… Why she let him… NO. No, you know… I keep telling myself to care
about that part. But I… (He closes his eyes. When he opens them, tears are
pooling in them). Barbara… The last night he spent in the house… He came home
from God knows where and he wanted to talk to Laura alone. Then… Ten minutes
later, Laura's upset, Lucky's taken off upstairs… (He shakes his head) I went to
talk to him, have it out and he… (He stops dead, closing his eyes against the
memory) I'd never seen him like that. Never. He was shaking, angry… Broken. He
was just broken. And he asked me if I really believed that there was nothing he
could do to stop me from loving him.
Bobbie: Oh, Luke…
Luke: It didn't matter what I said to him, he… See, it makes SENSE now, I know
what he was talking about NOW, but that night, none of it… None of it made any
sense, just that he wanted… God, Barbara. I think he wanted to die. A part of
him just wanted to leave and not come back.
Bobbie: Lucky's not like that, Luke!
Luke: I wouldn't have thought so either. But… He told me. (He bows his head,
letting the tears fall, his voice breaking) He told me everything has limits.
And Barbara… I think he finally hit his.
* * * *
Wyndemere, The docks.
Nikolas paces the length of the docks. This is the first morning he's spent at
Wyndemere in weeks, and it was only in the spirit of not arousing suspicion. He
didn't sleep a wink last night, but he's not tired. Instead he feels focused.
Intensely focused. He knows exactly where to go from here.
Or at least he would if Lucky would just hurry up and call. This, he couldn't
help but think, was Lucky's idea of a game. Call before he expected it, and then
deliver complete silence for the next few days. He has no idea what to expect
now. Lucky could call that day… He could also call in a week. He couldn't
predict it. Which was probably exactly what Lucky wanted.
The idea of acting on this without Lucky's knowledge had entered Nikolas' mind,
but only briefly and he'd quickly rejected it. No. If Lucky had been serious in
what he's said the last time they'd really talked, then Nikolas was going to
take him up on it. He wasn't in a position to be docile or passive about this.
And he wasn't going to be intimidated by Lucky's mind games, whatever they might
be this time. Somehow they couldn't be worse than what he was facing dealing
with the different factions of his family.
Nikolas stares out at the lake, so deep in thought, that it takes a couple of
rings for him to notice that his cell phone is actually notifying him. He flips
the phone open, and stops himself short of making an assumptive greeting.
Nikolas: (incredibly calm) Cassadine.
Lucky: Hey. (This time Nikolas opts not to clarify the speaker)
Nik: (irritated) Where have you been?
Lucky: Am I supposed to assume that means something's going on?
Nik: Yeah, you could say that.
Lucky: So do you want to yell at me about it or tell me what's happened?
Nik: Helena's left town. (Lucky digests this)
Lucky: Left.
Nik: Yeah.
Lucky: Are you sure?
Nik: About as sure as I can be. She's not around, I haven't seen her and
according to my Uncle, she's not going to be showing up any time soon. (Lucky,
at an open phone by a gas station this time, closes his eyes and tries to wrap
his mind around this. Ok. He has to admit it. He didn't see this one coming)
Lucky: Any chance he's just telling you that?
Nik: Always a chance. But I don't see what he has to gain from that. (Lucky
shakes his head.)
Lucky: I don't know. Control, I guess.
Nik: He has enough as it is. Or he thinks he does. (Lucky frowns)
Lucky: When did he tell you this?
Nik: Yesterday morning. (Lucky runs his hand through his hair, which stubbornly
falls back into his eyes)
Lucky: Ok… Ok, I have to figure out what this means.
Nik: Don't bother, I've been trying to figure it out all night. (Lucky tenses,
but realizes his brain just isn't making any fast connections for him. He sighs.
This is going to hurt)
Lucky: Ok. What did you come up with?
Nik: This… I don't know what she's planning, but obviously she's not finished
here. This wasn't some sort of retreat… not when she was winning.
Lucky: Winning.
Nik: Well, I don't see where we scored any points. (Lucky eyes the counter on
the phone, which is descending too quickly, given the topic of conversation. He
reaches into his jacket and counts out change as he continues to talk to
Lucky: Fine. Then where do you think you're going from here?
Nik: I know exactly where I'm going. (Lucky suppresses a groan. A part of him
actually feels like he should cut Nikolas a little slack here… but mostly, he
doesn't trust the guy to actually come up with an idea that isn't completely
Lucky: Where's that?
Nik: We have to meet. (Lucky nearly drops the change he's holding)
Lucky: Uh… What?
Nik: You heard me.
Lucky: How's that?
Nik: Were you serious?
Lucky: About what?
Nik: About what you said the other night. Two sides… no one else dies.
Lucky: Deadly.
Nik: Well, I know what I needed to know. I know she's not going to play when
there's only one of us here. Whatever it is she's up to… she needs you to do it.
So I can either wait around here while you and Emily play and hide and seek, or
we can actually face the problem. (He sighs) I'm not getting into this on the
phone with you, ok? That's what I meant. We have to meet.
Lucky: I can't come back to…
Automated Bell Voice: Your time has expired. Please deposit additional funds or
hang up now. (Lucky swears under his breath and throws his last two loonies
into the phone. The voice returns) Thank you from Bell Canada. (There's a pause)
Lucky: Nikolas?
Nik: What happened?
Lucky: Uh, financial difficulties. Where were we?
Nik: You can't come back here.
Lucky: Right. Port Charles… we land there no one's going to let us leave again.
Nik: Yeah, I know… Taggert's on the warpath for you, you know that right?
Lucky: Uh, no… No, I suspected, though.
Nik: He's trying to… I don't know what he's trying to do. But he's talking to
everyone, from the looks of it.
Lucky: Do you know anything about the Quartermaines?
Nik: Nothing. I haven't heard a word from them.
Lucky: I guess Jason's got it under control.
Nik: He must. Look. (Nikolas takes a deep breath) I'm not suggesting you come
back here. There's not reason to. And what's more, there's no reason for me to
stay. (Long silence. Lucky blinks)
Lucky: Come again?
Nik: I'm leaving.
Lucky: WHY?
Nik: Why not? She's not here. I'm not waiting around for her to come back. I'm
not letting Helena ambush me, I'm not playing this by her rules anymore. Or my
Lucky: Nikolas.
Nik: Oh, don't. Don't even try it, Lucky. You can't honestly tell me that you'd
handle this by sitting around and waiting for her to come knocking on your door.
Lucky: I… You're not making any sense to me Nikolas.
Nik: I'm not letting her come back to Port Charles. There are too many people
here. Look… The whole time she was here… Who did she deal with? I mean, who
actually talked to her, who's lives were affected? Hannah, Emily, you… And me.
Lucky: Lulu.
Nik: She's not going to touch Lulu. But whatever she's doing, it's about us.
She's leaving our parents out of it. So…
Lucky: (distantly) You're right. (Nikolas stops a moment)
Nik: I know.
Lucky: Ok. So… Leave to where? Where can you go that she's going to be able to
find you, that she's going to be… (He stops as it hits him) Oh, no… No, no way.
Nik: I think… I think she might even be expecting it.
Lucky: Wait… Wait, I… Stefan. He'd know, there's no way…
Nik: There is a way, but I can't explain it now. Look. If I go to Greece, if I
go home, then she has to deal with me… only me.
Lucky: Nikolas, you can't just GO there, Stefan won't let…
Nik: Lucky… I thought you were supposed to have a talent at all this cloak and
dagger stuff. Are you trying to tell me that this is impossible?
Lucky: (irritated) I KNOW what you're doing, man. You want me to…
Nik: LOOK! If I could ever just ask you something straight out then…
Automated Bell Voice: Your time has expired. Please deposit additional funds or
hang up now. (Lucky growls in frustration and slides another coin into the
slot. It falls straight into the return slot. He stares at the phone a second,
then picks the coin up and deposits it again. It falls again. The voice returns)
Are you having trouble? (Lucky stares at the phone)
Lucky: What? (He takes the coin again and stares at it, realizing it's not
featured on the diagram at the top of the phone, he starts depositing the few
dimes and quarters he has until the voice comes back)
Automated Bell Voice: Thank you from Bell Canada. (The counter is restored,
revealing he has exactly one minute left, with no additional change.)
Lucky: Perfect.
Nik: What's going on?
Lucky: Never MIND! I'm going to get cut off. Just tell me what you want to do.
Nik: Can you get to New York.
Lucky: New York?
Nik: The city.
Lucky: I assumed that. Yeah, I can, but it's a big place.
Nik: I'll meet you in two days, at 3:00…
Lucky: (sarcastically) Where, on top of the Empire State Building?
Nik: Lucky!
Lucky: Fine, where? Just hurry up.
Nik: The Russian Tea Room. (Lucky groans)
Lucky: You really love doing this stuff to me, don't you?
Nik: Will you be there?
Lucky: (heavily) Yes. Emily and I will be there.
Nik: Good. We'll figure the rest out from there.
Lucky: How are you going to…
Automated Bell Voice: Your time has expired. Please deposit additional funds or
hang up now.
Lucky: Damn it! (Lucky slams the receiver down angrily, then leans his head
against the phone) Oh… God. What the hell am I doing?
* * * *
The Spencer House
Laura is sitting on the porch, drinking a cup of tea, lost in thought. She's
been doing a lot of thinking lately and very little else. She can feel the
energy gathering, stilted and repressed, in her muscles, which are aching with
unknown ailments. She hears the sound of a car coming up the road and looks up
to see a very expensive car making its way up the road and turning into her
driveway. She's been expecting this, though, she's relieved to see, there is
only one person in the car. She puts down her mug, but makes no other move to go
and greet the visitor. Monica steps out of the car, and occupies herself with
the closing of the door, the adjusting of the shoulder strap on her purse,
before crossing the lawn towards Laura. She stops at the bottom of the stairs
and gives Laura an extremely forced smile.
Monica: Good morning. (Laura nods)
Laura: I didn't expect to see you.
Monica: I didn't expect to come. I was driving to the hospital and somehow the
car took me in the opposite direction. (She gestures to the stairs) May I?
Laura: Go ahead, please. (Monica sits down on the stairs next to Laura and
stares off at the line of trees that mark the property a long moment)
Monica: Have you heard anything?
Laura: No.
Monica: But if you had…
Laura: I'd tell you. I would. But there isn't anything to tell.
Monica: The police have been out to the mansion…
Laura: (Nodding) They've been here to.
Monica: Are you honestly not worried?
Laura: No. No, I'm worried. But… I know he's safe. I know he did the right
thing. (Monica takes in Laura's manner… detached and sedate. She'd hoped that
seeing Laura would help put this in perspective for her, but instead, she feels
as if it's sending things further out of whack).
Monica: Do you know WHY he did it?
Laura: Do you mean did he take Emily out of the hospital and run with her
because the police wanted to talk to him? No. He wouldn't have taken her with
him if he weren’t certain she'd be safer with him.
Monica: (exhaling heavily) I needed to hear it out of your mouth. I've been
telling myself the last few days, this couldn't have been about anything but
her. But then we have Taggert and Garcia insisting that… (She looks at Laura)
Well. They seem to feel Lucky was in danger himself.
Laura: They “seem to feel” Lucky knew something and didn't get a chance to talk
to him before he left town. (She sighs) They've been out here twice now, but I
think they realize I have nothing to tell them.
Monica: I understand having nothing to tell them. But are you certain you have
nothing to tell me? Just between you and I… not the rest of my family. I have to
know what's going on, Laura. It's driving me crazy!
Laura: I know he thought Emily was in danger. I know that after her aunt died…
Well. Lucky didn't talk to me about it. But he spoke to Nikolas and Nikolas says
it was necessary. (She takes a deep breath) Nikolas helped him pull this off.
And if you have reservation about Lucky… You can't have the same ones about
Nikolas. Just the fact that Lucky and Nikolas were willing to deal with each
Monica: To tell you the truth, I don't know what to make of Lucky anymore.
Laura: Don't blame him. It all falls to me. I'm sorry if he's worried you. But
he's never set out to hurt anyone.
Monica: I trust him to take care of Emily. I have to. If I'm going to close my
eyes at night, I have to.
Laura: He'd never hurt her. (Monica's face clouds)
Monica: Does Luke… Is Luke doing something to put an end to this?
Laura: Luke is doing all he can. (She smiles slightly) I know it's horrible.
Monica: It's better than the alternative. No matter how awful I feel right now,
I felt worse a week ago. (Laura nods) I'm… I'm doing all I can to make this as
painless as possible for all of us.
Laura: I wish I could… There's nothing else I can tell you.
Monica: You told me what I needed to hear. (She stands up) Just promise me…
you'll let me know if anything else happens. (Laura nods)
Laura: I will. (Monica descends the stairs then stops and looks back at her)
Monica: I never imagined… Children would make me feel so helpless.
Laura: (nodding) Helpless… And sometimes, just hopeless.
