Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Eight:
Indoor Fireworks
The Spencer house.
Laura walks across the room, and puts her hands on Lulu's shoulders, pulling her
gently from the door.
Laura: Lulu, you remember Mr. Cassadine, don't you? (Lulu nods, and looks up at
her mother)
Lulu: What is he doing here?
Laura: (smiling broadly, with just a hint of tension) Well, we don't know that,
do we?
Lulu: (looking back at him) Nikolas is gone. (Stefan looks slightly startled)
Stefan: Ah. Yes. I'm aware.
Lulu: (nodding) He told me.
Stefan: (smiling) Well, he told me too. Informed me, I should say. (Lulu frowns,
then looks up at Laura)
Lulu: I should go to my room, right? (Laura stares at Stefan a moment, vexed,
then looks down at her daughter)
Laura: Look, why don't we make it a story night? You can go and pick out some
favorites and I'll be up in a minute. (Lulu nods and moves to the stairs,
dutifully) Lulu! (She turns back) Maybe you can get that book you like so much,
the one about the boy who makes all the noise.
Lulu: Mortimer?
Laura: Right. Mortimer. (Lulu sighs).
Lulu: Daddy's best at that one.
Laura: (frowning) Well, maybe you should get one I'm good at, then.
Lulu: (heavily) I'll try. (She turns and trudges up the stairs. Laura shakes her
Laura: (muttering) Every one's a critic. (She glances over at Stefan) But that
shouldn't come as a surprise to you. (Stefan steps through the door, shutting it
behind him)
Stefan: Am I to assume that Lesley Lu doesn't expect to see her father this
evening? (Laura turns and walks over to the fireplace, crossing her arms)
Laura: Why do you ask me questions? You always know the answers.
Stefan: On the contrary, Lasha… you continually surprise me.
Laura: (turning back to face him) What are you doing here?
Stefan: Well, I was planning on informing you of Nikolas' absence, but it
appears he's done that himself.
Laura: I know you don't think much of my efforts on Nicholas's behalf, but do
you honestly think he'd leave the country without telling me? Or his sister?
Stefan: I would not presume to predict Nikolas' decisions of late. (Laura stares
at him a moment, then exhales heavily)
Laura: All right. You have me. What do you mean by that?
Stefan: Did he not give you his reasons for leaving?
Laura: He said he had business, but… I got the impression… (She stops, shaking
her head) You know all this. You must.
Stefan: I do, I'm simply endeavoring…
Laura: To find out what I know. Why? Because of Luke?
Stefan: He is a source of concern for me. You can't fault me that. (Laura feels
a chill creep over her. She shakes her head firmly)
Laura: He's not… He's not going to do anything.
Stefan: He's already done enough. (Stefan comes down the stairs, moving towards
her) Lasha… Perhaps you can explain this to me.
Laura: (tersely) Explain what, Stefan? You have all the answers.
Stefan: It's true, I have many venues for information, but… I've never presumed
to read your mind.
Laura: I wasn't aware it's contents were all that troubling for you. (Stefan
smiles slightly)
Stefan: Shall we recap? You appeared at my home only a few days ago to inform me
of your plans to throw Nikolas' future into the hands of wolves…
Laura: That is not fair!
Stefan: Isn't it?
Laura: I told you my reasons for making that decision. If it were just about
Nikolas I… I probably never would have faced the truth. But he came to me,
Stefan… Stefan, I don't think he wants this. He wants the truth…
Stefan: Ah. There is an irony in you lecturing me about truth.
Laura: (getting angry) Is that what you're really doing here? Insulting me? (She
starts back towards the door) Because if it is, I have more than enough people
in this town vying to make me their personal punching bag.
Stefan: (quietly) It is no more my intention to do you harm now Lasha, than it
has ever been. (Laura stops, and looks back at him, thrown. It takes her a
moment to regroup)
Laura: No? (Stefan turns to face her)
Stefan: I have only ever acted in Nikolas' best interests. It is a… "gut"
reaction. To protect him. (Laura softens, and nods)
Laura: I know that.
Stefan: Then you can understand… You are right. My primary reason for this visit
is not to discover if you were aware of his departure, but rather to see if you
understand the nature of it. (Laura leans back against the door, sadly. She's
well aware that there is more to Nikolas' departure than she's aware of, but
she's not anxious to let Stefan know that).
Laura: He said he needed to get away. (She waits for Stefan to comment on that.
When he doesn't, she looks up. He is standing in the middle of the room, his
eyes fixed on her. She blinks)
Stefan: (steadily, measured) Then you can understand why I'm asking you to
ensure that he is allowed to stay that way.
Laura: (frowning) You're being cryptic again. Stay what way?
Stefan: Away from Port Charles. Safe.
Laura: (getting nervous) Why don't you just tell me what you want?
Stefan: I want your husband to keep his distance from him. (Laura straightens
up, pushing herself off the door)
Laura: Luke… You're saying this is about Luke?
Stefan: Was there ever any doubt? He's been harassing Nikolas relentlessly.
(Laura feels her heart drop into her stomach. She knew Nikolas was holding
something back. She cocks her head to one side, however, smiling slightly)
Laura: Nikolas specifically told me this had nothing to do with Luke.
Stefan: For what purpose would he have told you? To gain your sympathy? Your
compassion? I think he's long since given up on that. (Laura shakes her head,
bitterness creeping back into her features)
Laura: Oh… For just a moment there, Stefan… I thought we could have a real
conversation about our son.
Stefan: This is real. Make no mistake. Luke has pushed Nikolas beyond his
limits, his departure is solely to escape him. I do not want Luke following him,
on one of his misguided quests to regain HIS errant son.
Laura: He's going after Nikolas because of Lucky? (Laura nearly bites her tongue
once the words are out. She turns away.)
Stefan: This is what he says.
Laura: That doesn't make any sense!
Stefan: Nonetheless… I realize, that if he gets it in his head to harass Nikolas
further, there is little I can do, as a parent, to stop him. You, perhaps,
have more influence. (Laura turns back to him, fully aware of what he's just
said. That's what this is about. Letting her know what Luke has been up to…
planting a seed of doubt. She grits her teeth, unsure of what she is more galled
by… Stefan's manipulations, or the fact that she's certain they are based on
Laura: (evenly) Nikolas will be fine. Luke won't go all the way to Rome to…
Stefan: Ah. So you know his destination, then. (Laura turns back to him,
throwing up her arms)
Laura: He didn't make it a secret, no.
Stefan: Precisely my concern. (Laura looks down at the ground, feeling a sudden
wave of fatigue.)
Laura: Stefan… All right. I understand, but… Luke and I…
Stefan: You still may solve this with more peace than I could hope for. Spencer
would pursue Nikolas out of spite if I were to mention this.
Laura: I am through lying to my husband. All I can do is ask him not to… (She
turns back, unable to help but ask the question) He didn't hurt him, did he?
(Stefan's face darkens. Laura turns away) I will do what I can.
Stefan: Make sure you do. For his sake.
* * * *
The Room, Marquis Hotel, Manhattan.
Emily enters the darkened room first, and walks across the room to the window,
without stopping to turn on the light or take off her coat, drops her purse,
anything. She stops at the glass and looks out at the city, the sun setting over
the buildings, reflecting with blinding intensity, off the reflective windows of
the office towers. She puts her hand over her stomach, trying to calm the
violently twisting it's doing. She has a feeling of "now or never"… As much as
she doesn't know how to do it, she knows she can't walk this road with Lucky
much longer. Not like this.
Lucky stands in the doorway a long moment before he enters, and closes it behind
him. He watches her at the window in silence. He's fighting off a mild panic, a
sickening feeling coming over him, as he and Emily walk along in silence. He's
been trying to figure out exactly what it is he has to do for the whole walk
home. She wants to know what's going on. That's it. Should be easy… But every
time he tries to figure out how to explain it, he comes up against images he
doesn't feel like he can face. Things he doesn't want to think about, much less
give voice too. But the longer he struggled with it, the more time passed.
Catching view of the hotel had almost been enough to give him a heart attack,
until he realized Emily was willing to give him an honest to God chance to work
this out. Still. It can't wait much longer.
He reaches over and flips the light switch on. The lights come on bright, much
brighter, than anticipated, and he dims them slightly. Emily turns around and
watches him. He looks back and her, unsure of what to do or say at this point.
Lucky: Is that ok?
Em: What?
Lucky: The lights.
Em: They're fine. (Lucky nods. She looks over at him) Come here. (Lucky looks
momentarily confused, then walks slowly over to her at the window. She turns and
looks out again. He comes and stands behind her. She lets them remain in silence
a moment) You know… There was a time when, if we were standing some place
watching a sunset, you would have your arms around me. (Lucky blinks. He's lost
the script to this conversation, obviously)
Lucky: (quietly) You want me to? (Emily laughs, feeling more than a little
unbalanced. She turns back to him)
Em: I don't know what I want. (Lucky looks at her in utter bewilderment, and
Emily leans back against the window, feeling a lump appear in her throat. This
is no good. She forces herself to look back at him) Did you hear any of what I
said to you this morning? (Lucky looks at her, blankly).
Lucky: This morning.
Em: You asked me to talk to you until you fell asleep. Did you hear what I said?
(Lucky looks momentarily confused)
Lucky: That's all… Kinda blurry.
Em: I said I missed you. (Emily lets the statement hang in the air a moment. She
takes a deep breath and continues on, the words suddenly coming, finally. They
spill out of her) I still do. I feel like… Do you remember when I finally gave
up on the break up? (Lucky smiles softly)
Lucky: Vividly.
Em: (leaning forward) I really thought we had a chance. I mean… I just knew. I
couldn't let it end like that for us. And I can't let it end like this either.
(Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: (firmly) We're not ending. We can't. (Emily bites her lip a moment, then
looks back at Lucky, tearing)
Em: I don't want to be in love with some kind of ghost. You know? A memory that
isn't totally there… Just comes back enough to remind me of what it is that's
making me ache like this. (Lucky closes his eyes, wishing he didn't know exactly
what she's describing. He forces his eyes open again, his eyes welling up
slightly) You used to tell me everything. You said that it was… It was how you
could make sense of it. Or deal with it. If I still loved you, in spite of
everything, then you could live with it. (she shakes her head, smiling bitterly)
I ruined that, didn't I? When I said that I didn't love you anymore.
Lucky: You didn't ruin anything.
Em: (Heavily) I wish I could believe that. (She looks back at him) I told you I
wanted you back. I still do. But only if you're really HERE! Anything else just
hurts too much. This… This feels like you're only half there. I mean… Nothing is
the way it used to be. It is sometimes, but… Most of the time, it's like… You
only tell me half of what you used to… It's like half you mind, half your soul…
And… (Emily hesitates a moment, then decides to plough on) Half your body.
(Lucky, having not expected that, looks at her, uncertainly)
Lucky: I'm sorry, what?
Em: (closing her eyes) Please don't tell me you haven't noticed. I don't think I
could take that.
Lucky: (slowly) Emily… (Emily cringes slightly)
Em: I can't believe I'm saying this…
Lucky: What ARE you saying?
Em: I'm saying… (She takes a deep breath) You used to want me. I mean, that used
to be really clear. And now… I don't know what's going on.
Lucky: (hesitantly) I still want you.
Em: I know. But… How?
Lucky: You mean… You're asking me… (Lucky shakes his head. Of all the places he
thought this conversation might go, this was not it) Emily, you've been sick,
that's all. That's…
Em: It's been going on longer than that. I mean… Lucky. You know it's not how it
used to be.
Lucky: I… I just didn't want…
Em: Didn't want what?
Lucky: I'm trying not to hurt you again. Ok? I'm trying not to cause you any
more pain. I mean, even when I try, I still… I still say the wrong thing, or I
do the wrong thing, and I hurt you all over again. I didn't want… (He swallows
hard) I just didn't want to pressure you, or make you think… (He stops shaking
his head) I'm just trying not to hurt you. (Emily feels herself choke up. More
than anything she wants to cross to him, to forget about all of this and just be
close to him. HE looks so sincere, she feels her heart drop into her stomach.
She forces herself to continue)
Em: (unsteadily) This is all backwards. I think I'd rather… (She gives up on
trying not to cry and lets the tears spill from her eyes) When you did
something, before… Before the breakup, when you did something that hurt me, it
was always so simple. Now it's like… Like what you said at the restaurant…
Lucky: I didn't mean that.
Em: How could you not.
Lucky: Emily! You don't WANT to be a Spencer. I mean, I can't have made it look
all that alluring…
Em: Lucky. You know what that meant. It meant I'm not one of you. (Lucky moves
towards her. When Emily doesn't move away he comes closer, standing in front of
her, and takes her hand. He lowers his voice, speaking to her urgently)
Lucky: No. Em. You're… Whatever you are. You make more sense, everything looks
clearer with you… (Emily looks up at him, still uncertain. Lucky shakes his
head) I'm not making any sense.
Em: (quietly) I think you're making a lot of sense. I guess I just wished you
said it sooner. (She can feel herself moving closer to him, not even certain as
to how she started moving, but she feels herself falling against him, leaning on
his shoulder. Lucky closes his eyes, wrapping an arm around her waist and
breathing in the smell of her hair)
Lucky: (softly) Emily?
Em: Yeah.
Lucky: I love you. (Emily lets out a ragged breath)
Em: I know. (Lucky pulls back, determined to get this out. He takes her face in
his hands, meeting her eyes with his.)
Lucky: No. I mean… I love you, I am in love with you. In every sense of the
word. (Emily closes her eyes, letting go completely and letting herself cry)
Em: I know, I know… Lucky. (She opens her eyes and leans in, kissing him gently.
Lucky responds immediately, pulling her closer to him. Emily forces herself to
pull out of the kiss, leaning her forehead against his, catching her breath) I
love you, Lucky… I just need you to tell me what's happening. (She pulls back
and looks up at him) What's going on with you? (Lucky refuses to loosen his grip
on her, taking a deep breath) I don't know how to make myself…
Em: What? (he pulls back, finally, moving back from her reluctantly)
Lucky: Ok. Ok. (Lucky sits down on the bed, holding his head in his hands a
moment, then looks up at her) You want to know… (He stops, laughing slightly)
I'm not doing this on purpose. I want to tell you. I know if I can tell you and
you say you understand, then it'll… It'll come together. Somehow. It'll be ok.
But I can't make it make sense to me. So how do I tell it to you?
Em: Just try. Please. (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: (quietly) The last time I tried to talk about any of this… I felt like I
was going to loose my mind.
Em: When?
Lucky: With my Dad… Em, I can't go back there. I can't feel like that again, I
don't want to… (Emily moves towards him, sinking on the bed next to him and
taking his hand)
Em: It's ok.
Lucky: It's not.
Em: No, it is! You're not the only person who ever found something inside
themselves that is so dark they just never want to face it again. Lucky… You
know I have that. You know… Doing drugs, drinking… I almost took a scalpel to
Dr. Dorman, for God's sake! I understand. I understand that, Lucky. And I swear,
if you have to go there, I'll make sure you get back.
Lucky: I believe you.
Em: Let me help you. Please. Just tell me what happened. (She wipes a tear from
his cheek) It's ok. (Lucky closes his eyes)
Lucky: (quietly) Nothing happened. That's… That's sort of the… (He struggles
again) Mom had already told him when I got there. She said she wouldn't. Not
until she talked to me… Well. (He opens his eyes) She said she'd talk to
Nikolas, and then Stefan… And then she'd tell me when she was going to tell him.
So she did that. She prepared Nikolas… And she made sure Stefan knew what was
up, I'm sure of that. But then she skipped that last step. She just told him.
And I walked in and he already knew. But he didn't know about me. (Emily presses
her lips together, feeling a familiar anger stirring inside her. She pushes it
down firmly) So I told him.
Em: YOU told him.
Lucky: I couldn't look at him and say I didn't know what was going on.
Em: (quietly) No. That would have been worse.
Lucky: He… He just…
Em: What? (He looks up at her)
Lucky: He left, Emily. (His voice cracks slightly) He just took off. He couldn't
even look at me. And now… (He takes a steadying breath) Now, he doesn't have to.
Em: Lucky… (Lucky shakes his head, feeling himself go cold)
Lucky: Don't. It doesn't matter. I did what I did. And he feels whatever he
feels about it… That's fine. I just don't have to know about it, all right?
Em: But… Lucky… You got to give him a chance, he can't hate you for this. I know
he can't.
Lucky: Emily… You saw what happened with my mother. You saw how… I didn't want
to hate her. I didn't want to be angry with her, I just wanted my family back, I
swear to God, that was all. I wanted my mother. Who she was, but I couldn't have
that. And keeping the secret, it didn't bring her back, it just made harder to…
I can't play the game that way. I don't have the stomach for it.
Em: That's not a bad thing.
Lucky: You know… Awhile ago, I was talking to her and I told her… The whole
reason I was so angry was because… Because she put Nikolas first. And she didn't
care what it did to me.
Em: She cared, Lucky. She must have.
Lucky: Yeah, just not enough to do something about it. (He stops and smiles
bitterly) You see, that's… Emily. I know how my father's head works. I kinda
grew up there. You know? We always had to think alike, read each other's minds,
that how we got through.
Em: Ok… (Lucky pulls his hand away from Emily's and runs both hands through his
hair. When he speaks again, his voice is shaky.)
Lucky: If… If he blames someone for this, it's probably not me. He can probably
rationalize it. Like I did with her, you know? It wasn't her, it was the
Cassadines. It was their fault… But that only worked for so long. And I don't
want to turn around one day and have him looking at me the way I look at my
mother. Because love doesn't have anything to do with it. When someone you trust
lets you down, it doesn't matter how much you love them… you can't just wish the
hurt away. I can't ask him to trust me. I can't ask him… Not after what I did.
Em: You just tired to keep your family together! That was all. Lucky… you were
16. Everything you though you knew got turned upside down on you. I know what
that's like. To think everything's kinda worked out and then get hit on the side
of the head with something. God. I mean… You did what you thought was the best
thing to do. I thought it was too, when you told me. I might still, if… Lucky,
he'll forgive you.
Lucky: No. He'll want to. But it won't be that easy. I betrayed him. I betrayed
him in the worst possible way. Emily… I did just what I hated my mother for
doing to me. I put Nikolas first.
* * * *
Carly's apartment.
Carly comes out of the back room, a half-empty bottle of apple juice in one
hand, her hair down and messed, looking exhausted. She collapses onto her couch,
and leans her head back, closing her eyes. There is a knock at the door. She
looks up at it, dumbfounded.
Carly: Oh, go away. (The knock comes again. Then becomes a pounding. She leaps
up and dashes to the door) Ok, ok! (She pulls the door open, revealing Luke. She
groans and leans her head against the door) WHAT are you doing here?
Luke: (entering) I told you I wasn't done with you.
Carly: Well, I told you I wasn't hanging around waiting for you. I have a son,
Luke: Ah, right. Where is the little tyke?
Carly: Sleeping! (Luke turns back to her, narrowing his eyes)
Luke: Did you know about this thing with the Dark Prince?
Carly: (groaning, moving back to the couch) The what?
Luke: Prince Nikolas.
Carly: Oh. (She smiles). Dark Prince. I like that.
Luke: Kinda fond of it myself. (Carly sinks onto the couch, exhaling heavily)
Carly: What "thing" is this now?
Luke: (sitting down on the arm) He's blown town. (Carly sits up, startled) Know
anything about it?
Carly: NIKOLAS has blown town? (She shakes her head) No. No, how would I know
about that?
Luke: I don't know, you seem to be full of surprises lately, Caroline.
Carly: (wryly) Well, I try. (She lies back, and closes her eyes) Can we make
this fast? I have a life to lead.
Luke: Yeah, looks like a real party.
Carly: (tersely) Oh, you give single parenting with a two year old a shot
sometime, see how chipper you are. (Luke slides down onto the other end of the
Luke: Just a few questions. (Carly waves a hand at him)
Carly: Shoot.
Luke: You got any ideas why the kid would take off? (Carly opens one eye)
Carly: Nikolas is not my area of expertise. (she sighs and sits up) Last I saw
him, he was… Well, living up to that title you just gave him. His girlfriend had
just died, he was a little morose. (Luke raises his eyebrows)
Luke: Big word.
Carly: Not you too… Look, I've been watching a lot of PBS. Do you want me to
talk or not?
Luke: Go ahead.
Carly: He was all… Moody. And Lucky was worried.
Luke: Excuse me?
Carly: You heard me.
Luke: About WHAT?
Carly: About him! (Luke looks at her, incredulous)
Luke: You wanna explain how you came to that conclusion?
Carly: He was… Well, he had to tell Emily about her aunt, and she… She didn't
take it well. Nikolas… Well… he just didn't do anything. He was really cold and…
I guess that freaked Lucky out a bit.
Luke: (clearly not buying) Lucky was freaked out because the grandson of the
original Ice Prince was being "cold"? (Carly growls in frustration)
Carly: Why do you ask me stuff if you're just going to mock everything I say?
(Luke shakes his head, still digesting everything. He stares hard at the
opposite wall)
Luke: (dismissive) Habit. (He looks over at her) You think he was worried.
Carly: He told me he was. (Luke stares at her) He said he didn't know what to do
about it. (He leans forward, his head in his hands. Carly looks at him a moment,
then starts, sitting up)
Carly: Luke? (He doesn't answer. She leans over, concerned) Hey. Are you ok?
Luke: (turning his head to face her) Scaring you, Caroline? (Carly sits back,
Carly: I don't like it when you get quiet. It makes me nervous. (She furrows her
brow) What are you thinking? I mean…
Luke: (quietly, just having the pieces slide together) Lucky… He wasn't himself,
before he left. He was all messed up. (Carly stares at him a long moment, then
nods slowly)
Carly: I kinda… I could tell he wasn't himself.
Luke: He wasn't. He was getting torn in a million directions, and Nikolas… (He
smiles bitterly) Oh, Nikky-boy must have sensed it. You know, like a shark in
the water sniffing out blood.
Carly: (hesitantly) I don't know if… (Luke snaps around to look at her)
Luke: Trust me. (Gathering steam, he stands up and starts pacing the room) I
know everything there is to know about the Cassadine mind. Nikolas had to be up
to something. He must have wanted something, and he was trying to use Lucky to
get it. The only question I have is… what?
Carly: (a little startled) You think… You think Nikolas was USING Lucky?
Luke: (going off into his own little world) All the kid's wanted since he got
here, is to worm is way into my family. To manipulate Laura, Lulu… Well, he got
a foot in the door, but not much further. So what does he do? He waits until my
son is hurting, until he's mixed up and not knowing where to go, and he…
Carly: Tries to take him from you? (Luke stops his pace, spinning to face her,
like he's just been slapped)
Luke: No. NO. No, that kid is never EVER going to get near Lucky again.
Carly: (standing up) I don't get this, what do you think is going on here?
Luke: I don't need the why! I just know that kid's gone off… He's left town.
I've been trying to get that bloodsucker out of this place since day one, and he
wouldn't budge. Now Lucky leaves, and suddenly the boy's got itchy feet? No.
He's after something. He's got an angle.
Carly: Maybe he just wants a brother! (Luke stares at Carly, astonished)
Luke: Do you have rocks in your head, woman? (He walks up to her, grabbing her
shoulders and looking at her intently) He's been in Lucky's face from the minute
they met. He's never done anything, where Lucky was concerned, that wasn't about
jealousy, and hatred. I'm not going to believe he's changed now. No. He's up to
something. And I'm going to find out what. I'm going to stop it. And I'm
bringing my son home.
* * * *
The Room, Marquis Hotel, Manhattan.
Emily stares at Lucky, in shock.
Em: Lucky…
Lucky: I know.
Em: Oh my God.
Lucky: How else do I explain it to him, Em? He's going to see it just the way I
did with Mom.
Em: Wait, I have… Did you just say you did all this to protect Nikolas?
Lucky: No! No, that's not… Emily.
Em: I'm just… Trying to figure this out.
Lucky: That's how he's going to see it! I don't know how else there is to look
at it, you know? How do I tell him why? What kind of reason is he going to buy?
Em: I don't think he'll… (She stops, the answer dawning on her. She looks at
Lucky, still in shock. She's always thought Nikolas had as much to do with this
as anything but now… Now it seems like she was wrong. He's not part of the
reason. He IS the reason.) Oh my God, Lucky.
Lucky: I can't call him.
Em: Lucky, you… He can't get angry with you for…
Lucky: Nikolas is a Cassadine. He's part of a family who declared war on us. And
I helped my mother protect him from something that was the truth. It's the
TRUTH, Emily! They had it coming. It wasn't sabotage, it wasn't a set up, it was
real. It was a real way to get them out of our hair and I didn't do anything
about it!
Em: You just didn't want your brother to get hurt.
Lucky: No. That's not what I said.
Em: I know. It's what you didn't say.
Lucky: Emily… Just… (He stops, and takes a deep breath. He doesn't want to get
into this. He can feel himself getting defensive again, and he knows, if he
doesn't pull out of the conversation, he's going to say something he regrets
again. He looks back at her, and takes both her hands in his) Do understand why
I can't call him now? I mean, does that make sense? (Emily nods, biting her lip.
She realizes she can't push this. She reaches up and puts her hands against
Lucky's cheek)
Em: Yes. I understand, Lucky. I do. (Lucky stares at her a long moment)
Lucky: You always do.
Em: When you give me a chance.
Lucky: I'm sorry. (Lucky leans over and brushes his lips against hers. Emily
closes her eyes, immediately, feeling that same sinking feeling all over again.
This time she has no desire to put a stop to things. She parts her lips and
slides her arms around his neck. Lucky kisses her very softly, then pulls her
closer to him, kissing her more deeply. Emily lets out a small cry, feeling like
she's being hit by a powerful wave of emotion. She threads her fingers through
his hair, kissing him back. Lucky pulls back slightly, and Emily freezes,
opening her eyes.)
Em: What?
Lucky: Nothing. (He pushes her hair back from her face, looking deep into her
eyes) Are we ok?
Em: Uh… (She leans in and kisses him softly) I… (Lucky slides his hand around
the back of her neck and kisses her back, fervently. Emily feels her mind cloud
further. He breaks the kiss and she laughs slightly) You can't ask questions
right now.
Lucky: Doesn't matter. I'll make sure we are. (Emily nods. Sure. Fine. Whatever.
She slides closer to him)
Em: Ok. (She slides her arms back around his neck, and they fall together back
onto the bed, kissing passionately. Emily pulls him down on top of her, quickly
loosing track of any other questions or worries she had. She feels like he's
here, finally, and for this moment, that's all she wants.)
