Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Nine:
Heavy Discussions
Marquis Hotel, Manhattan.
Emily wakes to find herself lying against Lucky's chest, his arms wrapped around
her. She feels incredibly warm and safe and… Yes, actually happy. She feels a
smile spread across her face and turns her face against Lucky, in an effort not
to laugh out loud. A stern voice in her head informs her, rather insistently,
that she should NOT be assuming that everything is just fine now. Yeah, yeah,
she thinks. But it's better than it was, right? She forces the negative thoughts
from her head and lays a light kiss against Lucky's chest, then slides up
towards the headboard of the bed, and props herself up on her elbow, looking
down at him. This is the first time, since they left Port Charles, that she has
woke up before him. She was beginning to wonder if he ever actually slept during
traditional hours. She can't help but feel this is a positive sign, of some
sort. Well. At this point, she'll take what she can get. And whatever is going
on here, it's better than it looked twenty-four hours earlier.
Emily lightly brushes Lucky's hair back from his forehead, taking him in. She's
spent so much time trying to read him, guessing what he was feeling or thinking,
that it's been a long time since she just LOOKED at him. She smiles down at him
fondly. It's ridiculous, how blessed she still feels to have him in her life.
She's never going to be able to explain that to him. Or anyone else, for that
matter. She supposes the one person in the world who might understand it is
Laura Spencer, but seeing as she gets incredibly tense in the woman's presence,
that's probably not a conversation she's going to have. So in the meantime, she
just takes a moment to close her eyes and silently thank God that she knows
exactly how much she has to lose. She moves closer to him, and gently cradles
his head in her arms. She smiles again to herself, feeling overwhelmingly sappy.
This hits her occasionally, but she hasn't had the opportunity to indulge in it
for awhile. She used to have moments where she'd see him waiting for her at her
locker, or the phone would ring right after she'd had a fight with her parents,
and she would tear up for no other reason than the fact that he was there. She'd
spent too much of her life feeling like no one was there not to feel grateful
for Lucky. That was what her parents were never going to understand. Why
everything would always be worth it for her in the end, why she would never be
able to walk away for good. She lowers her head, lying it next to him and
breathing in deeply. She lays a light kiss on his cheek, then his jaw, and
finally, a soft kiss on his lips. Lucky stirs slightly, and she feels his arm,
still around her waist, tighten, pulling her closer to him. She laughs softly,
and buries her face against his neck and her turns his head towards her.
Em: Sorry… I didn't mean to wake you up.
Lucky: (smiling) That's ok. Really. (He blinks a few times, forcing his eyes
open) Good morning. (Emily smiles and nuzzles against his neck)
Em: I knew this had to happen eventually. (She lifts her head again) One day I'd
get to wake up next to you after we made love. Instead of dashing off to deal
with crazed family members. (Emily's smile fades, and she looks away,
remembering, inevitably, the crazed relative who interrupted their oasis of time
the first time they made love. Lucky, noting the expression on her face, turns
her back to face him, and brings her face down to his, kissing her again. Emily
closes her eyes, happy to shut out the memory of Hannah, shaken and high strung,
with less than a week to live. She rolls over on top of Lucky, sliding her arms
up to rest on the pillow, her hands running through his hair. The kiss increases
in intensity, and finally breaks, leaving them both a little breathless. Emily
looks down at him, thinking there are about a million things she should say to
him. He meets her eyes with his and they gaze at each other in silence a long
moment. Lucky reaches up and traces her bottom lip with his knuckle. Emily
smiles at him, then slowly closes in for another kiss. This time Lucky rolls her
over onto her back, stroking her hair gently, never breaking the kiss. Emily
closes her eyes, getting lost in the feeling of this, as Lucky's hand moves away
from her face and down her frame, softly, lovingly. She wraps her arms around
his waist, pulling him closer, ignoring any pain, guilt or sadness still
haunting her.)
* * * *
The Spencer House
Lulu is leaning against a chair, waiting for breakfast. Laura is pushing eggs
around the pan at the stove while the radio announces the discovery of a man
with suspected mob ties found floating in the Port Charles River. Laura reaches
over instinctively, and lowers the volume, without looking up. Lulu sighs and
slides down to sit on the floor, unnoticed. Foster, lying in the corner, gets up
and lumbers over to her, nudging her head with his. Lulu looks up at Foster
balefully, then looks over at Laura.
Lulu: I'm not hungry.
Laura: (by rote) Well, just eat what you can.
Lulu: Do I have to go to Day Care today?
Laura: Uh… I… No. Not if you don't want to.
Lulu: Do I have to go tomorrow?
Laura: Tomorrow… (She puts down the spatula) I don't know, Lulu. We'll see.
(Lulu sighs and leans against Foster)
Lulu: Can't I go to Aunt Ruby's?
Laura: (transferring the eggs from the pan onto two plates) I thought you liked
Day Care. (Lulu shrugs.)
Lulu: I just don't want to go.
Laura: (heavily) Well, then you don't have to. Not this week, at least. (Laura
looks down at the plates. She's made too much. She had breakfast down to a
careful science, refined over years, how you split eggs between an almost-five-
year-old, a husband and herself. Now the math is all wrong. She feels her eyes
well up, and drops the spatula into the pan. She's not hungry either, she
realizes. She turns to talk to Lulu, and is about to open her mouth when she
spots a shadow against the kitchen door. Her breath catches) Luke. (Lulu looks
up, first at her mother, then follows her gaze across the room. The door opens
and Lulu scrambles to her feet. She is already halfway to the door when Luke
steps through the door, and she hurls herself at him, Foster barking with
excitement at their feet. Luke, caught slightly off guard, rallies quickly and
sweeps her up into his arms. Lulu wraps her arms around his neck and holds him
Lulu: You're home! (Luke gives her a warm smile, lifting her into the air. Lulu
shrieks happily.)
Luke: Hey, sunshine. How're you doing? (He pulls her back close to him) How's my
little girl?
Lulu: (pulling back to look at him) Are you staying? (Luke frowns slightly)
Luke: Well, Lu… (Lulu's face falls immediately and Luke smiles, trying to buoy
her mood). Look, sweetheart. I got the whole day free, what do you say we play
hooky together?
Lulu: Mommy too? (Luke hesitates)
Laura: I have to run some errands this afternoon. You'd like some time with just
you and Daddy, wouldn't you, Lulu? (Lulu looks over at Laura, then back at Luke,
trying to read the room's mood. It's not… bad. But it's not good either. She
feels Luke's grip loosens and she allows him to set her down on the floor).
Luke: You gotta get dressed first though, ok?
Lulu: I haven't had breakfast yet.
Laura: Why don't you go and get dressed first today. Just this once. (Lulu looks
at Laura curiously, then back at Luke.)
Lulu: Ok. I'll be right back. (She turns and walks out of the room, Followed by
Foster, but stops, hesitating at the door. She appraises her parent's mood
again, then turns and leaves. Laura goes back to the stove, turning the oven on
slightly, then putting the eggs in to keep warm. She shuts the door, not turning
back to Luke)
Laura: There's enough for three, if you're hungry… we could have breakfast with
her. (Luke nods, after a moment, and heads toward the table).
Luke: Yeah… Yeah, the munchkin would probably like that.
Laura: (turning) She'd love it. She misses you, you know.
Luke: Feeling's mutual.
Laura: (smiling sadly) Well, with Lucky gone, and… (She hesitates, a long time
Luke: (sitting down) I know about Nikolas, Laura.
Laura: (frowning) You do?
Luke: I heard he's flown the coup.
Laura: He's… He felt he had to get away.
Luke: He give you a reason?
Laura: He said… (She stops, looking at him oddly) What is this, Luke? (Luke
shrugs, picking up an already poured glass of orange juice on the table.)
Luke: Just trying to get the lay of the land. (He drinks. Laura eyes him
Laura: Well, it sounds like you have it. Nikolas left town.
Luke: Yeah. But why? (Laura closes her eyes, shaking her head.)
Laura: Luke. Let's not do this. Can we just have a nice breakfast with our
daughter? Can we do that?
Luke: We can do that. If I know you're being honest with me this time.
Laura: (defensive) Luke that's… (Laura stops herself mid sentence, then sighs,
crossing her arms) All right. Go ahead. I don't know what you think you're
accomplishing, but if yelling at me makes you feel better, then fine… feel free.
Luke: (quietly) I didn't come here to yell at you. (Laura looks away, feeling
slightly guilty)
Laura: It's wonderful that you're going to spend the day with Lulu. (Laura
smiles sadly) She needs someone besides me right now. She needs that more than
anything with everything changing like this… so quickly.
Luke: She know about Nikolas? (Laura looks up at him)
Laura: Of course. (She stares at him a long moment, trying to read his face) I
know you've seen him. (Luke puts his glass down, concentrating on the action
rather than his wife).
Luke: I had some questions for the boy.
Laura: I see. (Luke, catching the tense tone in his wife's voice, looks up at
Luke: Something on your mind, Darlin'?
Laura: Just whatever's on yours. And why it involves Nikolas. (Luke leans back
in his chair)
Luke: You know how much time he and Lucky were spending together before he left?
(Laura blinks)
Laura: Well… More than usual. I know Nikolas was worried…
Luke: (snorting) Worried.
Laura: Yes. Worried. He SAW that car hit Lucky, and I don't want to argue with
you about his reaction! I know as well as anyone that my sons can barely stand
in the same room together.
Luke: (sitting forward, quickly) Do you? Do you really, Laura? Do you know how
it rips Lucky up just to LOOK at that kid?
Laura: Lucky? Or you. (Luke looks like he's just been smacked. He looks at her a
long moment, then rises, crossing the room, stopping by the door to the living
room, his back to her).
Luke: What are you saying Laura? (Laura opens her mouth hesitantly, then turns
back to the stove, picking up the frying pan, and busying herself with clean
Laura: No. No, I don't want to do this now. I don't want to fight with our
daughter upstairs, hoping to come downstairs and have a nice breakfast with her
father. This isn't the time.
Luke: Well, we agree about that. But we got some stuff to discuss. (Laura dumps
the pan into the sink, and leans against it).
Laura: (sound tired) I know. (She turns back to him) Luke, I know, and I'm
willing to do that. But this… This acrimony towards Nikolas… Nikolas has nothing
to DO with this! (Luke turns back to her, his expression dark).
Luke: (a statement) You don't think so.
Laura: No. I don't! You've never been able to see it, how am I supposed to… (She
stops, pressing her lips together. Finally she turns back to Luke, her voice
measured and careful) Would you honestly wish Nikolas' life on anyone? I mean,
if you don't consider the specifics, if you don't put the faces to the players…
(Luke shakes his head, not liking this idea at all).
Luke: Laura, don't do this. There's no point.
Laura: Just try! Just try because I asked you to. (Luke sighs and turns away.
Laura lowers her head and continues) To lose your mother before your memory even
begins. To be lied to about her repeatedly, to be told she was evil and
heartless… and that she murdered your father… (Luke bristles at the word father.
Laura notices and drops her hands) Luke. That is the issue here. I lied to you.
I admit that. But Nikolas was lied to as well. He didn't do anything WRONG! He
never has.
Luke: No? You wanna go through the list of mind games he's played with Lucky?
Why don't we start with the day they met? Do you remember the look on our son's
face when he came into our bedroom and asked us for the truth about this
STRANGER who was telling him he didn't know his mother?
Laura: (emotionally) How could you even think for a second that I could forget
that? Luke! He never looked at me the same way again. And I agree, of all the
ways for him to find out about his brother…
Luke: That spawn has never been a brother to Lucky.
Laura: MY SON never had the chance.
Luke: And if he did? What would you have wanted Laura? Do you think you could
have sat them down at a nice family diner together and had them shake hands? No.
No, that kid had poison on his mind from the day he showed up here. And I don't
see any reason to think that has changed.
Laura: Would you, even if you saw it? (She crosses to him) Luke. I talked to him
at the hospital that night… he was upset. And after Lucky fell asleep… Remember?
When he came into Lucky's room? All he was doing was telling our son that Emily…
the girl he loves… was going to be all right. He didn't have to do that.
Luke: He made sure he had the right audience for that performance, didn't he?
Laura: LUKE! Oh my God. My GOD! How can you think that of him? (She stops and
shakes her head) Is this where we are? Is this it? How can we ever get passed
any of the rest of it, if you refuse to accept this truth?
Luke: What do you think the truth is, Laura?
Laura: That Nikolas is more than just a Cassadine! He's more than just my son…
Luke! He's a human being. With a heart. And he loves his sister… and in his way,
I know he loves me. And I think he even loves Lucky. (Luke jerks his head back).
Luke: Now you're just being delusional, woman.
Laura: I know what I've seen! And maybe part of it IS what I want to see… but
you can't tell me you don't close your eyes to the things Nikolas does that
don't mesh with the decision you made about him the minute he showed up here!
Luke: He hasn't done much to prove me wrong, sweetheart.
Laura: You didn't always feel this way, Luke. The way you're talking bout him…
it's like nothing that happened in the last two years matters! You finally
allowed him in this house… that meant something. You let him see Lulu without my
having to use every available argument to convince you that it was all right.
Now… I don't know why you made those decisions. I always thought that, after he
was shot, you conceded… just a little… that he was human. And I didn't push for
more, did I? No, I had thanksgiving and Christmas with my son and daughter and
only spoke to Nikolas on the phone. I only asked that you tolerate his presence
ONCE a year for Lulu's birthday, and then only for an hour or so. I have tried
to find the medium. I've tried to walk the line in between the two of you, AND
Lucky and I've found that it just can't be done! And now… if you're going to go
right back to insisting that I gave birth to a child with no heart, no soul, not
one ounce of me and who I am in him, then… (She stops dead, aware that this
argument is pointless. She looks up at Luke, helplessly) what am I talking
about? This isn't about Nikolas, is it? He hasn't changed. (Luke turns away.
Laura closes her eyes, pressing her lips together. When she speaks her voice is
quiet) This is about me. And Stefan. (She looks back up at him) Isn't it?
* * * *
Wyndemere Docks
Stefan stands on the edge of the dock, looking out at the water, deep in
thought. He's feeling as if something is off, and at times like this, he finds
the only action of any worth is to stop and contemplate the facts of the case.
He hears a sound on the stairs behind him, and turns to see Alexis descending
the stairs, a disturbing expression on her face. He's not entirely sure if it's
worry or annoyance… it seems to hover somewhere in between. In either way, he's
aware it's something he should be concerned about. He turns back to the lake.
Alexis reaches the bottom of the stairs and clears her throat.
Alexis: (clipped) I missed you at breakfast.
Stefan: I told Mrs. Landsbury that I would not be available.
Alexis: Any particular reason? (Stefan sighs heavily and looks back at her)
Stefan: I had troubling news. (Alexis raises her eyebrows) Nikolas made an
unscheduled stop on his way to Italy. I'm concerned about his reasons. (Alexis
Alexis: That's unlike him. Where was it?
Stefan: (heavily) New York. (Alexis looks somewhat taken aback. Stefan clasps
his hands behind his back and paces the length of the dock) It was several
hours, he did have lunch, with a companion from the looks of it… and then he
returned from whatever errands he was attending to and continued his trip… he
landed in Rome a few hours ago.
Alexis: Do you think it had something to do with this woman?
Stefan: I can't imagine it was anything else. I was concerned with how he took
the news of her past relationships. A woman of ill repute.
Alexis: I can't imagine it changes how he feels about her.
Stefan: It is troubling to learn of major facts of the life of a loved one after
their death.
Alexis: (gently) Yes. I can see that.
Stefan: I spared him, in Katherine's case… I can't imagine what that news would
have done to him at the time…
Alexis: Perhaps something similar to what it did to you. (Stefan shakes his
head, his eyes immediately filling with tears).
Stefan: There is no point in mourning what could have been. It devours whatever
remains of your life. I do not want Nikolas to experience that.
Alexis: He has to. It's his pain, Stefan. You can't bear it for him.
Stefan: I cannot shake that look… (He turns back to Alexis, his manner suddenly
brisk) Have you turned anything more up on the subject of Lucky Spencer and his
connection to this woman's death? (Alexis looks at Stefan with concern, then
leaves the topic of his wife's death, her voice heavy).
Alexis: Besides the fact that it is, as far as I can tell, highly unlikely… if
only because of her relationship to Emily Quartermaine… I can tell you this
much. The police had an informant on this case. A former chauffeur, a flunky of
Jason Morgan's. He was fished out of the river this morning. Shot twice through
the heart.
Stefan: Convenient.
Alexis: It seems the most likely answer is this: Helena is seeking to cloud the
Stefan: (nodding) Yes, that is my conclusion as well.
Alexis: Then why did you allow Nikolas to leave Port Charles? To go back to the
Mediterranean, of all places!
Stefan: He is well protected. Perhaps better protected than I could hope for him
to be here. Helena will not be able to get to him, and I'm hoping to ensure that
his whereabouts will be the last thing on Spencer's mind.
Alexis: Yes… Luke Spencer. He was here last night.
Stefan: Yes, he left his calling card. Mrs. Landsbury is going to have to have
the carpeting repaired due to his mischief.
Alexis: I saw. It was a rather impressive burn, even for a cigar. (Stefan
sniffs, clearly irritated by the gesture)
Stefan: Well, as long as he is occupying himself with petty vandalism, he is not
seeking out Nikolas and causing him more pain. (Stefan shakes his head) I will
not abide it. Nikolas has yet fully recovered from Katherine's death, to have
him experience that loss all over again… The wounds are deep. And I will not
allow Spencer to pour salt in them.
Alexis: Nor will I. We are in agreement on that. (Stefan looks up quickly, and
eyes Alexis with curiosity)
Stefan: Is there another matter where we do agree? I wasn't aware.
Alexis: (slowly) Stefan… You know I would go to hell and back for you in a
heartbeat. (Stefan narrows his eyes at her, not liking the sound of this at all)
Luke Spencer said something last night that… while insignificant on it's own…
did highlight for me that there has been something you haven't talked to me
about yet. I assumed you would choose your time, as always. But now it seems as
if Luke might actually be better informed than I am, and that is not a situation
I am comfortable with.
Stefan: Your directness has always served you well. And you are right. There is
more to this story than I have had the stomach to explain to you.
Alexis: I want you to know, whatever it is, I am fully committed to protecting
you and Nikolas. Against all threats.
Stefan: Yes. I know. (He looks at her, then crosses suddenly, gripping her
shoulders) I have never questioned this. You have proven yourself to me time and
time again. You must know that I do not dwell on your one transgression.
Alexis: I do. But I also know that there is something that exists in this house…
there is a secret I am not privy to. And I do question why that is. (Stefan
nods, moving away from her)
Stefan: The reason is simple, Natasha. I have never been able to find the words.
* * * *
Marquis Hotel.
Emily brushes her wet hair, leaning against the window and looking out at the
city, dressed in one of the hotel's robes. She hears a noise at the door and
looks up to see Lucky enter. He smiles at her and she returns the gesture. They
aren't dealing in words today, for some reason, and that feels fine to her. But
she has the beginning of the stirring that, at some point, they are going to
have to continue the conversation they had last night, and she can't imagine
anything worse than saying "Lucky, what about Nikolas" and being faced with some
sort of evasion tactic. She's terrified of the idea that everything that
happened yesterday may have only succeeded in changing things for a few hours.
She watches him carefully, still pulling the brush through the same section of
hair, as Lucky tosses a paper, the hotel key, and a bag that probably contains
some sort of minimal breakfast, on the bed. He crosses to her and leans in
giving her a soft kiss. She closes her eyes briefly, as his lips graze hers.
Lucky: We made the tabloids.
Em: Oh, God.
Lucky: Don't sweat it. The picture is blurred, and we're, like, fifteen pages
Em: And this is good news?
Lucky: We'll save it for our grand kids. At least we known Eddie's not being
taken all that seriously. (Lucky takes the brush out of Emily's hand and leans
against the window, turning her so that he's facing her back. He starts to
slowly slide the brush through Emily's hair. She closes her eyes and leans back
against him, aware that it's beginning to look like they're not going to be
leaving the hotel today. Which, in its way, is not as maddening a prospect as
Stevensville was. In fact, it would be an idea she would relish if not for the
reason they were here in the first place… something she knows she's going to
have to bring up eventually. She feels Lucky's lips lower to her ear and shivers
slightly). We have to figure out what we're doing. (Emily's eyes fly open and
she turns suddenly, the brush ripping at her hair, to look at him)
Em: Whoa. What did you just say? (Lucky looks slightly startled)
Lucky: Uh… I said we have to…
Em: We?
Lucky: Yeah… That's the general idea, right? (Emily feels like her heart is
about to burst. She slides her arms around his neck and kisses him)
Em: (pulling back) I love you, you know that?
Lucky: Yeah… But you can keep saying it if you want.
Em: (laughing, she starts to lay quick kisses against his face) I love you, I
love you, I love you. (Lucky laughs, slightly confused)
Lucky: Emily…?
Em: (aware that she's being a bit of a freak) I'm sorry, I'm just excited. (She
pulls back and grins at him) You brought it up.
Lucky: What?
Em: You NEVER bring stuff up anymore.
Lucky: (uncomfortable) Yeah. Well, I'm not really up to chasing you down anymore
New York streets, so… (Emily cuts him off, kissing him again).
Em: Works for me. (She sighs, realizing that they are never going to actually
get to the topic at hand, if she doesn't put some physical distance between
them. She pulls away from him and sits down on the edge of the bed) Ok. Then
we're talking, right?
Lucky: I guess so. (Emily and Lucky fall into silence a moment, realizing this
is not going to be as easy as it sounds. Lucky occupies himself for a moment,
looking down at the floor, unsure of how to get into this. He's been struggling
with it all morning. The rational part of his brain say, point blank, that if
he's going to get involved in something this crazy, he should make sure Emily
goes back to Port Charles, back to Jason, some place where she'll be safe.
Except… He doesn't want that. The idea of facing this alone, dealing with
Nikolas without her balancing things, is not something he relishes… to the
degree that, while he feels he has no right to ask her to get herself involved,
he's actually hoping she refuses to leave. He takes a deep breath and looks up
at her.) We have to decide where we're going.
Em: (slowly) Ok… I think I need to know some other stuff, then. (Lucky turns his
attention to the brush, still in his hand. He turns it around, gazing at it
Lucky: Yeah, probably.
Em: Like… What was happening with Nikolas yesterday?
Lucky: That… Is kinda hard to explain. (Emily's face darkens. Lucky looks up at
her.) Look, a lot of stuff went down after the accident, Em.
Em: I know.
Lucky: I don't want… See, with Nikolas and I… like, if he fell over a cliff and
I DIDN'T step on his fingers, people get all gushy and weird and start looking
at me with this mushy look on their face, you know?
Em: I get it.
Lucky: It's really annoying. (Emily puts her hand up, palm facing him)
Em: I will not gush.
Lucky: Good. 'Cause this isn't anything more than what it is, you know? None of
it is…
Em: It doesn't mean anything, right? (She sighs heavily) "Don't read anything
into it, it doesn't mean anything", I know the drill.
Lucky: You're making fun of me. (Emily smiles wryly)
Em: It's kind of hard not to sometimes. (Lucky looks unimpressed)
Lucky: I'm serious, Em. This is just a… Look. Helena, whatever it is she's
trying to do to Nikolas' head, she has me all wrapped up in it. And it's got to
be on purpose, right? 'Cause… (Lucky lets his voice trail off, aware of what
topic they are about to collide with)
Em: (quietly) Hannah.
Lucky: Right. (There's a moment of silent reflection) Hannah.
Em: (shaking her head) So… What does that mean? I mean… Nikolas sounded like…
Like he's trying to lure her into a trap or something.
Lucky: (laughing humorlessly) I don't think it's that complex. I don't know WHAT
he's trying to do. Just that… She left Port Charles and he decided he was going
to the island. He's convinced that if he goes there she'll meet him.
Em: And he needs you to get there.
Lucky: That's what he says.
Em: You don't think so?
Lucky: Of COURSE he needs me to get there. Come on. I could find Amish with more
street sense than he's got.
Em: So… Wait. Is he trying to KILL her? Is that what this is about?
Lucky: I can't answer that. I just know… I promised him, Em.
Em: Promised what?
Lucky: No one else dies. Never. (Emily stares at him, feeling a little unsteady)
Hannah was just… That should never have happened. It had nothing to do with her.
She just got in the way, you know? And for Helena to kill her… that's war.
Em: (quietly) I know. (Lucky looks away, raking his hand through his hair)
Lucky: That's what I don't get. It makes me nervous… she has to know… The
woman's not dumb. I mean, if she was, my Dad would have sunk her years ago. But
she goes and kills the woman Nikolas loves and tries to set me up for it. I
mean… Come on. It was sloppy. (Emily can't help but focus on part of this
Em: (warily) What do you mean, "set you up" for it? (Lucky pauses, then nods,
conceding. It's just beginning to occur to him how little he's told her, not
just about that day, but about what was going on before.)
Lucky: Look… That gun Jason gave me? It's… Gone. I think she stole it. And she
shot Hannah with it. (Emily stares at him, shocked)
Em: Oh, God. (Lucky moves to her, sitting down on the bed and facing her, taking
her hand).
Lucky: Emily, its not enough, don't worry. (Emily shakes her head, feeling
incredibly cold. Lucky presses on, joking slightly) It's like a bad episode of
Murder, She Wrote. Nikolas doesn't buy it. You don't buy it… right? (Emily looks
up sharply)
Em: Of COURSE not!
Lucky: Yeah, well… Who else is there? I mean, Nikolas wiped the prints off…
Em: What? (Lucky cringes slightly. Did he tell her ANY of this? He can't
Lucky: Yeah, before the EMT got there.
Em: Nikolas was there too? (Lucky exhales heavily, recalling that he at least
mentioned that HE was there. He nods).
Lucky: He showed up just after she… (He stops, frowning. It seems clear, now,
why he didn't bring this up earlier. Emily pulls back from him.)
Em: After she what?
Lucky: (clearing his throat) She lost consciousness.
Em: (small) She was conscious when you got there?
Lucky: Yeah. (Emily pulls her hands away and wraps her arms across her stomach).
Em: Oh my God.
Lucky: Em… (She closes her eyes, shaking her head).
Em: Oh my God…
Lucky: Look, we can…
Em: Did she say anything? (Lucky pauses, taking in her shaken appearance.
There's no point in protecting her from this, he realizes. It doesn't change
what happened. He looks down, studying the bedspread).
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: Did she… (Emily's throat closes up and tears begin to stream down her face.
Lucky looks up and, seeing her face, pulls her against his chest. She lets
herself fall into his arms.)
Lucky: (quietly) I didn't know how to tell you. (Emily nods, against him. Lucky,
realizing this is something he's protected her from for two long, takes a deep
breath, combating the image of Hannah lying on the floor of that apartment.) She
talked about you. (Emily feels her whole body go hot, then cold, and she lets
out a small squeak in response, unable to speak. Lucky decides to press on) Just
pinch me if you don't want to hear more, ok? (Emily nods again) She… She asked
me if you were safe. And I told her you were and… I'd keep you safe. (Lucky
swallows, fighting the lump moving into his throat) She said I had to for Paige.
(Emily begins to cry harder. Lucky kisses the top of her head and breathes in
the scent of her still-damp hair) She… (He lets his voice fade away, the image
coming back to him full-force. His voice becomes distant and detached.) She was
bleeding… And it hurt, I could tell. And I tried to stop it. And… (His voice
drops to a whisper) She looked like you. She looked so much like you. (He feels
tears well in his eyes and blink, allowing them to roll down his face. Emily
holds him tighter, sliding across the bed and climbing into his lap, what is
becoming a ritual with them. She just needs to feel close to him right now, to
be able to feel the beating of his heart and the rising of his chest. One thing
she hasn't lost. Not yet, anyway. He holds her, rocking her gently, while she
cries. After several minutes, she stills, though she stays in his arms, her head
resting on his shoulder, her eyes closed. Lucky holds her close, trying to shake
a feeling gathering in his stomach. This kind of pain, born of loss, of regret,
of a feeling of helplessness… Somewhere, Nikolas has to be feeling this. And
Lucky knows it holds more guilt than Emily does. More anger, too, possibly. How
can he look at him and say, "Don't do it, man. It'll pass". He's right. This
will rule his life. The expectation that Helena will descend from the
mountaintop and smite anyone she deems unsuitable for her prince… No wonder he
was willing to give up his title to stop it. And now, to step blindly into a
world he only knew from behind tinted glass to stop it, forever. But… He can't
shake the idea that murder is beyond Nikolas' understanding. Or maybe it's too
much in it. Lucky can't shake the sickening feeling he had the two times he
thought Nikolas might die, once at his own hands. He'd never have admitted it at
the time, but killing blood… Even in the back handed way that phrase applied to
him and Nikolas… That was different. It was complicated. And it felt different
than some faceless man with a gun. Lucky closes his eyes, and turns his face
towards Emily) I can't let him do this alone. (Emily, digests this a moment
before sitting, and looking Lucky intently. She takes his face in her hands and
Lucky opens his eyes, looking up at her. She nods slowly).
Em: I… I know. (Lucky pulls her back against him)
Lucky: He'll… He'll get in trouble. Somehow. Something will go wrong, I can feel
it. Helena must want this. And if I let him do it alone, then I let Helena get
her way… and that will just… (He shakes his head)
Em: (softly) That can't happen. (Lucky exhales shakily)
Lucky: It's hard enough going home as it is. (Emily pulls back and looks at him,
Em: What do you mean?
Lucky: I can't face Lulu knowing that I left her brother to the wolves. I can't
do that. (Emily closes her eyes a moment, leaning her head against his shoulder,
and considering this. It had begun to occur to her that maybe Lucky never
intended to go home… That is at least a good sign, but… it leads her to wonder
just what is going on in his head. She feels slightly nauseous going over the
implications of this in her head. It's too complex. And it reminds her of what
happened with Carly. There really is no way, she realizes, to convince him not
to do this. Maybe if it was just about Helena, or Nikolas, or Luke… But it's
about everything. Everything that's happened, piling up together. There's just
no way to try to talk him out of this… or Nikolas, for that matter. The really
scary part is that she doesn't think she wants to. No. The only thing she wishes
were different is the situation with his father.)
Em: (quietly) What about Luke?
Lucky: We talked about that. (Emily sits up, sliding away from him and taking
his hands, looking at him intently).
Em: Yeah, but Lucky… this is different. I mean… This is you and Nikolas going
after Helena Cassadine. Your father…
Lucky: Has never stopped her before.
Em: (exhaling heavily) Oh, boy. Lucky…
Lucky: Emily. There's only one choice here. (Emily nods, more than aware of
Em: Then what kind of decision did you think we had to make?
Lucky: Uh… (He hesitates a moment, and Emily jumps in quickly)
Em: Because I'm going where you go… you know that right? It's the only way I can
make sure you don't put yourself in danger… so think of it that way, Lucky… how
safe is this? Is it safe enough for ME to be there… because if it's not, then
it's not safe enough for you either.
Lucky: What kind of logic is that?
Em: Please tell me you can see this, Lucky. You're talking about going to a far
off place… the ISLAND for God's sake. I mean, Lucky… that's extreme.
Lucky: I know.
Em: And this woman… you said yourself. Stefan and Luke, they haven't stopped
Lucky: They… They won't pool their resources.
(Emily stares at him a moment, then smiles slowly)
Em: That's what's different? (Lucky pulls his hand away, nervous).
Lucky: Look, it doesn't matter! What matters is that Nikolas will do this with
or without me. And if he does it without me, then…
Em: (gently) He gets hurt. Right? (Lucky turns back to her in frustration)
Lucky: That's just it. She doesn't hurt him… not physically. But… She already
killed a woman she KNEW he was in love with. Who does she go after next?
Em: YOU!
Lucky: No. No, she goes after my Mom. Or Lulu. And that can't happen.
Em: OK. Ok, I get it.
Lucky: You don't have to be a part of this.
Em: I am a part of this. Lucky… My family is dead. And the Quartermaines… I
don't even know where I stand with them anymore. And even if I did, I decided a
long time ago… we decided… we're supposed to be working towards a future.
Together. And I know you need to do this. And if you do, then I'm going with
you. (Lucky stares at her a long moment)
Lucky: Then we know what we're doing.
Em: Yeah. (She stops, and puts a hand over her stomach, feeling a bit ill again)
We're going to Rome.
