Chapter One Hundred Fourty-Four:
Facing Facts
Sant' Anna Hotel.
Emily wakes to find herself lying alone on the far edge of the bed. She rolls
over and examines Lucky's side of the bed… Noticing that, for some reason, in
all the hotels they've been in since leaving PC, he always sleeps on the side
nearest the door. She reaches out and touches the pillow with her hand. She
smiles to herself, then sits up, stretching slightly to acknowledge the slight
ache of her back and the omnipresent, but lessening, twinge in her ribs. She
looks over towards the balcony and sees the door is open. Looking around the
room, Emily spots the shirt Lucky was wearing the night before on the floor just
inside the door. She slips out of the bed and grabs it, pulling it on, and
haphazardly doing up a few buttons. She rolls up the cuffs as she walks to the
balcony door, then stops when she spots Lucky, standing with his back to her,
staring out at the Terrace below, dressed only in the jeans he was wearing the
day before. Emily leans against the doorjamb, then steps out onto the balcony,
sliding her arms around his waist from behind. Lucky, deep in thought, starts
slightly and her touch, then loosens his grip on the railing, closing his eyes
as Emily lays a few light kisses along his shoulder blade.
Em: Morning. (Lucky turns around, leaning against the railing, and wraps his
arms around her, laying his head against the top of hers. She closes her eyes,
pressing against him, feeling comforted by the warmth of his skin against her
cheek. This is nice. This feels like a place she belongs, where she could
happily stay. She holds him a long moment before she pulls back, smiling up at
him. Lucky looks down at her pensively, brushing her hair out of her eyes). Have
you been awake long?
Lucky: It's two A.M. in Port Charles.
Em: In other words, "yes". (She laughs softly) I'm beginning to think my way's
not so bad… Just deprive yourself of sleep until you fall over.
Lucky: You didn't fall over. (He leans down and kisses her softly) Don't worry.
I got enough sleep.
Em: What's on the agenda?
Lucky: Food. (Emily laughs, leaning back against him)
Em: Good start.
Lucky: Did you eat yesterday at all?
Em: (making a face) Uh… Airplane food.
Lucky: Doesn't count.
Em: I'll have a big breakfast, ok? I promise.
Lucky: I'm holding you to that.
Em: Fine with me, I'm starving. What's next? (Lucky stares at the wall behind
her and sighs).
Lucky: I went over everything Nikolas said, what you wrote in the book… (Emily
looks up at him at the mention of the "N" word. Lucky's expression is
Em: Did it make sense? (Lucky cups the back of her head with his hand and kisses
her again).
Lucky: I'm still putting it together… But I think I know what you need to do.
(Emily pulls back a little, sliding her arms up his chest to rest on his
Em: I can handle that.
Lucky: I got a few errands to run, but I think that's it. What about you?
Em: Besides go see Nikolas? Not a thing.
Lucky: (slowly) I'm not sure you're going to have to do that… At least not until
later. (Emily cringes, realizing there is still a whole lot that needs to be
said. She and Lucky are getting way to skilled at minimal communication).
Em: No… I didn't get to tell you last night. (She smiles at him) I got… Kinda
Lucky: Yeah?
Em: Yeah. (She leans up to kiss him again) I said I'd meet Nikolas at St.
Peter's Square at four. Today. (Lucky stares at her a long moment.)
Lucky: Why?
Em: Because I figured… Look, even if there's nothing to say, Lucky… He's stuck
in that room all alone, I've already said I can't call him…
Lucky: He can call here.
Em: Yeah, but it'd be better if he didn't, right? And he has a right to know
where things stand.
Lucky: He'll know when there's something to tell him!
Em: Lucky… Come on. (Lucky shakes his head, his brow furrowed)
Lucky: St. Peter's. That's right outside.
Em: I know… But… What rule is that? Always do the unexpected, or something?
Lucky: Rule number one.
Em: I just thought… Meeting him at the hotel again, you know? Doesn't give me
any warm fuzzy feelings.
Lucky: When did you decide this?
Em: When I saw him yesterday… I didn't just want to leave. So I said I'd meet
him again, and he thought it would probably be a good idea if he LEFT the hotel
for once. (Lucky shakes his head, not looking impressed with this. Emily slides
her arms from around his waist and step back from him) Look… Given yesterday,
I'm glad I did. It'll probably be easier to deal with… it should split the
focus, right? I mean… someone's going to want to know where HE goes, that leaves
one less freak chasing me around town. And I'm sorry, I can't just leave Nikolas
hanging a whole day without giving him some idea of what we're doing! (Lucky
continues to stare at the opposite wall, not moving, not making the slightest
effort to let her know what he's thinking of. Finally he looks back at her)
Lucky: What time are you meeting him?
Em: (confused) Four.
Lucky: Ok. (He leans over and kisses her again, then heads back into the hotel
room. Emily frowns, then turns, watching him move to the phone. Lucky turns back
to her, his expression still blank) What do you think… Room service? (Emily
looks over her shoulder to where Lucky had been standing, feeling a little
disoriented. She looks back at him)
Em: Uh, yeah. Sounds good to me.
* * * *
Hotel Raphael
"There's a Tigress," exclaimed Mrs. Linton, setting her free and shaking her
hand with pain. "Begone, for God's sake and hide your vixen face! How foolish to
reveal those talons to HIM. Can't you fancy the conclusions he'll draw? Look,
Heathcliff! they are instruments that will do execution… you must beware of your
Nikolas drops his copy of Wuthering Heights in frustration. That's it. Reading
is doing nothing to distract him. Especially not THAT book. He'd read it several
times before… it was the sort of book you could find anywhere, at any time. It
wasn't so much about liking the story as it was about the familiarity of it.
Now, however, it was too familiar. The whole thing reminded him too much of his
present reality. The voices sounded too much like voices he'd heard in the past
few weeks. He stands up and paces the length of the room, before checking the
clock again. Barely past eight. This was going to be a long day. He supposed he
could go out. Do something with his day.
That was where everything fell apart for him. There was noting… literally
nothing… he could imagine doing with the hours he had to kill before meeting
Emily. His purpose in choosing Rome for this sojourn were not about the city. He
liked Rome, but there were lots of other places he liked as well. He was here
because it was a Mediterranean Country, it was in the right part of the world.
And it was a believable place for him to escape to without being too obviously
close to the island. The fact that it was a major international city felt
Nikolas leans back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling, and finds his mind
wandering, inevitably, back to the question of Lucky. This was beginning to
grate on him. How much energy could one person reasonably be expected to devote
to trying to figure another person out? Whatever it was, he was certain he was
reaching a limit. He hasn't talked to Lucky in days. He didn't even want to
think about the last time they talked. Every time he does, he begins to feel
like there a wall between them that is unscalable, purposeful… No matter what
Emily says. He wishes there were some way to make himself not care any longer.
This isn't about Lucky. Not really. It's about Hannah, it's about Katherine,
it's about refusing to accept this life a minute longer. The fact that Lucky is
all wrapped up in it is an unfortunate fact of life. He refuses to let it
influence his decisions too much. He just wishes there were some way he could
stop trying to figure out what the hell is going through the guy's head.
Nikolas' thoughts are interrupted by the ringing of the phone. He stares at it
in shock. There was really only one person it could be. His father. Again. He
considers not answering, then decides to take the offered distraction. Anything
is better than trying to figure out his brother. He gets up and crosses to the
phone, answering it on its fifth ring.
Nik: Hello. (Nikolas sits down on the edge of the bed, awaiting a response. None
comes.) Hello? (He hears a slight cough on the other end then a sigh. He feels
his blood go cold). What do you want? (Luke leans back in his chair, downing the
remaining bourbon in his glass).
Luke: What do I always want from you, Nikky?
Nik: I don't know. I've trying to figure that out for years. I thought it was
distance, but apparently that's not it, 'cause you got that.
Luke: Yeah, I sure did. Not even a good-bye.
Nik: (heavily) I didn't know you cared.
Luke: Oh, I care. Any time I send my quarry running scared over few questions, I
gotta ask myself why.
Nik: (tersely) What do you think I can give you? What is it… I'm out of
information for you, Luke. I don't have anything else to say.
Luke: Yeah? 'Cause I'm suddenly hearing all KINDS of interesting stuff about you
and my son. (Nikolas closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath).
Nik: I'm not talking to you about him.
Luke: And why's that?
Nik: Why should I?
Luke: 'Cause I need some answers from you, boy. (Nikolas tenses. Sure. And what
he wants he gets, right? Always. From Laura, from Lucky…)
Nik: No, sorry. I'm not playing any more games with you.
Luke: I don't advise that. (Nikolas stands up, suddenly feeling a surge
empowerment. What the hell is the guy going to do? For once he's not in shooting
range. He's not standing close enough to wrap his hands around his throat)
Nik: I don't CARE what you advise! Go ahead. Threaten me… if that's what makes
you feel better, go for it. So you can trace a credit card. I'm impressed. If I
push you far enough, you'll probably even fly all the way over here, for WHAT?
Why? You want to blame me for what Lucky did? Let me save you the airfare, Luke…
because I didn't have anything to do with it.
Luke: What do you know about what Lucky did?
Nik: Nothing you don't. He doesn't confide in me, if that's what has you so
Luke: You know what has me scared, kid? You wanna know what's keeping me up at
Nik: What makes you think I care?
Luke: Oh, I don't think you do. But you're going to… you're going to tell me
anything you know about where Lucky went, because if you don't, your going to
find yourself caring a whole hell of a lot.
Nik: You're drunk, aren't you? (Nikolas laughs bitterly) What is it there? Two
o'clock in the morning? And you're drunk and alone and looking for someone to
blame and here your favorite punching bag had the gall to get up and fly half
way around the world. What do you think I can give you? You've already asked me
about Lucky…
Luke: (hissing) And you lied to me! You wanted more than just to see him gone,
Prince Valiant. No, you looking for something else. You were looking for
sympathy, huh? Pulling some kind of con on the kid…
Nik: You are crossing into a new realm of delusion, Luke. (Nikolas stops, aware
that his voice is starting to shake). SYMPATHY? From a SPENCER? You think I
honestly believe Lucky's heart is that big? No. I know what's there. I know he's
just like you. Mistakes, possessiveness and jealousy for love…
Luke: (low laugh) You're treading down a dangerous path, my boy. (Nikolas feels
the hair on the back of his neck stand up on end. He stops, trying to shake off
this creepy feeling he's suddenly possessed with. The one he gets every time he
hears Luke's voice go this cold, and he remembers that he's talking to Luke
Spencer: The Cassadine Slayer. He sinks down onto the bed)
Nik: (quietly) You… You can't stand my existence, can you? I can't get far
enough away for you to stop looking at me as a threat. I'm six time zones away.
You're in Port Charles. With my mother. With my sister. All you have to do is go
home and forget I ever existed. If you don't want me back there… You're holding
all the cards. You want to destroy me, then destroy me. I don't have anything
left to loose. (He stops, hit hard by the truth in those words. He stares hard
at the floor, listening to Luke's breathing on the other end of the phone. He
wishes, mildly, that he could see the look on his face). Don't you have anything
to say to that? Or have I finally left the Great Luke Spencer speechless?
Luke: I am not buying this. You want me to admit I underestimated you? I did. I
let you into my house. I let you near my daughter. (Nikolas sits up, hearing the
malice in Luke's voice. He furrows his brow)
Nik: What do you think I've done?
Luke: Nothing that can't be fixed.
Nik: What does that mean?
Luke: I'm giving you one last chance… To think.
Nik: About what?
Luke: If you know where my son is… You had better believe it's in your best
interests to tell me. (Nikolas stares at the phone a long moment. What the hell
does that mean? He puts it back to his ear hesitating a long moment before
Nik: I've said everything I have to say to you. (Nikolas hangs the phone up,
noticing that he's shaking slightly. Why? What is so threatening about any of
that? Nikolas shakes his head as an answer begins to float to him, one he
doesn't like the sounds of. He does know where Lucky is. He does have the option
of telling him. And just what are his reasons for not doing it? Standing up
quickly, Nikolas moves to the other side of the room, grabbing his keys and
wallet off the dresser. Suddenly the streets of Rome feel a lot more inviting.)
* * * *
Sant' Anna
Emily sits, leaning up against the headboard of the bed, the room service tray
beside her. She is holding a blue and white bowl containing cafe au lait, and a
croissant sits half eaten on a plate on the tray. She is looking over the items
she's written in her journal, all the facts of the island, the things Lucky
needed to know about what to expect, so that he could continue to plan. It all
seems so cold and detached from her. Unimportant. Like it doesn't actually have
anything to do with her life, or the life of anyone she knows. She sighs and
looks up, catching Lucky smirking at her from across the room.
Em: What?
Lucky: This is your idea of a big breakfast? (Emily shrugs, blowing across the
top of her cafe au lait)
Em: Continental. We're on the continent, right?
Lucky: "The" continent. Right.
Em: I'll eat, ok? I AM eating. Italy is a place that ENCOURAGES eating.
Lucky: And you still manage to avoid it.
Em: Quit picking on me, I'm still studying.
Lucky: Studying what? I'm on it.
Em: I just want to make sure I know exactly what's going on.
Lucky: Why? Just ask me, I'll tell you. (Emily looks up at him, unconvinced)
Em: Yeah? What about what just happened on the balcony?
Lucky: Nothing happened.
Em: Right. (She looks back down at the book. Lucky sighs and stands up, crossing
the room. He sits down on the edge of the bed and takes the cup out of Emily's
hands, and places it on the nightstand. Emily looks up at him, and rolls her
eyes). What?
Lucky: What do you want to know?
Em: Are you mad at me? Do you think I made a mistake, saying I'd meet Nikolas?
(Lucky shrugs)
Lucky: I think I'll leave the Nikolas stuff to you, you seem to have better
instincts where he's concerned. (Emily makes a face)
Em: Right… THAT'S why I'm the one dealing with him, right?
Lucky: I told you why you're dealing with him.
Em: But that's just until we get out from under all these eyes, right? (Lucky
nods, his gaze focuses on her legs rather than facing her. She pulls them up to
her, distracting his gaze) Hi! Am I distracting you?
Lucky: (heavily) I said I'd deal with Rome when we got to Rome. I'll deal with
Nikolas when I have to.
Em: Rome's a little easier to handle, Lucky. I mean, a map and a phrase book,
you're all set.
Lucky: Nikolas will work something out. Either that or we'll kill each other.
Que sera sera, I'm not worrying about it. (Emily looks at him, unsure of whether
or not she should laugh at that. Lucky looks up at her, meeting her eyes) And
yeah, you are distracting me. (Emily laughs, reddening a little.)
Em: Ok… Ok. I'll let you off the hook this time. (Lucky grins at her).
Lucky: Well… I will say this much… I'm looking at what we're going to have to do
in the next week and this morning… We're not going to have much more time like
this. (Emily smiles back, then the words begin to sink a little further in)
Em: God… You're right.
Lucky: (Leaning over) We'll work it out.
Em: Yeah?
Lucky: Yeah. (Lucky kisses her, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer so that
she slides down the headboard, lying back onto the bed. He slides up the bed
towards her, stretching his body over hers, still kissing her. Emily lets her
eyes close, happy to lose herself here for a moment. In fact, she'd be happy to
just stay here all day, if other matters weren't pressing on them. She wraps her
arms around his neck, as she feels Lucky's hands move under the shirt she's
still wearing and roam over her. He rolls over onto his back, pulling her with
him. Emily laughs, and pulls back to look at him)
Em: How much time do we have?
Lucky: Uh…
Em: I just want to make sure we use it to our full advantage.
Lucky: I think we're off to a good start here.
Em: (glancing at the clock) What do you have to do?
Lucky: I'm not sure yet. I have… I have to talk to someone. (Emily looks at him)
Em: "Someone"?
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: (slowly) Ok… (Lucky sighs)
Lucky: We have so much time to talk about this stuff, Em… (He pulls her down
into another kiss. Emily sinks into it with him, kissing him deeply)
Em: Ummm…
Lucky: (groaning ) Now what?
Em: Look… (She pulls back a bit) I gotta know a few things, then I promise, I'll
be much more attentive.
Lucky: Can I point out how incredibly unfair this is? (Emily sighs and rolls off
of him)
Em: We're just going to do this later, what does it matter if we do it now?
Lucky: I don't know… I might be thinking a little clearer.
Em: (leaning in to kiss him again) It's quick, it's just… I don't want any
distractions. (Lucky nods, pulling her back towards him. He kisses her deeply.
Emily melts against him, nearly forgetting that she was distracted in the first
place, then pulls back, stubbornly) Ok. Two questions. Really quick. One… When
are we leaving?
Lucky: I don't know. I have to look into some stuff, I'll know after that.
Em: Ok… Will that be before or after I talk to Nikolas?
Lucky: Well… Before, but…
Em: But?
Lucky: (heavily) You're right, we need to work this out.
Em: Ok… (Lucky reaches up, playing with a strand of her hair)
Lucky: How about this… You're going to meet Nikolas, you should… You have to
play a part, right? I mean, that hasn't changed.
Em: Ok.
Lucky: If you show up in jeans, looking like… Emily Quartermaine…
Em: What are you saying?
Lucky: You have to do some shopping… Just… Get something less American.
Em: (laughing) I'm being ordered to shop? (Lucky looks confused, slightly
Lucky: I'm not ordering you.
Em: I was joking. I'm sorry. (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: No, I want you to be clear on this… You are amazing. You know I think
that, right? You're incredible. You're beautiful, you're tough, and you're
smart. I know I don't have to order you, ok? My parents… (Lucky stops, aware
that he has suddenly stumbled into what is, my his own insistence, restricted
territory. Emily looks down at him, her heart in her throat. After a moment, she
clears her throat)
Em: (softly) What about your parents. (Lucky takes a deep breath, forcing
himself to continue).
Lucky: Look… When I was kid, before… This. (He looks back at Emily) They were
partners. And I always knew that's what I wanted. When I fell in love, I wanted
it to be with someone I could… Balance. (Emily stares at him, feeling her mouth
go dry. She blinks)
Em: You think I balance you? (Lucky looks away momentarily, feeling a sudden
surge of embarrassment).
Lucky: As much as anyone could. (Emily stares at him, searching for something to
say. After several moments of silence, Lucky looks back at her, more than a
little anxious. Emily shakes her head)
Em: God, Lucky… That's… (She smiles at him, tears coming to her eyes) That's the
most amazing thing you've ever said to me.
Lucky: (uncertain) You get it, right? You know what I'm saying. (Emily nods,
biting her lip)
Em: Yes. (She shakes her head, still feeling completely overwhelmed. She moves
over to him, straddling his chest and lowering her head to kiss him) I feel the
same way, Lucky. I swear I do. (She pulls him up to her, kissing him, winding
her arms and legs around him. Lucky takes her face in his hands, returning the
kiss with equal ardor. Emily pulls back slightly) I love you.
Lucky: (emotionally) I know. I know, I love you too.
Em: (pulling back more) I want you to know something too… (Lucky takes several
steadying breaths before looking up at her) I trust you with my life. I trust
you with everything I have in me, more than… Than ever. (She looks deep into
his eyes) I've never trusted you more than I do right now, I swear to you.
(Lucky looks back at her, speechless.) Do you believe me.
Lucky: I… I don't…
Em: You don't have to understand it, Lucky. Just believe it. (She takes his
hands in hers, raising them to her lips.) Believe it. (Lucky's face clouds, but
doesn't look away. He feels a monstrous lump forming in his throat, aware that
he's entering dangerous emotional territory. Emily keeps his eyes glued to his,
refusing to look away. After a long moment, Lucky pulls her down and into
another kiss. He kisses her slowly, intensely, both of them losing themselves in
the moment. Emily feels him rolling her over onto her back, and pulls him down
with her, deciding the rest of it can wait.)
