Chapter One Hundred Fourty-Three:
Sant' Anna Hotel.
Lucky leans against the railing of the balcony on his and Emily's room and
stares down at the enclosed terrace below. They should have gotten a room on the
other side of the hotel. Facing the street. This serves absolutely no purpose.
It's a tourist room, and he is not here to sightsee, or soak up atmosphere. He
pushes himself off the railing and turns, pacing back into the room. He winds
his battery-powered watch, and anxious habit, then checks it again. Fifteen
after eight. Three minutes since he checked it last. He has to get a grip.
Easier said than done. It's been over three hours since Emily left. He'd
expected her to be back by now. It's not a long trip to the Piazza Narvona.
Fifteen minutes? Maybe twenty. He's gone over everything in his head about
twenty times and there is no way any of this should take three hours. He can't
shake the feeling that something's happened. And if it has, his options are
distressingly limited. He shouldn't have taken the risk, he should have found
some other way to do this.
Lucky shakes his head hard. What the hell is the matter with him? It's not a
good time to panic, and that's exactly what he's doing. He has to let this go.
He looks back at his watch. Seventeen after eight. When does he let himself go
after her? What is too much time? Another hour, he tells himself. Four hours,
that's too much. Four hours. So that means he has to make it through at least
forty-five more minutes.
That's not going to happen.
Lucky walks back out onto the balcony and stares out at the city, not taking it
in, not allowing himself to think about where he is. He glances back into the
room. It's inviting. They'd taken a room on the top floor of the four-story walk
up. The room feels like an attic. The ceiling is rounded, stucco white, with
blue trim. The yellow of the lamp by the bed makes the room glow, despite the
large shadows looming up the wall. He turns away, not wanting to step back into
it until she returns. He looks down again at the terrace below, trying
desperately to get his mind to still. There is no point in worrying… worrying
doesn't get you anywhere. He knows that. He's always known that. It's always
been the way he's combating anxiety. It's not WORKING tonight. He's been pacing
since she left. Nothing is working. He can't sit still to watch television, or
read. He's mind is going a mile a minute without nearly enough information to
satisfy it.
Lucky drapes his arms over the railing and lowers his head, concentrating on
breathing, on not thinking too much about where Emily is, what could have
happened, why she's not back yet. He goes over everything in his head again,
finding loopholes to explain her absence. It could have taken her anywhere up to
a half-hour to get to the hotel. No more. Then there was the complication of
looking for Nikolas. They'd agreed that if she hadn't found him by six, she'd
leave and come back. So by six, she must have encountered him. That's good news.
Then there is the matter of actually dealing with him. Lucky has no idea how
long that might have taken him. Telling him everything Lucky had wanted to get
into… about what to expect, what he needed to know, how they'd contact each
other again… That might have taken up until seven. That was possible. Much
longer than he'd wanted, but still possible.
Which leaves an hour and fifteen minutes that he can't account for. She can't
still be with Nikolas. It was dangerous for her to stay that long, she knew
that… he'd explained it. Emily was smart, she wasn't going to push things this
far. No, she had to have left.
That was what scared him. She should have been back forty-five minutes ago.
Something must have gone wrong. And he has no idea how she'd handle it if it
did. They had been through some pretty twisted situations together… but it
always been like that… together.
A noise comes from inside the room and Lucky starts, straightening up and
turning around quickly, just in time to see Emily come through the door. He
starts back into the room, crossing to her.
Lucky: Where the hell have you been? (Emily stares at him, then closes the door,
locking it)
Em: (unimpressed) Hello to you, too. (Lucky sighs, aware he came off just a
*bit* harsher than intended).
Lucky: (defensive) Do you know what time it is?
Em: (tired, slightly ironic) After seven. (Lucky's attempt to be calm about his
fails at her tone, and he tenses again).
Lucky: Try eight. (She looks over at him)
Em: Don't yell at me.
Lucky: I'm not.
Em: You're getting close. (Lucky stares at her, feeling a rush of something…
She's being strangely cold. He's not sure if he's feeling fear or anger, but
anger is a lot more comfortable, so he goes with that).
Lucky: Sorry, Em. I've been wearing a groove in the floor waiting for you to
decide to come back from the Viper Den…
Em: I was followed. (She stares at him, challenging him. Lucky digests this for
a moment, his anger falls away instantly and being replaced by the fear for her.
Concern. Whatever happened, it wasn't small… not to her. He forces himself to
stay where he's standing).
Lucky: How far? (Her eyes are still locked on his, her face emotionless).
Em: Far. Like, fifteen blocks out of my way, far.
Lucky: (cautiously) But you lost them.
Em: Yes.
Lucky: Are you sure? (Emily throws her arms up in the air, suddenly animated)
Em: How can I be sure? (Her voice is high pitched, finally displaying that she
is more than a little high strung. Lucky flinches, and moves towards her).
Lucky: Ok. Ok, I'm sorry. Come on, just sit down. (He reaches out to touch her
arm, but she pulls away, walking across the room, her hands running through her
hair, pulling it back from her face.)
Em: I don't want to. (Lucky sighs, well aware that he's blown this and badly.
Get a GRIP, he instructs himself again. Emily leans against the door to the
balcony, looking out at the Terrace below.)
Lucky: (evenly) What happened? (Emily shrugs)
Em: I started back to the hotel, I did what you told me too… kept checking
behind me with car mirrors and shop windows and stuff… I kept stopping and
starting, all that stuff… (She shakes her head) And there was a guy behind me.
So… I just started walking, like I was window-shopping, or something. And then I
crossed the street and went back up it, like I was just walking along…
Everything you said. (She turns around, looking at him) I did everything you
said. (Lucky stares at her intently, focused on her, unsure of what he should
Lucky: (softly) You lost them, Em. It's ok. (Emily stares at a spot over his
shoulder a long moment, then nods).
Em: I had go all the way back to the Piazza, where there were people, and… (She
shakes her head) God, I wish I wasn't so tall.
Lucky: (stepping towards her) You did it. That's the important part.
Em: No, it's not! (Lucky stops frowning at her) You don't get it… He was finally
gone, and I thought… 'Thank GOD! I can go home'. I just wanted to get back here,
to tell you what had happened, and… (She leans against the door, wrapping her
arms across her stomach.) I started out of the Piazza, and… I only started
checking behind me to make sure he was really gone, I could have just forgotten
about it, or just gone on… I could have done that. I know I could have. (She
looks up at him, now visibly shaky) But for some reason, I didn't. And… (She
stops, struggling a moment) There was someone else. Another guy. ANOTHER one. An
entirely different guy, following me. (Lucky stares at her, then crosses the
room slowly. She stares down at the ground and continues with the story as Lucky
approaches her) He wasn't as easy to spot, and he could have been following me
for just as long, I just didn't see him. Or maybe he was following the guy who
was following me, or… I don't know. I just know I didn't see him until I left
the Piazza… (She bites her lip hard, trying to stop it from trembling. Lucky
stops right in front of her, but doesn't reach out to her, just stands silently,
waiting for her to look up at him, to give him some kind of indication that she
wants him to help her. She continues to stare at the ground, forcing herself to
go on). So I turned… I was on Via Del Coronari… And I knew I couldn't just head
west to the hotel, so I went east, towards Piazza Colonna. And I started walking
faster, like I had somewhere to go, you know… They tell you to walk like that in
self-defense classes, stuff like that… So I just started walking, and I didn't
even really see anymore (She finally looks up at him) I mean, I saw, but not
people. Just… Places. Where I could go… And anything that reflected so I could
see behind me. And he was always there. He… It was like some kind of nightmare
come to life. And I hit the Piazza, and… It's hard to check at a Piazza, so I
just got nervous… Or… It wasn't even nerves…
Lucky: Adrenaline.
Em: Yeah. (She looks at him a moment, then frowns) That's sick, huh?
Lucky: It's not sick, it's nature. It's survival instinct.
Em: It actually felt ok, Lucky… do you know what I mean? I mean, this guy is
after me. It's horrible, I can't get rid of him. And I'm getting further and
further away from you, and he's STILL there. And I got the feeling… I really got
the feeling that he knew that I knew what he was doing. And I thought, I WANT
him to know. I want him to know so that when I beat him, he knows it wasn't an
accident. (Lucky can't help it, he laughs at this. Emily looks at him sharply)
It's not FUNNY!
Lucky: Sorry… You just remind me of someone.
Em: (warily) Who?
Lucky: Me. (Emily rolls her eyes and leans back against the doors)
Em: (moaning) Oh, GREAT! (Lucky, feeling like the tension has finally broken,
reaches out and takes her hand)
Lucky: You'll survive. Come on. (He tries to lead her to sit down on the bed,
but Emily pulls away and turns back to the balcony)
Em: No, I need air. (She walks out onto the balcony, and walks to the edge,
gripping the railing. Lucky sighs, then follows her out, leaning in the
Lucky: Is there more? (Emily nods) You can tell me. I'm not going to judge you,
Em: Yeah, right…
Lucky: Emily!
Em: (Turning back) You're, like… Master of this stuff. You always have been. I
feel like I'm running as fast as I can to keep up!
Lucky: Sounds like you're doing fine.
Em: I'm not done yet.
Lucky: So finish.
Em: Ok… I decided this wasn't going to work, so I left the Piazza, all over
again… And now he's even closer… Like HE doesn't care that I know that he's
following me. And I can't turn around and let him know I know for SURE, because
I don't want him to see my face. (She takes a long, shaky breath) And now I'm
almost at Quirinal Palace, near Trevi Fountain? (Lucky nods) And I start
thinking… I mean, I don't know how to describe it, Lucky. But I knew this guy…
He wasn't with Nikolas. I mean, he wasn't…
Lucky: It's not Stefan's style.
Em: Exactly! I mean, I know I don't know the man that well, but he's always so…
Cold. And removed and I'm trying to think of what he'd do if he had a guy who
was supposed to be watching Nikolas being THIS aggressive… And he's nothing like
the guy I lost, that guy was like… I don't know. But this guy is like T2, he
just keeps coming. And I… (She looks at Lucky, uncertain) I just… It's a
feeling, it's nothing more than a FEELING, Lucky, but…
Lucky: Helena. (Emily looks at him, eyes wide, then nods)
Em: Yeah.
Lucky: I think you're right.
Em: (exhaling) I just… I just KNOW that what it was.
Lucky: (smiling ruefully) Survival instincts. You've got them.
Em: (Nodding, not sure if that's comforting) I thought you might think I was
being hysterical.
Lucky: You don't look hysterical to me.
Em: I FEEL hysterical!
Lucky: (Stepping out onto the balcony) You look fine. (He takes her in a moment,
leaning against the railing, the wind blowing her hair, the deep look on concern
on her face, and smiles at her) You look beautiful. (Emily's expression descends
into confusion, then she throws her head back and laughs)
Em: WHAT are you talking about? (She looks back at him) Are you trying to change
the topic?
Lucky: No way. I want to hear how this ends.
Em: Ok… (She looks at him oddly, then shakes this strange feeling off. She just
can't quite remember the last time he looked at her like that). I… I decided
that if he were going to let me know he was following me, then he'd do almost
anything. I started thinking he might even grab me if he thought I wasn't going
to lead him to you. So… I saw this alley way coming up and I just kept walking,
looking straight ahead, and then, when I hit it, I… (She laughs) I didn't LOOK
at it! I didn't check it, or anything, I just dove into it and I started to run…
(She looks back at Lucky) Was that seriously dangerous?
Lucky: (shrugging) You're here. (Emily feels an irresistible smile spread across
her face).
Em: Yeah. I am. (She tries to get the smile to fade from her face, but it won't.
Now that she's telling the story it doesn't seem so awful. It doesn't feel so
scary. In fact, it's sort of a rush). I'm here… (She laughs again) God. I didn't
know what was going to happen, I just started down the alley, and there was
this… Doorway. So I stepped up into it, and then… There was this little alcove
you couldn't see. It was, like, this other door, but you couldn't see it coming
down the alley. And I tried the handle… can you believe that? If it had been
unlocked, I swear, I would have just gone it. (Lucky laughs, as Emily shakes her
head in amazement.) I would have! I just didn't care, I just… I wanted to win.
(She sighs, still smiling) I could hear him coming down the alley. And… I
waited. I just pressed against the door and I waited for him to find me… But he
didn't. He looked, it felt like forever, but it couldn't have been that long.
And then… I heard him leave. And I stayed there, just pressed against the door,
for ten minutes… Maybe more? I'm not sure. Then I finally… I turned and I went
back to the street. And I couldn't see him, so I went to the Palace, and I got a
cab… And I came here.
Lucky: That's amazing.
Em: I didn't totally screw up?
Lucky: Did he follow you back here?
Em: No. I mean… I don't think so.
Lucky: Sounds like you would have known… (He steps out onto the balcony with
her) I hate to break it to you, Em… But you just might be cut out for this.
(Emily smiles again, aware that she is this close to beaming. She wasn't sure
what his reaction would be… But whatever it was, she wasn't expecting it to be
this. He steps towards her and Emily feels the speed of her heart pick up. She
stares at him, looking right into his eyes, which are boring into hers)
Em: I took notes on what Nikolas said. They're all in my journal. (Lucky nods,
not much caring) I guess that's it.
Lucky: Yeah. (He stands in front of her, staring at her a moment, then reaches
out and brushes her cheek with his hand) You do look beautiful.
Em: (laughing, heightened) You said… Why do I feel like I just passed some kind
of test?
Lucky: You did. You can do this, Em. (He takes her face in his hands) Do you
believe that? (Emily nods, staring up at him)
Em: I do. I really do. (Emily's heart is now beating hard against her rib cage.
It's taking every ounce of self-control she has not to just grab him, kiss the
breath out of him. This is ridiculous, an irritatingly practical voice in her
head tells her. You nearly got… Well, God knows what. This is not a turn-on,
Emily. This is dangerous. Emily wills the voice to shut up and it's surprisingly
cooperative as Lucky slowly lowers his mouth to hers. Emily's lips meet his and
the kiss, if it ever had an intention of being soft or slow, heats quickly, both
of them wrapping their arms around each other, hungrily pressing against each
other. Emily feels immediately dizzy, aware that she's leaning against a
railing, with a four-story drop beneath her. She almost feels suspended, losing
all track of the ground beneath her, just aware of the railing pressing into her
back. The kiss finally breaks and Emily and Lucky gaze at each other,
breathless. Emily reaches up, pushing herself off the railing, and brings
Lucky's mouth down on hers again, kissing him deeply. Her hands move up his
chest, undoing any buttons she comes across, trying to pull the shirt apart,
slipping her hands under the material, caressing his chest. Lucky groans against
her lips, and pulls back, staring at her a moment).
Lucky: God, I love you. (Emily laughs, slightly, feeling possessed).
Em: Yeah, me too. (She kisses him again, finally locating the last of the
buttons on his shirt and pulling it off his shoulders. Lucky pulls her closer to
him, and she wraps her arms around his waist, pressing against him. She feels
Lucky begin to lead her inside and they stumble together towards the bed).
* * * *
The Brownstone
Luke hangs up his cell phone and puts it down on the table, aware that he should
be just a little more pleased with himself than he is. It had been a simple
thing to locate Nikolas Cassadine, he'd been sure it would be. The only question
now is why… Why send the kid out of town and not try to hide him? He's been
trying to make his mind comb the one possibility it simply won't accept. What if
Lucky and Nikolas are together? What if Lucky has somehow made it to Rome? How,
is the first question. Is it with Morgan's money or Cassadine's? Second, and far
more terrifying… why?
Why? Why, what did Lucky want, what did her need, what was HE trying to get from
this kid? Lucky had to have an angle… no matter what had been going on the past
few years, the boy was his son. He still knew how his mind worked. Maybe a
little too well. There has to be an answer to this. Lucky wouldn't just take off
and wait. He has to have a contact in town. He has to know what is going on. And
he has to know not to trust a Cassadine.
The door slams and Luke looks up as Bobbie enters the room, carrying a bag of
groceries. She smiles at him, her expression much brighter than her eyes.
Bobbie: You're still here.
Luke: Yeah. (Bobbie passes him and sets the bag down on the counter).
Bobbie: Well, I'm glad you're not spending your every waking minute at that
club, it makes me nervous.
Luke: (putting his phone away) It's just temporary, Bobbie. I have to get back.
Bobbie: (setting her hands on the counter) Luke, there is plenty of room for you
here while you and Laura work things out.
Luke: There's plenty of room at the club too… Hell, since Lucky left town,
there's more than enough.
Bobbie: He's coming back, Luke.
Luke: (getting up) I know.
Bobbie: If nothing else… he's with Emily. She won't let him self-destruct, you
know that.
Luke: (shaking his head) Yeah…
Bobbie: What?
Luke: She's soft on the Cassadine issue, always has been.
Bobbie: Luke…
Luke: I don't want to hear it, Barbara.
Bobbie: Well maybe you have to! If you want to mend fences with Lucky… if you
want to fix things with Laura…
Luke: Don't go there.
Bobbie: Will you LISTEN to me? Just for a minute, Luke, just… Try to have an
open mind for once. (Luke just stares at her. Bobbie throws up her arms and
turns her back on him, starting to put away the groceries with determination)
What am I SAYING?
Luke: What's on your mind, Barbara? Just spit it out.
Bobbie: All right. (She turns back, slamming a cupboard door, and placing her
hands on her hips) All right. I know exactly how Lucky feels about Nikolas… he
and I have had it out on that one more than once. BUT… the night of the
accident… (Luke groans) Oh, forget it. You're not listening, I'm not going to
waste my breath.
Luke: Everyone keeps bringing that one up.
Bobbie: Well, why do you think that is? Luke! Do you know that Lucky didn't want
to come to the hospital at all that night? Did he tell you that? (Luke stands up
and walks across the room, his back to her)
Luke: The things Lucky has told me in the last year, I can count on one hand.
Bobbie: Well… Lucky didn't tell me this and neither did Nikolas… Hannah did.
(Luke glances back at her) She was the one who came in the ambulance with Emily…
and she told me that Nikolas was bringing Lucky in. Luke. He was a mess. He was
bleeding, but he didn't want anyone to know. He wouldn't let anyone touch him.
He hit me in the nose when I tried to get him to come with me. (She studies
Luke's face which is a mask, unreadable… But paling) I've never seen Lucky like
that. And I've seen him in some pretty bad places. He was scared. He probably
blamed himself for what happened to Emily. And he wasn't thinking clearly. But
he let Nikolas bring him to the hospital… and I don't care what you think of
him, I'm a nurse, I know what I saw. If Lucky hadn't come in that night, God
knows what might have happened.
Luke: (dead calm) Am I supposed to throw a parade?
Bobbie: (narrowing her eyes) Nikolas was scared for him. AND Lucky wanted him
there. He even asked him to stay with him in the examination room. I don't know
why, and I don't know what happened with them, but I know Nikolas was worried.
Luke: (quietly) What are you trying to say to me? That my son was alone? That he
was scared and he didn't feel like he had anyone to turn to? Believe me. I know
that. And Cassadine just happened to be there, huh? Just happened to be outside
MY club when some psycho tried to run down my son.
Bobbie: Luke, Nikolas could have been there for any NUMBER of reasons… and I
know him, he'd never have anything to do with the accident.
Luke: As far as I'm concerned, Barbara… no one knows anything about that kid.
Except one thing… whichever one of those demons spawned him, he's a Cassadine.
And Cassadines use. They hurt. They wreck havoc wherever they go. And I've seen
the place my son's living right now. It's dark and it's remote… he doesn't think
anyone can reach him. This is when they strike, trust me. They've done it too
many times. And I'm not letting them get away with it this time.
Bobbie: Luke, no one knows where Lucky IS! How can he be a threat to him?
Luke: The Dark Prince has flown the coop.
Bobbie: WHAT?
Luke: He's out of bound. Italy.
Bobbie: Italy? Are you sure? (Luke just looks at her) Stupid question. (She
shakes her head) Well, then he CAN'T be with Lucky! Lucky doesn't have a
passport, or…
Luke: Use your head, woman! Lucky knows how to get wherever he decides he needs
to get. If, for some ungodly reason, he decides he has to be in Europe, he will
GET to Europe!
Bobbie: Ok, ok. (She frowns) So what are you going to do, Luke?
Luke: Just make sure Cassadine knows exactly what he expect if he messes with my
Bobbie: Luke…
Luke: All bets are off, Barbara Jean. No way that specimen gets one step closer
to my family.
* * * *
The Chimera.
Helena strolls along the dock, the wind blowing through her hair. Ari paces
along behind her. Helena seems to be in high spirits, a playful smile dancing on
her lips.
Helena: Did he fight?
Ari: Very little.
Helena: Poor Jacob. I didn't think much of him. And he was a loose end I didn't
care to leave. (She turns and smiles as warmly as can be expected at him) It's
good to have you back in the fold, Ari. (Ari smiles, nodding)
Ari: And I am pleased to be in warmer climates.
Helena: Port Charles's charms wear thin quickly. I'm not sure how my son and
Grandson have abided it this long.
Ari: Well, Nikolas is in warmer climes himself.
Helena: Yes… And how is he?
Ari: Silent. (Ari clears his throat, not wishing to delve into the next part) He
had a long post dinner visit with a young woman.
Helena: Do we know her identity?
Ari: Not yet. She was young, however… And cautious. (Helena's demeanor goes
cold, immediate. She stops).
Helena: Cautious? What do you mean?
Ari: Your operative attempted to follow her once she left his company. She lost
him. Quite purposely. What's more, she was being followed by more than one
Helena: Stefan is so tediously predictable.
Ari: Petro felt she was aware of it… of both of them. He lost her.
Helena: Well. Tell Petro not to let it happen again. (She frowns) Is there any
chance this was Emily Quartermaine?
Ari: She fits the description… provided Miss Quartermaine has healed from her
injuries. The height and weight sounded correct.
Helena: I take it you have not had any clue as to the whereabouts of Lucky
Spencer, then.
Ari: No. Morgan has been very cautious on this one. If he knows anything, he's
the only one. Perhaps the bodyguard, the one who accompanies him everywhere. But
it would be too much of a risk to try to sway him. (Helena waves a hand
Helena: We're finished with Morgan. He's served any purpose he had. (She frowns)
No. I'm much more concerned with the identity of this woman. Tell Petro not to
let me down again.
* * * *
Sant' Anna Hotel.
Lucky sits in a chair across the room, watching Emily sleep. She is curled up on
her side, her hair spread out on the pillow. He stares at her. The unfamiliar
darkness of her hair, against the very familiar creamy white of her skin… She
looks absolutely incredible. He leans back in the chair, thinking about the
story she told him. About what could have happened… but didn't. He wishes there
were some way to tell himself he hasn't just fallen for her all over again. It's
ridiculous. But true… Undeniably true. He fell in love with her because they
understood each other. They were living entirely different lives, but what kept
pulling him back to her was the fact that she was always willing to look for his
point of view, even when it was totally divergent from everyone else's. And she
talked about it like it made sense. She made him feel less crazy. More grounded.
She made everything feel easier. So he always told himself that everything she
was, everything he knew about her… that was all he needed from anyone. It was
all he needed to be happy. He was in love. Absolutely in love with this warm,
beautiful, soft creature who could see right through him.
So the fact that she had handled that day the way she had shouldn't make any
difference at all. And yet…
It felt like a sign, if he believed in those sorts of things. That he'd found
the right woman. The years of understanding, of looking into her eyes, of loving
her, still hadn't been ENOUGH of a guarantee. He hadn't WANTED to think that
way, but a part of him just knew… He had to be with someone who could take care
of herself. Someone who could think fast. Someone who could ditch Helena's
henchman… And more importantly, know that it was Helena's henchman she was
ditching. He'd suspected Emily had it in her, but he'd never known for sure. And
now that he does, though he doesn't WANT it to be true, he feels like he's
falling for her all over again. A part of her that she's just discovering, that
he's finally getting to see after years of suspecting it was there. He sighs and
puts down the journal he was studying, the information Nikolas had imparted to
her, scribbled down with copious attention to detail.
This was working.
More than that, this was working well. He could trust her. She was going to be
an asset. They could work together, this could work out.
Lucky smiles to himself and lets the book drop from his hands, the beginnings of
what has to be done forming in his mind. He can feel the blood running through
his veins. It's familiar… It's the feeling of being alive. Of actually wanting
to be alive, of waiting to see what comes next and not dreading it. He stares
back at Emily, asleep in their bed. This seems so right. He'd never imagined,
two weeks ago, that he'd ever feel this way again. But here it is. Sudden, and
undeniable. He rises and crosses back to the bed, well aware that he has to get
some kind of rest if he's going to face the next day. He stands over the bed
looking down at her again, feeling his heart swell. It's incredible. It doesn't
make any sense. He never fell out of love with her, and he still feels like he's
falling back in, somehow. Lucky shakes his head. What's the point in analyzing
this? Maybe this is how relationships work. You fall, you recover, you fall
again. He smiles to himself. Either way, he feels blessed… Like something has
gone his way. He slips between the covers and slides over to Emily, wrapping his
arm around her waist and burying his face in her hair. In her sleep, Emily's arm
slips down to cover his, and she leans back against him. Lucky closes his eyes,
a feeling of peace coming on him for the first time in recent memory.
