Chapter One Hundred Fifty:
Stop Over
Le Ferie, Brindisi
At the back table, Emily, having pulled on the flannel shirt she had previously
around her waist, is spinning her fork around in her linguine, deep in though.
Nikolas, seated beside Emily, is staring impassively at the tabletop, not
reacting to anything Lucky has said in any visible way. Emily puts down the
fork, hooking her fingers on the edge of the table.
Em: How long does it take to get to…
Lucky: Eyio.
Em: (carefully) Eyio…
Nik: (with accent, not looking up) Eyio. (Lucky looks over at him, unimpressed.
Emily picks up her fork again).
Em: (repeating, somewhere in between the two pronunciations) Eyio. Ok. How long
does it take to get there?
Lucky: It's twenty hours by ferry to Patras, which is just down the shore. It
shouldn't be that bad… We'll be there in twenty-four hours. (He lowers his head
slightly, trying to catch Emily's eyes) I promise.
Em: I believe you. (Takes a bite, studying the far wall.)
Lucky: (glancing at Nikolas) How was the trip in? (Nikolas looks up at Lucky,
then to Emily. She chews slowly and swallows)
Em: Fine. (She picks up her water glass and drinks from it)
Lucky: Right.
Nik: Once we got on the train everything was fine.
Lucky: And before you got on the train?
Em: It was fine. It's over. Onward and upward, right?
Lucky: (skeptical) Uh huh.
Em: (picking up a roll) So, this boat, is it some kind of sailboat, or a fishing
boat, or what? (She tears a small piece off the roll and pops it in her mouth.)
Lucky: (watching her) Fishing, commercial… Emily. (She glances up at him)
Em: (getting exasperated) What? (Lucky reaches out and grabs Emily's hand,
pulling it towards him, turned up. The shirt cuffs, which are undone, fall to
reveal the scabs and burn marks on the inside of her wrist. Emily stares at it,
not lifting her head. Lucky takes her hand in both of his, turning it over and
leans closer to her, his elbows on the table, effectively shutting Nikolas out
of the conversation.)
Lucky: (softly) What happened? (Emily continues to stares at the back of her
Em: (pulling her hand away) Nothing important. (She runs her hands through her
hair impatiently) God, it doesn't matter…
Lucky: Emily, come on. (Emily taps her fingers on the table top a long moment,
then looks up, finally meeting Lucky's eyes)
Em: Helena found me.
Lucky: (sitting back) What?
Em: It doesn't matter…
Lucky: Like hell it doesn't matter! God, Em! That's something I need to know…
Em: (getting immediately upset) Why? Why, you're here, you're fine, everything
is FINE, why does it matter, it's over!
Lucky: Hey, Emily! (Emily looks away from him, crossing her arms and pressing
her lips together. Lucky glances quickly at Nikolas, who's attention is focused
on Emily. Lucky sits forward again, trying to figure out exactly what he's
willing to say in front of Nikolas) I'm not blaming you. I just… I need to know
what she's doing?
Em: Ok. Fine. (She looks back at him) She's calling me in the middle of the
night. She's telling me the name on my passport. She's talking about my aunt and
calling me “dear”. THAT'S what she's doing.
Nik: (as if there is something ever so slightly humorous about this) She
mentioned Hannah?
Em: She mentioned a lot of things before I hung up on her. (She looks up at
Lucky again) I don't know HOW she did it. I just don't know…
Lucky: (quiet, but firm) It's not your fault.
Em: She FOUND me, Lucky… how can that not be my fault?
Lucky: Because she… Look. You're right. It's not important anymore, you got
here, we're together, we're safe. We're going to stay that way. (Emily exhales
shakily) How'd you shake her? (Emily shakes her head. She doesn't feel like the
she can get the words out. Her heart is pounding, her throat hurts and she can
feel her head ache fighting to come back)
Nik: The roof. (Lucky tenses a moment, then looks over at Nikolas)
Lucky: The roof. The roof of the Sant' Anna?
Em: (flat) I had to get to the fire escape, it was the only way. (She kicks the
solitary bag under her chair) I sacrificed most of my wardrobe and just took…
What I figured we'd need. But she knows what name I'm under and… (She sighs,
putting her head in her hands) I'm sorry, you're right. I should have said this
first thing.
Lucky: Well, it's not like we're going through customs. That's the point of this
boat, we can get into Greece without dealing with officials and documents… I
don't even want to take the risk.
Em: (putting her hand over her stomach) Oh, thank God.
Lucky: We're still on track. (He sits back, thinking all of this over a moment.
Nikolas is still looking at Emily and he notes this. She glances over at him and
smiles weakly and he returns the gesture, the first notable expression he's made
since sitting down. Emily seems to relax slightly and picks up her fork again.
None of this is lost on Lucky who feels a sharp pang of jealousy at the look on
Nikolas' face as his cold exterior seems to thaw a little. It makes him
unbelievably and immediately angry. He's been just as incommunicative and
irritating as he always has been, not one word that sounded even slightly like
he trusted that Lucky had done good, everything reserved and held back, but if
Emily smiles at him, then suddenly… Lucky brings this line of thought to a
screeching halt as it slams into the conclusion that it's not Emily being nice
to Nikolas that's inspiring this reaction… it's Nikolas being nice to Emily. He
stands up quickly).
Lucky: Look, I have some more stuff to sort, ok? Just… (he looks at Emily) Eat.
(He turns, not waiting for a reaction, and goes into the kitchen in search of
Theo and a break from his company).
Em: (staring after him) I really goofed up. (Nikolas, having watched Lucky's
exit, looks back at her)
Nik: You got us here. You got away from her, you got away from the people at the
museum… That's pretty incredible.
Em: (distantly) He would have done better. We both know that. (Emily shakes her
head) I should have told him about what happened the second I got here, I just…
(She sighs) When did my life get this complicated?
Nik: I don't know. It's been complicated as long as I've known you.
Em: (smiling ruefully) You should talk. (she shakes her head and pushes her
plate towards him, shifting to sit sideways on the chair).
Nik: I'm fine.
Em: Humor me. (She picks up the fork from his setting and hands it to him) I
hate to eat alone.
* * * *
Stefan stares at the chief, the silence in the room heavy. The chief stares
back, every muscle in his body tensed. Alexis is holding her medallion, watching
Stefan with concern as she speaks quietly into a phone in the corner.
Stefan: (very quietly) How did this happen?
Chief: That's unclear…
Stefan: (exploding) HOW can it be unclear? Explain to me how six of my best
operatives can misplace my nephew and be uncertain of how it happened.
Chief: There was an alarm, and…
Stefan: An alarm?
Chief: He was at a museum, by himself… He seemed… Well, you'd have to speak to
the man who was there. (Stefan's expression darkens)
Stefan: Man.
Chief: There were three men at the museum… one at the square, one in the lobby
and the other in the room. The room where… (He swallows hard) From what I
understand, an alarm, a motion sensor, was triggered. It startled everyone and…
He swears he only looked away momentarily and Nikolas was gone. He saw another
man make a run for the emergency exit, but he was cut off by a security guard.
He must have made some sort of threat to the guard, because the man attempted to
detain him, and called for reinforcements. Your operative alerted the other man
in the lobby and then returned to the room to see the alarm had been silenced,
but that several museum guards and officials were questioning the other man,
while a few went to study the stairwell. The operatives combed the square and
surrounding area, and thus far, nothing has been turned up. Nikolas has not
returned to the hotel… but you must understand, in the confusion, it's entirely
possible that…
Stefan: Do not insult me! I want this reported to the Roman police immediately.
I want you to take all actions possible. We'll discuss your failure to notify me
of this immediately later.
Chief: Mr. Cassadine, I notified you as soon as I was aware myself…
Stefan: I don't have the time for this! GO!
Chief: (meekly) My apologies, I'll report back shortly. (He exits. Stefan,
highly agitated, turns to Alexis just as she hangs up the phone. He stares at
her, fear finally registering on his face)
Stefan: Dear God, Alexis. (Alexis, seeing the color drain from his face moves to
him quickly)
Alexis: Stefan! (Stefan grips the back of a chair, then releases it, and
stumbles backwards slightly, sinking onto the divan.)
Stefan: How did this happen?
Alexis: (reaching him) We can't assume the worst, Stefan, anything is possible
right now…
Stefan: Alexis! You do not believe in coincidences anymore than I do. (Alexis
sits beside him, in full gatekeeper mode. She takes his hand and he grips it
Alexis: (quietly) They're fuelling the jet as we speak, we'll go to Italy, we'll
stop her, Stefan. We will.
Stefan: There's no other choice. (He looks at Alexis, stricken) I should never
have allowed him to leave.
Alexis: You did what you thought was best. You always do where Nikolas is
concerned… and we're going to continue to do that. We'll find him.
Stefan: (Nodding) There's no other choice. (He looks at her) There never has
been. Nikolas matters above all things.
Alexis: (smiling weakly) You'll get no argument from me on that subject. Stefan…
(Stefan looks at her, his face grim) If the worst has happened, if… If she has
him, you know that his love for you, and his belief in the principles you
instilled in him… He hates her. He hates her every bit as much as you do. She
can't change that. And she won't touch him. He IS safe, wherever he is. (Stefan
looks away, shaking his head slowly)
Stefan: I wish I could have your belief in that. But at this moment… I no longer
feel equipped to predict my mother's actions. (He stands, unsteadily, and
crosses to the drink cart) Or my son's, for that matter. (Alexis frowns,
concerned, then wipes the expression from her face. She stands, following him).
Alexis: (lightly) You are perfectly well equipped to handle anything that gets
thrown at you. That's an impression I've lived under my whole life and you are
not going to rob me of it now. (Stefan lays a hand lightly on the top of the
brandy decanter)
Stefan: Believe me, Alexis. I do not intend to rest until I have located
Nikolas. (Alexis moves around to face him. She picks up two brandy snifters and
takes the decanter from Stefan)
Alexis: I never suspected for a moment that you would do anything else. (She
pours the brandy into the two glasses and passes him one, picking up her own.
She smiles at him and raises the glass) To the only ones left standing. You, me
and Nikolas. (Stefan stares at Alexis a long moment, then smiles ever so
Stefan: (raising the glass) There is no other choice.
* * * *
The Brindisi Docks.
Theo walks with Nikolas along the docks, Emily and Lucky lagging only slightly
behind them in silence.
Theo: (to whoever is listening) It's mainly a stop over port, lots of tourists…
though I hear you speak Greek.
Nik: I am Greek.
Theo: (glancing back at Lucky) Uh huh… You know, I'm not sure I've ever come
across brothers that look less alike than you two.
Lucky: (under his breath) Half brothers.
Theo: (looking back) What's that?
Nik: He looks like our mother.
Lucky: Right. God knows who he looks like.
Theo: Yeah, well, Blue Eyes, it's hard to believe you got a drop of
Mediterranean blood in ya.
Lucky: (getting irritated) Is there anything you're NOT interested in? Hey, I've
got an idea! Why don't you ask him how old HE is? (Nikolas glances back at Lucky
in confusion)
Nik: Why would it matter?
Theo: Ah, the boy's just sensitive. (He turns, leading them up another section
of the dock, and pointing.) There she is. The “Paeon” out of Corfu. (He shouts
out something and a man on the deck looks up and waves.) We're expected. (He
starts up the dock with Nikolas following dutifully. Emily starts after them,
but feels Lucky's hand close around her arm, gently restraining her. She looks
back at him)
Em: What?
Lucky: Before we get on that thing and get shut up with Nikolas for twenty-four
hours… I wanted to say something to you.
Em: Look, if it's about Helena, I swear, I was just being stupid, I'll tell you
everything from now…
Lucky: It's ok. I get it. (He takes both her hands and stares down at the dock a
long moment, then looks back at her) I still owe you an apology. (Emily looks
confused.) For what I said in New York. (Emily shakes her head, uncertain)
Em: I… I'm fine with what happened in New York, Lucky. It's been… We've
different since then, we're working past it…
Lucky: I need you to know… When I said you weren't a Spencer, I… (Emily's eyes
cloud immediately and she looks away, pulling her hands out of his)
Em: Lucky, I know what you meant, you're right. I'm… I'm a Bowen-Quartermaine, I
grew up in one place, I…
Lucky: Emily. Will you let me say this. (Emily sighs heavily and looks back at
Em: You don't have to explain it to me.
Lucky: Yeah, I do. Emily. (He puts both hands on her shoulder, and meets her
eyes) When I said that, I didn't mean… I didn't mean it as an insult. I didn't
mean that you're not good enough, or quick enough or smart enough to do the
sorts of things we're known for doing. I used to think that being a Spencer was
the only thing in the world that mattered. I don't anymore.
Em: Lucky.
Lucky: Come on.
Em: No, Lucky! What do you mean by that?
Lucky: Look. All I mean is… If you thought that I was going to think you'd
messed up, or stop trusting you because of what happened with Helena… That's not
going to happen.
Em: So… Then what did you mean, when you said I wasn't a Spencer? I mean, if you
didn't mean that…
Lucky: I mean… You're way too honest to be one of us. And I don't want you a
part of that. Not anymore.
Em: I'm a part of your life, Lucky. Even that part. What effects you effects me.
Lucky: I know that.
Em: You're still… (Emily shakes her head and brushes his hair out of his eyes)
What's going on with you? Are you ok?
Lucky: I'm fine. I'm just… (he stares at her a long moment, then reaches up and
undoes the clip in her hair, bringing it to fall down around her face again. She
rolls her eyes and he smiles at her) I'm glad you made it here. I'm sorry if…
I'm sorry if you felt like I ran out on you.
Em: You didn't. You didn't… I was just scared she'd get to you to.
Lucky: She didn't. And Theo, he's not going to breathe a word of this to anyone.
In twenty-four hours we're going to be in Greece, and no one will be the wiser.
Em: With Nikolas.
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: (smiling) I lost almost all my clothes. I'm thinking maybe I should go get
something in black and white stripes? Accessorize with a silver whistle…
Lucky: I get it, I get it. (HE sighs) Look. He's irritating as hell, but I'm not
going to let him get to me, ok?
Em: Can I remind you of something?
Lucky: Like what?
Em: Like the morgue. Like that fact that the real reason you're here is for him
as much as anything else. (Lucky looks away, exhaling heavily)
Lucky: Emily…
Em: Just a thought.
Lucky: This is about getting Helena out of our collective lives. That's all.
Em: It's a noble cause. I believe that now more than ever.
Lucky: Are you going to tell me what happened?
Em: I'll save it for your bed time story.
Lucky: Great. Are you going to tuck me in too?
Em: Where are we sleeping anyway?
Lucky: Uh… In the hold. (He widens his eyes at her, teasing) With the mice and
the rats.
Em: As long as there are no rattlesnakes I'll be JUST fine.
Lucky: I'll protect you. You know that, right? I'll never let anything hurt you.
Em: I know.
Lucky: (leaning in to kiss her) Nothing. (He slides his hands up and cups her
face gently and gives her a soft and meaningful kiss. Emily slides her arms
around his neck and presses herself closer to him. Lucky breaks the kiss just as
it begins to heat and presses his forehead against hers, closing his eyes, and
drops his voice to a whisper) I love you.
Em: Mmmm… I love you, too. I really do. (She pulls back and takes his hand) Come
on. (She glances up the dock and sees Theo and Nikolas talking to two men on the
boat, one young, not that much older than Nikolas, the other with a few years on
Theo, at least. They start to walk down the dock hand in hand. The conversation
appears to be friendly, until Nikolas turns and points to them. The tone shifts,
getting heated. The older man gets agitated, speaking first to the younger man,
then to Theo. Lucky notices this, and doesn't much like the look of it at all.
He wonders, getting tense, what kind of trouble Nikolas has managed to get them
in now. As they approach, Nikolas takes the older man by the arm and speaks to
him calmly, diplomatically. The man frowns at him, and they can hear his words,
Greek and far to fast for them to even hope to follow, as they approach. Nikolas
speaks softly, patiently, and the man makes a statement that, language barriers
aside, sounds like advice. He then turns and shoots Lucky a decidedly nasty
look, and leaves the deck, heading down into the cabin of the boat. Lucky frowns
as he and Emily reaches the edge of the dock.)
Lucky: (looking after the man) What was that? (Theo and Nikolas exchange a look,
and Nikolas jumps down off the boat onto the dock, followed by Theo who makes
his way down slowly, carefully).
Nik: The old man has a problem with you. Already. Are you always this good at
making friends? (Lucky blinks, holding tight to his cool).
Lucky: I don't make the powerhouse first impression you do, if that's what you
mean. What's his problem?
Nik: Uh… To be blunt?
Lucky: I'd appreciate it.
Nik: He's guessing you're a threat to Emily's honor.
Nik: Uh… The kiss.
Em: You're kidding.
Nik: It's ok. I convinced him I have a vested interest in her continued purity.
(Emily stares at him a moment, then looks away, cracking up. Lucky seems to find
this much less humorous)
Lucky: Meaning?
Nik: Meaning as far as he's concerned, she's my sister and if you lay another
finger on her I'll break your neck.
Em: Oh, come ON! You're kidding right? (Theo, thoroughly amused by this, claps a
hand on Lucky's shoulder.)
Theo: Gotta watch those hormones. They'll get you in trouble every time. (Lucky
continues to lock eyes with Nikolas, not acknowledging Theo.)
Lucky: What did you tell him.
Nik: Nothing. Just that I'd keep an eye on you.
Lucky: (glancing at Theo) Did he?
Theo: (furrowing his brow) Huh. I thought you were just suspicious of me.
Lucky: Just TELL me.
Theo: (looking at Emily for some kind of clue) Yeah, that's what he said. (He
looks back at Lucky) Look, the guy was pretty hysterical, he thinks you're Don
Juan or something… I was surprised your brother here could calm him down.
Lucky: (bitterly) Yeah, well he's the family gentleman. I'm not from the same
Em: (trying to lighten things) So I'm your sister, huh?
Nik: For now.
Em: Then I take it Lucky's not your brother.
Lucky: I didn't tell them anything. (He looks at Nikolas pointedly) Good thing,
I guess.
Nik: (getting annoyed) I did what I could. It worked. Can we leave it at that
for now?
Lucky: For now. (Emily sighs heavily)
Em: Are we going?
Theo: (glancing at his watch) It's about time. All aboard! (Nikolas turns,
unimpressed, and climbs back onto the boat. The other man watches carefully,
from a distance. Nikolas turns back and offers Emily his hand. Emily glances at
Lucky and smiles at him, then takes Nikolas' hand and lets him pull her up onto
the deck. She glances at the man across the deck, then gives Nikolas a chaste
kiss. Lucky watches his, purposely avoiding Theo, then starts to climb onto the
Lucky: (Under his breath) This is going to be a long day.
