Chapter One Hundred Fifty-One:
Forward Motion
The Paeon
Emily sits on the deck at the bow, looking out at the expanse of water ahead of
her. There's nothing to see for miles, but more and more water. They couldn't
see land on either side, now. There were other boats, that was comforting, at
least. She feels a hand on her shoulder and looks up.
Em: (smiling) Big brother checking in? (Nikolas smirks slightly, then looks out
at the sea in front of them).
Nik: Where's Lucky? I thought he was up here with you.
Em: No. He's in the hold, I think. (She shrugs) I don't know. He likes to
know his surroundings. I, on the other hand, don't even know what to look for.
Nik: (sitting down) How’re you doing?
Em: A bit better. The air… You should be able to bottle this. (She smiles,
closing her eyes into the wind) I like this. It honestly feels safe, for the
first time since we left Port Charles… Just for a little while, no one can find
us in the middle of the Adriatic. (She turns her head and smiles at him)
Sorry, I just find that comforting.
Nik: I'm glad. You seemed pretty tense on the train.
Em: I was. But eventually, I guess you have to let go. (There's a long
silence, as Nikolas stares out at the water. Emily clears her throat) I was
wondering, when we get to Greece… Are you "known" there?
Nik: Known. (He sighs and shakes his head) There's a town, about thirty miles
from the Pappas's house… that's on the cliff where transport to the island is.
That town, they know us by name, that's all. My father… He believed that our
life on the island was best preserved by being enigmatic. (Emily furrows her
Em: The island… It sound very…
Nik: Different. That's all it is. It's a different place. I've been thinking
about that… I mean, it's been in the back of my mind all along, but…
Relationships like yours and Lucky… they aren't the way Cassadines do things.
Not on the island, at least.
Em: (amused) Uh… What kind of relationship IS that?
Nik: I'm… I'm not trying to make any inferences.
Em: Are you asking if I'm sleeping with your brother?
Nik: (quickly, as if he's taken a bad turn) NO! No, no, no, I'm not asking
anything. Really. I just mean… (He looks at Emily and catches the amused look
on her face, then stops, laughing slightly) They wouldn't understand… Cassadines
don't "date" for three years.
Em: Two and a half.
Nik: Two and a half… All right. It's… Not done that way. You may be madly in
love with someone but you don't officially "court" until you hit a certain age
and then… Your intentions are supposed to be honorable. I… I used to think that
it seemed like no one was ever supposed to really know someone. Like that would
interfere with everything. (Emily shakes her head in amazement)
Em: I can't imagine what your life was like there.
Nik: Just like that. I never knew anyone. I still don't in many ways. (He
runs his hands through his hair) There was this girl I met when I first came to
Port Charles, I have no idea what happened to her, just that… She disappeared.
Moved on, I guess. Her name was Gina, I met her… (He shakes his head, laughing
slightly) Well never mind how I met her… I met her, is the point. And she was
very blunt.
Em: Blunt.
Nik: That's the word. I thought that at the time. But I was used to being
treated a certain way, and she didn't act that way with me. She was
challenging, and I guess that's what I liked about her. But I was still
superficial with her. See… It was almost my job to be charming. When I met
people, it was like they expected something of me, and I had to give it to them.
So I had to be respectful and polite of the nobles I met. I had to flirt with
their daughters, I had to flatter their wives. And there were signs, a certain
kind of smile, or a blush… If I got that reaction, I'd done my job.
Em: (smiling) When we first met… Did you do that with me?
Nik: Uhhh… I'm sure I did. (He shakes his head hard) It's like riding a
bicycle. It's ingrained, I can't forget how to do it. But it’s not real.
Lucky: (appearing from behind them) That’s hard to imagine. (Nikolas closes
his eyes, as Emily turns and looks up at him. She squints against the sun)
Em: How long have you been there? (Lucky shrugs, flopping down next to her,
draping a possessive arm around her shoulder. He looks over at Nikolas and nods
towards his arm)
Lucky: Is this ok, or should I be staying ten feet back?
Nik: (heavily) Are we going to keep doing this?
Lucky: Doing what?
Nik: You know what.
Lucky: (turning to look out at the water) Four years, man. I guess it's
"ingrained", old habits are hard to break.
Em: (making sure she's not directing this at either one in particular) Yeah,
well… Behave yourselves, or I'm going to invest in a sledgehammer. (She takes
Lucky's hand and squeezes it) Did you find anything interesting?
Lucky: (turning his attention solely to Emily) Not really, it's a pretty
standard smuggling boat. (He makes a face) Family operation. The old man and
three brothers.
Em: (frowning) I thought you said it was commercial fishing?
Lucky: Smuggling boats don't LOOK like smuggling boats, Em. I told you Theo
was a friend of your brothers.
Em: (dryly) Yeah, the pieces are colliding. (Emily takes a deep breath)
Nikolas was just telling me about the island. (Luck nods slightly, thinking
that it sounded like he was telling her a hell of a lot more than that)
Lucky: What about it?
Em: I was still figuring that part out.
Nik: I was telling her about how the people you'll meet there would evaluate
your relationship.
Lucky: Why should I care?
Nik: (disapproving) I don't know. It doesn't really effect you so I can see
why it wouldn't be a priority.
Lucky: (irritated) Just spit it out. (Nikolas stares at Lucky a moment, feeling
his shoulders tighten.)
Nik: All right. It's simple. They'll see her as your mistress. That's all.
She'll be treated accordingly.
Lucky: (darkly) What are you implying?
Nik: I'm not "implying" anything.
Lucky: (leaning forward, his arm slipping off of Emily) Yeah, you are. You can
never just come out and SAY something, can you? You have to hide it all behind
this stupid formality and…
Nik: I never come out and say anything? As opposed to your straightforward
approach, right? (Emily closes her eyes)
Em: (loudly) Don’t I have anything to do with this? (She opens her eyes looks
at Nikolas, now silent) What do you mean?
Nik: I mean… (He shakes his head. This should NOT be this complicated. On the
other hand, it's Lucky, and what else did he expect?) It's a difference in
expectation. It's… They aren't treated the same as they would be if they were
wives, or…
Em: (choking) Wives? I'm not passing as anyone's wife.
Lucky: You don't have to pass as anything…
Nik: Fine, Lucky… go ahead, decide whatever you want to decide. Just remember,
its EMILY this effects, ok? (He stands up) Just let me know what you come up
with, because there's no way their going to buy that she's my sister after a
growth spurt. (He looks back towards the stern) I'll see you, I'm certain.
(Nikolas turns and walks away. Emily looks at Lucky a moment, he looks back and
laughs unconvincingly)
Lucky: When did this many people take interest in our relationship?
Em: He's trying to help.
Lucky: Right.
Em: (forcing patience) Lucky… we're in another part of the world right now… HIS
part of the world. Things are different.
Lucky: (tersely) I know how to deal with different parts of the world, ok?
(Emily nods)
Em: Yeah, you do… As a male. Come on. (She cocks her head to one side) It's
different where I'm concerned. And Nikolas is just trying to let me know what
to expect, ok? (Lucky makes a face, not willing to buy this idea that Nikolas
has no control over how his employees treat his guests).
Lucky: Is it just me, or is your impression of his absolute power fading?
Em: Not really… Actually, the closer we get to the island, the more he feels
like a "Prince". I mean, it never really meant anything in Port Charles.
Lucky: Prince Nikolas Cassadine. That never meant anything to you?
Em: Why would it?
Lucky: (looking away) I don't know.
Em: I thought you'd know by now that I don't buy into that "fairy tale"
Lucky: I guess not. Or you wouldn't be like with a hopeless case like me.
(Emily looks at him oddly, not liking the odd tone in his voice. She's not sure
what he's driving at).
Em: A hopeless case of what? (Lucky shakes his head slightly, turning his
attention back to her. He reaches out and brushes her hair out of her face,
though the wind blows it right back in. He leans in closer, whispering in her
Lucky: You look really beautiful. (Emily laughs and pushes him back, gently)
Em: Watch it, Romeo.
Lucky: (moving away from her) Yeah, yeah. I know. (Emily watches him a moment,
still unsure if she's reading him right. Something is bothering him and she's
not sure if she's got it right. Certainly the protective wall he keeps between
him and Nikolas is just as solid as ever, but she feels like he's waiting for
her to say something, but she's not figuring out what it is. She clears her
Em: We should decide on what the story is when we get to the island. And to be
blunt, the word mistress gives me hives.
Lucky: Yeah, I think I can see that. (Emily gives an involuntary shudder).
Em: It possession written all over it. Besides, it's a social step up from
Lucky: Emily!
Em: I don't expect you to "get" this stuff. It's pure girl angst.
Lucky: I get not wanting to be sized up in one look.
Em: Oh, come on. You RELY on people assuming you're less than you are.
Lucky: I don't want people to do that with you. Besides, if this attitude
keeps up, it might be a good idea to invest in some kind of wedding band. As
"out there" as the idea might be. (Emily stares at Lucky a long moment, then
smiles slightly, staring out at the water)
Em: (ironically) Oh, yeah… That idea has never tiptoed across my mind.
Lucky: If it has, was it anywhere near this time frame.
Em: No.
Lucky: (dismissive) It’s just make believe.
Em: Have you ever thought about it?
Lucky: About what?
Em: (turning to face him) Lucky! About… Well, given this stuff lately, making
an "honest woman" of me? I mean, way down the road some place.
Lucky: You're already honest.
Em: You know what I mean. (Lucky sighs heavily)
Lucky: I used to. I used to think… (He stops and shakes his head) Never mind.
Em: What?
Lucky: (after a moment) I don't think… I buy marriage anymore. As a concept.
Em: Really?
Lucky: Does that bother you?
Em: I'm a Quartermaine. Marriage doesn't exactly mean a lot when you come from
a family who attends more divorce proceedings than we do weddings. (She shakes
her head) I can't BELIEVE I brought this up, just… Ignore me.
Lucky: (suddenly) I would. Marry you, I mean. If you needed me to. (Emily
looks up at him sharply)
Lucky: (uncomfortable) I mean… If it made you feel safer. Or if it was really
important to you. (He takes a deep breath) I just don't feel like I need to
be married to you to… Be with you. Does that make sense? I want to know you're
with me because you want to be. I look way down the road… (Lucky's voice trails
off a moment, before he looks away from her) God… I'm not making any sense.
Em: (quietly) I think I get it. Lucky, you know, your mom isn't just with your
Dad because of a piece of paper, right?
Lucky: (wryly) From what Nikolas says, my Dad isn't with anyone right now.
(Lucky sits in silence a moment before continuing.) It's… It's not just
marriage. God. I mean, I grew up thinking that's what you did. You found someone
who was your best friend, and who understood you and knew how to work with you
and that was the person you spent your life with. You had kids with them, you
made a life with them and nothing came ahead of it. Ever. That's what I thought
my parents were like. And now… Now it's like… you get married, you have kids,
and you get… You're committed. You're in a place you can't leave anymore and you
have to keep it together, so things get… Messy. People start lying and holding
things back. They keep secrets and they try to make everything LOOK like
nothing's wrong. And my Mom is so good at it, no one saw it… not me, or my Dad.
So I believed in all of it until I found out it was a lie. So that's more
important to me. I don't need you to promise to be with me forever, or to love,
honor and obey… or whatever they say now. I don't care if you ever do that, or
want to do that. I just want to believe in you. I don't want to wake up one day
twenty years from now and find out it was all a big game no one told me about.
(Emily stares at Lucky, her heart in her throat. She tosses a quick looks
around, then decides to hell with watching eyes, and moves towards Lucky,
pulling him into an embrace)
Em: I won't do that to you. I'm not keeping any secrets from you. (Lucky
closes his eyes tightly, tears escaping them. Emily leans her head against his)
You have to forgive yourself for this, Lucky.
Lucky: (pulling away) There’s nothing to forgive.
Em: Lucky. (Lucky stands up, looking back at her)
Lucky: I know you won't do it to me. I just… I hope I don't do it to you.
'Cause I don't know that. (Emily opens her mouth to protest, then stops. She
should NEVER of followed this line of conversation. There's nothing she can say
to him that won't sound glib or damning. Either way, she doesn't want to go
that way. She stands up to face him).
Em: You're eighteen. You have a whole life of choices ahead of you. I think
you've got a better idea what you can live with and what you can't. (She sighs
heavily, wanting to tell him to just let go of the sins he's holding onto so
tightly. There's no point, however. He's been doing penance too long and she has
no idea how to stop him. She reaches out and takes his hand) I still believe in
Lucky: How CAN you? Em, I mean how can you look at everything I've done and
Em: It's my call. You don't get to decide whether or not I love you, or trust
you, or believe in you. I do. (She puts her hand on his cheek, forcing him to
look at her) What's going on with you? I can tell you're upset about Nikolas,
but it's more than just the usual stuff, isn't it?
Lucky: (bitterly) Isn't the usual stuff enough?
Em: You know I'm on your side, Lucky. You do know that right?
Lucky: (looking at her) Yeah, I do. You always are.
Em: Ok. (She stares at him, at a loss, then glances over, seeing one of the
three sons looking at them) I'd kiss you, but I don't want to know what might
Lucky: (smiling slightly) I’ll take a rain check.
Em: I definitely vote for pretending to be married from here on out. We'll
just ignore the baggage, ok? (Lucky nods slightly) Would it help if I told you
I loved you?
Lucky: (heavily) I know you do. (He looks at her) I just want this to be over.
Em: Ditto. It will be. Somehow. (She takes his hand again) With any luck,
we'll still be in one piece, too.
* * * *
Luke's Club, office.
Luke is actually doing the books… badly… at his desk when Carly enters, looking
more than a little harried. She slams her purse down on the desk and papers
fly. Luke looks up. Carly puts her hands on her hips)
Carly: You wanted to see me?
Luke: Good afternoon, Caroline…
Carly: When are you going to get it through your head that I have a LIFE?
Luke: (closing the books) Ah, nothing comes before family.
Carly: Oh, here we go with the family card again. You know, you and your son
have a lot in common, you know that?
Luke: Sure we do. Only I'm taking it he's played the family card a little more
successfully than I do.
Carly: He's never threatened to kill me.
Luke: (shaking his head, tired) You have to keep bringing that up.
Carly: (rolling her eyes) You can be scary when you want to be… But you all
ready know that, right?
Luke: I've been told.
Carly: What do you want?
Luke: (leaning across the desk) Action.
Carly: Ah… Well, I'm not quite the girl I used to be on that front, Uncle Luke,
so if you'll excuse me… (She turns to leave)
Luke: You made me a promise, Caroline. (Carly stops and sighs heavily)
Carly: I was hoping you'd forgotten about that. In a fit of sobriety, or
something. (Luke shakes his head, smiles at her)
Luke: Never forget something like that.
Carly: I was feeling sentimental, I'm over it.
Luke: Why do I still get the feeling you're holding back on me?
Carly: I'm not. I'm just… (She sighs heavily) Ok. Look. The stuff I have to
say, you don't want to hear, so what's the point?
Luke: Try me.
Carly: (narrowing her eyes) What’s gotten into you?
Luke: (leaning back in his chair) I’ve got direction.
Carly: Like what?
Luke: You ever look at a map upside down? (Carly looks at him like he's out of
his mind) Just working on some new mind twists on this one. I'm done waiting
around for something to solve itself. It's not healthy. I gave him a couple of
weeks to make a move, the kid is still incommunicado. So, times up, I've been
patient. He's coming home.
Carly: Uh huh… And this involves me how?
Luke: Same way it always does, Darlin'… This whole stupid mess with the Wicked
Witch of the Aegean.
Carly: I don't know ANYTHING about that!
Luke: This all makes a prettier picture from where you're standing and I want
to know why. (Carly rolls her eyes and sits down in the chair)
Carly: Look, I've got less than no clue what you want from me, so…
Luke: I talked to Nikolas. (Carly stops)
Carly: When?
Luke: Other day… Just to see what he'd do.
Carly: Yeah? Well, don't ask me to explain HIM to you, he's got even less use
for me than you do.
Luke: You got a problem with him?
Carly: In the same way I have a problem with mosquitoes, yeah. (Luke laughs)
Luke: Disease spreading blood suckers… I like the way you think, little girl.
Carly: That's not what I mean. (She sighs heavily and sinks into the chair
across from him) He has no impact on my life. He's not a part of it. I don't
like him, I don't hate him, I don't have anything to do with him. But… It's
different for Lucky.
Luke: Look. I know that Lucky's got… "sucked" in by him somehow.
Carly: I wouldn't go that far.
Luke: Why's that?
Carly: 'Cause I know… I know Nikolas drives him nuts. I just think he… Luke,
look. The number one thing I can tell you… and you are NOT going to like this…
is that Lucky… He felt bad for Nikolas. When this woman died, he said it was
just way too easy to pretend it had been Emily and… He wanted to help him.
Luke: Help him. How?
Carly: I don't know. He left, he said he knew someone who could help him and
he took off. Then when he came back he had Lulu, and… And then he left. That
was it. (Luke stares at her a long moment. Carly shifts nervously) Don't get me
wrong… the guy still drives him nuts, I just think he… He cares, ok?
Luke: See… Even if I follow your logic… and I'm not saying I am… I still don't
see why my kid would make himself easy to find… even for Nikolas Cassadine.
Carly: (eyes widening) Oh, wait. No, I didn't say they're together… That's a
bit extreme even for Lucky.
Luke: There's not such thing as too extreme for a Spencer. And hell, if he
wanted me off his track, it's a good start.
Carly: He left town to get away from Helena, Luke. I know that for sure.
Luke: I don't know. I don't know. I think I've been looking at this all
Carly: (suspicious) What kind of "information" do you have? (The phone rings.
Luke smiles at her wanly)
Luke: Spencer. (Carly sits back and thoroughly confused. Luke listens a long
moment, then hangs up without another word, staring at the tabletop.)
Carly: What? Luke! What's going on?
Luke: I think I just got proof of where my son is.
* * * *
The Spencer House, the kitchen.
Lulu is picking at her lunch, long after it's been set in front of her. Laura,
who was outside, enters and stops, taking it her daughter. She looks haggard
and worn out herself, and she closes her eyes, sighing deeply at Lulu's morose
Laura: Lulu, are you done? (Lulu pushes her plate away)
Lulu: Yes.
Laura: (crossing the kitchen) That’s all you're eating? (Lulu doesn't look at
her. Laura sits down) Lulu. (Lulu still doesn't look up. Laura reaches out
and pushes her hair back from her face. Lulu still doesn't look up) Did you
look at the book I got you? The one about the palaces and the gardens where
Grandma Lesley lives? (Lulu nods) Good. They were pretty, weren't they?
(Lulu nods, then sits back and looks at her mother). I wanted to talk to you
about going to visit her. (Lulu blinks)
Lulu: We're going to visit Grandma Lesley?
Laura: Well, I thought maybe it was time for you to have your own trip. You
said that everyone keeps leaving and you stay behind. I thought you might like
to take a trip of your own.
Lulu: To see Grandma?
Laura: Uh huh.
Lulu: (frowning) Would Lucky and Nikolas know where I am?
Laura: Well, Nikolas sure would.
Lulu: But what if Lucky called again?
Laura: Lucky's not going to… (She stops dead) Again? (Lulu stares at her
mother, stricken, then looks away)
Lulu: (jumping down) I’m going to go get the book. (Laura catches her arm as
she runs past her)
Laura: Lulu… have you talked to Lucky? (Lulu doesn't say anything) Lulu?
Lulu: I'm not telling you! (Lulu pulls away and runs out of the kitchen. Laura
gets up to follow)
Laura: Lulu! (She pushes out of the kitchen, Lulu already dashing up the
stairs. Laura follows her) Lulu, please! (She reaches the bottom of the stairs
when there is a knock at the door. Laura looks up the stairs, helplessly, then
back at the door. Deciding whoever is on the other side of he door will be
easier to talk to, she heads for it, pulling it open to reveal Stefan, dressed
in grey, less morose than his usual black attire. She blinks) Stefan.
Stefan: Laura, I need to speak to you. Regarding Nikolas.
