Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Two:
Rocking the Boat
The Paeon, The stern.
The moon is reflecting on rough waters. Its reflection is broken, torn and
jostled. Unsteady. Nikolas stares hard at it, then back to the wooden box in
his hands, the crest on top. He had owned this box his whole life. It's
purpose never spelt out, but known all the same. Precious things. Only
precious and private things were ever hidden away in these items. It was
standard issue, in the Cassadine world… as if they were all suppose to have
secrets. If not from each other, than certainly from the rest of the world.
Nikolas tipped the box, examining the slender slot in the side, just big enough
to fit his medallion. He had put so few things in this box in his life. Until
very recently it had never seemed necessary. But now it held the only thing in
the world that felt truly important. This part of his journey was as necessary
as anything else. He had to do this. It was the only way he could ever hope to
repay a debt that was beyond the material world. Nikolas looks back out at the
horizon, at the expanse of black water in front of him. This is it. He is going
* * * *
Luke's Club, The Office.
Luke stands up and heads over to the chair he threw his jacket on.
Carly: Proof. Of where Lucky is?
Luke: (picking up the jacket) I gotta be somewhere. (Carly stands up)
Carly: Hey WAIT a second! (Luke pulls on his jacket)
Luke: (patronizing) What? (Carly turns to face him, hands on hips)
Carly: I'm getting REALLY sick of this, you know that? You get a phone call
and now it's Asta la Vista, Carly… don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Luke: (smirking) You got a way with words, Babe. (He turns and opens the door,
walking out of it. Carly follows him, gathering steam).
Carly: Don't you "Babe" me, what the hell was that about?
Luke: (walking through the club) You can read about it in the funny papers. (He
nods to Claude as he passes the bar)
Carly: (close on his heels) Like hell! What do you think you're doing?
Luke: Good night Caroline (He pulls open the door open. Carly stops and stamps
her feet in fury)
Carly: WAIT! (Luke exits the door swinging shut behind him. Carly tightens
her hands into fists, then heads out the door like a steam train. Luke is
already half way to his car) You aren't going anywhere!
Luke: (glancing over his shoulder) Don’t you have a life to attend to? Isn't
that what you keep saying?
Carly: GO TO HELL! (Luke reaches the car, sighing heavily) Look, you can
knock this off RIGHT now. You know what I said, I said I'd help you. I DO care
about what is going with Lucky and if you want anything from me you had better
tell me what is going on here!
Luke: (turning back to her) I’ve been taking care of my own business years
before you were born little girl.
Carly: NO! No, you don't get to do this. You don't just string me along on
this little family drama, you don't play with my emotions and tell me you need
my help and then throw me over when you find something else that's a little less
complicated! This IS my business. CHRIST… you've been up to your neck in my
business my whole God damned life, you owe me this! (Luke stares at Carly, a
little surprised at her vehemence)
Luke: Take a breath, Caroline.
Carly: (infuriated) DO NOT call me that! No way, Luke. You look me in the
eye, you face up to me and then maybe you can call me by the name my MOTHER gave
me. I am done dealing with you on whims, I'm done asking your permission to be
a part of this family. You know, I love Lucky! He's the only person in this
family who doesn't try to change who I am, who just deals with me and doesn't
ask me to change or act the way HE wants me to. He has a HELL of a lot more
family honor than you EVER will. You think I'm a problem, don't you? You always
thought I was something for you to deal with. To push around and keep in line
and manipulate, well I don't give a damn. I know you're not going to shoot me,
right? You can't kill me anymore, so what are you going to do? I'll tell you
one thing, you are not going to pull rank on me and act like I'm not a part of
this. You don't want to deal with me right now, well tough. You should have
though of that twenty-five years ago! (Luke's face darkens. Carly laughs
bitterly, taunting) I've talked to my mother, Uncle Luke. I know where I came
from and I know who made it possible for me to exist in the first place. YOU
are the reason I'm here as much as ANYONE else. You made me possible. You told
her to give me up. You scared me out of telling her the truth…
Luke: (flat) Don’t rewrite history, Darlin'.
Carly: No, that's your territory, right? Come on. I might not have told her
and that was my choice… but when you threatened my LIFE you took that choice
away from me, and you can't say you know what I would have done. YOU OWE ME! If
nothing else, you owe me a chance. 'Cause I was giving you one. (Carly stares
at Luke, catching her breath. He looks, ever so slightly, impressed. She sighs
heavily, putting a hand to her forehead) God, all I want to know is… Is my
cousin all right? (The words hang in the air a moment. Carly looks back at
Luke. He crosses his arms)
Luke: (measured) The Dark Prince has pulled a disappearing act. (Carly stops,
taking this in. No intelligent response offers itself)
Carly: What?
Luke: Gone into thin air, in the middle of Rome.
Carly: Rome. (She laughs slightly) Oh, sure. Why not?
Luke: That could mean a couple of things. But the number one thing it means
is… I gotta get home. Now.
Carly: (worry creeping into her voice) Do you think Lucky's all right?
Luke: My kid can take care of himself.
Carly: I know that. I know… But he left 'cause he was scared, Luke.
Luke: Maybe, maybe not. You going home?
Carly: I have to pick Michael up at the Brownstone.
Luke: Look. You helped me out here, I admit that.
Carly: Gee, that's big of you…
Luke: The rest of this stuff, that's all water under a bridge I'm not gonna
cross. Don't think you got it all wrapped up in that pretty little head of
yours because you don't know the half of it, you got that?
Carly: Whatever. (Luke chuckles slightly, opening the door to his car)
Luke: It's been real, Caroline. And look… You'll know if anything happens. I
just might need to talk to you again.
* * * *
The Paeon, the hold.
Emily lies on her side, curled up in a tight ball on the small cot in the ship's
hold. It's incredibly uncomfortable, a thin foam mattress over steel springs,
bolted to the wall. The older man, who she has now been informed is named Mr.
Crotus, had made sure that she was under the watchful eye on her "older
brother", and Lucky is sleeping on the far side of her on an identical cot
bolted to the opposite wall. It's a situation he seemed to resent on many
levels. She wasn't really able to provide much comfort since their brief
discussion at the bow of the ship. It didn't help that he was shutting down…
She knew the signs a little too well at this point, and he was closing for
Emily closes her eyes, rolling over onto her back, and tries again to make her
mind still so that she can go back to sleep. The sea has become rougher, the
boat having encountered the edge of some retreating storm. She can feel a pull
on the boat as it plows through waves that seem to want to push it in the other
direction. She sighs, wrapping her arms around her waist, and tries to find the
motion soothing, letting it lull her.
This doesn't work and she opens her eyes again, staring up into the pitch black
over her head. The motion is just a little too violent for her to finding
anything but worrisome. She shakes her head and closes her eyes firmly again.
Sleep, damnit! It has to be possible. She WAS asleep, but that feels unreal
now. Now she feels like sleep is nothing she can ever hope to do again.
Emily hears the squeak of springs from across the hold. She looks over, though
she can't really see anything. She blinks a few times, then hears a heavy
exhalation of breath)
Em: (whispering) Lucky? (Lucky sits up suddenly. Emily strains to see in the
dark, but can only make out shadows. She glances to the other side of the
cabin, but she can't make anything out. She sits up) Lucky? Are you ok?
Lucky: (after a moment and not at all convincingly) I'm fine.
Em: What's wrong? (Lucky shakes his head, not answering. Emily sits up, and
finds the ground with her feet. She looks at the bunk over Lucky, where Nikolas
had been, and can't see anything. She looks back at the silhouette of Lucky)
Did you… Did you have a bad dream? (Lucky doesn't answer again, only lets out
another long and careful breath. Emily blinks a few times, but her eyes refuse
to adjust further to the pitch black. She stands up, then moves blindly across
the room towards the other bunk, only able to make out a slightly darker shadow
that she assumes is Lucky. She still manages to rap her shin against the cot
and sits down on it, hard, swearing. She puts a hand on Lucky's leg, under the
thin wool blanket.) What's the matter?
Lucky: I'm fine.
Em: (gently) You're seasick, aren't you?
Lucky: No.
Em: Yeah, you are.
Lucky: (stubbornly) I can't be seasick. I've been on boats before, I don't
get motion sickness, it's that simple.
Em: (rubbing his back) Lucky. (Lucky leans over and rests his head against
her shoulder and squeezing his eyes shut. He feels absolutely miserable.
Unfocused and off center. He has to concede the motion of the boat isn't
helping, but it feels like the least of his problems right now. Emily lean her
cheek against the top of his head.) I've heard seasickness is always worse when
you're below deck… Do you feel like you can walk.
Lucky: (mumbling) Of course I can walk.
Em: Let's go up to the deck, ok? (Lucky nods slight, then looks over at the
empty cot above him.
Lucky: Where's Nikolas?
Em: Uh… I don't know. He's got to be around some place. (Lucky pulls away
from her, slowly lowering himself back onto the mattress.)
Lucky: On second thought, maybe I'll just…
Em: (long suffering) Lucky! Come on. You guys are going to be sharing a lot
more space than just this.
Lucky: (struggling back up) I don't feel like dealing with him right now, ok?
Em: Shhh… (She glances into the dark, though it's just as useless as before.
The only light is pale and emanating from the hatch that exits to the deck.)
You don't HAVE to deal with him, ok? Let's just go back up. (Lucky sighs
Lucky: Fine.
Em: (wryly) You're so hard done by. (She stands up, pulling on Lucky's hand.
He forces himself to get to his face, and sways slightly, even more unsteady
than he suspected. Emily moves to him, supporting him) Are you ok? (Lucky nods)
Lucky: Let's just… (He stops, aware that any activity is a bad idea at this
exactly moment. He breathes carefully, feeling a cold sweat breaking out all
over. This is not going to be fun. After a moment, he opens his eyes again)
Ok. (Emily, frustrated that she can't really make out his face, nods. She
starts to lead him to the hatch, wrapping her arm around his waist)
Em: Come on. (She leads him towards the wooden makeshift stairs that lead back
up to the deck. She can feel Lucky tremble slightly. She feels a definite knot
of worry in her stomach, but firmly tells herself it's just seasickness. It
will pass with the sea part of this voyage. If he's going to get sick on her,
this is the time. She lets Lucky mount the stairs first, following just behind
him. Lucky stops at they reach the deck, his head bowed. He takes a moment to
breathe in the fresh air before looking up.
He knew this was going to happen. Nikolas is standing at the stern, still
looking out at the rough waters. Lucky can see he's holding something in his
hands, though he can not make out what. Lucky blinks. He feels Emily's hand on
his back and reluctantly exits the hatch, stepping up onto the deck. Nikolas
hears the noise behind him and glances over his shoulder. He closes his eyes,
making a mental shift back into English. He's been out here almost an hour now,
and for some reason, the location has caused him to revert entirely into Greek.
It's all inspiring a mood that may not have much to do with what is actually
happening as it does with the impending return to things that feel, right now,
very much the product of another place and time. He clears his throat as Lucky
makes his way, unsteadily, across the deck)
Nik: Hi. (Lucky, feeling somewhat put off by the sudden change in elements,
stumbles over to the railing and leans against it, well away from Nikolas. The
wind is chilly, and with the thin layer of sweat on his skin, he feels like he's
turning to ice. He grips the railing, feeling things tip on him. Nikolas looks
at Emily who is standing on the deck right above the entrance to the hold,
staring after her boyfriend with concern) Is he all right? (Emily glances at
Nikolas helplessly, then moves towards Lucky. His head is lowered and he's
shivering more violently now, leading her to believe that coming out from the
hold might have been a bad idea. She slides her hand up and down his back, and
leans over, trying to talk to him).
Em: I can get your coat.
Lucky: (shaking his head, eyes closed) Won't matter. (Nikolas takes this in,
and starts over to them)
Nik: Are you seasick? (Lucky tenses.)
Lucky: (through gritted teeth) I'm fine.
Nik: (to Emily) Has he been sick yet? (Emily shakes her head, unsure if she
should touch Lucky any more than she is. She'd like to pull him into her arms,
but she sense any movement or embrace would be a spectacularly bad idea. Lucky's
breathing is shallow, and he takes several moments to steady himself before
daring to speak).
Lucky: Go back inside, Nikolas. (Emily bites her lip. She looks over at
Nikolas, who's chilly gaze is fixed on Lucky.)
Nik: Deja Vu. Are you sure you want to do this all over again, Lucky?
Lucky: (straightening up, quickly, angrily) Will you leave… (Lucky pales, the
blood rushing from his face. He turns and retches over the side of the boat.
Emily immediately moves to him, putting one hand on his shoulder, moving her
other hand to hold her head. She is immediately aware that this has to be
beyond humiliating him. The sickness subsides, finally, and Lucky sinks onto
the deck, his arms wrapped up in the railing on the boat, wishing there was some
magic way for him to, just momentarily, get a grip. He feels like death warmed
over. Timing is something he's really going to have to work on. )
Em: I… Can I get you some water? (Lucky nods weakly)
Nik: (to Emily) There’s a canteen hanging on a hook by the stairs to the hold,
I noticed it before. (Emily nods quickly and turns, in search of the water.
Lucky closes his eyes and leaning his head against the
Lucky: (bitterly, to Nikolas) Don't you sleep?
Nik: (Kneeling beside him) I wasn't tired.
Lucky: (shuddering) Great. (Nikolas puts the box down, carefully, beside him,
studying Lucky's face)
Nik: I used to get seasick when I was a kid. It was embarrassing, living on an
Lucky: (thickly) I strongly suggest you not try to bond with me over this.
(Nikolas' face hardens, repressing the urge to just smack Lucky).
Nik: I'll try to control myself. (He takes a deep breath. This was getting
extreme. Once upon a time, he's fairly certain, Lucky had been just this side
of tolerable. However, ever since New York, he's been just as sullen and
impossible as ever. It's all Nikolas can do not to tear into him out of sheer
frustration. The only thing holding him back is the knowledge that, whatever
might be saying, he IS here. Nikolas takes a steadying breath)
Nik: I know how to get rid of the nausea, if you're interested. (Lucky
represses a groan. Oh, of COURSE he knows. This is just wonderful)
Lucky: It'll pass.
Nik: Yeah, about an hour after we get into Port.
Lucky: (tightly) I. Will. Be. Just. Fine. (Nikolas looks heavenward,
almost pleadingly. This is not something he wants to do for… Oh, at least
twenty more hours).
Nik: The air should be helping… (Lucky sighs heavily, but is cut off from any
remark by Emily reappearing with the canteen.)
Em: (heading across the deck) I can't see a damn thing down there, it took
longer than I meant it to… (She makes a not-so-subtle study of the scene in
front of her. Judging by the tightness of Nikolas' jaw, things are not exactly
swimming along. She moves to Lucky, uncapping the canteen) I got it, though.
(she kneels down on the other side of Lucky, and hold out the canteen. Lucky
opens his eyes and looks at her unsteadily)
Lucky: Thanks. (Lucky unhooks a hand from the railing and takes the canteen
from her. He raises it to his lips, then pauses. Emily slides her hand around
the back of his neck and helps support his head as he leans forwards slightly to
drink. The water helps, though he still feels like utter hell. His throat his
rough, his eyes watering. This is cruel and unusual punishment, he decides, as
he leans back against the railing, letting his eyes close. Emily gently rubs
the back of his neck)
Em: Is the air helping at all? (Lucky shakes his head in a manner that does
not clearly denote yes or no.) Just try to keep breathing it in. (Lucky takes
a very careful breath. Nikolas watches him and feels, just ever so momentarily
sorry for him. He DOES remember what this feels like and it can't be fun given
everything else that is going on with him. He glances at Emily quickly, then
takes a deep breath, well aware he is entering dangerous territory)
Nik: I was just trying to tell Lucky how he could get rid of the nausea. (Emily
looks up sharply)
Em: What do you mean?
Lucky: Nikolas…
Nik: (to Emily, pointedly) Give me your hand. (Emily looks at Nikolas oddly,
but catches Lucky's eyes opening quickly, not liking the sound of the statement
at all)
Lucky: What do her hands have to do with anything? (Nikolas, noting he has
Lucky's attention, holds his arm up, his palm and inner arm facing Lucky.)
Nik: Look. (He takes his other hand and closes it around his wrist, pressing a
point in the middle of his wrist with his first two fingers.) It's a pressure
point. If you hold it down it helps with the nausea. (Lucky stares at Nikolas,
not moving. Nikolas twists his hands around awkwardly so that he is hitting the
same spot on his other wrist.) It works better if you can do both at the same
Lucky: (slowly) Is this some sort of… Tai chi thing?
Nik: (frowning) No. But it is eastern, if that's what you mean.
Lucky: I mean give me Gravol, ok?
Em: Lucky, come on. You should at least try it. (She looks at Nikolas and
gives him a quick smile) I mean, you don't want to be doing this for the rest
of the trip, right? (Lucky rolls his eyes) Come on. Give me your hands.
Lucky: Whatever. (He untwists his other hand from the railing and gives his
hands to Emily. She takes his wrists, then glances at Nikolas as she hits the
pressure points)
Em: Like this?
Nik: Yeah, exactly.
Lucky: (heavily) She's a quick study. (Emily smiles at him, and adjusts he
way she's sitting, sliding one leg through the railing so that it's hanging over
the boat, and moving the other over Lucky's legs, to rest on the other side of
him. She props her elbow on her knee, settling in to play nursemaid.)
Em: Is that better? (Lucky shrugs, leaning back against the rail)
Lucky: (quietly) I don't know.
Nik: It takes a couple of minutes.
Em: We got time. (Lucky sighs, pulling another deep lung full of the sea air
into his lungs. As much as he hates to admit it, he is feeling a little better.
He carefully avoids looking at Nikolas, staring instead of the deck. He notices
something and squints at it, then looks up at Nikolas)
Lucky: Hey… What's with the box?
* * * *
The Spencer House.
Laura stares at Stefan standing on her doorstep. She feels an overwhelming
sense of exhaustion.
Laura: (exhaling) Nikolas.
Stefan: May I come in.
Laura: I… I'm in the middle of something…
Stefan: It's important.
Laura: (heavily) It always is. (She looks over her shoulder, up the stairs
Lulu has just disappeared up. She glances back) Is he all right?
Stefan: I don't know. (Laura stares at him, the ground dropping out from under
her. She grips the doorframe)
Laura: (breathless) What?
Stefan: Lasha. May I come in? (Laura stares at him)
Laura: What do you mean, you don't know. What…
Stefan: Please. I have to talk to you. (Laura looks directly into Stefan's
eyes, something she rarely allows herself to do. She lets her hand slip from
the door. Stefan steps forward, putting a hand on her shoulder) I don't have
much time. (Laura nods, numb, and moves away from the door, walking back into
the living room)
Laura: I… (She shakes her head and turns back to face Stefan as he shuts the
door to the house) What happened? (Laura looks at him with slowly growing
terror) What happened to my son?
Stefan: Lasha…
Laura: TELL ME!
Stefan: (glancing at the stairs) Is your daughter here? (Laura looks at the
stairs again, and nods, feeling herself begin to shake.)
Laura: (quickly, but low volume) Yes. Yes, she's upstairs, just tell me.
Stefan: I… I want you to know, that when Nikolas decided that he had to
leave, I let him go ONLY because I felt it was in his best interests.
Laura: Stefan, PLEASE. Just tell me what's happened. How is he? Is he hurt,
tell me!
Stefan: I don't know. I don't… I just can't answer that question.
Laura: Oh, God. Ohhh, God, what's going on?
Stefan: He's… He's disappeared.
Laura: Disa… How is that possible?
Stefan: He was visiting a museum this afternoon. There was a false alarm and
at some point, during the ensuing chaos, Nikolas… (He closes his eyes) Left.
(Laura pales, despite Stefan's wording)
Laura: No… (She turns from him, walking across the room to the mantle) No, he…
(she turns around, looking at Stefan) You wouldn't let that happen.
Stefan: I believed, you have to know that, Lasha, I believed that I could keep
him safe.
Laura: What do you think happened?
Stefan: I'm not certain.
Laura: (shaking her head, still feeling disembodied) You always know what's
going on. ALWAYS! (She looks up at him, desperate and angry) You always knew
every move I made, you told me! You told me when I first saw you again, you
knew about my life, about Lucky… you ALWAYS know!
Stefan: Lasha, I would not have EVER allowed him to go anywhere where I believe
that he would be in danger, I promise you. I would never allow anything to harm
Nikolas… NEVER.
Laura: How could this happen?
Stefan: I am flying to Rome tonight. I will contact you as soon as I have any
information. I just wanted you to know.
Laura: Thank you. Thank you for telling me.
Stefan: You are his mother.
Laura: (shaking her head) Dear God… Do you know anything yet? I mean…
Stefan: Nothing substantial. But I will find him.
Laura: I… I have to know what you expect.
Stefan: There is no…
Laura: Please! Stefan, he's my son. I already have one son who is God knows
where, I need to at least know your suspicions with Nikolas… Is it Helena? Could
it be her?
Stefan: It is possible.
Laura: (paling) Stefan… Oh, God, Stefan… she couldn't know could she? She
couldn't have found out that he's not Stavros' son, she couldn't! (Stefan looks
at her, pained. Laura feels herself free-fall into the grip of hysteria) NO!
No, she can't possibly, she just can't. I… She'd KILL him!
Stefan: Lasha!
Laura: It would be my fault, if she… If she had something or… (Laura stops,
loosing her breath) Oh God. It's my fault.
Stefan: (crossing to her) Don’t do this to yourself, please. (Laura shakes her
head, trembling)
Laura: She always knows. She's always been able to… (She looks up at Stefan,
her eyes wild) She’d kill him to spite me if she knew! She'd kill him and then…
Then she could… She could find… (Stefan, shaken by his thoughts being given her
voice, grabs her by the arms, desperately, and shakes her. Laura looks up at
him, steadied somewhat in his grip)
Stefan: I will never allow that to happen. I will do everything in my power…
EVERYTHING… to make sure that Nikolas realizes every dream his life has held. I
will not allow anyone to jeopardize that. Nikolas will come home safely.
(Laura stares up into his eyes, holding her breath)
Laura: (a realization) I believe you.
Stefan: (loosing his grip) I would never allow you to lose any more than you
already have. (Laura swallows hard, the words hitting her. Stefan looks at
her, shaken and worried… terrified. She blinks. It's almost as if she is
seeing a hint of him, of the Stefan she first knew for the first time in years.
She steps back from him, numb)
Laura: (barely audible) You’ll call me.
Stefan: Yes.
Laura: When you know ANYTHING. I have to know, Stefan. (She digs her hands into
her hair, holding her head) I need to know, even if it's bad, I have to.
Stefan: I swear to you, Lasha. I will not keep it from you.
Laura: (tearing) Thank you. Oh, God, thank you. (They stare at each other a
long moment, neither moving away, both unsteady and shaken, unsure of what to do
or say next. There is a noise outside the door and Laura jumps just as the door
opens. She feels as if the wind is being knocked right out of her and she
speaks the visitor's name before they door swings far enough to reveal the
figure) Luke!
