Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Three:
American Gothic
The Spencer House.
Luke stands in the door, mouth slightly open, taking in the sight of his wife
standing only a few feet away from Stefan Cassadine. He fixes his ice-cold gaze
on Stefan, the easier target at this moment.
Luke: Am I interrupting something?
Laura: Luke, Stefan stopped by to tell me something.
Luke: (stepping into the living room) You shoulda called me Laura. (He slams the
door shut with a flick of his wrist) I could have sold tickets.
Laura: Luke, I was just…
Luke: Come on, all three of us in one room, no witnesses? People pay good money
for this kinda stuff.
Laura: (taking a deep breath) Stefan… (Laura turns to him, shaking slightly, but
attempting to speak as if nothing out of the ordinary is going on) Thank you for
letting me know about Nikolas. I think I should discuss this with Luke in
private, though
Luke: Nah, don't leave on my account. Looks like I'm late to the party. (He
narrows his eyes at Stefan) I'm surprised you didn't hurt your big black bat
wings flying over here.
Stefan: Lasha, I'm not leaving you alone with this man. (Luke's eyes widen
slight, then he laughs in a short burst as Laura starts to speak)
Laura: Stefan, I'm fine…
Luke: Baby, what have you been telling this guy? (He looks over at Laura,
finally). You been telling tales out of school?
Laura: Luke, don't.
Stefan: Lasha doesn't have to say a word to convince me of you brutality,
Spencer, I've had more than enough proof of that.
Luke: Oh. You mean you brother? Or are you whining about your Daddy this time?
It's been over twenty years since I ended a Cassadine life… I'm beginning to
feel a little restless.
Laura: (horrified) LUKE! Stop it!
Luke: (sneering at her) Taking sides, Laura? Be my guest. It's about time.
Laura: Luke, nothing is happening here! Stefan is only here to tell me that…
Luke: Right. Nikolas. Yeah, guess I wasn't quite fast enough huh? I'll save
myself the trip next time. (He turns, heading for the door)
Stefan: How did you know?
Luke: It’s a big wide world, Stefan. Full of possibilities. Go stew on them for
Stefan: (rushing at him) If you touched him...
Laura: STOP IT! (Laura rushes between them, her arms out, physically holding
Stefan away from Luke) Stefan! PLEASE. Just leave.
Stefan: (darkly) If anything happens to him, I will hold you PERSONALLY
Luke: No, I can't take credit for this one. You've lost him all by yourself.
Stefan: Your threats have not fallen on deaf ears, Spencer. I am fully aware of
Luke: Then why are you still HERE?
Laura: STOP IT! (Laura covers her ears with her hands) Stop it, stop it, STOP
IT, both of you! (Luke and Stefan's attention move from each other toward Laura
who is just this side of hysterical. She looks back and forth between them) My
son is missing! BOTH of my sons are missing, I'm not going to listen to who's
fault it is, I just want them BACK!
Stefan: Lasha…
Laura: You said you had to go. So go, Stefan. Go and find him.
Stefan: (to Luke) If I find that he has suffered at your hands, Spencer…
Laura: Luke wouldn't do that! (She puts a hand to her head, feeling incredibly
tired of repeating these same sentences over and over again) Does anyone ever
listen to what I'm saying?
Stefan: I will call you when I know what has occurred.
Laura: Thank you. (Stefan shoots Luke a look of pure hatred, then exits the
house quickly. Laura hears the door slam after him and jumps slightly. She turns
and looks at Luke who is staring after Stefan. She takes a deep breath, and
wipes her eyes with the back of her hand). How did you know? (Luke turns back to
her, his eyes ice cold)
Luke: Where is my daughter?
* * * *
The Paeon
Nikolas and Lucky lock eyes. Emily tightens her grip on Lucky's wrists and tries
to concentrate on the task at hand, slightly willing that this won't turn into
anything “big”. She's had enough of this stuff already.
Nik: (tightly) It's nothing. (Lucky holds Nikolas' gaze a moment, then smiles
Lucky: That's the Cassadine seal. (Emily shifts, feeling nervous)
Em: Uh, you should probably just breathe, Lucky. (Lucky doesn't acknowledge
Emily's comment, refusing to pull back from this.)
Lucky: What's going on, Nikolas. (Nikolas breaks away from Lucky's stare, and
shakes his head)
Nik: Watch you don't let your paranoia run away on you, Lucky.
Lucky: My paranoia has gotten us this far.
Nik: The contents of this box don't effect you.
Lucky: Really. (Nikolas shrugs)
Nik: It has nothing to do with you.
Lucky: (glancing back at the box) It has a slot.
Em: Lucky, not now, ok?
Lucky: It has a slot, one for the medallion, right? (Nikolas looks slightly
taken aback).
Nik: How do you know that?
Lucky: Every so often, Nikolas, I actually find out something about our families
without you telling me. (He makes a face) Kinda unsettling, isn't it? (Nikolas
stares at him a moment, then picks up the box and stands up)
Nik: Enjoy your nausea, I'm going back to the hold.
Lucky: Nikolas. (Nikolas sighs and turns back)
Nik: What?
Lucky: (very calmly) If you don't show me what is in the box right now, then you
are on your own from landing on.
Em: (dropping his wrists) Lucky!
Nik: (darkly) You really don't trust me any further than you could throw me.
Lucky: Less.
Em: (trying to be reasonable) Guys, come on. Can we not do this here?
Lucky: If you're entertaining some kind of notion that you can make it to the
island on your own you'd better rethink it, Nikolas. You got some cash, that's
it. Your passport has your real name on it. Your credit cards are God knows
where by now. You still need me.
Nik: I will not open the box, Lucky. It's that simple.
Lucky: I'm not doing anything until you do. (They stare at each other,
deadlocked, until Nikolas laughs).
Nik: What do you think I have IN here, anyway?
Lucky: I don't CARE what you have in there.
Nik: Then why do you have to know?
Lucky: Because I am not operating as some sort of mule for anything your family
might be cooking up. I'm getting you into a country illegally. I want to know
what else I might be taking in there.
Nik: I'm not going to open the box because I can't.
Lucky: What did you do, forget the family heirloom at home? Leave it on the
Nik: It would damage the contents.
Em: (standing up) Ok. This is ridiculous. Whatever that box, it's Nikolas'. And
maybe you don't trust him, but I do…
Lucky: (still fixed on Nikolas) This isn't about you, Emily.
Em: It never is.
Nik: (bitterly) It's more about her than it is about you. (Nikolas crosses and
hands Emily the box) Here. (Emily steps back, putting her hands up)
Em: I don't want it!
Nik: (pointedly) It's yours. You're the next of kin. (There's a long silence as
Emily stares at him. She struggles a moment)
Em: (hoarsely) What… Are you saying?
Nik: I wasn't just going to leave her body in that morgue. I wasn't going to let
her stay on some cold slab waiting for someone to care enough to…
Em: Oh my God. (She stares at the box) Are you telling me…
Lucky: (heavily) You stole Hannah's ashes from General Hospital. (Lucky shakes
his head) Perfect. (Nikolas directs his full attention to Emily)
Nik: (coldly) I arranged for her to be cremated. I made sure the ashes were
transferred into my possession. I'm not a thief.
Lucky: God, you gotta be kidding me.
Em: I don't… (she shakes her head) How?
Nik: I'm a Cassadine. I pulled strings.
Lucky: You really make it too easy sometimes, Nikolas.
Em: (swallowing hard) Why? Why did you bring them?
Nik: There's a picture she had on her wall, it was a photograph she took…
Em: (smiling, staring at the box) The Aegean.
Nik: Right. It's the only place I know that she might want to be.
Em: I… I can't think of anything else. You're right. She said she loved it.
(Nikolas nods, looking somewhat relieved.)
Nik: I'm not… We shouldn't spread them at the island, but there are places we
can go. If you'd like. (Emily nods slowly)
Em: I… I still have to get used to this.
Nik: I understand. (There's a long silence, Lucky feeling completely incapable
of adding anything. He really doesn't want to be here but leaving is not
anything that can be done without drawing more attention to himself, so he opts
to stay very still, not watching either of them. This doesn't work, and Nikolas
turns his attention back to his brother) You can believe me or not, Lucky, it
doesn't matter to me. I you want me to open the box once we're ashore and
indoors, I'll do it. If it'll make you feel better. (Lucky doesn't blink, just
continues to stare off a moment in contemplation)
Lucky: (finally) It's fine.
Nik: I'm glad I have your approval. (He looks down at the box in his hands, then
back at Emily) We can talk more about this later. I'm going to go see if I can
get some sleep.
Em: Yeah, I guess someone should.
Nik: (glancing at Lucky, before looking back at Emily) Good night.
Em: (shifting her weight) Night. (Nikolas turns and goes back into the hold
without a backward glance. Emily watches after him, then sighs. She turns back
to Lucky. They look at each other a long moment, the wind and waves making the
only noise around them. Lucky shifts on the deck, still not feeling strong
enough to stand up. He closes his eyes and seems to taste his words before he
speaks them).
Lucky: I'm sorry. (Emily breaths this in, staring out at the waves, the small
crests she can spot, even in the dark. She shakes her head)
Em: You're going to have to trust him eventually. (she looks down at him) Do you
think I'm hopelessly naive or something?
Lucky: (quietly) No. (Emily throws her hands up)
Em: Then what is it? Why can't you even trust that I trust him, why doesn't
that mean anything?
Lucky: Emily…
Em: No, I want to know. It's the one thing that has never changed. You tell me
you don't think he's like Stavros, or Helena… But it sure as hell just sounded
like you did.
Lucky: (tense) He was keeping a secret. That's not going to help anyone.
Em: It was private. (Lucky looks up at her sharply)
Lucky: It was your AUNT!
Em: And he was in love with her! God, he probably knew her better than I ever
did. It's hard to tell. The point is… (She stops, realizing Lucky just won't get
it, all the things she and Nikolas talked about at the cafe. She sighs heavily
and mutters) Never mind. I understand why he didn't want to tell you. (The words
hang for a moment before Emily realizes how they came out. She looks over at him
quickly, and sees the expected cold expression) I didn't mean that like it
Lucky: (bitterly) Yeah, you did. (Emily groans, and buries her face in her
hands. GOD, why does everything have to be this complicated? She shakes her
head, then looks up again, meeting his eyes)
Em: Have you ever lain next to a dead body, Lucky? Have you ever curled up next
to someone and felt them go cold? Know they were dead, but want to be there with
them anyway? (Lucky looks away, fixing his gaze hard on the dingy hanging on
another part of the boat. Emily sighs and continues) People think that's morbid.
They think it's unhealthy. But Hannah was Nikolas' lover. He had a physical
connection to her. And I guess I can understand why I could leave her body
behind and he couldn't. (Lucky's expression hardens) What? (He doesn't look back
at her)
Lucky: (quietly, with an edge) And I wouldn't get that, right? That's between
you and him. That's your relationship, I've got nothing to do with it. (Emily
stares at him, feeling a cold sensation washing over her as a few pieces click
into place)
Em: Oh. (Lucky shakes the mood off and looks back at the place where Nikolas
disappeared back into the dark of the hold.)
Lucky: Look, I'm not back down there. It's not that cold, there's no way in hell
I'm sleeping anyway. Just go to bed. (Emily stares at him)
Em: How much does that hurt, Lucky? (Lucky laughs slightly, not looking at her)
Lucky: What are you talking about?
Em: Just tell me. I don't want to cause trouble with you and Nikolas, I don't
want to make you feel like… (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: I'm not talking about this.
Em: Lucky, come on.
Lucky: (firmly) No. (Emily tries to stifle a wave of frustration, but doesn't
quite succeed)
Em: (agitated) You want him to trust you, right? I know you do. You want to matter
to him… Lucky…
Lucky: (pained) Don't. (The tone of Lucky's voice seems to startle him and he
takes a deep breath, trying to expel this feeling from his lungs).
Em: It's not your choice anymore. You can't hate him now, even if you wanted to.
(Lucky laughs bitterly and looks back at her as if she's out of her mind)
Lucky: You don't think so? (he leans forward) You don't have a clue, Emily. I
don't hate him because I don't have TIME for it. I don't even want to care
enough to waste the energy on him.
Em: That is not true and both know it.
Lucky: Give me a reason to like him, Emily. You know, he's never been anything
but a prince to you, has he? He's been charming… right? I heard what he was
saying on the deck, when he was spilling his guts to you. He can't help but be a
gentleman. (the words twist in Lucky's mouth, his voice angry and caustic. Emily
shivers) Well, he's got a real good grip on it when I'm around. It's not charm
dripping off his tongue, it's venom. (His voice cracks) And it stings. I let it
poison me for years and I'm not doing that anymore. (Emily looks at him, feeling
a powerful pang of empathy)
Em: (softly) I know how much he hurt you Lucky. (Lucky tenses immediately. He
looks back at her, his eyes blazing, holding so much anger that Emily takes a
step back).
Lucky: Don't say that! Don't say that, Emily, and then tell me you still like
him... that you can be FRIENDS with him. Don't tell me you can forgive him, not
if you really know what he did... (Lucky looks away, tears of fury gathering in
his eyes. He struggles, forcing the emotion back down, the effort causing him to
shake. Emily moves to him, feeling her stomach twist into knots. She kneels down
beside him and wraps her arms around him, pulling him to her. Lucky fights
against the embrace momentarily, then gives into it, burying his head against
her shoulder. Emily lies her head against his and gently strokes his hair,
feeling his body, rigid against her, his heart pounding. She closes her eyes.
She is angry with Nikolas. She really is. It's a large part of the reason they
spoke so briefly for so long. But she knows that there is more to him than what
Lucky is holding onto so tightly. This is not anything she's going to be able to
explain. Not without confessing how much anger she holds towards Laura and,
occasional, Luke. Not without telling him that at times she's wanted to just
torch his whole family for what they've done to him. She feels tears come to her
Em: (a whisper) I'm sorry. I'm so sorry anyone ever hurt you, Lucky. You have to
know that. I need you to know that. (Lucky, still shivering from the cold, lets
out a ragged breath. She pulls back from him a little, though Lucky keeps his
head down) Please look at me. (After a moment, Lucky brings himself to look at
her. His eyes are brimming with tears and he looks so lost and injured, she
feels her heart break for him). And you wonder why I keep loving you. (She leans
in and give him a soft kiss, then hugs him again, laying her head against his
shoulder this time. Lucky holds her tightly, still feeling dizzy and out of
control. He hates this. It is the worst combinations of emotions he's come
across in a long time. He bows his head, burying his face in Emily's hair, and
closes his eyes).
Lucky: I need you here, Emily. If I'm going to get through this in one piece, I
need you.
Em: I'm not going anywhere.
* * * *
The Spencer House
Laura straightens her clothes, trying to bring her breath down into her chest
again. It doesn't work, staying high in her throat.
Laura: Lulu went upstairs. (She looks back and him) I didn't expect to see you
Luke: (tossing down his keys) I can start calling first, if you want. (Laura
closes her eyes, her stomach knotting violently)
Laura: Luke, don't.
Luke: In fact, it's probably about time we start setting out those ground rules.
Probably about the time we took care of a lot of things.
Laura: (mouth going dry) What are you saying?
Luke: I'm moving out.
Laura: Luke, no…
Luke: Come on Laura! Don't pretend you want me here.
Laura: Luke, for God's sake, he only came by to tell me…
Luke: I know! I know, he came by for the same reason he did! But it looks like
you don't need me here anymore, Laura. You've got no problem opening the door to
that man, after everything he did… letting him in here when our daughter is
upstairs, letting him into OUR home, a home we built together. One for OUR
family, a place where they could be safe. But you'll just throw open the door
for a man who would slit our throats in our sleep. You feel safe with him, don't
you? Makes me wonder if doors are the only thing you're opening for him.
(Laura's jaw drops, her whole body reeling from the remark. Before she's even
aware of it, she's crossed the room and slapped Luke hard across the face)
Laura: DON'T! (Luke is shocked by the force of the blow, as is Laura, as she
steps back, her hand stinging. She grabs it, horrified by what she just did.
Luke looks back at her, his eyes both injured and defiant)
Luke: How long have you wanted to do that, Laura?
Laura: I'm… I'm sorry. I didn't… I didn't mean to.
Luke: Just couldn't help yourself, huh?
Laura: (voice shaking) I… (bursting into tears) I never wanted to hurt you,
Luke! God, don't you see that?
Luke: You want to know what I see, “Lasha”? I see you wanting two things at the
same time and trying to make sure no one else finds out about it! I see you
scheming to keep everything locked up so I don't find out the truth, having my
SON lie to me! Letting Stefan into my house…
Laura: IT IS MY HOUSE TOO! I was the one who found it, I was the one who took
care of it! I made this a home as much as you did! But does that matter? Does
that mean that I can have my son in here without feeling like I'm on pins and
needles the whole time?
Luke: Is that what you want to do? Trade Lucky in on Nikolas, trade me in on
Laura: HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK THAT? How can you… God. Do you know what it's like
to try to figure out how to balance everything I have inside me? Do you know how
hard I've tried to keep everything safe for you, to make sure you weren't
threatened, but try to make sure that you knew, no matter what, that I chose
you! Above EVERYONE! God, so help me, but I even put you above Lucky! But you
don't see that way, do you? I let me son lie because I knew that if you found
out… I knew what you'd do. I knew you'd be hurt and angry and you'd take it out
on Nikolas. You'd let him be destroyed. And I'll love you through anything,
Luke. I swear I will… But he is my son and I can't let him hurt anymore than I
already have! I don't want to hurt ANYONE, I just want my family. That's all.
Luke: Don't. Don't try to tell me you did this for anyone but yourself.
Laura: (viciously) You can think whatever you want. But you are not going to
make me feel like a whore for worrying about my son. (she starts to cry again)
You're not going to stand here and tell me I didn't love you. Or that everything
we went through meant NOTHING. If you want to think that, I can't stop you. But
I don't have to listen.
Luke: Fine. If that's how you want it. You've got it, baby. I'm leaving.
Laura: You'll do whatever you have to do. (she looks up at him, trembling, but
determined) Just like I did. I did what I thought I had to. If you can't forgive
me for that, then I don't know what else to say to you. (Luke stares at her a
moment, then turns without another word and slams out of the house. Laura
collapses onto the couch, tears running down her face. She expects the crying to
build into near hysteria, but it doesn't. A part of her feels like it's been
released. In some sort of catharsis. She wipes her face with her hands again,
and hears a creak on the stairs. She looks over to see Lulu, her face stained
with tears. Laura stands up and Lulu runs down the stairs to her, crying. Laura
wraps her daughter up in her arms for the first time in days. She kneels down on
the floor, holding Lulu, rocking her, and trying to soothe her as she cries
against her. As she does this she feels as if she is healing herself, her own
tears still, and the tension in her body lessens. She pulls back, brushing
Lulu's hair back from her face) I'm so sorry, honey. I know that was awful.
Lulu: What's going to happen now?
Laura: I'll figure that out. I promise. (She closes her eyes and gathers Lulu
against her again) I promise you I'm going to do something.
