Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Eight:
Boots or Hearts
“Well, you won't even let me talk to you, We got some air to clear. We'd
probably only agree on one thing anyway, that's what the hell is happening
here?” … The Tragically Hip.
He is reaching, reaching out for something, His hand tensed, fingers bent but
not grabbing onto anything… just raking the air. People spill out of the club.
There are cries, horrified exclamations… And Nikolas gasping for air. No… Not
gasping. Choking. His eyes were wide, staring without focus… He looks terrified.
Lucky can tell he's trying to breathe, trying to speak, but he can only force
out a guttural sound from the back of his throat. His hand reaching out and
grabs his Luke's arm in desperation. He coughs and the blood appears on his
lips. Dark and thick… It's going to flood him, drown him. He takes a minuscule
step back and Nikolas' eyes catch his. Just for a moment. A millisecond, he's
looking straight at him. Lucky feels himself turn to ice. He knows that look,
that fear. He's seen it before… And always on someone about to bleed to death.
Then he's being pushed back, pulled away. His father and Jason are over Nikolas,
trying to make him stop, to still. All he has to do is turn away. The door is a
few feet behind him, he can just turn around and walk away. Leave him. It's not
his problem. There is a crowd of people gathering , they'll make it their
problem. He's not a part of this, he has nothing to do with it. But he can't
make himself move. He just leans slightly, against the body holding him back…
Keeping him away. His eyes are still fixed on Nikolas. His mother's other son.
One thought occurs to him.
He can't die.
* * * *
Hotel Room, Eyio, Greece.
Emily lies across the bed, her feet on the floor, staring up at the ceiling.
There are cracks, hard to miss, crisscrossing on the ceiling. They make no
pattern. Emily frowns, wondering if she has ever been faced with a ceiling with
no discernible pictures in it. She used to consider herself a champion ceiling
gazer… She's only recently gotten back in touch with that part of herself, what
with all the various hospitals and motel rooms she's had chance to lie down and
brood in.
For the last few years, watching the chaos that was Alan and Monica, Emily has
always felt just a touch of teenaged superiority. She and Lucky… they weren't
going down that road. She was never going to be in love with someone who
constantly made her want to scream. So… When exactly had that happened? Because,
as of this moment, all the memories of not wanting to just scratch his eyes out
are feeling a little fuzzy. She's tired of it. Tired of walking the line, tired
of trying to understand… But what else does she have to do? He's the person she
has to be with. She's told herself that for years. She sighs heavily and lets
her eyes close. Maybe sometimes, she thinks, we all just have to be alone.
He hadn't always been like this, she remembers sadly. As crazy as he'd driven
her at the beginning of their relationship, she'd still felt like things could
be simple. For a brief period of time, she'd even thought they could be solved.
* * * *
Emily's Room, Quartermaine Mansion.
Early December, 1997.
Emily is sitting on her bed, her knees drawn up to her chest, her chin rested
against them, staring at the opposite wall. She can hear a cold wind blowing
outside, but outside of that, everything is quiet. She closes her eyes, wishing
someone would come home and make some noise. It's almost two AM, hours since she
left the club, and aside from Ned's reappearance, she hasn't spoken to a real
person in hours.
She can't stop replaying the events at the club in her mind. The blood on
Jason's shirt… The way he'd just put his head down on the table in exhaustion
while the police berated him… Lucky's strange prickly demeanor… All of it. She
wishes she was somewhere, ANYWHERE, that wasn't so quiet. There's no way she's
going to be able to sleep until she has some clue what's going to happen, to
either Jason or Nikolas.
Emily jumps at the sound of something tapping against her window. She looks over
and sees Lucky crouched on her rooftop. Emily feels her heart rise out of her
stomach and leaps off the bed, flying across the room. She pulls the window open
in a quick gesture.
Em: (shocked, but thrilled) Oh my God! What are you doing?
Lucky: (climbing into her room) Living dangerously. (He drops down onto the
floor, slightly out of breath) Are your parents back yet?
Em: No. (Emily feels like she's not quite there… a certain feeling of being in
a heightened reality. She turns away, walking unsteadily back to her bed. Lucky
watches her, as he shuts the window). I've been listening for them.
Lucky: Are you ok?
Em: (turning back) Huh?
Lucky: You look scared. (Emily nods slightly, tears coming to her eyes)
Em: I just can't believe this happened. (Lucky crosses to her and carefully
pulls her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her and holding her
tightly. Emily closes her eyes and leans against him, an enormous lump in her
throat. She hears his heart, beating rapidly… more rapidly than she would have
guessed… in his chest. His hold on her tightens Emily slowly winds her arms
around his waist and hugs him back. She feels the air rush out of his lungs and
he lays his head against her shoulder. She bites her lip, feeling a flash of
fear that he's come with bad news) Lucky?
Lucky: (tightly) Yeah. (Emily pulls back looking up at him. She studies his
Em: Is everything ok? Did you…
Lucky: What?
Em: (in a rush of guilt) I'm… I'm sorry they made me go home, I should have just
gone to the hospital with you, but…
Lucky: Jason. (Emily winces slightly, almost apologizing for letting herself get
swept up in that. Anger had been a lot easier to handle than crippling fear...
and Lucky hadn't announced he was going to the hospital so much as left a
message with Mike and disappeared).
Em: They arrested him. (Lucky nods, staring at the seam where her wall reaches
the ceiling)
Lucky: (quietly) The doctors said Jason saved his life.
Em: (blinking) Nikolas…?
Lucky: Yeah. (He takes a deep breath and ground himself) He's out of surgery… I
thought you'd want to know. (Emily opens her mouth, a dozen phrases coming to
mind so quickly she can't get them out. Then something occurs to her and she
furrows her brow).
Em: You stayed? Through the whole thing?
Lucky: (shrugging) Sarah was pretty upset. Actually, Lizzie and I left her
there. But he was out of surgery, he made it. (Emily feels herself go weak with
relief and buries herself against him again. After a moment, Lucky bends his
knees slightly and gathers her up against him, trying to get her as close to him
as possible. She feels warm and every part of him is still frozen solid from the
walk to the Hardy's, and then back across town to the mansion. Emily opens her
eyes, realizing this is the closest they have ever been… and she's in her robe
and pajamas, in her bedroom… She closes her eyes against the thought and holds
him as tightly as she can. His heart is still racing, and she's so close to him
she can feel it reverberate through her. He says nothing, though.)
Em: (murmuring) He's going to be all right. Thank God. (Lucky just stares
straight ahead.)
Lucky: Yeah. Everything's going to be fine.
* * * *
The docks, Eyio, Greece.
Lucky finds himself down the same section of docks he was walking the night
before. He'd started OUT going back to the hotel, but he'd let himself get
easily led away, unprepared to go upstairs and face music he was beginning to
hate the tune of.
It isn't her fault. He's more than aware of that. She is probably the most
patient person on earth. Either that or she loves him more than he could
possible deserve. Maybe every thing has only been *this* extreme for a short
period of time, but what, really, has Emily ever gained out of loving him? She
functions fully and independently of him. He can't remember the last time she
relied on him for anything. If her family was driving her crazy she went to
Jason's. When she was having trouble with school, she'd done everything BUT
confide in him. And while he was dealing with whatever trauma was harassing him,
she just held it in and waited for him to come back to the surface.
In the meantime, she got to wrangle with his moods, his anger and frustration,
his complete inability to handle what was going on around him… She'd fought
harder for him than anyone ever had. Once he would have put her on par with his
father, but those days were over. Whatever Luke is, he's probably just grateful
never to be faced with the son who betrayed him.
A part of Lucky knows, fully and completely, that nothing with Luke could be
that simple. He also knows his father couldn't look at him. And he'd rather
never see him again than have to deal with him not being able to look him in the
eyes. Anything else would hurt too much. Even thinking about it is like turning
a knife in his gut.
Lucky reaches the end of the pier and stares out at the water. He'd ended up
here last night around two am, after having lain awake, watching Emily sleep,
for an hour and a half. There is a limit, no matter how much you love someone,
to how long you can watch them. Especially if you're beginning to suspect you're
going to let them down again. And he could feel it sneaking up on him, slowly…
It was like a spirit that possessed him. Vicious and cruel, but strangely
protective. He'd waken it up again from a nearly dormant state and now it was
out for blood.
Lucky closes his eyes. How bad can he really feel about that? After all… It was
Nikolas who started this. Maybe it was years ago, maybe it is something he
should just be able to let slide off his back. But why would he? Even thinking
about it makes him feel intensely ill. That he let it happen, the one thing he'd
Always sworn against.
He let a Cassadine get to him.
* * * *
General Hospital, ICU.
December 1997.
Lucky is idly occupying his mind with the task of trying to find a pattern in
the tiles on the floor, a mathematical reason that they alternate orange and
beige with brown tiles thrown in on occasion where either beige or orange tiles
should be. He realizes someone is approaching but doesn't look up until she
slides into the chair next to him and he smells the gentle scent of her perfume.
Em: (gently) Lizzie's going to bring you food. (Lucky face clouds in confusion,
and he pulls himself away from his tile task).
Lucky: What? (Emily looks away, twisting her hands together, obviously
Em: She felt like she should do something, so she went down to the cafeteria.
She said she's had fantasies about force-feeding Sarah. (Emily cringes slightly
after the words leave her mouth, aware that they might not sound appropriate.
Lucky's stomach tightens. He doesn't want to think about Sarah for too long).
Lucky: (nodding slowly) Yeah, Sarah should eat something. She's spun. (Emily
sighs, the exhalation of breath saying everything… Sarah's being intolerable and
if Lizzie wasn't there to temper her, she'd have been tossed out a window for
certain at this point).
Em: Well, the consensus is you should eat something, too. (Lucky grimaces at the
thought. His stomach is contracting like a fist and he can't imagine trying to
add food into whatever else is going on down there).
Lucky: I'll grab something at home.
Em: (smiling slightly) I've seen your kitchen. What are you going to have? A
glass of orange juice and some baking soda? (Lucky gives a small laugh)
Lucky: We're not that bad. (Emily leans her head against his shoulder, twining
her fingers through his. He squeezes her hand and she smiles.) Does your father
know about this? (Lucky shrugs)
Lucky: Wouldn't matter if he did.
Em: Well… I mean… if this is serious, then…
Lucky: (a little sharp) It won't matter. (Emily looks at him, uncertain) Look.
It's not like we decided Mom's not going to know. We decided *we're* not going
to be the ones to tell her. Stefan isn't exactly rushing to a phone. Besides, I
don't think Nikolas wants her to know.
Em: How do you know that?
Lucky: (defensively) That's what we were talking about, ok? That's it. For about
two seconds. Nothing else happened. (Lucky, realizing his voice is rising, turns
away, trying to get a grip. Emily stares down at the floor a moment before
looking back at him).
Em: Sarah shouldn't have said all that stuff to you.
Lucky: (mildly) Yeah, well… She's upset.
Em: (bitterly) Join the club. She doesn't have a monopoly on that, you know?
It's upsetting to everyone.
Lucky: He's her boyfriend.
Em: He's your brother! (Emily's eyes widen upon realizing what she just said.
Lucky doesn't blink, barely reacts to a statement that, a month ago, had nearly
gotten her head taken off. He just stares down at their hands, not saying
anything. Emily studies his face a moment) You know this wasn't you fault,
right? It just happened. You didn't…
Lucky: I know. (He looks over at her a moment, then smiles weakly) Thanks for
not making me say it, though.
* * * *
Nikolas' Room, Eyio Greece.
Nikolas rests his head against his wrist, which is rested against the window.
There is a small street in front of the hotel. It's on a side street, just a
little out of the way in an already tiny Port City. Small in a way America
doesn't seem to know. Tiny little pockets of people, linked by road and boat to
other tiny little pockets… Big cities can be counted on one hand.
It's been too long, he thinks. He grew up here… in this climate. He should miss
it more. But a part of him had never allowed himself to really consider this
place. Everyone in Port Charles put a little twist on the word “Island”, as if
they were talking about the gates of hell. It had colored the way he'd thought
of it. As if, to fit in, he had to reject the place he came from.
Going back was going to be strange. Going back with Lucky… If they made it that
far. Lucky probably hated the island more than anyone on this earth… Luke
excepted. Even Laura had nice things to say about from an aesthetic point of
view. He wasn't sure how that was possible, but it seemed to be the way she
chose to remember it.
Nikolas crosses to the bed and drops down onto it. Selective memory. Or spin
control… Laura had an incredible gift for it. Why wasn't that something he could
have inherited? Nikolas grimaces slightly. Probably because almost everything he
was he learned from his father. Laura wasn't there to provide him with her
unique brand of self-delusion. And as much as he hated it, there were times he
wished he'd been able to lie to himself as easily as she could. Right now would
be a perfect time. To just say Lucky's venom was born of lack of sleep, too much
sun, not enough food… Anything that didn't make him the cause. He was sick of
being the target of Lucky's anger. It would help if he could understand what
motivated Lucky. But that had always been a mystery. If he'd been able to
understand where Lucky was coming from… Things might have stood in very
different places at this moment.
* * * *
General Hospital, nurse's station.
December 1997.
Nikolas takes a clip board and moves to the waiting area, barely concealing his
irritation… not just with being back in a hospital, but also with having to fill
out more forms. After the number of hospital visits he's had in the last year,
you'd think they would have run out of forms. He sits down in the waiting area
and begins to fill them out. He stops after his first name, aware that the words
are getting jumbled in his head. His own name. He shakes his head, unwilling to
acknowledge it, and presses harder. As he begins the “M” of his second name, as
a shadow falls across the clipboard.
Lucky: Hey. (Nikolas' pencil breaks and he sighs before looking up accusingly.
He sees Lucky, closes his eyes, then turns back to the clipboard) Right. I heard
you don't have much to say these days. (Nikolas shoots a glare in Lucky's
direction, gesturing to indicate that he has paperwork to do. Lucky smirks)
Yeah, good luck with that. (He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a pen,
which he flips around his fingers, then hands it to Nikolas) Here. Just make
sure you don't go outside the lines. (Nikolas stares at Lucky, then at the pen,
then back at Lucky. Lucky shifts his weight impatiently) Do you want it or not?
(After a moment, Nikolas takes the pen.)
Nik: Thank… (He lets the sentence trail off, not trusting himself to follow it
with the correct word. If Lucky can tell he's struggling, he doesn't acknowledge
Lucky: You might want to invest in one of those, I'm running out. (Nikolas
furrows his brow. As much as he'd like to just accept this as a gesture, it's
LUCKY and everything with Lucky comes with acrimony, as far as he can tell. He
sees Lucky's attention turn to something across the room). I gotta go. (Lucky
turns and walks off, towards Emily who has just appeared down a corridor.
Nikolas watches her smile as she catches sight of him. Lucky approaches her,
extends his hand, and she takes it, laughing as she asks him something, her face
quizzical. Nikolas sees Lucky shrug noncommittally, and lead her towards the
elevator. Emily throws a quick look over her shoulder and spots Nikolas. She
smiles at him warmly… an expression Nikolas wasn't sure he was going to see from
her again, given their current circumstances. She waves quickly, just as Lucky
pulls her onto the elevator and has already turns her attention back to her
boyfriend when Nikolas returns the gesture. The doors slide shut, taking them
* * * *
The Pier, Eyio, Greece.
Lucky had been trying, for days now, to figure out just what move had been the
fatal mistake. Where had he slipped? If he can pinpoint one moment where it all
started to come apart then maybe he could figure out exactly how to cure himself
of this. It would determine, once and for all, who's fault this mess was. And it
seems, after hours of contemplation, he's finally found it.
He should never have gone outside the club.
It was that simple. Everything would have been just the way it had always been
then. And why exactly had he gone out of the club anyway? He'd been the first
person out the door, making it from across the room to the exit quicker than the
rest of the stunned parties. Why had he done that?
Right. His father. He'd known his father had gone outside with Jason, he'd seen
them leave, and it had not, for one second, crossed his mind that anything would
have happened to Nikolas. All he wanted to do was make sure that his worst fear
since childhood hadn't just happened… that his father had not just been gunned
There was an irony there, but it's was buried too deep, and Lucky is too tired
to go searching for it. His head is feeling just as murky as it had since he'd
laid eyes on Nikolas again in the tearoom. Like logic and some pure, gut-based,
rage are fighting it out in front of him. And if logic ever begins to prevail,
the rage comes back with double intensity. He shuts his eyes and takes a deep
breath. How long is he going to keep doing this? It's wearing him out.
Back to the point at hand. He has to admit that, as long as he was aware that
his father was outside during a hail of gunfire, there was no reasonable way he
could have expected himself to remain in the club. And by that reasoning… There
was never any way this couldn't have happened.
It was enough to make you believe in God, if only because you suspected He was
laughing at you.
* * * *
Alley way by Kelly's.
December, 1997.
Lucky is getting irritated. He fiddles with the lock on his bicycle, which is
not cooperating due to the cold weather. Figures. There's no snow, it's still
possible to ride, but the lock has decided, in no uncertain terms, that it's not
going to open. After several tries he throws in down to the ground in disgust,
an emotion he's becoming familiar with.
He can't believe he's started fighting with his father again. Like things hadn't
been weird enough the last few weeks, he has to get into this. He's not even MAD
at his father, he's just THERE. And annoyingly amused by what he's now
characterizing as a “stage”. Lucky is aware that any time anyone starts to feed
him labels, or says anything that acknowledges that he might be something close
to normal, he gets tense. And his father being the one who drilled that into
him, makes these accusations all the more annoying.
Not that he's really angry about some off hand remark his father made at the
club that afternoon. That isn't the issue, the issue is just what it's been
since his Dad blew back from Europe solo.
Every conversation he's had with his father lately has been strange. Bordering
on pointless. Discussion about milk. Why wasn't there orange juice? Who forgot
to feed the dog… Just them in the house now, Bobbie and Lucas having moved back
to the Brownstone, and things were scary quiet. Like they didn't have enough to
say to each other. Or just that they didn't want to find out what the other one
was thinking about the decision they'd made.
All he and his father had talked about since Luke had come home was his mother.
Why she was staying away when, from all appearances, his grandmother was nearly
recovered. Why Luke was letting everything slide like this. Why everyone thought
Lucky was crazy for suspecting something was up.
Then what happens? Nikolas gets shot. And there is Bobbie standing in front of
them and saying “You have to tell Laura”.
Tell Laura. That was the key to everything. Tell her and watch how fast she'd
come home this time. Forget Christmas visits and guessing games, she'd be back
where she belonged. And if the Cassadines were up to something, it'd all come
out soon enough.
But even as he thought this, the words had come out of his mouth.
“Dad, you can't.”
And he didn't. Which should be a good thing.
Lucky shakes his head hard. Work! He's at work, he has a job, and he has to stop
thinking about this. He picks up the lock and begins to fight with it again, his
mind still stubbornly coming over old information… So that's what it comes down
to, huh, Spencer? You want your mother home… but not enough to have to watch her
fret over Nikolas. It was true. The only thing that made him more sick than
worrying about what was going on, what the piece of the puzzle he was missing,
was the idea of Nikolas being the thing that brought Laura home. He just didn't
want to know how quick she'd toss everything over to rush back to her fallen
Ouch. Lucky winces at the thought as the lock finally pops. He quickly locks up
the bike, forcing his mind to concentrate on the menial task, then turns round
the corner, through the fence, to the patio in front of Kelly's.
Lucky freezes on the spot upon spotting Nikolas. You've got to be kidding, his
brain mutters. He blinks, making certain that he's not seeing anything, then
orders himself to disregard it and go inside.
Lucky turns to the door and grasps the handle. He pulls the door open and the
bells ring. He cringes, then notices that there is no sound coming from behind
him. Curiosity gets the better of him and, after a moment he lets the go and
turns around, facing Nikolas' back. He hasn't moved, still standing there,
statue-still, and staring off at absolutely nothing. Lucky frowns.
Lucky: What are you doing here? (Nikolas doesn't answer. He knew Lucky was
there, and was really hoping he'd leave him alone, that if he agreed not to
acknowledge him, he would return the favor. Besides that, it's not like he can
carry on any sort of intelligible conversation) Even though the hospital was
willing to let you go, I thought Uncle Stiff would still have you under lock and
key. Does he know you're slumming down here without a note pad? (Nikolas, almost
afraid of what he's going to see, turns around. Lucky has his arms crossed and
is looking at him, eye brows raised)
Nik: (after a moment) Waiting. (Lucky, still unsure of why he's talking to him,
smirks, trying to cover a feeling of unsteadiness.)
Lucky: Not for Sarah, I hope. (Nikolas nods slightly) Geeze, you'd think after
last time, she'd try to be on time.
Nik: I… (He clears his throat, covering the string of words he can't come up
with) Early.
Lucky: Yeah, well… either way, why don't you come inside before you give someone
ideas. (Nikolas narrows his eyes at Lucky slightly. Lucky backtracks quickly,
shrugging.) Or you can stand out here and freeze, it's really your choice.
Nik: (carefully) I'm fine.
Lucky: Your call. (He looks at him a moment, cocking his head) You're talking.
Nik: A little.
Lucky: (a bit suspicious) That didn't take long.
Nik: Katherine…
Lucky: She's helping you?
Nik: (shaking his head) Katherine… (He sighs and just pushes through) Therapist.
Lucky: She got you one.
Nik: (nodding) Insisted.
Lucky: Count Vlad's just making all kinds of concessions, isn't he? He must be
doing back flips that you're out of school and back on the island. (Nikolas
looks back at Lucky in complete confusion. What is this? A conversation? Or a
long drawn out excuse to mock him? What was it about Lucky that made it so hard
to tell?)
Nik: (after a moment) He… control don't… (Nikolas stops and clenches his hand
into a fist. Lucky looks away from him quickly)
Lucky: I get it. (For some reason, hearing Nikolas, who's speech has always
driven him crazy, struggling like this isn't as satisfying as it should be. In
fact, he's feeling a bit queasy. He glances back at him. He's dressed better for
the weather than Lucky is, wearing gloves, a long coat and a scarf that covers
his neck completely) How is… (Lucky gestures to his throat. Nikolas nods
Nik: Ok.
Lucky: Good. (He blinks, upon realizing what he just said) I mean… (He stops.
Oh, forget it. He looks away, speaking quickly.) Look, just don't freeze out
here. We have heat inside if you want. (Lucky turns without waiting for a
response and enters Kelly's, pulling the door shut firmly behind him. He stops
and takes a very purposeful breath, before turning back and seeing Lizzie and
Ruby staring at him from behind the counter. He immediately tenses.) What?
(Lizzie, her eyes wide, unsuccessfully attempts to suppress a laugh.)
Lizzie: Did you see a ghost or something? (Lucky scowls at her, crossing to the
Lucky: (on the line between teasing and being honestly nasty) Scariest thing
I've seen lately is you. (Lizzie raises her eyebrows at him)
Ruby: (warning) Be nice. (She picks up a tray and goes into the kitchen. Lizzie
sticks her tongue out at him, then rounds the counter to start to bus tables)
Lizzie: See? I'm making headway. She's started to take my side.
Lucky: (sitting down) You must be proud. (Lizzie glances out the window)
Lizzie: Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me. (Lucky looks up at her sharply.
Lizzie smiles at him and puts a finger to her lips then turns and walks into the
kitchen after Ruby. Lucky puts his head in his hands and leans on the counter.
What, exactly, did he think he was doing?)
* * * *
Hotel Room, Eyio, Greece.
Emily rolls over on her side, aware that her head is starting to throb. God.
She's so sick of this omnipresent headache. She's been dismissing it as stress-
related, or just a product of switching time zones, locations… being on a plane,
then a boat, then a train… It's dizzying. She SHOULD have a headache, anyone
Emily sits up and reaches over to the nightstand, pulling the bag of toiletries
towards her. She rummages through it, scowling, and searching out the illusive
bottle of Acetaminophen.
She unscrews the cap, staring off at the opposite wall. She wishes she didn't
feel this guilty for feeling fed up. She has it coming, she reminds herself.
Look at this… just step out of the situation and LOOK at your life. Look what's
happening. In a foreign country, with the remnants of a head injury, with two
people who are undeniably linked by blood, but can't stand to be in the same
room together. And if they can, then the next time they talk, everything gets
ugly. It was crazy. It was more than anyone should ever be asked to put up with.
Emily smiles ruefully. Then take a step back and look at the rest of it. Look at
living with the Quartermaine, look at being orphaned when you're eleven, look at
feeling like the best friend you have in the world is an herbal product that
makes everything look crystal clear and still makes it impossible for you to
care. Lucky had told her once that he wanted to take the place of drugs in her
life… and she'd told him that was insane. But in a way, he had. She had always
known that she could rely on him, and she loved the fact that he relied on her.
That she could help him. It made her feel important in a way that no one else
ever had. And maybe that was co-dependent, but a part of her stubbornly did not
CARE. She loved him, he loved her, and that made everything else just details.
Emily swallows down two pills without benefit of water. In a way, all of this
had been what had bound her and Lucky from the start, tighter than anything else
had. It was what had helped her begin to understand him. It was what had
separated them from the rest of the world. Sharing a secret, that was an intense
experience. And even before the secret had been a part of their world, she'd
known he was telling her more than he was telling anyone else.
That had been her knew rush. One step forward, two steps back.
* * * *
Lucky's Room, Spencer House.
Late December, 1997.
Emily pauses outside Lucky's door. Luke had seemed more than distracted when
he'd answered the door. She'd gotten the distinct impression that he was really
working at being nice to her. She usually called before she came over, but this
time… She'd MEANT to go straight home after finishing her project at school, but
she'd ended up walking past the mansion, heading up the hill to Lucky's house.
He as supposed to leave for Switzerland first thing in the morning and she felt
like she was missing something. Like he was going to leave without saying good-
bye. She knocks lightly on the door.
Lucky: (muffled) What NOW? (Emily pauses, then, deciding that was an invitation,
opens the door slightly. Lucky is lying on his back on the bed, staring at the
Em: Hey…
Lucky: Em. (He sits up quickly, turning to face her, his expression slightly
panicked.) Uh, hi. (Emily forces a bright smile, not acknowledging the state of
the room… clothes that should be packed tossed in the middle of the floor, the
suitcase on it's side. She closes the door behind her)
Em: Hi… I missed you at school today.
Lucky: Uh, yeah. (he runs his fingers through his hair) I got sidetracked.
Em: I guess I can understand that. (she frowns slightly) You must have a lot of
packing and stuff to do. (She looks over at him, his eyes now focused on the
suitcase as well) When are you leaving?
Lucky: (getting up) I'm not.
Em: What? (Lucky walks over to the window, turning his back to her)
Lucky: I'm not going. (Emily stares at him, struggling.)
Em: But… I thought… (She stops, searching for words) You said you wanted to… you
NEEDED to see them.
Lucky: (flat) It's different now. (Emily sits down on the bed, in shock. When
Lucky had told her he was going to Switzerland for Christmas, she'd been
disappointed to know she's still be dealing with Christmas parties etc. on her
own, but she'd been proud of him too… that he was making an actual move towards
his mother. It had seemed like a healthy choice. This seemed… Dangerous).
Em: (fumbling for words) How does your Dad feel about this? (Lucky sighs and
sags against the window, closing his eyes)
Lucky: Not good.
Em: Wow… Lucky.
Lucky: (turning to face her) What am I supposed to do? I mean… If she misses me
so damn much she can just make a pit stop here for 48 hours. I mean, they have
Christmas in Switzerland, don't they? (Emily shakes her head, trying to figure
out just where this came from.)
Em: When did you decide this?
Lucky: (mumbling) Last night.
Em: Why? (He looks up sharply)
Lucky: Why NOT?
Em: Because you wanted to do this! Because you've been totally focused on going
to Switzerland for weeks! What changed? (Emily stops, aware that she didn't
censor a syllable of that. She looks at Lucky, uncertain of what his reaction
might be. This has been an intense couple of weeks. Lucky stares at her a long
moment, his expression unreadable until it crumbles into confusion and fear.)
Lucky: How am I supposed to just look at her and not tell her everything, Em?
(Emily stares into his eyes, touched by how vulnerable he looks. She gets up and
crosses to him)
Em: (vehemently) So tell her everything! Tell her you miss her, tell her you're
mad that she's not coming home, just TELL her…
Lucky: Tell her Nikolas was shot? (Emily stops. She considers this a moment)
Em: It's not like the sky would cave in. (Lucky shakes his head, looking away.)
Lucky: My Dad made his decision. I support it. End of story. (Emily takes in his
posture, how rigid his stance his, how he seems to be holding himself away from
her. She feels momentarily bold and reaches out, putting her hands on his waist
lightly. He tenses, then looks back at her. She meets his gaze).
Em: (quietly) But you don't think you can look at her and not tell the truth?
Lucky: (unsteadily) I don't KNOW what I'll do! Emily… Half the stuff I do, I
can't figure out later. It's like my brain is ten steps behind everything else
and I don't have an answer to ANYTHING. You know? (He moves a hand up to her
face) Like… Like when I kissed you… you probably had a better clue of why I did
that than I did. (His face darkens and he looks away) Or why I decided in the
middle of everything to start fighting with Nikolas about my mother… Or why I
went and got that stupid pen…
Em: You didn't want him to die! (Lucky drops his hand, closing his eyes. Emily
leans forward, laying her head against his chest. After a moment, he releases
his vice grip from the windowsill and wraps his arms around her. His heart is
racing again, the same way it was the night he came to her room. Emily begins to
feel a sinking feeling that, even though she suspected this was bothering Lucky
more than he'd say, this is really beginning to torture him. She takes a deep
breath) Just… Don't write Switzerland off completely, ok?
Lucky: (into her hair) Are you giving me advice?
Em: (laughing a little) I guess so.
Lucky: I guess that's allowed. (He pulls back and looks down at her, giving a
crooked smile.) From you. (Emily smiles back, blushing slightly. He strokes her
hair gently, and she gets the distinct impression the topic is going to be
changing soon).
Em: You just found out you care a bit. That's a good thing, Lucky.
Lucky: (a bit frustrated) If it's such a good thing, then why doesn't it make
more sense? I mean… (he looks back at Emily) He's nothing to me. He's just this
guy who has the same mother I do, I don't even really know him. (The words come
out with a sense of finality that makes Emily wonder who he's trying to
Em: Well, maybe that's why, then. (Lucky leans in slightly and brushes his lips
against hers in a tentative kiss, that comes off like a suggestion).
Lucky: Why what? (Emily gives the kiss a slightly response, sliding her arms
around his waist).
Em: Why you got the pen.
* * * *
The Docks, Eyio, Greece.
Lucky turns and heads back down the pier. It's getting late, and he can't
pretend there isn't a bigger task at hand. The one part of his brain that never
stops pushing forward. There was something to be said for basic training. At
least he knew he could take care of whatever needed to be done. Even if he was
flunking out on every other test he was given.
He hates feeling like he's out of control more than anything in the world. And
he can't remember the last time he thought he really had a grip on what was
going on around him. Maybe right after Switzerland, when everything was just
beginning. When he felt like everything made sense. Like he was doing what had
to be done. How long had that lasted? He couldn't really remember. It had been
better than the way he'd felt before he left… ambiguous, torn… And completely
out of control. Otherwise, he'd be able to explain it. He'd have an excuse for
why he kept going back on the most basic of decisions. Maybe then he could stop
thinking about it.
* * * *
The Docks, Banister’s Wharf.
January, 1998.
Lucky walks along the docks, heading back to Kelly's the long way after a
delivery. He's been doing this, though he doesn't even want to admit it to
himself… just passing by Banister’s Wharf a little more often than necessary. He
has no idea what he's doing here. He can't explain it to himself, it makes him
feel nervous and uneasy, but… Every so often, a Cassadine can be found here.
Nikolas won't leave him alone, at least the thought of him. It's even beginning
to invade his dreams… images of Nikolas on the ground, about to drown on his own
blood. He can't close his mind to it and he has no solution for himself, outside
of what he's all ready done.
And so now he does this, just finds himself making it easier for him to run into
Nikolas… He's not even sure why. To make sure he's all right? To ensure he's not
suffering too badly from Laura's absence? To just see if he's still recovering…
Something. It's like a question he can't quite form, but is still looking for an
answer too.
Lucky approaches the wharf and sees, immediately upon glancing down to the dock
below, that Nikolas is there. He freezes. Now what?
Nikolas is staring out at the water, looking, even from several feet away,
impatient. The launch can be seen heading across the water. Lucky wonders mildly
how it is the Cassadines, for all their wealth, still spend so much time
standing around like mere mortals, waiting for transportation. He lets his eyes
travel quickly over Nikolas… still seems to be in one piece. And it's not like
he has anything to say to him. He sighs and turns on the boards, towards
Kelly's. He's barely taken a step when he hears a voice.
Nik: Hey. (Lucky stops. Oh, great… He considers, his options, then turns back.
Nikolas has turned, and it looking up at him, his expression blank. Lucky digs
his hands into the pockets of his jacket).
Lucky: Hey. (He and Nikolas stare at each other a moment, out of words. Small
talk isn't really anything that has ever existed between them. Lucky looks down
the stairs, then back at the water. He breathes steadily. This is stupid. He
takes a few steps down the stairs, and after a moment's hesitation, Nikolas
steps away from the edge of the dock. They slowly walk towards each other,
neither really admitting it's happening, until they are standing at a nearly
conversational distance. Lucky hunches his shoulders, uncomfortable. He says the
only thing that comes to his mind.) I talked to mom last night. (Nikolas blinks.
He glances over his shoulder quickly, then looks back at Lucky)
Nik: How is she?
Lucky: (smiling slightly) That was a whole sentence. (Nikolas feels a flash of
embarrassment. He loathes people commenting on his speech, preferring to have
them just ignore it).
Nik: (a bit caustic) Impressed? (Lucky shrugs, dismissive)
Lucky: Not yet.
Nik: (pressing) Question. (It takes Lucky a second to connect what Nikolas is
Lucky: Right. Uh… (He clears his throat, shifting his weight) She's fine.
(Nikolas nods)
Nik: Lulu? (A smile creeps across Lucky's face without permission… a knee-jerk
reaction to his sister's name.)
Lucky: Good. Really good. She's talking and stuff. Growing up fast.
Nik: (looking out at the water) Missing… (He gestures slightly. Lucky nods,
understanding exactly what Nikolas is saying.)
Lucky: Yeah, well. Who's fault is that? (Nikolas shoots Lucky a look. Lucky
pretends not to notice, though he feels a flash of remorse. He didn't mean for
that to come out quite the way it sounded, but he's damned if he's going to
apologize for it. Besides… There's no point in going down that road…. as Emily
had pointed out, even if the Cassadines WERE behind his mother's continued
absence, Nikolas probably knew nothing about it. He clears his throat) I'm… I'm
going to go to Switzerland. At the end of the month.
Nik: Why? (Lucky flinches slightly)
Lucky: Why not? (There's a pause)
Nik: You won't tell her. (Lucky swallows hard. He would ask that. He glances
back at him. For a moment Nikolas doesn't looks quite so tough, cold. He almost
looks a bit human).
Lucky: Do you want me to? (Nikolas furrows his brow, shocked at the question.
Lucky coughs, trying to cover his own surprise that the sentence came out of his
Nik: Offering? (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: That's not what I said. (They regard each other warily. Lucky takes a
step back. What the hell is wrong with him? This is Nikolas. Cassadine. His dad
and he discussed this, anyway. And Nikolas is talking now, if he wants to tell
someone what happened all he has to do it pick up a phone).
Nik: (after a long pause, though decisive) No. I don't want her… Pity. (The last
word twists in Nikolas' mouth, coming out a little accusing. Lucky bristles. He
retreats up the step)
Lucky: Whatever. (a familiar smirk lands on his face) I think you got enough
pity as it is.
* * * *
Hotel Room, Eyio, Greece.
Nikolas holds the box containing Hannah's ashes in his hands. For the first
time, holding this, he feels intensely removed from what they actually are. It's
dust. Nothing he can feel an emotional attachment to… Even if they are HER, in
some distant way, at this moment, they don't feel anything close to real.
He closes his eyes. It's still so easy to see, one of the memories of her that
runs with complete clarity through his mind. The strange expression on her face,
partially knowing, partially confused.
“You don't see it do you? He wants something from you.”
What Hannah hadn't seen was everything that had come before. He'd tried to
explain it to her, but how the hell do you explain stuff you can barely stand to
think about? Nothing with Lucky had ever been simple. And half the stuff that
came out of his mouth appeared to mean one thing but was said with so much
contempt that the intention felt undeniably clear.
Lucky had, it had seemed, been around every corner back then. And Nikolas hadn't
known what to think about it. He'd just become increasingly aware of a desire to
believe that Lucky was there because he wanted to be. Because he cared. It took
the edge off of everything… the idea that, somehow, Lucky couldn't handle the
idea of him dying anymore than Stefan could. It was then that Nikolas had begun
to differentiate him from Luke… Luke, he just couldn't get a handle on. He
loathed him with every fiber of his being, that was in his eyes. But he was very
susceptible to the “Laura” card. That was the only reason he'd been able to see
Lulu when Laura finally came home… a strange agreement that seemed to be that he
could see his sister as long as no one had to really face the fact that he was a
part of her life. That was guilt at work. That, he still believed, was a
product, pure and simple, of the fact that he'd been shot on Luke's doorstep.
So that was Luke's payoff… At least it had been clear. What Lucky had been up
to, Nikolas still wasn't sure he understood.
* * * *
The Stone Bench, Wyndemere,
January, 1998.
Sarah sits, straddled, on the bench, leaning on Nikolas' shoulder as he stares
moodily out at the water.
Sarah: (softly) Why does this bother you so much? (Nikolas shifts, sinking his
hands into the pockets of his jacket)
Nik: It doesn't… (He sighs heavily, in frustration. Sarah frowns)
Sarah: Look, Lucky… he's always given you a hard time. I've seen it. You don't
need him bothering you right now. (Nikolas closes his eyes. This is getting
painful. He just can't get the words out right, and even if he could, he feels
like he still wouldn't make sense. Sarah sees his expression, misreading it) If
you want him to leave you alone, then just tell him. Or… I could talk to Emily…
Nik: NO! No. (He struggles a moment, then stops.) Can't explain. (Sarah smiles
at him, and wraps her arms around his.)
Sarah: You don't have to. I understand. (Nikolas shakes his head)
Nik: No.
Sarah: You just… You don't need to think about this stuff right now. Just
concentrate on getting well… that's what matters. (Nikolas thinks bitterly that
Sarah has been spending too much time with Katherine. Even though he'd chanting
the same annoying platitude to her during her paralysis. He never plans on
throwing it at anyone again and really wishes Katherine and Sarah would give it
Nik: (carefully) It not… (He closes his eyes) Lucky…
Sara: Nikolas, I've seen what happens when he's around. He attacks you for no
reason, he comes up with this complete strange accusations… he blames you for
everything. And when you were in the hospital he was being really cold and
distant. I don't know why Emily made him stick around.
Nik: Emily?
Sarah: Well… I mean… you know. She was always there, 'cause you're her friend.
And Lucky's her boyfriend now. (Nikolas stares at her. Why didn't that occur to
him. When he'd seen Lucky through the window, when he'd wondered what he was
doing there… he'd even asked to see him… and it was all because Emily was
worried. And wanted him there. He looks away from Sarah, feeling sick).
Nik: Won't change.
Sarah: Nikolas…
Nik: No. NO. (the words come out harsher than intended… Nikolas' frustration
with himself has been leading to this, words coming out bitter when he doesn't
mean them that way. He's just angry he's had to struggle for them so damn hard.
And Sarah keeps stepping on his thought process, like this whole thing is
pointing out the fact that they don't really know each other that well. She's
always guessing his thought process incorrectly, putting words in his mouth.
Katherine's been doing it too. In fact, the only person who he can communicate
with minimally is his uncle… who understands what even his slightest gesture
means, connects the dots easily and without effort. And this isn't something he
can go to his uncle with. He glances over at Sarah, who is looking at him, eyes
Sarah: Nikolas… Please, let me help you? (Help with WHAT, Nikolas thinks
bitterly. She's already helping too much. He closes his eyes, the image of
Lucky, his brow knit, a look of consternation on his face, gazing through the
window. What had that meant? If he was there just because Emily was worried,
then... That changed everything. That made everything look different… Now what
had been confusing was quickly clouding and becoming completely
Nik: (haltingly) Lucky. Won't change. (Sarah sighs and leans against him)
Sarah: Don't think about it! Just don't let him get to you. He's just jealous
and angry and he's not helping you! (Nikolas shakes his head. Jealous and angry.
Sounded like Lucky. And here he was, helpless, without words, less able to
communicate than a two-year-old. And it got consistently worse when he got
upset. His speech was twice as worse in this conversation than it had been. He
presses his lips together hard. It was probably funny to him. It was probably
something he took pleasure in, seeing him so diminished. It wasn't like Lucky
had actually offered anything… in fact, all he'd done was insult him and let him
know, yet again, that he didn't think Laura deserved to know what had happened.
Nikolas feels his heart free fall into his stomach. God. He hadn't even been
aware that he was hoping for something. Not until he'd felt it get smashed to
* * * *
Streets of Eyio, Greece.
Lucky walks back along the road to the hotel at an impressive clip. He can feel
himself warring inside again. A part of him exhausted, hurt, on the edge of
collapse, while another part, stronger, more virulent, pushes him on. This is
what is getting him through, this is the energy he's using to move. To get
forward. And he hates it. It's like a cancer that's eating him alive.
Hatred. Hatred, and more hurt than he'll ever admit to. How the hell can he
care? How can he sit in his room and fret about how Nikolas was acting on the
boat? Or how upset Nikolas seems since Hannah died, or ANY of it? And how did he
let himself lie for him? Why couldn't he just turn this off? He doesn't want to
care. He doesn't want to care at all. He wants to hate him, blindly and stupidly
loathe him. It used to be easy. It didn't used to be this much work. But now he
feels trapped… between hatred and… He doesn't even want to give the other
emotion a name. It's the part the jerks him around, that won't release him.
Won't let him walk away. Lets him make concessions, or gestures, has to be
snapped back, and forced to listen.
He doesn't care about you. And even if he thinks he does, it's not because he
wants to. It's HIS version of caring… a Cassadine version. This from a family
that considered it love to pick someone up out of their life and hold them
captive on an island. Cassadine “caring” was the reason he was here in the first
place. It had gotten Hannah killed, it had hurt Emily, it had torn everything
Lucky's speed increases as he turns down the street the hotel is located on, his
insides raging. Hate him, they're instructing him. Just hate him, hate what he
did to your family, hate him for using you, hate yourself for letting him… Hate
that you lowered your guard, hate that you got burned for it, hate how much it
still hurts.
Lucky stops at the door of the hotel, breathing hard. Hate him. It's just a
simple request. And if it was possible, he would have let himself do it a long
time ago… before it messed up everything in his life. God knows, he had reason
* * * *
Docks near Luke's.
January, 1998.
Lucky is walking along the section of docks down from the club with Foster.
Foster is walking without benefit of leash, a detail Lucky has never really been
into. The beast does what he's told for the most part and there is something
that just feels fundamentally wrong about pulling him along after him. It
unbalances the relationship. Lucky sighs, continuing along the docks and staring
down at the ground. He's got three days now before he has to leave for
Switzerland, and he's not looking forward to it. Nothing's changed since he
bailed on his last trip, he's just doing this on his father's… Urging. He's
still deep in thought on this topic when he hears a sound behind him.
Nik: Lucky. (Lucky stops and looks back. He sees Nikolas standing behind him,
not even aware that he'd been there. He straightens up, snapping his fingers to
signal that Foster is supposed to come to his side. The mastiff lumbers back to
his mast and sits down at his feet, eyeing Nikolas with curiosity.)
Lucky: We meet again. (Nikolas takes a few steps towards him. This is getting
borderline creepy. He never comes here, he was just trying to think. And then
he'd turned around and spotted Lucky. He can't figure out if this is a
coincidence, or something more planned. This bothers him.)
Nik: (frowning) What are you doing?
Lucky: What do you mean? (Nikolas gestures at him)
Nik: This. (Lucky looks at him oddly)
Lucky: (patronizing) Try to follow me here… Walking my dog. (Nikolas feels
himself tense at the tone. He's so sick of this… He shakes his head).
Nik: What do you want? (Lucky's expression darkens, uncertain of what he's being
accused of here. If he happens to be passing places that are Cassadine haunts
more than usually, there is no way in hell he's going to admit it)
Lucky: That therapist is paying off, huh?
Nik: Answer.
Lucky: From what, Nikolas?
Nik: Me.
Lucky: You? What makes you think I want anything from you? (Nikolas just looks
at him pointedly) You mean… When? At the hospital?
Nik: Any of this.
Lucky: Any of what? What are you talking about?
Nik: I'm not imagining this. Two years… you avoid me. You don't want anything to
do with me. What do you want now?
Lucky: You're out of your mind.
Nik: Stop.
Lucky: Excuse me? Was that an order? Should I salute or something? Maybe we
should nail this stuff down, huh?
Nik: Shut up. (Lucky steps back, a bit stung… much more than he was aware he
could be. Nikolas shakes his head, aware that he didn't mean to say that. It was
a gut reaction, just desperately not wanting to hear any more of this sarcasm,
not wanting to listen to himself be mocked like this. He looks back at Lucky
accusingly, his jaw tight.) What… is… going on.
Lucky: Breathe, Nikolas…
Nik: Don't.
Lucky: Don't WHAT? Look, you started this…
Nik: I started this?
Lucky: What is this? You can finally talk, so now…
Nik: I could always talk!
Lucky: Look, I don't know what your problem is, man, but…
Nik: You. (Lucky stops dead. He stares at Nikolas a moment)
Lucky: You want to explain that?
Nik: You… You're up… (He stops and exhales heavily. Slow down, he instructs
himself. Think about what you're saying) What are you doing? Why are you around?
Explain that.
Lucky: I don't understand what you're talking about…
Nik: Then LISTEN! Listen to me. (Nikolas closes his eyes, struggling. Every time
he gets angry everything starts to get twisted around for him. He can feel
himself begin to panic. Nothing feels clear. What is he trying to do? Why did he
start this. His brain grabs onto the one thing that comes to mind). Emily…
Lucky: What about her?
Lucky: Then start making SENSE! (Nikolas bristles. He's TRYING to make sense. He
glares at Lucky, feeling a harsh sting of embarrassment.)
Nik: Get away…
Lucky: What?
Nik: (closing his eyes) Get away, leave me alone… Go.
Lucky: Hey, I'm just walking…
Nik: Then go some place else. (The sentence comes out with startling clarity, no
hesitation. Nikolas sees something flash in Lucky's eyes. He stares at him a
long moment, not looking away, as the words sink in. He nods slowly)
Lucky: No problem, man. Whatever you want. (He smiles at him, cocking his head
to one side). Just don't get in my way. (Lucky turns and walks away, not looking
back. Foster scrambles to his feet and follows. Nikolas watches after him a
moment, breathing heavily. He feels his stomach constrict. God… What just
* * * *
Hotel Room, Eyio, Greece.
Emily sits down on the bed, tucking her legs under her. Her head is still
swimming a little. But they're packed. And time is ticking down at an alarming
rate. She's beginning to worry. Worry a lot. Her anger and frustration is fading
in favor of images of Lucky, some place, wracked with self-loathing and in pain…
Feeling like he can't come to her, feeling alone… Suddenly she could cry on the
God, it was painful to love him. She'd always questioned the phrase “I love you
so much, it hurts”. Didn't sound like a good thing. And sometimes when she was
with Lucky, she felt this deep ache in her, this overwhelming need to get closer
to him, to hold him, to be held… But it wasn't like pain. In a way, it was an
incredible feeling. When things were good, love didn't hurt at all. It filled up
her up in ways she hadn't been able to imagine before him. It calmed her,
soothed her, and the knowledge that it did the same for him meant more to her
than she could verbalize.
What hurt was this. Distance. A feeling that, if he walked through the door
right now, he'd still be a million miles away from her. The fact that what he
was dealing with was still too cold and ugly for him to share with her…
* * * *
The Ravine.
Late January, 1998
Lucky descends the small path, skidding slightly on the slick ice, and reaches
the clearing first. He turns around, seeing Emily at the top of the hill, making
her way carefully down to him.
Lucky: How's your footwear this time?
Em: (rolling her eyes) Better. If you weren't doing this speed demon thing.
Lucky: I have energy to burn. (Emily lets herself slide down the hill, stumbling
only slightly when she hits the bottom. She looks up at him and smiles) You're
getting better at that.
Em: Practice makes perfect. (Lucky nods slightly, looking up at the tangle of
branches overhead, and the steep hill, now littered with clumps of snow, above
Lucky: (distantly) What did that feel like?
Em: (coming up behind him) What?
Lucky: Falling from the sky.
Em: (sarcastically) Oh, it was a lot of fun. (Lucky glances over at her) I
didn't do it on purpose. I just lost control.
Lucky: Yeah, I know how that feels. (The words hang a moment, then Lucky turns,
heading towards the fallen log, a place Emily still considers “hers”.)
Em: (furrowing her brow) Did something happen?
Lucky: (leaping up onto the log, his mood aggressively upbeat) Nothing.
Em: (laughing, though nervous) What are you doing? (Lucky puts his arms out and
starts walking along the length of the log)
Lucky: Don't sweat it. (He reaches the end of the log and spins, quickly, to
face the other direction, nearly falling off the log.)
Em: (alarmed) Lucky! (Lucky falters a moment, then manages to regain his
balance. He looks over at her and gives her his most charming smile, though it
doesn't quite hide a look of injury in his eyes)
Lucky: See? Still in one piece.
Em: (a bit spooked) What is with you? (Lucky shrugs, walking back along the
slick surface of the log)
Lucky: Just figured out I've been wasting my time.
Em: With Nikolas? (Lucky leaps off the log, landing on the ground in front of
Lucky: Come on.
Em: Where?
Lucky: (grabbing her hand and pulling her across the clearing) I don't know.
Some place that isn't here.
Em: What's wrong with here?
Lucky: It's played. Come on. (Emily pulls her hand away from him, holding her
Em: Lucky! (Lucky stops and sighs. He approaches her again and looks down at
her, taking both her hands)
Lucky: (intently) You know I tell you everything, right?
Em: (quietly, gazing at him) Yeah. I know. (His mouth twitches slightly)
Lucky: Well, trust me... This story isn't even worth telling.
Em: What… (Lucky shakes his head firmly).
Lucky: (With forced lightness) I got confused, that's all. (He smiles
unsteadily) It's over. I know exactly where I stand now.
Em: Where's that? (Lucky shrugs)
Lucky: Wherever I want. (He turns away from her, kicking a stone and heading
towards the stream) Blood just messes everything up, you know that?
Em: (watching him, concerned) Blood? (Lucky stops at the stream, staring at the
water still flowing under the thin layer of ice).
Lucky: All that stuff. You see someone bleed… Some people, they see that…
doesn't matter who it is, they faint. (he turns back to her) How are you with
the sight of blood?
Em: I've spent too much time in hospitals…
Lucky: Yeah. Well… Never bugged me. (he shrugs) People bleed. (He laughs
slightly) You know, when I first moved here… I saw Sly's dad die, right in front
of us. (Emily blinks)
Em: Wh… How?
Lucky: (very calm) He got shot. Did you ever see a picture of him? (Emily shakes
her head solemnly) He looked like my Dad. Just like him. (He narrows his eyes at
her) So that was bad, right?
Em: Yeah. I'd say so.
Lucky: 'Cause… I knew he died because someone thought he was my Dad. Otherwise…
I mean, I'd feel bad for Sly, but…
Em: What are you saying?
Lucky: I can't get upset about this stuff! I can't get worried about some guy
lying on the pavement in front of me.
Em: Why not? (Lucky looks at her, incredulous)
Lucky: Why not? Why SHOULD I? (Emily shivers involuntarily, unnerved by this)
It's just some guy. Someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and you
can't change that. It's how it works. It's not right, it's not wrong, it just
is. Get it?
Em: (uncertain) I think so.
Lucky: If you get upset about everything you can't changed in the world, then
you just spend your whole life stuck some place and one thing I know… you've
always got to move. Otherwise, you end up on the pavement.
Em: Lucky… you don't live that way anymore, you stopped running… it's not the
same thing.
Lucky: It doesn't change. (Emily stares at him a long moment, feeling herself go
cold. Her mind returns, inevitably, to the afternoon of the day when she first
told him how she felt about him. They'd been sitting on the dock by the
boathouse and he'd told her that he would try not to leave. That hadn't
changed. All she knew now was that this time, he promised to say goodbye)
Em: What's going on? Do you… Do you have to leave again. (Lucky looks up at the
sky a long moment, then back to her)
Lucky: (matter of fact) No. Well… not besides Switzerland. (Emily nods. Topics
she won't think about. This is number one… Lucky leaving again. She crosses her
arms protectively)
Em: Then what is this about?
Lucky: (after a moment) Maybe it was Lulu.
Em: What do you mean? (Lucky looks over at her, and she catches her breath.
There are tears gathering in his eyes)
Lucky: Maybe that's why I cared. Because his blood… (His voice cracks. Emily
rushes to him, then stops a few feet away, not sure if she should go closer. She
wants to hug him, hold him… But she's never seen him like this before, she's not
certain what she should do)
Em: Is everything ok?
Lucky: Everything is… (He stops again. Emily stares at him, realizing he's going
to cry. Her stomach begins to swirl. Lucky sighs, physically shaking off the
mood descending on him. He smiles unsteadily). Nikolas Cassadine… He gets what
he wants. Only thing that didn't work with was my mother. Everything else… It's
his. Without fail. (His voice breaks again, an unmistakable tremor entering it)
He wants me to stay out of his way. It's not worth my time. (He turns away
sharply, keeping his back to her. Emily, completely confused, watches him a
moment, then approaches, putting a hand on his shoulder. He turns back to her
frustrated as tears start down his face. He doesn't acknowledge them, just
laughs bitterly) This is a good thing. Everything's kinda crazy right now. The
only thing that matters is my family. They need me, I'm not going to be messing
around in any of this other stuff. (Emily closes the remaining distance between
Em: (quietly) Did he really say…
Lucky: Em! (The word comes out this side of desperate, communicating clearly
that he doesn't want to have to explain what happened. Emily looks at him, at a
loss, then slides her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly)
Em: I'm sorry. (Lucky closes his eyes, and melts into her, burying his face in
her hair. Emily feels his body shaking slightly, but doesn't pull back. After a
moment, Lucky speaks).
Lucky: Emily?
Em: What?
Lucky: I love you. (Emily squeezes her eyes shut tightly. While she knows he
means it, there's a quality in his voice that suggests he really needs to hear
it back. She pulls away to look up at him).
Em: (Intently) I love you. I really, really do. (She hugs him again. After a
minute she speaks into his shoulder.) I'm going to miss you so much when you
leave. (Lucky lets out a shaky breath.)
Lucky: It's just two weeks. Nothing's gonna happen.
* * * *
Hotel Room, Eyio, Greece.
Nikolas stares hard at the floor, his hands clasped together, his index fingers
extended and pressed against his lips.
If there was a decisions he wishes he could take back… If he could even call it
a decision. He'd been angry. He'd been convinced Lucky was pulling something
over on him… laughing at him, or using him… something! Something that made SENSE
to him. It had been too dangerous… it STILL feels too dangerous, to just take a
chance and wonder if Lucky was curious about him. If Lucky did care if he lived
or died. And he couldn't talk
He's never known, not for certain, just what the final confrontation meant to
Lucky. His clearest clue lies in Emily, telling him just a few weeks ago, that
Lucky had tried… and Nikolas had hurt him. Nikolas presses his eyes shut. He
doesn't want to think about it. The idea, the notion that he could hurt Lucky by
rejecting him is dangerous in it's own right. In a twisted way, it's something
he hopes is true. Is that why he's so angry? Does he lash out at him, does he
vacillate between caustically friendly to brutally cold because he hates him? Or
because he feels something.
Nikolas feels his breath catch in his throat and actual tears prick at the back
of his eyes. God. He's so used to it, so accustomed to Lucky hating him. It's a
constant in the universe. It's been true for as long as he's known Lucky and he
knows, for absolute certain, that when he lets his mind rest on Lucky, on the
idea of Lucky ever letting him in, ever caring about him, he gets flooded with
such a powerful wave of emotions that he can feel the door of fantasy slam shut.
It's too much. It's too much to admit that what Hannah said about Lucky… that he
wanted something from him… is true of Nikolas too.
He wants something. He really wants something.
Nikolas bows his head, lacing his fingers on the back of his neck. It's all his
fault. He did this. He must have. Nothing else makes sense. Nikolas chokes as
the list of statements, from Hannah, Emily, Lulu… Even Lucky, flood back to him,
refusing to let him push them away this time. Forcing him to listen.
“You never needed my protection, Nikolas. So don't ask me why you keep getting
Nikolas sits up suddenly, assaulted by an image that has come on him, out of
nowhere, more times than he can count. Something that he's never been able to
shake, that shouts down the most persuasive of arguments. The look in his
brother's eyes that night… The night he knew it was all over.
* * * *
Port Charles Park.
February, 1998.
Nikolas is walking with Sarah through the Park, hand in hand. It's not nearly as
cold as it should be, given the season, and Sarah has been anxious for them to
start to act like a normal couple again. His speech frighteningly close to
normal, if you forgive certain odd slips, Nikolas is feeling a lot more relaxed
than he has in awhile. Sarah's finally accepted that he's not coming back to
PCHS, and has made a habit out of visiting the island, striking up an alliance
with Katherine… now embroiled in wedding plans. Overall, things are getting
frighteningly close to normal… And his last letter from Laura announced that she
was coming back to the states and would probably be back in Port Charles by the
end of March. He gives Sarah's hand a squeeze.
Sarah: (looking over and smiling at him) It's nice, isn't it?
Nik: The weather… Or just being here?
Sarah: Both. (She stops, pulling on his hand so that he turns back to her). I'm
glad you're better. I knew this would all work out. (She smiles at him happily).
And I knew you'd fight this better than anyone else could… (Sarah stops, cut off
by a high pitched shriek. She looks over in the direction the sound came from,
and immediately starts after it). What was that? (Nikolas starts to answer that
it was nothing, but Sarah is all ready taking off. Nikolas hears the squeal
followed by a laugh and thinks to himself that this is nothing he wants to get
involved with. He follows after his girlfriend)
Nik: Sarah… (He catches up with her just as she rounds a bush into a clearing.
The second he comes around the corner, his heart constricts. Unbelievable. Lucky
and Emily are having some sort of non-serious fight, Lucky holding something out
of her reach. They're playing with each other, obviously, and Nikolas
immediately puts a hand on Sarah's shoulder, wanting to pull her back. It's too
late, however, as Emily turns and spots them)
Em: (breathless) Oh! (She steps back from Lucky quickly, trying to catch her
breath) Sarah! Hi… (she glances at Nikolas quickly, then casts her eyes down)
Nikolas. (Nikolas shifts uncomfortably and feels Sarah's hand tightening around
Sarah: Hi. I'm… Surprised to see you guys here.
Lucky: (pulling Emily back towards him) Public park. I hear we fit into that
description. (Emily lets herself be reeled in, Lucky pulling her against him and
slipping his hands possessively around her waist. She feels like she's being
held in front of him like some sort of shield. She leans back against him, her
jaw tightening. She's feeling more than a little protective. This vibe is not
lost on either Nikolas or Sarah. Sarah clears her throat, clearly uncomfortable)
How are you? (After a moment, it becomes clear Lucky isn't going to acknowledge
the question. Emily seems to paste a smile on her face very deliberately, his
gaze still focused on Sarah, though she sneaks a quick and worried look at
Em: Fine. (after a moment) You?
Sarah: I haven't seen you at lunch lately.
Em: (brushing her hair back from her face) No. (Statement of fact, no
explanation offered. Sarah looks over at Nikolas, but he is otherwise occupied.
Lucky is staring at him… Not even. Studying him. Their eyes meet a moment, but
Lucky doesn't seem to acknowledge it. He's looking at Nikolas like he's never
seen him before, like he's some sort of curiosity, his eyes travelling over him
unapologetically, searching… At the same time, he seems completely removed from
the situation, not acknowledging it when Sarah notices the creepy way he's
studying her boyfriend, or when Emily looks up at him. Emily, seeing the look on
his face, seems to understand it, and puts her hands over his quickly).
Em: Lucky… (Nikolas furrows his brow as Lucky's eyes meet his again)
Nik: What? (Lucky holds Nikolas' gaze a moment, looking at him with complete
detachment, a look that displays no emotion, or fear of emotion. Just a look of
complete disinterest, as if Nikolas couldn't touch him, effect him, nothing.
Nikolas feels himself go cold. He's never seen this look on Lucky's face before.
Lucky turns away from him, appearing almost bored).
Lucky: (turning his attention to Emily) Come on. (He releases his grip on her
and she turns to face him)
Em: (very quietly, inaudible to Nik or Sarah) Are you ok?
Lucky: (shrugging) Doesn't change anything. (He looks up at Sarah, now refusing
to acknowledge Nikolas). Have a good one. (He takes Emily's hand and smiles down
at her) Let's go.
* * * *
Hotel Room, Eyio, Greece.
Emily stares back at the ceiling. She can hear footsteps coming down the hall
through the paper-thin walls of the room. She closes her eyes, not wanting to
face the idea that they might not be his. She swallows hard as they come to rest
in front of the door.
The door opens and Emily doesn't move. She just waits. The inevitable slam, the
words soaked in sarcasm… Something. It doesn't come. Instead, after several
moments, she hear the door close quietly. She opens her eyes and struggles up on
her elbows to see Lucky, looking slightly flushed. She can see a deep sadness
and look of regret in his eyes. She can feel herself begin to sink, just from
the look on his face. It's too familiar.
Lucky: Hey.
Em: Hey.
Lucky: Are you ok?
Em: (voice cracking) Are you? (Lucky flinches)
Lucky: I didn't… Want to do that. (Emily stands up, crossing to him).
Em: (softly, with an air of forgiveness) You look tired. (Lucky closes his eyes
and pulls her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her. She was going easy on
him, he knows that. He must look like a wreck. He sure as hell fells like it. He
can feel her breathe against his neck, her soft and smooth skin against his.
It's easy to mix this moment with a million others, if he didn't feel this
churning in his gut.)
Lucky: (mumbling) I don't feel tired.
Em: How do you feel?
Lucky: Sick. (Emily looks at him a moment. She slides closer and wraps her arms
around his waist. All of her animosity and anger melting away to nothing… She
feels his heart, beating rapidly, against her. Deja vu, she thinks as his head
comes to rest against her shoulder)
Em: (softly) We have to leave.
Lucky: I know.
Em: (pulling back) All right. I'll go tell Nikolas.
