Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Nine:
No Exit
The Train, heading to Athens.
Lucky sits by the window, his head rested against it, staring out at the Greek
countryside sliding by. Nikolas is seated, not purposely… but not accidentally
either… as far from Lucky as possible while still in the compartment; against
the door, on the opposite side. His eyes are forced downward, though, if he lets
his mind wander, they move towards Lucky… Checking on him, trying to read him in
quick glances that he immediately censors and forces himself back to the task at
hand… staying calm. Staying contained. Not letting everything swimming around
inside him bubble up to the surface.
Emily, seated next to Lucky, though not touching him, is wondering what hell
feels like. Some place terminally uncomfortable. And inescapable. And probably
about this quiet. Noise, the tracks underneath them, is omnipresent, but it goes
nowhere, serves no purpose other than to count the seconds for her, letting her
know exactly how slow time is moving. She fiddles with her locket, a habit she
usually only performs when she's by herself. She hates drawing attention to the
locket, it usually upsets people. Right now, however, she could care less who
she upsets.
The trip from the hotel to the small train station was uneventful, almost
automatic. She was getting strangely used to this. What she's not about to get
used to is watching the creepy way Lucky withdraws from everything. It's more
and more severe every time it's happened. This time he's not speaking to anyone.
The one time she's actually made eye contact with him since leaving the hotel,
he honestly looked like he didn't even see her. And she can't blame him for it.
It's a defense mechanism. But that doesn't mean she doesn't hate it.
Emily steals a quick glance in Nikolas' direction. Now, Nikolas is spun. No
doubt about it. Which, she thinks, is a recipe for disaster, and boy she should
probably care about that.
Just too tired to move, too tired to do anything… but endlessly awake. She
glances at the door to the compartment. She could leave. But she's just have to
come back and by then they may have snapped out of this and killed each other.
God, she's tired. She closes her eyes and leans back against the seat,
considering if sleep is possible. No, not really. She's not that kind of tired.
So she's just stuck here, in this close approximation of…
Emily lets out a sudden squeak of laughter. Both Lucky and Nikolas turn to look
at her.
Em: (waving her hand in front of her face) I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Never mind.
Lucky: (furrowing his brow) What?
Em: I just… (She cracks up again, covering her face with her hand) I'm thinking
too much.
Nik: Did you come to a conclusion? (Emily nods, pressing her lips together. This
isn't funny, she tells herself repeatedly.)
Lucky: (quietly, as if Nikolas isn't there) Care to share it with the rest of
the class? (Emily cracks up again. It takes her a moment to calm down again.)
Em: I'm sorry. (She gasps for air) Hell is other people.
Lucky: What?
Nik: (frowning) Sartre. (Emily shakes her head and sits up)
Em: I have to go. (She gets up, heading straight for the door) I just… (She
pulls the door open and shakes her head) I need a break. (Emily, relieved that
neither has made a protestation or tried to stop her, closes the door behind her
and stumbles a few steps down the corridor. She leans against the wall, closing
her eyes. She grimaces, her amusement giving way to a wave of sadness. She feels
tears prick at her eyes and puts her hand on her abdomen before find her feet
again and making her way to the dining car.)
* * * *
Mountain Side Road, the South of Greece.
A cream colored vintage Rolls Royce makes it's way carefully along the road
winding up to the Pappas house. He leans back against the leather upholstery,
putting a hand to his forehead. It's been a needlessly messy and disorganized
trip that has set his teeth on edge. In addition to that, he's never been
particularly fond of this car. It had been Helena's favorite mode of transport,
dating back to his early childhood. He had given it to George Pappas, rather
than surrender to his own desire to perhaps torch the thing, roughly fifteen
years ago. Good car, he thought mildly. But then, the Pappas' had always taken
care of things, with impressive attention to detail. His respect for the family,
despite the rather dark shadow cast across their relations a few years past,
gave him reason enough not to request they pick a more appropriate vehicle for
him on future visits.
Future visits. Unlikely, it seemed. He had spent so little time in Greece in the
last four years he was disturbed at how foreign it felt. Take into consideration
the car he was travelling in, and he could very well be twenty-five years
earlier, making a command appearance following an extended trip to the far east,
or whatever travels he had been on… Stefan frowns, refusing to allow this
particular trip down memory lane to progress. He is here for simple reasons, and
he must focus on the task at hand. Any momentary slip into this sort of
nostalgia and he's certain the sight veneer of calm he's been maintaining for
days will crumble and there simply isn't time for it. Stefan reaches into his
jacket pocket quickly, aware that his hand is shaking slightly, and pulls out
his cell phone, quickly dialing.
Alexis: (clipped) Alexis Davis. (Stefan feels a slight, but comforting, wave of
relief at the efficient and business-like tone of his voice).
Stefan: It's me. (Alexis's own relief at the sound of her brother's voice is
evident in a sudden release of breath)
Alexis: Stefan. You're at the island? (Stefan glances out the window at the
rugged and sparse landscape, off across the water. He can see the outline of the
island on the horizon, and tightens his jaw).
Stefan: I've been delayed. Things took rather longer in Rome than anticipated, I
am approaching the Pappas house as we speak.
Alexis: Good, all right… (She takes a deep breath) Stefan…
Stefan: Where do things stand with Laura? Have you tracked her down? (Alexis, at
a desk in Wyndemere, looks down at the pathetic amount of information gathered
thus far. Stefan's reaction to Laura's disappearance has been mild, which
worries her. At this point, she suspects, news of the apocalypse would only
inspire a blink.)
Alexis: (heavily) She's left the country, that much is certain.
Stefan: To what destination?
Alexis: That's uncertain. There are two choices… Paris and (she clears her
throat) Rome.
Stefan: Rome. (Alexis rubs her forehead, trying to figure out just how much
estimation she should give Laura.)
Alexis: I think, either way, it's clear what she is doing. There has been
activity under two aliases. Obviously she's trying to buy herself some time. She
doesn't want us to know where she is.
Stefan: Lasha is well aware we were able to track her while she and Spencer were
traipsing the globe. She knows that we are aware of her aliases.
Alexis: Which is why I'm assuming she only wishes to buy enough time to start
her own investigation…
Stefan: (agitated) To what end? I've done all I can, she must know that, she
must know I wouldn't…
Alexis: Stefan! I don't think it's a reflection on you. (Stefan falls silent
again, pressing his lips together. He takes a moment to carefully repack the
emotions threatening to spill over, then checks with the driver, who is not
acknowledging any of this). There is no possible way she could dig up
information you can't, it's simply not… (She shakes her head) She doesn't have
the resources. Maybe she wants to be a part of this and didn't think you'd react
kindly to having her tag along… Who knows? I'm sure we'll find out shortly.
(Stefan doesn't speak, considering the possibilities. What Alexis is saying
simply doesn't follow to him. Lasha would have insisted on coming along if that
were what she wanted. She wouldn't have played this game. He frowns)
Stefan: (slowly) Perhaps. (Alexis closes her eyes. She knows that tone).
Alexis: Stefan, the important part is Nikolas, that hasn't changed. Just trust
me to attend to this.
Stefan: (brisk) Yes, see that you do that. I will contact you from the compound
once I have spoken to the Pappas.
Alexis: (rubbing her temple) Stefan, there isn't any reason for me to stay here…
Stefan: Is Spencer still in town?
Alexis: Of course. I would have told you…
Stefan: Just see that he stays that way.
Alexis: (after a moment) Stefan. (Stefan doesn't answer). I have a good
suspicion of what she'll try to do once she's in Paris. She has her daughter to
worry about, don't concern yourself with this… we'll find her.
Stefan: That I don't doubt.
Alexis: Don't. Don't doubt me, not now Stefan.
Stefan: I'm not. I'll call from the house.
Alexis: All right. (She smiles slightly to herself) Say hello to George Jr. for
me. OH! And repeat my condolences. (Stefan nods grimly)
Stefan: I will.
* * * *
Train to Athens.
Lucky stares after Emily a long moment, minutes passing before he looks over at
Nikolas. Don't ask, he instructs himself. Don't ask, don't ask, don't ask…
Lucky: What was she talking about?
Nik: (leaning back) Let's just say it wasn't flattering. (Lucky narrows his eyes
Lucky: You think I can't grasp it?
Nik: (sighing) I'm not sure you'd want to.
Lucky: Try me. (Nikolas looks back at him)
Nik: It's a play… About hell. Three people trapped in a room together,
eternally. (Lucky stares at Nikolas a moment, then looks out the window again)
Lucky: (quietly) I'm going to drive her crazy.
Nik: Is that a concern or an intention?
Lucky: (looking over at him sharply) Go to hell.
Nik: (heavily) I thought I was already there. (Lucky shakes his head, turning
back to the window)
Lucky: I knew you were going to say that.
Nik: Well, she has a point! (Lucky smirks, an expression reflected clearly for
Nikolas, in the glass.)
Lucky: And this would be filed under "my fault" too, huh?
Nik: Not necessarily… (Lucky looks back at him, leaning into the corner of the
seat and the window, crossing his arms).
Lucky: Gee, that's big of you, Nikolas.
Nik: God, you're defensive. (Lucky rolls his eyes)
Lucky: Wonder why. (Nikolas feels himself crack… Amazing how fast it can happen
Nik: (heatedly) What did I do this time? Can you answer that for me? What the
hell did I do this time? (Lucky closes his eyes tightly, clenching his hands
into fists)
Lucky: (through gritted teeth) Just… Stop talking. Please. (Nikolas stares at
him a moment. He can't help but be injured by how excruciating the sound of his
voice seems to be to Lucky.)
Nik: Fine. I can do that. (Nikolas sits back, looking up at the ceiling and
crossing his arms. Lucky eyes him suspiciously a moment, then looks back out the
window. The sound of the tracks echo beneath them, counting away seconds,
minutes… With no other sound. With just the two of them supporting it, it feels
more oppressive. Lucky signs and shifts his weight. Nothing. No sound at all. He
glances over at Nikolas who is STILL staring stubbornly at the ceiling. He's
making some kind of point, Lucky thinks bitterly. Somehow this has all turned
into a game on him. A challenge. Fine. He can do this. Across the compartment,
Nikolas wonders just how far he'd have to count to distract himself from the
growing tension in his stomach. He's going to have to do something, because his
jaw feels tight enough to snap. When Lucky wasn't around, the gulf between them
didn't seem as insurmountable. He could think back to those moments, count them
out, where Lucky didn't seem as cold and detached as he did right now. And he
could convince himself that, if he tried hard enough, one of these days he'd
break through… God, Nikolas… He blinks, starting slightly. Is that what you
really want to do? To what end? He closes his eyes, feeling his breathing become
uneven. He doesn't even know what it would be like to have Lucky in his life as
anything but an adversary. And maybe that's the point.
Nik: (opening his eyes) Luc…
Lucky: (getting up suddenly) I'm out of here. (Lucky bolts across the small
compartment, and Nikolas reaches out quickly, without even thinking, and closes
his hand over the lever that releases the compartment door. Both he and Lucky
look at his hand, blocking Lucky's exit and then turn to look at each other,
Lucky looking extremely annoyed, covering a slight sense of panic… No good can
come from this.) Excuse me.
Nik: No, wai…
Lucky: NO? (Nikolas furrows his brow at the harshness of Lucky's tone).
Nik: Let me FINISH. (Lucky steps back, looking at Nikolas with practiced
Lucky: I have nothing to say to you…
Nik: Well, good for you! I have something to say to you. (Lucky looks at him
Lucky: And I should listen because…
Nik: (exploding, getting to his feet) You're a brat, you know that? You're an
eighteen year old BRAT. You've always BEEN a brat…
Lucky: (sharply) How would you know, Nikolas? (Lucky steps off the wall he was
leaning against, meeting Nikolas toe to toe, his eyes narrowing to slits,
hissing his words) We never shared air until I was fourteen. You don't know what
I was like before you walked into my life. (Nikolas stares at the intense look
on Lucky's face, then backs off)
Nik: Ok. Fine. Fine, if you want to obsess over that, go ahead, I'm just trying
to talk to you. (Lucky tense at the word "obsess", then runs his hand through
his hair, grabbing onto "cool" again).
Lucky: You have the most interesting way of going about that…
Nik: (turning away) You don't let me get a word out of my mouth…
Lucky: (extreme sarcasm) Rarely does any good come from listening to you talk,
oh wise one. (Nikolas turns back to Lucky)
Nik: When are you going to grow out of this? (Lucky cocks his head to one side)
Lucky: Oh, please. You don't think I'm like this all the time, do you?
Nik: I wouldn't know.
Lucky: (leaning forward a bit) Exactly. (Lucky leans back against the rounded
section of the wall by the compartment's exit) You always have sort of… Wanted
me to be simple, huh? I'm not supposed to give you a hard time? Just… Step
aside, get out of the way. (He smirks at him) The prodigal son's returned.
(Nikolas flinches and looks away. Lucky feels sick. His voice begins to quake as
he pushes out words that feel like absolute lies) My family doesn't work like
that. There's no royal line, you don't get extra points for being BORN first.
(Nikolas turns and looks back at him)
Nik: (quietly) Who, exactly, cares that I was born before you? (Lucky's jaw
tenses. He turns away quickly)
Lucky: This is completely pointless…
Nik: No, it's not!
Lucky: LOOK! Just because you've got me in a small space does not mean ANY of
this is about bonding, ok? I'm here because I have to be, that's IT.
Nik: (incredulous) Am I the ONLY person who remembers how this happened? You're
acting like you have no control over this. Like someone… maybe me, maybe Emily,
I don't know… forced you to do this! Since when does anyone force you to do
anything? (Nikolas stops dead. Ohhh… Good point. Unfortunately, he's just scored
against himself. He steps back and sits down hard). I don't want to do this
Lucky: Then don't. I don't care. (He turns back to the door) See ya. (Nikolas
glances over at him, his face dark).
Nik: God forbid you actually stick around to finish something you started.
(Lucky pulls the door open, then stops, looking back at Nikolas. His brother
looks like he's just taken some kind of hit… he's mad, borderline emotional.
Lucky can feel his own heart beating faster than he wants it to, but he forces
himself to appear calm, crossing his arms and giving Nikolas a withering glare.)
Lucky: I've said this before, Nikolas. I know I have. But if you need to hear it
again, I'll repeat… You don't know anything about me. You should really stop
pretending you do.
Nik: IF you hate the way I think of you, Lucky… Then why don't you ever try to
change it? (Lucky's hand grips the release lever on the already opened door.
Just turn around and leave, Spencer. Instead he scoffs slightly)
Lucky: What makes you think I care? (Nikolas raises his eyebrows).
Nik: (evenly) I don't know… Little things, I guess. I thought for awhile you
didn't… but… (He looks away) that lie is getting harder to tell myself. (Lucky
feels himself go cold, not liking the sound of that at all. What the hell does
this guy think is going on here? No, he's not getting sucked back into this, and
if Nikolas thinks for a SECOND that he's going to play out this narrative again,
he's out of his mind. Lucky steps back into the compartment, the door sliding
shut with a click behind him).
Lucky: (deathly quiet) What lie is that? (Nikolas looks back at him. Lucky's
getting angry, that's becoming more clear. He blinks, then speaks so calmly it
sounds like he's on Valium).
Nik: That you're the one who made the decisions about… (He frowns, looking for
the word) Us.
Lucky: (snapping) There is no us. We seem to be proving that on a daily basis.
Nik: (calm, but pressing) Is that the way you want it? (Lucky looks up at the
roof of the compartment)
Lucky: Oh, man. (Nikolas sits forward)
Nik: No, Lucky. Really. Don't you think it's time we faced up to that question?
Lucky: (looking back) What are you saying, Nikolas? I mean… (Lucky laughs
slightly) Please tell me you're not suggesting we try to be BROTHERS or
something. (Nikolas' expression darkens. Lucky feels his stomach drop, an
absolute free-fall. His mouth goes dry. He forces out a very unconvincing
laugh). You're not getting sentimental on me or something, are you? We've got a
common goal, Nik… that's all this is about.
Nik: That's it, huh?
Lucky: Yeah. (Leave, Lucky tells himself. Get out now. Somehow, he can't make
himself move).
Nik: And after that?
Lucky: (shrugging) We go out separate ways.
Nik: Separate? With the same mother, the same sister… how the hell do you…
(Nikolas stops dead) Jesus, Lucky. You're going back to Port Charles, aren't
Lucky: (shakily) You'd love that, huh? If I decided to stay away?
Nik: What are you doing? (Lucky jams his hands into his pockets, hunching his
Lucky: Haven't decided yet. Don't get excited about anything.
Nik: Have you talked to Emily about this? (Lucky just stares at him) Lucky.
Lucky: It's none of your business, Cassadine.
Nik: Yeah? Do you have any IDEA what that would do to Lulu? To Laura?
Lucky: (angrily) Do you have any idea what STAYING could do? (Lucky immediately
regrets saying that. He wants to reach out and snatch them back. Nikolas' eyes
Nik: What's going on with you?
Lucky: You have to knock this off, Nikolas.
Nik: Lucky…
Lucky: (angrily) No, REALLY. I know this doesn't fit into this twisted little
scenario you're developing here… but my family is nothing LIKE yours.
Nik: So what are they like?
Lucky: What IS this? Where the hell do you get off asking me ANY of this?
Nik: Are they THAT bad? Are they bad enough that you'd walk away from them?
Lucky: STOP it! Knock it off, man, this is what you've always wanted and don't
pretend to me you care if I drop of a God damned CLIFF, ok?
Nik: All I want is what is best for Lulu and that is NOT having you disappear on
her, Lucky.
Lucky: Best for Lulu… Right.
Nik: What?
Lucky: Just…. Get away from me, ok?
Nik: Is there something you want to say to me?
Lucky: Besides leave me the hell alone? What does it matter, you don't LISTEN to
anything I tell you, you don't THINK about it…
Nik: That's not true.
Lucky: Gee, I'm touched.
Nik: What the hell is with you? Huh? What happened to all that apathy? What is
getting you so wound up now?
Lucky: I'm not playing this game with you.
Nik: What are you so afraid you're going to say, Lucky? IF you stick around and
actually have this out, what do you think is going to happen.
Lucky: What I have to say, you don't want to hear.
Nik: I think I can handle it.
Lucky: It's not worth the effort.
Nik: LOOK. Look at this… look at today, look at where we're going. We made a
deal. You said yesterday I could back out if I wanted. I didn't return the favor
to you. I am now. You can walk away if that's what you need to do.
Lucky: I'm not walking away.
Nik: Why not?
Lucky: Because I'm not living the rest of my life with this garbage.
Nik: Neither am I. We worked this out, Lucky… and it was your idea. But we're
just going to end up trying to rip each other apart…
Lucky: Right. You're in Greece now, huh? I got you out of Rome, I got you away
from the guards, what the hell do you need me for?
Nik: We have to talk about this Lucky.
Lucky: Fine. You want to hear what I really think of you? You think that's
going to change something?
Nik: I'm willing to try.
Lucky: Ohhh, you're so damn reasonable, aren't you? You have almost everyone in
Port Charles completely snowed. They're not always the brightest bunch of people
you, you shouldn't be too proud of that. They look at you, and all they see is
the money… And the vocabulary… And they're just so impressed. And who knows,
they probably get a *rush* out of the Prince thing. I'll give you that, Nikolas.
You know how to play people. I guess you come by it naturally.
Nik: I'm not trying to play them…
Lucky: Give me a break. You're not that naive are you? Really? Everyone plays
everyone else. That's how the world works. Unless you're dumb or desperate
enough to buy into it… A piece of advice… You don't let everyone "in"… do you
know what I mean by that? (Nikolas blinks. He does, but he's not going to
interrupt this) If you do, you're open to anyone.
Nik: So who is in, Lucky? Emily? It's an exclusive list.
Lucky: Emily the only person who's given me a reason to. Is that what you're so
mad about? Does that bother you? 'Cause if you really wanted me to trust you,
you should have played your first card a little differently.
Nik: What are you talking bout?
Lucky: I never really got it… I mean, there's only two choices… One… you're
pretty thick. And two… you just didn't care. (Nikolas opens his mouth to
respond, then thinks better of it, deciding to let this run it's course. Lucky
doesn't seem to notice) I used to think maybe there was some kind of plan. You
and your uncle? But that doesn't really make sense, does it? Because… If the
whole idea was just that you guys were going to sweep in here and pick up
"Lasha" and our sister, then you played your cards really badly.
Nik: What cards?
Lucky: You're so innocent aren't you? Is that the way it looks to you, really?
(Nikolas glances away. Lucky notices this, and presses on, aware that this is
something Nikolas doesn't seem to want to pursue). Is that why it's ok? OR why I
should have had a better reaction to you? Explain to me exactly what it is about
ambushing a fourteen-year-old kid with the news that his mother's been lying to
him his whole life that's supposed to inspire "trust"? (Nikolas blinks, staring
at the ground, his stomach beginning to twist. Lucky stares at his reaction. He
feels the anger begin to course through him. It never affected Nikolas… Never.
For some reason, he'd walked away unscathed. That, more than anything else, is
what makes this feel like that biggest loss he ever took in his life. He feels
his voice take on a taunting quality). Does any of this ring a bell with you
Nikolas? A hospital room… Hey, Lulu was there! You should remember that. (The
last sentence sounding unapologetically bitter, Lucky sits down across from
Nikolas, leaning forward. Nikolas doesn't look up, instead staring hard at the
ground.) Do you want me to replay it for you? 'Cause it's still pretty clear to
me. I remember the room… The size of that crib… And you… You're standing there…
Wearing grey. (Lucky's mouth twists, the image coming back to him with
frightening clarity) Everything was grey in that place, you almost blended into
the walls, if your eyes hadn't been so damned dark. (Nikolas closes his eyes,
exhaling. Lucky stares out the window a second. Everything is so blue… Water,
sky… With the strange beige color of the land. She shakes his head slowly, his
voice sounding distant) Everything about that place was so damn drab… There was
no color, except… Lulu. She was wearing something bright…
Nik: Yellow. (Lucky smirks slightly and look back at Nikolas)
Lucky: So you do remember it, huh?
Nik: Remember it? (Nikolas looks up, his voice rough. He narrows his eyes
slightly) It was rehearsed. (Lucky sits back slowly, staring at Nikolas as if
he's a mirage.) I had years to think about my mother and her family… What I
would do if I met them. (His voice softens slightly, aware that the words are
ugly enough without him sounding harsh) They told me about you. You know that,
right? (Lucky doesn't respond, just stares at him). Helena told me… When I was
six? She told me that my mother had another son. That she lived with him. That
she took him wherever she went. And his name was Lucky. (Nikolas twists the word
bitterly in this mouth). Lucky Spencer, son of the man who killed my father. The
irony wasn't lost on me. I knew what she looked like… we had portraits. I knew I
didn't look anything like her. I used to imagine… You probably did. And you do.
Darker hair, but otherwise… You look just like I thought you would. So I knew
who you were when you walked in.
Lucky: (warily) Yeah, I got that.
Nik: I knew who you were and the second I saw you I knew… I knew I could hurt
you. So I did. And no, I didn't feel bad. You're angry because you think I
ambushed you. I did. (Nikolas gives this a moment to sink in. Lucky sits up,
suddenly, as if it's hitting him all at once)
Lucky: (resentful) Do you think this changes anything? Because you can say it?
Nik: (still calm) It didn't go how I thought it would. I think… I thought
somehow you'd know. And just not care. (Lucky shakes his head firmly, eyes
Lucky: I didn't know.
Nik: Well, that became wholly apparent.
Lucky: Right. When, exactly? When I asked you who the hell you were? When I told
you to get the out? When WAS that moment of clarity?
Nik: There WASN'T a moment of clarity. You were in the WAY.
Lucky: (muttering) A peasant in the path.
Nik: Why do you persist with the royalty references, if you know I'm not a
Lucky: Maybe it's a state of mind.
Nik: If you want to say I set the tone, Lucky… I'm not denying that.
Lucky: You know what you did? Do you know? Tell me… While we're doing this,
while we've got everything out on the table… When you were on that staircase,
and you heard the words, the actual words come out of whoever's mouth… Nikolas
isn't Stavros' son… Just exactly what did your world do? (Nikolas looks away)
Things change a little? Maybe? Just… Started to look a little different?
Nik: (harsh) Do you have a point? (Lucky stares at him a long moment)
Lucky: (quietly) Oh, yeah. (He leans forward) I have a point. I have fourteen
years of memories that mean NOTHING. I have a list of rules and protocol that is
based on something that seemed rock solid… unshakable. Do you even understand
that concept?
Nik: (distantly) And I shook it. (The emotional nature of Nikolas' response hits
Lucky hard. He can feel a wave of emotion come rushing forward, spilling out of
him before he has a chance to censor it).
Lucky: It didn't exist after you! It had never existed. Except I saw with my own
eyes… So try to explain that to yourself. God… I didn't even get to look at her
one last time… You know… I can't remember the last time I looked at her and
thought she could do no wrong. (He grits his teeth, feeling tears come to his
eyes) I should have HAD that! Because I should have heard it from her and you
had NO RIGHT to take that away from me. I didn't do a God damned thing to you,
Nikolas. Nothing. I was just BORN.
Nik: The same thing I did to you.
Lucky: NO! That is not what you did to me. You took my world and you crushed it.
And you enjoyed it… I could see that… it was in your eyes… You were laughing at
me. And I told myself… "No, no way. He's crazy. Don't let him make you doubt
them". (Lucky stops, aware that he's now shaking. He takes a deep breath,
looking away, his voice dropping) But you knew my name. And you knew where the
donor was… (He stops, drifting away from the conversation a moment, sifting
through the memories of the hours after Nikolas first appears… After that, the
clarity is gone. Everything feels jumbled, just pictures. His father, yelling at
him, trying to force him, push him to stop reacting, to just DEAL with it. And
the way Lulu looked up at him almost the same way she'd looked up at the
stranger that had been standing over her before. And then… His mother. The words
come out thin, almost as if he's unaware of saying them.) You should have seen
the look on her face when I asked her. (Lucky snaps back to the moment, his
expression contorting as he looks back at Nikolas.) But… No, you didn't have to
do that. You didn't have to deal with any of it. Just walk in, destroy
everything and leave. (Lucky's words are dripping venom) And then for YEARS I
get to listen to Bobbie and any other well-meaning individual who thinks butter
wouldn't melt in your mouth tell me I'm being unreasonable. Like I'm the one
who decided to hate you. (He looks at Nikolas accusingly) Did you really give me
a choice? 'Cause… What kind of person LET'S someone drop kick their life and
then says "Gee… Sorry you were having a bad day, let's be friends?" (Nikolas
doesn't answer. Lucky sits back) So I'm really glad you're willing to take
responsibility for setting the tone. Because you hated me first.
Nik: (sharply) I didn't hate you, I hated LAURA! You were just… You were there.
And I didn't care who you were…
Lucky: (cynically, staring up at the ceiling) Oh, but you do now, right? Is that
the idea? And now… Because you're ready, or because you think maybe it might be
an interesting experiment, I'm supposed to forget all this? It's not going to
Nik: So what… You're planning on hating me forever?
Lucky: No. That takes too much energy. (Lucky looks back at him) And as long as
you stay out of my FACE, I don't have to feel a whole lot of anything for you,
do I? This could work both ways, couldn't it, Nikolas? It could solve that pesky
little problem you have… What is it? Um… That whole "I don't want to care about
him but I do" thing? That must be a bitch.
Nik: I do care about you. (Lucky tenses. He takes a moment, then speaks in
measured tones)
Lucky: You care about whether or not I hurt my sister. You care about how I'm
treating my mother, you don't give a damn what happens to me. (Nikolas swallows
hard. This is not easy).
Nik: It's more than that. (This seems to hit Lucky, he looks away, trembling
slightly, staring back out the window.)
Lucky: (a bit shaky) Is this supposed to mean something to me? (Nikolas
suppresses the urge to either scream or cry in absolute frustration)
Nik: (caustic) Does this make you feel better, Lucky? I didn't give you the
chance to reject me the first time… but you sure as hell can do it now, can't
you? (He looks over at Lucky, coming to a conclusion) I'm not backing off this
time. (Lucky flinches. Nikolas feels his resolve harden) There… you want a
statement of intention? That's it. I'm not walking away. I'm not turning my back
on you, so you just decide whether or not you're going to run from this or stick
it out. (Lucky squeezes his eyes shut)
Lucky: This is not the deal, Nikolas.
Nik: I'm changing the rules. (Lucky laughs bitterly)
Lucky: What were you saying about my persisting with royalty references?
Nik: Ok. Then look at it this way. I'm not going to keep my distance and act
like we don't have some kind of history because I can't. And you can't either.
So where the hell does THAT land us?
Lucky: Nothing's changed. We both know what we have to do, Nikolas. You can make
that easy or hard. (Nikolas feels a realization begin to grab hold of him. He
shakes his head slowly)
Nik: Yeah. That's exactly what I'm trying to do. (There's a long pause, while
some reasonable part of Nikolas' brain tries to stop what he can feel surging
out of him. He takes a deep breath and looks up into his brother's eyes. Stormy…
He nearly smiles at the realization. He looks just as conflicted as ever. As
hard as he fights against him, Nikolas finds himself realizing, Lucky fights
twice as hard against himself. With that, Nikolas feels his mouth open and the
words pour forward). You're right. I have no clue what I might have taken from
you. But I know whatever it was, it was probably something I thought I'd been
missing my whole life. And I was probably angry enough to think that if I didn't
get it, you didn't deserve it either. I'm sorry, Lucky. I'm sorry I hurt you.
(Lucky stares at Nikolas, unable to move. He looks directly into his eyes,
trying to read something behind what they seem to be communicating, but all he's
coming up with is regret. He feels his throat close up. He blinks, then gets to
his feet, crossing the compartment quickly, and leaves, the door clicking
sharply behind him as it closes.)
* * * *
Pendleton Mews, London.
Lesley is typing briskly at a computer in the corner of her living room, her
glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, as her fingers fly across the
keyboard. She is so focused on her work, she doesn't hear the doorbell until the
second ring. She stops her typing and pulls off her glasses before getting up
and making her way down the stairs of the town house to the front door. Through
the stained and frosted glass she can only make out the silhouette of the figure
on the other side of the door. Her jaw drops, all the same, knowing full well
who it is. She undoes the series of locks and pulls the door open, revealing her
daughter, and sleeping grandchild.
Lesley: Laura!
Laura: (smiling weakly) Hi, mom. Surprised?
