Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Five:
An alley, away from the main streets of Athens.
Emily dumps a sizable amount of junk down onto the ground and groans, rolling
her shoulders. Nikolas, following after her with an equally sizable number of
items, stops and looks at her, as she crouches down and starts going through
bags, packing things into backpacks. Nikolas shakes his head.
Nik: Here? (Emily nods, continuing her packing)
Em: Here. (Nikolas looks around)
Nik: When did he tell you this?
Em: Before he left. (She glances up at him) Why are you so suspicious? (Nikolas
looks around. It's not bad as alley's go, it has it all over the alley in Rome,
but it's still dusty, a little too remote, and he's disturbed that he has the
least amount of knowledge about what is going on here. He carefully lays down
his load, included grocery bags and a couple of ultra cheap sleeping bags)
Nik: How?
Em: What do you mean?
Nik: We're supposed to meet Lucky here. (Emily laughs)
Em: We've been OVER this, Nikolas!
Nik: I know… But it's not making sense.
Em: Ummmm… What do you mean?
Nik: Oh, forget it. We're meeting him here. Fine. (Emily shoots him a wary look)
Em: Are you ok?
Nik: I'm tired.
Em: (nodding) Yeah, there's a lot of that going around. Did you sleep last
night? (After a moment, Nikolas shakes his head, glaring at the ground)
Nik: No.
Em: I think you should sleep. (She furrows her brow) I've never seen you on no
sleep before.
Nik: And?
Em: And what?
Nik: It sounded like there was a judgment coming on that line.
Em: And you're grouchy.
Nik: I'm tired.
Em: Tired and grouchy. (Nikolas looks up at her in annoyance, then, seeing the
amused look on her face, smiles and shakes his head)
Nik: Ok, Emily. (Emily widens her eyes at him, grinning)
Em: It smiles. (She cocks her head to one side) I have this annoying habit, when
someone is in a bad mood, of feeling an intense need to alter that state of
Nik: You want to alter my mood. (Em shrugs)
Em: I'm warning you I'm going to try.
Nik: To stop a Cassadine from being moody? That would be charming if it wasn't
so… naive. (Emily smirks and turns her attention back to the bag, removing items
of clothing, and rolling them up before putting them into the knapsack)
Em: Lucky accuses me of that. And hopeless optimism.
Nik: He has a point.
Em: I don't think so. If I were truly hopeless, I'd be back home right now,
riding this out in history class.
Nik: Right… You're still in school. (Pause) I'm still in school.
Em: I know.
Nik: Well, I have the advantage of not caring.
Em: (heavily) Believe it or not, so do I. (She puts out a hand) Give me that
Nik: (looking down) Which one?
Em: Any one without food in it. (Nikolas shrugs and hands her a bag. Emily takes
it and looks in it) I'm on my fourth stupid toothbrush, do you believe that?
Nik: To be frank? Yes. (Emily laughs slightly)
Em: You're too organized. I keep leaving them behind.
Nik: I don't have anything BUT a toothbrush.
Em: And a letter. (She sighs and looks up at him) And a box.
Nik: And a towel, at your insistence.
Em: Not mine, Lucky's. (She smiles again, forcing levity) Half the things I do
are Lucky's idea. I'm pretty much as lost here as you are. (Nikolas cringes)
Nik: That obvious, huh?
Em: You're a little out of your element. (She stands up and tries to pick up the
backpack, then groans, dropping it.) Ok. This one is yours. I can't even carry
that to the car. (Nikolas blinks)
Nik: Car? (Emily looks at him oddly)
Em: Yeah. How'd you think we were getting out of here?
Nik: I asked you how we were getting out of here, you said I wasn't making
Em: You weren't. (She takes the other backpack, a smaller one, and pulls two
bags of food and another bag of miscellaneous supplies, starting to pack them
carefully) You are now. What did you think we were doing, going by camel?
(Nikolas lifts the bag, cringing slightly, and looks back at Emily)
Nik: Grouchy.
Em: Sarcastic.
Nik: So you do have a dark side.
Em: (zipping up the bag) Furnished upon request. (She stands up, lifting the
second bag with ease) You don't have the market cornered on moody.
Nik: This coming from someone who has been dating my brother for two years… I
never suspected I did.
Em: Good. (She studies his expression) This is going to be better. Really. Lucky
knows what he's doing, and once we're out of the city, things will feel safer.
They do for me at least. (She lets out a sigh) And at least you have something
else to wear now.
Nik: That makes a difference. (He looks up at her) Emily… You make a difference,
too. (Emily stares at him a moment, then laughs, embarrassed)
Em: What?
Nik: (taking a breath) You do. I don't know how I'd be getting through this
without you. (Emily shakes her head, hoisting the bag onto her shoulder)
Em: You'd find a way. (Nikolas makes a face rich with self-doubt)
Nik: No. I don't think so. (He steels himself) I know… Over the last few years,
we've… I have called you a friend, but I never really acted like it. We
weren't friends. We aren't really now, either.
Em: Nikolas…
Nik: No, I understand why. I've come to, at least. That's its not just Lucky…
It's me too. I just hope things can be different with us. (Emily looks
momentarily confused. She really wants to pretend she doesn't know what he's
talking about, just because there's no way she can talk about it with him. Not
without getting into things Lucky wouldn't like revealed).
Em: (lightly) Well… I think they're pretty good right now. If you forgive me
making cracks on you. (Nikolas laughs softly)
Nik: Actually… I was just thinking… We've always been formal with each other.
I've always felt like there was a wall… before Lucky even.
Em: Oh, you mean my insane crush on you? That impeded my ability to be sane with
you, I admit. (Nikolas colors slightly)
Nik: Uh… Ok. Yeah, I… I just meant, in a way I feel like I'm getting to know you
for the first time. And… I'm really glad you're here. (Despite Emily's attempts
to keep this light, she's touched. She finally looks at him, allowing herself to
meet his eyes. Her smile wobbles).
Em: I am too. (She reaches out and takes his hand, squeezing it) Thank you. (She
drops his hand, looking away, and sees a car appear at the other end of the
alley) Oh! (She turns to Nikolas, grinning) Our ride. Come on. (She turns and
runs down to the other end of the alley to meet Lucky. Nikolas gathers the
remaining things, taking note that the other bag is really heavy and awkward,
and follows Emily as Lucky gets out of the car. Emily kisses him quickly, and
smiles) You made it.
Lucky: (raising his eyebrows) You had doubts? I'm hurt.
Em: No. Just measured my expectations, that's all.
Nik: (approaching) Uh… You sure this thing is big enough to hold all this stuff?
(Lucky turns his attention to Nikolas)
Lucky: No. You can ride on the roof. (Emily clears her throat)
Em: WE got everything. On your list, I mean. (Lucky nods, he and Nikolas look at
each other warily, the reality of this… small space, big issues… becoming clear.
Emily looks at both of them and rolls her eyes, patience giving away to
annoyance) Well then. Let's go.
Nik: (to Lucky) Get the keys.
Lucky: Excuse me?
Nik: (shifting the bag) Keys. For the trunk. Before this thing takes my arm off.
(Lucky stares at Nik, then smiles slowly. He glances at Emily, then back at
Lucky: Emily. He wants keys.
Em: (closing her eyes) Please don't.
Lucky: (stepping away, pushing the door of the car open) Be my guest, Cassadine.
(Nikolas looks at Lucky in confusion) Go for it. I'm not gonna stop ya. Nikolas,
realizing full well he's being set up, drops the bag with a thud, his eyes fixed
on Lucky, and approaches the car. He glances in, then looks back at Lucky. Emily
puts a hand to her forehead)
Nik: No keys. (Lucky smiles sweetly) You stole it.
Lucky: Borrowed. Stole. Same difference (He walks around to the trunk) Look at
it this way… added some excitement to their day.
Nik: Why the hell did you steal this?
Lucky: Ummm… Transport? (He puts his hands on the trunk, the car still chugging
away, spilling exhaust into the alleyway) You know. Getting from a to b? Getting
YOU from a to b? We're not going to a high traffic area, man.
Nik: Here's an idea: RENT!
Lucky: (removing tool from his pocket) Here's an idea: NO! (He spins the tool in
his hand) Come on Nik. Stop and take a breath. (He jams the tool under the lip
of the hood and pushes it. Nikolas, curious in spite of himself, narrows his
eyes and watches Lucky jiggle it, the yank on it violently, popping the trunk.)
There you go… Load 'er up. (Nikolas shakes his head)
Nik: Where the hell did you get that?
Lucky: (shrugging) Family heirloom. Come on. Do you think I have all day here?
(Nikolas closes his eyes. Infuriating. Beyond infuriating. But… Oddly
comforting. He opens his eyes and looks back at Lucky)
Nik: You just had to do it this way, didn't you?
Lucky: Yeah, Nik. I did. I had to do it this way just to drive you crazy.
Nik: All I'm saying is…
Lucky: That… What? I'm being reckless? Is that the idea? There was a more
sensible way to do this? Maybe. But I'm not here for sensible. Isn't the idea
here that I'll get you where you need to go… My way? Because… Nikolas. Your
way is… (He pauses) Well. Nonexistent. And this way, you're off the hook. Part
of the service, Nik. When they weigh odds at the pearl gates, you can just say
“The devil made me do it.”
Nik: Are you finished?
Lucky: Yeah, I think so.
Nik: Glad to hear it. (Nikolas takes a few steps backwards, his eyes still
trained on Lucky, and picks up the bag. He refuses to acknowledge the weight and
walks back over to the trunk, heaving it up and dropping it into the trunk. The
car dips with the weight of the blow. Emily coughs loudly, catching Nik and
Lucky's attention)
Em: (hand over her throat) Oh! Sorry. (She clears her throat) I'm just choking
on the testosterone. (She drops her hand) Can we go now? (She picks up two of
the bedrolls and shoots them into the trunk, then turns to fetch the last one
and the bag with the food in it) He stole the car to avoid that paper trail.
Helena already knows the names on our passports… so he can't show that. And
besides… it's a risk. (She dumps in the other sleeping bag, holding onto the
smaller pack) We don't need more risk. (Nikolas and Lucky both look at her.
Emily slams the trunk.) Dibs on the back seat. (She moves away from then and
climbs into the car, pushing back the front seat and sliding into the tiny back
seat only she could reasonably be expected to fit into… uncomfortably at that.
She makes a face as she tries to arrange her long legs in the small space
afforded, while shoving the bag aside. She blows a strand of hair out of her
face in frustration. It falls back into her eyes) Men!
* * * *
Luke's Club, Back office.
Luke enters, looking like he's walking a line between despondent and mean. He
slams the door, not noticing Carly, who is leaning against the wall, her arms
crossed, a vicious expression on her face.
Carly: Where the hell have you been? (Luke jumps, tries to cover it, and manages
to turn around, all in one very awkward motion. He takes in Carly, loaded for
bear, and realizes this could be a problem).
Luke: Geeze, woman. Do you have to be so loud?
Carly: (advancing on him) Right now? Oh, yeah. Right now I'm going to be as loud
as I damn well wanna be! (Luke looks at her, in confusion)
Luke: What the hell happened to you?
Carly: (turning away in disgust) GUESS! (It dawns. Luke leans against the desk,
Luke: You look like you got an acute case of Q-panic. Come on. Tell me what rich
boy did. (Carly spins on him, her hand clenched into fists)
Carly: I HATE YOU! Do you understand that? I hate you, I hate you, I HATE
you!!!! (Luke, having expected fireworks, is still a little stunned, and mildly
hurt, by the violence and anger in Carly's words).
Luke: Calm down, Darlin', I'm the only uncle you got.
Carly: GOOD! 'Cause if it's more of you, I don't want 'em. (She stares at him,
her eyes tearing, shaking with rage) You did that on purpose, didn't you? You…
You KNEW what would happen. You didn't think he knew anything at all! You just
wanted me to go and see him and… What? Feel sick to my stomach all week? Live in
fear? (She moves towards him and hits him in the chest) Don't mess with my head!
Luke: (innocently) Who, me? (He snaps back to dark annoyance and grabs Carly's
wrist) Listen to me, Caroline. If you listened to me in the first place, you'd
stay out of this kinda trouble. (Carly laughs humorlessly)
Carly: Don't you pull that stuff on me! You do not know all, you do not see all…
I am not Dorothy and you are not the Wizard of Oz. I'm calling your bluff and
you had better get damn straight with me and fast. What the hell did you send me
to see AJ for?
Luke: Told ya that.
Carly: Yeah, and it made less than no sense! AJ doesn't know a damn thing!
Luke: Good to know.
Carly: Oh, its just FANTASTIC! But you know what he does know? He knows he hates
me. And if he'd, like… Temporarily forgotten that? He really remembers now.
Luke! (she turns on him, her anger fading into desperation and fear) He told me
he watches Michael through the window at GH… at the daycare! He watches him,
he's just there, he could just go it and…
Luke: (darkening) No way in hell.
Carly: (borderline hysterical) I didn't sleep last night! Are you listening to
me? I sat in his room and I stared at him sleeping in his crib… Luke. IF I lose
my son… If you just made me push AJ over the God damned edge then I will kill
you. I swear to you.
Luke: You're not going to lose your son.
Carly: LUKE!
Luke: (determined) You will not use your son. Even if that little worm lost his
mind and took the boy he can't run far enough that I won't find him and wring
his scrawny little neck. You're a Spencer, Caroline… you pay your dues, it's
part of the services… I can find anyone.
Carly: (calming, but still shaky) Prove it to me.
Luke: Prove it to yourself. Go back to Jason's. (Carly stares at him, mouth
Carly: (exploding) I HATE YOU!
Luke: Just pointin' out the obvious, little girl. (she shakes her head)
Carly: I am NOT going to do anything for you! No.
Luke: You're doing this for Lucky.
Carly: LUCKY doesn't want to see you!
Luke: Yeah, well. He'll get over that.
Carly: You WISH! (Luke looks at her, fatigued)
Luke: You're the one telling me I know my son. (Carly deflates)
Carly: Luke… I can't. I can't go back to Jason's, I just can't.
Luke: You said yourself. AJ was a dead end.
Carly: (ticked off) The Q's didn't get anywhere. You already knew that, didn't
Luke: Nope. But I suspected it.
Carly: So you admit that was just about messing with me, right?
Luke: Not entirely. (Carly shakes her head and sinks into a chair)
Carly: I hate you so much. (Luke leans over and pours her a drink, and hands it
to her. She takes it on autopilot and downs the contents, then slams it on the
desk) I hate this.
Luke: Messy.
Carly: (after a moment) I do want him to come home, Luke. I miss him.
Luke: Me too.
Carly: But…
Luke: No, no, no… No buts. (He looks down at her) Caroline, you're the only one
I can count on here. You're it. This is the big game at the bottom of the ninth.
Carly: (rolling her eyes) Bases are loaded, huh?
Luke: Bases are empty. All I need is this one thing, honey. (Carly looks up at
him, in surprise. Honey?) One thing. To find out what Jason knows. You rattle
him, you get to him. I can't do that.
Carly: Jason hates me.
Luke: Yeah, well… He's indifferent to everyone else.
Carly: Luke. He did everything for me. He gave me a place to stay, he helped me
keep his baby… and then the minute he got all cozy with Robin, I ran off to AJ
and got a whole new set up. Totally closed him out. He hates me for that. He
always will.
Luke: Yeah, probably. You might wanna ask yourself why, though.
Carly: Don't mess with my head, I told you.
Luke: Wouldn't dream of it.
Carly: Luke… He won't listen to me.
Luke: You're the best chance we got. Just don't take no for an answer.
Carly: (making a face) You can't play these kinds of games with Jason. You just
can't. There is no grey scale with Jason. It's all just black and white.
Luke: He keep records?
Carly: Huh? Records? Sure, I guess. But under lock and key and… (She looks at
him) No.
Luke: Sweet…
Carly: No.
Luke: You're the best distraction I can think of.
Carly: Guard on the door… (Luke just smiles) No.
Luke: I need you, darlin'.
Carly: Oh, God.
Luke: Come on. (She closes her eyes)
Carly: I can't believe this. I can't believe this, I just… (She lets out a long
breath) What the hell do you want me to do this time?
