Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Six:
Personal Space
Road somewhere in Southern Greece.
The sun starting to set in the sky, Lucky pulls the car over to the side of the
road and kills the engine. The car shakes slightly, then stills. It's quiet. It
has been for hours, all of them sticking to their own thoughts. Well, thoughts
and catching up on missed sleep. He looks over at Nikolas, who has been sleeping
in alarming quiet for a few hours. He hears Emily shift in the back, behind him,
sitting up.
Em: (looking around) Where are we?
Lucky: Home. For now. (Emily smiles slightly)
Em: I can handle that.
Lucky: Ok. (Glances at Emily, still crouched in the back) Will you wake him up?
(Emily frowns)
Em: And you're incapable of doing this why? (Lucky sighs.)
Lucky: Fine. You want me to do it?
Em: I want you to get out of this car, so that I can get out of this car while
there is still some hope of getting blood into my legs before amputation becomes
necessary or I go mad from claustrophobia and strangle you in a blind panic.
(Lucky turns in his seat and looks back at her. Emily smiles at him sweetly, an
expression that does not extend to her eyes)
Lucky: Well, aren't you the little ray of sunshine.
Em: (Through gritted teeth) Just do something.
Lucky: Fine. (He hits the horn and Nikolas starts. Lucky glances over at him) It
rises at dusk.
Nik: (blearily) What?
Lucky: Sun's going down, we're pitching camp. (He opens the door and gets out of
the car. Nikolas looks over at Em who gives a weak smile, then scrambles to push
forward the seat and slide out of the backseat. She stumbles out of the car on
unstable legs and groans, bordering on a whine.)
Em: (kneeling down) Ok. That sucked. (She glances at Lucky's back, as he surveys
the landscape) I'm not liking this “must have y chromosome to drive” thing you
have going.
Lucky: (without turning back) Do you remember the traffic in Athens?
Em: (frowning) Good point. (She pulls herself back up to her feet) So I'm going
to ignore it. And ride in the trunk next time. (A door slams behind them and
Emily turns to look at Nikolas) Hey. (Nikolas shakes his head and leans against
the car a moment) You got sleep.
Nik: Yeah.
Em: This is good. (she walks back to the car) I think we're doing that
hunter/gatherer thing. (She reaches back into the back seat and pulls out the
food backpack) Well. Actually I'm pulling home base duty.
Nik: Huh?
Lucky: (turning back) We're camping here. Come on. (Nikolas rubs his face with
his hand, trying to catch up)
Nik: Uh, sure… What are we hunting?
Lucky: Uh… (Lucky glances around) Wood. From the looks of it. (He turns to Em)
You're setting up?
Em: I'm on it. I remember how this stuff goes. (She drops the bag) Uh, Lucky?
Can you do that trunk thing?
Lucky: Oh, right. (Lucky moves to the trunk, glancing at Nikolas) Do you sleep
often? Are you unaccustomed to the process of waking up?
Nik: Do NOT try to tell me you're a morning person. (Lucky opens the trunk)
Lucky: You'll notice it's not morning.
Nik: (straightening up) I don't understand people's dislike of mornings. I
assume they dislike the time they wake up. The actual time of day has nothing to
do with it.
Lucky: (looks at Nik, disbelieving) Are you kidding? Have you ever waken up at
6:00 am vs. noon? It's a very different trip, no matter what time you went to
Nik: I can't imagine what would have happened if I'd had the audacity to stay in
bed until noon. (Lucky snorts)
Lucky: What the hell is the point of royalty if you have to act like the rest of
the world?
Nik: (coming around the car) I guess, maybe, we should reevaluate which one of
us is the “prince”, huh?
Em: Oh, man. (Lucky smiles, standing behind her)
Lucky: If it means I have to admit I'm not like everyone else, I'll take it.
Em: (pulling things out of the trunk) I'm beginning to think you guys like
fighting. (Nikolas and Lucky look at each other)
Lucky: That's not fighting.
Em: (slamming the trunk) Huh. What is it… communicating? (She stops, and glances
at them) You're right though… It's not fighting. Do you guys want to take
advantage of this momentarily lull in combat… as well as the remaining daylight…
and get some fire makings?
Lucky: (laughing slightly) Is that a suggestion?
Em: (shrugging) Call it what you want. But we need to set camp before dark. And
I just spent all the time folded up in the back seat, my legs aren't taking me
anywhere, so you guys are getting the wood. (She looks at both of them
pointedly. Nikolas raises his eyebrows)
Nik: The torch has passed.
Lucky: (frowning) What torch?
Nik: I don't know. You think you're in charge of this scenario?
Lucky: Good point. (He looks at Emily) Ok. Wood. Sure. (kissing her quickly) See
ya in fifteen.
Em: I'll set everything up while you guys are gone.
Lucky: Sounds like a plan. (he glances at Nikolas) Come on. (Lucky starts off
Nik: That way? (Lucky just stares at him) Fine. I'm coming. (He starts to follow
Lucky. Emily watches after them, smirking)
Em: Have fun.
* * * *
Venice Police Station.
Stefan paces a small dingy room, gazing at the walls as if he has memorized
every crack, line and speck on the wall. It is obvious he's been here awhile.
The door opens and a man enters.
Agent: Ah. Mr. Cassadine.
Stefan: Yes.
Agent: I heard you had arrived. I apologize for the delay. (Stefan just stares
at the man coldly. After a moment, he clears his throat) Yes. Yes, I am… Uh,
terribly sorry for the inconvenience. I have been appraised of your situation…
Stefan: Do you have anything of importance to tell me, or are you simply here to
attempt placate me with pointless blather? (The Agent blinks, taken aback)
Agent: Mr. Cassadine…
Stefan: I am here because of a report I received that my nephew's credit card
had been used within your city limits. In the time since I was informed, I have
managed to fly here from a remote area of Greece only to be met with stalling
tactics and incompetence at every turn. I patience is spent, Mr.…
Agent: (clearing his throat) Guzzo… Mr. Cassadine…
Stefan: Do you have any further information, Mr. Guzzo, or will I be forced to
take this into my own hands? (There is a pause while Guzzo considers what that
could possible mean. Nothing good, he decides, pushing down his annoyance that a
stolen credit card is demanding his personal attention, let alone that he has to
deal with this particularly obnoxious financier. The only thing he knows for
certain about this man is that he can probably make his life hell on a long-term
basis if he is so inclined. He passes a hand over his balding head)
Agent: As I have been attempting to explain to you… the card has been stolen.
That much is certain. We have apprehended the young man who was using it, and he
claims to have bought it on the street. From who, he claims not to know…
Stefan: Where.
Agent: I… Well, that seems to be a matter of debate.
Stefan: (beginning to seethe) Debate?
Agent: Initially he stated here in Venice, but it seems that perhaps this was a
transaction in Rome. His story is changing. He's a student, a British student
here on holiday I suppose… he claims it was simply an attempt to save some
money. I suspect the story about buying it on the street is false, but I can't
be sure.
Stefan: (darkly) Has he been informed of the station of the owner of the card?
Does he understand exactly how.
Agent: Well… No…
Stefan: I recommend you do so immediately.
Agent: Mr. Cassadine. Listen… This is my business, I have been doing this over
half my life. I know… What we have here is a frightened kid. Give us another
hour, perhaps he will finally settle in to tell us the truth. I can't imagine,
however, that we are dealing with anything that would suggest foul play… not on
the part of the suspect. You nephew most likely was mugged in Rome and either
the wallet was discarded or they were sold, as this man claims, on the black
market. (Stefan looks unimpressed)
Stefan: I will wait here until you can tell me something that is not awash in
qualifying statements.
Agent: That may be some time.
Stefan: Well. Perhaps then, I shall wait here until I have something of use to
tell you. (The agent steps back, a confused expression on his face)
Agent: (slowly) Very well. I… (Stefan looks up at him, his face devoid of all
expression.) Very well. (He turns, feeling discombobulated, and heads back out
of the office. The door closes and Stefan turns to the wall, wiping a hand over
his face in a quick gesture, a look of terror finally registering. He finds his
way over to a chair and sinks into it, his head in his hands).
* * * *
Greece, countryside.
The sun is setting swiftly, and only the slightest remnants of light remain.
Lucky and Nikolas are walking along, several feet apart, at the ridge of a hill
descending into a deep valley. The landscape is fairly barren, dotted with
Cyprus trees. Lucky is carrying a meager handful of twigs, while Nikolas' hands
are still free. Lucky stops at the ridge and looks down over the valley. Nikolas
comes up behind him, following his gaze.
Nik: What are we after here for again?
Lucky: What is so hard to grasp about firewood?
Nik: For starters, it usually requires wood. Logs. Of which we have none.
Lucky: Fires require fuel. This will do it. For now. (He glances back at him)
It's all we've got. (Nikolas shrugs)
Nik: Ok. You know what you're doing.
Lucky: (blinking) Yeah. Once you get over that, maybe we'll start getting
somewhere. (Lucky turns and starts down the hill. Nikolas follows)
Nik: Oh, I'm over that. I got over that a long time ago.
Lucky: Big of you.
Nik: I have a question, though.
Lucky: Do tell.
Nik: Where did you learn to hot wire cars…? (Lucky stops and looks back at him
like he's out of his mind) I mean… I probably can guess where, the question is
Lucky: Why do you have such a problem with this?
Nik: I don't. (Lucky raises his eyebrows) Curiosity. (After a moment, Lucky
turns and continues down the hill)
Lucky: Necessary skill. Given… My illustrious past, which you usually seems to
know more about than I do.
Nik: Interesting theory. (Nikolas slips his hands in his pockets looking down at
the soil as he walks. In the darkness he can barely read Lucky's expression
anyway. Which, he realizes, is probably why he's doing this) I guess I have to
know about someone's past. You knew about mine first.
Lucky: (with a tinge of bitterness) And somehow I refrained from telling you.
Nik: Don't be too glib, I still haven't figured out if I consider that a favor.
(Lucky stops and stares at him a moment)
Lucky: I do. (He turns away, continuing down the hill at a slightly increased
speed. Nikolas watches after him a moment, in minor shock. He shakes his head
and starts out of him, trying to figure out what he can possibly say in
response. He catches up with Lucky, only a step behind and still at a loss. He
clears his throat, deciding this is not the time, and pushes on with the
Nik: This isn't exactly forest country. (Lucky grunts slightly) Despite what
Shakespeare might tell you. (Lucky wrinkles his forehead, missing the reference)
Lucky: Shakespeare. Ok, I give up. (He turns back) What the hell does
Shakespeare have to firewood?
Nik: A Midsummer Night's Dream. They're in a forest. (He narrows his eyes)
Outside Athens.
Lucky: Yeah, well. (He turns and continues down the hill) Some English teacher
once told me “Verona” or whatever is just Shakespeare's way of saying “Long ago
in a galaxy far, far away”.
Nik: (confused) That's… Simplistic.
Lucky: That was Murty. Gotta throw in those pop culture references. It increased
his “hip” factor. (Nikolas makes a face, ignoring the fact that this pop culture
reference is beyond him)
Nik: Mr. Murty. I'd forgotten about him. In fact, I've blocked most of that out.
Lucky: That makes two of us. (He smiles slightly) Except for that day he called
you on not paying attention. That I remember vividly.
Nik: He never did that.
Lucky: Oh, yeah he did. That and not raising your hand to answer a question.
(Nikolas cringes)
Nik: Oh, right. (They continue down the hill) You enjoyed that, huh?
Lucky: Immensely.
Nik: (muttering) Well, at least you're honest. (Lucky stops and turns back
Lucky: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Nik: Nothing.
Lucky: Nothing. Right.
Nik: No, really, Lucky. Nothing. Not a thing. We're supposed to be getting
firewood, right.
Lucky: (still suspicious) Right. And in the interest of that? Maybe we should
try something extreme and split up.
Nik: Split up. (Lucky shrugs and continues down the hill at increased speed)
Lucky: (calling back) Cover more ground.
Nik: (Nikolas sighs and turns away) Whatev… (He's cut off as his foot catches on
a log and he crashes down onto the ground with impressive force. Lucky turns
back, startled, and stares at Nikolas a moment before coming back up the hill)
Lucky: Nikolas! (Nikolas groans and pulls himself up, glancing back)
Nik: (in pain) Oh, good. A log. (He nearly tips over but forces himself into a
sitting position.
Lucky: (reaching him) What the hell happened?
Nik: (winded) Tripped. (he exhales) Wow. I didn't know you could hit the ground
that hard and live.
Lucky: (attempting not to laugh) I didn't know you were such a klutz. (Nikolas
shoots him a look and sits up)
Nik: I'm not. (he takes another breath) I'm seeing stars. (He shakes his head
out) Do you ever get the feeling you're slowly losing even the most basic
abilities you think you posses?
Lucky: Me? (he drops down to the ground next to Nikolas) You think I'd admit
that to you?
Nik: Right. (He closes his eyes) Sorry. That was disorienting. Forgot who I was
talking to. (Lucky watches him a moment, as he concentrates on getting his
bearing back. He wishes a part of him didn't find it funny, but… He clears his
throat hard and changes the subject)
Lucky: So… What are these basic abilities? Speech still seems to be in your
Nik: Yeah, well. Been there, done that, not going back.
Lucky: Right. Yeah. (He picks up the log) Ok. There are better ways to find
firewood, but this works. (Nikolas nods, the world still tipping slightly around
him. He reflects that the fall feels almost worse than being thrown from a
horse, his shoulders aching, while not being in enough sharp pain to focus on
anything except his general confusion. He sits back, taking an unsteady breath.
He needs a minute here, but there is no way he's going to ask for it. He scans
his brain for a topic).
Nik: (shakily) Have you done a lot of this?
Lucky: What, camping?
Nik: Yeah.
Lucky: (shrugging, examining the log) More than my share, probably. Why?
(There's a pause. Nikolas props his head on his arm, breathing carefully)
Nik: I went to Colorado with Sarah once. (Lucky looks over at him, confused)
Lucky: Uhh… Right. What, did you camp there?
Nik: No.
Lucky: Uh huh…
Nik: I haven't done any camping. (He frowns) My father slept out in the desert
for two months though. Before I was born.
Lucky: Deserts. I've done that.
Nik: He always… I mean - I've traveled a lot too. I didn't spend my whole life
on the island before I came to Port Charles.
Lucky: Are you being random on purpose, Nik? Did you hit your head or something?
Nik: You have no patience, you know that?
Lucky: (annoyed) I'm trying to figure out where you're going with this.
Nik: (tipping his head back to look at the sky) One day, I swear to God, we're
going to have a conversation that doesn't feel like major surgery.
Lucky: What's the fun in that?
Nik: I'm trying to say… (He stops, frowning) What am I trying to say?
Lucky: Don't ask me. I can't remember the last time you made sense.
Nik: (heavily) Colorado.
Lucky: Right. The non sequitur. (Nikolas gives him a long-suffering glance.
Lucky nods at him) Go on. I wanna see where this is going.
Nik: Ok. Colorado. We went back, I met her friends and her other grandmother and
all of that… And I got to see her at “home”. I mean… she'd been in Port Charles
for years at that point, but… It was like this was a place she knew. And just
that, made her more… open. Relaxed. She was so in control of everything. And it
reminded me of… going home… Which I haven't done in years. I'm accustomed to
Port Charles now, but… the island is different.
Lucky: I've definitely gotten that feeling.
Nik: Well, get ready for it. You think I'm unbearable now? (Lucky laughs
slightly, in spite of himself) That's not why I'm telling you this.
Lucky: Ok, what is this, the daily double? Am I supposed to guess?
Nik: You're home. (he pauses a moment, as Lucky jerks his head back) Aren't you?
Lucky: In Greece? Like hell!
Nik: No. On the road. You're acting… today, but even before that… like you're
home. (Lucky feels himself go cold, but continues to stare at Nikolas. The
silence becomes uncomfortable. Nikolas expels a breath). It's just… interesting
to see. (Nikolas turns to look at Lucky, unbelieving that he just said that…
something he's been thinking about ever since Lucky mentioned that the hotel was
like seeing where he grew up. Lucky is staring back at him, but in the
descending darkness, he can't make out his features. After a moment, Lucky turns
away, staring down into the valley)
Lucky: Can you walk?
Nik: Yeah.
Lucky: Good. Let's go. (He stands up, lifting the log, and heads up the hill.
After a minute Nikolas pulls himself up, takes a deep breath, and starts up
after him).
