Chapter One Hundred Ninety-Nine:
Cassadine Compound, Guest Quarters, before dawn.
Lucky wakes with a start from a far too illuminating sleep. He knows. He just
knows, the memory having collided with his subconscious like the ice berg hitting
the Titanic.
Lucky blinks a few times, trying to get his bearings. He sits up, cradling his head in his hands and trying to discern dream from memory. No, he'd heard the name before. And now he knows why. No... No, he has to talk to Nikolas. Lucky slides away from Emily. She protests in her sleep, reaching out for him as he spills out of the bed. Lucky leans across the bed and puts a soothing hand to her cheek.
Lucky: (whispering) It's Ok. Go back to sleep. (Emily makes a slight sound that suggests that she's placated. Lucky dresses with lightening speed and moves silently to the door and ducks out of the room.
The hall is dark. Lucky turns blindly in the direction of "the Prince's" quarters. His eyes have adjusted to the dark by the time he reaches the door. He lifts his hand to knock, then pauses, looking over his shoulder. Deciding that he'll be waking Nikolas either way -- and making more noise than necessary if he knocks -- Lucky lowers his hand and tests the door knob. It turns easily in his hand. Pausing only momentarily, Lucky takes a breath and pushes the door open.
The room is even darker than the hall, all the drapes -- heavier than the ones in the guest quarters, pulled across the darkened windows. Nonetheless, Lucky can make out a lump on the bed. Something someone could take for the sleeping prince in this light... If they weren't particularly observant.
Lucky's heart has already picked up a beat before he's even closed the door behind him. He's spent too much of his life listening for things that went bump in the night not to know immediately that he's alone in the room. He can just feel it. No matter how close he ventures to the bed, whatever is there will not start breathing.
He's already noticed the this house lacks light switches -- everything was lit by lamps, and in some areas only candles or oil lamps -- so he opts to move towards the bed in the dark. His hands reach out and grab the shadowy occupant and he stops dead.
Their bags. His bag. The ones Nikolas had insisted were going to be brought to his room, are sitting on top of the bed spread.
Lucky feels like he's been sucker punched in the gut, his breath catching. He refuses to stop, however. He locates the zipper quickly and opens the bag, spilling the contents over the bed. He scatters the clothes across the bed. He returns to the bag, his hands fumbling with the side pockets and pouches. He searches the compartments of the bag, then searches again. Still not coming up with what he wants, he starts to dig through the clothes desperately. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing... Lucky stumbles towards the head of the bed and flips on the lamp.
Lucky sinks down on the bed, swallowing hard against a strong urge to be sick. He stares at the opposite wall blankly, his body not responding to the weak commands his brain is giving. He can feel his synapses misfiring, as he struggles to make sense of this. This... can't be real, he thinks numbly. Fifteen minutes ago, he was lying in bed with a warm body pressed against his and for some ungodly reason, he had decided to get up and venture down the hall into the middle of his worst nightmare. No, no, no. No one made decisions like that. No sane person, at least.
Lucky shakes his head, trying to bring himself back to earth. He looks around the room dizzily. No. No, there has to be an explanation here. There has to be something else going on here. Nikolas is around some place, he'll just track him down and --
Nikolas is gone.
Lucky: No. (Lucky feels pinpricks begin to spread across the back of his neck. He stands suddenly and paces the room, shaking his head. Just looking at the circumstances right now, it looks pretty incriminating... Looks like his brother has withheld his belongings, stolen the one thing that was of the most importance, and taken off. Lucky gives a slight, almost hysterical laugh.) No way, Don't do this to me. Don't -- (He stops, his brain twigging on something.) Hannah. (Lucky turns scouring the room with his eyes, looking for the box he'd seen griped in his brother's hands on their trip from Brindisi. If he knows a damn thing about Nik, it was this -- Losing Hannah has messed him up and good. And NO ONE -- Not even a Cassadine -- carried a lover's ashes halfway around the world to just forget about them. Not spotting the box on any surface, Lucky crossed to the wardrobe, then the dresser, conducting a quick but thorough search . Nothing -- clothes, but that didn't mean a thing. This place was nothing if not well stocked. Lucky pushes himself away from the wardrobe violently. What the hell was going on here? He backs away from the scene, towards the door, the situation still sinking in. No sign of Hannah's ashes...
Lucky turns on his heel, abandoning the scene and moves out the door and down the hall. He just needs to get back from where he started from, go back to Emily and find some way to get his heart out of his throat. Turning down the hall to the guest quarters, he catches a glimpse of white at the end of the corridor - passing the open French doors that lead to the south terrace.
Lucky: (breathing) Nikolas. (Lucky breaks into a run, dashing down the hall and arriving on the terrace to see Emily, barefoot and in the night dress, spins around).
Em: Lucky? (she rushes towards him, clearly disturbed. Lucky reaches out and pull her against his chest holding her tightly as his eyes scan the horizon. Nothing but dark. He hears Emily's voice, high-pitched and breathy, and forces his attention back to the terrace.)
Lucky: What? What is it? What are you doing out here? (Emily glances over her shoulder, looking spooked).
Em: I woke up and you weren't there -- that's not weird, but... It just felt wrong. I can't... (She stops and takes a breath) Something's wrong. (Lucky lowers his head, looking into her eyes intently)
Lucky: (raw) Why do you say that? (Emily furrows her brow, trying to remember what it was that hit her as being so out of place)
Em: You left the door open. (she shakes her head) I just... Something IS wrong, right? (Lucky's brain clicks through the possible answers to the question. No. He isn't going to be pulling anything off here. He straightens up)
Lucky: Nikolas isn't in his room. (Emily blinks)
Em: You went to see Nikolas? (Lucky looks off at the horizon again, deep in thought. He breaks from it in a sudden gesture and takes Emily's hand, leading her towards the barrier. He sits down on it so that they are about eye level to each other. Emily looks at him, clearly anxious) You have to tell me what's going on.
Lucky: I am. (he takes her other hand in his and looks her straight in the eye) Something's going on here. Something's not right. I know you think I should cut Nik more slack, but --
Em: (eerie) That's not how you operate.
Lucky: (earnestly) I have to trust my gut first. I'm not saying it's not wrong sometimes, but... (He brings her hands to his lips and kisses her knuckles, breathing in shakily). You have to believe me. You have to listen to what I'm saying and believe me.
Em: (nodding, without hesitation) I do. I will. Just tell me, please! (Lucky exhales at the vehemence of her words. He can feel himself calming, switching modes, as he begins to speak.)
Lucky: Mediros. Remember I told you I'd heard that name before?
Em: Uh huh. (Lucky swallows before continuing)
Lucky: It was from Hannah. (Emily's eyes go momentarily blank. Lucky drops her hand and puts his hand to her cheek) Em? (Emily blinks and snaps back to attention)
Em: Hannah? (Lucky nods, relieved to see her present again. For some reason, pouring everything into talking to her about this is calming him down considerably. Or at least helping him to feel like he has some modicum of control. He takes a breath.)
Lucky: Hannah told me, way back -- Helena found her while she was working for this family in Greece. Mediros -- Helena was some kind of distant relative. When she decided she was ready for her, she just plucked her up and --
Em: Sent her to Port Charles.
Lucky: Exactly. (Emily shakes her head dizzily)
Em: What... (She closes her eyes and takes a quick breath, then looks back at Lucky) Why isn't Nikolas in his room? (Lucky looks helpless)
Lucky: I don't know. I had to ask him. I don't know what she told him -- I mean, technically he only knows that she was connected to Helena because of me. She never got around to it. Once he knew, Helena was in town and she had a lot of limitations. Probably could have waited until morning, but... (Lucky shrugs halfheartedly) I just didn't feel right about that boat.
Em: No... (Emily pulls in a sharp breath. This doesn't feel real. She feels like she's standing twenty feet back from herself. She squeezes Lucky's hand just to make sure she can still feel. A question occurs to her) What happened in his room?
Lucky: He wasn't there.
Em: Yeah... But he could have just gone for a walk -- you do that all the time.
Lucky: I don't think so.
Em: Why not? (Emily's words don't come out like a question so much as a request for an explanation.)
Lucky: Our bags were on his bed. I went through them. The gun is gone --
Em: (tensing) Gun? (Lucky closes his eyes. Damnit, he IS losing his mind. The gun was something he'd neglected to share with Emily)
Lucky: I got it off Theo, the guy in Brindisi?
Em: (nodding rapidly) Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. It's gone?
Lucky: It's gone. (Lucky laughs humorlessly) See, you're telling me I should trust Nikolas -- (Emily hunches her shoulder, tears springing to her eyes) I already was, Emily. With... way too much. (Emily shakes her head hard and pulls her hands away from him)
Em: No... (Lucky reaches out for her hand as she pulls it away)
Lucky: Em -- (Emily's hands fly up to the sides of her head. She shakes her head again)
Em: Wait. Wait, wait... What are you saying? (She looks at him directly) What do you think is going on here?
Lucky: I'm not sure.
Em: He wouldn't... (he voice catches. Lucky leans forward, disturbed by Emily's demeanor) He wouldn't do anything to...
Lucky: I don't know what's going on. I... Em -- (Emily moves back the few steps across the patio and puts her arms around Lucky's neck, holding him tightly. Lucky's surprised, but pulls her closer and rests his forehead against her shoulder. He can feel her shiver) Emily. What's going on?
Em: (unsteady) What's your gut saying? (Lucky pauses, digging in deep. He waits a moment before delivering his answer)
Lucky: It's saying he's gone.
Em: Where? (She pulls back, her eyes wide) Where? Where would he go?
Lucky: I don't know --
Em: Oh my God! (she looks away, paling) Oh my God, Lucky -- what if he didn't just go? What if... What if --
Lucky: No. No, we would have heard something if Helena --
Em: How do you know that? How can you be sure that... that he... (she swallows hard. Why aren't you prepared for this, a voice inside her head taunts. All this time, you should have known you'd hit the final ten in the countdown sooner or later. A million thoughts are racing in her head, possibilities, other choices... but she's struck cold with terror all the same. A big ball of doom settled in her stomach. There are really only two things that could have happened. She looks up at Lucky, her eyes haunted. She can see Lucky react to her expression)
Lucky: What?
Em: (in a whisper) I never saw that car, did I?
Lucky: Hey --
Em: I don't even remember it hitting me, but I know... I didn't see it coming, right?
Lucky: Neither of us did.
Em: And... (she closes her eyes) Hannah never saw the bullet coming. (Lucky winces. She was shot point blank in the stomach. It's an image that's come to him many times... she must have just opened her front door into the barrel of a gun.) And your Mom... you said she just disappeared into the mist one night. (Lucky's stomach begins to contract. He knows what she's saying. He knows it's the reason he isn't angrier right now. Because a part of him just isn't sure -- not completely. He pulls Emily's trembling body into his arms again, burying his face against her neck)
Lucky: We're gonna be Ok -- (He stops the sentence, as Emily's body quakes in his arms. Jesus, he thinks. She's really shaken up)
Em: I'm sorry.
Lucky: You have no reason to be. (Emily shakes her head)
Em: I'm scared. I don't want to be, but -- I'm scared.
Lucky: Em. (He pulls her hair back and lays a kiss on her temple) So am I.
Em: I don't feel safe here with him gone. (Emily looks at him, her eyes wild) We're not Cassadines. This is not a place to not be a Cassadine.
Lucky: (looking away) Maybe we're close enough. (Emily shakes her head and pulls back)
Em: You're just saying that to make me feel better. (Lucky looks back at her. The answer is in his eyes. Emily grimaces) I'm not being a very good Mrs. Spencer. (Lucky's hand moves to cup the back of Emily's head, and pulls her towards him, giving her a soft kiss.)
Lucky: (pulling back) You're doing fine. (Emily stands, her eyes closed, absorbing what he just said. She opens her eyes and looks at him oddly)
Em: Why are you so calm?
Lucky: (smiling slightly) Because you're not.
Em: I want to be. I'm trying to be. I just... I can't have something happen to you, Lucky. I can't. (Lucky presses his forehead against hers)
Lucky: NOTHING is going to happen to me.
Em: If he just left, I'm going to kill him.
Lucky: Get in line. (Emily pulls back)
Em: I can't believe it! I can't... I just can't believe he'd do that!
Lucky: (exhaling) Maybe he didn't. Maybe... You have a point. Maybe something happened. (Lucky's voice breaks slightly, and he clears his throat)
Em: (quietly) Which do you want it to be? (Lucky looks up at her, clearly conflicted)
Lucky: I don't know. (Emily pulls in her breath. She looks over Lucky's shoulder at the darkened Aegean. The sky is lightening. It's going to be day soon, and then what? She lets the breath out slowly. Calm down, she tells herself. Calm down)
Em: OUR bags were on the bed.
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: What does that mean?
Lucky: Nothing good.
Em: It means he had them. It means he took the gun and left. (she looks at him) Right? (Lucky looks away. Emily bows her head) God. There is nothing I hate more than bad news. (She straightens up and takes Lucky's face in her hands, turning him back to her. She forces a smile she doesn't quite feel) But I got a lot of practice with it. (Lucky nods.) We can handle this. Right?
Lucky: That's all we do. (Emily nods. Her smile becomes a little more sincere)
Em: Yep. Been doing it for years. (her voice is still shaky. Lucky notices she's still shivering. He looks down at her bare feet)
Lucky: We should go back inside. (Emily shakes her head)
Em: Not yet. (She pulls in another breath. Outside. She feels safer out here. The house has become threatening without any warning. She hadn't realized how much faith and trust she was placing in her friend. Nothing about this place had scared her. It was such a welcome thing, to arrive here. To not have to walk anymore, to not have to hold so much together. She never expected it to turn on her this quickly. She shivers again) Ok. Just to clarify? I love you. (Lucky takes this in, then blinks, looking away. He smiles wryly)
Lucky: You know... I wasn't sure you...
Em: You thought I'd tell you that you were over reacting?
Lucky: I'm... (he stops and sighs, feeling a wave of fatigue) I don't know how to explain it.
Em: I get it. I just... I trust your instincts. (she gives a sad smile and reaches up, running pushing his hair back) I wish I didn't, I wouldn't feel like this right now. (She leans forward and kisses him again, then lets herself sink into a silent embrace. They both stay there, minutes passing, holding each other in silence. What is there to say? Something is going to happen and it's going to happen soon. But it's not happening yet. Emily looks out and notices the sun is beginning to rise. She feels something in her stomach drop. God, I am terrified, she thinks. I'm terrified to face this day. She feels Lucky's arms tighten around her.)
Lucky: So. (Emily laughs a little, and grinds her head against his shoulder)
Em: So.
Lucky: You were going to cut my hair today, remember? (Emily laughs out loud, startled by the sound of it)
Em: I was joking.
Lucky: Hey, it's something to do.
Em: (pulling back) I like your hair long. (She runs her hand through his hair, grinning) It's kinda... wild and unruly. Untamable. (Her eyes flash at him) It doesn't listen to anyone. Face it Lucky -- you ARE your hair. (Lucky smiles, conceding)
Lucky: Are you finished? (she shakes her head slowly)
Em: I can't believe you made me laugh.
Lucky: (deadpan) It's my purpose it life. (He moves her arms from around his neck, taking her hands again) Let's go in.
Em: I don't want to go back in that house while Nikolas isn't there.
Lucky: We don't have much choice. (Emily looks down)
Em: (ruefully) This is part of handling it, huh? (she sighs and steps back from him) Ok. (Emily turns her back on the rising sun and moves towards the door to the patio, Lucky behind her, still holding her hand.) Then lets get started.
* * * *
Airport, Prague, the Check Republic
Katija can't believe she has allowed herself to be dragged into this. Really. She was being polite. At the very least, she was nodding when she was supposed to nod, and saying all the phrases she'd used on the island all those years ago -- still occupying space in her brain after all these years. She'd just wanted this to be over. There was no risk in digging up anymore bodies than she already had.
It had been Laura, damn her, who had suggested it. That man -- Luke Spencer... she still couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that he really existed... and that his tongue wasn't forked. Luke Spencer had come in, the cousin in tow, and announced that they were leaving. No, that HE was leaving and they were either coming or going straight to hell.
Katija had been thankful Stefan had kept her sister in the city throughout this. Had Andrea been there, she would have gasped and crossed herself... then most likely attempted to wash the man's mouth out with holy water. Katija shuddered. She didn't care to think about what reaction holy water might have with the man's skin.
Laura had stood up, chin raised, and said she was going with him. Alexis and Stefan had simply exchanged a look, and Katija had thought to herself 'So that is all...' -- she hadn't known just how she felt about that. This whole thing was unsettling. It stirred things in her she wanted to keep locked away. And then, when the discussion of transport had been broached, Laura had looked at Katija and said "Come with us."
Katija had been stunned silent. For one terrible moment she had thought that Laura intended for her to ride with her and the man she called husband, but that was clearly not the case. Alexis and Luke were leaving together, curiously, in the car they had both arrived in. Laura was asking for Katija's presence in the car with Stefan. And Stefan had readily agreed, saying that, if Nikolas was not on the island as Laura insisted, he wanted to leave someone there he knew he could trust. Katija had felt herself flush, and she was sure it went unnoticed... except by that man. He just looked at her like she was transparent, and grinned a grin that was almost a leer.
Oh, she did not like him. She had given him a look of complete disgust, and he seemed to have enjoyed it. It was the only thing he HAD enjoyed. Miserable man. He'd slept on her couch. Without invitation. He snored.
Katija pulled the sleeves of her sweater down over her hands and crossed her arms as she walked along the corridor towards the plane. Oh, why had she agreed to this? Was it possible that, after all these years, she still didn't think saying 'no' to a Cassadine was an option? Possibly. Or did she just not have it in her to say no when that one particular Cassadine was involved? Probably.
But there was something else here too. She smiled just a little... she was going home. She was going to the one place she had always been told she was not allowed to go. And perhaps she'd get to see Nikolas again. She felt, after all this, she should at least get to look the man that little boy had become in the eye.
Katija, walking ahead of the company, reaches the plane first and stops upon entering the cabin. She hasn't been on a plane in years and even then, it was never the family jet. She grips the small bag she's brought with her, at a loss. Where on earth is she supposed to go?
There are six seats, two on bench-like seating along the sides of the cabin, and two in single chairs that face each other. She takes a breath and moves quickly to one of the bench seats and sits down on the edge, her bag on her lap. She fixes her eyes on the ground and waits.
After a moment, the others have joined her. They, however, hover around the front of the plan, no one moving forward. She looks up and notices Laura scanning the room with her eyes. After a moment she brushes her hair back and marches over to one of the single chairs. Katija feels herself tense. Oddly, Laura was probably the person she would have felt most comfortable sitting with.
Following her is Alexis, who takes the seat across from her. She smiles slightly at Katija and occupies herself with her seat belt. Katija exhales and looks back at the cabin door in time to see Luke appear in the doorway. He stops and looks around, quickly noting a rigid Stefan blocking his path, and the women having marked their territory already. Luke shakes his head.
Luke: Oh, look. Ain't this cozy... (Luke's eyes meet Katija and she feels immediately that she has just been identified as the easiest target. She unconsciously winds the strap of her bag around her hand and Luke walks across to her. She looks up, determined not to look away, and he reaches down and grabs the strap on her bag) Allow me. (Katija frowns at him. Luke pulls the bag, and after a moment, she lets go, shooting a quick look in Stefan's direction. Stefan does not look pleased.)
Katija: I am capable --
Luke: (taking the bag) Don't want anything to happen this early in the journey, darlin', trust me. (Luke opens an overhead compartment and throws the bag in. He slams the door, looks down at the woman and grins at her. Katija gives him a look that could freeze blood, then turns away, looking for her seat belt. Luke flops down on the bench beside Katija and stretches out his legs. HE looks up at Stefan.) Come on, Papa Adams, take a seat. (Stefan's eyes narrow and he gives Luke a look of pure hatred. Katija frowns in confusion. This man has made several comments she hasn't quite grasped, but none have gotten this kind of rise out of Stefan. After a moment, Stefan glances away and she notices that he checks her expression before moving to sit next to Alexis. Laura, sitting alone, rests his chin on the back of her hand, staring out into space in deep thought. Katija feels the seat next to her jostle and she looks over at Luke. He smiles at her) Just getting' comfortable. (Dear Lord, Katija thinks. I'm in hell.)
* * * *
Apex of a hill, Cassadine Compound.
The sun is now high in the sky and the day could be assumed to be underway. Lucky sits with his arms around Emily as she rests against his chest. They had combed the island for almost three hours and come up empty-handed thus far. No Nikolas. No person with the slightest idea what they were so tense about. The closest they'd come to information was a couple of dock guards who didn't seem to speak English -- a fact Lucky seriously doubted. What was more, Mariah, who had looked like she was wishing the floor would open and swallow her whole when Lucky had tried to talk to her, said she wasn't' certain where her brother was. So. Nothing to do but wait. At least until he had the energy to continue to beat this particular dead horse.
Lucky's stomach has been knotted so long, it's become physical pain. His jaw is clenches, his every muscle taunt. And no matter how emotionally exhausted he feels, his mind won't be stilled. He's tried. He's done everything he could think of to make this feeling go away, and none of it's worked. SO now he's sitting on top of a hill, canning the horizon for any sign of that damned boat, and trying once again, to figure out how he got himself here.
He should stop this, he thinks. It's too close to regret, and that was something his father had always discouraged --
Lucky suppresses a groan and buries his face in Emily's hair. Right. That's going to help. Nothing made his mind go blank quicker than thoughts of his father. He didn't even know how he felt about him anymore. NO clear feeling ever came up at the mention of his name, other than... Well. Panic. Sudden and strong desire to push that and all other thoughts away.
Em: (softly) Should I even ask? (Lucky blinks, bringing himself back to the moment)
Lucky: Huh?
Em: Your heart just started pounding. (Lucky exhales and closes his eyes)
Lucky: Just thinking.
Em: Yeah. (Lucky tightens his grip on her, resting his chin on the top of her head)
Lucky: I told him not to do this. I TOLD him.
Em: (Picking up a blade of grass) We don't know what he's done yet. Not definitely. (Emily's voice is disembodied. She was seriously flagging when they stopped to rest here, Lucky thinks. Once again, trying to appear much more healthy than she actually was. Her fatigue was about the only thing that could make him stop right now. He didn't even want to TRY to get her to go back to the house. Maybe later, maybe -- but that sort of stuff was inviting a confrontation neither of them was feeling human enough to deal with right now. He feels Emily sigh heavily) I can't stand waiting.
Lucky: I know.
Em: This is hell. (she strains to look up at him) I mean...
Lucky: I know -- "not knowing is the worst". (Emily nods)
Em: Always. (she sits up and stretches) So thank-you Nikolas. (Lucky nods in silent agreement, wishing she hadn't gotten up. There was something endlessly comforting about holding her. It made him feel more capable. It was helping him stop from just coming apart at the seams. Which was going to happen. As much as he pushed it away, he could feel it coming on. There was too much racing around in his head, too much pushing at him, demanding that he listen to them. Lucky turns his head, and pushes the heel against his temple. He can feel everything rattling around in his head pick up speed and he reached out, not even thinking about it, and pulled Emily back against him. Emily is surprised by the action, but lets herself slide down against him, nestling against him. God, she doesn't want to move... she doesn't want to much tell him that, either.)
Lucky: Em.
Em: Yeah? (Lucky exhales and looks back at Emily. She's turned a bit, looking at him over her shoulder.)
Lucky: Remember that box he had? On the boat. (Emily stiffens, then lets out her breath slowly. Lucky can feel her own heart quickening. God, he thinks, is there one person on this island who hasn't got an immediate emotional trigger?)
Em: (clearing her throat) Hannah's ashes.
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: I remember.
Lucky: Did he ever talk to you about that?
Em: Just... Just that he thought we should do something with them. When this was over. (she looks up) Why?
Lucky: I looked for them in his room. They aren't there. (Emily digests this)
Em: (after a moment) I don't know what that means.
Lucky: Neither do I. (he exhales) I thought I meant he was gone.
Em: (closing her eyes, very odd tone) Or he took her ashes for a walk! (Lucky bends his head to look into her eyes, which is not difficult since she's nearly slipped supine into his lap. She looks up at him) I think I have lost all perspective on this situation.
Lucky: It's a possibility.
Em: Which? The perspective? Or the walk? (Lucky considers this)
Lucky: Either one.
Em: (sighing) One day we will look at this and laugh...
Lucky: "Hey, kids... did I ever tell you about the time I disemboweled your uncle Nikky?" (Emily shakes her head, laughing slightly)
Em: I'm losing my mind!
Lucky: Yeah, and you're dragging me right down with you. (Emily groans and pulls herself up again. She turns and looks at Lucky)
Em: I don't know what to do. I just don't. I don't even know how to think about this anymore. (Lucky nods) Remember that story you told about your mom? In Amsterdam.
Lucky: (after a moment) Yeah.
Em: Was it anything like this? (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: It was... (He stops)
Em: Is this worse? (Lucky doesn't answer) We shouldn't be just sitting here. (She struggles to stand up) We should be looking.
Lucky: Emily. (Emily finds her feet, a little unsteady. She closes her eyes and lets out a breath)
Em: Yeah? (Lucky gets to his feet)
Lucky: You're tired. (Emily shakes her head)
Em: No, I'm Ok, I -- (She stops, hearing herself, then opens his eyes, a bit surprised) Oh man. (Lucky just looks at her) I can't say that, can I?
Lucky: You can try. (Emily cringes)
Em: Yeah. And then you'll get mad, and I'll get defensive, and --
Lucky: Someone will end up on the ground. And that's not usually me.
Em: (heavily) It could be. At some point. (Lucky takes a step towards her and pushes her hair back from her face)
Lucky: You're tired.
Em: Ok, I'm tired.
Lucky: Let me take you back. (Emily rolls her eyes)
Em: And where are you going to go? (Lucky hesitates)
Lucky: There's one place we haven't gone, and maybe... if he was feeling really... I don't know. It's just a chance. But it's on the other side of the island, and down a cliff. (Emily looks at him like he's nuts)
Em: What is it with you guys and sharp inclines?
Lucky: You up to it?
Em: What if I say yes?
Lucky: Uh... I veto you?
Em: VETO me?
Lucky: Come on, Em. You owe me ONE veto by now, you've got to admit that much. (Emily shifts her weight)
Em: I've put you through a lot.
Lucky: And I've been a pleasure cruise. Have you looked around? Exactly how likely it is that you'd end up here like this if you hadn't --
Em: DON'T! (Emily puts her hands up to her ears and closes her eyes. She takes a breath, then drops them, shooting him a look) Not even joking, Ok? I'm here because I want to be.
Lucky: And you want to be because --
Em: I love you. (Lucky looks away) We can't keep having this fight. I mean, at some point, you just have to accept that where you are, I'm going to be. Until you tell me to go away. (Lucky looks back at her, and gives a slight smile) Don't get any ideas about that either. (Emily closes the distance between them, standing on her toes and embracing him) Ok. One veto.
Lucky: Technically, I should get two.
Em: The car wasn't my fault --
Lucky: My apartment. Before exams.
Em: (heavily) You didn't wake me up, that was your veto. (Emily steps back) Do you want to walk me home or do you possibly trust me to make it down this path without getting lost? (Lucky looks at the slightly mocking expression on her face. Truth? He wants to clone himself. He's not going to be able to stand still until he knows for sure that Nikolas isn't just sitting on a rock some place. However, he gets the feeling not letting Emily walk herself home is taking things further than her disposition is going to allow.)
Lucky: You really want to walk back yourself.
Em: Well. First of all, I think I can handle it. Secondly... I get along with the staff better than you do. (Lucky frowns)
Lucky: And...
Em: And... Maybe Josef will show up. He should know something. (Lucky makes a face) I know... I just think... I will probably have more luck talking to him, that's all. You know, since I don't actively want to choke him.
Lucky: Give yourself time. You will. (Emily managed a smirk)
Em: I want this to be over.
Lucky: Yeah, me too.
Em: (Closing eyes) Ok. (She pulls in a deep breath, and looks up at him) Good luck. (Lucky's struck dumb by the look on her face -- the sad expression in her eyes, the worry in the way she is holding her mouth. He shakes his head and reaches down to cup her face in his hands. He leans down and kisses her, drinking her into him, trying to push the worry and fear away. She returns the kiss sweetly, aching with her world weary brand of innocence. He pull back and looks down at her)
Lucky: (quietly) I love you like nothing else. (Emily nods)
Em: Go do what you have to do.
* * * *
The Grounds of the Compound, some time later.
The sun is up in the sky as Emily walks down the hill behind the south terrace. She had stopped and rested a few times, finding herself a bit dizzy -- though she suspected that was an emotional reaction more than anything else. At least I have "me" clothes, she thinks miserably, looking down at her sneakers. That was the one thing that the morning had brought that she could feel comforted by. She was back in her old clothes, familiar fabrics, worn with over-washing and a heck of a lot of abuse on this trip. It was better than a teddy bear right now.
She needed comfort. Something outside of Lucky -- though he was being wonderful. It was just hard for her to let herself be taken care of by him -- let him help her when she knew he was tying himself up in knots over Nikolas. But right now, the only thing she could do to help him was just be there in whatever way she could. And he seemed perfectly happy to focus on her, worry about her -- at least for a while. She couldn't pretend she didn't understand that. She'd been doing it for a long time herself.
Nikolas. Nikolas was another thing entirely. She really couldn't wrap her mind around what was happening. After they had gone inside, she'd showered, dressed, brushed her hair... and really expected that something would happen. Someone would inform them that Nikolas was on some sort of ridiculous errand, or it would turn out to be a misunderstanding and the only issue would be Nikolas's possession of their bags.
And gun.
Emily stops, putting her hands to her face. This isn't happening... None of this feels real anymore. Dropping her hands before she surrenders to tears, Emily swallows back the lump in her throat and continues down the hill. She's turning a corner in the path when she hears a noise behind her. She spins around.
Em: (exhaling) Josef. (Josef smiles softly, and takes a few steps up the hill towards her)
Josef: Expecting someone else? (Emily shakes her head)
Em: No. Not expecting.
Josef: Hoping. (Emily gives a wane smile, her eyes looking past him)
Em: Maybe.
Josef: I was conducting rounds. The security is on alert, since the Prince's arrival. He has concerns about your safety. His brother's as well. (Emily nods)
Em: Oh. Ok. (She looks back at him) Yeah, I was wondering where you were.
Josef: (another smile) I am sorry. In the prince's absence, I am forced to be more diligent in my duties. (Emily stiffens)
Em: Absence.
Josef: Yes. He went to the mainland. Were you not informed? (Emily frowns)
Em: Informed by who? We've barely seen anyone.
Josef: Ah. (Emily shakes her head, trying to absorb this)
Em: What do you mean? Gone to the mainland? Why? Why wouldn't he have told us?
Josef: I am afraid there was a miscommunication. I believed you had been informed.
Em: (crossing her arms, looking down at the ground) No. No, definitely not.
Josef: You are angry with me too.
Em: (looking away) I just... I'm upset with the situation. (She exhales) And Luc-- (breath) My husband. He's not really... He would have liked to have known.
Josef: Of course.
Em: (a little bitterly) I know the staff doesn't really think much of him, but he's the prince's brother --
Josef: (Smoothly) Well... The elder Mr. Spencer -- his father, yes? He is something a legend amongst the staff. It is strange for us to absorb the idea of a Mr. Spencer who is both the Prince's brother and the son of... that man. (Emily nods, and looks off in the distance. She doesn't care about this. She just wants to get back. She's further from the mansion than she thought, she realizes.)
Em: (distantly) This whole thing is strange.
Josef: It is also true that second sons are not treated on par with their elder brothers. That is not unique. (Emily looks at Josef oddly, confused by the statement)
Em: Lucky's not a Cassadine.
Josef: True. (Emily exhales. Right. And that would just make it worse)
Em: Ok. (she shakes her head) I'm sorry, but I'm sort of on a single track today -- do you know what 'The Prince' is doing? Where did he go?
Josef: He did not share that information with me.
Em: At all? (Josef walks down the path a little, passing Emily. She turns, her eyes following him. He stops below her and looks out at the water)
Josef: He said he did not want to be disturbed. And that you were to wait here for his return. (Emily feels herself bristle at his words)
Em: What?
Josef: (turning back) That is all he said. (Emily's mind begins to race, trying to make sense of that. It sounds so cold. So removed. So NOT Nikolas. God, who IS this person? None of this is making any sense to her. Emily realizes again that she's not alone and shakes herself back to reality)
Em: I should go back. (She starts to move down the hill. Josef catches her arm as she passes and she looks down at it)
Josef: Excuse me... allow me to walk you?
Em: I... No, that's fine. You have things to check.
Josef: I can not imagine the Prince would appreciate my leaving you to fend for yourself.
Em: I... (she stops. Let it go, she tells herself. This is all about playing a role anyway.) I'll be all right. I'm just going to wait in my room. My... My husband thought I should take a nap. (all these words feel so foreign in Emily's mouth, that a part of her brain can't help but sneer. God, she's fallen into a Merchant Ivory film.) I can make it myself.
Josef: I see. I am sorry I offended you. That was not my intention. (Emily blinks)
Em: You didn't. (she puts her hand to her forehead) No, that's fine. I just... I'm really Ok. Go ahead with what you were doing. (She gives Josef a weak smile. For some reason, his presence is grating on her. She doesn't want to deal with this right now. She just wants to get away and consider what Josef's announcement of Nikolas's actions MEANS anyway. Josef's eyes travel over her, however, like he is examining her for some piece of information)
Josef: Surprising....
Em: (frowning) What is?
Josef: That you are so... traditional a wife. You did not strike me that way.
Em: I... (She takes a step back. What the hell...?) I'm not. I take care of Lucky. Lucky takes care of me.
Josef: It's unusual to see here. You'll have to excuse me, Miss Quartermaine.
Em: You did -- (She stops short, staring at him) I...
Josef: I'm sorry. Mrs. Spencer. It just seems strange, using a name like that on one so young. (Emily nods, a bit numb.) You have a lovely maiden name. (Nikolas must have told him, Emily thinks. Don't freak out, don't. Nonetheless, Emily finds herself pushing past Josef, her heart now thundering in her ears.)
Em: Excuse me. (She starts walking, and suddenly, without even making the conscious choice, she's running, every fiber of her being knowing, just knowing as surely as she's ever known anything, that she is in trouble. She hears him behind her and her legs move faster, pushing her forward. She opens her mouth, and lets out a scream) LUCKY! (Emily barely has the word out, when Josef catches up to her, and grabs her by the arm. She can feel, by the steel of his grip, that fighting is pointless. She turns back to him, hissing) Let go of me!
Josef: (softly) To serve what purpose?
Em: (Opening her mouth, starts to scream) LU-- (Josef raises a hand and smacks it across her face, hard. Emily loses her footing and would fall, if not for Josef's painful grip on her arm. She struggles back to her feet, and shoots Josef an infuriated glare as he jerks her back up.)
Josef: Don't try that again.
Em: (with all the strength she has) LUCKY! (Josef spins Emily around, and tries to clamp his hand over her mouth. Emily begins to flail, kicking at him, jerking her arms away from him) HELP! SOMEONE! (The end of her last word goes up into an impossible high pitch, a sound of utter hysteria. Josef's grip on her lessens, mostly in complete surprise of the ferocity of the fight she's putting up. Emily's eyes are wild, flying over Josef, searching for some kind of weakness. She feels him trying to pull her closer and stops fighting momentarily until he raises her arms up to his chest, and awkwardly attempts to restrain both arms with one of his hands. Emily bows her hand, finding his wrist and bites him, hard, until she tastes blood. He screams out in pain and lets go of her. She turns and starts to run again, running, she swears, faster than the wind that is whipping her hair around, billowing out her shirt like some kind of sail. She can feel tears rising and she sprints back towards the compound, hoping and praying that by some miracle, some kind of emotional connection, Lucky will be there, that he'll appear to help her, to stop this man. She can't believe the speed she's moving at, can't believe how quickly she finds the danger spots on the path, avoids rocks, sticks, she's not going to trip, she's not going to fall, she's going to make it. Suddenly she feels a sharp, unbelievable pain in her back and she feels herself pushed forward, pitched onto the path. She slides a few feet, scraping her hands and legs along the gravel. She feels herself explode with the impact of whatever was thrown at her, and she hits the ground weeping. She tries to shake it off, and stumble back to her feet. She's aware of the pain, but has no time to feel it. She just has to get up again. His arms close around her waist from behind)
Josef: The harder you fight, the worse you make this for yourself. It doesn't have to hurt.
Em: (gasping) Let go of me.
Josef: Lucky isn't coming. Can't you tell that?
Em: (kicking backwards at his shins) LET GO! (She starts to struggle against him, reaching back and raking her nails over his arms, and kicking until she remembers the wound she already inflicted. She reaches down to his wrist and finds the broken skin, purposely digging her fingernails into the wound and ripping at the skin. Once again Josef's grip loosens and Emily manages to pull away. He's on her again in less than a second, grabbing her and tossing her violently to the ground. Emily feels herself leave the earth, actually airborne, and she feels as if that moment is suspended, as if she's hanging in midair. For a moment it almost feels real, like everything has stopped, and she's not going to come down. Like the hand of God has paused the world and spared her. She starts to descend, however, and tries to turn in the air. It's impossible, before he even has the chance, she hits a boulder, coming down hard, the impact bringing time back to real speed.
If she'd landed almost any other way, on her side, or front, any other way... But she feels her back hit, right in the center, and the air is pushed, forcibly expelled from her lungs as she slides down the rock, landing in a crumpled heap on the ground. Emily feels her head spin, and she pushes herself up with her arms, on all fours and tries, with all her might, to draw some air into her lungs. It doesn't work. The wind has been knocked out of her and she can't bring it back. She gasps in strangled breaths and tries, the tears flowing fast, threatening to choke her, to cry out again. She can gather no breath, however, and therefore can't push even a full word of her). Lu -- lu -- ll -- Ge -- (she shakes her head. She wants to curl up in a ball and cry, desperately, but she refused to give up, even as she feels Josef's shadow fall over her. She still tries, only able to stutter out first syllable of Lucky's name, over and over again. Josef reaches down and pulls her up to her feet again. Emily struggles to reach out, to fight him off, but her limbs are limp, the product of no oxygen making it to the already strained muscles. Josef's hand closes around her throat and he throws her back against the rock. Emily closes her eyes, not wanting to see the look in his eyes. Not wanting him to see the look in hers. Her mind screams out, something her body just can't do anymore, and she feels his grip tighten, closing off her windpipe. She struggles with everything she has left, just to pull the tiniest bit of air into her lungs. She continues to struggle, tears running down her face, as everything goes black.)
