Chapter Twenty-Two:
Love and Hate
Emily's room
Emily is coming out of the shower, after having a long nap that afternoon. She jumps with surprise when she sees Monica seated on her bed, looking down at something in her lap.
Em: Oh! You scared me.
Monica: I'm sorry. (she shakes her head sadly) I guess that makes us even.
Em: (tentatively) Is something wrong? (Monica picks up the item she was staring at and hold it out to Emily. Em's mouth goes dry. She swallows hard) Oh.
Monica: I know, I know. I shouldn't have opened your drawers.
Em: No, you shouldn't have.
Monica: (shakily) I just had to know. I didn't think I was going to do it. I was only coming in here to try to talk to you again, and suddenly I'm looking for clues, trying to figure out just what's been wrong the past few months. (Emily takes the birth control pills out of her hand)
Em: Well, this is a red herring, because whatever you think is wrong, it has nothing to do with these. (She walks back over to her bedside table, opens the drawer and tosses them in, no longer caring whether they're in the back of the drawer or the front.
Monica: Emily, it might not seem like that has anything to do --
Em: Monica. Trust me.
Monica: Sex is a very complex issue, and sometimes it complicates things in ways you'd never imagine.
Em: Monica...
Monica: Of course I'm relieved you're using protection, but there is still the emotional--
Em: MONICA! (Monica stops rambling and turns on the bed to face Emily) Relax. We're not sleeping together. (Monica freezes a moment, then lets out a long breath)
Monica: Oh, thank God.
Em: Yet. (Monica puts her hand to her chest, all her muscles tensing again).
Monica: Emily...
Em: You must have known this was coming. I mean, how long have Lucky and I been together?
Monica: (heavily) That doesn't make it any easier.
Em: I don't understand. It has nothing to do with you. (Monica laughs ironically)
Monica: That's probably part of what makes it so hard.
Em: (sitting down on the bed) It is going to happen. I don't know when, but it will. And it will happen with Lucky.
Monica: You sound certain of that.
Em: I am. I love him. (Monica flinches) Why does that bother you so much?
Monica: It doesn't bother me so much as... a lot of kids your age bandy that word about like it's nothing.
Em: (tersely) I'm not a lot of kids. And I'd really appreciate it if people in this house would stop treating me like I'm too obtuse to know the difference between love and a crush.
Monica: How serious are you and Lucky?
Em: (shaking her head) How can I answer that? I'm seventeen and I'm fortunate enough to know someone who understands me, and who cares about me, and who will be there for me no matter what. AND he loves me. How many people find that in their whole lives? How many people are able to love that person back with everything they have? (Monica can't help but feel panicked at Emily's words)
Monica: Oh... I knew that. I knew that you -- I just don't want you to get hurt.
Em: That's going to happen. I mean, look at this place -- we could write a book, Pain and Longing in Port Charles. (Monica laughs as she feels tears come to her eyes) But I can handle it. I will handle it. And Lucky will never ever do anything to hurt me on purpose. Everybody makes mistakes -- and I could do something without even realizing it that would hurt him terribly. And that would hurt me more than anything. So how can you tell me that's not love? When the worst thing you can think of is doing something to cause someone else pain?
Monica: (tears running down her face) You're right. That is love. Do you have any idea how long I searched for an answer that simple?
Em: I only know it because I've been able to experience it. Lucky loves me enough to feel any pain he causes me just as acutely as I feel it -- if not worse. And it's the same for me.
Monica: (moaning) You're so young!
Em: I know, don't think it doesn't scare me sometimes. But it's not like I have a lot of choice here.
Monica: Oh, Emily. (Monica looks at her daughter, feeling closer to her than she has in ages) I'm glad we could talk about this. I'm sorry I invaded your privacy.
Em: (sighing) I guess... I could have been a bit more communicative. But next time? Try asking me first. Maybe I'll answer. (Monica shakes her head and stands up)
Monica: Ok. I'll let you get ready. (She walks around the bed, towards the door. As she passes Emily on the bed, she stands up and hugs her fiercely. Monica is shocked, but turns and hugs Emily back.) I love you, Emily.
Em: I know. I know I don't act like it all the time, but I love you too.
Monica: I know. (she squeezes Emily tightly) I'm going to go to my room and have a good cry. Let me know before you go out.
Em: (rolling her eyes) Ok. (Monica nods and leaves. Emily stares after her a minute, then shakes it off, going to her closet to chose her clothes).
* * * *
The Quartermaine Mansion, Foyer.
A flamboyant knock comes on the front door, and a thoroughly unimpressed Reginald appears from wherever it is he appears from and goes to the door. He answer it to see Lucky, leaning against the door jamb, in a creepy good mood. Reginald smiles slightly at the sight of him.
Reg: Hi, Lucky. Emily's not ready yet.
Lucky: Uh (he looks at his watch) I'm actually early.
Reg: You rushed to get here?
Lucky: Twisted, huh? (He enters. Reginald walks towards the living room)
Reg: You can have a seat in here, if you want. (Lucky wrinkles his nose and shakes his head)
Lucky: This is good. I'll just wait here. (Reginald nods, and leaves the foyer for the kitchen. Lucky stands alone in the foyer, hands in the pocket of his coat, thinking that he still isn't used to this place. He flat out doesn't understand how people live this way. He exhales heavily and fixes his gaze on the top of the stairs. After a moment he hears something behind him and turns to see AJ leaning against the door to the living room. Lucky nods in his direction.)
AJ: Lucky.
Lucky: Hey.
AJ: Here for Emily?
Lucky: Well, I'm not here for the ambiance. (AJ is not amused)
AJ: Still got that rapier wit, I see. (Lucky sighs and turns to face him)
Lucky: Do you have something to say to me, AJ?
AJ: What gives you that idea?
Lucky: The fact that you've got Emily spun tighter than a top.
AJ: I do?
Lucky: AJ. You haven't been around. You don't know what's been going on around here. I know you think you're helping her, but trust me -- the last thing she needs right now is more stress.
AJ: You're unbelievable. After everything you did, you've got the nerve to stand here in my family home and give me advice about my little sister.
Lucky: (calmly) I don't know why I keep trying to communicate with the people in this house.
AJ: Look, I don't know what kind of con-job you pulled on Emily to get yourself back in her good graces --
Lucky: She isn't stupid --
AJ: AND I really don't care. You step out of line, just once, and you're out of here. For good.
Lucky: This is the same variety of blackmail you're threatening her with, right?
AJ: I'm not threatening her.
Lucky: Then what do you call this? Brotherly concern? (muttering) My cousin got out of here in the nick of time.
AJ: Your cousin had everything she could ever hope for while she was here!
Lucky: Almost everything. (The glare at each other) I know you're not going to accuse me of being in this for the money -- because sixteen year olds don't make those kind of decisions. And neither do Spencers. I'm not going to get into what happened between you and my cousin --
AJ: No, Lucky. We wouldn't want to discuss that.
Lucky: (coolly) Look, I can't get to angry at you for this because I know where you're coming from. You're trying to protect your family -- or what's left of it. That's what I was doing with Carly.
AJ: Don't you dare compare this to what you did! For starters, I'm not breaking any laws.
Lucky: (finally getting angry) No. You're just breaking your sister's heart so that you don't have to face the fact that what happened between you and Carly was between YOU and CARLY. It wasn't her family, it wasn't yours, there isn't some Spencer/Quartermaine curse. All the bullying in the world isn't going to change that.
AJ: (darkly) If you want to ever see my sister again, you had better back off.
Lucky: (with equal intensity) You can't make her hate me, AJ. But you can make her hate you. (AJ opens his mouth to respond, but stops when he hears Emily and Monica at the top of the stairs. Emily catches his eye, and gives him a warning look. He turns his back, walking away from Lucky. Lucky looks up at her, and smiles. She returns the look and comes down the stairs to see him)
Em: Hey.
Lucky: Hi. (She hugs him hello. He whispers in her ear) You look beautiful.
Em: Thanks. (She looks back at Monica who is forcing a parental smile of approval as she watches them together.)
Monica: So... what are you doing tonight?
Em: Uh.. Movies. (Lucky, knowing this means they are going to do anything else, says nothing. She goes to the closet and gets her coat) I don't know what time I'm going to be back.
Monica: All right. Just... call if something comes up.
Em: Ok. (She looks over at AJ, who is still not looking at her. She looks at Lucky questioningly. He shrugs).
Monica: Well, have fun.
Em: (pulling on her gloves) We will. (She takes Lucky's hand, and they walk to the door, past AJ. Monica goes to join Alan in the living room. As they pass, AJ turns to them)
AJ: Emily. (Emily looks at him, confused) Be careful.
Em: AJ...
AJ: (shaking his head) It always starts with joy... (Emily narrows her eyes at him)
Em: Good night, AJ. (she grips Lucky's hand tightly, and they go out the door together. Once the door is closed, she turns to him) Was it awful?
Lucky: Not one of the better conversations I've ever had.
Em: But you survived?
Lucky: Oh, no sweat. (He pulls Emily towards him, sliding his arm around her waist and slipping his hand into Emily's pocket. She leans again him, smiling contentedly).
Emily: Do you ever consider actually wearing gloves?
Lucky: They're restricting.
Em: Gloves?
Lucky: Mittens. Same thing.
Em: They are not!
Lucky: My mom used to put mittens on those strings inside my winter coats... you know those things? My Dad called them idiot strings.
Em: Nice.
Lucky: I thought so. I'd always rip them off. Find a fence or something and hook the string around it and pull. Because I wasn't an idiot.
Em: Of course not.
Lucky: Well, then I'd lose them. (Emily laughs) And my Mom would get really frustrated and of course, she'd get me another pair -- with another idiot string.
Em: The cycle continues.
Lucky: The point is, I got used to bare hands in cold climates. (Emily stops and turns to face him. She takes his hand and holds hers up to it)
Em: So in other words there are mittens all over the country with "Lucky Spencer" stitched into them.
Lucky: No names. We had too many identities. (Emily stares at her hand matched up against his.)
Em: (distantly) You're one of a kind. Under any name. (Lucky smiles at her, examining her face)
Lucky: (quietly) What do you want to do tonight?
Em: (same quiet distant voice) Be with you.
Lucky: I think that can be arranged. (He leans in and kisses her deeply. She responds in kind, the kiss comes to a natural end, both pulling back and looking at each other in some amazement.) Let's go.
Em: Yeah.
* * * *
Quartermaine Living Room
Monica and Alan sit on the sofa, Monica wearing a look of concern on her face.
Monica: She seemed so sure. And I know I shouldn't doubt her, but I can't fathom what it must be like to be dealing with feelings this intense at her age.
Alan: Well, if you're convinced they're not doing anything stupid.
Monica; I am. I think... I can't believe I'm going to say this -- but I really do think that we can trust Lucky. He has her best interests at heart. (AJ, listening around the corner, appears in the doorway)
AJ: I don't think so.
Monica: AJ! How long have you been there?
AJ: Long enough. Mom, Dad... there's some stuff you have to know about Lucky Spencer. And I don't think you're going to like it.
