Chapter Twenty-Three:
Feel My Love
The Quartermaine Living Room.
AJ stands across from his parents, who are still sitting on the sofa, looking somewhat in shock.
Monica: Why... This is why they broke up?
AJ: Yes.
Monica; How long have you known this?
AJ: Since Emily found out. She told me the next day.
Alan: Why on earth didn't you tell us?
AJ: Emily made me promise not to. And since she kept insisting that Lucky was out of her life, there didn't seem to be any point.
Alan: But the rape charges -- if he beat Carly up like that... He's capable of anything.
AJ: This is what I tried to explain to Emily. She doesn't care. She doesn't think he did it.
Alan: Well, then who did?
AJ: That's the question. She doesn't seem to think it's important. Look. She's blind when it comes to Lucky. She refuses to believe that he's not the same kid she ran away with all those years ago. He's a Spencer. They're not like normal people.
Monica: This coming from a Quartermaine.
AJ: What are you saying mom? Are you saying it's all right to mess with AJ, because he's just going to mess it up himself if you give him enough time?
Monica: Don't put words in my mouth! I'm just trying to reconcile what you're telling me with what Emily tells me.
Alan: I thought she didn't tell you anything!
Monica: We just had a long talk about Lucky this evening. And she didn't seem like she was feeling torn or upset about anything regarding him.
AJ: That's just it, Mom! She forgave him! He nearly destroyed me, and she forgave him. She's not thinking rationally. I don't know how else to make her see -- He'll hurt her without a second thought.
Alan: And she's out with him right now.
Monica: Alan! I don't think she's in any immediate danger. This is Lucky we're talking about!
AJ: Mom, can you honestly say that this is a good thing? That spending time with this boy is what's best for her? You said yourself, she's already not sleeping, not eating--
Alan: All this time... I can't believe I never thought Lucky had anything to do with that.
Monica: I'm not sure he does!
AJ: Mom, you told me yourself, you went to see him about her!
Alan: You did?
Monica: I just wanted to see if he could tell me anything. And he didn't.
AJ: Are you listening to what I'm telling you? He doesn't care about anyone but his family. He's already proven that he will put Spencers above Quartermaines. If something comes up and his family decides that they've got to leave town again, he's gone. He'll leave her -- or even worse, she'll leave with him. She's devoted to him, and he just doesn't feel the same way. When she was sick last week, did he come to see her? You told me, he hardly even comes to the house anymore! No, he keeps things as far away from this place as possible -- until I came back. He's using her. I'm not saying that he doesn't think that he loves her -- as much as he can love anyone. He was raised running from the mob. He has no stability in his life -- and he doesn't make attachments. Emily's going to get destroyed.
Alan: (standing up) That's it. Where did they say they were going?
Monica: (heavily) The movies. I have no idea where.
Alan: Emily and Lucky barely get to see each other. If they're spending two hours in the dark not talking, they aren't doing it at a movie theatre.
* * * *
Lucky's room.
Emily enters the room just ahead of Lucky. He tosses his keys on the desk, and closes the door. Emily walks across the room to the window, and looks out at the parking lot, wistfully. Lucky shrugs off his coat, tossing it onto a chair, watching her the whole time. He crosses the room, and comes up behind her.
Lucky: Hey. (He wraps his arms around her waist and she leans back against him, He bows his head and brushes his lips against her neck. She sighs, a smile creeping onto her lips and lets her head fall to one side. Lucky takes the cue and begins to lay small kisses from the base of her throat up to her hair line. His hand slides up to the zipper on her coat and, with Emily's help, he eases it down. She closes her eyes and tries to loose herself in this moment: being here, with him touching her. Once the coat's undone, Lucky moves his hands up to her shoulders and slides it off of her. She turns around, and wraps her arms around his neck. She raises her face to his, and he kisses her passionately. She runs one hand down his neck to his chest. They break the kiss, both breathless. Emily presses her forehead against his)
Em: I can't believe how long it's been since we've REALLY been alone together. Without families, or interruptions or some kind of emotional melt down. Really, really alone.
Lucky: Mmmm... I don't think I can count that high. (He kisses her again, pulling her close to him. She melts against him, happily. She takes his hands in hers, and pulls him gently towards the bed. Lucky follows, mildly surprised by the turn this evening has taken. He breaks from the kiss) Everything Ok?
Em: Better than Ok. (Lucky smiles at her)
Lucky; I guess it's time you had a good day. (Emily laughs)
Em: I wouldn't go that far. (She sits down on the bed, pulling Lucky down with her) While I was in the shower getting ready for tonight, Monica found my birth control pills. (Lucky catches his breath) Relax, it was Ok.
Lucky: Wow. I'm surprised I wasn't shot on sight.
Em: If it had been Alan, then I would agree with you. But Monica was really... she was just scared for me. And we talked about it, and ... I feel like someone in that house finally understands what we have. And respects it. It just feel so good to know that I'm not crazy. That someone out there actually believes me when I try to explain how much I love you, and doesn't try to make me think I'm delusional.
Lucky: I don't get your family.
Em: They're suspicious of outsiders, I guess. Isn't yours?
Lucky: My family loves you. And my mother knows better than to give me advice. My Dad... well, he keeps everything light, you know? That way he can back off of anything I don't want to get into.
Em: There is nothing light about my family. But Monica...she's different. She tries... I've given her a really hard time lately.
Lucky: That's your prerogative, right?
Em: You know what? I think we've talked enough about my mother.
Lucky: Fine with me. (Emily leans across and kisses him, a long, firm, passion-filled kiss. She breaks away, leaving Lucky looking a little dazed)
Lucky: Wow.
Em: Lucky... (Emily takes a deep breath, her arms still around him. She looks into his eyes) I want to make love to you so much. (Lucky searches her face with his eyes).
Lucky: Is this a long range plan... or are you talking a little more immediate?
Em: (with a nervous laugh) No time like the present.
Lucky: Are you sure? It's not exactly the most romantic setting.
Em: It's enough for me. Besides, when we make plans, things always get in the way. I don't want flowers and candles and... I don't know. Incense? I've got all I need -- you. (Lucky is deeply moved by this)
Lucky: Emily... I love you so much.... I don't feel like I can even find enough words for it anymore. (She leans in and kisses him again, both of them getting momentarily lost in their desire for each other)
Em: (between kisses) Then show me. (After a moment, Lucky takes Emily in his arms and lies her down on the bed. He strokes her hair, gazing into her eyes. She lifts her head and kisses him softly, stroking the back of his neck with her hand. Lucky pulls back, and looks at her again.)
Lucky: You're so beautiful. (Emily is speechless. She looks up at him, and lets her hand slide off his neck, back onto the bed. Lucky kisses her again, deeply, passionately. Emily arches her back, pressing close to him. Lucky pulls back slightly, brushing his lips against hers lightly. He lifts himself up on one arm and lets his eyes move from her eyes, down her body. He lightly caresses the skin at the top of her blouse, then runs his index finger down the row of buttons. He stops at the bottom button, and slowly, his eyes glued to hers, begins to undo her blouse, button by button. Emily reaches up, taking his face in her hands and pulls him down onto the bed with her. They begin to kiss again, deep, soft, gentle kissing. Emily begins to undo the buttons on his shirt. Then... there is a knock on the door. Emily and Lucky freeze.
Em: (whispering) You have got to be kidding.
Lucky: Shh... (They don't move, frozen in each other's arms. The knock comes again. Emily looks at Lucky desperately, he shakes his head, equally confused.)
Alan: Emily! (Emily falls back onto the bed, throwing her arm over her eyes. Lucky sits up, staring at the door, bewildered)
Em: I don't believe this.
Alan: EMILY! I know you're in there! (Emily sits up quickly, and begins to do up her buttons, her hands nervously fumbling with them. Lucky stands up and walks towards the door)
Em: (still hushed) Just a second. (she flips on the light, and examines her blouse to make sure the buttons are lined up with the right holes. She looks at Lucky for approval. He nods, and continues towards the door.) Lucky! (He looks back at her) Your shirt! (Lucky absently does up two of the buttons, and opens the door, blocking the view into he room with his body. He raises his eyebrows at Alan questioningly)
Lucky: Something wrong?
Alan: Where's my daughter? (Lucky tries to evaluate Alan's mood from the expression on his face, and decides the jig is up. He steps aside to reveal Emily standing beside the bed, looking like she's been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Alan shoots Lucky a vicious look. Lucky leans against the door, looking down at the ground, waiting for the fireworks to start.)
Em: Alan, what are you doing here? (Alan takes a quick glance around the room, no doubt in his mind what he just walked in on.)
Alan: You're coming home.
Em: (horrified) What?
Alan: Come on. Get your coat.
Em: No way. Not until you tell me what's going on. Is this about Mom?
Alan: Your mother? No. I just had a talk with your brother.
Em: Oh my God....
Alan: (hurt) I was shocked (he looks over at Lucky) Absolutely shocked to find out what you've been keeping from us, Emily.
Em: There was no reason--
Alan: What? There was no reason for your parents to know that your boyfriend was breaking laws and trying to destroy your own brother? (Lucky looks up, his gaze meeting Emily's. She can see, clearly, the pain in his eyes, and knows, once again, just how deeply regretful he is of what happened. She shakes her head)
Em: You don't understand!
Alan: I don't want to understand! It's painful enough to know that you've chosen this.... (he gestures towards Lucky) This immoral, base, hypocritical opportunist over your own family!
Em: ALAN! (Lucky doesn't flinch. He looks up and meets Alan's hateful gaze cool and controlled. Emily, however, is incensed.) If you can stand there and say things like that about him, then you don't know him at all, and you know me even less!
Alan: Emily, I know you think --
Emily: DON'T SAY IT!!! I'm not going to listen to ONE more person tell me what I feel for Lucky isn't real. It's the most real thing in my life. And I don't care what you say to me, I don't care what you THINK you know about him, it's not true. If you understood what happened, you wouldn't be here.
Alan: AJ had some very--
Emily: I KNOW what AJ had to say. He doesn't know what he's talking about! He's angry and full of hate and he can't accept that I have love in my life that is real, and true, when he's ten years older than me and can't find it himself.
Alan: If you could hear yourself...
Em: I know perfectly well what I'm saying. (Alan opens and closes his mouth, at a loss for how to deal with his daughter in this infuriated state. He turns to Lucky)
Alan: What about you? What do you have to say for yourself? (Lucky sighs heavily, and says nothing) Great. I can get this kind of behavior from my son, thank you. (He turns back to Emily) You are coming back to the house with me.
Em: You can't tell me what to do.
Alan: You're going to stay here, with this boy who can't even find a word to say his own defense? Let alone stand up for you.
Lucky: Emily can take care of herself. And I don't have anything to explain to you, Mr. Quartermaine. Emily knows what she needs to know and she made her own decision.
Alan: I'm her father! You can't tell me that I don't deserve an explanation for a cold, premeditated attack on my own family! (Lucky pushes away from the door angrily, and turns his back on Alan, walking over to the window.)
Emily: Stop talking to him like that!
Lucky: I don't care what you think of me. (He looks over at Emily, again. She shakes her head sadly) I'm not really the issue here.
Alan: (turning back to Emily) Emily, please. We have to talk about this, and we can't do it here. Come back to the house with me. (Emily covers her face with her hand, and takes a deep breath. She looks up at him, jaw tight)
Em: Alan, I'm going to go back to the mansion with you, all right? But I don't want to hear another word against Lucky.
Alan: How am I supposed to --
Em: Don't! Not tonight. (She walks over to the window and picks up her coat from where she and Lucky dropped it. Lucky is leaning against the wall, arms crossed across his body, defensively. She looks back at her father, who glares at Lucky disapprovingly. She ignores him, and puts a hand to Lucky's face, forcing him to look at her. She sees the pain and anger in his eyes that he's hiding from her father.) I'm sorry. (She kisses him gently, afraid to stay in the moment too long. Lucky pulls back and looks at Alan, who is about ready to blow his top. Emily squeezes Lucky's hand quickly) I love you.
Lucky: I know. (He looks away, not wanting to surrender to the turbulent emotions assaulting him. Emily turns and walks out of the room, past her father. He gives Lucky a final hateful look)
Alan: You are never going to lay a hand on my daughter again. I promise you that. (Lucky doesn't look at him, now so tense that he's beginning to shake with anger. Alan leaves, closing the door behind him. Lucky manages to control himself until he hears the second door at the top of the stairs close. He then picks up one of his school books and throws it viciously across the room. It hits the door sharply, and bounces down onto the ground.)
* * * *
The Quartermaine Mansion, Foyer.
The front door opens and Emily enters with Alan close on her heels. She walks over to the closet and hangs up her coat. Alan watches her, out of words. They barely spoke in the car on the way over, mostly because he was waiting for backup. AJ and Monica appear from the living room, both watching Emily in the same hesitant way. She turns and sees them, then sighs heavily.
Em: I'm going to bed. (She starts up the stairs)
Monica: Emily! (Emily stops, halfway up the stairs and regards her family. She coldly meets the eyes of Monica, AJ, and then Alan. She takes a deep breath.)
Em: I've spent my evening experiencing two different expressions of love for me. I know "love" is your excuse for doing this. Lucky doesn't make excuses to me. He doesn't make demands. He just loves me. And I know that for sure. (She turns and walks up the stairs to her room, leaving her family behind, unsure of what to do next.)
