Chapter Twenty-Four:
One Step Beyond
The Q Living Room.
The next morning. The family is gathered, having breakfast. Edward is expounding on the food, Alan is staring moodily out the window, AJ is pacing and Monica is sitting on the sofa, staring off into space and stirring her coffee. Lila is taking in the scene, feeling uneasy. On the stairs, Emily stands and watches them through the doorway. She doesn't know what she's going to say when she gets in there, but she knows it's not going to be pretty. She takes a deep breath, and walks down the stairs. AJ notices and steps out into the foyer. She regards him coolly as she descends the last few steps. He waits for her at the bottom.
AJ: Hey.
Em: What?
AJ: Emily..
Em: There is absolutely nothing you can say to me that is going to change the way I feel about you right now.
AJ: I only did this --
Em: (viciously) You don't even know why you did this!
AJ: Emily, don't be this way..
Em: (a hiss) What way am I supposed to be? What am I supposed to do, roll over and invite you to walk all over me? IF your theory that I'm too naive and STUPID to know what I'm doing was true, then I might just give up on this without a fight, BUT you are trying to take away the one thing in my life that makes sense. You were sent away to boarding school, AJ. You didn't have to try to grow up in this house! You think it's hard to do when you're an adult, try it in high school. I can't get over the arrogance of you coming home after being gone for months, having no idea what it is I'm going through, and deciding that the best thing for me is to take away the only thing that gives me any joy anymore. Lucky is my lifeline. I have five months left in the house, and now, thanks to you, they've gone from "difficult" to "unbearable".
AJ: What do you mean, five months? (Monica and Alan, tipped off by the raised voices, come into the foyer.)
Monica: Emily, you're up. (Emily turns and looks at Monica like she's Judas. Monica freezes. Alan steps between AJ and Emily)
Alan: Emily, AJ was only trying to protect you.
Em: From WHAT? Can someone answer that? What kind of danger was I in last night?
Alan (darkly) I don't think now is the time --
Em: Of course not. (She starts to yell) GRANDMOTHER MIGHT HEAR ME. I always know when you guys have really messed up by how quiet I'm supposed to say something. (Edward, quite disturbed by the noise appears in the doorway.) Hey! What about Grandfather? Has he been clued in yet?
Ed: What's going on here?
Alan: EMILY!
Em: I'm sorry, am I embarrassing you? I thought this was family business. I thought that was the plan here, to lie my personal life out for everyone to see and evaluate. Well, I don't feel like repeating myself, so let's get Grandfather and Grandmother in here so that they can pass judgment on me too.
Monica: Emily.
Em: (beginning to shake with explosive anger) Why is everyone so surprised? Am I supposed to be reasonable? How REASONABLE was it for you (she points at Alan accusingly) to ambush me last night? How about the things you said to Lucky? Was that reasonable?
Ed: Will SOMEONE tell me what is going on?
Em: GLADLY. (Emily steps back up onto the stairs, so that everyone, even Lila in her wheelchair in the living room can see her) At least someone is asking for my side of the story, for once.
Alan: Emily, your mother and I are completely willing to discuss this privately.
Em: That's big of you. (She looks Edward in the eye) Last summer, on what was supposed to be the most important night of my life, my boyfriend, who I LOVE, told me that he had helped Carly set AJ up for the harbor bombing. (Lila covers her mouth with her hand. Edward's jaw drops in shock). I was, understandably, VERY upset. So I broke up with him. (she turns to AJ) You were here for that part. I was miserable, I felt like my whole life had just collapsed around me. Lizzie had just left town, and Lucky.... I couldn't even look at him. (Emily's eyes well up with the memory. She forces it down). He didn't have to tell me what he did. He didn't get caught, I had no idea what was going on. But he didn't want to keep the secret from me, so he told me. And I left him. WHICH, if you can believe it, is pretty much the worst consequence he could have paid. I went to AJ and told him what Lucky and Carly had done, and I made him swear to me that he wouldn't ever EVER tell anyone. (She looks at him pointedly) Unfortunately that part of the story seems to be escaping him. (She looks at him darkly, clearly challenging him to stop her. AJ looks away). AJ exposed the tape that implicated him as a fake, the charges were dropped, and everything was back to normal. There was never any reason to let you know who was behind it. (She stops and takes another deep breath, her head starting to pound). Well, we know what Carly pulled next. I'd seen Lucky talking to Carly, so I assumed that he had helped her with that, but he swears to me he didn't. And I believe him.
Ed: Are you trying to tell me that little --
Em: (spooky calm) Grandfather, I warn you, I'm not in the mood to deal with this right now. (Edward opens his mouth to fire back at her, but something in Emily's voice stops him. He, along with the rest of the room, are slightly shocked by her behavior). I have talked to Lucky about this. We've talked about it A LOT. And I came to a decision. I decided that I was going to give him another chance. And for the last few months, we've worked really hard to get our relationship back on track. I made decisions, and I still stand by them. I'm sorry if you don't approve of my relationship with Lucky, but I'm not going to stop seeing him.
Alan: Emily, you can't seriously ask us to support this relationship.
Em; (Laughing bitterly) Support? In this house? (Her eyes fall on Monica) I won't make that mistake again.
Alan: Emily, come down here so that we can discuss this like adults.
Em: When did I get to be an adult?
Ed: An excellent point!
Em: You sure weren't treating me like an adult last night, were you?
Alan: Well, you weren't acting like one.
Em: Then what was I acting like? A child?
Alan: Emily, not here.
Em: You DO know what you walked in on last night, don't you? (Alan doesn't answer. AJ spins around to look at her again, shocked. Monica covers her mouth with her hand. Emily's eyes meet Lila's, who is looking at her with terrible sadness. That one expression hits Emily's gut with fierce power. She nearly buckles on the stairs, then finds the strength to get down them, moving past her shocked family members. She reaches the door, and Edward tries to block her).
Ed: No way, you're not going in there. (Emily looks up at him, her jaw set. Edward sees the hurt in her eyes and steps aside, just as confused and distraught at the rest of the Q's. Emily walks into the living room, and goes to Lila. She kneels at her Grandmother's feet.
Em: (whisper) I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Grandmother. I didn't want to hurt you. (Lila puts a shaky hand on Emily's head)
Lila; You haven't hurt me, Emily. It's just hard for me to see you in such pain. (Emily rests her head on Lila's knee. The Q's, one by one, make tentative steps back into the living room. Emily stays, eyes closed, resting against Lila as everyone silently files back into the room. Lila lightly strokes Emily's hair. Finally, Emily opens her eyes and sits up. She looks as if she's aged a hundred years.)
Em: Am I right in assuming I'm not allowed to see Lucky anymore?
Alan; I just can't see any way that we can responsibly allow you to continue to see him. (Emily smiles bitterly and looks up at Lila)
Em: You know Lucky.... Do you think he's going to hurt me?
Lila: I can't answer that, dear.
Em: You told me, a long time ago, to follow my heart. Well, my heart always leads me back to him. (She looks back at the rest of the family) I won't stop seeing him.
Monica: Emily. We are only looking out for your best interests.
Em: How can that possibly be true when you know how much I love him? (Monica can't answer that. Emily stands, though shakily, and faces them) I won't stop seeing him.
Alan: We will never allow him back in this house.
Em: I don't care.
Edward: You can't possibly know what you're saying!
Em: I know exactly what I'm saying. I will not stop loving him, I will not stop seeing him, I will not stop calling him. If YOU don't want to see him, fine. We'll respect that. But I will not accept you as a part of our relationship. If any of you try to stop us from being together, then I will leave.
Ed: Like hell you will!
Em: I WILL LEAVE, and I will not come back. I will go to Jason, and if he can't help me, then I'll go to Justus. (Emily's voice shakes with emotion) And If Justus can't help me, then I will work my way through the list of exiled Quartermaines until I find (Emily can't do it any longer. She chokes as tears begin to stream down her face) someone who will help me get out of this house.
Alan: (Exploding) How can you justify this! How can you justify what he did!!! He helped Carly take the next generation of Quartermaines out of this house!
Em: (screaming right back) THANK GOD! Because at least the Spencers aren't going to try to push him around! They encourage independence and freedom, they don't try to stomp on it at every turn! (She begins to cry even harder, nearly in hysterics) I'm sorry! I'm sorry I was such a disappointment to all of you! I must seem like the most ungrateful child on the planet, the poor little orphan you were charitable enough to take it. I can't believe, after running away, overdosing, and fighting you at every turn, that the final betray of everything you've done for me is the sin of falling in love. (She turns on her heel and walks out of the room, through the foyer, and out the door. The assembled company is somewhat shocked to hear the door slam. Alan rushes into the foyer after her, but Monica catches up to him.
Monica: For God's sake, Alan! Let her go! (Alan turns on her)
Alan: Are you out of your mind?
Monica; Dragging her back here again isn't going to help anything! We've already lost Jason, I cannot stand to loose Emily too. (Alan stops and stares at the closed door in silence. Monica turns and heads back into the living room.)
* * * *
Luke's Club
Lucky, looking not at all well, is behind the bar attempting to count the till. He flicks the quarters into the till as he counts them, stops, realizes he has no idea where he is, and begins again. The door opens and Luke enters with Hannah, discussing the set changes she's making. The piano player follows. Lucky doesn't look up. Hannah regards this, and heads over to the piano with her music. Luke swaggers over to the bar.
Luke: This is an early start.
Lucky: Couldn't sleep.
Luke: Didn't you see Miss Emily last night?
Lucky: Briefly.
Luke: Went that well, huh? (Lucky tosses down the quarters again, and stares at the top of the bar darkly. Luke watches him, suddenly concerned). Lucky. (Lucky shakes his head, unable to talk. Luke sits back and waits patiently). You Ok? (Lucky shakes his head again). Quartermaines?
Lucky: Who else?
Luke: Anyone in particular?
Lucky: (angrily) The whole crazy clan. They're out for blood.
Luke: So what else is new?
Lucky: Well, it's my blood this time. (Luke raises his eyebrows)
Luke: Yours? (Lucky looks up at his father pointedly. Luke sighs) You're kidding. Not that thing with Caroline?
Lucky: AJ blew back into town on the weekend. Took him about four days to decide that Emily and I weren't responsible enough to make our own decisions.
Luke: You're kidding. That controlling brat? When did he get responsible?
Lucky: He didn't. Imagine him twice as bitter as he was before he left.
Luke: No thanks. What's Emily think of this?
Lucky: I don't know. Alan showed up last night and dragged her home, I haven't talked to her since.
Luke: Look, Lucky... This is going to be pretty hard on her --
Lucky: (annoyed) You think I don't know that? (He smirks at his father bitterly) Just once it would be nice if someone would give me the benefit of the doubt, you know?
Luke: All right, all right. I'm sorry. I just know, when I was your age, if I had my girlfriends family coming after me with torches and pitchforks I'd have bailed.
Lucky: Contrary to popular opinion, I'm not you.
Luke: I know. For some reason you seem to enjoy these complications.
Lucky: I wouldn't go that far. (Hannah, having worked something out with the pianist, comes over the bar, unaware of the conversation going on here) But they're not giving me a lot of choice here, you know?
Luke: Well, the Quartermaines have their own way of dealing with things. (Hannah freezes at this name)
Lucky: Believe me, I know. (He looks up and meets Hannah's gaze. He decides that there's no reason not to continue the conversation, and looks back at his father.) You'd think they'd have figured out that pulling this emotional gorilla attack on their kids doesn't work.
Luke: Yeah, it's worked so well for them in the past. Look at AJ.
Lucky: AJ is the one repeating the pattern!
Luke: Oh man. (Luke notices Hannah) Well, Cowboy, I don't know what else to tell you.
Lucky: I'll be fine.
Luke: I know you will. (To Hannah) You ready? (Hannah nods) Ok. I'll be with with you. (He gets up and heads into the back. Lucky regards Hannah momentarily, than picks up the quarters again, and begins to count them. She clears her throat and sits down at the bar)
Hannah: Looks like you had a rough night?
Lucky: Nothing I'm not used to. (he looks at her out of the corner of his eye. He feels a slight twinge of guilt for being so standoffish. He sighs and drops the quarters again)
Hannah: Emily again?
Lucky: (sighing) Remember what I said about the Quartermaines?
Hannah: That they own everything?
Lucky: Yeah. Well, it gives the a sort of God complex. Take into consideration that two of them are doctors, and.... Well, they can be a trip.
Hannah: They're pretty extreme, huh?
Lucky: That's a word for it. Basically, they see themselves as Kings up on their throne passing judgment on the rest of us peasants. (He frowns) Not to be too bitter or anything.
Hannah: They don't approve of you?
Lucky: They don't care. Or at least they didn't. I'm just the high school boyfriend. They didn't start to find my threatening until a few months ago. Suddenly, I'd been around too long. They decided they might have to take me seriously. That didn't sit too well with them.
Hannah: Because you're a peasant?
Lucky: Because I'm a Spencer. People like us, we scare them. We have no use for their money, or their influence, so they don't know how to control us.
Hannah: (uncomfortably) Sounds charming.
Lucky: Yeah... I still can't get over the fact that someone as grounded and rational as Emily comes from that house.
Hannah: (distantly) Well, she's adopted, right?
Lucky: (immediately suspicious) How did you know that?
Hannah: What? (She snaps back to reality, and realizes what she just said)
Lucky: How did you know that she's adopted?
Hannah: Uh... Someone told me, I guess.
Lucky: Who?
Hannah: Who?
Lucky: Yeah, that's what I asked.
Hannah: Um..... (She realizes she has to answer fast, or Lucky's going to be on her like white on rice.) Your brother.
Lucky: My WHAT?
Hannah: Nikolas.
Lucky: (darkly) How do you know Nikolas?
Hannah: I was here, that day... Remember? When he brought Emily over?
Lucky: And what? He told you her life story?
Hannah: It came up! I didn't know it was some big secret!
Lucky: (calming down somewhat) It's not. (He takes a deep breath) I'm sorry, I'm just a bit on edge.
Hannah: You're... You're really protective of her.
Lucky: (muttering) Well, someone's got to be. (The door to the club opens and Emily, shivering with cold comes in. Lucky's jaw drops in surprise, but he quickly recovers, rounding the bar and rushing to her, pulling her into his arms and hugging her tightly. Hannah watches in shock) Emily, what are you doing here?
Emily: (holding him tightly) You're not going to believe what I did. (she laughs eerily) I think I've lost my mind. (Lucky pulls back)
Lucky: (half joking) You didn't kill them, did you?
Em: Not yet. But I can't stay in that house. (Lucky looks over his shoulder at Hannah, noticing that his father has reappeared from the back. He looks back at Emily)
Lucky: Look, let's go upstairs. You're freezing!
Em: I forgot my coat. And when I realized it, I couldn't exactly do anything about it. It's hard to make a dramatic exit if you keep coming back. (Lucky looks back at his father, who nods gravely. He puts an arm over Emily's shoulders, and leads her out of the club, back up to his room)
