Chapter Fourty-Two:
Blood Relations
The Spencer House, porch.
Nikolas sits on the stairs next to Lulu, who is playing a monotonous game of fetch with Foster. She throws the stick about five feet, the dog picks it up, and brings it back. She sighs and looks up to Nikolas
Lulu: Do you want to throw it?
Nik: That's ok.
Lulu: No, I think he's getting upset with me. I can't throw it very far.
Nik: You're doing fine. (Lulu looks up at him critically)
Lulu: You're not. (Nikolas looks down at her and sighs)
Nik: You're too smart for your own good.
Lulu: (frowning) What does that mean?
Nik: I don't know. People used to say it to me a lot.
Lulu: (leaning against his knee) What's wrong?
Nik: I'm just trying to figure some stuff out.
Lulu: Like what? (Nikolas looks down at her) Mom always makes me talk about whatever's bothering me. She says it helps.
Nik: Does it?
Lulu: If you talk to the right person. Like I told you about Lucky, and it didn't help. But then I told Lucky what I told you, and that did help. 'Cause he said he'd come to see me more often.
Nik: I'm glad.
Lulu: Who should you talk to about this?
Nik: I don't know, Lulu.
Lulu: You could practice on me.
Nik: (laughing) How old are you again?
Lulu: (annoyed) People ALWAYS ask me that! And you know how old I am!
Nik: I was teasing, Lesley Lu. (He takes a deep breath) You know I'll always be around for you, right?
Lulu: (confused) Yes.
Nik: Do you know why?
Lulu: Because you're my brother! (Nik smiles at her, and pulls her onto his lap)
Nik: Right. No matter what. And I promised that I'd always take care of you. No matter how big you get, or what happens. I won't ever leave you. (Lulu looks up at him, like he's loosing his mind)
Lulu: I know that. You're my family. Families don't leave. (Nikolas's face clouds)
Nik: Sometimes they do. (Lulu sets her jaw)
Lulu: Well, mine doesn't. (Nikolas opens his mouth to answer, but is cut off by the sound of the crunch of gravel under the tires of a car pulling up in the driveway. Lulu sits up, surprised.) It's Lucky! (She scrambles off of Nikolas's lap and runs for the car. Nikolas fights off a twinge of jealousy, though he gets a similar response every time he comes to visit. Lulu barrels across the lawn, and stops short as Lucky gets out of the car. She grins at him, and he sweeps her up into the air.)
Lucky: Hey, kiddo. (Lulu screeches.)
Lulu: You came!
Lucky: You called. Sounded important.
Lulu: (excited) I left you a message! I wasn't sure if I did it right, but I guess I did, 'cause you're here! (She turns her head and looks back at Nikolas, taking in his subdued reaction to her brother's arrival, then look back at Lucky). Nikolas is here.
Lucky: So I see.
Lulu: (whispering) You're not going to fight, are you?
Lucky: I won't. (Foster nudges Lucky's leg with his nose) Give me a sec here, ok? (Lucky over at Nikolas.) What's with him?
Lulu: I don't know. (Lucky walks over to the porch, Nikolas regarding him coolly as he approaches. Lucky puts Lulu down on the steps, and crouches down to scratch Foster's head.) Hey, man. How're you doing?
Lulu: I was trying to play fetch with him, but I don't think he was having much fun. (Lucky looks up and sees Lulu leaning against Nikolas's back. He's struck by how alike they look. Most people would guess he was the half brother. He pushes the feeling of jealousy down, remembering his promise to Lulu).
Lucky: Sure he was. (Lulu shakes her head)
Lulu: I can't throw far. You have to come to play with him. (Lucky sighs)
Lucky: Yeah, I know. (He glances at Nikolas quickly, then looks back at Lulu) Look, um... I'm going to go talk to Mom, ok? You can finish your visit. (He starts up the stairs)
Nik: Lucky! (Lucky stops and turns back to Nik, his expression completely blank for Lulu's benefit)
Lucky: Yeah?
Nik: Lesley Lu, can I talk to Lucky alone for a minute? (Lucky looks at Nikolas like he's crazy. Lulu looks back and forth between them)
Lulu: YOU want to talk to LUCKY?
Nik: For a minute. I'll come in to see you again before you leave, all right? (Lulu frowns)
Lulu: You won't fight, will you?
Lucky: Lulu, it's ok.
Lulu: I don't want you to fight.
Nik: It'll just take a minute, Lulu.
Lulu: (not to be toyed with) I don't want you to fight!
Nik: We just have to have a discussion.
Lulu: A discussion?
Nik: It might look serious, but it's not a fight, ok?
Lulu: (slowly) Ok... (She looks at Lucky) You're just going to talk?
Lucky: (shrugging) I guess so, Lu. (Lulu sighs)
Lulu: If you yell, I'll hear you.
Lucky: Lu, don't worry about it. Everything's cool. (Lulu look at both of them warily)
Lulu: I'm going inside now. But I don't want you to fight.
Lucky: Got it.
Lulu: Ok. (Lucky opens the door for her, and she gestures for him to bend down to her. He drops down to her level)
Lucky: What? (Lulu leans over and whispers in his ear)
Lulu: Be nice to him. He's sad.
Lucky: (tightly) Ok.
Lulu: Promise.
Luck: All right.
Lulu: Say you promise.
Lucky: (looking at Nikolas out of the corner of his eye) Ok. I promise.
Lulu: (finally relaxing a little) Ok. (She goes inside, Lucky shutting the door behind her. Unseen, Lulu slides down the door and sits on the other side, tucking her knees up under her chin, waiting for the fireworks. Back on the porch, Lucky turns back to Nikolas stiffly)
Lucky: What?
Nik: (tense, but quiet) What the hell are you doing to Hannah? (Lucky steels himself. Of all the days for Lulu to make him PROMISE something.... He shakes his head)
Lucky: Take it up with her.
Nik: I did.
Lucky: (crossing the porch, his back to Nikolas) Yeah, well... Whatever she told you, I'm the least of her problems, ok?
Nik: She thinks you're going to kill her. (Lucky laughs in spite of himself)
Lucky: Did she say that?
Nik: She said enough. (Lucky turns back to Nikolas and leans against the railing on the porch, arms crossed.)
Lucky: Didn't happen to tell you why, did she?
Nik: She's Emily's aunt. (Lucky doesn't blink. He just stares at Nikolas, his mind trying to absorb that information)
Lucky: She told you that?
Nik: Yeah.
Lucky: Just .... Because?
Nik: It doesn't matter.
Lucky: (under his breath) Not smart, Hannah.
Nik: What's your problem here, Lucky?
Lucky: My problem?
Nik: You're going to kill her because she's Emily's aunt?
Lucky: What good would that do? (Nikolas continues to stare at him. Lucky sighs) I'm not going to kill her.
Nik: No, you're just going to bully her into doing what you want, right? Isn't that the Spencer way?
Lucky: (tense) Yeah, you couldn't accuse the Cassadines of that, could you?
Nik: I'm not getting into that with you, Lucky. (Lucky grits his teeth at the patronizing tone Nikolas is delivering that thought with.) I just want you to leave Hannah alone.
Lucky: No. (Nikolas, though he knew it wouldn't be this easy, still has to take a moment to regroup, especially if he's going to obey Lulu's "no yelling" rule. He turns away from Lucky, frustrated).
Nik: (deadly quiet) You go near her, Lucky, and you'll regret it. (Lucky pushes off of the railing and walks across the porch).
Lucky: Is that a threat, Nikolas?
Nik: Just keep your distance. (Lucky stares at Nikolas's turned back)
Lucky: (quietly) What do you know about this woman, Nikolas? (Nikolas doesn't turn around. Relying on old instincts, Lucky continues to push). You don't even know who she is! I know more about her than you do, and I'm not the one sleeping with her. (Nikolas spins around and faces off with Lucky, toe to toe)
Nik: I don't ever want to hear you talk about her. (Lucky gives a low whistle)
Lucky: You've got it bad, huh.
Nik: (angrily) I know more about Hannah than you know about me, so don't presume anything. (They stare at each other intensely. Lucky can feel all the anger and resentment he feels towards his brother bubbling up. He remembers his promise to Lulu, and breaks the face off, turning and descending the porch steps. Nikolas is more than a little surprised by this. Lucky paces the lawn, then turns back to him)
Lucky: (as evenly as he can manage) Nikolas. No joke here, ok? Get out while you can. She is bad news.
Nik: (bitterly) And why should I listen to you? (Nikolas can practically taste the acrimony in his mouth) Because you're my "brother"? We both know just how meaningless that is, right? You've said it to me a million times. We're nothing to each other. (Lucky turns away quickly. He's hit Nikolas with that one nearly every time he's seen him in the last year, and never got a reaction. Having the tables turned on him is harsh, though. He swallows hard, desperately pushing down his gut reaction to just go completely off on him.)
Lucky: You want someone to beat up, Nik, fine. That's what I've always been here for, right? (he turns back to him) Your own personal punching bag. (He throws his arms out, leaving himself open) Hit me with your best shot, Nikky. I can take it. After all, it's not like you mean a THING to me. (Nikolas glares at him, his breathing heavy. He wants to knock that mocking look off his face, but remembers Lulu. He turns away).
Nik: Are you finished?
Lucky: With you? Oh yeah. (Nikolas turns and walks up the stairs)
Nik: I'm going to say good-bye to Lulu. (Lucky, nearly shaking with repressed emotions, shouts after him)
Lucky: You know, I never thought you'd be this forgiving. (Nikolas stops, but doesn't turn back) A woman who left her whole family to run off to Europe? Never even sent a post card.... I'd think you, of all people, would have a problem with that. (Nikolas spins around, and, to both of their surprise rushes Lucky, grabbing his shirt and throwing him up against the door of his car. Lucky looks into his brother's eyes, daring him to hit him, to be the instigator for once. Nikolas realizes what he's doing and pushes back angrily.)
Nik: (darkly) You're not worth it. (He turns and flies up the steps, pulling open the door, Lulu leaping to her feet)
Lulu: (upset) What's wrong?
Nik: Nothing, Lu. We just had a discussion that's all. (Lulu looks out the door to Lucky, still leaning against the car. Lucky forces a smile. Lulu looks unconvinced)
Lulu: That's it?
Nik: Did you hear any yelling?
Lulu: No... (Nik takes Lulu's hand)
Nik: Come on. I have to talk to you now. (Lulu nods, and turns into the house with Nikolas, the door shutting firmly behind them. Once the door is shut Lucky angrily kicks at the tire, and slides down to the ground. Foster, who watched the action from under the stairs, comes out and trots over to his distraught master. He licks Lucky's face, and Lucky jerks away.)
Lucky: Remind me not to do that again, ok? It's not worth the energy.
* * * *
Lucky's room.
Emily is still burrowed under the cover on Lucky's bed. There is a knock on the door. She opens her eyes, and looks up. The knock comes again. She sighs and stands up unsteadily. The knock comes again, rapidly. Emily stops and looks at the door.
Em: Ok.... (she stumbles over to the door and pulls it open. She blinks.) Hi.
Hannah: Oh. I was looking for Lucky. (She nervously tucks her hair behind her ears, aware that she looks like she's been through the wars).
Em: (leaning against the door) He's not here.
Hannah: Are you all right?
Em: (unemotionally) I'm sick. (She turns away from the door and shuffles back to the bed, falling into it. Hannah stands at the door, unsure of what to do. She takes a step into the room).
Hannah: Lucky... He told me you were fine. (Emily scowls at her)
Em: When did you talk to him?
Hannah: I called him this morning. I guess you would have been asleep.... (she takes in the room. Emily is sitting on the bed, but has pulled the covers up to her chin protectively. Hannah clears her throat) I'm sorry. I should let you -- (she spots Emily's clothes from the night before folded on chair) I, uh... Didn't know you were staying here. (She shakes her head) Of course you are... He's your boyfriend... I'm just dumb, I guess. He told me you were here, but for some reason --
Em: What?
Hannah: I just... I still kind of think of you as seven, you know? I'm not used to the fact that you're an adult now.
Em: (smiling slightly) Join the club.
Hannah: (slightly encouraged) I'm ... I'm sorry about yesterday. I probably could have come up with a better way to tell you. I went over it about a million times in my head, but when I saw you, the words just wouldn't come.
Em: (shrugging) Doesn't matter. I know now.
Hannah: Yeah, you do.
Em: I wouldn't have gone looking for you now. I mean, after my Mom died, that was a long time ago. And I wanted another option, that was why I ran away.
Hannah: Ok. I can understand that. (Emily shoots her a look)
Em: I might have needed you once, Corey, but .... (she shakes her head) I can't do it. I can't call you that. It doesn't mean anything.
Hannah: It doesn't mean anything to me either. I mean, I haven't been called Corrine Gibbons in almost a decade.
Em: Oh. (she looks at her) I'm going to keep calling you Hannah. (Hannah smiles nervously)
Hannah: It's better than some of the other things you could call me.
Em: I guess.
Hannah: Look... now's not the time, but ... I'd really like to get to know you, Emily. And I have some other stuff I should probably explain. (Emily looks away from her) Not now, don't worry. I'll leave it up to you. But you can find me here. Or ask Lucky, he knows how to reach me. (Emily continues to stare out the window). I... I did love your mother. And (her voice wavers suddenly) I'll always regret that ...
Em: (shakily) She died alone? (Hannah's face crumples, and tears spring to her eyes) She didn't. I was with her. She had me, she didn't need you, so don't think she was calling out for you or anything. She was fine. (Emily feels tears start down her own face) And I am too.
Hannah: (choking) Ok. I know you have every reason to hate me --
Em: I'm really sick, Hannah.
Hannah: (tightly) All right... Well, if you change your mind --
Em: I'll let you know. I just can't right now. (Hannah nods. She turns and walks back into the hall, stopping to close the door)
Hannah: I hope you feel better. (Emily nods, eyes still focused on the window. Hannah closes the door. Emily listens to her footsteps disappear down the hall. She hears the other door slam, and lets out a painful sob from her gut. She curls up into the fetal position on the bed and buries her head in the pillow, crying for her lost family all over again.)
