Chapter Fourty-Five:
Around Town
Jason's Penthouse.
Emily comes down the stairs, her suitcase in hand, book bag slung over her shoulder. She still looks tired, but has a determined look on her face. Jason looks up from his paperwork.
Jason: You're up. (She shrugs)
Em: It's time to face the real world again.
Jason: You Ok?
Em: Yeah. But I can't keep hiding out here. It's time to go home. (She sighs) Back to my family.
Jason: If that's what you want.
Em: I have to give it another shot. The Quartermaines might be crazy, but they're all I have.
Jason: What about your aunt?
Em: (beyond shocked) How did you know about that?
Jason: Lucky told me. He's worried about you.
Em: (Not liking this at all) You talked to Lucky.
Jason: Yeah
Em: Ok. (she sighs) I guess that's all we should say, right?
Jason: He's in no danger, Emily.
Em: (looking away) All right.
Jason: I swear. He's fine, no one will ever know about this.
Em: (with a small hollow laugh) You know, the more I hear, the more I have to think about it. Let's just leave it here, Ok?
Jason: Ok.
Em: And... my aunt.
Jason: Yeah?
Em: I don't want anyone to know. I mean, it's all right that Lucky told you. But I don't want the Quartermaines to know. They'd freak out and it would just get crazy. I'm not even sure I'm going to see her again, anyway.
Jason: All right. (Emily shifts her weight uncomfortably)
Em: Well. I guess this is it. (she laughs nervously) For this time, at least.
Jason: Ok. (he lowers his eyes at her, sternly) I want you to take the car. (Emily raises her eyebrows)
Em: Ok. No problem.
Jason: Good. (He pulls her into a hug, which startles her. Jason NEVER hugs first. She puts her arms around him, and squeezes him tightly)
Em: Thanks for everything, Jason. You're the best.
Jason: Just take care of yourself, Ok? (Emily rolls her eyes)
Em: I will. (She pulls out of the embrace, and smiles at him) Be careful.
* * * *
Hannah's Apartment, late afternoon.
Nikolas is still staring out of the window. Hannah comes out of the bedroom, now dressed, her hair wet. She walks over to him and slides her arms around his waist. She kisses the back of his neck. He smiles slightly.
Hannah: What do you see out there?
Nik: Water.
Hannah: Hmmm... That's what I watch too.
Nik: I noticed the picture. (He turns around, and gestures to the photograph on her wall). I'd know that water anywhere. (Hannah turns to look at her photo, reversing their positions, so that she in now leaning against his chest, his arms around her).
Hannah: The Aegean.
Nik: It's an incredible picture. Did you take it yourself?
Hannah: Yeah. I used to take a lot of pictures when I was in Europe. Every new place I went. I took that my first day in Greece.
Nik: When were you in Greece? (Hannah closes her eyes, unseen. She swallows hard.)
Hannah: I was there a few years ago. For about nine months. It was beautiful.
Nik: (quietly) We could go back there. (Hannah smiles sadly)
Hannah: You're doing it again.
Nik: I know.
Hannah: You can't just let things be, can you?
Nik: No. (Hannah sighs. Nikolas runs his hands down her frame, lowering his head to kiss her neck. She melts against him, reveling in his touch. She lets out a moan) You're so beautiful...
Hannah: (smiling, eyes still closed) We've wasted the whole day like this. (Nikolas, continuing his assault of the senses, growls at her)
Nik: Wasted?
Hannah: (laughing) You know what I mean....
Nik: (between kisses) You know... you still owe me a diner.
Hannah: (groaning) I didn't want to be seen in public with you BEFORE we were lovers.
Nik: I wasn't suggesting we go out. (He turns her around, cupping her face in his hands) We still have a lot of talking to do.
Hannah: Talking, huh? (Nikolas kisses her deeply. Hannah, long since having given up on attempting to resist him, slides her hands up his chest. She feels like she's stumbled into someone else's life, but it's a feeling she likes.)
* * * *
The Quartermaine Mansion.
Emily comes down the stairs, and immediately hears voices in the living room. She steels herself. She managed somehow to get up to her room and unpack without arousing anyone's attention besides a sympathetic and silent Reginald. Now, however, it's time to venture into the war zones. She can clearly identify Grandfather, Monica and Alan's voices drifting into the hall. She takes a deep breath, forces a smile, and bounces down the steps, trying to convince herself that she can be happy about being back here. She enters the room boldly. The conversation stops, and AJ, Edward, Alan, Monica and Lila look up in surprise.
Em: Hi.
Ed & AJ: Emily!
Monica: When did you get back?
Em: This afternoon.
Alan: Already? The other day you just said you were thinking about it!
Em: Well, I can go back to Jason's if you really want.
Monica: Don't be ridiculous! (She leaps up and crosses the room to her daughter) Oh, let me hug you. (Emily complies, feeling a part of her shut down. Monica wraps her arms around her and Emily leans her head against her shoulder, closing her eyes. This is her mother's embrace. The only mother she's had for the past six years. She loves this woman, she tells herself. This is her family. She hears the hum of Lila's wheelchair, and pulls back from Monica)
Lila: Emily, it is certainly wonderful to have you home at long last! (Emily smiles widely)
Em: Hello, Grandmother. It's good to be back.
Ed: Well, don't think just because you ran away -- AGAIN -- that we're going to roll over and play dead on this issue with the Spencer boy! (The Q's all pale slightly at Edward's insistence that the topic be brought up so quickly)
Alan: Father...
Em: He has a name, Grandfather.
Ed: Lucky? That's not a name, it's an adjective!
Lila: I think Lucky is a perfectly lovely name.
Monica: Can we please save this for another time? This is Emily's first night home.
Ed: Humph. After two weeks of living unsupervised in that deathtrap of a penthouse!
Em: Grandfather.
Ed: Probably out to all hours with that delinquent.
Em: (muttering) Which one?
Alan: (overlapping) Father, put a sock in it.
AJ: Oh, boy.
Ed: Oh, what are you complaining about? You're the one who started all this!
AJ: I did?
Ed: With all your truth-telling --
Ed: Four months too late! There's not even any proof left to bring the boy up on charges. (Emily lets out an ear-piercing scream. The room falls silent)
Em: First of all, I'm not talking about Lucky with any of you. And I won't make you listen to anything about HIM either. Secondly, I'm still seeing him, or I WILL go back to Jason's.
Alan: Emily, we've agreed we can't stop you from seeing him if it's what you insist on. God knows, I can't stand the thought --
Em: I don't want to hear --
Alan: Well, you're going to hear it! You're my daughter, and I have a responsibility to look out for you! Maybe I've fallen down on that job in the past, but you certainly count on me being heard this time! Emily, I know you love him. (Emily looks down at the carpet) I know that you think he loves you. (Emily throws her head up to look at the ceiling, already fighting back tears) But the fact is, he did something horrible to this family. And you can't expect us to overlook that.
Em: (unevenly) I don't "think" he loves me -- he does. And if you'd -- (she stops, realizing there is no way for her to describe the previous evening to them. She shrugs her shoulders) Forget it. You'll just believe what you want to anyway.
Alan: I'm sorry, Emily. But that boy is not welcome in this house. And I can't say that he ever will be again. (Emily folds her arms across her chest)
Em: (tersely) Fine.
Monica: Emily...
Em: What?
Monica: Are you feeling all right? (Emily looks at Monica, sagging. She still feels horrible -- not that anyone noticed)
Em: I'm getting --
Ed: SEE! Malnutrition. That gangster brother of hers probably never took the time to make sure that she had a decent meal.
Monica: Emily is old enough to take care of her own meals.
Ed: Oh? Is that why she's so thin these days? Emily, you are having a big meal tonight if I have to stand over you with a whip!
Lila: Perhaps you'd prefer to have dinner in your room tonight? (Emily looks at Lila thankfully. She nods)
Em: I'm actually feeling a little tired tonight, anyway.
Alan: That can be arranged!
Monica: Edward. I hardly think that having dinner in her room this one night is going to scar Emily for life.
Ed: She needs some structure in her life. If it had been up to me, I would have dragged her home weeks ago!
Alan: I'm not taking parenting advice from you!
Ed: Well, if you won't take the time to be proper parents to that girl, then I'll just have to take matters into my own hands!
Alan: Right. Because Tracy turned out so well. At least Emily hasn't tried to kill any of us!
AJ: (muttering) Give her time. I'm sure we'll drive her to it.
Ed: Don't you start! You're a perfect example of why Alan and Monica can't be trusted to raise another child! You and your brother --
Alan: Jason was a perfect child, before his accident! You can't fault us there.
AJ: Nope. One outta two ain't bad.
Monica: AJ, please. No one is putting you down.
Em: I think I've had enough for today. Nice to be home. (She walks out of the room, almost unnoticed, as Edward continues to rail about inferior parenting skills)
* * * *
Hannah's Apartment
Lucky stands in the hall outside the apartment debating his next move. He's put off coming to see Hannah as long as he could, mostly because every time he thinks of Emily's State of mind the night before, he gets uncontrollably angry. That's not going to help him, now though. He listens for noise inside the apartment, but hears nothing. He raises his hand to knock, hoping that she's not home. At this point, breaking in would be much easier.
Inside Hannah and Nikolas are, predictably, making out on the couch when the knock comes. Hannah freezes.
Nik: Ignore it.
Hannah: I can't.
Nik: Yes you can. (Hannah groans and attempts to extricate herself from his arms)
Hannah: I have to! It might be Lucky.
Nik: Oh, great. (Hannah stands up and looks back at him)
Hannah: Look. Maybe you should go into the bedroom or something. Lucky's probably going to be a little angry at me.
Nik: (shaking his head stubbornly) No way. (Hannah cringes, and turns towards the door. She looks back at him)
Hannah: What if it's NOT Lucky? Nikolas, I can't have you found here! (Nikolas sighs)
Nik: There is something really disquieting about this. (Hannah sighs)
Hannah: Nikolas, please. (Nikolas rolls his eyes and stands up. He pulls her towards him and kisses her soundly. She pushes back) Stop that. Go!
Nik: I'll be listening.
Hannah: Fine! Just go! (Nikolas turns and heads into the bedroom. Hannah walks to the door, watching to make sure Nikolas is out of sight. She is still looking over her shoulder, when she twists the lock, so she doesn't notice that it had started to turn on it's own. She opens the door, and Lucky steps back quickly, digging his hands into his pockets. She realizes that she startled him, but he quickly descends into that dark cold-hearted look he usually serves her with.)
Lucky: I hear you paid me a visit.
Hannah: Is she Ok? (Lucky leans against the door jamb)
Lucky: You want to have this conversation out here? (Hannah sighs, and steps out of his way. Lucky walks in, letting his eyes move with seeming disinterest over the apartment, looking for a place to put the bug. Hannah closes the door, and leans against it, watching him. Lucky, turned away from her, frowns at this attention) You upset her.
Hannah: I didn't know she was there.
Lucky: (turning to face her) I told you she was with me.
Hannah: I called you cell phone! I didn't know where you were.
Lucky: You can call my cell phone again next time you want to talk to me. Stay away from my place, and stay away from Emily.
Hannah: Lucky.
Lucky: This isn't a request. She's not ready to deal with you yet. (Lucky clear his throat, and looks away from her) I'm not trying to make this difficult. And I'm not going to use Emily against you. I don't do that. So just trust me. Let her come to you, because anything else is just going to push her away.
Hannah: All right. (Lucky's eyes fall on the photograph) Thank you.
Lucky: I'm not doing this for you. (He walks over to the picture) Nice.
Hannah: Thanks.
Lucky: (pulling his hand out of his jacket pocket, to straighten the frame) Where is it?
Hannah: (Looking away) Greece. (Lucky smiles)
Lucky: (to himself) Perfect. (He slips the bug onto the back of the picture, expertly ensuring it's firmly in place, while still seeming to straighten the frame. He steps back and turns to her) Yeah. Speaking of Greece, we have something else to talk about. Cassadines.
Hannah: Wait! (Lucky frowns at her)
Lucky: You knew this was coming. (Hannah shakes her head violently, but doesn't have to say anything else. Nikolas comes out of the bedroom)
Nik: You have something to say about me and family, Lucky, you can say it to me.
