Chapter Fourty-Four:
History Lesson
Jason's Penthouse
Jason comes in the door, looking a little worse for wear. He shrugs off his jacket, and sinks into an arm chair, closing his eyes. He sits up suddenly when he hears a noise on the stairs.
Jason: Lucky. (he sighs and collapses back into the chair) Renaldo didn't tell me anyone was here.
Lucky: (coming down the stairs) I brought Emily home. She's asleep in Stone's old room. (Jason nods). Rough night? (Jason opens his eyes and meets Lucky's gaze. Lucky nods) Gotcha.
Jason: I thought Emily'd gone home.
Lucky: No, she was staying with me for a couple of days.
Jason: She Ok?
Lucky: No...she's got a cold or something. I'm not sure. I think she's just exhausted. (he shakes his head) She didn't get much sleep last night.
Jason: Looks like you're in the same boat.
Lucky: You should talk.
Jason: True. I'll have Graciela send her up some soup in a little while.
Lucky: Good. (He exhales heavily) Look, you up to talk a minute?
Jason: Sure. What's up?
Lucky: Em's had a really bad week.
Jason: Yeah. She's had a pretty bad month.
Lucky: Well... I think it just got worse. (He looks over at Jason) I need some help here, man.
Jason: With Emily?
Lucky: I've got a situation that is rapidly getting out of control. And yeah, unfortunately... Em's right in the middle of it. (Jason frowns, then gestures for Lucky to sit down on the couch. He walks around the table, and flops down on the end of the couch. Jason sits authoritatively in the chair and coolly regards Lucky. Lucky shifts, uncomfortably) Look, this isn't my fault. I was blind sided -- EVERYONE was blind sided. (Jason nods) This doesn't go outside this room, Ok?
Jason: What happened?
Lucky: I told you that I had to look into, right? Well, it was a little more complicated than expected.
Jason: The singer.
Lucky: She's Emily's aunt.
Jason: Emily has an aunt?
Lucky: Her real Mom's sister. Em never really knew much about her, except that she'd gone away to college, and no one ever heard a word back from her. I mean, Paige may have known some of the stuff that was going on, but if she did, she wouldn't have told Emily, she was just a kid.
Jason: And this is why this woman came to town? To find Emily.
Lucky: That's where things get complicated. (He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees) She's working for the Cassadines. (Jason absorbs this)
Jason: She know you know this?
Lucky: That was all I found out. She provided me with the rest of the details. And they check out. Corrine Gibbons, younger, but it's the same woman. And Helena somehow tracked her down in Europe, and that was it. Groomed her to be a plant in the club. I guess the idea here is we have a spy we can't kill.
Jason: Why not?
Lucky: Because she's Emily's aunt.
Jason: Does Emily know?
Lucky: She does now.
Jason: How'd she take it?
Lucky: Not good. She's... Reeling. Thing is, Jase... She only knows about the aunt part. The Cassadine stuff -- she has no idea.
Jason: I see.
Lucky: I thought at first she should just know everything, but... you should have seen her last night. Don't get me wrong. Em's strong, I know that. And she can handle a lot --- but she's close to the edge. You said it, man. She's stressed about school, she's fighting with the Quartermaines, and now her aunt is back in her life. Plus... Hannah's kind of a wild card. I thought I was handling her, but ... I left Em alone for two hours yesterday afternoon, and Hannah showed up. (Lucky's face clouds) I think that was her limit.
Jason: You look like you're about at your limit, too.
Lucky: (emphatically) I'm fine. I just can't see her handling the rest of it right now.
Jason: Why not?
Lucky: She's on the edge.
Jason: So... you what do you think this would change?
Lucky: It would change EVERYTHING! (Lucky, realizing that he's losing his patience, takes a deep breath). Ok. Worst case scenario -- she's already completely stressed out with school. Now she's got this Hannah thing. Anything else.... She nearly drove herself crazy last semester, and she'll do it again. Any time she's got a problem, she tend to throw herself into something to forget about it. And if she burns out and her grades slip, then she threatens her GPA -- grades, Ok? And that messes up school.
Jason: You guys still leaving town? (Lucky looks up, startled)
Lucky: She told you?
Jason: Yeah.
Lucky: You know, by the day, it sounds better and better.
Jason: I think she needs it.
Lucky: We used to talk about it on a daily basis. Now it barely comes up. (He shakes his head) I gotta make these next months as easy on her as possible.
Jason: So you want to lie to her. (Lucky cringes)
Lucky: No. Of course not. But..... There's more.
Jason: There always is.
Lucky: First of all, there's my Dad. He's not going to be happy when finds out about this.
Jason: (surprised) You haven't told him?
Lucky: No. he knows I found Em's aunt, but that's it. He doesn't know about the rest of it. He wouldn't really put Emily first... (Lucky holds his head in his head and growls with frustration) I just need to know what's going on with Hannah. I think that's the key. If I can keep her on a tight reign, then everything's going to be fine. (Jason frowns)
Jason: You look like your head's about to explode.
Lucky: She's sleeping with Nikolas. (He looks up at Jason) So basically, things can't get any more complicated. 'Cause Nik doesn't need any more excuses to hate me, and Hannah's telling him I'm threatening her life...
Jason: Are you?
Lucky: Not in any concrete way. (Jason considers this)
Jason: So what's the deal? You're not going to tell Luke --
Lucky: I still have to figure that one out. Look, the whole, picture, right? Helena is behind this. For some reason, and Hannah swears she doesn't know what it is, Helena's sent her here. This girl -- she's not cut out for this. For starters, the life expectancy of Cassadine paramours is limited at best, and if you're working for the old woman, then (Lucky makes a throat slitting gesture) It doesn't look good.
Jason: She know this?
Lucky: I've tried to impress it upon her.
Jason: Does she care?
Lucky: Well, Nikolas can be hard to get rid of. Believe me, I've tried.
Jason: So if this woman is dumb enough to risk her life to have sex with Nikolas (Lucky makes a face) then she's probably here because --
Lucky: She's here because she's Emily's aunt. And because Helena can use that against her, and against me. And so far, I'm playing right into her hands. (Jason leans forward)
Jason: So you think Emily's in danger. (Lucky nods, unable to say the words. Jason stares at the coffee table, absorbing this) I'll put some men on her.
Lucky: She can't know. They have to be subtle.
Jason: I could tell her it's about me. (Lucky laughs)
Lucky: Oh, good. That'll help her relax. Besides, I've seen you lie. Or whatever you call it when you find those loopholes in the truth. She'll never buy it.
Jason: Have you heard anything about Helena?
Lucky: Nothing. And I still can't figure out what to do about my Dad.
Jason: Well. You need something over Hannah's head, right?
Lucky: Yeah.
Jason: So... she knows you won't hurt her, because of Emily. Doesn't Nikolas know about the whole Cassadine thing?
Lucky: I doubt it.
Jason: So the best thing for you to do, to keep her in line is keep the secret. That way she has to do what you say.
Lucky: Yeah.... (he thinks about this) I mean, even if Nikolas does know, I can scare the hell out of her with my Dad. I can even dig out the family scrap book -- bombings, shootings.... And that's just since we came back to town.
Jason: Think she'd fall for it?
Lucky: I'm not even sure it's a trick. My Dad will have a fit, that's guaranteed. (He rubs his neck, thinking this over.) I have to keep a better eye on her.
Jason: Can you get into the apartment? (Lucky rolls his eyes)
Lucky: Yeah.
Jason: (shrugging) Bug the place. I can monitor it here. I'll put a man on her too.
Lucky: (exhaling heavily) Ok. Thanks Jason.
Jason: Let me know what happens.
Lucky: Yeah. Look... about that favor I owe you --
Jason: You want to put it off?
Lucky: No. I don't think that's a good idea.
Jason: Good. Cause I got something for you. I think it's right up your alley. It's a little more complicated than what you were doing before, but it's off -turf. I think it's probably better if we keep most of your work out of Port Charles, even if it is all on computer.
Lucky: So this is Puerto Rico?
Jason: Problem's based there, yeah. I'll get you the info. (He stands up) Oh, and the bug.
Lucky: (smirking) The Morgan Penthouse. One stop shopping.
Jason: Just keep Emily safe, and we're even.
* * * *
Hannah's apartment.
Nikolas stands by the window, looking pensive. Hannah comes out of the bedroom in her bathrobe. She sees him and stops, leaning against the door jamb.
Hannah: You stayed. (Nikolas looks over at her, startled. He nods.) I wasn't sure you were going to.
Nik: Why?
Hannah: I don't know. I don't know what to expect with us. We've never been very successful at the morning after. (Nikolas turns back to the window)
Nik: You think Lucky'll show up this time?
Hannah: I make no guarantees.
Nik: Does he do that a lot? Come by to harass you?
Hannah: No. He... he continually tells me that he has no use for me. I think he'd love it if I just disappear, but he thinks that I can give Emily something so... that's why. (Nikolas turns to face her)
Nik: How did he find out?
Hannah: Uh... (she frowns) I told him.
Nik: (frowning) You told him.
Hannah: No, I had to. He found out that I wasn't using my real name, so I told him....
Nik: What is your real name.
Hannah: (taking a deep breath) Corrine.
Nik: (slowly, rolling the word around his mouth) Corrine.
Hannah: (smiling slightly) It feels the same.
Nik: What?
Hannah: When you say my name. It's always given me a kind of chill.
Nik: It does.
Hannah: I don't think you should call me that though...
Nik: (a twinge of bitterness) You mean when we're out together in public?
Hannah: I guess all the rules are null and void now.
Nik: (walking over to her) They are as long as I don't think about you too much.
Hannah: What do you mean? (Nikolas presses her up against the wall and kisses her deeply. It's a different kiss than any he's given her before -- long and slow, his hands gently running up and down her frame. Hannah goes limp in his arms, as he pulls back, lightly brushing his lips against hers. Nikolas presses his forehead against hers) Do you feel that?
Hannah: (breathless) Nikolas.....
Nik: Why do we have to have rules?
Hannah: Why do you have to keep fighting them!
Nik: Because I don't understand them! Emily knows who you are now.
Hannah: But you don't. (Nikolas pulls away and crosses the room, frustrated) I don't know you either! Why do you want to rush everything?
Nik: Why do you want to keep this a secret?
Hannah: Nikolas. What do you need from me? What's the one thing you need from me? (Nikolas crosses to her, looking into her eyes intently)
Nik: I need to know you're not going to disappear on me again. And I don't mean physically. I mean the other morning -- nothing you said made any sense.
Hannah: I can't... I'm trying to trust you, Nikolas. But it gets hard sometimes.
Nik: Because of Lucky.
Hannah: Because of... (she takes a deep breath, deciding that she's not going to take the easy way out) Because of a lot of things. Things that have to do with me. Your brother doesn't have anything to do with it. Besides, I'd like to keep things as simple as possible for Emily. (Nik looks at her)
Nik: So you're going to see her again.
Hannah: If she'll see me. (Nikolas sighs and sinks onto the couch)
Nik: You can't even promise me you'll be here next week, but you think you can build a relationship with Emily. (Hannah crosses to the couch)
Hannah: Nikolas.
Nik: I meant what I said yesterday. If you can't see this through, it's better to just leave it now. (Hannah looks at his troubled face with concern)
Hannah: I know. You said you'd been through it.
Nik: My mother. (Hannah sits down beside him, as unobtrusively as possible).
Hannah: You've said. Bits and pieces. (Nikolas shakes his head)
Nik: My Mother left me alone to be raised by the rest of my family.
Hannah: She just left you?
Nik: It's never that simple where Cassadines are concerned. Her hand was forced. The first time. (Hannah decides it's better not to push. She waits silently for him to continue) She was already married when she came to the island. She thought her husband was dead, and she was being held captive, so she agreed to marry my -- (Nikolas stops at the word, his face twisting bitterly) father. (Hannah struggles to comprehend this) And I was conceived.... Has Lucky told you any of this?
Hannah: No.
Nik: I was born, and she stayed with me until she discovered her husband was not dead. Then she left. She says she always meant to return but she never did. About a year or so later, she got pregnant with Lucky. She stayed with him. She raised him. He got to have... well, not a normal family, but he got a mother. I ... I had a grandmother. (A chill goes up Hannah's spine) Grandmother had very specific ideas about who and what I was going to be. My -- (again, Nikolas pauses, before deciding to continue) Uncle banished her from our lives when I was seven. He raised me without any outside interference from then on.
Hannah: He raised you in Greece?
Nik: My family has an island. He raised me there with private tutors. A very sheltered life. Until my mother finally decided to come looking for me. (He looks up at her) I told you I have a sister. (Hannah nods. Nikolas reaches into his pocket and opens his wallet, displaying a photograph of Lulu. He hands it to Hannah) That was last year. She's bigger now. Her hair is longer.
Hannah: She's beautiful. (she looks at him, smiling nervously) She looks like you.
Nik: I know. (He takes the photo back, gazing at it wistfully) She's four now. She wasn't even two when I came here. You haven't met her?
Hannah: No. Never.
Nik: I guess Laura keeps her away from the club. That's probably a good thing. (he clears his throat) I wouldn't know, you see. I'm not really a part of the family. I have a visiting day. Thursday mornings. That's my time with my little sister. If I want to see her any other time I have to call and make sure Luke won't be there. He tolerates my seeing her as long as he doesn't have to acknowledge it. Lesley Lu... she's young, but she's smart. She's got everyone's number. And she knows. We try to pretend it's normal, but she knows that she shouldn't talk about me in front of her father. Or her brother for that matter. (He folds up the wallet) So I get a sister. And she's wonderful. I wouldn't trade her for anything.
Hannah: But you want more. (Nikolas frowns)
Nik: (quietly) He got everything. And he doesn't even appreciate it. (Hannah says nothing a moment, until she's certain Nikolas isn't going to offer an explanation)
Hannah: Lucky?
Nik: He barely comes to visit. I know he treats Laura badly. They've had some sort of parting of the ways. Probably he never forgave her for me. Even though I was born first. And I've managed to forgive her for him.
Hannah: Have you? (Nikolas smiles ruefully)
Nik: Almost. Enough to say it out loud, even if I don't feel it. (He sits in silence a while. Finally he looks up at Hannah) Do you know why Lucky hates me?
Hannah: I don't know if I think he does.
Nik: He does. Believe me. (Hannah decides not to argue. She shakes her head) He hates me because of my blood. That's all it's ever been for him. My blood, in the most literally terms, has always stood between us. First because I am a Cassadine. Secondly, because my blood contains something his doesn't. It was the cure. (Hannah looks at him, confused)
Hannah: The cure?
Nik: I came here because Lesley Lu was dying. She needed a bone marrow transplant, and there wasn't a match. Her full brother didn't match her. But I did. Do you know what the chances of that are? (Hannah shakes her head) They're nearly impossible. It's like I was chosen to save her. She was given to me to bring me back to my mother, and to give me a family, a kind of family I'd never known. (he looks back at Hannah, tears in his eyes) She's everything to me. Without her, I don't know who I'd be. Saving her changed me. Coming here and living in America changed me. She's a part of who I am forever, and I am a part of her. That's the irony. When you donate bone marrow, they kill off all the marrow the patient had before. Your marrow grows in them, and continues to make your blood, and your blood flows through their veins forever. Lucky probably doesn't know that. That his sister has, for all intents and purposes, Cassadine blood in her veins. But he knows I saved her when he couldn't, and he'll never forgive me for that. (He bows his head, emotion flooding him) The minute I saw her I knew she was mine. And she was always going to be mine. I don't mean that in a selfish way -- I didn't want to own her. But I wanted to belong to her. And I do. We're bound by blood.
Hannah: (choked up) I felt that when I saw Emily as my niece for the first time. Once I knew... it was like there was nothing I could do. I knew she was my blood, and everything after that didn't matter. She ... I know nothing about her. But she matters to me.
Nik: (a whisper) Lucky and I share blood. But it never mattered. Not to either of us. (Hannah chooses not to fight that. Nikolas is no shape for it. She reaches out and pulls him towards her, into an embrace)
Hannah: (quietly) I can't believe I'm doing this. I promise, Nikolas. I promise I won't leave. I won't leave you, or Emily.
