Chapter Fifty-Eight:
Truth Telling
Lucky's Room
Lucky sits at his desk, the room lit only by a lamp across the room. He's staring off into space, his mind refusing to focus on any of the tasks he gives it. Instead he studies the line where the wall meets the ceiling, his mind bouncing from topic to topic, each one being rejected. A small knock comes at the door. He doesn't notice. The knock comes again, louder, causing him to start in his chair. He looks over at the door blearily.
Lucky: It's open. (Emily pushes the door open, and Lucky's breath catches in his throat. Their eyes lock).
Em: Hi. (Lucky says nothing) Ok. (she smiles at him nervously) You win.
Lucky: What was I playing?
Em: I was hoping you'd be able to tell me. (She watches him, waiting for him to make a move towards her, waiting for him to spill whatever it was that he wouldn't the other day. Her heart begins to beat a little harder. Lucky looks away from her.)
Lucky: (hesitantly) Em..... (The tone of Lucky's voice sends a chill up Emily's spine. She's afraid to let him finish)
Em: (quickly) You know, I didn't believe you when you said you wanted space. But I guess I was wrong. You did want it. (she fells her breath rush out of her) The question is to do what?
Lucky: (Heavily) Is there something that you want to ask me?
Em: Nothing I haven't asked before. (She stops herself, aware of the edge creeping into her voice. She shakes her head. This was a mistake, she can tell already) I really don't want to do this. (She looks at Lucky for a long moment. He still makes no attempt to close the distance between them, averting his eyes from her pervading gaze.)
Lucky: Then don't do it. (Emily closes her eyes)
Em: (softly) What's going on here, Lucky? (she looks back at him) Did we break up and you're just waiting for me to figure it out?
Lucky: No.
Em: Ok.... (she is not at all encouraged by the flatness of his reply) Then you're going to have to help me out here. (he says nothing. Emily leans against the door jamb, and looks at him sadly) Three days... what am I supposed to think? Why are you making me do this? Do you have any idea how pathetic I feel standing here, begging you to just LOOK at me? (Lucky studies the top of the desk). Ok. Fine. Will you just either break up with me, or find it in yourself to do something else, because I REALLY can't stand this. (Lucky, the tremor in her voice really getting to him, stands up)
Lucky: Emily, I.... (He stops, realizing he really has nothing to say. He looks at her, hopelessly)
Em: Just DO anything, Ok? Just, say something, do something, please! (Lucky stares at her, unable to make himself move. Emily shakes her head, tears coming to her eyes) I can't keep doing this! (Lucky somehow finds it in him to walk over to her)
Lucky: (quietly) Don't cry. (Emily hits his arm angrily)
Em: Then stop being such a jerk!
Lucky: I'm sorry. (Emily struggles a moment before breaking down completely).
Em: Thank you. (Lucky watches her cry a moment before the more rational, and apparently mostly dormant part of his brain asserts itself, and he pulls her against him. Emily is furious at herself for letting this happen, but lets him hold her while she tries to get her self-control back. Lucky's facade begins to crumble as he holds her against him, his hands move into her hair, and he lays small kisses against it, suddenly hit by a wave of remorse. He pulls back and cups her face in her hands, raining kisses over her, on her cheeks, eyes, mouth.... Emily tears give way first to confusion, then to lust as she catches his mouth with hers and kisses him meaningfully. Lucky finds himself fighting against the guilt he's feeling as Emily's hands explore his back.) God, I love you, Lucky.
Lucky: (still kissing her) Why?
Em: What?
Lucky: (pulling back) Why, why the hell are you doing this?
Em: (breathless) Ok, Lucky? You're, like, this far from giving me a complex. (Lucky stops and considers this. He pulls back towards him and kisses her again, passionately)
Lucky: Wouldn't want to do that. (Emily kisses Lucky back, despite the tightening knot in her stomach. She tries to ignore it, but finally pulls back from him slightly, gasping for breath. Lucky starts kissing her neck)
Em: Oh.... Lucky, you should never give me time to think.
Lucky: (moaning) What?
Em: Why did you pull back?
Lucky: (muffled) I don't remember.
Em: Lucky. I can't do this. (Lucky stops and rests his head against her shoulder. He knew this was coming) I mean, I can't until I know you're not going to freak out on me again. I couldn't take that.
Lucky: (turning away) I don't want to hurt you. (Emily, feeling like she's losing the moment, comes up behind him and wraps her arms around his waist)
Em: Then just let me help you. Don't push me away. (Lucky closes his eyes. He knows he can't promise that right now. Not while things are like this. He opts to say nothing) Lucky?
Lucky: What?
Em: Look... We can work this out. Just tell me what's wrong and we can work it out, whatever it is, Ok? (she presses her lips against the back of his neck) I know it started the night you came to my room. Was it about Nikolas? (Lucky says nothing) Or your Dad?
Lucky: (pulling away) You don't want to know what it was about.
Em: (fighting yet another wave of rejection) Yes, I do! I don't care what it is, I just know it can't be so bad we won't be able to get around it.
Lucky: (turning to face her) You sure about that?
Em: Look. I decided when we got back together that you'd have to have a MAJOR personality change for me not to understand why you do that stuff you do. I understand Carly, I understand Jason... I get it. What is going on now?
Lucky: That night. You really want to know what happened?
Em: (suddenly thinking that she doesn't) Yes.
Lucky: Fine. I went to see Hannah and Nikolas was there. He took exception to my presence, and hit me. I came back here to talk to my Dad and guess what? Somehow, he'd found out that Hannah was your aunt, and he was really upset about it. About how I'd kept it from him.
Em: (dawning) Oh my God. Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I thought he knew.
Lucky: He didn't.
Em: He said that...
Lucky: He knew your aunt had shown up. He didn't know it was Hannah.
Em: Was he... mad?
Lucky: He called me a liar.
Em: Lucky....
Lucky: Not that I didn't have it coming.
Em: (approaching him) I really thought he knew.
Lucky: Why would I have told him?
Em: Because! You tell your Dad everything. (Lucky's face darkens. Emily stops) Lucky, you can't be angry at me for this.
Lucky: I'm not.
Em: Then why has suddenly dropped twenty degrees in here?
Lucky: It doesn't matter.
Em: It matters to me! Lucky, come on.
Lucky: (bitterly) That's what I don't get Emily. I don't get this whole thing. You know exactly what I'm keeping from him. And it doesn't bother you?
Em: Lucky. I love you.
Lucky: Why? Give me a reason. I mean it.
Em: Lucky!
Lucky: What is it, my integrity? My altruism? My sense of family loyalty?
Em: Stop it.
Lucky: Or is it just too far into the game to admit you were wrong. Do you need to prove something to your family? Couldn't turn around at this point and admit they were right..
Em: STOP IT! God, Lucky! How can you look me in the eye and say you don't want to hurt me, and then say this to me?
Lucky: I don't know. Maybe you should add that to the list of things you love about me. (Emily stares at him, his words reverberating through her. She shakes her head, and backs up)
Em: I don't know how to do this. (She feels tears rising to her eyes again and turns away angrily) I can't help you. Not this time. (She turns and walk out, leaving Lucky alone.)
* * * *
Wyndemere, sitting room.
Nikolas enters the living room to find Alexis already sitting on the couch. He frowns and walks over to her.
Nik: You have any idea what this is about?
Alexis: Yes. I do.
Nik: (darkening) Helena?
Alexis: I think we'd better wait for your uncle. (Nikolas steps back and evaluates Alexis's demeanor. She is sitting perfectly still, chin raised, very businesslike. He knows immediately something it up, and whatever it is, it goes beyond what his uncle was hinting at in their last discussion.)
Nik: Uncle made it sound important. (Alexis presses her lips together. Nikolas eyes her suspiciously) I'm not going to like this, am I?
Alexis: You've been a member of this family long enough to know we always have a surprise up out sleeves. (Nikolas narrows his eyes at her)
Nik: Why am I always on the receiving end of those surprises?
Alexis: I live in mortal fear of the day you begin to pay us back. (Stefan appears at the top of the stairs, and survey the room)
Stefan: (commanding) Nikolas. (Nikolas spins around to see his uncle, looking at him as if seeing a ghost. His uncle stands straight, an intense expression on his face. He meets his nephew's gaze, and glides down the stairs. Nikolas goes cold. He hasn't seen this man in over a year. He hasn't seen him since the afternoon that they found Katherine. His heart is suddenly in his throat. Stefan reaches him and stand, hands folded behind his back, right in front of him) I'm glad your schedule permitted this meeting. As I said on the phone, it is of utmost importance to the future of this family. (Nikolas nods, still in shock) Have a seat.
Nik: I'd prefer to stand.
Stefan: Very well. (He crosses to a gothic grandiose wooden chair perpendicular to the couch where Alexis sits, awaiting Nikolas's wrath, which she can already see is inevitable. Stefan refuses to acknowledge the tension in the room, gives one of his trademark cold smiles, and sets in with his deposition) You are aware the last year was a dark time for the Cassadines.
Nik: I am.
Stefan: It was essential, after Katherine's death, to take time to regroup. When an enemy perceives a weakness, then your guard must, by necessity, be doubled. (Nikolas frowns)
Nik: I understand.
Stefan: It is only through diligence and careful planning that we are still here today to face the threat being launched against us. (Nikolas, now regretting his assertion to stand, nods imperceptibly) I know you have been disturbed by my demeanor of late. Nikolas. It was necessary.
Nik: (cold as ice) What are you saying, Uncle?
Stefan: Katherine was a warning shot. Fired by the most conniving mind you are ever likely to encounter.
Nik: My Grandmother.
Stefan: The same.
Nik: You said she couldn't have. You said she had no power.
Stefan: I did.
Nik: You lied.
Stefan: Yes.
Nik: Why?
Stefan: She was counting on my weakness for Katherine. She was building on it. I had to let her believe that she had succeeded in destroying me in order to strike when she least expected it. To silence her once and for all.
Nik: What does she want.
Stefan: You.
Nik: She can't have me.
Stefan: She will not stop trying. For thirteen years she has attempted to assert her control over your upbringing.
Nik: (shattering his calm) WHAT upbringing? I'm twenty years old, I am not a child any longer.
Stefan: That is not the point.
Nik: I am five years away from assuming my role in this family. And you are STILL hiding your machinations from me.
Stefan: Nikolas, it was --
Nik: When do I become a part of this family? Do I only rate a vote on the day I rule it? How do you expect me to trust you when you continually hide the truth from me?
Stefan: I am telling you now, Nikolas.
Nik: You are telling me because it now suits your needs! Because it's come to a point where it's now more advantageous for me to know than to stumble around blindly in the dark! When does this end?
Stefan: Most likely, when you stop reacting this way. (Nikolas stares at Stefan, infuriated at once again being played for a fool, and once again falling for it. He desperately wants to shoot his next question at his father, but stops, eying Alexis. It will have to wait for another time. He grabs onto this one shred of reason, and attempts to pull himself back from the brink of absolute rage.)
Nik: (controlled) This is how you operate. I know this know as clearly as I know anything. You play people off of each other like some elaborate game of chess, with Alexis blindly doing your biding. You don't care who gets hurt in the long run, and you've certainly never cared what I thought of it!
Stefan: (standing) I do what is necessary to preserve this family! Do you want Helena to win? Do you want her to destroy the reputation and future of this family?
Nik: All I want is a say in what happens!
Stefan: And you have one!
Nik: I do not, not when you are masquerading as some grief-stricken widower. Tell me, was it ALL an act? Did she ever mean anything to you, or was that all one big performance?
Stefan: (explosively) You are NEVER to make assertions over my relationship with Katherine! Do you understand?
Alexis: Nikolas, Stefan has grieved the loss of -- (Nikolas, who had nearly forgotten his aunt's presence, turns on her.)
Nik: I suppose it was easier on you, since you never pretended to care about her in the first place. Wasn't that convenient.
Stefan: You may no longer be a child, Nikolas, but you are far off from being a man. I demand that you put a halt to this juvenile display. (Nikolas turns his back on both of them, breathing heavily. He's seething with anger, every moment of the last horrible year since Katherine's death replaying for him. Lies. Every single moment of it. He coldly turns back to his uncle)
Nik: Explain one thing to me.
Stefan: (voice still shaking) I have no secret from you now, Nikolas.
Nik: (ignoring this) Luke Spencer.
Stefan: He is not an issue.
Nik: Why would you purposely display so much weakness in front of him.
Stefan: Luke Spencer was only threatened by me when he believed I was acting against his family. Once that threat appeared to be lifted, his attentions turned elsewhere.
Nik: Appeared?
Stefan: I have no ill will toward the Spencers. Besides, I think that we were always something of an imagined threat to them. They never had to face their true enemies.
Nik: What does that mean?
Stefan: The Spencers biggest threat has never been the Cassadines. It's themselves. Luke's progeny is proving that marvelously.
Nik: Lucky. (Stefan says nothing. His cool demeanor shaken, he moves over to the side table and pours himself a drink) What do you mean?
Stefan: It's of no concern to you.
Nik: Tell me, Uncle.
Stefan: (turning to look at him, glass in hand) What possible interest could you have in that child?
Nik: He's Lesley Lu's brother.
Stefan: An unfortunate fact for her.
Nik: What do you know about Lucky? At this point, don't you think you owe me some truth?
Stefan: Very well. He's working with Jason Morgan. An arrangement I'm certain his mother knows nothing of. (Nikolas stares at Stefan, his face betraying nothing. After a long silence, Nikolas opens his mouth to speak)
Nik: (quietly) How do you know this?
Stefan: I've kept a close eye on Mr. Morgan and his business dealings since you were injured due to his carelessness.
Nik: Jason Morgan is Emily Quartermaine's brother. She's been living there.
Stefan: This goes back further than her temporary time at the Penthouse.
Nik: Jason is a partner at Luke's!
Stefan: Nikolas. Why are you taking issue with what I'm telling you? Lucky Spencer is certainly capable of this vocation. He's not labored with the morals or conscience that would trouble him in this line of work.
Nik: I'm just questioning how you know for certain.
Stefan: He and Miss Quartermaine were not keeping company this past summer, correct? (Nikolas nods, disturbed that his uncle knows this. Stefan continues.) Yet, during that whole period, he made repeated visits to the penthouse where Mr. Morgan conducts his business. They have been less frequent since his relationship with Morgan's sister resumed, but they are nonetheless continuing. (Nikolas looks away from Stefan, digesting this.) The Spencers, however, are not our concern. We have much more pressing matters to attend to. Helena has left the compound. (Nikolas doesn't react) We have not heard anything about her leaving Greece, but anything is possible. The point is, she is no longer under the watch of our men. You must keep your guard up at all times, Nikolas. I would like you to return to Wyndemere.
Nik: No.
Stefan: Nikolas, this is no time to --
Nik: I have to leave. (Nikolas turns and walks out of the room, heading for the front door. Stefan starts after him)
Alexis: Stefan! Let him go. He'll be back.
