Chapter Fifty-Nine:
Trading Places
Hannah's Apartment.
Hannah comes out of the bathroom, pulling on her robe, at the sound of someone knocking at her door. She glances at the clock, and assumes Nikolas's meeting didn't go well. She dashes tot he door and throws it open. Her jaw drops at the sight of Emily, pale, her face tear stained, leaning against the door jamb.
Em: (voice cracking) Hi.
Hannah: (finding her power of speech) Hi.
Em: I have... Uh... I have nowhere to go. (Hannah steps out of the door way, her face ashen)
Hannah: Come in. (Emily steps into the apartment. Hannah notices that she's shaking slightly. Emily turns and looks at her aunt)
Em: I'm sorry... were you going to bed?
Hannah: At ten o'clock? No. I just had a bath. Emily?
Em: Yeah....
Hannah: Are you Ok? (Em's eyes well up again and she shakes her head).
Em: Uh... I.... (she waves her hands around uselessly) No. (Emily looks at Hannah with so much distress in her eyes, that Hannah feels immediately moved to hug her. She steps towards her, then stops)
Hannah: Do... Do you want to stay here?
Em: I can't. I have to go home at some point.
Hannah: Ok.... (she looks at her again, with concern, at a loss for what else to say. Emily wraps her arms around herself, the shaking, barely noticeable at the door has now become unmistakable. Hannah, feeling her insides twist, throws caution to the wind, and closes the distance between her and Emily, wrapping her arms around her. Emily, much to Hannah's surprise, doesn't pull back, but rather leans against her, letting herself cry. Hannah tightens her embrace, feeling tears of empathy and guilt well up in her own eyes).
* * * *
Lucky's room
Lucky is sitting hunched over, his head in his hands. He's on the verge of a headache, and there's nothing he can think of to do about it. In fact, he's feeling a little grateful. Physical pain is distracting, and his desperate for that right now. At least this way he doesn't have to consider inflicting it on himself. A knock, sharp and demanding, comes at the door. Lucky looks up, his eyes taking a moment to focus. He doesn't recognize that knock. It comes again, louder. He stands up. The knocking gives way to pounding and Lucky hurries to the door, pulling it open to reveal Nikolas. Nikolas stares at Lucky intensely, taking in every detail of his brother's appearance. He looks tense, and tired, and more than a little surprised to see him. Nikolas struggles to find a way to say what he's there to say. Lucky, in turn, stares at Nikolas, not having even the slightest clue what he would be doing there. His mind can only catch on one thing, and it's unthinkable.
Lucky: Did som..... (His voice catches slightly. He clears his throat) Did something happen to Lulu?
Nik: Not yet.
Lucky: (immediately guarded) What do you mean?
Nik: Can I come in?
Lucky: Answer the question.
Nik: Lulu is fine. (He stares at Lucky with the same dark intense look. Lucky steps back from the door)
Lucky: Fine, whatever, man. Knock yourself out. (Lucky turns his back on him and walks across the room back to the window. Nikolas closes the door behind him. He watches Lucky's back, debating how to begin. He clear his throat. Lucky doesn't turn around.)
Nik: (quietly) What the hell are you doing, Lucky?
Lucky: (turning back to him) Since when do you give a damn what I do?
Nik: Since I found out you've been working for Jason Morgan. (Lucky doesn't blink, makes no movement at all, just stares at Nikolas.) Don't you have anything to say?
Lucky: Not to you.
Nik: What are you doing, Lucky?
Lucky: I'm not talking to you about this.
Nik: You're not denying it, though.
Lucky: Would there be any point?
Nik: You're unbelievable.
Lucky: This isn't your business, Cassadine.
Nik: If it effects Lulu, then it's my business. (Lucky says nothing) You're amazing. God. I've tried to fathom what can possibly be going on in your head, and sometimes I come up with something that makes some kind of sense, but THIS --
Lucky: You know, out of all the people I could be lectured to about this, you really have nothing to say that I want to hear.
Nik: You're going to hear it!
Lucky: Why? Why do you care? You think Lulu is in danger, I would NEVER put her at risk. You don't even know what my arrangement with Jason is. Emily couldn't have told you that.
Nik: EMILY knows about this? (Lucky's mind starts to spin over what possible way Nikolas could have found this out. The only other answer is obvious, but impossible: Stefan. Nikolas is shaking his head, in horrified amazement) That's got to be good for her stress level.
Lucky: Stay out of it.
Nik: I'm so sick of everyone tiptoeing around you, making sure they don't do something to set you off, while you put everyone at risk behind their backs! Do you have any idea what you're doing to Emily? Do you even care that she's so worried about you that --
Lucky: (shaking with anger) You don know what you're talking about here, man.
Nik: I know what I see.
Lucky: Yeah, and since when have you taken five minutes to actually SEE anything about me? Have you ever cared before? Not that I've noticed. This has nothing to do with you. It's my family, my girlfriend, my life, and don't pretend you give a damn about any of it.
Nik: Will you just stop and THINK about what this will do to Lulu?
Lucky: Lulu has nothing to do with it.
Nik: Oh, yeah. Until something goes wrong, and someone decides to go after your family, right?
Lucky: I have it under control.
Nik: Didn't your Dad? You'd know better than I would. At some point, he must have told Laura that they'd live happily ever after, and instead she spent years living under assumed names and --
Lucky: You don't know ANYTHING about that!
Nik: I know enough. I know that he risked everyone's life because of his connections, and even now he can't let go of them! (Lucky turns away again. Nikolas takes a step towards him) What does your Dad think of this? Is he proud you're following in his footsteps?
Lucky: Get out.
Nik: He doesn't know, does he?
Lucky: GET OUT.
Nik: What about Laura? (Lucky, spun tighter than a top, turns on Nikolas, and rushes at him, pinning him up against the wall in absolute rage. Nikolas, more shocked than anything else, doesn't push back, only meeting Lucky's vicious gaze.)
Lucky: Is this what you want? (Nikolas, confused, doesn't answer) IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? You think I'm messing up, Nikky, then fine, you WANT my place, then take it. You try to protect them, you keep their secrets, you try to keep everything from falling apart. You don't know ANYTHING about my life. (Lucky releases his grip on Nikolas and takes a step back from him. He takes a moment to breath, aware that he's seconds away from saying something that he won't be able to take back. He forces himself to speak in more normal tones) You're an only child. You might have a sister -- Hell, you even have me for whatever THAT'S worth, but it's not a family, not like this. Maybe looking down on us from Wyndemere, it looks pretty good. And you know what? It was. It was great. For years. And then YOU came along. (Nikolas aware he should be bordering on absolute rage at those words, instead sees something in his brother's eyes that nearly knocks the wind out of him)
Nik: Are you actually trying to tell me that you're doing this because of me?
Lucky: (acidly) Don't flatter yourself. (Nikolas stares at him.)
Nik: That's it, isn't it. This is your way at getting back at her for having me.
Lucky: I thought I told you to leave.
Nik: What the hell did she ever do to you that you think she's supposed to suffer for?
Lucky: (darkly) I'm not taking advice from you about my mother. And since when have you felt protective of her?
Nik: GOD! How do you justify yourself? You grew up with her, you grew up with two parents who let you do whatever the hell you wanted. I can't see where you were EVER so mistreated as to explain this kind of insane behavior.
Lucky: What do you know about it? God, you think you can just come in here and judge me without even knowing what's going on? You heard I'm working for Jason Morgan. Well, what does that mean? Tell me, what am I doing?
Nik: I don't CARE what the specifics are, Lucky.
Lucky: No, why would you? Why would you ever care for five seconds what I was doing? As long as it doesn't touch you. Well, don't worry. This isn't going to touch you or anyone else. Not unless you make it an issue.
Nik: You don't want me to tell Laura.
Lucky: You can tell whoever you want. I don't care.
Nik: No, you don't, do you? I used to think you at least cared about yourself. No wonder you can be so glib about other people's lives if you don't even see any value in your own.
Lucky: (smirking) What is this? You want to explain to me what my problem is? After knowing me for four years and giving me nothing more than a moment's consideration in all that time, you're ready to deliver some sort of psychological profile? I'm doing this to get back at my mother, right? Is that is? Tell me. How do you fit into this scenario? I bet you have a starring role. (Nikolas turns away from him) No, come on. I'm curious, tell me. Why am I doing this?
Nik: I'm not here for your amusement.
Lucky: Then I really have no other use for you.
Nik: What if you get yourself killed?
Lucky: No gonna happen. I've made it this far.
Nik: You ever consider what happens when your luck runs out?
Lucky: Not really. But I bet you have. I can just imagine. If I'm dead... You'd love that, wouldn't you? No more competition, you can just move right in on her, on Lulu on everyone else --
Nik: (from the gut) I DO NOT WANT YOU DEAD! (Both Lucky and Nikolas are thrown by the emotion in his voice. Nikolas is hit by just how horrible it would be if that happened. At least while he's alive there's some kind of hope. He takes a deep breath, attempting to steady himself) I don't want you to die, Lucky. (Lucky stares at him, feeling something inside of him, something he holds so tightly it never gets to see the light of day, struggle to come out. He struggles against it, instead surrendering to a more comfortable emotion.)
Lucky: Get out of here.
Nik: What?
Lucky: (his voice quickly rushing into an almost hysterical demand) GET OUT OF HERE! LEAVE! (Nikolas stares at him. He's never seen Lucky like this) I want you out of here, NOW, do you get it? You're not my brother, you're not my family and you don't have anything to do with this. GET OUT.
Nik: Lucky --
Lucky: I swear to God, if you don't leave right now, I will. (Nikolas, shocked into silence, just watches him. Lucky starts for the door. Nikolas quickly steps in front of him)
Nik: I'm not letting you walk away from this.
Lucky: You can't stop me.
Nik: What is happening to you? Are you listening to yourself?
Lucky: If I am, then I'm the only one doing it. Get out of here, Nikolas. Now. (Nikolas backs up slightly)
Nik: You're not going to be able to escape this.
Lucky: Is that a threat?
Nik: I'm not threatening you. I'm just telling you -- watch your step. If not for your sake, then for Lulu's.
Lucky: Right. You done?
Nik: Close to.
Lucky: GO. (Nikolas, stunned by what he thinks just happened here, turns and walks numbly to the door. He stops, his hand on the door knob)
Nik: Don't get yourself killed.
Lucky: (as evenly as humanly possible) I wouldn't rob you of that honor. (Nikolas closes his eyes. He can't figure this out for the life of him. He opens the door and leaves Lucky, who stares after the door long after it's shut. He moves for the door then stops. He turns and looks back at the room. It's empty. There is nothing here. His head is now throbbing, but it doesn't matter. It's not enough. Not even close. He grabs his coat off the back of the chair, picks up his keys, and heads out the door).
* * * *
Hannah's apartment.
Emily sits, cross-legged on the couch, leaning up against one arm. She is holding a cushion against her chest, and staring off into space. Hannah, having pulled on some clothes, comes out of the kitchen with the gelato and two spoons. She walks over to the couch and sits down, mirroring Emily's posture, and hands over the carton.
Hannah: I know nothing about mending broken hearts, except that this is the usual accompaniment.
Em: (smiling slightly) I can't imagine it'll help.
Hannah: I can't imagine it'll hurt. (Emily sighs and takes the carton from her) I take it Lucky wasn't receptive.
Em: He was and he wasn't. That's kind of the problem. (she takes a small bit of the rock hard gelato on the end of her spoon) You know my family hates him right?
Hannah: I know they were..... Upset about something.
Em: They hate him. They don't know him, they never even took the time to try, but they hate him. (she takes a bit of the gelato, and makes a face at the coldness of it) My mother has this theory that just because she's judged him and banned him from the house, that doesn't mean I shouldn't feel free to come to her with my problems. (she shakes her head) That's Quartermaine logic. "Just because we hurt you doesn't mean you shouldn't trust us!" (she looks at Hannah, her head cocked) The thing is, you're not his biggest fan, are you?
Hannah: I'm not even going to try to guess what's going on in Lucky's head. When I first met him, I thought he was pretty straight forward. Funny, charming, but basically a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of guy. The first clue I had that he might have some sort of hidden depth was that day Nikolas brought you to the club. Lucky got so tense so fast.... I totally didn't recognize him. From that point on, I haven't had a clue who he is.
Em: The charm thing is a survival skill. He's lived off it his whole life. More often than not, people totally fall for it. (she frowns) It makes me kind of nervous, actually.
Hannah: Do you think he's dangerous?
Em: (frowning) Dangerous? Yeah. To himself, he certainly is. (she winces) See, I probably shouldn't have said that. It's like... you KNOW him, in some way, and I know him in a totally different way. There's no way I can talk to you about him.
Hannah: I... Look. You'd be surprised how much I talk about Lucky. But if you're worried that I'd tell Nikolas something you don't wan him to know... I don't know. What am I saying? (she frowns and looks down at the carpet a moment) If you just want to talk about your boyfriend, then that's all it is. I won't use it against Lucky, I won't tell Nikolas, I'll just keep it to myself.
Em: There is just so little reason for me to believe that.
Hannah: I know.
Em: Your timing is great, you know? I'd probably still be reluctant to give you the time of day if my life didn't suck so much right now.
Hannah: (laughing slightly) Been there, done that.
Em: I need a shrink. (she laughs) Man. I never thought I'd say that willingly. (she wraps her arms around herself). I... I just don't know what to do.
Hannah: We can talk in code if you want.
Em: No... Lucky's just... (she leans back against the sofa, looking up at the ceiling) What do you do when someone you love is going totally crazy right in front of you? (Hannah looks at her with concern)
Hannah: I have no idea.
Em: I don't think anyone does.
Hannah: I guess all you can do is protect yourself and wait. See if they come to you.
Em: I can't protect myself. I tried today, I did everything I could and he's just not making any sense. (She sighs) That's a lie. He's making sense. Just not the kind of sense I want him to make. (she sighs) I was just thinking about this night, a while ago, where he came to see me and he was really excited about something. And he was being totally playful and sweet and funny and I was just hit so hard by how much I love that part of him. (she feels tears coming up on her again) I really miss that part of him. (she swears under her breath) I can't stand this. I'm so mad at him, and I know it's not even his fault. Not really. He just doesn't know how to deal with everything anymore.
Hannah: (quietly) Does he ever hurt you?
Em: (looking up sharply) NO! Never. Not physically. He's being a little rough on my ego right now, but I guess... I could take that. I could handle him just being a little cold if I thought that he was going to be Ok. (She shakes her head) I can't even say to you what's wrong... (Emily is cut off my a sharp rap at the door. Hannah looks up, then back at Emily)
Hannah: Ok, that makes me nervous.
Em: Why?
Hannah: Just... Would Lucky know you're here?
Em: I don't know. He doesn't know what I'm doing these days. (Hannah gets up)
Hannah: Ok. (She walks over to the door) Who is it?
Nik: It's me. (Hannah shoots Emily an apologetic look, and opens the door)
Hannah: Nikolas, I'm sorry this isn't -- (she stops dead when she sees the expression on his face) Oh my God. What happened to you?
Nik: Lucky.
