Chapter Seventy-Three:
Face Off
Lucky casts his gaze from his father to Nikolas, refusing to let his confusion or worry register on his face. He holds onto his cool tightly, and leans against the bar, as they turn to look at him.
Nik: I was looking for you.
Lucky: You've found me. Problem? (He holds his breath undetected while he waits for them to answer. Luke narrows his eyes at him. Nikolas, obviously tense, takes a step towards him, then stops. Lucky raises his eye brows at Nikolas, the weaker mark. It's Luke, however, who speaks up)
Luke: The young prince here is requesting a moment of your time. (The sarcastic edge to his father's voice is very comforting. Lucky relaxes slightly, though not much. Nikolas may not have said anything, but he'd learned from previous experience not to trust him to keep his mouth shut.)
Lucky: I'm busy.
Nik: Trust me. This is something you want to hear.
Lucky: Go ahead.
Nik: Not here.
Lucky: Then it's nothing I don't already know. (Nikolas' jaw tightens. He couldn't just make this easy for once, could he? Nikolas looks back at Luke, who is now leaning cockily against the wall, smiling at him like the cat that ate the canary. The man seems to be relishing Lucky's blunt rejection and Nikolas feels, just for a second, like he and Luke are in competition for him. He looks back at Lucky, trying again.)
Nik: It's important.
Lucky: Not to me.
Nik: (warningly) Lucky.
Lucky: (shrugging) I can't. I have to talk to my Dad. (Luke's jaw drops, but he quickly recovers)
Luke: Hey, don't let me stop you, Nikky. You need to talk to him, here's your chance. Be my guest. (Lucky looks over at his father, his expression clearly communicating for the first time that he wants his Dad to stay out of this. Luke is encouraged just to see a look he recognizes. Nikolas bottles his increasing anger at Luke and looks at Lucky darkly.)
Nik: This can't wait.
Lucky: (heavily) It waited this long.
Nik: You're going to regret this.
Lucky: I'll take my chances.
Luke: You heard the boy. Amscray.
Nik: (ignoring him) You're going to regret this, Lucky. (Luke pushes off the wall, his ire raised. Lucky meets his father's eyes and shakes his head slightly)
Lucky: (quietly, though loud enough that Luke can hear) Yeah, I know all about it, Ok? I don't know what you think I have to do with it, but you're not enlightening me to anything.
Nik: What the hell are you talking about? (Lucky sighs, deciding he's going to spill the whole truth in a matter of minutes anyway, so he may as well stop talking in code. He looks towards his father, as he speaks)
Lucky: I don't have time to deal with your girl troubles right now. Whatever she told you, yeah. Fine. I probably did it. But I'm the least of her problems right now. (Nikolas stares at him. Lucky shrugs dismissively, and starts across the room towards his father, signaling the end of the conversation.) I have other stuff to deal with right now, OK? (Nikolas grabs his elbow as he passes and pulls him towards him, sharply. Luke pushes off the wall, crossing to them)
Nik: (low, in Lucky's ear) It's not my girlfriend I'm here to talk to you about. (And Luke is on them. He pushes Nikolas away from Lucky viciously)
Luke: I told you not to press your luck, Cassadine.
Lucky: Dad.
Luke: Either say what you came here to say, or get the hell out of here! (Nikolas looks at Lucky, and plays his last card)
Nik: What do you think, Lucky. Should we get your father involved in this?
Lucky: (stepping in front of his father) This is between us, Nikolas. Stay out of it. (Nikolas shoots a nasty look at Luke, then looks back at Lucky, his expression clearly indicated he's been pushed as far as he's willing to go)
Nik: I can make this between you and any number of people if I want to, Lucky. I'll be outside. (Nikolas turns and walks out of bar, Lucky staring after him. He's bluffing, he knows that. And it's stupid -- totally not the guy's style. Luke approaches Lucky)
Luke: (voice low) Kid gets harder to shake all the time. (Lucky nods slightly. What was Nikolas trying to pull? He suddenly regrets not just getting the information out of him. He looks over at his father, warily)
Lucky: Two minutes, Dad.
Luke; You're kidding.
Lucky: (holding his hand up) TWO. I'll be right back. (Lucky heads for the door, leaving a shocked Luke)
Luke: (frustrated) What the hell is he up to NOW? ( he considers going after him, but stops. At least that kid bore some resemblance to his son. Better not to push it. Two minutes. He glances up at the clock. He can do two minutes).
Outside the club, Nikolas waits for Lucky. Lucky spots him and crosses the parking lot, angrily.
Lucky: Nice, Cassadine. We're resorting to blackmail now?
Nik: You want to make it easy on me to say three words to you for once, then maybe I wouldn't have to play your stupid games all the time.
Lucky: You know the game, but you've got the rules all wrong. I didn't think that our *relationship* could deteriorate much more than it already has, but you're just full of surprises, aren't you?
Nik: I'm not the bad guy in this scenario.
Lucky: Right. That would be me, huh?
Nik: Will you just shut up for a minute?
Lucky: You got two minutes.
Nik: I only need thirty seconds. (Nikolas holds out the envelope. Lucky looks at it belligerently)
Lucky: What?
Nik: Open it.
Lucky: I don't have time for this.
Nik: OPEN it. (Lucky rolls his eyes and takes the envelope. He opens it, and pulls out the photograph. He looks at it, going immediately cold. Nikolas feels a twinge of regret at the look on Lucky's face. He turns away from him) Look at the back.
Lucky: (quietly) I don't have to.
Nik; Just look, Ok? (Lucky flips it over and is not surprised by the hand writing. He's seen it before. Typical wording too. God, he hates this woman. He look up at Nikolas)
Lucky: When did you get this?
Nik: I didn't. Hannah did.
Lucky: (under his breath) She didn't waste any time. (Nikolas blinks at him)
Nik: So you knew.
Lucky: (looking at him like he's crazy) Kinda thought that would be self evident.
Nik: She threaten you too?
Lucky: (Waving the picture at Nikolas) You don't think this is threatening me?
Nik: I told you you'd want to know abut his.
Lucky: Yeah, yeah. You were right, I was wrong, ask me how much I care.
Nik: I thought you should know.
Lucky: (handing him the picture) Fine, I know. Just get this thing away from me.
Nik: What are you going to do?
Lucky: I'm going in to talk to my father.
Nik: That's it?
Lucky: What? What do you want me to do?
Nik: CARE, for starters. (Lucky spins around and pushes Nikolas violent. Nikolas stumbles backwards)
Lucky: WHEN are you going to understand that I don't want your opinions of what you THINK is going through my head?
Nik: Ok, Ok. Calm down.
Lucky: Get out of my face.
Nik: Time is money, Lucky.
Lucky: (bitterly) Been reading up on American slang again? (He looks over at him) Look, it's an easy enough solution, Ok? She'll be all right.
Nik: I thought the same thing about Katherine.
Lucky: (shaking his head) Jesus. (He looks back at the door to the club. If he goes in to tell his Dad what exactly will his father do? What CAN he do? Nothing Lucky can't take care of right now. However, there's going to be a discussion and that could last awhile. He can't concentrate on that right now. He looks back at Nikolas.) Tell him I had to go.
Nik: (stunned) What?
Lucky: Look, you said it yourself, I don't have time to waste, I've got to go.
Nik: How do you keep UP with your mood swings?
Lucky: (heading for his car) Years of practice. (Nikolas shakes his head and follows after him)
Nik: Where are you going?
Lucky: I have to see a friend.
Nik: Look, why don't you at least call her and make sure --
Lucky: I just SAW her, Nikolas. She's fine. She's probably having lunch with her parents right now. We don't have to worry if she's still in the house. That's not Helena's style. (He reaches his car and unlocks the door) My Dad says, she shows the pieces first, right? (he looks over at him) Oh, right. But you wouldn't have had to deal with this, would you?
Nik: Don't underestimate what I know about my Grandmother.
Lucky: (frustrated) Nikolas! No one ever tells you ANYTHING.
Nik: Right. And your family keeps you well informed, is that the idea?
Lucky: (exploding) WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Nik: I have an interest in this too.
Lucky: You're kidding me.
Nik: She's being threatened because of her connection to Hannah. Hannah will be next.
Lucky: I'm a little surprised you still care. (Nikolas glares at Lucky)
Nik: What were you saying about not guessing what the other is thinking?
Lucky: Ok, fine. Get in the car. (Nikolas stares at him) Come on.
Nik: Get in... this car.
Lucky: Oh, god. Do you want to discuss this--
Nik: My car is right over there.
Lucky: And you're telling me this because...?
Nik: I'll drive.
Lucky: Like hell.
Nik: Lucky!
Lucky: I've got the advantage here, Nikolas. You don't know where I'm going. And don't try to follow me either, Ok? I've been driving longer than you have. (Nikolas studies Lucky's face, clearly understanding that Lucky will never ever allow himself to be driven anywhere by him. It's not about transport, it's about control. He sighs. It's not like he has a choice. Lucky does know how to take care of this and quickly. He nods.)
Nik: Fine. (He pulls on the door handle) It's locked. (Lucky flinches slightly)
Lucky: It's NOT locked. (he pulls open his own door) It's broken. (Lucky gets in the car)
Nik: Then how do you suggest I get IN the car?
Lucky: Ever see the Dukes of Hazard? (Nikolas stares at the horizon blankly. God, he hates this, Lucky is smirking at him, he can tell.) Relax. (Lucky leans across the passenger seat and open the door, pulling his own shut. Nikolas gets in, looking over at Lucky warily) Was that so hard? (Nikolas glares at him and pulls the door shut.)
Nik: Just drive, Ok?
Lucky: Keep your shirt on. (Lucky starts the engine and backs out at a speed that makes Nikolas slightly nervous).
* * * *
The Quartermaine Mansion.
Emily comes down the stairs for lunch. She has been sitting at her window, trying really hard to shake the obnoxiously bad mood this house puts her in. She's making things worse for herself, fighting with them like this. And lunch with JUST Alan and Monica should be Ok. They are the easiest to handle, and she'll be a lot less tense if everyone will just keep Lucky out of it for once. That she doesn't understand. WHY people can't just stop talking about him, insulting him, coming up with new and excited adjectives for him. She hates it with a passion. This family has a strange idea of giving freedom. She wanders into the living room to see if Alan and Monica are waiting for her there. It's empty. She walks across the room to the terrace and opens the door stepping out into the sunshine. She lifts her face to the sky, closing her eyes and tries to soak in the light.
AJ: Making a break for it? (Emily jumps and turns to see AJ leaning against the wall)
Em: God, what is WITH people today?
AJ: What?
Em: Just... seems to be a lot of people are appearing out of nowhere on me today. (She looks at him, apprehensively) And your habit of ambushing me is getting a little scary.
AJ: Where did you find her?
Em: What?
AJ: That woman. Your aunt.
Em: Hannah.
AJ: Hannah... Is that her name? (Emily opens her mouth to explain, then stops, deciding to take her adopted family's lead and just lie)
Em: Yeah. That's her name.
AJ: She just...
Em: She came to town looking for me, not the other way around.
AJ: And you just never mentioned it to us.
Em: I didn't... AJ. Do you realize how this family comes off to outsiders? She probably thinks you're crazy. How do I explain to her that you're one of the normal ones?
AJ: I am?
Em: I don't know. You were. I'm beginning to wonder.
AJ: You shouldn't have left last night.
Em: I had to.
AJ: Had to?
Em: Don't bother to ask me anything else, Ok? I don't have anything to say.
AJ: This isn't a small thing, Emily. I mean, I was up half the night thinking about it, and I still don't know what to do about it.
Em: But I'm supposed to, right? She's my mother's sister. She didn't even... She wasn't around for years, Ok? And now she suddenly shows up out of nowhere. It's confusing enough without getting the family involved.
AJ: But you can get Lucky involved.
Em: Yeah, I can. I'm sorry, AJ. But that's the way it is. (AJ nods silently) Are you going to tell them?
AJ: No.
Em: Is that like the Lucky no? No, but don't step out of line, no?
AJ: Ok. If something happens.. And I can't even think of what, except that I can't SWEAR to you that I won't have a reason. But right now, no. I'm not going to say anything.
Em: Thank you. I really mean that, AJ.
AJ: I'm not out to get you, Emily. I know this place is tough, Ok? I grew up here too. Just.... Don't forget we're in your corner. It might be crowded, but we pack a hell of a punch when we have to. (Emily nods, staring across the lawn, her mind landing on Helena)
Em: (distantly) Ok, AJ. I'll remember.
