Chapter Seventy-Two:
Living Dangerously
The Quartermaine Mansion.
Emily stands halfway down the stairs, preparing for her execution. Good God, how does she get herself into these things? The living room is frighteningly quiet. When AJ dragged her home last night she had made the mistake of asking him not to tell the family about Hannah. He hadn't given her an answer. Then she'd asked if he could at least tell her about them. He'd gone off on the topic of Lucky, and she'd ended up storming up the stairs the minute she got through the door. She'd heard fighting downstairs afterwards, but no one had come to check on her. Now she stood here, waiting for whatever they were going to hit her with next. Were families supposed to be like this? You don't get much chance to rebel against your parents when you're ten -- and since her mother was so sick the last few years of her life, Emily hadn't had the slightest desire to cause her any pain or difficulty. Still, it was hard to imagine her mother telling her that the boy she loved wasn't welcome in her home, or that she was wrong when she said that they were important to each other. On the other hand, she wouldn't have pushed her mother this hard. She would have called her the other night to tell her that she had to stay out later than she'd meant to -- but then she also wouldn't have felt like her reason would have been harshly judged. She shakes her head. Obviously this train of thought is going to keep running into the same wall. It doesn't matter, either way. She's dealing with the Quartermaines. Emily descends the stairs and walks into the living room. As she approaches the door she sees AJ, Edward and Monica, all ignoring each other, while deep in thought. Monica looks up as her daughter enters the room and tries, REALLY tries to give her a reassuring smile. It comes off as incredibly forced and Emily freezes in the doorway.
Em: (catching AJ out of the corner of her eye) What?
Ed: What? WHAT she says!
Em: AJ--
Ed: What the hell do you think we're running here, young lady, a hotel?
Em: What?
Ed: You just come and go as you please? Occasionally deign to join us for a meal -- breakfast was two hours ago, by the way.
Em: Uh --
Ed: And then you have the gall to walk out in the middle of a conversation, no consideration for anyone, and when you finally decide to come home, you just go up to bed.
Em: I didn't decide --
Ed: No. No, I'm sorry. The time for talking has long past.
Monica; Oh, for God's sake.
Ed: Don't you start with me either, with your lax parenting skills. What this girl needs is some discipline, and she's going to get it if I have to kill each and every last one of you.
AJ: it had to happen one day. You've lost your mind, Grandfather.
Ed: You can just stay out of this, too. This isn't a trial, she doesn't need a defense lawyer! (Emily's eyes widen. AJ for the defense -- she is in trouble).
Monica: No, Edward. This *is* a trial. Once again you're holding Emily hostage to your kangaroo court.
Ed: I will not be treated with this kind of blatant disrespect in my house --
Monica: It's MY --
Ed: Oh, for God's sake, Monica! Aren't you getting tired of that line? I know it's your house. Obviously, I don't care.
Monica: Yeah, well it's my daughter, too.
Em: "It's"?
Monica: And I will handle this, thank you very much.
Ed: Right. Like you've handled everything else? She's still spending time with that Spencer boy.
Em: How would you know, Grandfather? We could have broken up months ago, no one in this family would have had a clue.
Ed: Don't toy with me.
Em: That's not what I'm doing!
Monica: (stepping toe to toe with Edward) Good lord, Edward, will you shut up!
Monica; So help me God, this IS my house, whether you care or not, and if you don't stop yelling at my child I will throw you out onto the streets, God tell me why I haven't done it earlier.
AJ & Em: Grandmother.
Ed: Exactly.
Monica; She'd probably THANK me! (Edward opens his mouth to protest, but realizes that Monica is deadly serious. He harrumphs and turns away. Monica takes a breath, smoothes her skirt and turns to Emily.) You missed breakfast.
Em: I'm not hungry.
Monica: Well, maybe you should go see if cook will give you a little --
Em: I'm NOT hungry. I'm not risking my life for food I don't want.
Monica: All right. (She looks at AJ meaningfully)
AJ: Come on, Grandfather. I wanted to show those figures.
Ed: What figures?
AJ: Good figures. Figures you'll want to see.
Ed: (being pulled out of the room) I doubt that after how you bungled the Stone Industries merger.
AJ: Yeah, well why don't you yell at me about that some more in private. (Edward catches on and turns to protest just as AJ shuts the door. Monica sits down on the sofa, and gestures for Emily to join her. Emily crosses the room tentatively.)
Monica: You really had us worried last night.
Em: I'm sorry. I had to leave.
Monica; You're not going to tell me why, are you? (Emily says nothing) It was about Lucky, right?
Em: I told you --
Monica: I know. This is your punishment to us for banning him from the house.
Em: It's not a punishment.
Monica: I don't think you're being fair, Emily. (Emily sighs. She has no idea what she can say at this point. She opts to stare at the light reflecting on the polish on the coffee table) We are doing the best we can. And Lucky is simply not --
Em: Please don't tell me he's not good for me.
Monica: You might not be talking about what's wrong, but it's obvious something is.
Em: (quietly) Today is NOT a good day to start putting him down.
Monica; I'm not putting him down. But it seems obvious he's not making you happy. (Emily looks up sharply)
Em: You can't make that judgment!
Monica: You've been moping around here looking like your whole world was about to cave in for over a week!
Em: Fine. Ok, I admit that Lucky and I were having problems. WERE -- past tense.
Monica; They're over now? (Emily stops herself short of answering the question)
Em: They're my business. No matter what horrible things you think he's doing, every single one of them is between me and him. And you're wrong. He does make me happy. But it would take a miracle worker to get someone to smile in this house!
Monica: EMILY! My God... You know, I think your Grandfather is being too harsh by half. But he does have a point. You've been acting like --
Em: A spoiled brat, right? An ungrateful monster. The child you took in who had the audacity to develop a mind of her own. I know, I've heard all about it. You never say it out loud, but those looks say it all, Monica. I've let you down again.
Monica; Lord, Emily. No!
Em: That was your cue.
Monica: I don't... I don't even know how to talk to you anymore. My God, Emily. You have to know we love you. You've brought so much life into this house.
Em: (under her breath) Which you've all sucked out of me.
Monica; What?
Em: I can't do this now.
Monica: Emily, please.
Em: No. You don't know the first thing about my life right now. And I'm not going to listen to all the stuff I'm doing wrong from someone who doesn't even know ..... (She shakes her head) Never mind.
Monica; Emily, this isn't over.
Em; (quietly) I've got a head ache.
Monica: You can't keep avoiding us.
Em: Monica. (She looks up at her, pained) What do you want from me? What am I supposed to do? Say everything is Ok and smile whenever I answer a question? It's not Ok. And I don't feel like smiling.
Monica: I can understand that. Believe me.
Em: no. You can't. (she turns and starts out of the room)
Monica: Emily!
Em: Just let me go! I won't leave the house, Ok? But I can't... Just leave me alone, Ok? I can't do this now.
Monica: (softening) All right, Emily. All right. But your father is coming home for lunch. I thought the three of us could sit down and talk then. Will you think about it? (Emily, desperate to get out of the room, nods her consent. Monica walks over to her and kisses her forehead lightly)
Monica: I love you, Emily. (Emily nods, and turns to walk up the staircase. She reaches the top and stops, feeling an incredible wave of sadness come over her. She can't STAND this. This whole house makes her feel like she can't breath. She walks numbly to her door, and opens it, slipping in silently. She closes the door behind her and stares at it hard. After a moment she hits it with her fist, angrily.)
Lucky: That's probably going to hurt you more than the door. (Emily stifles a scream, and jumps. She spins around to see. Lucky leaning against the wall by her window. She feels her heart swell, and moves swiftly towards him, wrapping her arms around him. Lucky lightly hugs her back, not matching the power of her embrace. He looks down at her, feeling a powerful wave of emotion. He lightly puts his hand on the back of her head and holds her close to him, breathing deeply. Emily, holding him tightly, senses immediately that something is wrong. Lucky doesn't pull away, however, so she opts to hold him a little tighter, sliding her hands under his jacket. Lucky rests his head on top of hers, closing his eyes. Emily feels a little spooked, but keeps her voice warm.)
Em: What are you doing here?
Lucky: I wanted to see you. (Emily pulls back and looks up at him)
Em: I warn you -- they're on the warpath.
Lucky: Yeah, I heard the beat of the drums when I came in.
Em: Speaking of which -- how?
Lucky: I never bothered figuring out how to get the thing to open, because you were always here to let me in. Turns out it's not that hard.
Em: (frowning) You do nothing for my sense of security. (She looks over at the door nervously.) If they hear you, they'll have a fit. (She waits for Lucky to make this predictable nonverbal communication joke He doesn't. She pulls back). You Ok? (Lucky laughs slightly)
Lucky: Fine. (Emily looks unconvinced.)
Em: (slowly) Look... I'm going to put on some music, Ok? Just to cover our tracks. (Lucky nods. Emily moves away from him, and hits a few buttons on the stereo. The opening notes of Van Morrison's "Moondance" float through the room. She sets it at a moderate volume, and moves to the door, which she locks firmly. She turns back to see Lucky smiling slightly.) What?
Lucky: I knew I'd get to you one day. (Emily furrows her brow) The music.
Em: I like this album.
Lucky: Uh huh. But I gave it to you.
Em: (rolling her eyes) Your point?
Lucky: I don't know., You're listening to this stuff when I'm not around. I'm impressed. (Emily shoots him a look of mock annoyance).
Em: You're such a snob.
Lucky: I am not.
Em: You are! You're a musical elitist. (Lucky shrugs. She feels the same strange feeling of distance coming off him, and crosses back to him, again. She smiles up at him, flirtatiously, and takes his arms, guiding them around her waist. He pulls one arm free, and looks at her, not meeting her eyes, and slowly strokes her hair. Emily can't help but feel nervous.) What?
Lucky: (distantly) You're beautiful.
Em: (laughing slightly) Lucky.
Lucky: Are... Are you Ok? (Emily frowns)
Em: Yes. (She realizes what he means) Oh. (She looks up at him tenderly) Of course. (She puts her hand up to his face) Why? Aren't you? (Lucky looks slightly surprised)
Lucky: Yeah, I'm fine.
Em: (concerned) You don't look so fine. (Lucky pulls away and crosses the room, digging his hands into the pockets of his jacket.)
Lucky: Why wouldn't I be?
Em: I don't know. But you don't look happy. And I was hoping you would be. (Lucky turns and looks at her. She turns away, embarrassed. Lucky crosses to her. He takes her face in his hands. Emily looks up at him and waits for him to say something. He opens his mouth but freezes. Emily can feel her heart thud against her rib cage, as she sees his eyes fill with tears. Her mouth goes dry and she finds herself unable to look away. Lucky finally finds his voice)
Lucky: (cracking) I love you so much, Em. (Emily nods, still unable to fathom what's wrong with him) I'm.... Sorry. (Emily's face clouds with confusion)
Em: Lucky. (She fumbles, wishing she had some term of endearment or tender words for him. Tears spill from his eyes).
Lucky: I don't know how to tell you this. (Emily goes cold. Lucky shakes his head) I... I've lost control, Emily. I don't have a handle anymore. I'm, like, three days away from losing everything and right now, I'm just counting the minutes 'til I tell my Dad I knew about Helena coming to town before she got here.
Em: But you --
Lucky: I knew, Emily. I knew she was up to something, and I kept it quiet. It's a little preview of what's going to go down after my Mom talks to him... (He looks at her, agonized) And what do I do? I sleep with you without giving it any thought -- not to you, or to your life. Just because I wanted you.... I needed you so badly, I didn't care about anything else. (Emily stares at him, in shock, part of her wondering if he just ENJOYS being tortured. She reaches up and wipes away a tear running down his face)
Em: Listen to me, Ok? We both wanted what happened last night. I wanted you to want me -- I was aiming for it. And I wanted you to make love to me -- and you did and it was beautiful. So don't come to me today and say you regret it. (Lucky looks into her eyes a moment, seeing the truth in what she's saying to him. He pulls her into his arms, and holds her as close to him as he can. Emily can feel him shake, and realizes he's beyond terrified -- not only of what's going to happen with his father, but with Helena, and her... of losing everything. She hold him tightly. Lucky whispers into her ear)
Lucky: I couldn't shake that look... you looked so stressed out when you left, you looked... I can't... (he pulls back). I didn't want to think I'd hurt you again. Not last night. I just couldn't --
Em: Don't. (She leans in and kisses him firmly. Lucky responds after a moment. She pulls back and looks at him seriously) I was stressed. I AM stressed. Welcome to my life, Lucky. (Lucky cracks a small smile) But I'd be about a million times more stressed if last night hadn't happened. I know something I didn't know twenty-four hours ago. I know we're together. I know you still love me. And I know why you're hurting. That's about a billion times better than where I was before. I told you so many times, Lucky -- nothing is ever as bad as it could be when I have you. I still feel that way. (Lucky lets out an audible sigh of relief)
Lucky: I really wish this was over. I hate this limbo.
Em: I know. Not knowing is the worst. (Lucky looks at her warily) I don't mean about Hannah and everything. Well, I guess I do, but mostly I mean... Knowing something's going to happen, but not knowing what it is. It's really awful.
Lucky: Yeah....
Em: (taking his hands) You can't tear yourself apart about this, Lucky. It's out of your hands, you said so.
Lucky: That's... It's not that simple, Emily.
Em; I know that. But you can't stop it. It never really was in your control. Not really. And this has to happen. If the last week proves anything, Lucky, it's that you have to let go of this. You can't keep covering up for everyone and protecting them. If you do, you'll just end up hating yourself. And then you won't be able to take care of anyone -- not even yourself. It doesn't make you weak, Lucky. It just makes you human. (She smiles at him ruefully) Pretty horrible, huh?
Lucky: (cracking a small smile) You have NO idea.
Em: I have a little. (She sides her hands around his neck) But I love you no matter what. Ok? Total unconditional adoration. You think you can handle that? (Lucky's sigh is cut short as she pulls him into a steamy kiss. His breath is taken away, and he looks at her unsteadily when she pulls back, a little breathless herself. She looks up at him, trying to maintain her detached flirting) That Ok? (Lucky responds by slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her into another clinch. She melts against him, quickly losing all control she had over the situation. The seduction turns back on her, and she finds herself drawn right into him, aching to have him as close to her as possible. She pulls him over to the bed and they sink onto it, drowning in their passionate embrace. Lucky wrenches away from her, finally. He looks down at her, regretful)
Lucky: (gasping for breath) Ok. We'd better stop here.
Em: You're kidding.
Lucky: I wish. (He lightly brushes his lips against hers, but gets drawn into another deep kiss. The kiss breaks and he pulls her arms from around his neck) Really. My resistance for you is at nil. (Emily leans up, pulling him back to her)
Em: You're doing better than me.
Lucky: (sinking into another kiss) Do I have to remind you where we are?
Em: (between kisses) I thought... you liked risk.
Lucky: You aren't serious.
Em: Deadly.
Lucky: (pulling back) What?
Em: They seem to think I have this teenaged rebellion thing going on. Wanna help me prove them right?
Lucky: Uh... (She raises her head, and brushes her lips across his throat. Lucky chuckles) You've lost your mind.
Em: (giggling) I know. I'm crazy about you. (Lucky rolls his eyes as he sinks down to kiss her again)
Lucky: That's really cheesy.
Em: But you're going to fall for it anyway. (Lucky groans and gives in, kissing her passionately, allowing his body to settle on hers. Emily pulls him close to her, sinking into her pillows.)
* * * *
The Pier
Hannah walks to the railing where Helena Cassadine stands, gazing out at Spoon Island. As she approaches the men who brought her there stop. She goes on hesitantly without them. She stands silently behind the woman, not wishing to interrupt the Lady Cassadine's reverie. Helena stands in silence several moments before speaking.
Helena: Did you bring it?
Hannah: Yes.
Helena: Give it to me. (Hannah reaches into her bag and hands Helena a tape. Helena studies it carefully) Where is the recorder? (Hannah reaches into her bag and pulls it out. Helena takes it from her. She slides the tape in and quickly zips through the tape, stopping at certain moments and listening to the odd part of the conversation Hannah and Lucky had the night before. She opens the recorder, takes out the tape and hands the machine back to Hannah. She tosses the tape into the lake, smiling to herself at Hannah's gasp) Please. You didn't think that listening device we gave you only had one receiver did you? I didn't live this long by trusting people. (Hannah gulps)
Hannah: All right.
Helena: You didn't alter the tape. That is a good thing. (Hannah nods, still stunned.) That buys you more time. (She turns to face her employee) I looked into a few of those tidbits you told me about. Lucky isn't a bright boy, is he? (Hannah shakes her head, slowly) Well, perhaps he's a quick on his feet, but he certainly doesn't look at the big picture. (She reaches out and puts a hand to Hannah's cheek) You were wise to tell me about his involvement with Jason Morgan. I was already aware of that, but it stands you in good stead, all the same. And don't worry. In the near future Lucky will not be a concern for either of us. I have, as they say, bigger fish to fry.
* * * *
Emily's Bedroom.
Emily, drifting closer to sleep than consciousness, stirs slightly as she feel the warmth of Lucky's lips against her neck. She smiles and rolls over, lazily. He's lying next to her on top of the bed clothes, fully dressed, his coat on, obviously ready to make his exit. She sighs.
Em: Leaving, huh?
Lucky: I have to.
Em: This is becoming a habit.
Lucky: It won't be. (He leans over and kisses her softly) You've got to know I don't want to go.
Em: Yeah... I know. You have music to face. (She looks over at the clock). And my parents will probably be bugging me about coming down for lunch soon.
Lucky: God, I hate this. (She lifts her head to kiss him again)
Em: "Trust me, love. All these woes shall serve as sweet discourse in our times to come."
Lucky: I'm afraid to ask.
Em: Romeo and Juliet. (Lucky groans)
Lucky: You know, the one thing I really remember from English class --
Em: Don't tell me it's Shakespeare.
Lucky: No. Foreshadowing. We're not going to be following any narrative but our own, Ok?
Em: Works for me. That star-crossed lover thing is highly overrated. (They kiss again, deeply. Lucky finally pulls back)
Lucky: Ok. If I don't leave now, I never will. (Emily brushes his hair out of his eyes lightly. She pushes down an urge she suddenly feels to get teary, and smiles at him instead)
Em: Be careful.
Lucky: Always.
* * * *
Luke's Club.
Luke enters, a folder under his arm, and heads straight for the coffee machine behind the bar. His trip to New York was not nearly as productive as he'd hoped. Corrine Gibbons was revealed to be a woman of ill-repute -- that he could have guessed. Sophia Clark was barely a blip on the radar -- an address in New York, and then nothing. Hannah Hargreaves appeared to be a woman running from an unsavory past -- exactly what Lucky had said she was. He sighs and dumps the folder down on the counter. He hears rustling in the back and calls out, hopefully.
Luke: Lucky? (A voice from across the bar speaks up)
Nik: Lucky's not here. (Luke snaps his head around to see Nikolas appear out of the shadows.
Luke: Huh. Didn't see you hanging from the ceiling back there. So he's not here. Well, that I can understand. Doesn't really explain what you're doing here, though.
Nik: I'm waiting for him.
Luke: You looking for another fight? 'Cause my boy's been a little preoccupied lately -- but I'd be glad to oblige. (Nikolas frowns at him. Luke's characteristic gleam is not in his eye, leading Nikolas to decide that he's just feeling mean.)
Nik: (tired) I'll wait outside. (Nikolas turns to walk out of the club)
Luke: (sharply) Nikolas. (Nikolas stops, and turns to give Luke a bored look). I meant what I said the other day. Stay out of his way.
Nik: Lucky's always been more than capable of letting me know what he wants me to do. I'll wait and he can tell me himself.
Luke: (Deadly serious) If you are here to mess with my son again I will mess with you, your mother aside. I know you're up to something, Cassadine, and I'm not going to rest until I find out what head game you're playing with Lucky.
Nik: Lucky's problems, whatever they may be, have nothing to do with me.
Luke: What do you know about Lucky's problems?
Nik: More than you, apparently. (Luke moves out from around the bar at lightening speed, and is at Nikolas's throat in a second.)
Luke: Listen here. Whatever it is you're hinting at, you have five seconds to spill.
Nik: (Pulling away from him angrily) You're not bullying me into anything. I'm not my mother, I'm not going to jump just because you say so.
Luke: Another word of advice. You watch how you talk about your mother. You are DAMN lucky to have a woman like that care about you --
Nik: You should know.
Luke: (with that slow creepy smile of his) You're not telling me anything I don't know. In your case, it's saved your neck on a number of occasions -- this one included. But don't push me.
Lucky: (appearing in the doorway) Uh... Am I interrupting something?
