Chapter Seventy-One:
Watch Your Step
The Spencer House, the crack of dawn.
Lucky stands at the bottom of the stairs, and looks around at the surrounding bushes. Even knowing that they're here, he still can't see anyone. It vaguely disconcerting. He mounts the stairs, and pulls his keys out of his pocket. He automatically tries to put his apartment key in the lock, confusing homes for a moment, then stops and flips through to the house key he hasn't used in ages. The door unlocks easily and he quickly slips inside, shutting the door silently behind him. He resets the alarm and then stops, looking around the room. No one is up yet. He walks into the darkened living room, and sits down on the edge of the couch. He got little in the way of sleep last night, and as a result is feeling a bit shaky. Actually, he's not sure if he can blame that on lack of sleep as much as the reason her can't sleep -- his father.
The reasons he has for not telling him immediately seem cloudier by the moment. He keeps repeating the primary reason to himself -- that Hannah wouldn't have been able to stick around if his Dad had known -- that Emily would have lost any chance to get to know her aunt. Except now he's not sure if any of it was worth it. Emily seems to be yo-yoing on the topic of her aunt, Nikolas is probably going to be completely messed up because of this, and he's got his boss guarding the house. How the hell did he get himself into this? He hears a creak on the stairs on looks up to see his sister standing, eyes wide, peering at him over the bannister. He is hit by a sudden wave of emotion at the sight of her in her flannel pj's carrying her blanket.
Lulu: (whispering) Lucky?
Lucky: (pushing down his nerves) Hey, kid. (Lulu smiles at him and hurries down the stairs, running across the room to him. He pulls her up into his arms, hugging her to him tightly. Lulu squeezes back with equal ferocity.)
Lulu: (excitedly) I can't believe you're here! Did you come to see me?
Lucky: (tightly) Of course.
Lulu: How did you know I'd be up?
Lucky: (Pulling her back onto his lap) I didn't. I was going to wait.
Lulu: (frowning) You keep visiting when I'm asleep.
Lucky: I what?
Lulu: The other night. I heard you and Mom yelling outside after I went to bed.
Lucky: You heard that, huh.
Lulu: Why are you so upset at her, Lucky?
Lucky: Its... it's going to be Ok, Lulu. Don't worry about it. (Lulu furrows her brow, and Lucky realizes that was a ridiculous thing to say to the kid. He wouldn't have bought it when he was four. He smiles at her) Ok, can you keep a secret, Lu?
Lulu: Yes.
Lucky: You're about the only four year old who can. (He sighs heavily) But I don't want you to. I'm just going to tell you, Ok?
Lulu: Ok.
Lucky: Sometimes I have a hard time... with some stuff. And I get angry. It isn't something I do on purpose, it just happens. But you shouldn't have to deal with it, because it doesn't have anything to do with you. I'm never angry at you, Ok?
Lulu: I know.
Lucky: I could never be mad at you. (He brushes her hair out of her eyes) Do you know how much I love you?
Lulu: (opening her arms) This much?
Lucky: More. (He hugs her again, Lulu nestling against his chest. Lucky stares hard at the opposite wall, his chest constricting) Nothing will ever change that.
* * * *
Hannah's Apartment.
Nikolas arrives at the front door, and finds it unlocked. He's uneasy about this, but opens it, hearing something crunch under his feet as he enters. He looks down and spots a manila envelope lying on the floor. He picks it up, noting that Hannah's initials are on the front, and tucks it under his arm. He closes the door, and walks to the bedroom. The door is open so he slips in without a sound. Hannah lies in the fetal position, in an uneasy sleep. She has one of the pillows clutched to her chest. He slides across the bed, lying down beside her. He looks down at her sleeping form, and finds himself unable to summon the feeling she usually inspires -- one of infallibility, of being safe and impenetrable to all outside forces. It's hard to access that feeling after the night he just had. Instead all he feels when he looks at her is a dark knot of fear. Helena can't touch this. He can't allow the only pure thing in his life to be contaminated by that woman. He leans down and kisses her cheek lightly. She doesn't move. He continues to lightly brush his lips down her face to her neck. He feels her suddenly tense beneath him -- not the effect he was going for -- and pulls back. She rolls over and looks up at him bleary.
Hannah: You came.
Nik: I said I would. (She slides her hand around his neck and pulls him down into a deep kiss. Nikolas responds, pulling her closer to him. Hannah pulls back swiftly)
Hannah: What time is it?
Nik: Early. (Hannah strokes his cheek with her hand, taking him in.)
Hannah: How was.... Whatever you had to do?
Nik: It was... Well, it was pretty much what I expected. How about you? Everything Ok here?
Hannah: Uh... yeah. It was exactly what I should have expected. (Nikolas frowns at her)
Nik: What does that mean?
Hannah: It means it's not worth talking about. (Hannah rolls over closer to him, and feels the envelop where Nikolas left it. She rolls back) What's this?
Nik: I don't know. It was by your door. (Hannah looks at it, and feels immediately chilled. She looks at Nikolas, concerned. She stares back at it. H.H. How likely is it that it's from Helena? She seemed to revel in using her real name. She swallows hard. Nikolas notes all of this) Something wrong?
Hannah: I.... No. It's just strange.
Nik: (quietly) Maybe you should open it.
Hannah: No. I'll save it.
Nik: No. I think you should probably look at it now. (Hannah looks at him. She can't figure out what he's thinking. She nods slowly, and sits up, opening the envelope. She reaches it and can immediately tell that it's a photograph. She pulls it out of the envelop, numb, and looks down at it. Nikolas lifts himself up on his elbow) What is it? (Hannah opens and closes her mouth, then finds her voice)
Hannah: (hoarsely) It's... It's, uh... It's a picture.
Nik: (sitting up quickly) What of?
Hannah: Umm.... (Nikolas snatches it out of her hands)
Nik: Emily. (Hannah nods. He studies the picture of Emily, crossing a busy street in the PC downtown. She is glancing off at something to the right, her hair being blown by the wind. Nikolas picks up the envelope and looks inside.) This is it. (Hannah nods)
Hannah: (unemotionally) It's from the other day. That's what she was wearing when we met at the park. (Nikolas turns the photograph over, and finds what he was looking for. He looks back at her) What? (Nikolas considers concealing it, but hands it over. Hannah reads the words on the pack of the picture flatly) Lovely girl. Should watch her step, though. (She stares at it until the words blur in front of her)
Nik: Hannah...
Hannah: It's....
Nik: Hannah, don't worry. I know what this is about. I'd hoped... God, I hoped there was some way she didn't know. (Hannah looks over at him, dazed)
Hannah: What?
Nik: That phone call last night -- I should never have left you alone. I just thought that somehow you'd be able to stay out of this.
Hannah: It's --
Nik: It's my Grand mother. She's in town.
Hannah: You ... You know this?
Nik: That's where I went last night -- to Spoon Island to see my Uncle.
Hannah: I see.
Nik: I... I never thought she'd know about Emily. I honestly... You have to believe me, Hannah. When I first met you, I didn't even know that I'd ever see her again. (He twists his face, bitterly) Another campaign of misinformation at the hands of my family. (He takes the picture out of Hannah's hands) You have trust me, I'll take care of this.
Hannah: (still in shock) I... Nikolas.
Nik: Hannah, Emily will be safe. There's no way I'll let my Grandmother hurt her. She's just trying to scare you. That's all.
Hannah: (getting her bearings) Nikolas, she's threatening my niece.
Nik: Threats are what she does best. That doesn't mean she's going to realize them. (He gets up) I want you to keep the door locked.
Hannah: You're leaving.
Nik: I'm going to take care of this. No one will hurt you, Hannah, I swear to you. (Hannah feels herself begin to panic, but tells herself strongly just to go along.)
Hannah: I just... I'm still so stunned.
Nik: It'll be all right. (He leans across the bed and kisses her firmly) I have to go. Don't leave the apartment, just stay here and wait for me to get back. (Hannah nods weakly) I'll be back as soon as I know what's going on. (He starts to leave, then stops in the doorway.) I love you Hannah.
Hannah: I... know you do. I love you too. (Nikolas nods, then disappears from sight. She hears the door shut behind him. She waits a moment, then opens the bedside table where she stashed Helena's previous "gift". She hits rewind on the tape recorder, and lets it zip back. She stops it and hits play. The clarity of the conversation is startling.)
Hannah (on tape): Lucky...
Lucky(on tape): (firmly) Look. You have to tell him. It's that simple. I'm telling my Dad tomorrow afternoon. And you better believe all hell will break loose then.
Hannah: Please just leave Nikolas to me.
Lucky (on tape): (clearly upset) Why? Why not just tell him? God, Hannah, we've been over this.
(Hannah stops the tape and frowns. This is the part of the conversation that she's most concerned about. She hopes to God that Helena won't be able to read Lucky's concern as clearly as she could sitting across from him in the bar. The last thing she needs to find out is that Lucky actually gives a damn what happens to his brother. She looks down at the envelope again, and smiles to herself. She couldn't have been more perfect is she'd PLANNED it. Helena may have actually made a mistake. Hannah picks up the envelope and folds it carefully. At least Nikolas knows some of what Helena is holding over her now. This can only help Emily. And right now, that has to be the most important thing.)
* * * *
The Spencer House.
It's a few hours after Lucky's arrival. Laura wakes to the stream of light coming in through the crack in her curtains. She automatically reaches out for Luke, and then recalls his absence. She sits up, shaking her head, and looks at the clock. It's 9:30. Lulu should be up watching cartoons, as is the Saturday morning ritual, but the house is spookily quiet. She slides out of bed, grabbing her robe. She pulls it on as she exits the bedroom and heads for Lulu's room. She walks into the darkened room, her eyes falling on the lump in the bed. She walks across the room and opens her daughters curtains.
Laura: Morning, Sunshine. It's time to get up. (She turns to look at the bed and realized the lump was just the jumbled of bed clothes. Lulu isn't there. She feels a surge of panic, but quickly chastises herself. All these years and she never has never shaken the horrible feeling that if she doesn't know exactly where her children are, they must be in trouble. That was the hardest part of living on the run. It's almost unfathomable to her now how she ever let Lucky out of her sight. She puts her hand over her heart and exits the bed room, heading for the stairs.) Lulu? (She starts down the stairs, but stops halfway down, having spotted her missing daughter. Lulu lies asleep on the couch. She has her head nestled against her brother's neck, her arms wrapped around him like a giant teddy bear. Lucky, also asleep, has one protective arm across her back. Laura's heart swells at the sight of her children, both looking so peaceful, in this tableau. She silently moves into the living room, and crosses to the sofa. Lucky looks more at peace than she has seen him in recent memory. It's been a long time since she's had the opportunity to watch him sleep -- something she used to do on a regular basis, when she was worried about him. She reaches out and lightly strokes his hair. He doesn't stir. Laura feels a pang of how powerfully she misses him. It's still incredible to her that she created this person. All of them, in fact. Nikolas, strong and directed -- certainly he was raised to have these qualities by Stefan, but there is still a part of him that she recognizes clearly from his babyhood -- something intangible that hasn't changed. In her mind, all the years they were separated, she would think about him, about the kind of man he was becoming. It's remarkable to her that she was so close and so far from the person she eventually came to know. Lucky is different. She raised him, saw him grow and change. It's harder for her to remember if he was always this way -- the things about him that she feels defines him. The humor, the stubborn streak, the protective nature. There were times, she can remember, when he was softer. But that tendency to protect -- that seemed to be instilled from him at birth. Even as young as three, she can remember feeling sick on summer's day, and lying in a hammock while Lucky played with Luke in the back yard to the house they were in at that time. Lucky continually stopped their game to come over and check on her. She would open her eyes to see him peering at her. He would grin at her and she would give him a reassuring smile and he would return to his game secure in the knowledge that she wasn't in any immediate danger. She smiles to herself at the memory, feeling a wave of pure love for him. It's always bothered her that Lucky doesn't seem to understand how completely she loves him, no matter how many children she has. It isn't the sort of love that divides or lessens with competition or time. She had loved him from the moment she had known that he was going to be born, and that love had only grown over time, as he went from being a notion, a hope that she and Luke shared to becoming a full-fledged person -- unpredictable, fiercely loyal and so dependable. She had thought he wouldn't have been as easily threatened by Nikolas, but that hadn't been the case. And it had taken her a long time to really understand how deeply it had shaken him, and nothing she said now seemed to be enough to reassure him that he was special to her in a way no one else in the world ever could be, and nothing could take that away from him. It was never a case of loving one child more than another -- that was unfathomable to her -- but it was something that was separate and not subject to everything else in her life. That was something Lucky didn't seem to understand. She leans over and gently kisses his forehead. Lucky starts, and Laura sits back, guilty at having invaded his space. Lucky starts to sit up, then becomes aware of the weight on his chest. He looks down at his still-sleeping sister, then back at his mother.
Lucky: Hi.
Laura: Good morning. When did you get here?
Lucky: I... What time is it?
Laura: Heading towards ten. Are you Ok?
Lucky: Yeah. I just... Dad's out of town.
Laura: Yes, he'll be back this afternoon.
Lucky: Ok.
Laura: Did you want to talk to him?
Lucky: I'll see him when he gets here.
Laura: I think he's planning on going straight to the club.
Lucky: Fine. I'll see him there. (He shifts slightly. Lulu stirs slightly, grinding her head against his shoulder. Laura smiles)
Laura: She looks comfortable.
Lucky: (quietly) I think she's just glad...
Laura: To see you?
Lucky: Yeah.
Laura: She really does miss you. She talks about you all the time.
Lucky: (clearing his throat) I couldn't come out last week. It wouldn't have been good for her.
Laura: I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. I just hope you know how much she enjoys it when you visit. (Laura studies Lucky, frowning) You look tired.
Lucky: Mom.
Laura: Are you sure you're Ok?
Lucky: I just woke up.
Laura: Well, it's been awhile since you woke up in this house.
Lucky: Sorry.
Laura: Lucky. That's not what I mean. (She sighs, deciding to drop the topic) I'm glad you're here. It's nice to see you.
Lucky: Uh huh.
Laura: Maybe... can you stay for breakfast. (Lucky looks back at her. Breakfast. When was the last time he ate? It feels like a week ago. He nods slowly)
Lucky: Yeah, I think so.
Laura: That'll be nice. Lulu will love it. So will I. (Lucky looks up at the ceiling. Laura's encouraged that he hasn't flinched at her words for once. She lowers her voice to a whisper) I thought I would go talk to Nikolas today.
Lucky: Good luck.
Laura: Lucky?
Lucky: He's going to be busy.
Laura: What do you mean?
Lucky: Trust me. Today is not a good day to rock his world. (Laura frowns. )
Laura: This really is what's for the best, Lucky. You have to believe that.
Lucky: (agitated, but still quiet for Lu's benefit) I really don't care. I've got some other stuff to deal with today besides twenty year old secrets.
Laura: About Nikolas? (Lucky sighs heavily) Lucky, please. Let me know what's going on.
Lucky: Dad will fill you in. (Lucky jaw tightens. Laura sits back on her heels, worrying about him again. He never used to be like this. It's disconcerting for many reason. She decides to risk physical contact and puts a maternal hand on his shoulder)
Laura: Lucky. Is everything all right? (Lucky shakes his head. Laura waits for him to offer some information. After a moment he consents to speak).
Lucky: (steadily) I'll handle it. (Laura's heart nearly stops. Whatever this is, it's big)
Laura: Lucky. You can let other people handle things for you sometimes. (Lucky shoots her a look)
Lucky: You don't even know what this is.
Laura: I know that you've been handling a lot lately.
Lucky: This isn't negotiable. (Laura bites her lip)
Laura: Lucky.... Do you want me to hold off on talking to your father? (Lucky says nothing a moment then erupts in a spontaneous burst of laughter that rouses Lulu).
Lucky: No comment. (Lulu looks up at him)
Lulu: What's so funny?
Lucky: Nothing.
Lulu: Then why are you laughing?
Lucky: Temporary insanity.
Lulu: (looking at him critically) You're weird.
Lucky: Oh I am, huh? When did you become an expert on "normal"? (Laura reaches over and tousles Lulu's hair, aware that her window of opportunity with Lucky has passed).
Laura: Lucky's going to have breakfast with us. (Lulu's face lights up)
Lulu: (to Lucky) You are? (Lucky casts a look at his mother out of the corner of his eye, aware that she purposely sealed his emergency exit. He looks back at Lulu)
Lucky: Yup. You got a little while before you get rid of me today. (Lulu grins at him)
Lulu: I don't want to get rid of you! (She clasps her hands around her brother's neck) You're mine.
