Chapter Seventy:
Stefan, somewhat taken aback, takes a moment to regain his grasp on the moment. He turns to face Nikolas, stone faced.
Stefan: A woman?
Nik: (matter of fact) There is someone I've been spending time with. I haven't mentioned her because there has been no reason to. We've kept our relationship quiet, we haven't been seen together in public since..... I wanted to keep it out of this. And she felt the same way. But I have learned not to underestimate Helena. It's entirely possible that she knows about her.
Stefan: I'd say it's a certainty. Who is she?
Nik: That's not important.
Stefan: Not important? Do you care for this woman.
Nik: I love her.
Stefan: Nikolas. Those are not words to use lightly
Nik: Alexis just told me that you had finally consented to let me know what's going on in this family. Now you are turning around and treating me like a child.
Stefan: You'll excuse me for being concerned when you suddenly announce you have a secret mistress.
Nik: This isn't the compound, Uncle. She's not my mistress. She's my.... (he winces slightly -- some Americanisms simply can't be adjusted to) Girlfriend.
Stefan: Whom none of us have encountered. (He frowns) What do you know about this girl?
Nik: Enough.
Stefan: That hardly seems possible.
Nik: Look, she's not... She's not like Katherine, or Sarah or... Bobbie even. She's different. And she doesn't want to be implicated in our family dramas. She's made that very clear. At the same time, she understands that we don't operate like other families. I don't think she'd interfere. And I don't think she'd fall victim to Helena's charms. I have to trust that she's going to be able to handle anything that gets thrown at her.
Stefan: Is this woman the reason you're refusing to return home?
Nik: No. I wanted a life off of the island, and I have one. Aside from that, I'm not certain I want to return to a house where I'm treated as a child.
Stefan: Nikolas--
Nik: Uncle, you can't deny the fact that you've been pulling the wool over my eyes, along with everyone else's. Again. Now you invite me here under the guise that I'm going to be an active member of this family and the first thing you try to do is get me back here so that I can live under your thumb. I'm not getting... her involved with this. I won't have you pass judgment on her, or investigate her, or any of the other things I know you do whenever you disapprove of the amount of time I spend with someone.
Stefan: you are putting her at risk, you must realize that.
Nik: I don't think I am.
Stefan: Do I have to remind you what happened to Katherine.
Nik: (darkly) You know you don't. Katherine who lived here, Katherine who had all the protection we could offer. She still ended up dead, uncle. So forgive me if I don't rush to follow your model of how to protect the woman I love.
Stefan: How dare you second guess my actions with Katherine!
Nik: How can I not?
Stefan: We both know what cost Katherine her life, and it was not a lack of protection, or sanctuary. It was a lack of good judgment.
Nik: (coldly) What are you saying Uncle?
Stefan: You know what I'm saying.
Nik: Did you....
Stefan: DON'T YOU EVER insinuate to me that Katherine died at my hands. Good God, Nikolas, you were with me when we found the body. You saw her, just as I did. You saw what was done to her. (Stefan struggles visibly with the memory. Nikolas feels his face flush with shame)
Nik: I'm sorry, uncle. I had to ask. It's hard for me to trust what I see where you're concerned right now.
Stefan: I would NEVER have hurt Katherine.
Nik: I know. I know, I'm sorry. It's just... If it was poor judgment that led to her murder, than I have to think --
Stefan: I was referring to her judgment where your Grandmother was concerned. She was stubborn, head strong. I told her repeatedly that Helena couldn't be trusted. She could never do as she was instructed! It was infuriating, it was dangerous, but it was Katherine. And it got her killed. I know that as certainly as I know anything.
Nik: So you never really blamed Luke Spencer, then.
Stefan: Not because I don't believe him capable of that brutality. Simply because he had no reason. He still harbored some hope that she'd admit that I shot her, I suppose. And even beyond that, it afforded him some level of security in his marriage -- for me to be with Katherine.
Nik: I never thought that made much sense.
Stefan: But me killing her --
Nik: No. Don't put words in my mouth. (he turns away, replaying the events of that day in his mind) She had crossed a line, Uncle. I felt that as clearly as you did. She was trying to impress her values upon us. And it's not that I have ever regretted the truth. (He looks back at Stefan) I had always wished you were my father. Everything I heard about Stavros was so dark and violent. It didn't seem to be something I could accept as a part of myself. It's much easier for me to know I'm your son. Even if I can never say it out loud. (Stefan's eyes fill with tears. He crosses to Nikolas and puts his hands firmly on his shoulders)
Stefan: I always considered you my son, even before it was confirmed. But that knowledge serves no purpose for us.
Nik: I know.
Stefan: Katherine didn't understand that.
Nik: I still don't understand how it is she came to know in the first place.
Stefan: Nor do I. I suppose she must have found it in my personal records. And of course, your HLA typing is still on record at General Hospital. What never made sense to me is why she chose to investigate it in the first place. What she possibly could have thought would be gained by knowing your true paternity. That secret died with her.
Nik: You would have been happy if I'd never known the truth.
Stefan: Can you truly tell me that it has changed who you are, Nikolas?
Nik: It's hard to tell. I'm not the same person I was when I overheard her insisting you tell me. But that has as much to do with her death as it does with the news. I've never really been able to separate the two events.
Stefan: It was a dark day for our family. But we weathered the storm.
Nik: (under his breath) Did we.
Stefan: It's time, Nikolas. It is time the Cassadines to return. And the first step is to banish Helena. Once and for all.
* * * *
Emily reaches the table first and sits down on the far side, facing the door. Hannah is forced to sit across from her, her back to Helena's man. Lucky slides a chair next to Emily and sits down. Looking at her intently. Hannah picks up a napkin, her usual nervous habit and begins to fold it absently.
Hannah: I guess... Well, everything's kind of out in the open now.
Em: Is it?
Hannah: Emily, I told you exactly what was going on.
Em: Convenient timing, though.
Lucky: Emily.
Em: Look, I have a right to ask questions too. Yeah, you've got the market cornered on the Cassadines, but she IS my aunt. (Lucky leans back, deciding her should just stay out of this for a minute. Emily looks back at Hannah). What happened?
Hannah: (heavily) Ok. After I left you I went to see Nikolas. And... He was.... (she shakes her head). It's not important.
Lucky: (suspiciously) Then why are you bringing it up?
Hannah: Because he got a phone call and he had to leave.
Lucky: Who from?
Hannah: He didn't say. But he seemed to think it was pretty important. So he sent me home, and when I went in.... (Hannah stops and steals a glance at Lucky, who is looking at her gravely. She looks down, letting her voice crack) She was there. She was waiting for me. And she.... She knows about Nikolas and I.
Lucky: Yeah, that makes sense.
Hannah: She... She's given me two days to come up with a reason why she shouldn't kill me. (She looks at Lucky) So mia culpa, Lucky. You were right. You said you're my best bet in this scenario -- well, I have no idea what to do next.
Lucky: Look.... She probably knows you're here right now.
Hannah: I'm not sure. I took a cab.
Lucky: Doesn't matter.
Hannah: Well, what does it matter? I mean, I work here, she's not going to know for sure that I'm here to --
Lucky: She can't know that we know what's going on, OK? I mean, that's the kiss of death for all of us.
Hannah: She doesn't. She didn't say anything about you. She just talked about Nikolas... And your father.
Lucky: What did she say about my Dad?
Hannah: Just that... (She stops. What the hell DID she say about his father?) She said that there was bad blood and I should watch my step. You're going to have to tell him now, right?
Lucky: That was the deal.
Hannah: Are you sure?
Em; (angrily) He's NOT going to keep it from his Dad, you can't ask him to do that. (Lucky sighs heavily)
Lucky: Look..... It's not like you have to worry about your job at this point. He's going to do whatever he can to take Helena down. That's all that matters..... (He looks at her, cautiously, unsure of how to broach the next topic of conversation) Did she... Did she say anything about any bugs or anything?
Hannah: Just that I hadn't been using the phone much. But she didn't say if there'd been one in the apartment. (She shudders) I don't think that she was listening to the stuff going on in the apartment, thank God.
Lucky: Uh, yeah. Look, Hannah... Do you have any idea what she's up to?
Hannah: I know... She doesn't. She didn't talk much about Nikolas. She just said that he doesn't trust her. Mostly she talked about your family.
Lucky: Is that what she's here to do? Mess with us?
Hannah: I don't know, Lucky. But she asked a lot of questions -- I didn't tell her what I knew. I mean... There are things I know from Nikolas and Emily that she doesn't have to know about. Like the thing with Jason (Lucky stares at her, then looks at Emily)
Em: I told you. I was at Hannah's when Nikolas showed up.
Lucky: Nikolas. Hannah, he has to know.
Hannah: I don't know, Lucky.
Lucky: Look, the longer you keep him in the dark, the more damage Helena's going to be able to wreck. As much as I hate his family, they're about the only people in the world who hate Helena more than we do.
Hannah: Lucky. Please let me do this my way. (Lucky looks at her like she's nuts)
Lucky: What?
Hannah: I'll tell him, but you have to give me time.
Lucky: Don't tell me you're worried about loosing him -- because it really doesn't matter if you're dead, Hannah.
Hannah: Lucky...
Lucky: Look. You have to tell him. It's that simple. (he puts his head in his hands a moment. This is going too fast, and it's not making any sense to him. He has to start thinking rationally. He looks up) I'm telling my Dad tomorrow afternoon. And you better believe all hell will break loose then.
Hannah: Please just leave Nikolas to me.
Lucky: (frustrated) Why? Why not just tell him? God, Hannah, we've been over this. (Hannah stares at him, trying desperately to find some way to get him to shut up. She reaches across the table and grabs his wrist)
Hannah: Ok, Ok. I give. I'll tell him as soon as I see him.
Lucky: Any guess when that will be?
Hannah: He's coming by tonight. I'm supposed to leave the door open for him.
Lucky: What are you, drunk? You're just going to leave the door unlocked --
Hannah: Look, Helena has a key to my apartment. She rented the place for me for God's sake. And I'm having a hard time fearing any one else right now.
Lucky: Fine, whatever. It's your funeral. (Emily flinches. Lucky looks over at her, remorseful. He slides an arm over her shoulders) You're kind of quiet.
Em: Not my kind of party. (she looks at Hannah) You didn't know she was coming today.
Hannah: I swear to God, Emily... Lucky knows, he's known all along -- I didn't know anything except that I was supposed to keep an eye on the Spencers, that's it.
Lucky: Which brings us to the most important piece of the puzzle. Does she know? About Emily, I mean. (Hannah nods slowly. Lucky forces himself not to react. He'd known all along, he tells himself. He'd done what he could to make sure she was safe. And no threat had been made. He should have been prepared for this moment. Nonetheless, the room seems to dip violently. He blinks.) Ok. At least we know for sure now. (He looks over at Emily) Don't worry about it.
Em: I'm not.
Lucky: Good. (He stands up) I gotta make a phone, I'll be right back. (Lucky walks purposely across the room, focusing on the phone. He picks up the receiver, aware that his hands are shaking. He dials the number of his father's cell phone again, hoping against hope that he'll answer. He grits his teeth) Come on, Dad. I need you here. (Across the room, Emily watches Lucky, aware that he didn't like the answer to that last question. She looks across at Hannah who she notices has tears in her eyes. She mouths the words "I'm sorry". Emily frowns. Hannah clears her throat)
Hannah: Are you and Lucky Ok now? (Emily nods) I'm glad. I think he really needs you.
Em: It's mutual. It did... (she sighs) It made a difference, what you told me. Thanks.
Hannah: I should have told you sooner.
Em: I wouldn't have wanted to hear it. (She stares at the top of the table) I... I'm sorry I've been so obnoxious to you today. I just really don't know what I'm supposed to think of this.
Hannah: I understand. I'm feeling the same way. (She leans across the table) We didn't REALLY get to talk, Emily. There's still a lot of things I need to explain to you.
Em: I know.
Hannah: I don't know how much time --
Em: Don't.
Hannah: I'm sorry.
Em: We'll... Not tonight, obviously, but.... You can come to the mansion, Ok? I'll find some place we can talk.
Hannah: All right.
Em: But I don't want you to ask Lucky to keep any secrets. That's not fair to him, Ok?
Hannah: I won't. And Emily. (She leans across the table and takes Emily's hand.) I meant what I said this afternoon. (Emily furrows her brow, trying to recall the conversation. Hannah makes a gesture, crossing her heart, and presses her lips together. Emily sits back, confused. She is distracted by Lucky who returns to the table).
Lucky: Ok. Look. This is about as far as things can go without my Dad. He's really the key here. Especially if that's what Helena's after.
Hannah: That's as much of a clue as she gave me.
Lucky: All right. Then I don't know what else we can do. Emily's got protection, don't worry about that. And it'll be upped now. I don't know if it would be safe to have you --
Hannah: Look, it's best is she just doesn't know anything about you. She still thinks of you as a kid, Lucky. She doesn't think I'd be getting help from you.
Lucky: Well, score one for the good guys then. (He allows himself to smile at her, mostly for Emily's benefit) I think we might just have the upper hand, at least right...... (Lucky's voice trails off as he notices who just entered the club) Oh, great. (Emily looks up, and suddenly is on her feet)
Em: AJ! (AJ crosses the room, a cold glare fixed on Lucky. Lucky inwardly wonders why the hell this kind of stuff keeps happening, but doesn't give AJ the satisfaction of registering an actual facial expression. Hannah turns in her seat, to see a well-dressed very somber man coming towards them)
Hannah: (under her breath) AJ? (Lucky shakes his head at her).
AJ: I thought I'd find you here. Actually, I *thought* you'd be upstairs.
Em: What do you want?
AJ: For you to come home. You're seventeen, Emily. (He looks at Lucky) You might want to pass that on to your father, he keeps letting her hang out here.
Lucky: Yeah. I've heard you're quite the advocate against underage drinking. (Emily shoots Lucky a warning look. He sighs and looks over at Hannah who is furrowing her brow at him)
AJ: I'm taking you home. Now, Emily.
Em: I thought we were done with this strong-arm stuff.
AJ: (tightly) Look, you know what the family's like. Reginald is being put through the third degree, Grand father's this close to a coronary....
Em: Ok, I get the idea.
AJ: Just... Emily, I know you don't want to admit it right now, but you're still a Quartermaine. You have responsibilities to the family.
Em: Enough, AJ! Excuse me if I didn't want to hang around and listen to lectures from people who make more mistakes before breakfast than I've managed to fit into my whole life -- and I tried to jump off a roof!
AJ: (firmly) You did miss curfew.
Em: Oh, come on. No one cares that I missed curfew. Do you have any idea how many times I came home late and high as a kite and no one even blinked? All they care about is the fact that I was out with Lucky. (AJ frowns, then looks down at Hannah, unsure of why Emily is saying all of this stuff in front of this woman he's never seen before. He looks over at Lucky who doesn't look the least bit confused. He looks back at Emily)
AJ: Can you blame them.
Lucky: (tired) You know, AJ. This is my family's club. And your family is getting dangerously close to being unwelcome here.
AJ: Small threats from a small man. (Emily puts a hand to her forehead)
Em: Oh my GOD! AJ, come on.
AJ: No, I'm curious. Is there something you want to say to me, Lucky? (Lucky looks at AJ blankly. Emily grabs her brother's arm)
Em: Leave him alone, AJ. You win, Ok? Let's just go home.
AJ: (darkly) This is between Lucky and I, Emily.
Lucky: I have no issue with you AJ, as long as you let Emily be.
AJ: No issue with me? Really. Like you had no issue with me when you helped your cousin--
Lucky: Here we go.
AJ: -- frame me for --
Lucky: (standing up) If you'd ever treated her as more than a breeding dog then maybe --
AJ: (exploding) DON'T YOU JUDGE ME, SPENCER. You're one to talk to me about honor --
Em: AJ, Stop it! (Several surrounding tables turn to look at them.)
Lucky: I know exactly what I'm talking about.
AJ: Are you trying to tell me you know how to treat a women? Is that it? Because I've had a front row seat to see the way you treat my sister.
Em: AJ, you don't know anything about it.
AJ: Carly had everything she could ever have wanted --
Lucky: Yeah, except basic respect, right AJ? Because how could she possibly have been worthy of the esteem of a Quartermaine, when she was--
AJ: I never lied to her! I never tried to destroy her family!
Em: OK, ENOUGH! (AJ turns to his sister, looking very sincere).
AJ: Emily, you keep acting like your relationship with this punk has nothing to do with the rest of us, like it exists completely independently of the family. Meanwhile you keep choosing him over us --
Em: (heatedly) I told you, the day you came back not to make me choose between you and Lucky. I told you that you wouldn't like what I'd do. You're the one who forced my hand. And excuse me for the choosing the person who respects me and loves me no matter what. Who doesn't forget I exist half the time and then try to control my every move the other half. GOD.
AJ: You've only got one family, Emily.
Em: Yeah? Not by my count.
Hannah: Emily. (AJ looks over at Hannah)
Em: AJ, this is Hannah.
AJ: Uh huh. Are you another Spencer?
Hannah: I'm a.... (she stops and looks at Emily)
Em: She's a Gibbons. (She looks at AJ pointedly) You probably don't even know what that means.
AJ: I'm not here to play games with you, Emily.
Em: She's my aunt, AJ. (AJ stares at her, not understanding) Do you remember that? When I ran away with Lucky? You sure do when you're looking for reasons to hate him. Well, Hannah's my aunt, Ok? So technically, I've got a family chaperon. (AJ looks at Hannah, in shock. Emily looks at Hannah, her action sinking in slowly. Hannah stands up)
Hannah: Nice to meet you. (AJ doesn't move. Emily suddenly feels herself get hit by a wave of terror and bolts for the door. Lucky follows close behind, though AJ grabs his arm as he starts after her)
AJ: Keep away from her. (Lucky glares at AJ and pulls away from him roughly, heading after Emily. AJ starts after him, but is headed off by Hannah).
Hannah: Leave him alone.
AJ: Excuse me?
Hannah: Just give her a moment with him. She needs it.
AJ: Who the hell are you to tell me what to do about my sister?
Hannah: I'm someone who listens to her. Give her a minute, for God's sake. What's it going to cost you?
* * * *
Luke's parking lot.
Emily leans against the wall of the club, her hands over her stomach, breathing heavily. Lucky comes out of the club and rushes to her.
Lucky: Are you Ok?
Em: Can you explain to me why I just did that?
Lucky: Sometimes it's really tempting to be able to throw something in someone's face, consequence be damned. I've sure as hell done it enough times.
Em: I just totally messed up though, didn't I?
Lucky: Uh.... I don't know. It's an added complication. (Emily laughs bitterly)
Em: Oh, great! Another complication.
Lucky: It's going to be Ok.
Em: How can you keep saying that? Isn't there some things that will just never be Ok, no matter what you do? (Lucky's face clouds).
Lucky: Doesn't do any good to think about them. (Emily pushes herself off the wall, wrapping her arms around him)
Em: I have to go home with him now.
Lucky: (burying his face against her hair) You don't have to do anything.
Em: Yeah. I do. For Hannah. It took me awhile to put it together, but I think she really helped me today. (She pulls back and looks at him) I can't believe this is happening.
Lucky: Yeah, well.. There's nothing we can do about it tonight. (Emily sighs and presses her forehead against his, her eyes closed.)
Em: I guess not. (Lucky brushes her hair away from her face, and then pulls back, pressing her back against the wall of the building, and kisses her. Emily responds, deepening the kiss. They are vaguely aware of the door to the club opening, but neither feel much like breaking the embrace. AJ walks out, followed by Hannah. He stops dead when he sees them.)
AJ: Emily. (Emily ignores him, pulling Lucky closer to her. Hannah glares at AJ)
Hannah: It's not a criminal offense, you know. (AJ turns back to tell her off, but is cut off by Emily, sighing as she pulls back from Lucky)
Em: Ok. I'm ready to go. (Lucky looks at her, his expression clearly amused. She smiles at him, and lowers her voice) I love you.
Lucky: (quietly) Same here.
Em: Ok... (She turns to look at AJ and Hannah) Let's go.
