Chapter Sixty-Nine:
The Quartermaine mansion, living room.
A very vexed Reginald is seated on the sofa, staring off into space. Edward, beat red, stands off to the side, while Lila looks on, distressed. Monica and Alan are on opposite sides of the room, both looking more than a little angry. AJ stands by the door to the room, looking up at the ceiling>
Ed: Let's go over this again.
Lila: Oh, Edward.
Monica: I think Reginald has told us everything he knows.
Ed: No, no, I just want to make sure I have this straight. Emily -- who is apparently doing whatever the hell she pleases these days -- had a visitor who you had never seen before and instead of escorting her back to the living room, you LET HER LEAVE?
Reg: She seemed to feel it was important.
Ed: And you haven't a clue who this woman was?
Reg: She said something about Mr. Spencer --
Ed: Luke Spencer? Again? What the dickens is going on here?
Reg: LUCKY Spencer. And Emily left with her.
Ed: HOURS ago.
Alan: Well, there can't be much doubt where she is.
Ed: Hardly. She's run off to be with that miscreant again. And why exactly haven't we gone after her?
Alan: Monica?
Monica: It's only 9:30. She hasn't missed curfew yet.
Alan: And what about last night? I swear to God, you're so soft with that girl, I'm surprised we haven't had to deal with this earlier.
Monica: Perhaps that should tell us something! Emily's angry. Despite having moved back here, she's still furious at us for banning Lucky from the house. Something's obviously been bothering her, and she won't tell any of us because she says the we can't ban him from the house and still have him as a topic of conversation. So where does that get us? Badgering Reginald at nine on a Friday night.
Ed: nine-THIRTY.
Alan: The point is, she wasn't finished with us. We were in the middle of a conversation when Luke Spencer stormed in here.
Monica; He didn't storm.
Ed; He sauntered. Just like he owned the place. (He looks at Monica sharply) Don't say it!
Alan: WHY are we talking about this? I don't care if he did the polka! The point is we haven't seen her since!
Ed: Well what do you suggest then?
Alan: I SUGGEST that we got out and drag her home, but my lovely wife seems to think that's a bad idea. (AJ rolls his eyes)
Monica; We're trying to repair a relationship here! (Deciding this could go on all night, AJ slips unnoticed out the door. He heads over the closet and picks up his coat)
Alan: I say we just do what we should have done in the first place and tell her Lucky Spencer is off limits!
Monica; Wonderful! And send her running of to Jason's again? (AJ pulls the door open, and head out to take matters into his own hands).
* * * *
Luke's, parking lot.
Lucky and Emily comes down the stairs, hand in hand. Emily is reluctant to let any physical contact end, partially because she half expects him to be ripped away from her at any moment. As a result, she's feeling disgustingly "girlfriend-like" as she follows him down the narrow stairs, one step behind. She is fighting of a strong anger brewing inside her, at the universe mostly, for pulling this whole trick on her. Lucky, all business, turns the corner and nearly runs smack into an uncharacteristically tense Jason, flanked by men in dark suits, Renaldo a step behind.
Jason: Where have YOU been?
Lucky: Here. What's up?
Jason: I've been calling your phone all night.
Lucky: I was busy. (Jason notices Emily for the first time. He backs off slightly)
Jason: There's a problem.
Lucky: She knows, Jason.
Jason: She does. (Emily nods, looking at him intently).
Lucky: You're talking about Helena, right?
Jason: Helena Cassadine? No. I'm talking about the bug.
Em: What bug?
Lucky: (wincing) I hadn't got to that yet.
Jason: Ok... Well, it's been found.
Lucky: WHAT?
Jason: Renaldo? Tell him.
Ren: Door opened, shuffling, crunch.
Lucky: DAMNIT!
Em: Who was bugged?
Lucky: Hannah.
Em: You bugged her apartment?
Lucky: (tense) You got a better idea? You said yourself you don't trust her. (He turns to Jason) Look, I have to talk to my Dad, like YESTERDAY, Ok? We'll talk after. (He starts to go into the club, then stops) Hey. I need a big favor -- Ok? (Emily flinches)
Jason: What?
Lucky: You have to get people out to the house -- my parent's house, now. My Mom and sister are there.
Jason: Done.
Lucky: NOT Jacob. (Jason frowns)
Jason: Jacob's out of the organization.
Lucky: I thought you just cut back what he knew.
Jason: I decided not to take the chance. (Emily, head spinning looks at Lucky questioningly)
Lucky: Who's... (he looks at Emily) Who's on Hannah?
Em: You're having her followed?
Jason: You don't know him. He's good though. Not as.... (he looks at Emily. Lucky shakes his head, and takes Em's other hand in his)
Lucky: Look, Emily. I had to take.... Precautions, Ok?
Em: (flatly) You're telling me I've been followed too, right?
Lucky: Just in case
Em: (muttering) Jesus.
Jason: Don't worry, so far nothing's shown up. (turning to Lucky) Look. I'm sending Renaldo and Johnny to your parent's house, now. Aside from that, I don't see what else I can do.
Lucky: Neither can I. Like I said, I gotta talk to my Dad.
Jason: You'll keep me informed.
Lucky: Yeah. Absolutely. (Emily looks at Lucky, getting steadily more upset. She hates this. He's too good at it, it slides right off him. Bugs, body guards, surveillance.... Lucky catches the look on her face and gives her an encouraging, if uneven, smile. She glowers at him)
Em: I can't believe this.
Lucky: You really want to get into this now?
Em: Do I have a choice?
Lucky: (slowly) I gotta talk to my Dad.
Em: (shrugging) Ok. (She looks at Jason) I want to talk to you. (Jason starts to protest, but sees the look in her eyes and stops. He nods.)
Jason: We better go in. (Lucky, anxious already, pulls Emily after him and she heads for the door to the club. Luke's is busy, even by Friday night standards. A blues quartet plays on stage. Lucky scans the room but doesn't spot his Dad. He look back over his shoulder and then steels himself to go into the back)
Lucky: I'm going to the office. (Emily nods. Lucky lets go of her hand reluctantly, and looks at her, obviously not relishing what's ahead. Emily forces a weak smile and he heads behind the bar, towards the office. Emily turns to Jason)
Em: So what's he going to have to do after this favor?
Jason: Lucky's doing ME the favor this time. We both want to make sure you're not in any danger.
Em: (crossing her arms) So does that mean you're square?
Jason: We've been square for a while, Emily.
Em: Jason. I know I told you I didn't want to know what was going on. If I ever say anything that dumb again, don't believe me.
Jason: Then why'd you tell me --
Em: Because I WANTED to feel that way. I wanted to be cool and accepting, but I've realized that's just not me. From now on, I'll just worry about him WITH the knowledge, Ok?
Jason: He is Ok, Emily. Lucky's got his head on straight, he can take care of this. (Emily opens her mouth to protest when Lucky reappears, looking more than a little freaked)
Lucky: (to John the bartender) Where's my Dad?
John: He didn't tell you?
Lucky: Tell me what?
John: He left town. Said he'd be back tomorrow afternoon.
Lucky: WHAT? Why?
John: I don't know, he said you wouldn't be in either. Look, he left a list of instructions --
Lucky: Did he leave a number?
John: No.
Lucky: Great. (He picks up the phone one dials a series of numbers. He waits a moment then swears under his breath and hangs up the phone angrily. Emily leaves Jason and head to the bar)
Em: What's wrong?
Lucky: My Dad has taken off.
Em: What do you mean?
Lucky: He's out of town.
Em: He didn't tell you? (Lucky shakes his head)
Lucky: His cell phone is "out of area" or whatever.
Em: Well, your Mom must know something. (Lucky frowns. He looks across at Jason who nods and walks over to the bar)
Jason: Renaldo's on his way. You might want to call your Mom and let her know what's going on.
Lucky: Not on the phone. (He looks down at the phone, his frustration mounting. He wants to kill his father. He's not sure he CAN handle this without him. He can't let that show, though the intense look Emily's giving him suggests she's already onto him. He looks up at them) Ok. This isn't a problem. Dad'll be back tomorrow, I'll just tell him then. He always says Helena likes to toy with people before she pounces. That should buy us a little time. Right now all I want to do is talk to Hannah and figure out what's going on here.
Jason: Fine. Look, I'm leaving two men in the parking lot -- Plus, Emily, your tail, his name is Anthony, I'll tell him to make himself known, Ok? (Emily nods, obviously not thrilled with this. Jason looks at Lucky meaningfully.) We'll talk more about this. (Lucky nods silently. Jason looks back at Emily). Everything's going to be fine.
Em: Right. (Jason sighs)
Jason: I have to get back to the Penthouse, see what else I can do. (he looks at Lucky) You Ok?
Lucky: Yeah. We're cool. (Jason nods, then turns and walks out of the bar. Lucky watches him leave, then turns his attention back to Emily).
Lucky: (heavily) Well, you wanted in... You're in. (Emily slides onto a bar stool across from him)
Em: Are you Ok?
Lucky: I'd be a lot more Ok if I knew where my father was.
Em: He'll be back. (She reaches out and takes his hand) I guess our timing is about as good as it's always been. (Lucky looks at her, repentant.)
Lucky: I'm sorry, Emily. I know you never cared about things being perfect, but...
Em: I know this isn't your fault. You didn't want for your family's worst enemy to show up tonight.
Lucky: No... This is about the last place I want to be right now. (He gently caresses the back of her hand with his thumb. Emily sighs and leans her head against her hand)
Em: And Jason... As much as I hate that, at least he's in your corner.
Lucky: He would be anyway. He's doing this for you... and... (Lucky takes a deep breath) I can't tell you the rest, Em, Ok? Not now, at least... But he might have an interest in this that has nothing to do with you or me. (Emily frowns)
Em: How long have you been back working for him, anyway?
Lucky: Emily...
Em: Look, I know there's no point in us getting into this now. And I've had enough of fighting with you to last me a life time, besides. But just answer me one thing -- Are you in too deep to get out?
Lucky: No.
Em: Ok. (she bites her lips, then looks back at him) Do you.. Want to be?
Lucky: It's.. It's really complicated, Emily. But no, I'm not looking to mortgage my future on the mob.
Em: Your future... (Lucky looks up and sees Hannah come through the door. Emily notices she's lost his attention and turns to look at her aunt. Hannah stares at both of them, looking like she's seen a ghost. Lucky straightens up as she walks over to them)
Hannah: I... I got here as fast as I could. (She notices Emily and Lucky's entwined hands. She feels sick to her stomach.... They'd made up, apparently. She smiles weakly at Emily who's face registers no response. Lucky clears his throat)
Lucky: Look, the office is empty -- (Hannah turns and looks behind her, her eyes resting only a moment on the man Helena had drive her here. He leans against the wall, appearing to watch the act on the stage, though she's not fooled. She looks back at Lucky)
Hannah: I think it's a better idea to stay where people can see us.
Lucky : (frowning) Look, there's not a whole lot we can say out here.
Hannah: Let's just a get a table Ok? (Emily and Lucky exchange a look. Emily slides off the bar stool)
Em: Fine. No point in wasting time, then.
* * * *
Wyndemere, living room.
Stefan steps into the lower part of the room, as Nikolas rises from his chair. Alexis stays put.
Nik: You're sure. She's here.
Stefan: It would seem that she arrived earlier this evening.
Nik: So... What does that mean?
Stefan: It means that she's up to something.
Nik: That doesn't make any sense.
Stefan: There are still several things that you haven't yet afforded me the opportunity to explain.
Nik You've had a year to explain, Uncle. I don't recall stopping you.
Stefan: Alexis. (Alexis rises on cue)
Alexis: I am going to inform security of our current situation. I'll be back shortly. (She starts out of the room, stopping as she passes Nikolas). Remember what I said. Desperation is not a place of power. (Nikolas nods. Alexis and Stefan exchange a look, and she quickly disappears. Stefan waits a moment before speaking)
Stefan: There is no reason to concern ourselves --
Nik: Do you think she'll go after the Spencers?
Stefan: If she planned to, she's missed a golden opportunity. Luke Spencer left town this afternoon, leaving Laura and your sister alone in the house (Nikolas tenses) Do not worry, we have people at the house She won't be able to get close to it.
Nik: Does Laura know?
Stefan: I would imagine not. Lucky isn't around either, and Luke wouldn't have left if he'd known about Helena's impending arrival.
Nik: So they're safe, for now.
Stefan: Yes.
Nik: What about Lucky?
Stefan: What about him? (Nikolas says nothing, just looks at him. Stefan clears his throat) I have an apology to make to you Nikolas. It was thoughtless of me to drop that information regarding Spencer's involvement with Morgan in such a cavalier manner. I should have made it clear that your mother and sister were not in any danger.
Nik: Yes, that would have been reassuring.
Stefan: Lucky's actions are irresponsible, but he is not putting them in any immediate danger. Not at this time. (Nikolas exhales heavily) What I'm concerned with right now isn't the Spencers, but your Grandmother.
Nik: Understandably.
Stefan: I expected her to strike both earlier and later. If she has any operatives in town they are unknown entities to us. This concerns me, as I cannot imagine she is here on her own -- there is simply nothing to be gained. She already knows that your loyalty is not as easily swayed as she had hoped.
Nik: Uncle... Last time she tried to manipulate her way back into the family Alexis was disowned and Katherine was living in the guest house. She had people to threaten and manipulate. Why would she be doing this if she didn't know some way to get to us.
Stefan: Is this why you're so concerned about your sister?
Nik: I know she won't hurt them -- not if she thinks there's a chance that I'll turn my back on you in favor of her. But she has to have someone in mind, some way to exploit our weaknesses.
Stefan: Any weaknesses she suspects have been greatly exaggerated.
Nik; (slowly) Are you certain?
Stefan: (searching Nikolas's face) Is there something you want to tell me, Nikolas?
Nik: I think I have to. There is someone she could go after, uncle. Someone she could try to take advantage of.
Stefan: I'm not sure I follow you.
Nik: Uncle. There is someone she could try to hurt. There's a woman.
