Chapter Sixty-Eight:
A Desperate Woman
Wyndemere, Living room.
Nikolas enters from around the back of the staircase at a remarkable speed. Alexis stands up sharply upon his entrance.
Nik: Where's my uncle?
Alexis: He's on the phone. Making verifications.
Nik: He's sure, though. She's here?
Alexis: It's all right, Nikolas.
Nik: All right? What's "all right" about it?
Alexis: It's under control. We're going to handle this.
Nik: We? As in you and uncle.
Alexis: As in YOU, Stefan and I. This is a family problem, Nikolas. And you're old enough to be included in the solution.
Nik: (suspiciously) Ok... Now I know something's wrong. How did you talk him into that?
Alexis: It was your uncle's decision. I think he feels --
Nik: Guilty? What for? Oh, right. That whole pretense of being in the depth of despair.
Alexis: You and Stefan have to sit and discuss that at length. He was very displeased that you left so suddenly last night. There were other things he had to say to you.
Nik: Right. After he informed me that my brother was in training with Jason Morgan. Did you really expect me to stand around after that bomb shell?
Alexis: Frankly, I was a little startled by your reaction. And if you surprised me, you shocked your uncle.
Nik: He's Laura's son. He's Lesley Lu's brother... And he's working for the mob.
Alexis: (gently) You saw him, didn't you?
Nik: He didn't deny anything. (He sits down on the couch, his head in his hands) It's amazing. Last night I thought there was no greater threat to the safety of Laura and Lesley Lu than what Lucky was doing. Now it seems like a trifle.
Alexis: We have no way of knowing if she's going to go after the Spencers.
Nik: Can she? Remember, I've been out of the loop -- oh, forgive me. I've never BEEN in the loop.
Alexis: Your uncle will fill you in.
Nik: Or you can, now. Can she hurt the Spencers? Is that something she has the ability to do?
Alexis: I don't think the Spencers are her concern right now. Her only focus is you.
Nik: Again.
Alexis: She must still believe your loyalties can be swayed in her favor.
Nik: How? How can she believe that?
Alexis: The desperate act of a desperate woman. I can't understand why she would choose to act now, of all times. The family is a unit again, without interlopers. There is no one she can manipulate this time. (Alexis's words chill Nikolas. He stares off into space, considering what his grandmother may and may not know. He is barely aware of his uncle's entrance until he speaks).
Stefan: It seems our fears are well-founded. Helena is indeed in Port Charles.
* * * *
Hannah's Apartment.
Hannah drops her hands to her side, and tells herself firmly to get a grip. This is not the time to fall apart -- though it certainly would seem justified. Helena moves away from the window, her eyes trained on her, like a cat stalking it's prey.
Helena: Tell me. How IS my grandson? (Hannah crosses her arms firmly across her chest, mostly to hide the fact that her hands are shaking)
Hannah: He's... Fine.
Helena: Well, at least you have enough respect for my intelligence not to play innocent. I believe I told you to stay away from my family.
Hannah: You did.
Helena: Thank you for that clarification. (She smiles coldly) It seems you didn't take that warning seriously.
Hannah: No, I did.
Helena: Don't patronize me. And please, before you ply me with romantic platitudes, don't think that I care particularly what your intentions towards my Grandson are. Your feelings, if I had not already made it clear, are of no concern to me.
Hannah: I understand.
Helena: I won't say I wasn't incensed to find out that you had ingratiated yourself with Nikolas. I didn't expect that, it's an unusually stupid decision. (She looks over at her) You realize I've had people killed for less.
Hannah: I... I've heard that, yes.
Helena: Hmmm .... From the Spencers, or from my Grandson?
Hannah: From the Spencers.
Helena: Well.. Then you realize you're in a precarious position here. After all, I sent you back to America when you were too scared to go back on your own. I set you up in a nice apartment. I got you to get a job that you've always wanted, and I paid you quite generously. On top of that, I've reunited you with your niece. And you pay me back by seducing Nikolas. (She frowns at her, looking, for a moment, genuinely hurt) Now, tell me. Why should I spare your life?
Hannah: Nikolas.
Helena; Nikolas. You think it would hurt him if you were to disappear? (She lowers her voice to a growl) He would survive. And a sight better than his uncle survived the death of that dreadful Bell woman.
Hannah: I... he ...
Helena; Please tell me you weren't idiotic enough to inform him of our arrangement.
Hannah: No. No, he doesn't know.
Helena: (smiling) Well then. That's helpful. And who DOES know? (Hannah hesitates. Helena leans over and picks up the photograph of the Aegean off of the coffee table) Lovely picture. I was quite taken with it. (She looks over at her) Were you aware that it was bugged? (Hannah's jaw drops. She feels a shiver run through her body. It becomes clear to her for the first time that she'd put an awful lot of faith in Lucky Spencer. After all, age aside, he spoke as if he knew what he was doing. She shakes her head) Well, what do you expect, if you allow a Spencer into your home. Which one was it?
Hannah: What?
Helena: Oh, It wasn't my bug. No. You knew about the phone, obviously. You've barely said two words on it since you got here. No phone calls to work, or Nikolas.... Not even to your little niece. How is she, by the way? Quite an attractive girl. Perhaps a little common -- Like father, like son, I suppose. (Hannah's head spins, the veiled threats being spun at such a speed she can't keep up) How long did it take them?
Hannah: I'm sorry?
Helena: The Spencers. Did it really take that visit from... Jacob, I believe his name is...
Hannah: Uh... yes. That was it.
Helena: They can be frightfully slow if you don't point them in the right direction.
Hannah: Wait. You're saying the Spencer's bugged my apartment.
Helena: You're a little slow yourself, aren't you?
Hannah: I'm new at this.
Helena: I suggest you become a quick study. Start by answering my question. Which one was it? Luke, or that brat of his.
Hannah: (stuttering) I-I-It was... It was his son. (She winces slightly. Lord, she is bad at this).
Helena; Hmmm, yes. Lucas Lorenzo Spencer Jr.... But he goes by that charming nickname. Lucky, is it? (Helena laughs) I do appreciate irony.
Hannah: I...
Helena: A bit of a hot head, isn't he? I believe he pushed my grandson down the stairs at one point.
Hannah: He knows. About me.
Helena: And his father, I imagine.
Hannah: (hoarsely) No. He hasn't told him. (Helena laughs)
Helena: That certainly explains a lot. Luke Spencer must be considerably off his game to let that one slip through his fingers.
Hannah: I wouldn't know.
Helena: Well, let's hope you're more familiar with his progeny, then.
Hannah: Uh... he's.... Lucky can be --
Helena: He's emotional. That's a considerable weakness. And I have a feeling you've noticed some others. (She sits down on the couch, and pats the seat beside her) Join me. We have a lot to discuss.
* * * *
Lucky's room.
Emily and Lucky lie together, wrapped in each other's arms, in a comfortable silence. Emily is concentrating on the pulse of Lucky's heart, and the warm tingle that is slowly fading from her body. She's trying to ward of the nervous sensation forming in her stomach. She doesn't want to think about it. She only wants to feel this moment, being close to him, feeling the light caress of his fingertips on her arm as he lies with her. Feel loved and desired and completely treasured. She doesn't want to think about her family -- and yet, every time she closes her eyes, she recalls that she'd asked Reginald to buy her five minutes. Somewhere, her family is freaking out, and while that didn't bother her when she was walking the streets of Port Charles, it's now relatively easy to guess where she is. And the idea of her family showing up and stomping all over this moment -- as they have so many others -- is very distressing. She jumps as Lucky's cell phone rings again -- it has been ringing almost nonstop, and while she was distracted from it for a while, it's now causing her worry. Lucky feels her tense and moves his hand to stroke her hair.
Lucky: (quietly) You Ok?
Em: (lifting her head to look at him) Someone really wants to talk to you.
Lucky: Yeah, well.... There's no one I want to talk to. Present company excluded. (Lucky lowers his mouth to hers and gives her a long gentle kiss. Emily lets herself melt into it, while the phone stubbornly rings on. Finally Emily pulls back and shoots a nasty looks at the phone, which is lying on the floor having landed there following Lucky's earlier tantrum. She looks back at Lucky, who shrugs) At least it still works. (At that mention, the phone finally stops ringing. Emily directs her full attention to Lucky, searching his face with her eyes. He flinches slightly) What?
Em: What's going on?
Lucky: Nothing.
Em: Nothing?
Lucky: (actually smiling) Well... not NOTHING.
Em: (seriously) Lucky. (She looks at him, feeling suddenly less than secure) How are you feeling? (Lucky lets out his breath, and lies his head against her shoulder)
Lucky: You can't tell? (Emily feels a shiver run though her at the softness in his voice. She beams)
Em: Was it worth the wait?
Lucky: (stretching) The wait... the interruptions... the false alarms... Maybe even the break up.
Em: I can't agree with you there. NOTHING was worth the break up. (She lightly traces her fingers on his chest. Lucky looks down at her. She looks so beautiful, her touch so loving and warm.... He can't figure out why he ever resisted it. He lightly strokes her hair.)
Lucky: I love you, Emily. (Emily smiles to herself)
Em: I can't believe this. I was getting really worried about us.
Lucky: Look...
Em: (shaking her head) You don't have to. (In a sudden movement Lucky rolls Emily over onto her back, so that he is leaning over her. Emily lets out a small shriek which is quickly silenced by Lucky's kiss. She wraps her arms around his neck, unable to stop herself from smiling even as he kisses her. Finally he pulls back)
Lucky: I'm sorry about everything. I get a little crazy where you're concerned sometimes. (He stops, his face clouding. Emily shakes her head again.)
Em: It doesn't matter. (She takes his face in her hands, gazing at him lovingly) I just hate to see you hurting. Almost as much as I hate it when you won't let me help you.
Lucky: (quietly) I'm so sorry... (Emily rolls her eyes and lifts her head to kiss him)
Em: We have a lot of time to talk about this. Let's not do it now. (Lucky sighs and leans in to kiss her again. The cellular phone goes off again and Emily groans) This is really making me -- (Lucky cuts her off again, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Emily arches against him, pulling him on top of her, her hands running up and down his back. Neither notice when the phone stops ringing. There is a momentarily silence, which is suddenly interrupted by the shrill ring of the phone on Lucky's nightstand. Emily starts. Lucky pulls back and looks at her with concern)
Lucky: What's wrong?
Em: There's something... I should tell you, my parent's don't know where I am. (Lucky frowns)
Lucky: You think that's them?
Em: Well, I'm kinda surprised that they haven't shown up already. They were in the process of grounding me when I left the mansion.
Lucky: (heavily) Little help here, Emily.
Em: Well, when was I supposed to mention that? (Lucky sighs, and glances at the phone. He shrugs)
Lucky: You know.... I really couldn't care less about the Quartermaines right now.... Right now, this is all I care about. (He leans down and begins to kiss her. Emily stomach is tightly knotted, but she surrenders to the temptation he's offering and gives up on trying to explain that she ran out on them. The answering machine picks up)
Machine: This is a machine. If you can't figure the rest out, I probably don't want to talk to you anyway. (The machine beeps. Hannah's highly agitated voice fills the room) Lucky. It's Hannah. (Lucky looks up and stares at the machine. Emily tries to pull his attention back to her, and succeeds. They continue to kiss as Hannah freaks into the machine) Look, I tried the club, I've tried your cell phone, where are you? I really need to talk to you, it's important... Oh, God. Ok. I'm just going to say this. Helena's here. (Lucky wrenches out of Emily's embrace and picks up the phone instantly)
Lucky: WHAT? (The answering machine screeches with feedback. Lucky turns it off, annoyed) Where is she?
Hannah: She was at the apartment when I got here. She was waiting for me.
Lucky: She's in Port Charles?
Hannah: Yes! (Lucky swears under his breath, and looks at Emily, clearly worried. She sits up.)
Lucky: Where are you calling from. (Hannah doesn't answer) Jesus, Hannah! You're NOT calling from the apartment.
Hannah: Of course not! I'm not an idiot. I'm calling from a pay phone.
Lucky: Ok. Look... this isn't safe.
Hannah: Lucky, you have to help me. You HAVE to.
Lucky: Don't worry about it, that's not a question.
Hannah: Can I meet you? I'll come to the club, Ok?
Lucky: Yeah, that's a good idea. Lots of people around, it should be secure.
Hannah: Thank you.
Lucky: Hannah? Be careful, Ok?
Hannah: Ok. (Lucky hangs up and looks at Emily, who is twisting the blankets between her hands)
Em: No way, Lucky.
Lucky: I have to go. (Lucky begins to dress. Emily feels her chest constrict)
Em: NO. I'm sorry, but you are not going to leave!
Lucky: Emily.
Em: We just made love, Lucky. We just finally connected for the first time in ages and you're going to walk out on me? (Lucky looks at her, pained)
Lucky: I'm not walking out on you. But I have to do this, Em.
Em: No, you don't! (Lucky reaches across the bed to pick up his shirt which is crumpled at the foot of the bed. Emily leans forward with lightening speed and grabs it from him) NO! (She clutches the shirt to her chest. Lucky stares at her)
Lucky: I have other clothes, Emily.
Em: (getting rapidly more upset) You're not doing this!
Lucky: Emily. It's Helena Cassadine!
Em: That's part of my point! Lucky! You can't just go out into some meeting with Hannah without --
Lucky: She's your aunt!
Em: She's working for the Cassadines. And it's not like she has a history of being particularly reliable.
Lucky: Emily.
Em: I don't care about her! I care about you.
Lucky: I know you're mad at her right now, I understand that --
Em: I don't trust her, Lucky.
Lucky: She cares about you, Emily. In her own twisted way, she does. I'm sure of it.
Em: What if it's not a coincidence, Lucky? She just *happened* to tell me about Helena today? What if it's all a set up? (Lucky looks away from her)
Lucky: I'll be fine.
Em: WHAT IF YOU'RE NOT? (Lucky stares at the bedside table. He leans over, opens the drawer, and pulls out the gun Jason gave him. Emily, furious with herself, feels tears spill from her eyes)
Lucky: I have to go, Emily. I can't take the chance.
Em: What if something happens? What if Helena decides to just kill you because she wants to hurt your family? What happens then?
Lucky: It's not me I'm worried about! (He looks over at her, tears in his own eyes) Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? After tonight... Do you have some kind of clue? I don't even know how to tell you. I need you, Emily. And I'm not going to let anything happen to you.
Em: To me. (Lucky leans across the bed and takes her in his arms)
Lucky: No one is this lucky, Em. She knows who Hannah is, she has to. And that means --
Em: You think she's going to hurt me. Lucky, why would she? If she really wants to keep Hannah in line, then she'll have to keep me safe, right?
Lucky: It's not that simple.
Em: Look, you're in just as much danger as I am. Don't sugarcoat this for me!
Lucky: If Helena Cassadine wanted my family dead she wouldn't keep toying with us like this. She wants us to live -- in torture.
Em: Do you honestly thing that there is anything worse for your father than having you die? My God, Lucky, it would kill him. (Lucky's face clouds. Emily takes a deep, but shaky breath and looks Lucky straight in the eyes.) Lucky. You're not leaving me here. Not for anything. (Lucky leans down and kisses her, a soft kiss, full of love. Emily nearly chokes on a sob, terrified by what meaning might lie behind that action. Lucky pulls back and brushes the tears from her cheeks)
Lucky: Ok. You're coming with me.
* * * *
Hannah's apartment.
Hannah stares at the phone, having just returned the receiver to the cradle. She looks up at Helena.
Helena: I'm glad we've come to an understanding, Corrine. It would be a shame for our partnership to end just as it's reaching fruition.
Hannah: I have to go. I have to meet him.
Helena: Perfectly understandable. (Helena rises. She snaps off her smile and looks at Hannah viciously) Don't do anything stupid.
