Chapter Sixty-Seven:
Enter the Dragon
Nikolas's Apartment
Hannah stands a few feet away from Nikolas, her brow knit.
Hannah: Katherine Bell?
Nik: I've told you about her before.
Hannah: Your uncle's wife. She was murdered.
Nik: Yes.
Hannah: Is there... Is there more?
Nik: (ruefully) There's always more.
Hannah: I don't understand what this has to do with me.
Nik: This morning... I told you that my family could come between us. But it's not the way you think. Their approval... My uncle wouldn't interfere, he knows that I wouldn't stand for it. But there are other things to consider.
Hannah: I... I get the feeling I should sit down for this. (Nikolas nods)
Nik: That's probably a good idea. (Hannah sinks onto the couch) I told you that Katherine was murdered. I never told you why.
Hannah: I thought you didn't know -- (Nikolas shakes his head slowly)
Nik: I never knew what killed her. Not... Well, to be honest, I still don't. Not for certain. (He stops, and looks at the fire intently) She and my uncle had a disagreement the day she died. I'd never seen him so angry. For a while... If he hadn't been so devastated, I would have believed he'd killed her himself. (He turns away) Now I don't know what to believe.
Hannah: What are you telling me?
Nik: My uncle believes that Katherine died because she was important to him.
Hannah: Are you saying that the same thing could happen to me?
Nik: No, No, I'm not... I'm trying to explain what happened. What keeps happening. The fact that she died.... That's not really the point. When I was younger, I blindly saw her as a paragon of sorts, someone who did no wrong. I was mistaken, of course. She wasn't perfect. She had many faults. She was headstrong and she refused to understand how we did things. (Hannah rubs her arms, nervously)
Hannah: This is all very ominous.
Nik: Cassadines guard their secrets very closely. That's a fact I've lived with my whole life. I'm the heir, but that doesn't mean anyone ever tells me what's going on. Katherine didn't believe in this way of life. But my uncle did. It's ironic it was my uncle's decision to bring her into the family. I supported it. I would again. And it would be a selfish decision. Because Katherine never truly understood what it was to be a Cassadine. Neither did Bobbie -- my uncle previous wife.
Hannah: (confused) Bobbie.
Nik: Luke Spencer's sister.
Hannah: I see. The Spencers again. Why... Why is it so horrible to be a Spencer? I understand why they hate you -- if your mother was kidnapped --
Nik: My mother was revenge. Against Luke Spencer. He killed my grandfather.
Hannah: Oh.
Nik: And when he found my mother, he killed her husband. Stavros.
Hannah: Your father. (Nikolas doesn't answer) And this is why --
Nik: (quietly) Not entirely.
Hannah: I'm getting steadily more confused here, Nikolas.
Nik: This feud, initially, it was initiated by my grandmother. Helena. Lucky must have mentioned her. (Hannah looks at him, her face clouding. He really has no clue. In all this time, somehow, despite whatever hints Lucky may have dropped, what he over heard, what she said, he really has no clue. She looks away from him)
Hannah: He said you were nothing like her.
Nik: He ... He's right. I'm not. I never will be. But she wants... She always wanted me to be molded in my father's image..... This is what you have to know, Hannah. You have to know that I love you. And I want you in my life. And you have to know that means.
Hannah: I think I'm beginning to get the picture.
Nik: Too often the women who enter my family are destroyed by them. If not completely, as Katherine was, then a part of them stays behind, always. My mother, for instance. (Hannah stands up, suddenly)
Hannah: Nikolas, stop. That's it, I don't want to know anymore.
Nik: You have to.
Hannah: NO! I don't. We've been together for a couple of months now, if even that. And you're talking like I'm going to be the mother of the next heir. (she looks at him, and realizes that there's a reason he's talking like that.) Nikolas.
Nik: Do you love me?
Hannah: NIKOLAS! My God. What are you doing?
Nik: I'm not doing anything. I'm just trying to get you to understand.
Hannah: I can't. I won't understand. None of this has to be this way!
Nik: It does. If you love me, then it's already to late. Perhaps you don't even have to love me. It's enough that I love you.
Hannah: You're terrifying me. (Nikolas looks at her, slightly apologetic)
Nik: It's unavoidable. (Hannah stares at him, studying his face)
Hannah: (hesitantly) I do love you. But that's already more than I ever thought I'd be able to give you. (Nikolas shakes his head firmly)
Nik: I'm not asking you to make any promises to me. That's not what this is about. I want you to understand my family. What they have to mean to me. We are all born tied to the name, our lives dictated for us before we take our first breath. I understand, because of who I am, that this was more true for me than it was for others. Except there are no others. I don't have cousins. My grandfather had two sons. And they, between the two of them, raised one child. Me. Right now I carry the burden of the continuation of the family, of the line. I was raised to it.
Hannah: What does this have to do with me?
Nik: It means.... The meeting I had with my uncle yesterday. There will be other meetings like that. And eventually, they will have to know about you, for your own protection. That is where things stand right now. (He sits down next to her) It's impossible to me to explain the things that are important to my family. Things like the title, the position, the control of the family. Why these things cause so much trouble. You just have to accept that this is the way it is. (Nikolas takes her hands in his) Hannah, my Grandmother wants to control the family. And to do that, she has to control me. That's why it's been good that we've kept our relationship quiet. I didn't want anyone to know because I didn't want the politics of who I am to interfere. But they have to. (He stops and takes a deep breath) My family has kept another secret from me.
Hannah: I --
Nik: My grandmother. I was lead to believe that she had been permanently vanquished from our lives. That wasn't true. And if she appears again, she will find out about you. And she will try to use you. She did this with Katherine and she'll do it with you.
Hannah: I... This... Oh, God, Nikolas.
Nik: I know, this isn't simple. I don't know how to explain. For my family all of this is natural, and expected. I know it probably seems insane to you. I guess it is. But it's the world I come from. And we have different rules
Hannah: Nikolas... There is something I have to tell you. (Nikolas looks at Hannah, noticing that she is pale as a ghost. He feels a twinge, a knowledge that has been skirting around the edge of his mind. He pushes it away)
Nik: I didn't tell you this so that you'd feel compelled to tell me what you've been keeping secret. I don't want you to feel pressure.
Hannah: (laughing) Oh, what pressure? You've basically just told me that I'm trapped in the middle of an Anne Rice novel.
Nik: (confused) Anne Rice?
Hannah: Nikolas. (She stops and looks over at him, sadly. There is something about this man that is so disarmingly naive. She puts a hand to his face, then leans in to kiss him. The kiss is soft and full of love, and it makes Nikolas very nervous. He pulls back and looks at her, wary) I should have told you this from the beginning. But there never seemed to be a way. (She looks away from him, turning her attention on the fire) There is almost no way for me to say this out loud.
Nik: You don't have to.
Hannah: Yes, I do. It's so long past time.
Nik: No, I don't care. One thing I've learned in my life, is that sometimes you don't have to know. Sometimes you find out things that you never really needed to know, because they don't change anything. They don't do anything but cause pain. And I know what I need to about you.
Hannah: No. You don't.
Nik: It doesn't --
Hannah: Nikolas! Please. You made me listen, now you have to do me that same favor. I have to tell you this. And I want you to know that is was my decision to keep this secret, it's not about -- (Nikolas cuts her off with a deep, demanding kiss. Hannah attempt to pull back, but stops, surrendering to him, aware that it may be the last kiss he'll ever give her. She pulls back, tears in her eyes) That doesn't change anything. You still have to know.
Nik: I don't --
Hannah: You DO. Your brother told me that you would have to, and I wish to hell I'd listened to him.
Nik: (tensing up) This is about Lucky?
Hannah: No. It's not. It's about me. And its -- (the phone rings shrilling, cutting her off. Hannah looks at the phone, vexed. Nikolas stands up)
Nik: I have to get that.
Hannah: No, you don't!
Nik: I do.
Hannah: NO, you -- (Nikolas picks up the phone)
Nik: Nikolas Cassadine. (There is a pause. Hannah stares at Nikolas, who's face is unreadable. He nods slightly, then speaks into the phone) I understand. I'll be there. (He hangs up. Hannah stares at him)
Hannah: You can't leave.
Nik: I have to.
Hannah: No, wait a minute.
Nik: This isn't negotiable. (He picks up her coat) You'll have to take a cab. I don't think I'll be back tonight.
Hannah: Nikolas.
Nik: I will come see you. First thing, at the apartment. But you can't be here now. You have to go home.
* * * *
Lucky's Apartment.
Emily stands in stunned silence in the door way. She watches Lucky, who is looking at her intently, looking as if he's either going to scream at her or cry. She finds her voice.
Em: Lucky....?
Lucky: (firmly) Just go away. (Emily stares at him and nods slowly. She looks down at the books, and papers flung all over the floor of the room.)
Em: You have to stop this, Lucky. (Lucky doesn't say anything. She takes a deep breath. This is it. He's not going to be sane for her benefit, then she's just going to have to take matters into her own hands. And this time, no matter what, she's not leaving him. Not until she knows he'll be Ok. She closes the door behind her, Lucky visibly tensing at the sound. She sets her jaw firmly, prepared for battle) I know, Lucky. I know what's wrong. (he looks over at her, still fighting to catch his breath) Hannah told me. (Lucky stares at her for what feels like an eternity).
Lucky: (barely audible) What?
Emily: She told me. She told me what's going on. It's the Cassadines, right? She's working for them.
Lucky: She.... Told you?
Em: Yeah.
Lucky: (bitterly) Life's full of surprises.... (He looks back at her) Ok. Go ahead.
Em: What?
Lucky: Go ahead. I did it again. I kept something from you, I lied to you, I broke all the promises I made to you, go ahead.
Em: I don't care.
Lucky: Come on. Say it. You know you want to. How does it go? You hate me, you never want to see me again....
Em: Stop it.
Lucky: And most of all, you can't trust me anymore.
Em: I'm not here to get upset with you.
Lucky: (rushing at her) Just because you're not saying it doesn't mean it's not true! It doesn't mean that you don't feel that way, it doesn't mean that you're not thinking it!
Em: Lucky!
Lucky: I know you have it in you, I've heard it before.
Em: (angrily) Well you're not hearing it again! You're doing a good enough job of hurting yourself without getting me to help out. (Lucky steps back from her, shaking his head)
Lucky: It doesn't matter.
Em: It matters to me. I love you --
Lucky: Don't.
Em: Listen to me.
Lucky: Yeah, Ok. You love me. That's fine. But you can love someone and hate them at the same time. You can love them more than anything, and it will tear you apart because you can't respect them anymore!
Em: We're not talking about you here, are we?
Lucky: Look. You don't want to be here right now, Emily, just leave.
Em: Why... Because I can't handle this? Because this is going to be too much for me? I guess I'm just going to have to deal with it. And I will, somehow. Is that why you didn't tell me? Because you thought I'd fall apart? (Lucky looks away from her) I can't guarantee I would have handled it as well as you have, but I would have had you to support me, right? Or did you already know you were going to pull this little mental episode on me?
Lucky: This isn't about you, Emily.
Em: I know! I know, this isn't about me, and Carly wasn't about me, none of it is EVER about me. But I get to pay for it, don't I? I get to watch you do this to yourself, and your mother gets to stay in the dark.
Lucky: I don't want to talk about her.
Em: I know. That's the part I never say, Lucky. Because I know you love her. So I never tell you when I go home burning with rage at her for hurting you like this. Because it doesn't help you to know that. That's what I keep from you, that's the part I don't say.
Lucky: It's not her FAULT.
Em: (quietly) Then who's fault is it, Lucky? (Lucky doesn't say anything. Emily takes a step towards him) Is it your fault? (Lucky turns away, his face burning with shame. Emily takes another deep breath). It's not. You have to know that. None of this is your fault. (Lucky sits down on the bed, heavily, not looking at her.)
Lucky: I'm not doing this with you.
Em: Oh, yes you are. Because I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on. Why is this suddenly so much worse than it was before? Is it Hannah? Jason? Me? What is it?
Lucky: I can't -- (His voice cracks. He shakes his head. He's not going to do this. He's not going to let go of this, it's too important)
Em: Or is it just everything? You've held it together for so long, it had to just bury you one day.
Lucky: (tense) I'm fine.
Em: No, you're not. There's one more thing I never said to you, Lucky. Through all of this, I knew you'd never want to hear it. But I think you have to know.
Lucky: Emily, will you just leave --
Em: NO. I know what you're doing Lucky. I know you're scared. (Lucky looks up at her sharply) It's always been that. You're scared that your mother didn't choose you and Lulu, she chose your Dad. And you're scared that once this comes out that she'll be finished with you. That she did this just for Nikolas, and that none of it was to protect you. And you're terrified Luke will hate you. (Lucky feels all the air in his lungs rush out of him. Emily looks into his eyes intently) I'm sorry it took me so long to understand. I think you're the strongest person I've ever known. And maybe I take that for granted. Being scared doesn't make you weak. You can't be brave if you can't feel fear.
Lucky: Stop it.
Em: What am I saying that's so wrong? Why can't you just listen to me and think about it? (Lucky gets up, pushing past her. He walks over to the window, focusing on the street light at the edge of the parking lot. Emily sighs heavily, but stands her ground, waiting for him to say something. Finally Lucky turns back to her)
Lucky: Do you know what my father thinks of liars? Of hypocrites?
Em: That isn't what you are.
Lucky: Yes it IS. That's exactly what I am. I lied to him, I didn't tell him, I wasn't honest. And I've always called him on it when he lied to me. If he cut me out, if he didn't tell me exactly what was going on. He taught me what it was to be honorable. To be decent. To be a Spencer. And I failed. (Emily shakes her head slowly)
Em: You have to let go of that.
Lucky: Of what?
Em: Of this idea that Spencers aren't human. They are. You all are. I know, I've known your family for years. And you make mistakes. That doesn't make you unworthy of being their child, Lucky. God, how can you think about letting them down after everything you've been through? They're your parents. They love you. Nothing's going to change that.
Lucky: How can you SAY that to me? What about us, Emily? What about how nothing was ever going to change how you felt about me? That was true right up until you found out about Carly. Then all bets were off.
Em: (quietly) Exactly when did I stop loving you?
Lucky: You left me.
Em: I was ANGRY! I was so hurt I couldn't even see straight. I left you and I went to my room and I cried for a week. And after that, I just went numb. And none of that was ever because I didn't love you. God, Lucky! No one ever hurt me like that. No one ever could. That's why I said what I said, that's why I hurt you like I did. Because I wanted you to feel the pain I was in. And the worst part was, for the first time ever, I wasn't sure if I could. Because I didn't know if you loved me.
Lucky: I ALWAYS loved you. Emily, you know that.
Em: I didn't know that. Not that night. And I'm not going to try to tell you that your father wouldn't be furious if he found out. But he loves you more than his life. He came to see me today, begging me to give him some kind of clue about what was wrong with you. And of course, I couldn't say anything to him. But he was in so much pain, so worried about you, that there was no way I couldn't know just what you mean to him. And you don't deserve to have this on your head. Because he raised you to do this. Don't tell me that if Luke was in your place, he wouldn't have done the exact same thing you did!
Lucky: He would have .... (Lucky stops, dead. He stares at the floor, hard)
Em: What? He would have handled it better? What does that say about him? This tears you apart because you have honor. And you are worthy. If it didn't, I'd be scared. (Lucky looks over at her, wanting to believe what she's telling him so badly. He feels tears dwelling too close to the surface, and just can't let himself do this, can't let himself lose what little grip he has on the situation... At the same time, it's just so much easier to surrender to her. He looks at her, agonized)
Lucky: Emily.
Em: (crossing to him) What? What is it?
Lucky: She's going to tell him. (Emily's jaw drops. She stares at him, in shock. Lucky feels what's left of his resolve crumbling as the tears sting his eyes). He's never going to forgive me.
Em: Oh, God. Lucky. (She reaches out to him, then draws back, unsure of what to do)
Lucky: (tears now running down his face) He'll hate me.
Em: He won't.
Lucky: You can't know that.
Em: Lucky..... Let me help you. Please. Don't shut me out now. (Lucky leans back against the wall, but says nothing. He looks up at the ceiling, trying to stop the flow of tears. Emily walks towards him) Tell me what I can do.
Lucky: I... I can't.
Em: You can. You can do this, I know you can. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. (Lucky says nothing, his eyes still trained on the ceiling. Emily takes a deep breath, standing just a few feet from him) You asked me why I love you. And I didn't really give you an answer. Because it's hard to put into words. There's nothing about you that I don't love. You drive me crazy, and the last couple of weeks have been pretty horrible, but I wouldn't be in love with you if you didn't-- (she stops, trying to figure out how to say this) You're passionate, and you're loyal, and you want to protect everyone from everything. And I know that those qualities are what brought you here. But they are the parts of you I love the most. And I don't know how they can lead you to hate yourself this much. Because whatever it is that you see when you look at yourself right now, I see it too, but it's not a bad thing. It doesn't change who you are. (She takes another step towards him) I used to think I knew you. But I didn't. And I'm not going to say I know everything there is to know about you now. But I think I understand better than I used to. And the more I understand, the deeper I fall in love with you. And even with everything you've ever done, every time you've ever hurt me, it doesn't change how I feel. Because most of the time, you don't hurt me. Most of the time you're more than I could ever have hoped for. And if I have to have weeks like this one to have everything else, I'll do it, in a heartbeat. Because I'm never going to love anyone else the way I love you. (Lucky lowers his eyes, finally, and looks at her) Is that an answer?
Lucky: (blown away) Emily..... (Emily closes the distance between them)
Em: (gently) Shhhh.... (She raises her face to his and kisses him gently. Her hands run up his chest, sliding around his neck, pulling him close to her. Lucky succumbs to her, wanting to let go of everything for the first time in ages. She pulls back and begins to lay soft kisses on his neck and throat, her hands finding the buttons on his shirt, parting them, pulling the shirt open. Lucky shivers under her touch. She raises her lips to his ear and whispers to him, while her hands slide along his chest) Just give me this time, Lucky. Let me love you. Let go and be with me. Can you do that? (Her lips graze his earlobe. Lucky closes his eyes and moans softly as she continues her seduction).
Lucky: (quietly) I'm sorry, Emily.
Em: (returning to his lips) No. (She kisses him deeply) Answer the question. (She brushes his lips gently over his) Can you be with me? (Lucky wraps his arms around her, pulling her close to him. He kisses her, long and slow, leaving Emily breathless. He pulls back slightly, not wanting to let any space come between them, and looks down into her face. Her expression makes him feel lightheaded -- so open, so completely trusting. She loves him. He can feel it. And right now, he has no power to resist it. He wants her so badly that can hardly breathe. He lowers his head and buries his face against her hair.)
Lucky: (whispering in her ear) Yes. (Emily feels a rush of joy run through her. She twines her arms around him and he lifts his head to look at her again. She kisses him ardently, pulling him away from the wall. They move together towards the bed, still kissing. Emily slides his shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor behind them. Lucky's hands slide up under her blouse, caressing her. She pulls him back onto the bed with her. Lucky lifts her back onto the pillows and sinks into the bed with her, kissing her passionately as he fumbles with the buttons on her blouse. She sits up on her elbows, and Lucky slides the blouse off her shoulders, planting searing kisses along her neck and shoulder. Somehow, their bodies come to read the other, and they manage to start discarding clothing without letting their lips and hands leave the other's skin. No movement between them is not marked with hunger, with need. Both hearts are pounding hard in their chests as Lucky allows his body to settle over hers. Across the room, Emily is vaguely aware of Lucky's cell phone ringing. He ignores it, and she quickly forgets about it as he continues to make love to her.)
* * * *
Hannah's Apartment.
Hannah fumbles with her keys, still visibly shaken from her conversation with Nikolas. She feels like she has a clear understanding of the Cassadine way now. And she's having a hard time feeling for that Katherine woman, though she could easily end up the same way. She has to see Lucky -- this mood be damned. He's the only person who can tell her what to do next. She finally meets key with keyhole and turns the lock firmly, stepping quickly into the darkened apartment. She closes the door firmly behind her, locking it, then rechecking the lock neurotically. She sighs and leans against the door, her eyes catching her photograph of the Aegean. It's not on the wall. It's on the coffee table, face up. She feels her heart stop. She takes a step towards it, then freezes. She turns slowly to see a slim figure silhouetted against the window. She stifles a scream, clamping her own hand over her mouth. The figure shakes her head sadly.
Helena: Now, Corrine. You can't tell me you're surprised.
