Chapter Seventy-Six:
Father's Pride
Jason's Limo, the streets of Port Charles.
Hannah nervously twists her bracelet around her wrist. Emily isn't talking, opting to look out the window in favor of continuing their strained conversation. The guards had escorted Emily to the car. She had the distinct impression that she didn't have a choice. There's so much she wants to try to say but with her every word flying straight from here to Helena, her options are limited. She wishes she understood what was going on. Why last night she was supposed to let Lucky know that Helena was interested in the Spencers and then today try to get Emily to get him to back off. Especially since, with the exception of Lucky, Helena's interest seemed to lie entirely on Nikolas. She didn't understand these families, how they worked. And even if Lucky COULD help her, she couldn't tell him what was going on. And he'd probably be angry at her for everything she had told Helena. There was no way to explain to him that she'd kept the really important stuff to herself.
She wishes again she had some clue where Nikolas went this morning. She hopes to God he wasn't followed. If he went to Lucky and Helena knew about it, then the gig was up. She didn't know how she'd explain that. On the other hand, if he had, Lucky had probably told him all about her and that was the best thing that could happen. It took the choice out of her hands and that took the responsibility too. Helena couldn't blame her for stuff Lucky had found out on her manipulation of the circumstances. This, however, was nothing she'd counted on. She looks over at Emily, her forehead pressed against the glass, and feels that same pang of guilt and terror she has nearly every time she's seen her since she realized who she was. She has to handle this. Somehow she has to keep Emily safe.
* * * *
Jason's Penthouse.
At the sound of the venom in his father's voice Lucky straightens up. Luke storms past Renaldo towards Jason, the picture of rage. He doesn't even notice Lucky standing a few feet away from him.
Luke: (pushing Jason violently) What the hell do you think you're doing partner? (Renaldo has a moment of pure shock before he signals Johnny and they descend on the elder Spencer). Is this how you do your recruiting? You can't find someone else to do your dirty work besides MY SON? (Lucky stands in stunned silence. Renaldo and Johnny grab Luke and restrain him. Luke fights mightily against them). You think you know danger, Morgan? You think you live on the edge? Well you haven't SEEN the dark side, man. You don't know risk 'til you get in the way of me and my kids. (Jason, having stepped back from Luke, looks over at Lucky, who's eyes are glued to his father. Johnny and Renaldo start to drag Luke back to the door. Lucky steps forward)
Lucky: Let GO of him! (Luke, at the sound of Lucky's voice, stops dead. Jason nods at Johnny and Renaldo and release Luke who has ceased to struggle at the sight of Lucky. He looks at him in amazement. After a moment he takes a few steps towards him. He lowers his head so that he is looking right into Lucky's soul. Lucky forces himself to meet his father's gaze.)
Luke: (voice low) What are you doing here, Cowboy? (Lucky swallows. He forces himself to remain as steady as possible, not giving in to the desire his body seems to have to shake uncontrollably. He's been waiting for this, he realizes. He clears his throat)
Lucky: It's not what you think.
Luke: What do I think? (Lucky struggles to come up with an answer) You trying to tell me you're not working for this bastard?
Jason: Luke.
Luke: You stay out of this! (He turns to Jason, Renaldo and Johnny back on red alert) I should never have kept you on. You have no sense of family.
Jason: Lucky made his own choices, Luke. I didn't pressure him to do anything.
Lucky: Jason, I'll handle this, Ok?
Luke: (to Jason) You made a promise to Sonny, Jason. You swore to him you'd give me over his half of the club. Consider this the end of our illustrious partnership.
Lucky: Dad, it's not Jason's fault.
Luke: (turning back to him) Then who's fault is it, Lucky?
Lucky: (grounding himself) Mine. From the beginning. Jason didn't do anything but conduct business.
Luke: Jesus. You're even talking like him.
Lucky: I'm just telling you the truth.
Luke: You don't think it's a little late for that? (Lucky looks away. Luke shakes his head slowly) How long has this been going on? (Lucky shrugs) HOW LONG?
Lucky: This summer.
Luke: My God.... (He turns away) My God, Lucky..... (Luke starts to pace, not being able to find any place to put the powerful anger and fear bubbling over in him) Emily know about this too? (Lucky doesn't say anything) Of course she does. Hell, I must be the last one invited to the party.
Jason: Luke --
Luke: DON'T YOU TALK TO ME! Don't you, you... Don't you even look at me. Jason, Jesus. Do you even understand what you're doing here? And don't give me that "you can't own someone" crap, Ok? I told you, DAY ONE -- Remember? Right from the beginning -- you keep you business away from the club and away from MY KID! That was our deal.
Jason: Lucky's not a kid anymore.
Luke: I'm his father. I'll damn well decide when he's not a kid anymore!
Lucky: HEY! Wait a minute. (Luke breaks off his staring contest with Jason and looks back at Lucky) You haven't treated me like a kid a day in my life.
Luke: Well, you've never given me reason to before.
Lucky: What makes you think I've given you reason now?
Luke: You wanna explain this to me, I'm all ears.
Lucky: Yeah? 'Cause so far, you're not doing a whole hell of a lot of listening! (Luke opens his mouth to respond, but is cut off by the sound of the balcony door sliding open. Luke looks up and sees Nikolas come back in out of the cold, a grim look on his face) What's this?
Lucky: Dad, we can't do this right now, Ok? I have to talk to --
Luke: You really are sleeping with the enemy, aren't you?
Lucky: DAD! Just listen to me!
Luke: (to Nikolas) You know about this? You a part of this? (Nikolas looks at him blankly) ANSWER ME!
Lucky: Leave him alone, Dad. (Luke looks back at Lucky incredulously) This isn't about Nikolas, it's about me, Ok? It's not Jason, it's not the Cassadines, it's me. All right? I'm the one who's been lying to you, I'm the one keeping the secrets, I'm your son, its ME. (Luke stares at him). You want to kill someone, you want a fight, you want to shake someone, then it's me. Jason's right. I made my own decisions all the way along. Just like you raised me to.
Luke: I never raised you to this. (The words just hand in the air, unable to attach themselves to anything. Lucky feels the cold feeling that has been following him around for two years now begin to take hold again as he looks at his father. Luke slowly shakes his head) You were never ever shielded from this, Lucky. You know what this means, what all of it means. What are you doing this for? You want money? You want respect? You think this man (indicates Jason) understands respect? If he did, there is no way you'd be here right now. No. NO. You KNOW about this, Lucky.
Lucky: (ice cold) Take a good look, dad. Look at me. Do you really think you know me anymore? You think you understand me? You're missing a couple of pieces. This is who I am. I am deceitful -- I lie to everybody. To you , to Mom, to Emily, EVERYBODY. I'm a liar and a hypocrite and all those other things you always told me that you hated. I'm your worst nightmare. Guess I got that way when your back was turned, huh?
Luke: What are you doing?
Lucky: You tell me.
Luke: Lucky.
Lucky: You can't , can you? You don't understand it. Do you want to give the room a shot? Jason? Nikolas. (he looks at his brother) You saw it, though, didn't you? There's a twisted sort of honesty in that. You always expected the worst, so at least you're not disappointed.
Nik: Lucky, knock it off.
Lucky: Good idea. (Lucky turns away from Luke who reaches out and grabs his arm)
Luke: You're not walking away from this!
Lucky: Little late for that, dad. Isn't that what you're afraid of? That I CAN'T walk away? I've tried, about a million times to just walk away from all of you. But something keeps holding me here.
Lucky: (Shrugging) Don't ask me.
Luke: (Grabbing Lucky's shoulders) Look. This is not who you are. You can't tell me I don't know who you are, you're my son. You're my son, and you're gonna god damned well start acting like it.
Lucky: And do what?
Luke: And.. And... STOP THIS! Stop looking at me like you've never seen me before. (Lucky pulls away from him violently)
Lucky: Then stop acting like you care! You're so concerned... yeah, NOW. Now you're noticing something's not adding up. And you want to lay it all at Jason's feet? Fine. If that makes you feel better. But you're DELUDING yourself, Dad, because the only person in this room who is betraying you is me.
Luke: (anger giving way to fear) Why are you doing this?
Lucky: (highly agitated) There are things you do, there are decisions you can make that you can NEVER take back. You should know that better than anyone. But you're the first person to lose it when someone else around you makes a mistake, aren't you? God forbid any of us have a moment of weakness. Then all hell breaks loose.
Luke: (reaching out to him again) You don't even know what mistakes I've made, Lucky. I know you're not even capable of making the kind of mistakes I made. You're a better person than me, you always have been. You have too much of your mother in you.
Lucky: For what that's worth.
Luke: (back to towering rage) NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE! Where the hell did that come from? (He turns on Nikolas) He's talking like you now!
Lucky: You really don't think I have a mind of my own, do you? (he pushes Luke's chest angrily) Why won't you just face the truth Dad. You can't blame anyone for this but me.
Luke: You're not... You're better than this, Lucky. I know you are.
Lucky: I AM NOT! GOD, Dad. Will you look at me? You want to know what I'm capable of? Why don't you ask Mom? Why don't you ask Emily? God, she could tell you. (He turns away, breathing heavily. He looks back at his father, agonized) I've spent half my life trying to be worthy of being a Spencer. Trying to live up to the legend. Trying not to be all the things you hate. And you know what? All that stuff, all those morals, and lessons you taught me about protecting people, about loyalty all of that.... You know where it led me, Dad? Right here. So what does that mean? Does that mean I've finally turned into you? 'Cause in that case I guess you're just as big a hypocrite as I am. Too bad it took me this long to figure it out.
Luke: THAT'S IT! I don't' know what the hell it is you think you're proving to me here, I don't know what it was that I did to you that was so horrible that you have to suddenly --
Lucky: (laughing bitterly) Suddenly? This isn't sudden, Dad.
Luke: STOP IT!
Lucky: Why?
Jason: Luke.
Luke: (spinning on him) I thought I told you to stay out of this!
Jason: You're not solving anything.
Luke: Oh, and you are? (He turns back to Lucky) Look. I get it, Ok? I'm a lousy father, and I've --
Lucky: (at the end of his rope) YOU AREN'T A LOUSY FATHER! I'M A LOUSY SON. (Luke stops dead. He stares at Lucky, horrified. Lucky struggles to catch his breath, aware that tears have come to his eyes. Luke is hit by a wave of guilt and remorse so powerful it nearly knocks him over. He stumbles towards Lucky, pulling his son into his arms)
Luke: God, Lucky. (Lucky tries to wretch away from Luke, but Luke's grip is firm. He crushes Lucky against his chest and Lucky loses the last bit of his self control, breaking down completely. He begins to sob, and Luke feels tears sting his own eyes. He strokes his son's hair gently, like he would have when he was just a small boy. At this gesture Lucky feels his anger and self-hatred bubble up again and he struggles against Luke violently. Jason and Nikolas, beyond understanding any of this, attempt to blend into the wall. Lucky begins to fight harder against Luke who is not letting him go for anything. Finally Lucky lets out a cry of absolute fury and pulls out of his father's embrace hitting him ferociously on the chest).
Lucky: DON'T TOUCH ME! GET AWAY FROM ME! (Lucky stumbles backwards from his father, humiliated by the complete emotional wreck he's become. Luke looks at him in agony.)
Luke: You're not going to scare me off, kid. You're stuck with me. It's your birthright. (Lucky starts to walk away but Luke is after him in nothing flat, grabbing his arm. Lucky nearly hits him in retaliation, but stops).
Lucky: You don't get it. I don't' want you here, Dad. I don't want you to try and tell me how everything's going to be Ok, and that you're just going to solve everything. I'm not going to believe it anymore. YOU CAN'T HELP ME. I'm not going to let you this time! (Luke is shocked into silence. He looks at Lucky helplessly, his mind swimming. How did this happen. How the hell did his son end up in this kind of pain? His thoughts are interrupted by the opening of the door. Renaldo and Johnny, as much at a loss as Jason and Nikolas, both rush to the door as it opens, thrilled to have something to do. Emily and Hannah enter, escorted by Antonio. Lucky turns away quickly, aware now at the population that has witnessed his break down. Luke stares at Emily in surprise. Emily meets his eyes, and immediately knows something is really really wrong. She looks at Jason and Nikolas's morose faces)
Em: Oh, God. What happened?
Lucky: (not facing her) It's fine, Em. (Emily looks at Luke questioning. He shakes his head, and turns back to Lucky)
Luke; I'm not leaving here without you, son. (Lucky cringes at the word)
Lucky: I'm not leaving here with you.
Luke: It wasn't a request.
Jason: Luke. Come on. He'll be fine.
Luke: (acidly) You'll excuse me if I don't take your word for that. (Jason looks at Emily helplessly. Emily frowns)
Em: Uh... Mr. Spencer? (Luke doesn't turn around, but is vaguely aware that Emily hasn't called him that since he broke her of the habit when she and Lucky started dating) I mean... Luke. Can I... Can I talk to you? (Luke turns slowly to look at Emily. She looks terrified. Lucky's insistence that he's done her wrong rings in Luke's ears. He nods slowly. Emily turns and walks out the still open door. Antonio starts to follow but catches Jason's eye and stops. Out in the hall Emily feels herself begin to shake. She stares at the opposite wall, hand pressed to her lips, until she hears the door shut behind her. Then she turns around to face Luke.) I'm... I'm sorry, Luke.
Luke: You... You knew about this.
Em: Lucky had to be the one to tell you. (She bites her lip to stop it from trembling) But he wasn't, was he?
Luke: No, he wasn't.
Em: He wasn't..... He thought he was doing the right thing, you have to believe that.
Luke: By working for your brother? (Emily's eyes widen slightly and she turns away to cover from Luke)
Em: Uh.. Yes. That's.... He wasn't trying to hurt you, that's what I mean. He doesn't want to hurt anyone.
Luke: You know why he's doing this, don't you?
Em: No. No, I... Not really. Just a little.
Luke: You wanna enlighten me?
Em: Lucky has to do that. And he has to do it when he's ready. I know I just showed up, but.... He's not ready right now. (Luke stares at her. He starts to nod slowly) He's not going.... He's not going to let you down. I know in the long run he'll make you proud.
Luke: So do I. But he doesn't want to hear it from me.
Em: Can you... Can you just give him a little time? Just for right now?
Luke: (searching her face) You going to stay with him?
Em: (laughing, though she's nearly at the point of tears) He's not going to get rid of me. I promised you. I'm going to stick by him. We both are, right? That's what we said.
Luke: Yeah. It is.
Em: He'll be Ok. He has to be.
Luke: I didn't raise ... (Luke chokes on his voice and is unable to finish the sentence. Emily nods)
Em: I know... I know you love him. And he knows it too. Just let him come to you. Just this ONE time. Let him tell you what's going on. (Luke turns away, frustrated. Emily waits, her hands clenched at her side, for him to turn back to her. Finally his shoulders sag)
Luke: Tell him.... God. Tell him he's all I ever wanted in a son. Tell him that for me. (Emily's eyes fill with tears and she nods. Luke, tears spilling from his own eyes, turns away to the elevator) I can't believe I'm doing this. (The doors open almost immediately and he looks back at Emily before stepping on) Don't let him do anything stupid. (Emily nods. The doors shut and the elevator takes Luke away.)
* * * *
The Spencer House, neighboring woods.
Lulu, carrying a large stick as a walking staff, moves through the wet leaves with Foster barking wildly around her. She is caught up in a fantasy game of her own making, murmuring things to herself under her breath as she dashes along the path, clearly being pursued by imagined villains. She stops at a large boulder and climbs onto it with the assistance of her stick. She stands up on it and holds the stick out like a sword. Foster gallops up the path and snatches it out of her hands, much to her own shock. She stops and turns after him. He feet slip on the wet leaves the have slickened the rock surface and she tumbles off the rock onto the ground.
Lulu can feel the familiar sting of scraped palms, cold with the end-of-winter drizzle. She pushes herself up onto her knees, whimpering slightly to herself. Foster, noticing that Lulu's not chasing him turns and walks back to her. She scowls at him, blowing on her palms that are stinging almost more than she can bear. She hears a noise behind her and noticed Foster stop. She twists around and looks up to see an elegant woman standing behind her. She blinks.
Helena: Why, Lesley Lu! Did you hurt yourself?
