Chapter Seventy-Seven:
Recovery Process
Jason's Penthouse.
Silence descends on the room. Lucky is acutely aware that he's still shaking, and his breathing is decidedly uneven. He focuses on the balcony door and walks straight for it, getting himself the hell away from everybody. Outside Lucky leans on the railing, his head pounding. That wasn't too bad, he tells himself. It was almost Ok. Except for the crying. That he wouldn't want to do again. But he wouldn't have if his father hadn't insisted on hugging him, and he has a feeling after his mother's secret comes out, he won't ever have to worry about his father doing anything like that to him again. He can do this, he repeats the phrase in his head. He can do this. Somehow he can survive it.
If he could remember the reason he wants to.
Inside the Penthouse time slowly starts again. Hannah stands in stunned silence at the door, her gaze focuses on Nikolas, who's gaze is focused on Lucky. Jason steps forward, taking charge.
Jason: Hannah Hargreaves? (Hannah nods, numbly. Jason nods at Renaldo.)
Ren: I have to take your personal effects.
Hannah: (confused) What?
Ren: Your coat, purse....
Jason: (emphatically) Jewelry.
Hannah: (smiling) Uh... All right Mr. Morgan. If you have to. (Jason frowns at her. She tries to catch Nikolas's eye, but he continues to watch Lucky, still hunched over the railing on the balcony. Hannah turns over her purse and coat to Renaldo, then pulls off her earrings and the bracelet, her fingers trembling as she undoes he clasp. Renaldo takes all of her belongs with him into the back room. Jason watches her critically)
Jason: Is that it? (Hannah nods). Were you bugged? (Hannah nods again, a smile spreading across her face)
Hannah: Yes. I was. But ... it was the bracelet. He has it. (She feels like an incredible weight has just been lifted from her. She can talk! She wraps her arms around herself).
Jason: Nothing else. (She shakes her head)
Hannah: No. No, I don't think so. It's hard to tell, she seems to just know everything, but... (She laughs in relief. Nikolas looks over at her) She probably didn't expect this. (She looks at Nikolas, the smile fading from her face) That's why .... I couldn't tell you.
Nik: That's why you couldn't tell me this morning.
Hannah: Yes.
Nik: And before that?
Hannah: Don't rewrite history on me, Nikolas. (Nikolas looks back out the widow. Lucky hasn't moved and it's making him nervous. The door to the penthouse opens and Emily comes in, ashen faced. She takes in the room and frowns.)
Em: Where's Lucky?
Nik: On the balcony.
Em: Oh. (She starts across the room, then looks at Nikolas) Was it really awful?
Nik: Uh... Yes. Yeah, it really was. (Emily cringes.)
Em: How did he find out?
Nik: I don't know. I don't think anyone thought to ask. (Emily nods. She looks out to see Lucky straighten up. He turns around and sees her through the glass. She smiles weakly. His face remains blank, but he moves to the door and slides it open).
Lucky: (to Emily) You Ok?
Em: I'm fine. How are you? (Lucky shrugs, and moves past her into the main part of the room. Emily watches him walk away and feels her stomach knot. Oh, this is going to be fun. She can tell Nikolas is looking at her expectantly, but she doesn't feel like acknowledging it. She turns and follows Lucky across the room, sitting down next to him on the couch. Renaldo reenters the room and pulls Jason aside, whispering something to him. He nods and looks at the assembled company. Hannah is standing in the middle of the room, now looking at the floor. Emily is curled up on the couch next to Lucky. She puts a gentle hand on his shoulder but Lucky shrugs it off. He's immediately repentant, however, and takes her hand in his, lightly caressing her fingers, focusing on them so that he doesn't have to deal with the rest of the room. She leans against him, resting her head on his shoulder. He accepts this gesture. Nikolas maintains his distance from the group. Jason sighs and sits down in the arm chair, looking at Hannah -- the only one acknowledging her presence.)
Jason: Do you want to sit down? (Hannah looks back over at Nikolas who is at least looking her direction now. She shrugs)
Hannah: It'll probably be better if I stand.
Lucky: (quietly) Emily doesn't know yet. (Emily stiffens, raising her head)
Em: Know what?
Nik: About the.... (He stops, realizing he should leave this one to Lucky. Jason picks up the photograph)
Jason: Hannah got this picture this morning. (He hands it to Emily but Lucky intercepts it, tossing it aside)
Lucky: You don't need to see it.
Em: What is it?
Lucky: Just a picture. It's not... It's nothing. You're just going to have to be careful. (Lucky's voice is gentle, tender. Emily searches his face with her eyes, trying to figure out what's going on with him. He knows what she's doing, though, and turns his attention back to her hand) It's just a surveillance photo, that's all.
Em: Of me.
Lucky: Yeah.
Em: Let me see it. I'd know when it was taken.
Lucky: It doesn't MATTER when it was taken.
Em: Lucky, just give it to me.
Lucky: Why? (Emily glares at him and leans across the couch to pick up the envelop. She opens it, purposely keeping her movements casual. Lucky picks a spot on the opposite wall. Emily pulls the photo out and looks at it. She feels a chill run through her, but refuses to acknowledge it. She looks up at Jason)
Em: That was Thursday. (Jason nods. She flips the picture over to put it face down on the coffee table, but Lucky, for all his feigned detachment snatches it from her again and puts it back in the envelop. Emily, having caught a glimpse of the writing on the back decides Lucky probably has a reason for not wanting her to see it and in her present mood she's going to go with that. She leans back against the couch. Lucky tosses the now-secure picture on the coffee table. Jason waits to ensure the exchange is over, then turns back to Hannah.)
Jason: (calmly) What do you know about this?
Hannah: About the photo?
Lucky: Just tell us what you know, Ok? I think we pretty much want to know everything.
Hannah: Ok.
Lucky: (looking up at her) Ok?
Hannah: I know... I lied to you last night.
Lucky: I kinda figured that out. You know, when Nikolas had NO CLUE who you were.
Hannah: I ... Look, can I just get this out my way, Ok?
Lucky: Sure. Go ahead. (He resumes staring at the top of the coffee table, arms crossed. Emily gets the distinct impression that he doesn't want anyone near him, and presses up against the arm of the couch looking at Hannah hesitantly.)
Hannah: Ok...... Uh... (She looks over at Nikolas who is, finally watching her. At her glance, he turns away. She feels her throat tighten, but forces it down, turning back to Lucky) I lied to you. I lied to you about almost everything. Last night. Before that, I swear, I was telling you the truth. But she asked me to go see you, and she wanted me to wear that bracelet because it would pick up the conversation. And then there was this receiver in my purse, and... well, I thought it was the only one. It wasn't. She had a man watching me in the bar and I don't know how it works. I don't know how far she can hear everything, but ... Well, she can't hear this, right?
Jason: No. She can't.
Hannah: (Startled to have Jason respond) Ok. Well, then I better say everything while I still can. (She takes a deep breath) I told you she didn't know that you know about me. She does. She knows that and she knows you bugged my apartment.
Nik: You knew about that?
Hannah: As of last night.
Lucky: (emphatically) What else?
Hannah: She knows that you're working for Jason. (Lucky leans forward, his eyes boring into her) And she knows that... she knows that you'll do just about anything for Emily, but you haven't been getting along so well lately, and that... Uh... That your Dad doesn't know about any of this. And... Lucky . I had to tell her almost everything. And most of it she knew already.
Lucky: Why?
Hannah: I'm not sure.
Lucky: Guess.
Hannah: I.... I don't know! Not really.
Lucky: Then just tell me what you don't really know.
Hannah: Ok, Ok. I know that this isn't about your family. Not directly. (she looks over at Nikolas) It's about her family. Mostly about Nikolas. And for some reason she doesn't like him being tied to your family.
Lucky: That's not exactly a great mystery.
Hannah: She doesn't want him to be... I don't know how to describe it. I do know, whatever it is she's doing, it has to do with you as much as anyone else.
Nik: (snapping to some attention) With Lucky?
Hannah: Yes.
Lucky: That doesn't make any sense. What about my father?
Hannah: Your father already hates Nikolas. ... Ok. This is what it seems to be. Your father hates Nikolas. And she thinks you pretty much hate him too. I didn't tell her differently, at least. (She sighs, unsure of how to explain this) I... I get the feeling that the fact that you and Nikolas don't get along is really important. So I didn't tell her differently. (There is a long, long silence. Neither Lucky or Nikolas care to respond to this. Emily looks over her shoulder to see Nikolas focused on the lake. Lucky continues his examination of the coffee table. Hannah waits for an answer. Finally Lucky clears his throat)
Lucky: Why not?
Hannah: Because... That's the only card you have.
Lucky: (insistently playing dumb) What is?
Em: Lucky.
Lucky: It's just not a stretch, Ok? It's not like there are a whole lot of people in town who are going to attest to us having any feelings for each other at all. Right, Nik? (Nikolas doesn't answer. Well, At least he knows he didn't hear the tapes. Emily reaches out and takes Lucky's hand)
Em: Lucky, I think what she means is --
Lucky: It doesn't matter. That's all I'm saying. You're acting like you kept something from her. Do you realize how that sounds? Don't worry guys, I told her you work for the mob, I told her that you're fighting with your girlfriend, but I DIDN'T tell her that you get along with Nikolas? Thanks Hannah. That's a real service.
Nik: (tense) Shut up, Lucky.
Lucky: You're going to disagree with me?
Nik: (to Jason) Burn the tapes. (Jason nods)
Jason: I think we can't take that chance. (Lucky stands up quickly, walking away from everyone. His heart is thundering against his rib cage. He can't do this. He can't stay here. He turns and looks back at Nikolas)
Lucky: Did we have some hallmark moment I missed? Where was it, the stairwell? My parent's house? (Nikolas stares at him)
Nik: You're scared.
Lucky: Get away from me. (Nikolas puts his arms out, demonstrating that he's a good twelve feet away from Lucky) Your psychopathic grandmother is threatening Emily's life. I'm a little tense, yeah.
Nik: (realizing he's onto something here) That's not it. (Emily stands up, crossing to Lucky)
Em: Look, Lucky...
Nik: You didn't hear those tapes. You have no idea what's on them. (Lucky opens his mouth to respond but no sound comes out. He turns away. Emily reaches him and lays her hand gently on his chest. She can feel just how tense he is. )
Em: (whisper) It's Ok.
Lucky: This isn't the issue. Whether or not we can be in the same room together isn't the issue.
Nik: Fine. But if you won't say it I will. I don't hate you, Lucky.
Lucky: Right.
Nik: Why the hell is that so hard for you to hear? (Lucky starts to shake. Emily looks over at Nikolas warningly. She slides her arms around Lucky's waist and lays her head against his chest)
Em: (murmuring) Don't do this, Ok? It doesn't matter. (Lucky stares at Nikolas, feeling like he's being tortured in some new way. He has to stop this. He takes a deep breath.)
Lucky: I don't really care, Nikolas. I don't hate you, either. I really don't feel much of anything for you. (Emily, leaning against him, is startled at how she can actually feel the blood in his body stop moving. He's closing down again. She hold him a little tighter but Lucky, predictably, pushes away from her) Is that supposed to be dangerous? (Nikolas stares at him. He doesn't believe him. Or maybe he just doesn't want to. Whatever emotion he was seeing in Lucky's eyes is gone now like it never existed. He shakes his head slowly. Lucky walks away from Emily, focusing on Jason) Can we get back to the topic here?
Jason: I didn't know we were off topic.
Lucky: Whatever. (he sinks back onto the couch.)
Jason: (to Hannah) So what you're saying is she wants to use them against each other somehow?
Hannah: Uh... yeah. I think so. What she REALLY wants is for Nikolas to trust her. And I think she wants to use Lucky to do that. (Lucky slides down the couch)
Lucky: And you?
Hannah: I'm... I'm supposed to use my position in Nikolas's life to.... uh... just kinda manipulate the circumstances a bit. (Nikolas stares at her coldly) Nikolas, I'm doing the best I can here, all right? When you found that picture this morning, I knew you'd either go to Lucky or you family. And I knew that if you went to Lucky then you he'd tell you what was going on, since I couldn't. Helena WILL kill me if she finds out I told you, it's that simple. (Nikolas turns away) And I wanted Lucky to be the one to tell you. It was the only way this could work.
Lucky: WHAT could work?
Hannah: Nikolas, he told you the truth, right? It was all real. (Nikolas looks back at her)
Nik: (coldly) He told me you were working for my Grandmother. And that you didn't have a choice.
Hannah: (tears coming to her eyes) Yes. That's it.
Nik: Then, yeah, I guess he told me the truth.
Hannah: I thought... Ok. I thought if Lucky told you the truth about me -- and he wanted to tell you ages ago -- then you'd be able to trust him a little. (Lucky laughs outright)
Lucky: This is insane.
Nik: That doesn't change anything
Lucky: What reason did I have to lie to him?
Hannah: What reason did you have to tell the truth?
Em: Helena's already won then. (The company turns to look at her) Ok, I admit. I don't know how to play Spencers and Cassadines. But I do know that you guys are going to be in deep if you don't find some way around this game of emotional chess you're playing with each other. Right? I don't know if any two people in this room actually trust each other! She's done it! This is probably exactly what she wants.
Jason: Divide and conquer.
Em: Not that she had to try to hard.
Hannah: (shaking her head) No, she had a lot more to gain by Nikolas staying in the dark.
Lucky: Hey, you go with what works.
Nik: God, will you just stop for one second.
Lucky: (flatly) I'm not trying to offend you.
Nik: Then what ARE you trying to do? (Lucky doesn't say anything). Look at me, Lucky! (Lucky sighs heavily and looks over him, his face blank) Whatever it is Helena wants, she's looking at you and me.
Lucky: True. (Nikolas stops, unsure of what to say next. Lucky stands up and walks over to him, leaning back against the arm of the couch, arms folded protectively across his chest. His voice comes out cool and detached.) So what do we do about that? We obviously shouldn't let her see us together, right? This isn't about us having to work with each other. We just have to make sure we know what the other person's doing. That's it.
Nik: Fine. So we'll just keep in touch then.
Lucky: Not necessary. I can tell you what I'm doing right now. My Dad is going to watch Mom and Lulu. I'm going to make sure Emily's Ok. And I'm not going to see you, talk to you, nothing. She can't do anything if we don't let her, right? (Nikolas looks away from him)
Nik: You really think it's that simple.
Lucky: You really think she can get you to trust her? As far as I can tell, this war was lost before it began. All I need to do is make sure she doesn't hurt the people I care about. And you make sure she doesn't brainwash you. Sounds pretty simple to me.
Nik: Well, as long as you have the stuff you care about covered, I guess that's all that matters. (He frowns bitterly) Sorry. I forgot who I was talking to. (He looks pointedly from Lucky to Hannah and back) I guess I'm done here. (Nikolas grabs his coat and heads for the door)
Hannah: Nikolas! (Nikolas ignores her and slams out of the apartment. Lucky stares at the floor. Emily crosses to him again, and puts a hand on his shoulder.
Em: (quietly) Well, congratulations. You scared him away.
Lucky: It's a talent. (Lucky opens the door to the balcony and steps back outside. Emily looks at Hannah and Jason heavily)
Em: I'm.... I'll be right back. (Emily heads after him)
Hannah: Do.. Do you need to know anything else?
Jason: Is there anything else?
Hannah; Not really. It's hard to know what's important.
Jason: Lucky thinks you should stay here.
Hannah: I... She'd know.
Jason: She already knows you're here.
Hannah: I.. I have to make sure she thinks I'm obeying orders. I can't take the chance of letting her know what I'm doing... (she lowers her head) I can take care of things better if I just play along. Can I have my stuff now? I want to get out of here before Lucky comes back. I should go find Nikolas.
On the Balcony.
Lucky stands at the railing looking out at the city. Emily comes up behind him, sliding her arms around his waist.
Em: Are you trying to scare me away too?
Lucky: Emily...
Em: Cause you might as well save yourself the effort, I'm not going anywhere. (Lucky sighs, his shoulder's sagging)
Lucky: Good.
Em: Does... Does your Dad know about this? (Lucky shakes his head. Emily kisses the back of his neck tenderly) Are you going to tell him.
Lucky: I have to go to the house. I guess I'll tell whoever is there.
Em: I know that's going to be hard. (Lucky shrugs and changes the topic)
Lucky: I want you to stay here.
Em: (pulling back) Here?
Lucky: (turning around) The penthouse.
Em: Lucky --
Lucky: Don't argue with me. It's the only place in the city where I'll know you can be safe.
Em: But... I can't!
Lucky: Why not? You were living here a few weeks ago.
Em: No. I mean... what am I going to tell my parents? I can't really go up to them and say "My boyfriend's family's arch nemesis is trying to kill me, I'm going to Jason's".
Lucky: Just tell them anything. It's not like you need a whole lot of excuses to move out of that place.
Em: Lucky, they are really trying. I can't do that to them!
Lucky: You've spent the last eight months talking about how much you want to get out of here!
Em: And I am! In just a couple of months. And I'd really like to be still talking to my parents when I do it.
Lucky: I can't believe you're fighting me on this. Do you want to look at that picture again?
Em: Lucky, please... Just... Let me think about it a little, Ok? (Lucky looks at her a long time, completely chilled. He fights against a desire to just shake her, to somehow make her understand how much he needs to know she's safe right now. Instead he pushes himself off the railing and heads back tot he door.)
Lucky: Fine. I'll take you home.
* * * *
The Spencer House, neighboring woods.
Lulu stares at Helena Cassadine a moment, then struggles up onto her feet again.
Lulu: (suspiciously) How do you know my name?
Helena; I know your brother.
Lulu: (looking her up and down) You don't look like one of Lucky's friends.
Helena: (smiling coldly) I'm not a friend of Lucky's.
Lulu: Well, Nikolas's friends don't come here.
Helena; I'm not entirely a friend. I'm Nikolas's Grandmother. Like Lesley is your Grandmother.
Lulu: (backing up) You're Nikolas's family?
Helena: (crouching down so that they are on eye level) Yes, sweetheart. I am.
Lulu: Oh. (She turns quickly and grabs her stick out of Foster's mouth and points it at Helena threateningly.) I'm not supposed to talk to Nikolas's family. (Helena laughs, delightedly).
Helena: My, my. You are a Spencer. (Lulu frowns at her)
Lulu: I'm going home now.
Helena: Home. How is your mother? (Lulu cocks her head to one side)
Lulu: You know my mother?
Helena: Yes. Of course. I know her very well. Your Grandmother too.
Lulu: Oh.
Helena: In fact I was just about to pay your mother a little visit. Shall we walk together? (Helena reaches out a hand to Lulu. Lu eyes it uncomfortably. She hooks her fingers under Foster's collar instead and brings her stick down on the ground again, looking startlingly impenetrable for a four year old.)
Lulu: It's this way. (She pulls Foster along with her, back up the path to her house).
