Chapter Seventy-Eight:
War Clouds
The Spencer House, just after sunset.
Lulu comes out of the woods, stick still in hand and Foster marching protectively by her side. Helena walks behind them, watching with great amusement. This child is more suspicious than she expected. Rather much like Lucky Spencer had been when she'd encountered him as a young child. That was brief and he had been living under an assumed name without any idea who she was, the visit had been a mild warning to his mother. She remembers he was instantly guarded, and she had attributed it to the life his parents led. But apparently Lulu, despite the comparative stability of her young life, was just as distrusting as he had been. In her, however, Helena finds it charming. She's never found Lucky to be anything but belligerent and angry, even before he knew the family's history with the Cassadines. It seems to be innate. Lulu approaches the corner of the house and casts a wary eye back at her companion.
Lulu: I'm here.
Helena: So you are. Shall we go inside?
Lulu: I'm going to get my Mom. (Helena opens her mouth to respond when the front door swing open, and Laura steps out calling for her daughter)
Laura: Lulu! Lu, dinner! (Lulu runs towards Laura who hears the jingle of Foster's tags as he trots beside her. She turns her head in Lu's direction and smiles as her daughter appears in the light of the porch) There you are! You had me worried out here in the dark. (Helena appears behind her)
Helena: Good evening, Laura. (Laura stands momentarily frozen. Once she's computed the information, however she is down the steps in an instant, pulling Lulu away from Helena's side.
Laura: What are you doing here?
Helena: I realized it was probably in your best interests to know that I will be in town for a short while. I understand how it makes your family uneasy, so I thought it best to make myself known. (Laura stares at her intently, pushing Lulu behind her. Lulu is mildly, though not entirely, shocked by this behavior)
Laura; Lulu, will you take Foster inside.
Lulu: (gravely) I think Foster should stay with you.
Laura: Then will YOU go inside. (Lulu nods, and rush up the steps into the house, the door slamming behind her. She goes to the phone on the table and begins to look for Lucky's phone number. Back outside Laura stands in front of Helena, defensively. Foster, picking up on the vibes, begins to growl at the woman). What do you want?
Helena: It's six o'clock, Laura. Do you know where your children are?
Laura: You leave my sons alone.
Helena: Oh, let me assure you, Nikolas is fine. Lucky is as well, though I have a suspicion he might have had a bad day. (Laura is gripped by cold fear)
Laura: What have you done to him?
Helena: You always suspect the worst of me.
Laura: You ordered my mother killed! You abducted me from my husband, and you forced me to abandon my first born!
Helena: Let's not revise the facts, Laura. All of those things were your choice.
Laura: My CHOICE?
Helena: You brought them all on yourself.
Laura: (hissing) You're a twisted evil woman, and I want you to tell me this moment what you did to Lucky!
Helena: I'm sure you will know soon enough that Lucky's problems have nothing to do with me.
Laura: What problems?
Helena: I do think that's best left between you and your family. Luke will surely tell you everything. You don't keep secrets from each other, do you? (Laura stares at her. Helena can't know... She just can't. If there is anything in the world Laura knows for certain is safe from Helena's ears it's her secret -- if only because other Cassadines have conspired to keep it. The only way she could know is if something happened to Lucky, if she somehow got it out of him, and that would take extreme measures. She feels a sickening panic begin to bubble over inside of her. Despite her greatest efforts to remain rooted, she begins to shake)
Laura: WHAT DID YOU DO?!? (Helena smiles coldly, but Laura's attention is distracted as she hears the motor of Lucky's car as it pulls up into the driveway. Her knees nearly give out on her and she runs to him as the car stops. Lucky, already seeing his mother's distress, kills the engine and is out of the car in record time. Laura throws herself at him, pulling him into a choking hug, tears of relief spilling from her eyes.)
Lucky: Mom, what's wrong? (Laura pulls back, inspecting him for injuries)
Laura: Are you Ok? Are you hurt?
Lucky: No! What's wrong?
Laura: Oh, thank God!
Lucky: Mom -- (he stops as he sees Helena walking towards them.) Where's Lulu? (Laura looks over her shoulder than back at him)
Laura: She's inside, she's fine, Lucky.
Helena: Greetings, young Spencer. You certainly made good time. (Lucky frowns at her)
Lucky: Mom...
Laura: It's all right, Lucky. Why don't you go inside and see Lulu. (Helena's eyes are now trained on Lucky and he quickly gets sucked into a staring contest with her, each maintaining a cool gaze while not missing a single movement the other makes. Laura tries to push Lucky towards the house)
Lucky: I'm not going inside.
Laura: (frustrated) Lucky, I'm fine.
Lucky: I... I think Mrs. Cassadine might have something she wants to say to me.
Helena: I might. I may very well.
Laura: (warningly) Lucky.
Lucky: It's Ok, Mom. You should probably go call Dad.
Laura: Lucky, I'm your mother and I'm absolutely ORDERING you to get into that house.
Lucky: Trust me.
Laura: (frustrated) Lucky! (Lucky looks down at Laura and silently pleads with her. Laura wants to force him to leave, but she realizes it's just not going to happen, And she doesn't want to show anything but a united front to Helena. She glances back at her adversary and then back at Lucky, his eyes still asking for her faith. After a moment, she turns to face Helena). Not one scratch, or so help me --
Lucky: Mom. It's fine. (he smiles slightly at Helena) She's not gonna hurt me.
Helena: Certainly not.
Laura: I'm not taking my eyes off you. (She quickly leaves Lucky's side and dashes into the house. She throws open the door and sees Lulu at the phone)
Lulu: I'm trying to phone Lucky!
Laura: It's Ok, Lulu, he's here. He'll be inside in just a moment. Why don't you go wait for him in your room? (She turns around, and looks back out at Helena and Lucky, standing behind the screen. Lucky, satisfied that his family is somewhat safer than they were a moment ago looks back at Helena).
Lucky: What are you doing here?
Helena: Perhaps I was looking for you.
Lucky: I don't live here. You know that.
Helena: Whatever gives you that idea?
Lucky: From what I understand you know pretty much everything.
Helena: You flatter me.
Lucky: No. I just don't underestimate you.
Helena: We've barely had a moment in each other's company. (She frowns) Your father is always been so fiercely protective of you. Tell me, how is he? (Lucky doesn't say anything. Helena tisks her tongue) Did you have a falling out?
Lucky: (coldly) It was you, wasn't it?
Helena: Whatever do you mean?
Lucky: You.... You did it. You told my father. Somehow... it couldn't have been in person because he never would have believed you.
Helena: What makes you think he was told anything? Personally I've been able to spot a Judas from twenty paces my entire life. I'm surprised your father didn't see it sooner. When was the last time you were really able to look the man in the eye?
Lucky: You don't know anything. You're just trying to see if I'll get upset. If you can get me to make a mistake.
Helena: Hmmm.... That's what you think, is it?
Lucky: It's what I know. (Lucky looks up and meets his mother's gaze then looks back at Helena) I also know you're not going to hurt my sister. Nikolas wouldn't stand for it.
Helena: I have no intentions of harm towards your family, Lucky. If I did you wouldn't have come home to find me here. And I wouldn't have spared the lives of those so-called guards your friend sent over. (Lucky's cell phone starts to ring in his pocket. He ignores it).
Lucky: Too bad. You're not going to get a second chance.
Helena: (nodding towards the source of the ringing) Hadn't you better get that? (Lucky shakes his head slowly)
Lucky: It can't be anyone I'd want to talk to.
Helena: Are you sure? Not even that beautiful girlfriend of yours? (Lucky tenses visibly.) She is lovely. Emily, yes? You shouldn't let that one get away.
Lucky: (gritting his teeth) Get out of here. (Helena smiles at him knowingly)
Helena: Love is fragile. It can be gone in an instant. You never know what can come between two people. There are some things nothing, not even bulletproof glass, can protect. (Helena reaches out and puts a gloves hand to his face. Lucky flinches, but refuses to look away. Helena gives him a look of utter sympathy) Heartache has a way of finding it's mark. (With this, satisfied that she has Lucky thoroughly terrorized for the time being, she sweeps past him and disappears into the darkness. The phone continues to ring and Lucky snatches it from his pocket, flipping it open)
Lucky: What happened?
Jason: Where are you?
Lucky: What's this about? Is Emily Ok?
Jason: She's fine.
Lucky: Jesus, man. You scared the hell out of me.
Jason: It's going to get worse. Helena is at your house.
Lucky: I know, I just finished talking to her.
Jason: Apparently she had my men detained.
Lucky: Explain to me how that happens, Jason.
Jason: She let one of them call in, Lucky. She can't be trying anything tonight. I've already sent out five more men. And they won't keep out of sight this time.
Lucky: I'm not feeling reassured here.
Jason: She caught them by surprise. I had three guys on the house, and she brought six.
Lucky: Jason! She had to have known where they were! How could that happen?
Jason: I don't know, Lucky. Look. I'll take those guys off, Ok? I'm putting a lot of security on the house, she isn't going to hurt anyone, Ok? (Lucky stares at his mother, who coming down the stairs) Lucky?
Lucky: What about Emily?
Jason: No sign of anything there.
Lucky: I want more men on her, Jason.
Jason: Done.
Lucky: Thanks. I mean it.
Jason: We'll talk -- don't let it get to you. Keep your mind clear.
Lucky: I have to go.
Jason: Lucky -- (Lucky hangs up and walks up the porch to Laura)
Lucky: She's gone.
Laura: What did she say to you?
Lucky: Mom, there's security. That was Jason, he's sending people to the house.
Laura: Lucky, tell me what she said.
Lucky: Nothing you haven't heard before.
Laura: My God. My God, what is she doing here? Did she tell you that she was out here with Lulu? I was just inside, I had no idea. (Lucky looks ill)
Lucky: Look. It'll be all right. (He looks over his shoulder) Let's go inside. You gotta call Dad, I'll talk to Lulu.
* * * *
Bannister's Wharf
Nikolas stands at the edge of the dock, looking out over the water to Spoon Island. He's aware that he should go there. He has information now that the family needs. A part of him simply can't see himself making the trip. He hears someone descend the stairs behind him and doesn't have to turn to know who it is. He can't help but be glad she's come after him, as much as he has no idea what to say to her. She stops behind him a moment, then clears her throat)
Hannah: Hi. (Nikolas glances over at her, then looks back out at the lake) I figured if you wanted me to find you, you'd come here.
Nik: You think you know me that well?
Hannah: A part of you.
Nik: What about the fact that my family launch docks here? How do you know that I'm not on my way there right now to tell my uncle everything.
Hannah: Are you?
Nik: I haven't made up my mind yet.
Hannah: Can you at least give me a moment before you do that, then?
Nik: Why? So that you can make sure that you're back in my good graces before Helena finds out what you did today?
Hannah: That is never what this has been about, Nikolas.
Nik: You'll excuse me if I don't exactly rush to believe you.
Hannah: Will you just give me five minutes? I know you don't want to just drop this, all right? I should have told you myself, and Nikolas, you KNOW I tried to. But this morning I knew it couldn't be me anymore. It was too dangerous. So I thought if it was Lucky then maybe it wouldn't be as horrible as it could have been. You have to admit, he told you the truth.
Nik: For what it was worth.
Hannah: He didn't want you to be hurt by this, Nikolas. He really didn't.
Nik: I don't want to talk about Lucky. (He gestures out at the lake) See that? That's the launch. There are ten minutes until he gets here. Say what you have to. (Hannah takes a deep breath, steeling herself against his cold demeanor. )
Hannah: Can we sit down? (Nikolas refuses to look at her. She sighs) All right. Ok. Here it goes. (She takes another breath) Before I came here, Nikolas, you don't know about what my life meant to me.
Nik: It meant nothing, right?
Hannah: I guess it did.
Nik: I've heard this song.
Hannah: (getting tense) Then let me sing it, Ok? (Nikolas shrugs, still looking out at the lake) You're right. It meant nothing. I kept waiting for something to reveal itself to me. Something about the world that held innate joy or peace or something that gave a reason for someone who had no family and no past to be here. I was just marking time until... I don't know what I was waiting for. I must have thought that at some point I would reach a place where the things I'd done wouldn't matter and somehow happiness would just find me. It never did.
Nik; I can finish this thought for you --
Hannah: Nikolas! I know you think you understand what's happening here, but you don't. I wasn't any happier with you than I had been before. How could I be? But there was suddenly this..... I don't know. Potential. You know how hard I fought you, you know what I did to keep you away from me. But you had this horrible tendency to understand things, to actually relate to what I was saying and that, more than anything else was what made you so hard to resist. I wanted to resist, Nikolas. I really did.
Nik: You're asking me to believe that you risked your life, that my Grandmother sent you here and told you to stay away from me, and you not only managed to meet me, but managed to get me into your bed?
Hannah: Hey. Who pursued who here?
Nik: (turning to her) I don't know! How can I trust any moment I spent with you, Hannah? This wasn't a small thing, Hannah.
Hannah: I never said it was small. On the contrary I told you it was so big you'd never want to speak to me again.
Nik: You must have known what I thought it was you had done. You must have known I was thinking you'd broken laws, or --
Hannah: You were thinking whatever you could to make it Ok! You knew that I was dangerous, you knew that there was something dark in me. You KNEW all of that and you practically begged me to keep it from you! You told me over and over again that you didn't want to know. It's... It's amazing. You told me that you can't let yourself trust Lucky, hope for something from Lucky, and you don't even seem to see that you have hope seeping out of every part of you. You WANT to believe the best of me. And you want to believe the best of Lucky -- It is SO clear to me that you want a brother. And you wanted me. But you don't want to deal with the fact that you might not like everything that you find out. You have such high expectations, you have so little patience for frailty --
Nik: THIS ISN'T A SMALL THING, HANNAH! This is.... Do you understand? This is my family. My family, my Grandmother, all of that control, all of that manipulation showing up in the last place I ever thought I'd find it. I can't escape it! It's everywhere, it's always going to be everywhere, and you can NEVER make up for that.
Hannah: I know EXACTLY what this is, Nikolas. I know, because I was there. I was there and I kissed you when I knew it would cost me, I made love to you when I knew that it would get me killed, and I feel in love with you when I knew that we had no future. And I didn't do it because of your family! I did it in SPITE of them. Any moment we ever spent together, all the ones that really counted had nothing to do with Helena or Lucky--
Nik: (enraged) Don't talk to me about him! I'm finished with you, Hannah. I'm not going to listen to any of this anymore. You've used Lucky to manipulate me from the start. I blindly believed you just had some sort of understanding of the situation, like you could see my good intentions even if he couldn't and that must mean they were really there.
Hannah: Nikolas! That's not what --
Nik: Lucky told me you had no choice. And I think that he actually believes it. But how am I supposed to say that he's right?
Hannah: Don't you think Lucky can tell when he's being lied to? (Nikolas looks away, then nods his consent) THEN LISTEN TO ME, please. Just let me say what I have to say.
Nik: It won't make a difference. You can't convince me any of this was real.
Hannah: You'll never know that if you don't give me a chance.
Nik: Fine. Then consider this your chance.
* * * *
Spencer House, Lulu's room.
Lucky stands in the doorway for a moment and regards his sister. She is kneels on her bed facing the window, a ragged doll given to her by Lesley on her lap. She hears a creak on the hardwood floor as Lucky shifts his weight and looks up at him. She smiles, though she looks tired. He enters the room.
Lucky: Hey, kiddo. I hear you had a visitor.
Lulu: Nikolas's grandmother. (Lucky sits down on the bed next to her)
Lucky: She tell you that?
Lulu: Yup. But I knew that we don't trust them. Daddy says never to go with any of them. But I was playing in the woods and I knew I couldn't run, so I just said I was coming back here and she followed me.
Lucky: That's good, Lulu.
Lulu: I made sure that Foster was next to me, too. Just in case.
Lucky: Great. It's Ok now, don't worry.
Lulu: I don't like her.
Lucky: Yeah, well.... I don't like her much either.
Lulu: Because she's a Cassadine?
Lucky: Because.... Sometimes she hurts people, Lulu. And you know we have to be careful of them. You understand that, right?
Lulu: But Nikolas is a Cassadine.
Lucky: Nikolas is different.,
Lulu: Because he's one of us.
Lucky: He's NOT one-- (Lucky stops short and looks down at Lulu) He's... yeah. He's one of us, Lu. He's safe. He'd never ever hurt you.
Lulu: I know.
Lucky: But.... There's going to be some men who will be watching you now, Ok? They just want to make sure she leaves you alone, can you deal with that?
Lulu: Yup.
Lucky: Great. (He looks at her tenderly) You're a great kid, Lulu.
Lulu: So are you. (Lucky laughs, and pulls her into a hug.)
Lucky: (quietly) I love you. (He holds her close to him, not wanting to let her out of his arms. Right now he knows that she's safe. But the second he lets go, anything could happen. Lulu, hugging him back, begins to feel uneasy)
Lulu: Are you Ok, Lucky?
Lucky: (pulling away) I'm fine, Lu.
Lulu: You're upset.
Lucky: No. It's all going to be fine. Don't worry. And I know you're going to be fine. You're smart and you know how to take care of yourself. I'm really proud of you, kid. (Lulu frowns)
Lulu: Why?
Lucky: 'Cause. You're growing up. And you're brave and strong and all those good things.
Lulu: (smiling) Just like you.
Lucky: Maybe more. (He tousles her hair) You're going to be fine.
Lulu: (suspicious) Lucky..... Are you leaving?
Lucky: Uh.... Ok. Look. Dad's going to be home soon. And you know he'll take care of everything. He always does. But I have to go to see Emily. There's no one there to make sure she's Ok right now, so I have to go and do that, all right?
Lulu: Will you come back?
Lucky: I think Dad'll have it covered.
Lulu: I want you to come back.
Lucky: Lulu..... Look. This is hard to explain... but I don't think Dad will want me here. Not for a while.
Lulu: (horrified) Why not?
Lucky: It's not a bad thing. It's not. Because I have to take care of Emily. And Dad can take care of you and Mom. And all of this will be over so fast, you'll hardly even remember it. (He forces a smile) I gotta plan. I'm going to solve the problem and then everything will be back to normal. Maybe even better. Who knows?
Lulu: Is that why Daddy wouldn't want you here? Because you're taking care of Emily?
Lucky: Dad... Ok. It's easier if he doesn't have to worry about me too. That way things will be better for all of you. But whatever happens, I am coming back. No way are you getting rid of me that easy.
Lulu: (deep concern) I don't want to get rid of you! You keep saying that and I don't want to get rid of you!
Lucky: Ok. Ok, I won't say that anymore then.
Lulu: I love you, Lucky. I love you better than all my books and toys and everything. I love you better than anything. (Lucky feels tears come to his eyes) You and Mommy and Daddy and Nikolas.
Lucky: (forcing levity) What about Foster?
Lulu: And Foster. Foster too.
Lucky: Well, Lu... if you can believe it, I love you more than that.
Lulu: That's impossible.
Lucky: Nothing's impossible. Remember that. (He kisses the top of her head) I'm telling you, no time at all, I'll be back. But I have to go help Emily, Ok?
Lulu: Ok. (Lucky stands up)
Lucky: Be good.
Lulu: Ok. Lucky? (Lucky turns back to her)
Lucky: yeah?
Lulu: Don't worry about Mom. Foster and me will protect her until Dad gets here. (Lucky stares at her as the words sink in. He feels a huge lump form in his throat. Lulu looks at him, worried) Lucky?
Lucky: (shaking his head) Ok, Lulu. But protect yourself too.
Lulu: (confused) Ok. I thought you'd be happy. (Lucky turns and looks down the hall, staring hard)
Lucky: I am. You just reminded me of someone, that's all. (He looks back at her) I'll see you soon.
Lulu: (holding up her chin, the picture of four year old bravery) Ok. I'll be waiting for you. (Lucky nods and heads down the hall. He dashes down the stairs and stops at the landing. Laura is standing there with the phone still in her hand)
Laura: Your father said he would be here in five minutes.
Lucky: Good.
Laura: You look awful, Lucky. There's no point in waiting, get Lulu and we'll start dinner. Jason's men are already on the porch.
Lucky: Ok.
Laura: Lucky? Are you Ok?
Lucky: I have to leave.
Laura: Lucky!
Lucky: It's not up for debate. Lulu knows, she's fine with it. Dad'll be here, he'll take care of everything, you know that.
Laura: Lucky, if this is because of me --
Lucky: No. Its not that. (He moves to the door)
Laura: Lucky!
Lucky: They'll be fine. She said she wouldn't be back.
Laura: you can't put much stock in what Helena says.
Lucky: I don't. (He opens the door. The two men on the porch turn and face him. One is Johnny, Jason's own body guard. He nods, then turns back to Laura) You're all safe. Tell Dad .... (he stops and stares at his mother, who is looking at him helplessly) Tell Dad I couldn't stay. (he turns and walks out the door. Laura, in shock, watches after him a moment, then rushes for the door, chasing after him)
Laura: Lucky! Lucky, please. Come back. (Lucky doesn't look back. He sees another man at the bottom of the driveway as he opens the door to his car.)
Lucky: Take care of them. (He gets into the car and starts it. Without waiting for it to warm up, he pulls out and leaves the driveway).
