Chapter Eighty-Two:
Alls Well That Ends Well
Luke's Club, parking lot.
Lucky stares at Nikolas, digesting the magnitude of what he just said. He blinks.
Lucky: YOU have a way to get rid of Helena.
Nik: Is that so unbelievable? (Lucky steps back from him, eying him suspiciously)
Lucky: I'm reserving judgment. Is this what you were "considering" talking to me about?
Nik; The thought had crossed my mind. (Lucky sighs and puts down one of his bags, crossing his arms)
Lucky: Ok. Let's have it then. (Nikolas looks down at the bad, then up at Lucky)
Nik: (suspiciously) What's with the bag?
Lucky: (annoyed) Could you answer the question?
Nik: You're taking off, aren't you?
Lucky: I'm not "taking off."
Nik: Then what's with the bag? (Lucky looks away, feeling himself getting tense again. He can't do this. He can't fight with this guy NOW, there isn't time. And he can't afford to get emotional and make a mistake. He takes a deep breath, attempting to ground himself).
Lucky: It's the only way to keep Emily safe.
Nik: You sure about that?
Lucky: (with a growl of frustration) Do you think I'd be doing this if I wasn't?
Nik: I don't know. You don't usually need much of an excuse to hit the road.
Lucky: I don't need this. (Lucky picks up his bag and starts for the car. Nikolas reaches out and grabs his shoulder)
Nik: Lucky, wait. (Lucky stops and turns back to him. Nikolas releases his grip) You can't just leave like this!
Lucky: (exasperated) Come on, Nikolas You know your Grandmother as well as the rest of us at this point. You think me staying here is really going to keep anyone safe? (Nikolas doesn't say anything.) No. It's not.
Nik: This about what Hannah said? About you and I? (Lucky snorts)
Lucky: This isn't about you.
Nik: Ok. Then explain to me how this is going to be good for Lulu and Laura.
Lucky: (turning away) I don't have to explain anything to you.
Nik: Fine. You want to be stubborn about this, then go ahead. But don't wonder why I question your motives. (Lucky drops the bag and turns back to him)
Lucky: Man! You know, just once you could consider that I actually THINK before I act.
Nik: Hey, If you have reasons for the stuff you do, you've never shared them with me.
Lucky: Gee, there's a mystery for you. (Nikolas and Lucky lock eyes, both sick of this stupid game. Lucky reminds himself about Emily, and leans closer to Nikolas, replacing his glower with a cocky smirk) Well, today's your lucky day, Nikolas. 'Cause I'm actually going to let you do me a favor.
Nik: LET me.
Lucky: You wanna be in the loop? I'm willing to be reasonable.
Nik: Since WHEN?
Lucky: I'm always reasonable. (Nikolas looks at him pointedly) In my own way.
Nik: You're going to going to have to explain that to me sometime.
Lucky: If I do, you're going to let me in on this "grand scheme" of yours?
Nik: Maybe.
Lucky: Oh, come on. We both know that you're going to tell me. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Nik: I don't know about that. You seem to need something from me.
Lucky: What, you want me to say it? Yeah, Nikolas. After four years, I finally found a use for you.
Nik: I won't let it go to my head.
Lucky: This isn't about me, Ok? It's for Emily. (Nikolas nods)
Nik: Right. (Lucky chooses to ignore this. He fold his arms again and looks at Nikolas darkly)
Lucky: Your Grandmother came to my parent's house today.
Nik: WHAT?
Lucky: She didn't do anything, don't worry. She just seemed to want to let us know that she could. You know? She COULD have hurt Lulu, but she didn't.
Nik: How is she?
Lucky: She's cool. She'll be fine. You know how she is. She has to evaluate everything, then she's fine once she finds answers she likes.
Nik: What does this have to do with Emily?
Lucky: I wanted her to go back to Jason. Helena is... anticipating that. She let me know Em's not safe here. So I'm taking away.
Nik; Wait. Because of something my grandmother said?
Lucky: Basically.
Nik: What makes you think that she doesn't want you to do that?
Lucky: I just don't.
Nik: Lucky, this is what she DOES. She shows up and manipulates people into doing exactly what she wants them to do. She did it to Katherine, she did it to Alexis and --
Lucky: You don't think I know that? No, I got a pretty clear sense that she wanted to scare me. She wanted me to know that she could kill my mother, sister... And my girlfriend. On top of that, she all but admitted that she's the one that made sure my Dad found out about Jason. She wants me here. And she wants me distracted. So I'm doing the opposite. I'm going to be somewhere else, and I'm going to be real focused. (Nikolas considers this. Finally he nods slowly)
Nik: You think Laura and Lulu will be safe.
Lucky: I know they will. She's not going to touch them, not if she wants something from you. (Nikolas frowns)
Nik: I think you're right.
Lucky: (blinking) What?
Nik: If she's up to something, it has more to do with you and me than it does with them. (Lucky stares at him blankly)
Lucky: You realize you just AGREED with me, right?
Nik: Had to happen eventually.
Lucky: Says who?
Nik: (angrily) Look, what do you want from me?
Lucky: (laughing) Ok, Ok, calm down. People say *I'm* tense. Look, Nikolas. I don't have anymore time to waste. I'm taking Emily, and I'm disappearing. If Hannah was telling the truth, that preempts her entire plan.
Nik: Hannah was telling the truth.
Lucky: (caught off guard again) She what?
Nik: She had no reason to lie. That was the truth.
Lucky: You believe her.
Nik: Yeah, I do.
Lucky: You've forgiven her,
Nik: It's out of her control.
Lucky: Are you feeling all right?
Nik: (annoyed) Spencer!
Lucky: Ok. I recognize that. You believe her, fine. I think I do too.
Nik: You just agreed with ME.
Lucky: Spooky, isn't it? (Nikolas smiles slightly. This is strange. He can't think of a time in history when talking to Lucky was ever this easy. He's still totally belligerent, but at least there is some kind of progression being made. Lucky coughs, and looks away, suddenly uncomfortable). Look, either way, I'm leaving. That's where you come in.
Nik: How?
Lucky: I'm not taking off forever. Emily's not going to just leave the Q's, and I've got some ties here. We want to come back. Thing is... I need someone who can reliably let me know when that's possible.
Nik: You... You're asking me?
Lucky: I promised Lu I'd be home soon. You're going to help me make sure that happens.
Nik: So you TALKED to Lesley Lu?
Lucky: (patiently) Yes, Nikolas.
Nik: What about --
Lucky: I don't have time for the Spanish Inquisition, Nikolas. Yes, or no?
Nik: Of course.
Lucky: Ok. (there's an awkward pause) Thanks.
Nik: (clearing his throat) You're leaving tonight?
Lucky: Yeah. (he smirks) Unless this great plan of yours requires I stay.
Nik: No. I think it's probably better you leave either way. (The dismissive nature of Nikolas's comment irks Lucky.)
Lucky: (highly skeptical) Are you serious about this? You think there's actually some secret plan that can make the Wicked Witch of the Mediterranean melt into dust?
Nik: That would really be incomprehensible to you, wouldn't it? That your family missed an angle?
Lucky: (flatly) Yeah, it would. So you can say you have my curiosity piqued.
Nik: It's not important. Just... I think there is one piece of information out there that my Grandmother doesn't have. And it'll change everything.
Lucky: You can guarantee that?
Nik: Yes, I think I can. (Lucky laughs slightly, shaking his head)
Lucky: I didn't think you could say ANYTHING to me that would make me think staying in town was a good idea, but if you're planning on playing hero, I think I just might have to stick around and make sure it's not going to blow up all over you.
Nik: Don't bother.
Lucky: You wanna assuage my fears, Nikky, give me a clue here.
Nik: (tense) I'm not going to do anything but tell the truth. I think that's a formidable weapon against anyone, even the great Helena Cassadine.
Lucky: (frustrated) Man! Will you stop being so cryptic? What the hell are you-- (Lucky stops dead. He stares at Nikolas, suddenly without words. Nikolas looks back at him, confused) Oh my God. You know.
* * * *
Luke's Club.
Emily stands by the door and watches Hannah at the stage. She stares at her intently, trying to memorize everything she can. The way she stands, the way she moves, all of it. Hannah is not like Hannah when she's onstage. She's more fluid, less nervous and she's not always trying to explain something.... She barely knows this woman. She barely knows the surface of what she must have to tell her. Emily tears her eyes away from her and surveys the room. She notices John, the bartender, staring at her, and remembers Lucky's warning. She pastes on a smile and walks over to him.)
Em: Hey, John. Have you seen Lucky?
John: 'Bout to ask you the same thing.
Em: No, not since this afternoon.
John: Sorry, then. Can't help ya. (Emily sighs and sinks onto a bar stool) I think I'll take in the ambiance a moment. (She looks back at Hannah, who is setting up for her final number. She looks out at the audience and sees Emily. A smile flickers across her face and she leans over and whispers something to the piano player. She looks up at the audience and points at Emily)
Hannah: This is for you. (Emily smiles slightly, and leans back against the bar, trying to remain detached from this whole thing. The music starts, the song is "Strange Boat").
We're sailing in a strange boat
Heading for a strange shore
We're sailing in a strange boat
Heading for a strange shore
Carrying the strangest cargo
That was ever hauled aboard.
We're sailing on a strange sea
Blown by a strange wind
We're sailing on a strange sea
Blown by a strange wind
Carrying the strangest crew
That ever sinned
We're riding in a strange car
We're following a strange star
We're climbing on the strangest ladder
That was ever there to climb
We're living in a strange time
Working for a strange goal
We're living in a strange time
Working for a strange goal
We're turning flesh and body
Into soul
(Emily can't help but smile at the words to the song. She's touched, despite her best efforts. Hannah replaces the microphone and steps off the stage, crossing the bar to her)
Hannah: Hi. I didn't expect you to be around tonight.
Em: Life is full of surprises. Guess I don't have to tell you that.
Hannah: No. No, I think I'm beginning to understand that I can't keep trying to force stuff to work out for me.
Em: (smiling slightly) I really liked that song.
Hannah: I... This might sound strange, but I always thought that if you came back and heard me sing, I'd sing that song for you. Just seemed appropriate somehow.
Em: I should have come back
Hannah: Well... You have now.
Em: I just....
Hannah: I know. I always hoped that we'd have more time before... This happened.
Em: Me too.
Hannah: Well, you roll with it, right?
Em: I guess so.
Hannah: Are you looking for Lucky?
Em: Uh... Yeah. He's... I can't stay, I'm sorry. I think it's probably better for me to be at home right now. Safer, I mean.
Hannah; You're right. Being out in public can be unnerving.
Em: Well, I know Lucky will feel better if he knows where I am.
Hannah: I will too. For what that's worth.
Em: It's worth... more than I let you think. It's worth a lot. I just wished there had been more time to really figure all this stuff out. But.... (she winces slightly) Ok. I knew my Mom was going to die for a long time before she did. And then when I was lying with her, and she finally stopped breathing, and I knew she was gone, none of it felt like enough. But it has to be. It's all we had.
Hannah: Well.... If we're both Lucky, and things go our way then we'll have more time, won't we?
Em: yeah. Yes, we will. I have to believe that we will.
Hannah: Me too. It's going to be really hard for the next little while, but somehow, I'm sure we're not done with each other yet. But for right now, it's probably best we don't spend a lot of time together.
Em: Probably not. (She frowns at her) I... I'm glad you came here, Hannah. I really am. (Hannah smiles, her eyes shinning)
Hannah: I have two more sets. Don't make me ruin my make up.
Em: (laughing ) I won't. I... I... (She stares at her, feeling tears pricking her own eyes) Hannah?
Hannah: Yes? (Emily looks at her, knowing her facade is crumbling. She has to do this. She can't leave without it. She moves to her and wraps her arms around her. Hannah is startled, but hugs her back. Emily closes her eyes a moment and tries to remember what this feels like. It's familiar, too much like her mother's embrace. She pulls back, knowing she'll lose it completely otherwise, and forces a smile) See you soon, Ok? (Hannah nods, dumbly) Bye.
Hannah: Bye. (Emily turns and walks towards the door) Emily!
Em: (turning back) Yeah?
Hannah: Let me walk you out.
* * *
Luke's Club, Parking lot.
Lucky can't feel the ground beneath his feet. In fact, he can't feel much of anything, except for the sudden slant everything seems to be on as he adjusts to the shift of his world's axis. He stares into Nikolas's eyes with an incredible intensity. Nikolas returns the look, feeling more than a little off center himself).
Nik: (slowly) Know... what?
Lucky: You tell me. (They continue to stare at each other, neither one willing to make the next move. Lucky can feel every hair on his body suddenly standing on end. This isn't possible. There is no WAY The Dark One would tell Nikolas this. Of course, there was no way HIS mother would have told him either.) Tell me. What truth are you talking about here?
Nik: (looking away) It's a Cassadine matter.
Lucky: Not if it involves my Mother. (Nikolas looks back)
Nik: How.... What the hell are you talking about?
Lucky: (quietly) I think you know.
Nik: Then spit it out.
Lucky: You first. (The stand, deadlocked, both convinced the other knows, but unwilling to blurt out the words they've both kept secret for so long. Finally Lucky snaps, hitting the stone-faced Nikolas's shoulder angrily) Go ahead! What is this great plan of yours, Nikolas? Tell me! (Nikolas studies his face. Anger. Some desperation. But... No.. Not possible. He can't know. He clears his throat, looking away, and speaks patiently)
Nik: Helena has only ever wanted me for one reason. And that reason is that I will have the power in the family. She can gain control through me, through my loyalty. And she will NEVER leave me alone, not until the day that she realizes that she can't get anything from me. Well, I have news that will convince her that I'm of no use to her. And that means everything stops.
Lucky: Because....
Nik: It doesn't matter why, Lucky. It does matter that I can end it. And I'm going to.
Lucky: (deadly quiet) Over my dead body. (Nikolas looks at him sharply)
Nik: You don't.... You --
Lucky: No way, Nikolas. I'm not going to let you be this stupid. (Nikolas feels his body tense. He has to know. It's impossible, he knows that, but he has to know.)
Nik: (sharply) How?
Lucky: Never mind how. I could ask you the same question.
Nik: You ... You can't.
Lucky: (shaking with anger) I can and I do. You're not Stavros's son, Nikolas. You're Stefan's. (Nikolas takes a step back, almost as if he's been hit. Lucky feels the earth spin beneath him as they both confirm the other's suspicions).
Nik: You do know.
Lucky: Yup.
Nik: How... How.... How can you know?
Lucky: How can you? Did Uncle Vlad sit you down on his knee one day and tell you that he'd neglected to mention that he's betrayed his brother with your mother? (Nikolas, thoroughly freaked, lashes out at Lucky, pushing him hard. Lucky stumbles, but doesn't fall, instead accepting the invitation to push back) DON'T TOUCH ME! Don't you lay a hand on me.
Nik: When? WHEN did you find out?
Lucky: Doesn't matter.
Nik: (feeling sick) Laura knows? DOES LAURA KNOW?
Lucky: (shrugging) That would make sense, wouldn't it?
Nik: She knows. She knows and she never --
Lucky: (highly agitated) This isn't the point, Nik. What matters is there is no way in hell I'm letting you tell Helena. If I have to gag you and lock you in a closet, I'll do it.
Nik: What?
Lucky: You are NOT telling her!
Nik: (fiercely) This doesn't concern you, Spencer. (Wrong thing to say. Lucky grabs Nikolas, and with startling force, even for him, throws his brother up against the wall)
Lucky: (exploding) TWO YEARS, Nikolas. Two YEARS it's been my concern. And you are not throwing this away now. No way in hell. (Lucky struggles to catch his breath. He releases Nikolas and walks away a few steps, trying to grab hold of sanity again) There are other people involved, Nikolas. You don't get to make a unilateral decision.
Nik: Wait a minute! This is my family, my problem, MY father. This isn't about you, or --
Lucky: Mom? You don't think so? You want to ask yourself what her life will be worth the minute she's not the mother to the heir? Did you ever think about that? You give me one reason why your PSYCHO grand mother isn't going to just tear up half of Port Charles after she hears this.
Nik: She will have lost. My uncle.. Stefan is the true heir.
Lucky: You think she CARES? God, Nikolas. The only thing that keeps her from just annihilating this whole planet is the fact that YOU are here, don't you get that? That's the insurance, you tell her this, and you're not worth anything. SHE WILL KILL YOU!
Nik: (darkly) Another reason your family won't object.
Lucky: Oh, don't. Just save the "poor wronged prince" stuff, Ok?
Nik; This has nothing to do with your family!
Lucky: On WHAT planet?
Nik: This is not about YOU! And I'm not going to get sucked into thinking it is! This is between Cassadines.
And you don't have a say.
Lucky: Maybe not. But you THINK. (He points a warning finger at him) You just think about what this will mean. What this is going to mean to Mom, to Lulu.... (Lucky leaves the sentence unfinished, but Nikolas can almost hear the words echoing inside his head. He completes it without thinking)
Nik: To you? (Lucky shakes his head firmly)
Lucky: You're nothing to me. (He turns, picking up his bags, and starts across the parking lot. Nikolas watches after him in shock, then, as if hit by lightening, suddenly runs after him)
Nik: Hey! Lucky! (Lucky doesn't turn. He reaches the car and opens the trunk, tossing the bags in). Lucky! Explain something to me.
Lucky: (viciously slamming the trunk) WHAT?
Nik: You guys may have known for ... What, two years? (He shakes his head) That's all the more reason to tell. I don't need your father hanging this over my head, threatening my ruination. I can't even conceive of why he would have kept his distance this long! (Lucky stares at him a moment, then turns back to the trunk)
Lucky: (Low) You value your life, Nik, and you won't be mentioning this to him either. (The words just hand in the air. Nikolas feels like the wind has been knocked out of him as he the full weight of this hits him)
Nik: (quietly) He doesn't know.
Lucky: I have to leave.
Nik: You never told him? (Lucky pushes past Nikolas and walks back to the front of the club on decidedly shaky legs. Nikolas stares at the spot where Lucky was standing and turns to follow him) You could have ruined everything! You could have destroyed us. Do you know that?
Lucky: (spinning to face him) I'm not an idiot!
Nik: Then why? Why, two years ago, you wanted me dead. You wanted nothing more than to see me in shame. And you kept this secret?
Lucky: Go figure.
Nik: (grabbing his shoulders, violently) WHY? Tell me!
Lucky: I DON'T KNOW! (The words rush out of Lucky in a torrent. He doesn't even seem to be aware of where he is or what he's saying until it's out there). I don't know, Nikolas. You think there has been a day that I haven't asked myself that? You think I didn't WANT to tell the world? I told myself it was to keep my parents together. But MAN. How to watch a marriage you know is hanging by a thread? You know what that's like? To sit there day after day and watch this idyllic little life, that's supposed to be so strong, that you KNOW can be taken down with a sentence. How do you have respect for that? (Lucky's voice becomes a low growl) Your family destroyed everything I grew up believing in. And don't think for a second that I don't hate them with every fiber of my being. (Nikolas steps back, aware that Lucky is not exactly stable. His brother is breathing hard and ragged and the words are being spit from his mouth with more venom than Nikolas has ever heard from him. Lucky looks at him, his eyes fiery and wild.)
Nik: Then why do it? Why protect us from the same annihilation?
Lucky: I don't know, Nikolas. Maybe I'm just soft. Maybe I never really had what it took to do what needed to be done. I'm sorry. I flunked the test. I stood here, RIGHT HERE, and I watched you struggle to breath and without EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT, I went and got that damn pen. I didn't have to do that. There were dozens of people here, you wouldn't have died. Not as long as Jason was here. You never needed my protection, you've never needed my help. So don't ask me to explain why you keep getting it. (Nikolas is floored by what Lucky just said, though not quite as much as Lucky. He steps back, dizzily. The door behind them opens and Nikolas looks up and sees Emily come out followed by Hannah. Emily looks at Nikolas's face and freezes)
Em: What.... (Lucky, hearing her voice, turns and grabs her wrist as if it's a life-preserver thrown to a drowning man. He pulls her towards him)
Lucky: (gruffly) Come on. Let's go.
Em: Lucky! (Lucky starts across the parking lot. Emily tosses a look at Nikolas who is watching after them, and then guesses her best course of action is to follow Lucky. She runs beside him) Can you lose the vice grip? (Lucky drops her wrist as they approach the car. He starts around the side, but she stops him, grabbing his arm and turning him to face her) Lucky! What happened?
Lucky: It doesn't matter. (Emily examines his face. She steps towards him, winding her arms around his waist, sliding them under his jacket. Lucky's arms go limp at her touch and after a moment, he wraps them around her)
Em: (murmuring) It's Ok, Lucky. Whatever it is, it's got to be Ok. (She presses against him, hearing his heart race a million miles an hour. )
At the door
(Hannah eyes Nikolas tentatively.) Hannah: Are... you Ok?
Nik: No.
Hannah: What...
Nik: I can't believe this. (he looks at Hannah) He's leaving.
Hannah: What?
Nik: He's taking Emily out of town. So she'll be safe.
Hannah: Oh my God.
Nik: I.... I think I finally understand what it is he wants from me... And he's leaving.
Hannah: (at a loss) I'm sorry.
Nik: He can't leave forever.
Hannah: And when he comes back? (Nikolas shakes his head, at a loss)
Across the parking lot
Lucky: (straightening up, and trying to push down the overwhelming emotion he's struggling with) You ready?
Em: (laughing weakly) As ready as I'll ever be.
Lucky: Ok. (Lucky tries to focus on the task at hand) We're just going to drive to Buffalo. We can ditch the car there and get a bus.
Em: Ok. (she lays her hand over his heart, still beating wildly) Are you sure you're all right.
Lucky: I will be. When we get the hell out of this town.
Em: Ok. I just... I know you and Nikolas looked pretty serious when we came out of the club.
Lucky: Look. This is what's best, for all of us. We have to go. We have to go tonight.
Em: (Moving closer) I know. (she slides a hand around his neck) Some place where no one will find us. No interruptions for once. Just you and me and a whole lot of time. (she kisses him. Lucky, admittedly tired, and stressed, feels like he's being pulled into her, stuck and unable to resist... He wants to drown in her, feel nothing else but this, her kiss, her touch, her love. He surrenders to the moment, kissing her in the middle of the lot. At the club door, Nikolas watches, still in shock, He feels grateful, actually grateful to know that Lucky has her -- he has love. She was probably the only thing getting him through this. Nikolas puts his arm around Hannah, still watching the couple, when he hears a screech of a car coming around the corner at breakneck speed. The car, long and black, flies down the street at an odd angle. Nikolas realizes it's aiming towards his brother.)
Nik: LUCKY! (Lucky and Emily, hearing the sound of the car and Nikolas's warning at the same moment, spring apart. Lucky pulls Emily, jerking her violently towards him, and he attempts to jump out of the way of the oncoming vehicle. Nikolas starts to run towards them, Hannah close behind, but he stops dead as he hears, almost before he sees it hit, the sickening thud of the car colliding with it's victim. The wheels screech again as the car turns, and pulls away into the night.
