Chapter Eighty-One:
Bannister's Wharf.
Nikolas stares at Hannah. She looks angry, shaking with emotion. He doesn't say anything. She walks towards him again, with barely contained rage.
Hannah: Do you really have that much ability to totally rewrite history? To turn everything we shared into nothing? How can you do that? You were in LOVE with me this morning! I didn't realize it was so fragile.
Nik: Hannah.
Hannah: NO! Listen to me! I want you to think about this JUST ONCE from someone else's point of view! Do you know why I'm here? Have you thought about that? I am here, in this city, on this continent, even, for God's sake, because my sister had a daughter who grew up to be LUCKY SPENCER'S GIRLFRIEND! That's it! That's the whole story! It's like the guy who flipped the coin and got the seat on the airplane that killed Buddy Holly, it's like.... It's like that guy who died because he threw himself at a pane of "unbreakable glass" and the whole pane came out of the window. It's this! (she snaps her fingers) It's a sick twist of fate, and all of the sudden I'm in the middle of a war I'd never even heard of. I made a lot of mistakes in my life, Nikolas. And maybe this is my punishment, who knows, I'm not going to examine my karma right now. But out of all those mistakes, I can't think of one of them that is really responsible for getting me HERE! Because this is about the most UNLUCKY thing I've ever heard of! I don't even know what this war is about! NO one will tell me! So I am sorry if I messed up, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you the truth, but you try to imagine what it's like to be dropped into this place out of nowhere? You think this makes sense? You think normal people can't use their phone because it's bugged? You think they worry that their boyfriend's Grandmother is going to come through the door at any time and just shoot them on the spot? That's the life I've been living. And I'm sorry that I fell in love with you. You will never know how sorry I am that I had to do that to you. It was awful of me Nikolas, I know.
Nik: (softening) Hannah.
Hannah: You know, you complain about being kept in the dark all the time, you have no idea what it is really like to live in the dark. You have ALL the power here. Lucky told me that I'd have to accept the fact that my life was out of my hands now. That I was just a part of the feud now. And I can't believe how long it took me to figure out how TOTALLY right he was. Say whatever you want, the kid is SMART, and I sure as hell should have been listening to him. So there you go, Nikolas. You can be angry at me. You can hate me. You can do all of that. And YOUR life still goes on. I get to stand here in limbo, knowing that I probably signed my death warrant this afternoon, but here I am, fighting with everything in me to get you to believe me when I say I love you!
Nik: I believe you.
Hannah: (laughing) GREAT! Wonderful. So you believe me. (tearing up) So what does that mean? What does that MEAN anymore, Nikolas.
Nik: I'm sorry.
Hannah: What?
Nik: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.... I ..... God, Hannah... (Nikolas stares at her, feeling about two feet tall.) I don't know what else to say.
Hannah: Don't say anything. (She walks towards him) Just tell me that it's going to be all right. (Nikolas looks at her, and finally sees clearly. She's scared. And she's tired. And she loves him. He reaches out and pulls her against him, holding her close against him)
Nik: I'm sorry, Corrine. I'm sorry this happened. (Hannah breaks down finally in his arms, her tears falling faster. She clings to him and buries her face against his chest. Nikolas closes his eyes, feeling the pain spilling out of her, and strokes her hair, waiting for it to subside).
* * * *
Lucky's Car, the streets of Port Charles.
Emily is chewing her lips in deep contemplation of the decision she just made. She just left... not even a note! This was extreme. What was worrying her was how quickly the decision had been made -- though years of being Lucky's girlfriend should have prepared her for this kind of spontaneity. She looks over at him, as they pull up to a red light. She doesn't know how, but she can't help but hope that he'll be less tense once they get out of town. That certainly isn't the case right now. She reaches over and puts her hand on the back of his neck, massaging in gently. Lucky exhales heavily and leans back on the headrest, closing his eyes a moment.
Em: So... dare I ask?
Lucky: What?
Em: The plan. I assume you have one.
Lucky: It's a little sketchy yet, but yeah, I have one. First I have to go to the club and get my stuff.
Em: Sounds reasonable. Of course, if my parents figure out I left...
Lucky: How long do you think it'll take them.
Em: Best case scenario, Monica heads Grandfather off at the stairs and insists that they leave me alone. Then everyone will probably try to get the story out of AJ and considering how hard you hit him, that could take awhile. So that would buy us an hour, or so at least.
Lucky: I don't plan on the basis of "best case scenarios".
Em: No... but I like to do this silly think I call "hope for the best".
Lucky: I noticed. You're really pulling out the stops tonight.
Em: I'm here, aren't I?
Lucky: (looking over at her) Yeah. You are. (He leans over and kisses her. After a moment they hear the car behind them honk, and realize the light has changed on them. Lucky pulls back and continues to head to the club. Emily sits back in her seat)
Em: Ok. WORST case scenario.... Fifteen minutes. I think I bought us at LEAST a fifteen minute head start. And then once they figure out I'm gone they'll descend into chaos for a while.... Huh. I'm coming back to an hour.
Lucky: It'll take me about five minutes at the club. If that. I'm just going to the apartment.
Em: You think your Dad'll be --
Lucky: No. No, he wouldn't leave Mom and Lulu.
Em: Ok. So five minutes at the club. Then what? (Lucky doesn't answer. Emily looks over at him) Lucky?
Lucky: I have to see Nikolas.
Em: Nikolas!
Lucky: Look. I'm trying to be reasonable here, Ok? That's what you want, right?
Em: I gave up on you being reasonable about four years ago.
Lucky: (heavily) Do you want to know what we're doing or not?
Em: Remember to pick up your sense of humor at the apartment too, while you're at it. (Lucky glances over at her. She smiles at him brightly and he cracks a smile) There we go! I was beginning to think you'd lost the ability. (Lucky rolls his eyes) Ok. I'll leave you alone. Why are we going to see Nikolas?
Lucky: Because.... You're right. We have to find some way to keep in touch with what's happening in Port Charles. And I can't deal with my family, they're out. We sure as hell can't deal with yours. Plus.... Anyone else, Jason -- I think she's getting information from someone, so that's out. Carly, Mike, they're too obvious, Helena could mess with them somehow. So... who is that last person on earth I'd check in with?
Em: Nikolas.
Lucky: Pretty much. Plus, we can reach him at the hospital, which is way to complicated to bug or tap or anything. And who else is going to know better what's going on with Helena?
Em: Pretty smart, Spencer.
Lucky: Thanks.
Em: You don't think he'll try to talk you out of it?
Lucky: He can try. I'm not going to listen to him. And it's not like I'm going to tell him where we are.
Em: Yeah..... But...
Lucky: What?
Em: Well.... Don't get me wrong, I think this is a very mature decision on your part, but... doesn't it sort of require that you TRUST Nikolas? I mean, to tell you the truth? To tell you what's going on?
Lucky: One thing I can always trust Nik on, without fail. Right from the beginning, pretty much -- Lulu.
Em: Lulu.
Lucky: I promised her I'd be home as soon as I could. And I'd be home safe. And Nikolas is going to make sure I keep that promise.
Em: You really got everything covered.
Lucky: (smiling again) Was there ever any doubt?
* * * *
Bannister's Wharf
Sitting on the bench, Hannah is wiping her eyes with Nikolas's handkerchief. Nikolas is talking to the man driving the launch, apparently sending him on his way. He turns and walks back to her, sitting next to her and putting an arm around her shoulders. She leans against him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Nik: I sent word to my uncle that Helena is making threats. I told him I'd handle it. For now, I think that's our best course of action.
Hannah: I really wouldn't know. (Nikolas says nothing, frowning. Hannah looks up at him, and gives him a weak but reassuring smile) I trust you, Nikolas. I do.
Nik: I... thank you.
Hannah: But... Right now, I have to go to work. (She stands up, but Nikolas grabs her arm and pulls her back onto the bench)
Nik: What? (Nikolas stares at her, incredulous) Are you out of your mind?
Hannah: I have to, Nikolas.
Nik: Why?
Hannah: Because it's what Helena expects. If I'm not at the club tonight she'll know something is up. She's already got to know there's a problem because the bug was found.
Nik: How are you going to explain that?
Hannah: Jason confiscated it. I'll just tell her that.
Nik: How are you going to explain ANY of that? I don't understand.
Hannah: Nikolas. Listen to me. I'll find a way. But if I don't go to the club tonight then it's game over. I won't be able to explain it, she'd never believe me. (Nikolas stands up, frustrated and walks to the edge of the docks.)
Nik: This woman will NOT leave me alone. (He turns back to her) My whole life, she's been doing this. Invading everything, not caring who she hurts, or who she tosses off the cliff on her way along the path.... She has to be stopped. I'm not doing this anymore.
Hannah: Nikolas, there isn't a way to stop her. You know that. Right now, I just have to go to work.
Nik: I'm coming with you.
Hannah: Luke --
Nik: Won't be there. Not tonight, not after what happened with Lucky.
Hannah: What DID happen with Lucky?
Nik: I'll tell you on the way. Come on.
* * * *
The Spencer House
Luke is on the phone, pacing the room.
Luke: Not there, huh? And you haven't seen him since Friday? Look, John.... IF he comes in, and that's not likely, but if you see him, give me a call. DON'T tell him, just give me a call. (Lulu comes down the stairs and stops, eying her father through the railing). Thanks. No, no, it's not ... John, look. I just need to speak with the kid. Just let me know. (he hangs up, sighing heavily)
Lulu: Lucky left.
Luke: (looking up) I know, sweetheart. Pulled another one of his disappearing acts. (Lulu comes down the stairs)
Lulu: he didn't disappear. He told me he was going. (Luke freezes)
Luke: He did?
Lulu: Yup. He told me that he had to go make sure Emily was safe, but that he'd be back when she was.
Luke: EMILY was safe?
Lulu: That's what he said (She crawls up into his lap) He said you would take care of me and Mom and that he had to take care of Emily.
Luke: Take... Did he say how?
Lulu: He said he had to make sure she was safe and that then he would be back.
Luke: He did.
Lulu: Yup.
Luke: He say when?
Lulu: Soon.
Luke: (exhaling) Soon. I can do soon. (he wraps his arms around his daughter) How you holding up, sunshine?
Lulu: I'm fine.
Luke: You sure?
Lulu: I talked to Lucky. That was good. He always makes sure I understand if I ask a question.
Luke: (smiling sadly) Yeah, he's pretty good that way. Maybe I should get you to ask some questions for me. (Lulu looks up)
Lulu: Why?
Luke: Just thinkin' out loud, Darlin'. Just thinking out loud.
Lulu: (examining his face) Why don't you want Lucky here?
Luke: (starting) what? Did he tell you that?
Lulu: He said you wouldn't want him here right now. (Luke sinks into the couch)
Luke: He said that, huh? (Lulu nods)
Lulu: Do you want him here?
Luke: Right now? More than words, I want him here.
Lulu: You should tell him that.
Luke: I think I will. When he comes back, I think he and I are going to have a long talk.
* * * *
Lucky's Apartment
Emily sits on Lucky's bed, feeling a little numb. She's been listening to the sounds of Hannah's set through the floor, and it's all beginning to hit her, what it is they are running from. Lucky looked uncharacteristically nervous when they'd crossed the parking lot on the way up to the room. Now, however, he's creepy calm as he packs. He picks up things she'd never think of. A lighter, his Swiss army knife, string, things that she can't imagine the purpose of, except that she's certain he has a reason for all of them. She watches him go to the closet, and throw it open. He sighs and looks over at her, smirking slightly.
Lucky: You're not seeing this.
Em: Ok. (Lucky braces himself against the door jamb, and slides up the doorway, in a manner vaguely spiderman-like. Emily frowns as he reaches the top of the frame, reaches up, and then lifts himself up and out of sight. She stands up in shock.) Lucky?
Lucky: Shhhh.
Em: What... (she crosses the room and goes to the doorway. She looks up and sees a small opening in the ceiling, but no sign of Lucky.) Where...... (She cut off when Lucky suddenly descends from the ceiling, and lands on the flood right in front of her. He grins at her surprise. He's in his element, she guesses. He hands her a bag.)
Lucky: Hold this.
Em: What....
Lucky: Money.
Em: (looking back at the opening in the ceiling) Oh my God.
Lucky: Banks are highly overrated. Especially when you work for the mob. (Emily shivers and looks down at the bag. Now that she knows what it contains, she's totally freaked by it's weight)
Em: What... We're going to be going on the road with a bag of money?
Lucky: Don't think I can handle it?
Em: No... I know you can. I'm just looking forward to seeing how.
Lucky: (getting his gun) You'll see that and more, I promise. (He turns and looks at her) Ready? (Emily stares at him, suddenly paralyzed. She can hear now, clearly, Lost Together, the song she and Lucky danced to about a million years ago. "and if we're lost, then we are lost together......" ) They're playing out song. (Emily nods, wordlessly. She feels like she's going to cry. Lucky walks to her and pulls her into his arms, holding her gently and leads her though a slow dance to the song. She buries herself against him, only the occasional lyric making it to her ears "In the silence of this whispered night...." "I want all the world to know, that your love's all I need".... She hold him closer. The song ends and they stop, staying in each other's arms. Lucky kisses the tops of her head, and murmurs to her quietly) We have to go.
Em: (shaking her head) How did you do this? How did you just keep leaving with no warning?
Lucky: (gently) I just did.
Em: And you never missed anyone?
Lucky: No. Weather sometimes. Or a nice view. But that's it.
Em: What about PEOPLE?
Lucky: You can always find people.
Em: (laughing slightly) I hate it when you do this.
Lucky: Do what?
Em: Talk about the world's population like it's expendable.
Lucky: Most of them ARE. (She sighs. Lucky lifts her chin and draws her mouth up to his for a gentle kiss) You're not. (Emily looks at him, tears coming into her eyes)
Em: Oh, God. Lucky?
Lucky: What?
Em: Hannah's working tonight.
Lucky: (warning) Emily... You don't want to get her involved.
Em: No, I don't. But... Look. We don't know what's going to happen. We don't... There's no way you can tell me she'll be here when we get back. (Lucky sighs and looks away from her) I know. I'm willing to accept that. But you have to let me say good-bye.
Lucky: We can't trust her.
Em: I know. But that's not her fault. And if you tell Nik, he'll probably tell her anyway.
Lucky: Do you really think Nikolas is talking to her? He's not exactly the most forgiving guy in the world.
Em: Well, in that case I REALLY have to say good bye. (Emily forces him to look at her) Lucky, please. I need to do this. I can't leave without seeing her one last time. She's the only piece of my mother I have left. I have to at least see her, even if I don't say good-bye.
Lucky: Aw, Em....
Em: I'll be good. You know I can put on an act when I need to. (Lucky sighs. He knows from the look in her eyes that she couldn't handle it if she didn't do this before she left. He nods his consent)
Lucky: Five minute. Just go in, check, and.... Then do what you have to. I'm not going to go in. My Dad'll have the place staked out for me. If anyone asks, you haven't seen me, Ok?
Em: Ok. Five minutes. (Lucky picks up his bag and takes the other one from where she set it)
Lucky: Ok. (He takes her hand and leads her out of the apartment, closing the door after them. Then head down the stairs and round the corner to the bar. Lucky stops dead at the sight of Nikolas leaning up against the club.) Cassadine.
Nik: (Looking up) Hi. I saw you go up, I was debating coming to talk to you.
Lucky: (looking at Emily) You better go in now. (Emily nods. Lucky kisses her quickly, then lets go of her hand) Five minutes.
Em: Five. I'll be right back. (She turns and walks quickly to the door. Nikolas watches her, immediately aware that there is something different about her. He looks back at Lucky)
Nik: What's the matter with her?
Lucky: I guess death threats don't sit well with her.
Nik: She Ok? (Lucky looks at him, examining his expression)
Lucky: I'd think you wouldn't be too found of hanging out in parking lots late at night. Especially not this parking lot.
Nik: I had some thinking to do.
Lucky: Yeah? Come to any conclusions?
Nik: I think so. I think I know exactly what to do. (Lucky sighs unconvinced the young prince could have spotted an angle he didn't see) I know the one way to get Helena Cassadine out of all of our lives forever.
